Why does the chest hurt in the middle, what to do, what diagnosis and first aid, if the chest hurts in the middle

Many people are faced with the problem of chest pain. Some of them, try not to pay attention to the presence of chest pain, but still worth listening to your body, because this problem can indicate the presence of a variety of violations, including serious disorders.

When you know the exact cause of the pain syndrome, it will give you the opportunity to act adequately and in a timely manner, along the way, you can always provide first aid to a loved one based on your experience. But of course, this is in emergency cases, when it is impossible to call an ambulance or the situation requires making quick decisions at your own peril and risk.


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Chest hurts in the middle: the causes of

Why do pains appear in the chest in the middle? The appearance of pain can be associated with the pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, problems in the bronchi or lungs, diseases of the spine( thoracic region), intercostal neuralgia, gastrointestinal disorders, somatic dysfunction of the nervous system or thyroid disorders( thyroid gland).

The causes of pain in the chest can be

IBD ( coronary heart disease) in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, which is characterized by pressing pains that arise mainly in the chest on the left, but can be felt in the middle. In this regard, especially life-threatening MI( acute myocardial infarction), which requires urgent medical interventions, is especially dangerous.

Osteochondrosis of the spine , in particular - chest osteochondrosis, which is a disease of the intervertebral discs( degenerative changes).They become thinner, their damping function worsens, as a result of which the gap between the vertebrae diminishes, and their approach to possible pinching of the nerves occurs. In this case, a person has ache in the chest, as intercostal neuralgia .If they are not treated, further progression of the disease occurs. As the height of the discs decreases, they flatten, they can form an intervertebral hernia, which, even more pressing the nerve roots, causes pain in the chest in the middle or in the heart region.

Diseases of the lower parts of the respiratory system .Diseases of the lower respiratory system, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, swelling. Pain occurs during a fit of cough and intensifies with a deep breath. In this case, there is an increase in temperature, headaches, aches in the body, shortness of breath. I bring some additions:

  1. with pleurisy in the pleural cavity a lot of fluid accumulates, which presses on the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, causing painful sensations.
  2. with tuberculosis and tumors , except for pain in the chest cavity, there is the appearance of blood veins in the spleed sputum, general weakness and a slight increase in body temperature( up to 37.5 degrees).

Cardioneurosis .With neurosis of the heart, the chest in the middle often hurts. This is a functional disorder of the nervous system that arises from its overstrain. With a heart neurosis, often the pain is paroxysmal, less often they become permanent. The attack begins with a feeling of lack of air and tingling in the chest. Then the pulse is accelerated. It seems to the person that he will suffocate now. Most often, an attack provokes emotional tension.

Neuralgia of the intercostal .Yes, intercostal neuralgia is characterized by soreness in the area of ​​intercostal nerves. It increases during inspiration and movement, subjectively perceived by a person, like pain inside the chest. And sometimes a person is afraid to take a breath, so much a stab in the chest.

Peptic ulcer of the digestive tract .With a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the chest in the middle often hurts. Such pains are often accepted by a person as pain in the heart. But there is one difference. The appearance of pain in gastric diseases depends on the intake of food. The ulcer is characterized by so-called "hungry" pain, which occurs 1-2 hours after eating. It is enough to eat at least a slice of bread, and they practically disappear.

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract .In the gallbladder, spasms occur, resulting in pain in the chest. Because the pains are very similar to the angina attack, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination for diagnosis.

Diseases of the thyroid .The pathology of the thyroid gland can cause pain in the chest in the middle. In this case, there may also be a tumor in the cervical region or chest, general weakness, changes in patient weight, pressure jumps, and increased body temperature.

VSD .Vegeto-vascular dystonia causes malfunctioning in the vegetative department of the nervous system. It manifests itself painful sensations in the head, stomach, heart, panic attacks. This may hurt the chest in the middle.

Chest hurts in the middle: what is the first help in trauma

A chest can get sick not only with various diseases, but also after an injury, in which often fractures of ribs or damage to vital organs.

Relieve breathing after injury

  1. give the patient a sitting or semi-sitting position;
  2. in the presence of tight outer clothing, undo it;
  3. give the affected person a sniff of ammonia or rub their skin in the temples;
  4. provide the patient maximum peace of mind.

To improve the cardiac activity of , you can give the patient 15-20 drops of of Corvalol or another vasodilator( Valocardin).

To avoid the shock of

  1. , give the victim 2 tablets of anesthetic( ketamine, analgin);
  2. put something cold on your chest;
  3. , if visible rib fractures are immobilized;
  4. to warm the patient;
  5. to monitor the condition before the arrival of the ambulance team.

In case of injury other than the above measures, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with antiseptic solution( hydrogen peroxide, iodine, zelenka), apply a sterile bandage on the wound and apply cold.

Pain in the chest in the middle: what is the treatment, if the injury was not

Treatment of pain in the chest depends on the disease that caused them.

IHD .With angina pectoris, it is sufficient to place 1 tablet of nitroglycerin ( nitrosorbite) under the tongue. If after 6 minutes the pain does not go away, another 1 tablet is put sublingually, so you can do 3-5 times, but if the chest pain does not pass within 30 minutes under the influence of nitrate containing drugs, you should suspect the development of an acute myocardial infarction and immediately call an ambulance, providing the patient with peace.

Osteochondropathy .When chest osteochondrosis is necessary to restore the proper mobility of intervertebral discs. For this purpose, a set of exercises is selected, general restorative preparations are prescribed, and the means regenerating cartilaginous tissues are prescribed.

Inflammation of the respiratory system .In case of detection of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, it is necessary to get an appointment with a doctor-therapist who will prescribe the correct and dosed intake of anti-inflammatory drugs and substances that improve the expectoration of phlegm, it may be necessary to connect antibiotics to suppress pathogenic microbial flora. However, remember that antibiotics are completely ineffective in viral diseases - ARVI, influenza, adenovirus infections. Here you will need powerful antiviral drugs.

Neurological disorders .Treatment of intercostal neuralgia is the intramuscular injection of analgesics, B vitamins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, massage, manual therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment, therapeutic physical training( LFK) are prescribed.

Neurosis of the heart .To cure cardioneurosis you need to eliminate the cause of the disease and strengthen the body. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations, observe the regime of the day and consume the maximum amount of fresh fruit, which contain vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the recovery of the nervous system. It is important to increase your own resistance to stress. And to increase the resistance to stress, you can take a course of relaxing massage. Acupuncture and vacuum therapy also favorably affect the nervous system, removing excess stress. Doctors practice the use of phytopreparations, which help to get rid of excessive emotionality, as a result of which pains in the chest cavity and other symptoms of neurosis of the heart disappear.

Treatment of stomach ulcers and of the duodenum is aimed at eliminating the cause of its occurrence and healing the formed defect. Here you can not do without a diet. For the period of treatment it is necessary to exclude from the diet fried and spicy dishes, freshly squeezed juices, sweets.

If the cause of the disease is heliko - bacterium ( Helicobacter pylori ), a specific antibiotic complex is needed. The drugs are used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. Strong pain relieve antacids, for example Almagel-A with an anesthetic element.

Vegetosovascular dystonia .To get rid of VSD use psychotropic drugs, substances that improve cerebral circulation and vitamin complexes. Also a good effect is provided by physiotherapy. The body needs to be strengthened, calmed and maintained.

Pain in the chest in the middle: when to call a doctor

As you can see from the above, the pain in the chest in the middle is a pretty unpleasant phenomenon that can indicate simple disorders or serious illnesses.

When urgent medical attention is needed for the doctor

  1. for severe pain in the chest, accompanied by a syncope or a fit of cough after physical exertion;
  2. with burning pain or a feeling of violent raspiraniya in the chest cavity, which gives the area of ​​the left shoulder, neck or lower jaw;
  3. with severe pain, not passing for 15 minutes and not relieved after rest;
  4. if there is a feeling of compression inside the chest cavity, combined with an acceleration of the pulse, heavy breathing, sweating, dizziness, a sense of anxiety;
  5. high intensity pain with shortness of breath and the appearance of blood when coughing.

Visit a doctor:

  1. for heartburn-related pain that does not go away after taking medications for heartburn;
  2. with repeated pain after eating, which removes antacids.

Why does it hurt in the center of the chest?

Video channel "Catch the answer!".Why does the chest hurt?

Persistent pain signals possible problems with the stomach, spine or pancreas. If the pain increases, it indicates the development of pathological processes in the body and requires an immediate call to the doctor.

Pains in the chest can be a consequence of strong psycho-emotional experiences. The pains are variable and vary in duration. In this case, sedatives are usually helpful.

Chest pain can be a symptom of a whole range of diseases. These can be signals about problems with such organs as:

  1. heart,
  2. lungs,
  3. spine,
  4. liver,
  5. stomach and duodenum.

If the symptoms are disregarded, the disease can be fatal, so a doctor should be consulted without delay. A full examination is necessary to identify the cause of the ailment, and do not neglect hospitalization for the survey. The sensation of burning and painful pressure means that an attack of angina or myocardial infarction is possible.

Chest pain can cause:

  1. Oncological diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, thoracic spine.
  2. Ischemic heart disease.
  3. Thromboembolism of the lungs - that is, blockage of blood vessels.
  4. The perforation of the stomach and duodenum ulcers is fraught with internal bleeding.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Aortic dissection.
  7. Heart attack.

Source: Editorial of the article by the author of the surgeon Oksana Kurnat from the website http://zhenskoe-mnenie.ru /themes/health/ pochemu-bolit-grudnaia-kletka-poseredine-vozmozhnyi-diagnoz-chto-delat-esli-bolit-grudnaia-kletka-poseredine-pervaia-pomoshch /

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