Gymnastics for rapid weight loss at home: a set of effective exercises

A beautiful, taut body is the dream of any person. Unfortunately, not everyone has a chic figure given to nature, and many also have a predisposition to a set of excess weight.

Once you decide to take care of yourself and throw off a few pounds, it's worth to tell yourself that it will require some effort. It is important to remember - one diet is not enough.

If the weight loss system is not complex, and includes only food restrictions, the process will be much slower and the skin is shorter than if you do special exercises besides a diet.

What do you need to know in order to achieve the maximum result?

Content of the article:
The rules that should be learned by those who want to lose weight
  • The best exercises for a beautiful belly press
  • Torso bows
  • Leg lifting
  • Curl
  • Exercise cross to the cross
  • Gymnastics for slender legs
  • Mahi kicks in the sides
  • Squats on the toes
  • Drops
  • Pullhands
  • Scissors
  • Lifting up and to the sides
  • instagram viewer
  • Who should not do gymnastics?
  • Rules that should be learned by those who want to lose weight

    In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to attend expensive fitness centers and starve. Make your body the way you imagine it, you can and at home. Observing several rules of the complex - gymnastics + proper nutrition, the results can be achieved in a short time.

    • The optimal start time for training is from 8 to 12 am or from 18 to 20 pm. The body should wake up completely before the start of training, and not get tired if you spend it in the evening. If a person gets up early, the morning time can be shifted a few hours earlier. Do not exercise every day, it's better to do it in a day, giving the body a rest.
    • It is important to select only those exercises that you can .If you are a beginner - do not take up what the professionals are doing, start small. Some strength exercises are not enough, they are not as effective for weight loss as aerobics or gymnastics. A good addition will be cardio training, jogging is always helpful.
    • Proper nutrition - without it the way to the flat belly and elastic buttocks is closed. Do not get carried away and do not eat anything. The body should receive enough energy and spend it in training. Only alcohol, sweet, flour and fatty foods are to be excluded. In the diet, you need to include more vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. Portions should be small, but there must be at least 4-5 times a day. With this nutrition, metabolism speeds up. Also it is necessary to drink as much water as possible. To drink it or her it is necessary in the morning and before meal. However, immediately after training about 20 minutes of drinking is not recommended, it is better to endure.

    If you follow these three tips, the result will not be long in coming. But which ones to choose exercises that do not need simulators and instructors, and which can be performed at home without much effort?

    The best exercises for a beautiful abdominal press

    The abdomen is one of the problem areas on the body of a woman, especially the lower part. From nature there is often a fatty layer, from which it is difficult to get rid of - but still it is possible. For this, the load must be on the top with the lower press, and on the side, too. Due to the side press, the waist itself is created.

    Torso torso

    This exercise is well suited for warm-up. To perform it is necessary to stand on the mat, legs should be on the width of the shoulders, and hands ideally behind the head, but their position at the waist is allowed.

    With tilts, the abdominal muscles are tense, and breathing is measured. First, make a slope forward, this should be done as low as possible, without bending the knees, then go back to the starting position and do the same, just lean back.

    Next, just bend left and then right. The back slopes will work well not only on the press, but also on the back. Do this exercise 15 times forward, 15 back and 15 times in the sides. It will be enough to take one approach as warm-ups before more complex exercises.

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    Lifting the legs

    Laying on the back. Shoulders should be pressed to the floor. Raising legs is especially effective in fighting fat in the lower abdomen. Hands should be along the trunk. At once stretched legs raise to a corner of 90 degrees, hold for 10 seconds and lower it. We make 3 sets of 10 such lifts.


    The position remains the same as when lifting the legs, except that the hands should be behind the head and the legs are bent at the knees. When twisting, all groups of muscles of the press work.

    For exhalation raise the body and pull the left elbow to the right knee, then exhale and go down to its original position, raise the body and pull the right elbow to the left knee - and again to its original position. When lifting the housing, it should turn to the side. Perform 2 sets of 15 times on each knee.

    Exercise cross on the cross

    Such an exercise will well affect not only the press but also the buttocks. We rise on all fours. The back is straight, arms and legs - too. We raise the left hand forward in front of us, and the right leg is pulled back, then we do the same with the right hand and the left foot. Very simple and effective. Do 10 lifts on each side. Since the exercise is uncomplicated, two to three approaches should be taken.

    Gymnastics for slender legs

    Mahi kicks in the sides

    We get to the starting position. Hands are at the waist, legs are pressed together, the back is even. When performing, it is necessary to raise the left leg first in the direction of the swing motion( with the sock extended) and, without lowering the floor, make 10 mahov, and then also develop the right one. With proper execution, the fat will start to leave the hips, and the calves will catch up.

    Squats on the socks

    Such squats are no different from the usual ones, except that it is necessary to do everything on toe socks and they are given a big load on their legs. The starting position is the arms on the waist, and the legs are shoulder width apart.

    We start to sit down slowly, without sinking to the heels. Then we return to the standing position. Exercise is not easy, so to begin with, 3 approaches 5 times, then more.


    With this exercise, you can tighten and press, and buttocks, and legs. The starting position is the arms to the waist, the legs are shoulder-width apart. When doing, make a step with your left foot forward and move your whole body on it, get a good stretch, then do the same with the right foot, and so alternate 10 attacks on each leg, 2 - 3 approaches.

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    Tighten the hands of

    By focusing on weight loss of the abdomen and legs, losing weight often forget about the hands. The skin on them becomes flabby and ugly, it also needs to be tightened.


    Everyone knows the exercise. To do in a standing position, hands are stretched out in front of you and make quick cross movements with your hands to the sides. Perform one or two minutes without interruption.

    Lifting up and to the sides

    The starting position is not changed. Begin the execution Raise the left arm up, and hold the right hand down and start the flies, pull both hands back into the score three, then change their position and do the same.15 swords for each hand. Of course, the exercises with dumbbells, and push-ups from the floor are certainly effective, but are more aimed at swapping the muscles of the , although they are also widely used by those who lose weight.

    Who should not exercise?

    Gymnastics - this is a direction of physical activity, which has practically no contraindications. If a person can not perform exercises that are common they can be replaced by special ones.

    There is a whole direction, such as therapeutic gymnastics. It includes only those exercises that can be performed with these or other diseases. It is not recommended to get addicted to physical exercises to pregnant women and people with serious joint diseases.

    Very effective exercises for fast body weight loss: