To breathe while running: how correctly to learn to beginners

Today, an interesting topic about how is the right way for a beginner to learn how to breathe when running for long distances .Yes, there are some simple secrets of cross-country training, which we will consider in this publication.

With any physical activity, much depends on the rhythm and features of breathing. It does not matter what you chose: classes in the gym, crossfit or swimming. This information is very useful for you to achieve the most effective results in your sports training system.


How and how we breathe

The human body, as well as the organisms of higher vertebrates, is equipped with a perfect breathing apparatus associated with the circulatory system. Such a link is necessary to extract oxygen from the air, fix it in the hemoglobin of blood and transport it throughout the body, to provide access to each cell.

Entered into the lungs, the amount of oxygen will directly depend on the quality of breathing and ambient air. The quality of breathing is the depth of inspiration and its frequency.

For the most effective consumption and absorption of oxygen, breathing should be rhythmic. If breathing is chaotic - this will not allow you to saturate the body with oxygen in the required amount. Lack of oxygen for the human body is undesirable and dangerous. From oversaturation with oxygen can spin your head.

The quality of the ambient air is manifested in its purity. You know what photosynthesis is. Green plants absorb carbon dioxide, which we breathe out. And give off oxygen, which we absorb. Accordingly, the more plants around you and the fewer cars, the better. It's no accident that all sports people want to go to training in the park, at the stadium, and not run along the side of the road past passing cars.

Breathing with clean air: breathing rules while running

Let's consider the peculiarities of our breathing during physical exertion, in the example of running and how to breathe properly so as not to suffocate.

There are some rules of breathing in sports, revealing the essence of how it is necessary or not to breathe during physical exertion.

Breathe in clean air

The first rule is already voiced - breathe there where there is a lot of fresh, clean air. This is a forest, a park, nature reserves.

With physical activity, the body's oxygen demands increase. And oxygen is absorbed together with air. It turns out that if there are a lot of harmful impurities in the air, will we also inhale them? Therefore, it is not recommended to run next to carriageways, in production areas and in dusty areas.

Adjust the depth of breathing

To understand how to breathe correctly during running( technique when running), you need to determine the depth of breathing.

You can breathe superficially - this breathing is characteristic for rest and sleep. The breath is fast and weak, the exhalation is sharp and inconspicuous. Periodically( every 5-6 minutes) the body takes a deep breath, since it needs more air.

Even with walking, such breathing will be ineffective. Therefore, the breaths will become a little deeper and faster.

Proper breathing during running can combine inhalations of medium depth with alternating deep breaths. For example, 10 medium breaths, 1 deep breath. And this is important when you do not have enough air. Usually enough breaths of medium depth.

Having learned to regulate and stabilize the depth of your breathing, you will discover new horizons.

It is not possible to breathe deeply during a run-a temporary excess of oxygen can cause dizziness.

So, rule 2 in running and with any physical activity - adjust the depth of breathing, depending on the situation, but do not breathe deeply in a row! It is optimal to take a breath of medium depth.

Inhaling and exhaling one's turn

When doing physical exercises, the breath is made with less effort, and the exhalation is at a greater, breathing in the relaxation of the muscles, and exhalation during their contraction.

In running this rule is not entirely appropriate, since in this case it does not matter when to inhale, and when to exhale, the following rule is important.

Rhythm and respiratory rate

The main point of the respiration regime in running is rhythmicity. If you get lost, lose the rhythm, breathing becomes chaotic, you choke and can not continue at the same pace. Organism in this case will be difficult, there will be a shortage of air, shortness of breath.

In order not to suffocate, you need to breathe evenly, rhythmically. For example, you started jogging. Immediately, at the first step, distribute the inhalation and exhale to the steps. The number of steps at each stage will depend on the length of your legs and the speed of the run.

The only rule is that the number of steps for inspiration and expiration should be equal. A classic technique is to take 3 steps to inhale and 3 steps to exhale. The running speed is 8-11 kilometers per hour. With a slower run, you can stretch in and out for 4 steps.

With acceleration, you can slightly increase the depth of breathing and shorten the duration to 2 steps. But it's better not to increase the frequency of breathing, but to vary the amount of incoming air due to the depth. At every step, breathing is not recommended.

The longer you run, the more measured you should breathe. For example, breathing when running at 3 km should be less intense than 1 km. When running for long distances it is important to count your strength.

Inhalation and exhalation are done in different ways

Did you notice that inhaling through the mouth does not bring the desired satisfaction? The fact is that through the mouth you swallow some of the air in the stomach. And through the nose all the air gets strictly into the lungs. In this and the whole secret. That is, should be inhaled through the nose of .

This is useful not only in terms of the path of air passage, but also in terms of preventing angina and other colds in the cold season. Through the nose, the air warms a little, before it enters the pharynx and lungs.

But you need to breathe out through your mouth. So you quickly expel the exhaust air from your body.

So, the rule is: breathe in through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

In case the

suffocates, it happens that after a sharp acceleration, the breath starts to get lost, and the person suffocates while running. What to do in these cases? This rule helps you: take 3-4 deep breaths, then go back to the old rhythm of breathing.

This rule applies to cases where you can not slow down and restore your heartbeat and breathing. This happens only under two circumstances: you are at a competition and you escape from someone. In the first case, you can give a slack - at stake is only the result. But in the second - your life may be at stake. And jogging can be the last.

If you just practice, slow down and regain breath and pulse.

Do not hold your breath

Failures in breathing occur after a brief delay. It is a fact. Sometimes, you say something or else for some reason you will hold the air. Then you feel that there is not enough air. This can not be done.

The technique of breathing during running does not imply:

  1. Drinking. Swallowing while running will knock you off the rhythm. Drink water better by going to a step or slightly lowering the tempo( when you can quickly and without problems align the rhythm).
  2. Long conversations. To talk better after jogging.
  3. Chaotic breaths and exhalations.

Thus, the right breathing during running includes the frequency, rhythm and depth of breathing. And also the performance of an inspiration through the nose, and an exhalation through the mouth.

Therefore, to learn how to run longer and more intensely, just practice these simple tips. Let every kilometer brings you pleasure!

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What happens to the body while running: physiology of running video

How to breathe correctly while running( beginner)

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Tips for runners: how to breathe properly when running onlong distances

Article source: edition of the publication from the site http: // kak-pravilno-dyshat-pri-bege.html