The root of the tooth has inflamed: what to do and how to treat at home

The oral cavity is always inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms. An unhealthy combination of low level of oral hygiene with untreated carious teeth, other foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx, a decrease in the resistance of the body's immune defenses, serves as a trigger mechanism for the onset of the inflammatory process in the oral mucosa and on the surface of the gums.

If you do not take any preventive measures, the penetration of the pathological process inside the gums and the inflammation of the root of the tooth - are inevitable! Therefore, in this article we will consider the first signs and symptoms of the onset of a deep inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums and teeth, what to do to prevent the teeth from getting hurt, how to treat them at home, if the disease has reached the root of the tooth.


Causes of inflammation of the crowns and roots of the teeth: why the teeth are aching

Here we are examining why the canal and root of the tooth( periodontitis) develop, what symptoms it is characterized, what treatment is needed in conservative medicine, and also at home.

Periodontitis is a complication of pulpitis( damage to the canal of the tooth "pulp").Often patients, because of fear of treatment in dentistry, delay visits to the dentist, despite strong toothaches. The inflammatory process affects the pulp and passes to the roots of the teeth, which manifests itself in the form of cysts or periapical abscess( purulent capsules at the base of the tooth).

The root is inflamed for three main reasons:

  1. Infection that spreads to the entire tooth( the first cause may be ordinary caries).
  2. Mechanical injury of the area( dislocation of the jaw, bruise on falling, punch, soft tissue damage to household objects).
  3. Absence and inadequate oral hygiene.

Inflammation of the tooth root: symptoms

Periodontitis of an infectious nature is associated with the following factors.

  • Lack of timeliness in the treatment of pulpitis. The doctor has established a permanent seal, under which the remaining bacteria remain in the cavity.
  • Pulpitis is cured poorly. In this case, the blame for the inflammation of the dental canal lies completely on the dentist, who laid a poor-quality material in the cavity or did not take care of its proper packing.

There are two important points to note here: 1) If there is even a small hollow site under the seal, then the pathogenic organisms begin to multiply in that hour, which immediately attack the periodontium.2) Also, the doctor can damage the healthy tooth when installing the crown( burn the pulp when turning).Crown in this case presses on soft tissues, there are microcracks and, as a consequence, inflammatory process.

  • The patient did not properly care for the crown after pulpitis. Eating hard food or finding foreign objects in the oral cavity can cause the crown to shift. Food is built into the cavity formed, and this, as we know, is ideal for the reproduction of bacteria.
  • For the treatment of pulpitis, solutions and medications( for example, arsenic) were used that caused a complication - periodontal inflammation.
  • Marginal periodontitis occurs against the background of the spread of pathological microflora not from the carious cavity, but from the oral cavity immediately to the root region.

Suppuration occurs in the roots of several teeth and can cause even osteomyelitis, while the crowns themselves are not affected.

Inflammation of the root of a traumatic tooth can cause the following reasons:

  1. tooth was sealed incorrectly, which causes the load to be distributed unevenly during chewing;
  2. dislocation of teeth caused by the patient's activity( traumatic work, extreme sports);
  3. the vascular-neural bundle has bursted, because of what mobility of molars arises;
  4. root cracked due to careless doctor( inability to handle dental instruments and instruments);
  5. is a mechanical injury area that caused inflammation( examples of injuries are listed above).

Symptoms of periodontitis: acute and chronic

Like any other disease, periodontitis exists in 2 forms: acute or chronic.

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the root of the tooth are not determined by X-ray. The risk of purulent formations( abscesses) and cysts in the area is extremely low, and bone tissue is also not affected.

Patient subjectively feels spasmodic acute pain during meals or at the slightest touch to the area.

If at this stage do not begin timely treatment, the inflammation will spread to the nearby bone tissue.

This process is accompanied by constant pains, which are hard to blunt even with the help of strong analgesics. Also, soft tissues near the roots begin to swim. Against the backdrop of inflammatory processes, the patient's temperature rises sharply, he feels strong weakness, loss of energy, lack of appetite, sleeps badly and can not work fully. Soft tissues in the affected area strongly swell, which becomes noticeable from the outside of the face. Cysts or fluxes begin to appear at the roots.

If you do not immediately provide medical care to the patient, the acute form will pass into the chronic, which is a serious danger to the body. The symptomatology of the inflammation of the tooth root in this case may be not expressed, and when you press the area the patient feels discomfort and slight soreness. During this period, the patient feels better and can give up the necessary treatment, thinking that he has recovered. However, after a period of periodontitis flares up with renewed vigor, accompanied by cysts, fistulas, abscesses and other purulent formations in the root region. The patient feels a strong taste and smell of pus in his mouth.

If the chronic form does not begin to be treated with serious medications, it will periodically exacerbate, causing the tooth to move. In the end, everything will end with the removal of the tooth and the defeat of neighboring teeth, which increases the chance of losing other teeth.

Inflammation of the root of the tooth: treatment

How is periodontitis treated in dentistry?

. Doctors are often treated with the question: "What if the tooth is inflamed?".First of all, the doctor should exclude the possibility of other diseases of the oral cavity. To do this, he collects an anamnesis, conducts visual examination of the oral cavity with the help of dental instruments, asks about the subjective symptoms of the patient. In some cases, fluoroscopy is prescribed.

Acute periodontitis is treated for at least 3-5 visits. The doctor examines the results of radiography, determines the cause of the disease( this will determine the further treatment).A nurse at the reception makes a conductive analgesic injection into soft tissue. Further, the doctor drills the necrotic and damaged tissues of the pulp with the drill, thereby widening the dental canal to the required size.

If necessary, an unqualified seal or foreign objects( fragments of dental instruments) are preliminarily removed from the channels. After preparing the canals, the doctor drills a hole in the inflamed part of the root and provides an outflow of pus. Then the cavity is treated with antiseptics. In this session, the filling is not performed, nor are medications placed in the open cavity.

After a few days, the dentist rinses the canals with antimicrobial solution and pawns the medicine into the cavity, setting a temporary seal.

The patient should be treated with care to prevent premature removal.

The third stage of treatment of inflammation of the roots of the teeth is to fill the canals with the required length, after which the control X-ray picture is taken. If the technology has been observed correctly, you can install and polish the permanent seal.

The chronic form is treated similarly, especially with regard to the first session( extension and cleaning of channels, treatment with antiseptics).Further the dentist diagnoses a kind of the chronic form.

Fibrous appearance is characterized by the absence of abscesses and other purulent formations, which allows to install the seal for the next session.

If the root has already appeared purulent capsules, the treatment is postponed for several months. In this case, at the first session, a strong medicine is already placed in the channels and a temporary seal is established. The doctor also prescribes a course of antibiotics.

If the inflammation stops, then a few days later the doctor sets up an antiseptic seal from calcium hydroxide( for a couple of months).In the third session, control radiography is performed, after which the channels are sealed with a quality gutta-percha. If the control X-ray images of the channels are sealed correctly, then on the 4th visit to the doctor will put a permanent seal.

Treatment of inflammation at home with folk remedies

Treatment of inflammation of the root of the tooth at home is the regular treatment of the area with antiseptic, healing remedies. It is also necessary to take painkillers and others, according to the symptoms.

Unfortunately, you can not completely cure the disease at home, as the inflammatory process can be established only by high-quality cleaning of canals, removal of affected tissues and purulent abscesses, competent sanation of the cavity of the tooth and mouth.

Traditional medicine can help you ease only some of the symptoms, such as swelling, tenderness, redness of the area.

  1. Rinse your mouth with alcoholic infusions( on propolis, aloe, garlic, turnips or horseradish), herbal decoctions( bark of oak, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, needles), soda-salt solution( a teaspoon of sea salt and baking soda for 200 mlwater plus a couple drops of iodine).
  2. Make compresses on the inflamed area of ​​the gum from raw fat, cleaned of salt, garlic or potato gruel, wrapped in gauze, propolis or honey.
  3. Put a root of a plantain or a pea of ​​propolis in the socket of the affected tooth.

What should I do if I have toothache before going to the doctor?

Toothache can be caused by various causes: caries, pulpitis, maxillofacial tumor, periodontitis. In case of toothache, you must always see a doctor.

Homemade traditional medicine:

  1. Take 30 g of propolis and insist it in 200 ml of strong vodka for 7-10 days. The extract is carefully filtered, drained into a dark bottle, after which it is ready for use. In case of toothache, moisten the fleece in the extract and attach it to the diseased tooth. Soon the pain will subside.
  2. With a toothache in the hollow of the tooth, you can put a cotton swab soaked in onion juice.
  3. An ancient remedy for toothache: garlic, mashed into a gruel, mix in a ratio of 1: 1 with powdered black pepper. The mixture is put in the gauze, and then tightly applied to the ear of the right ear, if the teeth hurt on the left side, or to the auricle of the left ear, if the teeth hurt on the right.
  4. Pour 100 g of chopped garlic with 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place at room temperature for 2 weeks, shaking the contents from time to time, allow to settle for 2-3 days and gently strain through multi-layer gauze. When toothache tincture, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1c with warm water, rinse your mouth, watering the mixture with a sick tooth.
  5. Wipe the inner side of the wrist with grated garlic, then finely chop several garlic cloves and tightly bandage to the wrist in the pulse area. For garlic, place a clean cloth to avoid burns. The more tightly the bandage is bandaged, the more effective the treatment will be. Garlic compress is superimposed on the arm opposite the side where the diseased tooth is located.

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We examined what to do if the root of the tooth became inflamed. The conclusion is one - do not delay with home treatment and go to dentistry as soon as possible. Not treatment of periodontitis is fraught with relapses and literally living in dentistry. In the end, you can just lose one or more valuable teeth.

Source: http: // bolezni-zubov / vospalilsya-koren-zuba.html