
I can not resist, I found an interesting lecture on "The Psychology of Deviant Behavior", where types of are considered. In the beginning, who is the "toxicomaniac"?This person is dependent on the use of toxic substances due to systematic abuse of them. Type similar to an alcoholic and a drug addict. Destroys its own health, its social status and environment.

Once addicted to taking a toxic substance in search of "thrill" yourself or( which is much more often) surrounded by peers. Attempts to obtain an artificial state of euphoria through toxic intoxication result in the most unfavorable consequences in all areas of the life of the toxicomaniac.


Types of Toxic addicts

Depending on the type of toxic substance used and the way in which it is used, the following types of toxic substances can be distinguished:

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  1. applicator , a teenager who uses toxic substancesfurther - TV), by applying a moistened tampon( acetone, solvent) on the occipital region of the head;
  2. sniff - a person who gets intoxicated by the inhalation of volatile substances( glue, varnish, solvent);
  3. cartwheel ( tablets) - takes in psychotropic medications tranquilizing effect or activates the psyche( ether-containing drugs);
  4. is a shaky - a teenager who "sat on a needle" and injects into a vein toxic substances that are not related to a group of drugs( for example, tobacco infusion).

Signs of abuse of toxic substances

Researchers Pirozhkov VF( 1998) and Enikeeva DD( 1999) indicate the following signs on which it can be supposedly established that the teenager started using toxic substances:

  1. First, the presencea characteristic odor emanating from the clothing of the toxicoman, as well as carrying with them bubbles, cellophane bags, cotton wool in the nose. The smell persists for a long time even in the air exhaled by a teenager.
  2. Second:
  • shaved the nape and tattoos on the arm;
  • rash around the mouth and nose, eyelids are inflamed and the eyes are irritated, red, lachrymation. When the teenager shaves the back of the head, the skin in the place of applying cotton wool( rags) is irritated and reddened;
  • appearance is untidy, traces of glue are detected;
  • aspiration for solitude in a group of peers during breaks between classes;
  • sleep disturbed, appetite decreased, fatigue increased;
  • the teenager begins to miss: classes at school, prepare homework;loses interest in learning and almost never at home;
  • the teenager becomes rude, angry, irritable, the questions of teachers and parents are rude.

Behavior of the teenage addict

The formed dependence destroys the person as a whole. Everything, that before the teenager was interested, loses its significance. The behavior is uncontrollable and unpredictable. Gradually, teens cease to conceal the abuse of toxic substances and move from group consumption to individual consumption, alone. They can get into a fight against their parents if they try to take an inhalant from them or interrupt the inhalation process. There is theft: take valuable things from home, steal or borrow money from classmates to get a dose of intoxicating substance.

When detecting drug addicts, they establish a range of their communication, connections, mutual influence, identify the leader and persons who are supplying school, the school with intoxicating toxic substances and persuading students to consume them.

All drug addicts by law should be placed on dispensary records and undergo treatment at the narcological dispensary, followed by rehabilitation at the center for alcoholics and drug addicts.

Prevention measures consist of antitoxic education, the involvement of adolescents in socially useful activities and social associations, individual patronage and strict total control are applied.

Who is more susceptible to substance abuse

Toxicants most often become children and adolescents from disadvantaged families. It is noticed that at the senior school age toxicomania is not carried away. Most often, the street name of drug addicts is "sniffers", because in the vast majority of cases of toxicomania, poisonous substances enter their body by inhalation.

Teenagers at the age of 10 - 16 become more often toxic. The first reason for the formation of a bad habit is curiosity, a desire to experience unusual sensations and self-assertion. Teenagers give in to the persuasions of peers who have already tried toxic intoxication with artificial euphoria. It is clear that most drug addicts start using drugs.