Consequences of substance abuse and harm

Harmfulconsequences of substance abuseand drug addiction are expressed in complete destruction of the social and physical status of a sick person (adolescent or adult). After all, toxic substances, destroying the body of a teenager, adversely affect his psyche. The toxicoman is inhibited, the ability to think logically and to absorb new knowledge is lost. Therefore, he abandons his studies. Terminates communication with his peers.

The circle of communication of a juvenile teenage toxicomaniac is closed on the likes of him. In the character of resentment, aggression, irritability. The deformation of the patient's personality pushes the provocation of conflict situations, the result - the drives to the police due to violation of public order.

Toxicomania destroys the cells of the central nervous system and brain, not infrequently, such consequences are irreversible. The brain cells can not recover and function normally. The hope of becoming a full-fledged citizen in society is lost. But... if you stop in time, life will improve. That's just how to drive yourself into the subconscious creative goal, a dream, which to strive for. Healing is possible when overcoming dependence on psycho-activating toxic substances.

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To the great regret most drug addicts choose "on rolled-up" - a more easy route. Having failed to become a worthy person, the gate to the criminal path opens. And here they are motivated each time to prove their "importance" because of envy towards harmonious people. Stomach with toxins eliminates mental control of personality and self-criticism. And thousands and one stupidity are made. It is not rare, it is dangerous for others.

But we will analyze in more detail, what consequences and harm is caused by substance abuse, as well as drug addiction for the patient himself.


Social consequences of substance abuse and drug addiction


This is the first danger. Its development is laid with repeated induced states of drug intoxication and addiction to them. Destructive thirst takes possession of the thoughts and feelings of the patient, this happens unnoticed. Compulsive attraction to the drug pushes the teenager again and again to abuse him. Reality is not perceived as it is. The world of unhealthy illusions and hallucinations absorbs a person's consciousness. Developed tolerance (resistance) to psychoactive substance and the patient increases the dose to obtain the effect of pronounced intoxication.

The combination of the intake of toxic substances with narcotic drugs

The appearance of addiction and tolerance to the psychoactive substance reduces the level of the initially obtained artificial euphoria and it pushes the patient to combine several toxic substances and narcotic drugs to achieve the state of intoxication. This accelerates the damage of brain cells and internal organs of the toxicomaniac.

Obstruction of normal development

On adolescents, drugs affect much more than adults. After all, the body is not yet formed. And the immature personality of a teenager in a state of transitional age is at the crossroads of two worlds separating the child's and adult status from each other. Harmful substances inhibit and inhibit the development of the child's organism, prematurely age it and wear out. At the age of twenty, a person can look and feel much older. Well, nobody else painted the disease, especially so. And did not give health and endurance.

With a rapid physical change, the personality also soon transforms into a moral aspect. The inner world of the person is unsteady, unstable. The transition age combines anxiety, hope, uncertainty, mental instability. And narcotic intoxication beckons as a remedy for cares and other things. And dreams in reality suppress activity, firmness, purposefulness, plunging a teenager into a state of infantilism and helplessness. The social environment of a sick person is impoverished, and, as we have already said, it is a society like him.

Consequences for health and life

The degree of damage and harm to a patient with volatile drugs also depends on the substance used, the frequency of abuse of it.

By itself, the use of all narcotic substances gives complications. Here they are:

Panic Attacks

Euphoria in narcotic intoxication can be replaced by a panic attack, anxiety, deep depression, frightening experiences and fantasies, which can lead to suicidal behavior.


It is clear that during intoxication, coordination of movements, speed and adequacy of response are violated, consciousness is darkened and this leads to accidents. Patients may be injured as a result of a fall, crossing the road, during fights, and so on.


Most volatile substances are easily flammable. And their abuse in combination with open sources of fire leads to fires and explosions, which leads to severe burns with open flames, chemical and thermal burns.


Often during intoxication, loss of consciousness occurs, in some cases, the activity of the respiratory center in the brain is inhibited. Either patients die from mechanical asphyxia - when vomit enters the trachea and bronchi. When gas is misused for lighters, pulmonary edema can occur, due to the release of a foamy liquid in the body.

Syndrome of sudden respiratory reflex stop

Such a syndrome can immediately develop by inhalation of volatile drugs and toxic substances. After all, the heart is overloaded from a large amount of adrenaline and stress hormones. Also, the center in the brain is responsible for the work of the heart. With narcotic intoxication in combination with strong emotional experiences and physical exertion, the heart can stop.

Complications and satellites of substance abuse

With prolonged experience of substance abuse (if the patient has not died yet), liver and kidneys are irreversibly damaged, bone marrow tissues are affected, immunity is reduced, and anemia develops.

Constant coughing, sore throat, runny nose, general asthenia and frequent pain in the head are companions of substance abuse. The personality changes into the worst forms of its manifestation. Man is different. He is irritable, fussy, hypocritical, depressed. Under the influence of toxic narcotic substances it turns into serious brain diseases: toxic encephalopathy.

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