Pink lichen, shingles, otrebus: symptoms, treatment

Lishay in humans is a collective designation of a group of skin diseases in children and adults, regardless of their cause, for which a characteristic feature is the rash of scaly patches or papules. The reasons for depriving are varied. It is often a fungal infection, contagious and highly contagious. It is often transmitted from sick dogs and cats, less often from a sick person.

Here we consider all the causes of depriving a child and an adult, about the symptoms and treatment of lichens at home with folk remedies, folk medicine prescriptions and medical preparations and medicines.

There are many kinds of lichen: pink( red flat), shingles( bubbly), otrigious( multicolored), asbestos. On a separate page you can read about ringworm - trichophytosis and microsporia.


Human lichen: photo

Pink lichen in man: photo on the skin of the shoulder
Red flat lichen on the back of a person
Photo of the shingles,or bubble lichen on the skin of a person
Pungent or multicolored lichen on the skin of the back in a person
Lishay colored or pungent on the skin of the chest and abdomen in a person

Pink lichen: symptoms and treatment

Very commona presumably viral disease, which is more often observed at the age of 20-40 years. It develops sharply. On the skin appear symmetrical pinkish-yellow or light-red, slightly raised above the level of skin spots of oval or round shape, increasing to 1-2 cm in diameter. In the center of the spot there is a delicate folding of the skin, a delicate, ovarian scaling, and along the rim a corolla of a pinkish-red color, free from scales.

Usually affects the skin of the trunk and extremities. Face, hands and feet are not affected.

Sometimes 7-10 days before the appearance of rashes, there is a "mother plaque" - a large, 3x4 cm round pink spot, the central part of which gradually acquires a yellowish shade and slightly flakes.

During profuse rashes, there may be weakness, malaise, subfebrile temperature. Subjective sensations are absent. There may be itchy skin.

Treatment. In the midst of the disease, do not wash, especially with soap and a washcloth.

Doctors inside prescribe antibiotics - oletetrin, amoxicillin, desensitizing drugs - dimedrol, suprastin, as well as calcium gluconate or calcium chloride.

External corticosteroid creams - sinalar, flucinar, lorinden, etc.

As for folk methods of treatment, it is possible to recommend the following:

  1. Attach a fresh cabbage leaf smeared with sour cream to the leaf. When the sheet dries, replace it with another one.
  2. Beet broth mixed with honey. Lubricate affected areas of the skin.
  3. Ointment from flowers of calendula. This ointment can be ready to buy in a pharmacy, and you can cook yourself. To do this, take 10 g of dried powdered, powdered calendula inflorescences and 50 g of Vaseline. All carefully stir. Lime it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  4. Milk powder - lubricate sore spots.

Lichen raspberry, shingles: symptoms and treatment

Synonym - multicolored lichen - low-contagious fungal skin disease, characterized by the appearance around the mouth of hair follicles yellowish-pink or brown spots, first small, then larger, merging with each other and forming foci lesions with a scalloped edge. The surface of the spots is scaly with subtle scabby scales, which are better revealed when scraping.

Primary localization - the skin of the chest, back, shoulders, abdomen, less often the scalp, neck. The palms and soles are not affected. Subjective sensations are usually absent, a slight itch is possible.

Treatment: externally - 3-5% salicylic alcohol, 5-10% sulfuric ointment, Wilkinson's ointment, undecin, inside - neotigason.

Folk medicine will offer you its methods of treating this disease.

  1. Juice onions - lubricate the foci once a day.2.Treatment with "paper fat".

To get "paper fat" you need to take a sheet of plain white paper, fold it with a funnel, put it on the plate with a sharp end up and set it on fire. When the paper turns into ash, and the yellow fatty liquid remains on the plate, it should be taken with a knife until it is cold and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Repeat the treatment several times until the disappearance of the lichen.

  1. Lilac tincture.

Within two weeks, insist in a dark place 20 g of flowers of ordinary lilac in 200 ml of medical alcohol. The resulting infusion lubricate the affected area.

Lisha asbestos: how to treat

The disease of the skin and scalp, characterized by a peculiar, limited peeling, its causes are unknown. The hairy part of the head and hair is covered with a huge amount of tightly dense, whitish-gray scales, very reminiscent of asbestos fibers( stone flax).Most of the scales on the frontal and parietal parts of the head, less - on the back of the head. Hair is glued together by scales, which are difficult to separate from the hair. Hair dry, devoid of natural shine, but do not break off. Hair is covered with a white cover. The disease can be accompanied by itching. Children and young people are more often ill.

Treatment is carried out with 3-5% salicylic-sulfur-tar ointment, or 2% sulfuric-salicylic, or ointment skin-cap, inside appoint multivitamins, Aevit, vitamins B6, B12.

From folk remedies, you can recommend the following recipes:

  1. lard - 100 g;bone marrow( beef or pork) - 50 g;salicylic acid and benzoic acid - 2 g.

All ingredients melt in a water bath, stir well. Obtain the ointment applied to the hair and scalp, top to put on cellophane bag or rubber cap. After 2 hours, wash your hair with soap and water. Repeat the procedure on a weekly basis.

  1. Prepare an emulsion of equal parts of castor oil and calendula tincture. Rub into the scalp 2-3 times a week.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Onion .Juice from freshly ground bulbs( strained through several layers of gauze) lubricate the affected skin 2-3 times a day.

Burdock large .It is used for lubrication in the form of ready-made burdock oil. Apply 1-2 times a day for 10-12 days in a row.

Calendula .Tincture of flowers of calendula( 1: 5) on vodka. If skin irritation occurs, dilute with water( a teaspoon of alcoholic infusion into a glass of water).St. John's wort St. John's wort .To lubricate the affected areas of the skin, infusions of St. John's wort are used( 2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour).You can use hibernating oil, or ointment from plant powder( 10 g of powder per 40 g of Vaseline or smaltz).

For treatment of skin diseases( lichen, herpes, erysipelas) Avicenna recommended powder ruta officinalis mixed with butter ( 1: 5).Lubricate twice a day.

Decoction of roots and seeds of sorrel of any .Mix the shredded greenery of the plant with sour cream or cream and lubricate the affected areas of the skin( lichen, scabies, herpes, etc.).

With hairy hair( "goosebumps"), you need to make warm baths, rubbing the affected areas with a washcloth moistened with soap-soda solution or steamed bran, then rub hawthorn oil .

In lichens, it is recommended to drink plum gum mixed with honey .

Grass , the cleaner is used both inside( infusions, decoctions) and externally for all skin diseases.

Baths with broth black currant leaves are good for children in most skin diseases.

Fresh galls ( excrescences) on oak leaves or powder from them are used inside and outwardly for lichens and eczema.

In the deprivation obtained from dogs or cats, the following is helpful:

  1. Lubricate affected areas with violet inks 2 times a day.
  2. Powder celandine and milkweed( 1: 1), mix with Vaseline or smaltz in a ratio of 1: 5 and rub into the skin 2 times a day.
  3. Rub ordinary raisins into the affected areas of the skin( or apply a gruel from it).
  4. Ringworm is cured if it is used every day, 2 times a day for 10-12 days, rub oatmeal into the affected areas.
  5. Lime with jujube juice.
  6. Sore place first rubbed with garlic, then rubbed a mixture of birch charcoal and juice of burdock root.
  7. A good result is rubbing the juice of cranberry juice into the skin.

One of the best means for lichen - apple vinegar .Lubricate the lichen 6 times a day, even at night 1-2 times during the week.

External application of of sea buckthorn, peach, dog-rose and of astringent oils cures the majority of skin diseases.

Treatment of lichens: drugs and medications

Diarrhea and shingles

Local treatment with these types of depriving is similar to treatment with herpes( Cycloferon, Valaciclovir, Acyclovir, Zovirax), smearing of the affected area with alcohol or Corvalol, aloe juice, gum.

General treatment: salicylates, analgesics, vitamins B1, B12, Interferon in injections.

The treatment is well assisted by physiotherapy UHF, electrophoresis with novocaine and adrenaline.

Pink lichen

Antibiotics( Erythromycin, Levomycetin, Rondomycin).With itching, antihistamines. Vitamins B, Ascorutin, Autohemotherapy are also prescribed.

How to treat lichen: folk recipes - general treatment

Traditional medicine recipes that are used in all kinds of lichen.

  1. Juice flowing from the grapevine, "grape tear" - is applied daily to the lesions. This recipe has been preserved since the time of Avicenna( 1st-2nd century AD).
  2. Wipe the affected skin with a decoction of buckwheat( for 1 cup of cereal - 2 cups of water).
  3. Apply a scoop of raw yeast dough to lichens. After 2 hours wash off with warm water. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  4. Treatment with bee stings. Fear in the forearm.

Day 1 - 1 bite;
Day 2 - 1 bite in each hand;
Day 3 - 2 bites each;
4th day - 3 bites each;
5th day - 4 bites each;
6th day - 5 bites.

After a week break, repeat the course.

  1. Take an equal amount of pure tar and butter, mix thoroughly. Do on the area depriving the bandage with this ointment for the night.
  2. 150 g of pure tar mix with 2 egg yolks and 100 g of fresh cream or 1 yolk and 50 g of cream. Rub into affected areas twice a day. This recipe helps even with persistent deprivation.
  3. Infusion and decoction of a burdock of a felt( burdock) - to apply in the form of lotions or compresses.
  4. Treatment of grass with linseed:

a) 20 grams of herb to boil in 0.5 liters of milk. The resulting gruel is applied in the form of compresses;B) 1.5 tsp.herb linseed insist in 1 cup boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day after meals;the same infusion can be used externally.

  1. Treatment of the roots of a medicinal herb.

a) 1 tsp.rhizomes and roots to insist in 1 glass of cold boiled water for 4-8 hours in a closed vessel. Strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. B) 3 tbsp.l.root and rhizomes of the soap dish, pour 250 ml of hot water, leave for a few hours. Strain. Use for lotions and compresses.

  1. Lubricate sore spots by drinking milk.
  2. Treatment with smoke from the ray of resinous pine. Luchina ignite, extinguish, sending smoke to the lichen. Repeat 3 times a day for 10 days.

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. Source: Nylogov GN Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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