Useful than kvass from oats - cooking at home for losing weight

Today kvass from oats can be called a rarity.

It seems that they forgot about it, because people are used to buying ready-made products, but this drink is not sold in the store.

Despite a number of useful qualities of kvass, the XXI century decided to abandon it. Therefore, you can cook kvass only at home. But do not rush to drop your hands!

Useful qualities
  • Hair and skin
  • Blood, nervous and immune systems
  • Digestion
  • Weight loss
  • Can I drink pregnant
  • Contraindications
  • Recipe for cooking at home

  • Make kvass from oats is not so difficult, andthe ingredients for making this miracle drink are worth a penny.

    In the old days, people living in Russia joked that the one who drinks kvass will be healthy as a horse.

    But in every joke only a joke!

    The drink, which came to us from ancient times, is very useful for health.

    The healing properties of kvass extend to such groups of people as:

    • children;
    • adults and seniors;
    • instagram viewer
    • people with insufficient immunity;
    • people with mental disorders;
    • diabetics and hypertension.

    Useful qualities

    Kvass from oats is an elixir for:

    Hair and skin

    The action of kvass on the human body is especially striking when taken regularly.

    Drinking a glass of refreshing oatmeal a day, after a month you will notice how nails and hair strengthened. What silky and shiny hair became.

    And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of birch leaves? What effect on the body have broths and tinctures from them, is written in a useful article.

    About birch buds and their medicinal properties and contraindications is written on this page.

    The complexion will noticeably improve - forget about pallor, mimic wrinkles, pimples and bags under the eyes.

    The circulatory, nervous and immune system

    A constant intake reduces the risk of heart failure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Kvass literally restores the heart system. In addition, the oatmeal:

    • eliminates the increased nervousness;
    • raises vitality;
    • eliminates vitamin deficiency;
    • heals insomnia;
    • is used for fatigue( physical and mental).


    Kvass has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver. Clears the gastrointestinal tract from toxins.

    Normalizes appetite and promotes a measured intake of food. Useful for people with low stomach acidity.

    Weight loss

    Kvass for weight loss is prepared according to the same recipe as usual.

    To maximize the effect - drink a glass of kvass before eating.

    Thanks to the nutritional properties of the drink, there is less.

    It is not recommended to eat high-calorie foods during a diet.

    Is it possible to drink pregnant

    Not only is it possible, it's even useful. In a drink from oats, there is a lot of folic acid, which is useful for the health of the fetus.

    Much effect on the nervous system of the future mother. Drinking a glass of kvass a day, the pregnant girl will be more calm and balanced throughout the day.

    Regular drinking of kvass during and after pregnancy will help a woman stay slim and quickly lose excess pounds, and also preserve the natural beauty of hair and skin.


    As with any other folk remedy, along with useful properties, oat kvass has contraindications:

    • is prohibited for people with high acidity, nausea, suffering from chronic gastritis;
    • should not be taken to people with liver disease;
    • patients suffering from gout, colitis, enteritis should also not drink oat kvass.

    And what do you know about treatment of polyps in the gallbladder with folk remedies? Recipes and recommendations will be read in the article after clicking on the link.

    How to gargle with a tincture of calendula on alcohol is written here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / sporysh.html written about the grass sporish and its medicinal properties in gynecology.

    Recipe for cooking at home

    At the beginning of the article it was said that you will not find such a drink in stores, and that it is easy to cook by yourself. Actually, speaking, now you will see this.

    The most "hard-to-find" ingredient of all is oats, but if you try, it can be found somewhere on the market. All the rest is not that in any store, but almost every house.

    What is needed for cooking kvass from oats:

    1. Bank, volume 3 liters;
    2. One kilo of oats;
    3. Sugar - 6 tablespoons;
    4. 3 liters of water;
    5. Gauze.

    After getting everything you need, start cooking. First, pour the oats into the jar, adding 3 tbsp.l.sugar and fill the mixture with water.

    The neck on the jar is wrapped in gauze and left to be infused for a couple of days.

    After the appearance of a characteristic film on the water surface, the ferment is poured.

    The swollen grains are again poured in water and add the remaining sugar( 3 more liters).

    After 10-16 hours, kvass will be ready. You can drink it right away, but it is recommended to pre-cool the drink.

    Would you like to give the drink freshness? Add mint or balm to it. Would you like to make a kvass sweeter?

    Throw a glass of a handful of raisins - in addition to the sweet taste you get gas bubbles in the glass. A useful alternative to lemonade on hot days!

    Enjoy a wonderful drink, but remember that it's important not to overdo the storage.

    Two days later, kvass will turn into a mash or sour liquid, which is harmful to health. Therefore, you need to drink oats kvass for two, and even better - for one day.

    Take a look at the master class on cooking homemade kvass from oats.

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