Effective use of wheat germ oil for the face

In the weather for beauty, women are ready for all sorts of tricks: here and plastic, and injections of Botox. But why take on such radical and bold methods, if nature itself provided us with its natural and useful "materials".

Article Contents:
  • Useful Properties
  • Effective Masks Recipes
  • Who is not recommended to use this oil?
  • Reviews about the

One of these is wheat, and to be more precise, the oil from its embryos. As you can see from ancient sources, these golden ears were used not only as sources of bread, but also for no less important and necessary products.

And this is true for oil. About him and how it will be useful to our face will be discussed today.

Useful properties of

This oil does not stay away from the world of cosmetology: many specialists use it in various rejuvenating procedures performed by clients. And why?

The secret is simple: wheat is a storehouse of vitamin E so necessary for the beauty and health of the skin. Plus, it contains no less important substances: vitamins of different groups( A, D, B, PP), lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids. All these components, one way or another, have a beneficial effect on the appearance of our skin.

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It is due to this composition of the mask based on wheat germs can have the following effects:

  • Activate the process of degeneration of cellular elements, due to which both the fat and dry skin looks more well-groomed;
  • Moisturize, soften and nourish different types of skin: dry, strongly coarsened. Eliminates peeling;
  • Restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the face, prevent its rapid wilting. The oval of the face does not lose its contours, the wrinkles become noticeably smaller, and the general tone of the skin is strengthened;
  • Anti-inflammatory. Ideal for those who have problematic skin with multiple eruptions, pustules, other inflammatory elements;
  • Perfectly cleans the surface of the face and pores from contamination, removes toxic substances. This allows the skin to breathe more freely;
  • Promotes the healing of wounds, cuts;
  • Helps to get rid of eczema, from signs of neurodermatitis;
  • Align the natural complexion of the face;
  • Can rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, eliminate circles.

Prescription of effective masks

In pure form, this oil for face masks is not recommended. It has an extremely dense structure, which is hardly perceived by a delicate skin. Therefore, it will be better to use oil in a mix with other vegetable oils.

In the outcome, this oil can be applied only to a few small areas of the skin: on the coarsening, peeling, burning, jumping on the lips. Also it is allowed to lubricate them with deep wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds or large wrinkles on the forehead.

  • As a face mask, wheat-based oil is applied as follows: one to three, that is one small part of our oil to more of another, for example, apricot olive. Oils are mixed and applied to the face. This mass is washed off after 20-30 minutes with warm water. The above-mentioned light oils( from apricot, peach) are used on oily skin, but the dry type is suitable for a combination of grape seed oil + "wheat oil".Another such mixture can also be used as a night cream: rub into the skin of the face before going to bed.
  • Mask is not only for skin that has lost its tonus, but also for the skin that suffers during the winter from peeling. Also it helps to fight wrinkles. The following substances are applied to a dry napkin: three drops of wheat oil and one drop of orange( carite, mint, sandal).She then applies to the face for 15-20 minutes. Thus, such a mask can bring additional nutrition to the skin, and even moisturizing.
  • The tired skin of the eyelids is also suitable for cream from wheat oil. However, it must be remembered that the skin in this area is very thin, delicate and it is necessary to apply material to it with light movements, without pressure. Our oil( 3-4 drops) is mixed with rose oil. Their ratio should be as follows: 3 to 2-m, respectively. Apply to the eyelids and under the eyes of such a mass until completely absorbed.
  • For dry skin this recipe is suitable: to wheat oil( a teaspoon) is added a drop of oil based on lemon balm, and roses( also a drop).Such a composition can be applied to dry areas several times a day.
  • To fight the crow's feet, it is necessary to mix about 5 ml of wheat oil with 10 ml of grape seed oil. Add about 4 drops of vitamin E and the same drops of vitamin A, and 3 drops of rosemary and grapefruit oil. On a slightly moistened cotton wool discs, this mixture is applied, after which the discs are placed on the code around the eyes. The procedure is preferably at night.
  • You can improve the appearance of the face as follows. Take 1-2 tablespoons chopped oatmeal( flakes) and pour them with warm milk. At the moment when the flakes are swollen, you can add a few drops of our oil. The mass is applied to the face and not washed off for 15-20 minutes.
  • For the problem skin, the following recipe will be a good solution: 2 drops of wheat germ oil and as many drops of lavender( cedar) oil. These substances are wetted paper towel and superimposed on the skin of the face. Keep for 10-15 minutes. After the desired period, you can remove the towel, but do not need to wash for 5-7 minutes: it is necessary to wait until the oil remains completely absorbed into the skin.

Olive oil for face from wrinkles: reviews about the product and effective recipes based on it.

How to prepare a facial tightening mask from egg whites? Read in this article.

Useful properties of wheat germ oil for facial skin - http: //netlekarstvam.com/krasota/ uhod-za-kozhej / maslo-zarodyshej-dlya-litsa.html

Who is not recommended to use this oil?

This oil has practically no contraindications to use. However, it is necessary to use it carefully in the case of if you have an increased skin sensitivity .Cases of allergic reactions from masks from wheat germ oil are not revealed.

Reviews about

Tatiana: "The oil is just beyond praise. Not only is it natural( not that all kinds of imported creams, all kinds of lotions), affordable, so also multifunctional. Suitable for both skin and hair and whole body. It cleanses the face and moisturizes it. Sounds like for my chur fat skin. "

Daria: "Although I'm young, I'm already worried about wrinkles. Especially mimic. After several times using this oil( a miracle!), Even them, small ones, and the trail was cold. Perfectly moisturizes the skin - a good alternative to expensive newfangled creams. "

Svetlana: "Always was for natural beauty and natural cosmetics. Oil based on wheat germs is proof of this. It effectively fights wilting the skin, always on guard for tonus and elasticity, wrinkles will not be exactly scary. Warranty from its use is -100%.You can and need to buy boldly. I look 55 at the age of 35!Not butter, but some juicing apples. "

All the best gives us our nature. From us only it is required to recognize its gifts and correctly, it is reasonable to apply them. Be young and healthy!

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