What is atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, its symptoms and treatment

Among all types of diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels occupies a special place. This is an extremely dangerous disease, the treatment of which must be started when the first symptoms appear.

If you do not take this pathology seriously enough, there is a possibility of development of such serious complications as ischemia, heart attack, stroke and other conditions dangerous to human health and life.

Contents of

  • 1 Description of the disease and its prevalence
  • 2 Causes and risk factors
  • 3 Forms of the disease
    • 3.1 Progressive
    • 3.2 Cerebral
  • 4 Stages of
  • 5 What is dangerous and can there be complications?
  • 6 First signs of
  • 7 Which doctor treats and when to treat it?
  • 8 Diagnostics
  • 8 Treatment methods
    • 9.1 Medicated
    • 9.2 Diet
  • 10 Prognosis and prevention measures

Description of the disease and its prevalence

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Brain blood atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by narrowing of the arterial walls as a result of the growth of atherosclerotic plaques .Most often, the disease appears due to the fact that the human body is violating lipid metabolism. At the same time connective tissue begins to expand, and in the lumen of the vascular walls the calcium salts are actively deposited.

This leads to the fact that the vessels are narrowed, and sometimes completely clogged. In the brain of , multiple blockages of the vessels can occur with deposits consisting of their cholesterol plaques.

The danger of this disease is its extremely slow development. At the initial stages of the , a person may not feel any suspicious symptoms of at all, and yet a dangerous process continues in the body, in which the internal organs lose enough nutrients and vital oxygen.

Atherosclerotic plaques that fill blood vessels are composed of calcium and fats. The main risk group for this disease is adult men and women from 50 years and above .Among them, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels is very common - every sixth person.

Now there is a dangerous tendency - the disease is getting younger and often people with atherosclerosis go to the doctor who have not yet turned 30 years old.

Causes and Risk Factors

The main cause of atherosclerosis of the main cerebral vessels is that normal fat metabolism is disrupted in the body, leading to the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels. The age factor of the disease is explained by the fact that in young people excess cholesterol is successfully excreted from the body. In elderly people, this situation is much worse - cholesterol accumulates and forms atherosclerotic plaques.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the specific causes of this pathology. Allocate only a number of factors that contribute to the onset of atherosclerosis:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • malfunctions in the work of endocrine glands - in particular, the thyroid gland;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • systemic diseases - for example, diabetes mellitus;
  • excess weight;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent stressful conditions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • lack of motor activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition - eating a lot of fatty foods, constant overeating, lack of greenery, fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • increased coagulability and blood viscosity.
Women, especially the elderly, suffer from atherosclerosis much more often than men, so sex and age can also be attributed to the risk factors of the disease.

Forms of the disease

There are two basic forms of atherosclerosis of the brain - progressive and cerebral.


This type of disease is characterized by:

  • memory impairment,
  • fast fatigue,
  • poor attention concentration,
  • headaches,
  • emotional drops, up to prolonged depressive states,
  • sleep disorders,
  • syncope,
  • dizziness that can occur with a sharplifting from a sitting or lying position.

If atherosclerosis is progressive, it develops very quickly, and it is by no means possible to delay the treatment with .This form of the disease can affect the mental state of the patient.

In advanced cases, progressive atherosclerosis can lead to complications such as complete or partial loss of speech or vision, multiple paresthesias, irreversible violations of critical brain centers and even paralysis.


This form of the disease affects the central nervous system, disrupting its functionality. The degree of influence on the central nervous system depends on how much the brain vessels are affected. Blood flow to the brain decreases, oxygen starvation occurs , resulting in neurons stop functioning normally.

Symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis directly depend on which part of the brain is affected by .Among them are: memory impairment, tremor in the legs or hands, headaches, depressed state, insomnia, increased sweating, impaired intellectual abilities, hearing and vision impairment, photophobia.

Stages of

This vascular disease develops in several stages, each of which is accompanied by its symptoms:

  • The first stage of .There are no clearly marked signs yet. You can see only increased fatigue even with small physical exertion, sometimes there is dizziness, rare pain in the head. It becomes difficult for a person to remember about some simple things. Symptoms almost always appear later in the evening, but after sleep they completely pass.
  • The second stage is .Symptoms arise much more often, such phenomena as tremor trembling, sharp mood swings, depressed emotional state, speech problems are added to them.
  • The third stage is .At this stage, there are already serious cerebral vascular lesions, which is manifested by frequent cases of memory loss, inability to perform simple daily actions, trembling of hands, malfunctioning of the heart rhythm.

Progressing, atherosclerosis leads to the fact that the patient is not able to remember some fresh information, but the events of the past recall quite easily. Man loses control over his actions. There are often cases when he can turn on water or gas, then go outside.

People with severe stages of atherosclerosis can easily get lost even in the familiar terrain of the , as they lose their landmark. Patients often can not remember what day and even year now is. Such patients should be under the supervision of close people, or in special medical institutions.

What is dangerous and can there be complications?

As a result of the development of atherosclerosis, the lumen of the cerebral vessels narrows, which leads to inadequate cell saturation with oxygen. If this condition is chronic, the brain tissue begins to partially atrophy, there are mental and emotional disorders.

But the greatest danger in atherosclerosis is the possibility of developing a stroke .It occurs when the pressure inside the brain vessels reaches a peak value, the walls of the vessel can not stand and burst, which leads to hemorrhage into the brain.

Stroke - a dangerous phenomenon, which often turns into a lethal outcome of the victim.

First signs of

Any form of atherosclerosis has common clinical manifestations:

  • tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety, excitability, nervousness;
  • fast fatigue;
  • weakness and drowsiness during the day;
  • poor concentration of attention;
  • memory problems;
  • speech impairment, difficulty in swallowing food.

Which doctor heals and when to treat it?

At the first signs of atherosclerosis, should be urgently consulted with the cardiologist .The earlier measures are taken to cure, the higher the probability of a successful outcome.

If a person begins to feel unexplained fatigue even with minimal stress, noise or zones in the ears, frequent attacks of dizziness and headaches that do not go away under the influence of analgesics - should not be tightened and consult a doctor .

Learn all about preparations for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities - most of them are suitable for a similar brain disease.

All details about atherosclerosis of the veins of the lower extremities can be found in a separate material - the first symptoms and much more.

And in this article you will learn everything about the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain folk remedies - whether it is safe and what can be used.


With the use of modern diagnostic methods you can quickly identify a person atherosclerosis of the brain. Usually is prescribed the following examinations:

  • ultrasound vessel scans;
  • blood test for cholesterol;
  • tomography of cerebral arteries;
  • angiography;
  • MRI;
  • ultrasound of the heart and internal organs.

More about the disease, see the video:

Treatment methods

Atherosclerosis is a complex disease and the treatment should be an integrated .In addition to taking medication, a special diet and daily exercise are prescribed, which improve blood circulation and strengthen the body.


Drugs that are prescribed for atherosclerosis:

  • Vasodilators : Cinnarizine, Nimodipine, Corinfar, Cavinton, Euphyllin, Papaverin, Isoptin, Vinpocetine, Nicotinic acid, Adalate.
  • Drugs that strengthen the walls of arteries : Selenium, Dihydroquercetin, Potassium.
  • Cholesterol lowering medication : Simvastatin, Ciprofibrate, Lovastatin, Atorvastatin, Cenofibrate.

In addition to these, can be prescribed tranquilizers and andides of .With severe headaches, a course of analgesics is prescribed. In another article, more about preparations for the treatment of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. The course of treatment of cerebrovascular atherosclerosis should be prescribed only by a doctor based on individual patient testimony and symptoms of the disease.


The diet in the treatment of this disease should also be adjusted. It is necessary to exclude a number of products and dishes of containing a large amount of cholesterol, namely:

  • fatty meat;
  • dairy products in which the fat content exceeds 1%;
  • sugar, honey, sweet pastries.

Preference should be given to the following products:

  • porridge( oatmeal), jelly;
  • puree from hawthorn;
  • low-sweet fruits, vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - you can use it not more than 150 g per day;
  • sea kale and seaweed - they are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which improve blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain.

Find out more about the diet for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels from another material.

Prognosis and prevention measures

Prevention of atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries is the most important part of the treatment with which you can prevent complications of the disease and improve your health. First of all, must strictly comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor, give up cigarettes and minimize the use of alcohol.

In addition, it is recommended to limit the diet of fried and very fatty foods, do daily exercises, spend more time on the move - preferably in the fresh air.

With timely treatment, the prognosis of this disease is very favorable .Adequate therapy, compliance with all medical recommendations and a healthy lifestyle will help to successfully cope with the disease and prevent possible complications.