Myocardial infarction: give disability or not, quality of life and work capacity

Severe disease - myocardial infarction - is rapidly growing younger. The age of patients with ischemic heart disease is reduced. Not always people who have had a heart attack can fully recover.

Lost health leads to loss of work and, as a result, earnings. So is the disability group given or not after the myocardial infarction and how to get it?

Yes, after myocardial infarction, a disability is assigned. But not all and not always. One of the indicators is the degree of disability and ability to self-service.




reserved Why can

  • 3 be rejected What kind of group is given
  • 4 How to obtain: design features, medical examination
  • 5 Activities prohibited by
  • 6 Surveillance if necessary
  • Is it and to whom

    Used to treat an infarct and its consequences for four monthsand more the disability group was automatically assigned and given for 1 year. With a favorable outcome of treatment and good predictions a year later she was removed, and the person returned to the usual life.

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    Medicine does not stand still, today much more effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients who have undergone this serious illness are being applied. Therefore also tightened the criteria for assessing the condition of patients for establishing disability .

    • 1st group is installed in case of permanent permanent disability and a significant decrease in the possibility of self-service.
    • The 2nd group is given with a partial permanent disability. This means that a person will have to change the scope of activity to one where the working conditions correspond to his physical and emotional state after the illness and do not pose a threat to health.
    • 3rd group - will allow the patient to return to his former activities( with the exception of works that are strictly forbidden to those who underwent myocardial infarction), but with some restrictions on working conditions.

    Why can I refuse

    In case of refusal you need to rejoice. Hence, health is restored and the forecast is very favorable .In which case formally the commission refuses to assign a group?

    In order to understand the reason for the refusal, it is necessary to know the criteria that are used by the members of the commission when conducting medical and social expertise( ITU), in whose competence is the disability assignment.

    Reasons for failure:

    • 's professional activities are not associated with high physical and psycho-emotional loads( librarian, office worker) and do not require its replacement for easier work;
    • Successfully performed treatment of , allowing not to fear recurrence of the disease( the condition is confirmed by laboratory, instrumental studies);
    • Complete retaining the self-service capability of .

    The recommendation for contacting the ITU is provided by the attending physician .He is the first instance that assesses the patient's condition and makes a decision to send for examination. If he finds that the patient is ready for work, he will simply close the hospital sheet.

    Which group is given by

    It is not possible to determine the general clear conditions for assigning a particular group. Myocardial infarction is an artful thing, and everyone tolerates it differently because of the nature of the current and the state of its own organism.

    The age of the patient is of great importance. Therefore, the commission's approach to each patient is individual.

    The first group of will be given to a patient who has very little chance of recovering from a heart attack, he has frequent attacks of angina and there are signs of heart failure that are difficult to treat.

    The second group assumes the inability to work in the former profession, especially associated with hard physical labor or other factors that can cause a worsening or relapse of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to change work to a lighter and, often, lower-paid one.

    In a patient's condition, there are periodic attacks of angina that require treatment and rehabilitation.

    The third group of is given to those who can stay in their original place and do the previous work, but with some restrictions, or will have to change it to an easier one. Such people can have rare failures in cardiac activity, because of which limitations are recommended.

    How to obtain: design details, medical examination

    The attending physician decides to send the patient to the ITU.For this purpose, a set of studies is assigned that will tell about his condition. The doctor fills the form 0-88 / from , and within 3 days it must be transferred to the registry of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

    Along with the referral, an application for a medical examination must be submitted. It is necessary for the to establish a group and develop an individual rehabilitation program for ( IRP).The date is set when the patient must appear before the commission to obtain its decision.

    List of documents to be submitted to the ITU bureau for the initial determination of disability:

    • Direction in form 0-88 / y;
    • Application for Survey;
    • Passport( copy and original);
    • SUNS;
    • Originals and copies of all medical documents relevant to the disease for which disability will be established;
    • A copy of the workbook certified by the employer;
    • Description of the work( indicating the mode of work and rest, working conditions, harmful factors, etc.).

    The Commission has the right to appoint additional medical examinations, the survey of the social status of , as well as to request additional data on the conditions and nature of the work of the person undergoing the survey at ITU.

    All activities carried out by the expert commission are covered by compulsory medical insurance, therefore for the population are free. At his own expense, the patient can involve third-party specialists as consultants in the commission.

    Disability is established from the date of application of the patient for recognition as an invalid.

    Activities prohibited by

    Absolute contraindication to work after myocardial infarction are the following occupations:

    • Associated with means of increased danger( drivers of passenger, freight and railway transport);
    • Requiring increased attention and nervous tension( dispatchers of transport enterprises);
    • Work at airlines( pilots, stewardesses, flight mechanics, dispatchers);
    • Related to prolonged walking or need for a long time is on your feet( postman, cook, courier, salesman);
    • If the workplace is removed from a permanent place of residence and is far from populated areas( geological, prospecting lots);
    • Associated with toxic substances, hazardous working conditions( chemical, metallurgical, mining enterprise);
    • With interchangeable work schedule, including night and daily shifts;
    • Work at height.

    If the patient worked in such conditions, he will be assigned a group of disability with work restriction and a recommendation to change the profession( 2 and 3 groups), or with a complete prohibition to work( 1 group).

    Surveillance if necessary

    1st group of disability is established for 2 years, 2 nd and 3 rd - for 1 year. The expert commission can immediately formalize for life 1 group, based on the state of the disabled person and the prospects for treatment. Those who are assigned an emergency group have the right to undergo annual re-examinations.

    The ITU Bureau does not require the annual re-examination requirements, this is the case of every patient and his attending physician who can recommend him to confirm his status. For this purpose, in the direction that the attending physician prepares, should indicate the medical and rehabilitation measures carried out over the past year by and did not lead to an improvement in the status of the disabled person.

    For re-examination, the same documents as for the initial reference to BMSE are needed. They must be accompanied by a certificate of disability and IPR.

    The rehabilitation card should have a note on the implementation of all rehabilitation measures appointed by the previous expert commission .

    This can be a certain mode of operation of , which the employer must provide to the disabled person( a mark of compliance - the signature of the head and the seal of the organization), periodic visits to the doctor and the examination( signature and seal of the doctor and the health facility), etc.

    In the absence of marks, the commission can refuse to prolong disability.

    If you disagree with the decision of the ITU commission, you can appeal against its by submitting an application to the same Bureau of the ITU, to the Main Bureau or to the social protection authorities.