Orchitis: testicular inflammation in men: symptoms and treatment

Orchitis is the testicular inflammation in the male .The cause of development of acute and chronic orchitis is the transition of inflammation from the epididymis or infection from distant foci of inflammation in infectious diseases: parotitis, typhoid, paratyphoid, tuberculosis and others.

Causes of orchitis can also be a blow to the testicles, venereal diseases - gonorrhea, as well as viral infections such as flu. Inflammation is usually one-sided - a left or right testicle, and also proceeds in acute or chronic form.


Symptoms and signs

The main symptoms are pain in the scrotum, testicles, an increase and compaction of the testicle, an increase in body temperature and deterioration of the general condition, discomfort.

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Of the signs of orchitis can be identified at the inspection of a visual increase in the scrotum and an increase in the testicle when palpated with soreness and denseness.

The disease lasts two to three weeks. What to do?

At the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is necessary urgently to see the surgeon in the polyclinic or hospital. This is the first. Second, observe bed rest and wear a special bandage that supports the testicle( suspensions), which should be worn in the morning and taken off at night.

Third, it is temporarily necessary to stop having sex.

Treatment of orchitis in the hospital

After consulting a doctor, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory treatment and, depending on the nature of the infection, antibiotics.

For the treatment of chronic orchitis physiotherapy is recommended: solux, quartz, diathermy.

In cases of suppuration revealed opening of the abscess, and with purulent melting of the testicle and chronic otitis with a persistent pain syndrome - hemicastration.

In the treatment it is necessary to comply with the regime: in the acute period of the disease it is necessary to put the patient for several days in bed. In the early days - locally apply cold, prescribe sulfanilamide preparations, antibiotics. By passing the acute phenomena - UHF, heating pads, warming compresses, carrying a suspension. In the formation of abscesses, surgical intervention is indicated.

Treatment of an inflammation of a testicle at home

Traditional medicine advises with parallel treatment by means of official medicine.

Melissa .1 tablespoon of lemon balm for 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain, drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Hops .100 g of hop flowers pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour in a warm place, strain.

Take the formulation obtained in 100 ml 3 times a day.

Ancient healers recommend( Odo from Mena "On the properties of herbs"):

Beans."... Also, bean flour, impregnating with poultices, treats a swollen place with wine and testicles( testicles) swollen treats, and does not allow children to hang down in parts of childbearing."

Coriander."Honey with coriander, when they also interfere with the dried vine, grated, top put, then the swelling is different, but with swollen testicles, the medicine is especially valuable."

Bile( bull, goat, sheep)."So keep it and prepare it for treatment it is necessary: ​​letting it down in a thread, brewing it for an hour, after drying it in the shade, preserving the remedy for cases. .. With honey, it heals the sick testicles with a member."Cabbage."... As they say, this means testicles swollen treats, and various also parts of childbearing ailments, if the boiled bean is mixed with the above-mentioned remedies."

In acute orchitis, the patient needs bed rest and maximum rest, as well as an elevated position of the testicles( which is achieved with a suppository or pad), cold, novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord( the spermatic cord is infiltrated with 50 ml of 0.5% Novocain supplemented with 300,000 unitsPenicillin).

Treatment with antibiotics: drugs for orchitis

Because infection is the most common cause of orchitis( an inflammatory process in the testicles) in men, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. The source of infection are the organs lying near the testicle, which have infectious foci, for example, the urethra, the bladder, the rectum, the prostate gland.

But, the infection can also get with the current of blood, with the current of lymph from the organs located relatively far from the testicles. For example, from the throat with angina, from the nasal sinuses with sinusitis, from the upper respiratory tract with bronchitis and pneumonia. The causative agents of venereal and other urological diseases in men( chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea) can also cause orchitis.

The choice of the drug, which antibiotics will be relevant for orchitis therapy? I give four names of the drug: Nitroxoline, Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Sumamed( Azithromycin).

In general, there are currently major groups of antibiotics used in men's orchitis:

  1. Macrolides( Sumamed);
  2. Fluoroquinolones( Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin);
  3. Tetracyclines;
  4. Nitrofurans;
  5. Cephalosporins( Cefuroxime, Cefepime, etc.);
  6. Derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline.


A synthetic antibiotic that breaks the synthesis of bacterial DNA.It is active against many pathogens: pathogens of prostatitis, urethritis, orchitis, epididymitis in men. It also works on some fungal pathologies and mycoses. It is prescribed for infectious inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary tract in men and women.

Nitroxoline quickly penetrates the digestive system into the bloodstream. It is excreted by the kidneys. It is largely concentrated in the urine.

It is contraindicated for: hypersensitivity;kidney failure with a lack of or a small amount of urine;cataract.

Adverse manifestations:

  1. indigestion( nausea, vomiting), poor appetite;
  2. headache;
  3. pathological changes in sensitivity( paresthesia);
  4. optic neuritis of the optic nerve.

In application, urine can be colored orange, which occurs immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

The drug should be consumed during meals to 100 mg 4 times a day. In acute and severe course of orchitis, the dose is adjusted by the doctor, but a maximum of 800 mg can be used per day. Duration of treatment is two to three weeks. In chronic orchitis treatment is repeated after two weeks.

The price of the drug is relatively inexpensive: tablets of 50 mg blister, 70-90 rubles.


Refers to fluoroquinolones. A wide range of antimicrobial activity with greater efficacy against gram-negative bacteria. Possesses bactericidal action. Effective in bacteria that are not sensitive to sulfonamides.

It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract( more than 95%).A high concentration reaches half an hour, reaching the prostate gland in men.

It is excreted in the urine. It is recommended for infections of the urinary tract, prostate, testicles in men and in gonorrhea.

The treatment with this antibiotic for infections of the urogenital tract is 0.4 g( 2 tablets) 2 times a day. Tablets can not be chewed, washed down with a small amount of water.

The course of treatment is one week.

Side effects of ofloxacin are rare. Usually the treatment is well tolerated. But are not excluded:

  1. allergic manifestations;
  2. indigestion( nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  3. insomnia;
  4. sensation of anxiety;
  5. agranulocytosis;
  6. thrombocytopenia;
  7. The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity to it;epilepsy, combine reception with antacids( reducing acidity of the stomach with drugs), which reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic.

The price of the drug: depending on the manufacturer's firm from 50 to 250 rubles.for 10 tab.400 mg.


Pefloxacin is a good broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, a group of fluoroquinolones, which has a bactericidal effect. Produced in tablets( 400 mg each) and solutions for infusions( 4 mg / 1 ml).

Pefloxacin effectively treat infections of the genitourinary system, pelvic organs, soft tissues. It is used for the threat of sepsis.

It is contraindicated to treat orchitis with hypersensitivity to the antibiotics of a group of fluoroquinolones. Carefully apply for violations of the liver, cerebral pathologies and epilepsy.

Apply 1 tablet 2 times a day. Dosage may be increased by a doctor. Maximum possible to apply the drug to 1600 mg. A solution for intravenous administration is used in severe infections. On the first day, it is recommended to take 800 mg of the drug, in the following days 400 mg.

Of the side effects can be identified:

  1. nausea;
  2. moderate intensity of abdominal pain;
  3. muscle pain;
  4. sleep disorders;
  5. decrease in blood platelets.

Antacids slow the absorption of this antibiotic. The drug solution can not be used together with solutions containing chlorine. The price of the drug is relatively inexpensive: 10 tablets of 400 mg, 75-85 rubles. A solution for infusions of 10 ampoules, 5 milliliters, 130-150 rubles.

Sumamed / azithromycin

Antibiotic-macrolide, a wide spectrum of activity. Has a bactericidal effect. It is active against gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive cocci. Bacteria that are insensitive to Erythromycin, it makes no sense to treat Sumamed.

Sumamed is good at treating infections of soft tissues, the genitourinary system of any etiology, orchitis. The drug penetrates well into the blood from the digestive tract due to its acid resistance. The maximum concentration is observed after 2 hours.

Sumamed is available in tablets of 500, 125 mg, in capsules of 250 can, in powder for the preparation of syrup. This antibiotic easily penetrates into the soft tissues of the urogenital area. It accumulates in them. The concentration of the drug in the tissues reaches a higher density 10 times than in the blood.

Therefore, it is in demand in the treatment of intracellular pathogens. It is proved that it penetrates into phagocytic cells, enters with them to infectious foci, where it leaves them. In diseased tissues, a much higher concentration of the drug is observed.

Sumamed is prescribed once a day for an hour or a couple of hours after a meal. The course is 3 days.

A similar drug Sumamedu - Azithromycin, named for the name of the most active substance in the preparation, has the property of remaining in the source of infection for 5-7 days. Even accumulate in the bones. Due to this ability, short-term courses of its application have been developed.

Adverse manifestations:

  1. nausea, abdominal pain;
  2. temporary growth of liver enzymes.


  1. for allergies to macrolides;
  2. for severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

Application together with tetracyclines enhances the effect;with lincosamides - reduces. Incompatible with Heparin.

Price of the drug Sumamed: Powder for oral administration 100 mg / 5 ml 17 g 350 rub. Powder d / prig.suspensions of фл.200 mg / 5ml 37.5 ml 560 rub.

I want to suggest that the price for Azithromycin is much lower, which will save the family budget without harming the treatment of testicular inflammation in men.

Drugs Sumamed, Hemomycin - is the same Azithromycin, only brand names, and more expensive than Azithromycin in eight to ten times.

The use of antibiotics in men in the treatment of orchitis is mandatory. It is extremely undesirable to engage in self-medication.

Source: Iligov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.