Flattening: degrees, treatment, exercises with flat feet

Flattening - flattening( lowering) of the arches of the foot, which occurs when the strength of the plantar muscles is weakened. Flattening is transverse and longitudinal, the first( 1), the second( 2), the third degree of severity. Pathology is common in children and adults.

Therefore, in this article, we consider the degrees of transverse and longitudinal flatfoot, its treatment. Separately, let's talk about special exercises with flat feet and how to treat it with a set of exercises at home.


Planking longitudinal and transverse in children and adults

  • First, second and third degrees of flatfoot
    • Degrees of longitudinal flatfoot
    • Degrees of transverse flatfoot
  • Treatment of flatfoot: exercises and tools
    • Official medicine for flatfoot
    • Plane exercises for treatment of
  • Exercise:how to heal flat feet
    • Lying on the back
    • Standing
    • In motion
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  • Flattening longitudinal and transverse in children and adults

    Muscular plantar weakness may develop with a sedentary lifestyle in adults( especially at a young age), with obesity. Usually, the muscle's spring function is maintained at a body weight of up to 70 kg, with an increase in body weight, excessive kilograms, constantly acting on the foot, cause the heel bone to move back and flatten the foot. Usually, this causes swelling of the ankle( due to a delay in outflow of blood).

    Flat feet are often accompanied by such vascular diseases as varicose veins, endarteritis, etc.

    Flattening may be longitudinal and transverse. The transverse flatfoot is quite rare, more often in girls and women, with the constant wearing of shoes with high heels.

    Longitudinal platypodia occurs much more often and it is observed predominantly in boys and boys. With longitudinal flat feet, a person usually feels pain in the area of ​​feet and ankles, an inconvenience when walking. To get rid of this in shoes, usually put the litter-instep. Special exercises in most cases help to reduce flat feet or even completely get rid of it.

    If a small child has flat feet, wearing specially made shoes for at least a year will cure this disease in children.

    To prevent the occurrence of flat feet, you must constantly maintain weight in the norm, fight obesity, exercise.

    First, second and third degrees of flatfoot

    There are three degrees of flatfoot, depending on the size of the arch of the arch of the foot. Since a person has two arches in the foot, longitudinal and transverse, then two types of degrees of this disease are respectively distinguished: longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.

    Each type of flatfoot has its own characteristics, but nevertheless it is possible to distinguish some common features in both types of ailment.

    In general, 1 degree of flatfoot is usually called a weakly flattened flat foot. At this time, the disease is more like a cosmetic defect.

    2nd degree - alternating, or moderately flat feet - is usually characterized by changes that are visible to the unaided eye. The disease is gaining strength, and the person begins to experience pain in the foot, ankle. This changes gait, there is some clubfoot or heavy tread.

    3 degree, or pronounced flat feet, is a complete deformation of the foot. This leads to disruption of the musculoskeletal system, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis or even a herniated disc may develop. The pains become stronger, the person experiences difficulties while walking, and you can forget about sports at this stage of the disease.

    These were common features of both types of flatfoot, and now we will examine in more detail each type of disease.

    Degrees of longitudinal flatfoot

    With longitudinal flat feet, a flat longitudinal arch becomes flat, and the foot contacts the floor with practically its entire surface. The length of the foot increases slightly. Longitudinal flat feet occurs, as a rule, in young women with excess weight, as well as in people whose work requires constant static stress( sellers, accountants, secretaries).The greater the weight of a person, the greater the load is on the feet.

    The first degree usually does not bother a person, except for fatigue in the legs and pain in the feet during exercise. The second degree makes itself felt by the increasing pains in the legs, the difficulty in selecting shoes. The third degree of longitudinal flat feet causes constant pain in the soles of the feet, shin and even the lower back, and the selection of shoes at this stage is not only difficult, but sometimes even impossible at all.

    Let us consider in more detail the physiological characteristics of each degree of longitudinal flatfoot:

    1. Flattening 1 degree .Diagnosis "The first degree of longitudinal flat feet" means that the arch of the arch of the foot is 131-140 degrees, the height of the arch 35-25 mm.
    2. Flattening 2nd degree .The second degree indicates an increase in the level of the arch of the foot from 141 to 155 degrees, the height of the arch becomes 24-17 mm, signs of curvature of the talon-navicular joint may be noticeable.
    3. flatbed .The third degree of longitudinal flat feet indicates an increase in the indicators: the arch angle is more than 155 degrees, the height is less than 17 mm;while there are signs of deforming arthrosis of some other joints of the foot.

    Degrees of transverse flatfoot

    With this flat-footed flattening the transverse arch of the foot, and its length slightly decreases. The toes of the foot change into a hammer-shaped form, and the thumb deviates from the rest. The transverse flatfoot is characteristic mainly for women 30-50 years old. In this case, the so-called."Natoptyshi" and "bone"( growth of the bone on the toe).

    The first degree of transverse flatfoot usually manifests itself in periodic pain in the feet, especially in the anterior part. The second degree brings pains localized under the heads of mid-metatarsal bones. The third degree makes itself felt by constant and severe pains under the heads of metatarsal bones, in the same place, as a rule, significant corns are formed.

    And now consider the physiological characteristics of each of the degrees of transverse flatfoot in more detail:

    1. flattening of the 1st degree .The first degree of transverse flatfoot is characterized by an angle between I-II metatarsal bones of 10-12 degrees;
    2. Flattening 2 degrees .The second degree indicates an increase in the above angles to 15 degrees;
    3. flatbed .The third degree of transverse flatfoot indicates an increase in these indicators to 20 degrees.

    Treatment of flat feet: exercises and funds

    Official medicine for flatfoot

    In medicine, there are no tablets and medicines that heal flat feet, you can only get rid of it by physical exercises.

    In advanced cases, when patients have pain when walking, patients are prescribed physiotherapy, baths, massage, gymnastics. In shoes, under the middle part of the foot is recommended to put cloth rolls or special plates, so that the body rests not on the heel bone, but on the middle of the foot and the roller placed under it.

    With increasing pain, there is a calm, cold lotions, warming the compress at night. It is important to exclude the professional load of feet.

    For a patient suffering from flatfoot, the orthopedist must appoint special shoes for wearing: suitable in size, made of natural materials, with a hard back and good fixation on the foot, with a small heel. Insoles-arch supports are also selected individually, taking into account the shape of the foot.

    Plane exercises for the treatment of

    1. Exercise 1. Lying on the back. Bend and unbend the foot in the ankle joint 50-60 times in average tempo.
    2. Exercise 2. The same thing. Perform circular movements in the ankle 40-50 times in average tempo.
    3. Exercise 3. The same thing. The legs are bent at the knees. Alternately and simultaneously tear off the heels from the floor 40-50 times in average tempo.
    4. Exercise 4. Sitting on a chair. Capture and roll with your toes various small objects( baby cubes, matchbox, balls).
    5. Exercise 5. Standing, socks together, heels are bred, hands on belt. Climb to the socks, hands up( inhale), go back in and out.etc.( exhalation).Exercise repeat 8-10 times at a slow pace.
    6. Exercise 6. Standing, hands are lowered. Be on the outer edges of the feet( "clubfoot") 30-40 steps in average tempo.
    7. Exercise The same thing. Jump on your socks 30-40 times in average tempo.
    8. Exercise 8. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Crouch on your toes, hands forward( exhale), rising( inhaling) - 6-8 times at a slow pace.
    9. Exercise 9. Put a bottle or gurney on the floor and roll it from heels to toes and back 30-40 times.

    Complex of exercises: how to treat flat feet

    For the treatment of flatfoot you can offer one more set of exercises.

    Lying on the back

    1. Together and alternately pull the socks forward with simultaneous turning them inside.
    2. 10-15 times alternately or simultaneously take away the heels from the support( the toes should touch the support).


    1. Squats( or half-squats) on the toes. Hands to the sides, forward, up.
    2. Standing on the rail of the gymnastic wall, grip your hands at the chest level. Squats.
    3. Squats, standing on the stuffed ball.10-15 times.

    In Motion

    1. Jump on one and two legs.
    2. Walking on toes, on the inner and outer edges of feet, on toes with half-bent knees, on an inclined surface up and down.

    After you have done a set of exercises, you should do a massage of the feet, ankles, Achilles tendons and legs.

    Massage has a good auxiliary effect, improves blood circulation and tones up muscles that tighten the arch. For the treatment of flat feet massaging the shin - on the back inside of the bones to the foot;and the foot itself - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Receptions - stroking, rubbing, kneading. Self-massage should be performed by stroking the base of the palm with the elevation of the first finger, the arch of the foot, the back and inner surface of the shin.

    The forefoot is almost impossible to strengthen with a massage or gymnastics, only the right selection of shoes will help - with a wide toe, a hard back and a heel that does not overload the toes.

    At the initial degrees of flatfoot patients better not to wear sandals with open heels, soft flip-flops, felt boots.

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    1. Site: http: //www.ploskostopiya.net/ ploskostopie-1-2-3-stepeni /
    2. Nylogov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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