Inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia - in adults without temperature, what symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia, is usually a disease with pronounced symptoms, requiring a comprehensive and protracted treatment. Nevertheless, in medical practice there are atypical( hidden) forms of inflammation of the lung tissue. It is difficult to diagnose correctly in these cases, the pathological process is started, it becomes extremely difficult to cure the patient and often the inflammation of the lungs can end in a deplorable outcome.

It is very important to know and take into account the symptoms and signs of atypical( atypical) forms of pneumonia in the diagnosis and treatment of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

Inflammation of the lungs in adults without temperature is an infectious and inflammatory disease, in the clinical picture of which there are no characteristic external symptoms of inflamed pneumonia. Symptomatics is blurred and includes only manifestations of general intoxication of the body. But anyway, pneumonia is dangerous for the life of the patient, whatever form it takes.

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Inflammatory pathogen

Symptoms of pneumonia are described in the writings of Maimonides and Hippocrates before our era. But only in the XIX century, scientists were able to identify a variety of pathogens of this disease.

The most common pathogens of pneumonia enter the human body with inhaled air. In some cases, through the blood, it is extremely rare - through the lymph. The causative agents are first fixed on the bronchioles, and then spread into the lung tissue beyond them, which causes the inflammatory process.

The disease can be accompanied by oxygen, respiratory and even heart failure. May affect one or more segments. The resulting reflex cough can carry pathogenic microorganisms from the diseased segment of the lung to a healthy area.

A disease that occurs without a temperature is often "atypical", caused by similar pathogens of classical pneumonia:

  1. Mycoplasma;
  2. Legionella;
  3. chlamydia;
  4. pneumatic.

Why does the lung tissue become inflamed?

The causes and common factors causing any pneumonia is the presence of an agent, that is, parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses in combination with a decrease in the immune defense of the human body.

Causes of pneumonia without temperature

Consider the general points why in some cases, inflammation of the lungs occurs atypically - without temperature:

  1. Decreased immunity - weakening of the body's defenses against other acute or chronic diseases, or in old age;
  2. reception of antibacterial drugs - if antibiotics are accepted irrationally for the treatment of diseases, then the therapeutic effect will not be observed. But a significant decrease in immunity is possible;
  3. taking antitussive drugs - especially when there is sputum. This prevents her from normally leaving, and causes an inflammatory process.

A variant of the disease without temperature is most often found in patients with pronounced immunodeficiency. In the risk zone are:

  1. HIV-infected patients,
  2. patients with oncological diseases,
  3. patients for a long time lying in a lying position, for various reasons.

Immunity decreases, including in old age. Almost a quarter of all patients aged over 65 years with pneumonia are asymptomatic.

Symptoms( symptoms) in adults without a temperature

Inflammation of the lungs( pneumonia) without temperature flows with a minimum of symptoms and often resembles an ordinary cold:

  1. Appearance - pallor, blush on the cheeks, stains on the face may appear;
  2. features of breathing - heavy, jerky, possible whistling with a deep breath;
  3. exercise causes dyspnea;
  4. general symptoms - weakness, sweating, dizziness, fatigue, thirst, sometimes there are pains in the chest, there may be a noticeable lack of movements of the chest from the affected side.

Types of pneumonia

Classification of the disease does not depend on whether it occurs with or without symptoms.

  1. Focal - inflammation in a separate small area of ​​the lung;
  2. segmental - extends to the entire segment of the lung;
  3. shared - affects the whole lot;
  4. draining - implies the fusion of several foci of inflammation;
  5. total is an inflammatory process in the entire lung.

Depending on how easy the disease is detected, distinguish:

  1. Right-hand;
  2. the left-hand;
  3. double-sided.

Diagnosis in adults without temperature

After collecting an anamnesis and conducting a general examination of the patient, a doctor who suspects having pneumonia in a patient can prescribe the following survey methods for him:

  1. Chest X-ray - allows to see inflammation foci and to determine their localization.
  2. Sputum examination - microscopic examination and culture on nutrient media. This allows to identify the pathogen, which will help in the future selection of antibacterial drugs.
  3. general clinical and biochemical analyzes - urine and blood tests.

In some cases, more serious types of examination may be needed:

  1. Tomography;
  2. bronchoscopy;
  3. biopsy;
  4. diagnostic thoracotomy.

Differential diagnostics

  1. Microbiological studies allow not only to accurately identify the pathogen, but also to distinguish pneumonia from various forms of tuberculosis.
  2. Auscultation and percussion will help to distinguish pneumonia from exudative pleurisy.

Also, a screening should be performed to identify:

  1. of the Infarction of the lung;
  2. lung cancer;
  3. acute appendicitis;
  4. systemic vasculitis.

Treatment of pneumonia without temperature

Any type of disease requires the same treatment principles. The severity of the disease affects only the period of recovery.

  1. Bed rest;
  2. plentiful drink;
  3. regular airing of the room in which the patient is;
  4. breathing exercises;
  5. course of antibiotic therapy, to destroy a particular pathogen.

With the diagnosis, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Also, the presence of pneumonia does not allow physiotherapy warming and visiting the sauna.

Prevention of pneumonia

Primary prevention - aimed at maintaining a high level of immunity:

  1. Charge;
  2. hardening;
  3. prophylactic reception of vitamin preparations.

Secondary prophylaxis:

  1. Annual fluorographic studies;
  2. timely access to a doctor;
  3. for high risks - vaccination.

Forecast. Outcome of the disease

With timely detection of pneumonia, favorable treatment outcomes are observed. The duration of treatment depends on the stage at which the disease is found.

Because of the absence of symptoms, patients do not always seek medical help on time, and in some cases they are not treated at all. This can lead to death.

Inflammation of the lungs( pneumonia) without temperature - the disease is common, treatable. Remember always that the infectious-inflammatory process in the lung tissue is always serious, even if there are no characteristic symptoms that warn of danger.

If symptoms of general intoxication of the body appear, as well as any changes in breathing, immediately contact a local physician-therapist or pulmonologist.

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. Source: http: // zabolevaniya-legkih /pnevmoniya/ bez-temperatury.html

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