Symptoms of facial nerve inflammation and treatment at home with folk remedies and recipes

The defeat of the facial nerve, innervating the facial muscles of the face, often occurs in the form of inflammation of the facial nerve. Can you hear such medical definitions as "neuritis" or "neuralgia" - this is just the case for this case.

Symptoms and treatment at home largely depend on the type of disease and the peculiarities of its course in a particular person.

A healthy person, an inflammation of the facial nerve, can get due to hypothermia, a prolonged stay in a draft or in the vicinity of an operating air conditioner. The cause of the disease can serve as a complication after an epidemic parotitis( mumps), infections caused by herpes, a mechanical trauma of the face, otitis, stroke.

Today we will consider the main symptoms and treatment of facial nerve inflammation. As you understand that all the information on the site, I give for informational purposes. Consult in treatment with a neurologist, he will tell you which methods are most effective and are applicable in your case.

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Inflammation of the facial nerve: symptoms, signs of the disease depending on the type

Symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve are unpleasant and cause many problems for the sick person. The main symptoms of the inflamed facial nerve are as follows:

  1. pain in the back of the ear;
  2. severe lacrimation or, conversely, absolute absence of such;
  3. complete or partial disturbance of movement of facial muscles;
  4. auditory disorders( sometimes patients hear sounds louder than they are);
  5. sharp decrease, and even a total loss of taste sensations;
  6. patients are hard to take liquid food.

Manifestations of neuritis of the facial nerve and its treatment largely depend on the location of the lesion. When the pathology of the nucleus of the facial nerve is observed, the weakness of facial muscles is observed, and auditory disorders are added when the nerve emerging from the brainstem is damaged. In the latter case, there are problems with the auditory nerve.

In the absence of timely and proper treatment, complication can be a contracture of the facial muscles. Then the affected side of the face is tightened, which leads to severe discomfort and involuntary contraction of the muscles. This phenomenon can be observed in one to six weeks after the onset of the disease, if not restore the function of facial muscles.

Inflammation of the facial nerve: treatment, methods and folk remedies

Is it possible to treat facial nerve lesions at home? Treatment of the house is possible, after a visit to the doctor, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis and the agreement with him of the recommendations below.

Regular dry heating with regular salt or sand is helpful. Take any of these substances, heat them( calcine) them in a dry frying pan on a gas stove. Then dry hot mass to fall asleep in a bag of tissue and apply it to the affected facial area.

A wonderful therapeutic effect is the ingestion of , motherwort , calendula and pione inside the tincture from .These tinctures can be bought ready in the pharmacy. They are mixed in equal proportions of 30 milliliters. Next, add 15 ml corvalol and 3 teaspoons natural honey .The resulting mixture is mixed well. The reception of this drug is carried out before going to bed by 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is long - 3 months. Break - three months. Then the treatment is repeated.

If a person has inflammation of the facial nerve, treatment at home can also be carried out by the root of the althea .In the morning 4 teaspoons of dry ground raw material are poured with boiled water at room temperature. In the evening, take gauze and moisten in this infusion, apply a compress to the sore side. From above heat, I put on top parchment paper, and cover with a handkerchief. Compress to keep at least one and a half hours. Then it is removed, and the scarf is left overnight.

The inflammation of the facial nerve can be treated with the mummy .In the pharmacy, buy a 10% solution mummy. This home remedy is used by rubbing into the skin during massage of the affected area. After the treatment session, drink a glass of milk with one teaspoon honey and 0.2 g mummy ( 1 tablet).Treatment is carried out continuously for three weeks.10 days break and repeat treatment.

Similarly, fir oil is used for massage of the affected area. The remedy is also rubbed into the sick part of the face. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

In folk medicine for the control of neuritis and neuralgia, a decoction( infusion on boiling water) of rose petals was used. In order to prepare the broth, the fresh petals of the plant( 1 tablespoon) are collected and poured with 1 glass of boiling water, wrapped for 2 hours, insisted, filtered. The medicine is taken orally three times a day. Therefore, it is better to cook at once for 0.6 liters of boiling water 3 tablespoons of pink petals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The meaning of this treatment is the effect on the body of essential oils of the rose and other useful substances that can improve the work of the nervous system and the conductivity of impulses in nerve fibers.

Another recipe is the infusion from of mint and of balm .Well-dried leaves of these plants in an amount of 20 g are mixed with the same amount of coriander .The mixture is filled with a clean medical alcohol of 0.5 liters. The mixture persists for 24 hours. For treatment take 50 ml.tincture, mix with 50 ml.water( if alcohol 80%), moisten it with gauze and apply to the sore spots, to the temples and the back of the head.

To the ordered facial areas, you can apply a mixture of pottery clay with table vinegar 6% .Clay and vinegar should be softened to the test condition. Such kind of "flat cakes" must be applied to the affected side.

For general improvement of the condition with an inflamed facial nerve, it is advised to use a compress of natural honey with grated onion .These two ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and applied to a sore spot.

During treatment, it is advisable to take a variety of soothing tinctures, for example tincture of valerian .They can be purchased in ready form in pharmacies.

A patient in the process of treatment should be monitored and for his nutrition. In this case dates are very useful. They must be grinded( for example, with the help of a meat grinder) and use three teaspoons three times a day. Such rubbed dates can be diluted with natural milk .Drink tea from chamomile flowers .To begin with, this drink should be held in your mouth, and then swallowed. Chamomile, as an excellent antiseptic and analgesic, not only removes inflammation, but also reduces the feeling of pain.

Treatment of facial nerve inflammation: therapeutic gymnastics at home

Along with taking medications, conduct a special therapeutic physical training - gymnastics for the facial muscles.

  1. The patient must sit in front of the mirror to control his movements, and relax the facial nerves.
  2. Then raise your eyebrows and frown.
  3. After you drop your eyes down, open and close them. If the eyelid itself does not close, you can help him with a finger.
  4. Try to screw up your eyes and make them circular motions.
  5. Smile, but do not move your lips apart, then raise your upper lip so that your teeth appear.
  6. Inflating the cheeks, inflate the nostrils.
  7. Head down and slightly snort.
  8. To make moves is akin to when the candle or match is blown out.
  9. Draw your cheeks and draw your lips with a tube.
  10. With closed lips, try to lower the corners of the mouth.
  11. Upper lip to cover the lower one.
  12. Roll the "balloons" from one cheek to the other.
  13. At the final stage of the exercise, the language from side to side with both open and closed mouth.

This exercise should be done 5 times. If a person is very tired, you can give the muscles a little rest and make relaxing stroking movements in the face. Then continue.

This exercise takes an average of about half an hour. Gymnastics for the muscles of the face is held at least twice a day, only in this case the patient will feel a positive effect. After carrying out of exercises the person is bandaged with a handkerchief. And the sick side of the face is getting better by hands, and the healthy side is getting down.

In conclusion, it should be noted that with the timely start of treatment, most patients get rid of face asymmetry. You need to follow all the recommendations, be patient and do not wait for sharp improvement in a few hours.

Positive dynamics occurs, as a rule, in a week, and in a month you can talk about recovery. Sometimes the residual phenomena of the disease manifest in the form of broken facial expressions.

Such violations in most people disappear within the next 3 months. In very rare cases, mainly because of improper or untimely treatment, they can remain for life.

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Acute neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms, causes, exercises for self and mutual help with acute neuritis of the facial nerve.

Welcome to the professor, doctor of medical sciences Victor Vladilenovich Kartavenko.

Acute neuritis of the facial nerve. This disease belongs to one of the most common and "popular" lesions in the peripheral nervous system.

  1. Acute neuritis of the facial nerve is characterized by such symptoms as violations of facial expressions from the affected part of the facial nerve, this is the inability to fully swallow, use water, food, increased salivation. It is not a completely closed eye, which leads to dry eyes.
  2. There are several reasons for this. From the point of view of Western medicine, these are trauma to the face, skulls, infectious lesions, abuse of alcohol, and narcotic substances. But from the point of view of eastern medicine, this condition is caused by the state of "cold" from the intestine. ..
  3. And what can we do at home in order to stop the state of acute neuritis of the facial nerve, help ourselves, our relatives and relatives?
  4. The first point for use. .. remove the acute condition of neuritis, neuralgia of the facial nerve.
  5. The second site or zone for self- and mutual assistance. ...
  6. The third reception. ..
  7. The fourth point that will help relieve tension in acute neuritis of the facial nerve. ..
  8. Additional method of exposure
  9. Specific medical devices for removing acute neuritis of the facial nerve. ..
  10. Vacuum-needle therapy
  11. I want to share one more invention. ..

, who did not understand the acute neuritis of the facial nerve, we recommend to come to our clinic of academicians Kartavenko near Sochi. Tel.8-800-775-10-69.WWW.Doctor-Kartavenko.rf.

Facial massage with neuritis of the facial nerve and trigeminal neuralgia

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Head massage is divided into a scalp massage and facial massage. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that, apart from neck massage, head massage will not yield results. Hence the logical consequence is the need to consider all three techniques together.

Anatomically the hairy part has a thicker layer of skin on which the sweat and sebaceous glands are concentrated, a lot of blood and lymph vessels are thicker than the other areas of the head. Arteries here radially rise to the crown, and the veins and lymph vessels go from the crown to the back, back to the ears and neck.

The scalp massage is indicated for seborrhea, migraines, hypertension I and II degrees, krivoshe, to improve hair growth, for cosmetic purposes and other conditions. Massage should be done in the course of hair growth, because otherwise you can damage the hair bulb. You can massage by dividing the hair into a parting, you can over the hair. Massage is performed in the position of the patient sitting on a chair or in a chair.

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Reader's reviews

Petr Voznesensky

Analgesics do not help at all. .. I advise you to drink medicines with the content of tryptane. .. For example, sumatriptan 50 mil. Very well relieves pain. .. See do not make mistake 50 mg. They come in a dose and 100 mil., In this case, a tablet in half. .. I like 100 miles threw - my heart is very hot, I was even a little scared from the arrhythmia of the heart. ..

Serega Puleev

Hello my mother, she was 48 years old about 7 years ago,tooth, but touched the trigeminal nerve. Attacks of pain, such strong for these years was not, but recently this trigeminal nerve makes itself felt that she can not not eat, do not sleep it can be very much shakes like with epilepsy.

Such a case was not long ago, I had to call an ambulance, it was taken away. She does not remember how she was taken. She was pricked, dripped the system, but nothing helps. In the evenings, she still pulls in the place where the tooth was torn out. Doctors told her for life to take Finlepsin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Although Mom before this house took it in very large doses. What to do, tell me, I do not have the strength. She was brought in such grave condition that she was not allowed to enter the ward for 3 days, she had a bedsore with which we are fighting. Doctors said that they can not help in the treatment of the trigeminal nerve.

Source: http: // cranial-neuralgia / vospalenie-licevogo-nerva-simptomy-i-lechenie-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

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