My throat hurts, it hurts to swallow: what to treat, what to do at home

Often, in the cold season, we catch a cold, the body weakens, starts very hardsore throat, it becomespainfully swallow. As a rule, it is angina (tonsillitis in acute form or in chronic form during exacerbations), tonsils - amygdala are affected. Pain during swallowing can be given even in the ears and neck, if the immunity is greatly reduced.

In summer it's also easy to get cold and "earn"sore throat, when we are wet in a draft or drink a heavily chilled drink from the refrigerator, for example - milk.

The throat can begin to hurt only on one side, or the process can be bilateral. If the ear is in parallel hurts, then the inflammatory process has affected deeply the inner ear.

We strongly recommend that you contact the ENT doctor (otolaryngologist), especially if it concerns the treatment of the child. But adults also need to be very attentive to their health, because pathogenic microflora parasitizing on the tonsils, with activation and reduced immunity, can affect the heart muscle, kidneys.

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Today we will talk about the fact that ifsore throatand stronglypainfully swallow, whatcando, as well asthan to treat a sore throat at homein children and adults.


Why does my throat ache and swallow painfully?

As we have already said, the most frequent cause of throat and unpleasant painful sensations when swallowing (sore throat) is sore throat.

It seems that yesterday you felt well, and waking up in the morning realized that swallowing, not only just painful, but sometimes impossible. Appetite is not, take food is difficult, nothing is happy. Maybe you ate something cold? Or cooled in a draft. By the way, often angina can be transmitted from a person with a sick goal - healthy. The reason - pathogenic microorganisms and violation of personal hygiene rules, close contact, associated with the reception of food from one dish, using the same cutlery, through the saliva at the moment of kisses very quickly you can pass the germs and mouth into your mouth.

What should I do if I have a sore throat and swallow at home?

Is it possible to treat your own sore throat yourself at home?

Let's just say, if you have good immunity, you rarely sore, your throat hurts and swallows painfully without fever, you can try independent home treatment.

But still it is better to see a doctor for an otolaryngologist (ENT), especially if the inflammatory process in the throat is accompanied by a high fever! It is necessary in this case to suppress active pathogenic pathogens, because the risk of complications on the heart and kidneys is very high.

Probably, any person experienced this unpleasant sensation in the throat, when everything is laid, it is very painful to swallow. Along the throat, everything is constantly persistent, you want to clear your throat. These symptoms speak of a viral and respiratory failure.

The main reason in the throat when swallowing, as we have already said, is the high activity of viruses and bacteria.

Often sore throat with such diseases as:

  • Angina.
  • Paratonzillar abscess.
  • Acute viral infections.
  • Acute laryngitis.

Whenangina, because of excessive activity of microorganisms, tonsils (tonsils) are inflamed. Tonsils increase in size, they appear yellow, white in color. As a rule, the patient feels a pain when swallowing. Body temperature usually rises.

Parathonsillar abscessacts as complications of angina. The inflammatory process spreads quickly, passes from the tonsils to the cellulose, forms an abscess. Therefore, the patient feels a strong weakness, his head hurts, the body temperature rises.

With paratonzillar abscess pain is felt only on one side! At the time of food intake is aggravated. Each time, opening the mouth, the patient feels pain.

Pharyngitis- inflammatory process in the pharyngeal mucosa. When swallowing saliva, the pain is not felt. The same applies tolaryngitis(inflammation of the larynx). Whenpharyngitisconstantly pershit in the throat, withlaryngitisthe voice is hoarse, when speaking periodically there are coughing attacks, accompanied by a sensation of dryness in the throat.

Acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI) are the main causes of the development of diseases in the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms: a general increase in body temperature, dryness and choking in the throat, it is very painful to swallow. At the beginning a strong dry cough appears, then sputum is difficult to leave (lean) and the voice will become hoarse.

Young children often have a sore throat, but there are other causes: whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles. Disease is sometimes difficult to identify yourself, so with a sick child, contact a doctor-pediatrician.

Sore throat, untreated, fraught with complications!

Inflammatory processes in the throat can worsen, possible complications:

  1. kidney disease;
  2. bronchitis;
  3. sinusitis;
  4. joint disease;
  5. heart attack;
  6. pneumonia;
  7. fronts.

With viral attacks, the body can develop bronchitis. Harmful habits weaken the body and increase the likelihood of bronchitis.

Inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia is a formidable complication, the more the organism is very weakened with a sore throat.

Acquired heart diseases - cardiopathies - may also be a "gift" to an untreated patient's throat. By the way, frequent diseases of the joints, kidneys and heart - it's golden staphylococcus and streptococcus - living in the throat.

So the symptom, expressed in that it hurts to swallow - is useful, it signals that it is necessary to be treated!

Frontite, sinusitis - another major cause of sensation of pain in the throat and pershenia. Remember, these are the consequences of diseases that have not been cured to the end.

Although not always throat diseases are associated with the inflammatory processes in the body. Additional causes of sore throat:

  1. allergy;
  2. pollution;
  3. too dry air;
  4. HIV;
  5. swelling of the throat or tongue;
  6. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If it hurts to swallow and sore throat: what to treat at home?

Now let's talk about what and how to treat a sore throat at home. Remember that this is not about complicated cases with severe unilateral sore throat!

Local remedies for sore throat when swallowing

Means forgargle:

  1. Divorcedtwo tablets of furacilinin 200 ml. a glass of warm water.
  2. Or: a teaspoonfulbaking soda, a teaspoonfultable salt, 5 drops of tinctureiodinemixed in 200 ml. a glass of warm water.

It is important to gargle often with any option - 5-6 glasses a day! Rinse with a slightly warm medicated solution. This will help to wash off harmful microbes and raids on the tonsils.

Means forresorption:

In the form of lozenges or tablets for resorption, for example: Strepsils, Grammidine, Pharyngosept. We use medicines in accordance with the instructions for use!

Means forirrigation:

Drugs from the pharmacy in the form of sprays and aerosols. After all, a small child can not always be forced to swallow a pill or dissolve the lozenge. Therefore, sprays and aerosols can be of great help in treating the sore throat in children.

Home remedies:

  1. compresses on the throat;
  2. gargling of the throat with decoctions and infusions of folk medicinal products from plants;
  3. inhalation of plants with essential oils (be careful: steam inhalations are very dangerous at first, hot air strengthens the development of sore throat, body temperature rises very quickly, glands swell!).

Compliance with diet:

This is not a hot easily digestible food, small portions throughout the day. Exclude salty, hot, hot. To drink warm infusions of grasses, mineral water without gas (cool), usual pure water.

When the throat hurts and painfully swallows: how we are treated at home

Most infections enter the body by airborne droplets. When bacteria damage the glands, the throat begins to ache badly. Start the treatment right away!

Symptoms of throat diseases are known to everyone. Pain with a strong reddening of the throat (arch of the tonsils) is observed with laryngitis and pharyngitis. Other symptoms show other infections. It is important to identify the root cause of the disease. If you blew, you grabbed cold milk or compote, try to fight yourself with the infection.

  1. First, exclude spices from food. Cold foods and drinks (and hot too!). Do not eat ice cream!
  2. Secondly, often take a warm drink: raspberry with lemon, mint.
  3. Third, start gargling with the above options:furacilinor mixturesoda, saltandiodine.
  4. Fourth, for a full 100% treatment of angina you will need to see a doctor! After allsick leaveyou definitely need, if you work, of course.

How and what to cure a child's throat

Not every small child will get a gargle or drink a pill. Lubricating the neck is uncomfortable, the baby can just not open his mouth. Than to treat in house conditions of small children when it pains to swallow? You can drip into the nose a mixture of sunflower and sea-buckthorn oil (1: 1). It is necessary to get the solution through the nasopharynx to the tonsils. This can cause a slight burning sensation, but in fact this way to get rid of a cold 2 days.

At normal temperature at the kid, make a wadding stick with tincture of iodine a grid on a breast and heels. Before falling asleep, you can hold the baby's legs with warm water. Just like an adult, throughout the day, children let us drink warm liquid.

Try sprays and aerosols to treat a sore throat in children!

It hurts to swallow: treatment at home will be effective?

Remember that unpleasant sensations in the throat can lead to diseases of the teeth, heart, kidneys, joints.

To prevent this, you need to sanitize the oral cavity, nasopharynx. This means that you need to drive out all the pathogens by:

  1. Visits to the dentist - healthy teeth.
  2. Prophylactic visit of ENT doctor: ear, throat, nose are interrelated!
  3. Personal hygiene of the oral cavity.
  4. Rinse prophylactic throat and mouth with infusionof calendula flowers(claws, marigolds), infusionchamomile, eg. Prepare healing infusions as follows: 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured 200 ml. boiling water, wrap, insist 2 hours, drain and... gargle. One glass is enough for a day, just rinse with one sip for longer.

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I wish you health, success and good luck, dear readers!

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