Pain in the stomach during pregnancy

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  • How to determine what it hurts in the stomach?
  • The main causes of stomach pain in pregnant women
  • How to treat stomach pain?
  • Popular treatment
  • Prevention of gastric pain development
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Pains in the stomach during pregnancy occur in almost all expectant mothers. Soreness can occur both in the early stages, and in the last trimester. Periodically arising and not greatly disturbing a woman, she is an acceptable physiological norm.

But sometimes the abdomen hurts during pregnancy as a result of exacerbation of an already existing pathology or as a result of poisoning. In this case, it is very important to establish the true cause of the pain and begin treatment, if necessary.

How to determine what it hurts in the stomach?

The stomach is located in the epigastric zone( the area "under the spoon").Signs of inflammation of the mucous organ becomes pain of varying strength and character. A pregnant woman can sense it in the following areas( sometimes simultaneously): the left hypochondrium, under the breastbone in the region of the xiphoid process.

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Pain in the stomach during pregnancy can be caused by eating, so the future mother needs to monitor her condition. In this way, a woman will be able to find out which of the products is causing her development.

Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy occurs often

Depending on the nature of the pain can be acute, sharp, lasting constantly or felt like cramping attacks. It can occur after eating any foods that can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa - salinity, smoked foods, spicy spices.

If a pregnant stomach aches with dull, aching pain, this indicates an exacerbation of gastritis. Soreness, limited to a certain time, - arising at night or between meals - is a sign of an ulcer of the duodenal ulcer.

The main causes of stomach pain in pregnant women

At the initial stage of gestation development, the stomach can get sick as a result of hormonal reorganization. In the second and third trimester, i.e. in later terms, a provocateur of pain becomes a growing fetus.

Increasing in size, the uterus begins to exert strong pressure on neighboring organs, which leads to a violation of their functionality. Its bottom begins to strongly press the stomach, which prevents the normal passage of the food coma into the lumen of the intestine. There is a digestive disorder.

The cause of digestion and stomach pain may be a greatly increased size of the uterus

According to statistics, the stomach hurts during pregnancy as a result of exacerbation of gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies at about 12%.In 44% there is a remission of the disease, which is explained by the active development of progesterone. The pregnancy hormone increases the production of gastric mucus, which improves the protection of the gastric mucosa from all negative factors.

Other Causes of

The reason why the stomach hurts in a pregnant woman can become:

Why does the stomach ache after eating?
  • toxemia;
  • stress;
  • overeating;
  • poisoning;
  • overwork;
  • is an infection of a viral or bacterial origin;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • intake of food, which contributes to increase the acidity level of gastric juice;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • overstrain of the peritoneum muscles.

Hatching a child causes a change in the hormonal background, which can cause the development of an allergic reaction to certain foods. And it also can cause stomach aches.

Characteristics of pain for gastritis

For early gestation, a typical exacerbation of gastritis. Provoke pathology can poor nutrition, allergic reaction, stress, poisoning, multiple nausea, etc.

Acute gastritis begins abruptly and is accompanied by severe pain and nausea

And if during pregnancy a woman has certain symptoms - diarrhea and rezi in the stomach, this, most often, indicates the development of gastritis. Additional signs include: nausea, ending with vomiting, pain in the form of spasms, general weakness, the appearance of signs of intoxication - a rise in body temperature, chills.

For chronic gastritis, the following symptoms are typical:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • rumbling in the intestine;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • blunt pressing pain.

Pain on the background of peptic ulcer

With the development of stomach ulcers, pain occurs immediately after eating. But if damage to the mucosa occurred in the antral part of the body, the soreness develops at night or 1-2 hours after ingestion. Additional signs of stomach ulcers are: poor appetite, rumbling in the abdomen, etc.

When a severe pain in the stomach, a woman needs to get a doctor's consultation

in the shortest time. If a pregnant woman has severe pain in the epigastric region, she needs to getconsultation of the gastroenterologist. It is not excluded that there was an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. The perforation will be indicated by the nature of the pain itself: it is felt like a paroxysmal dagger. The condition requires urgent hospitalization and treatment.

Soreness in the stomach on early gestation

The stomach is affected during pregnancy in the first weeks and months, most often as a result of the ongoing hormonal replacement. The woman becomes irritable, experiencing emotional stress. Together with the changes that take place in her body, this can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or other gastrointestinal diseases.

Very often the cause is toxicosis. Typical for the state of nausea, ending with vomiting, causes stomach cramps. This initiates the process of inflammation of the mucosa. The second, no less common cause, is the refusal of food, also triggered by toxicosis.

Pain on late gestation

Periodic pain in the stomach during pregnancy, occurring after the 27th week, is recognized as a physiological norm. The enlarged uterus causes displacement of the stomach. Nutritional coma stagnates, which causes the development of gravity in the epigastric region, nausea, heartburn and belching. At 37-39 weeks of pain - if they are not caused by serious pathology - should stop. The uterus at this time is lowered, reducing pressure on the stomach.

How to treat stomach pain?

Treatment of pain in the stomach during pregnancy should be handled by a specialist. But in the beginning it is necessary to diagnose the true cause of the development of the pain syndrome. To engage in the diagnosis can either the therapist or the gastroenterologist.

Before the beginning of treatment of the pregnant woman, the diagnosis

must be prescribed. Pregnant women will be given medical tests. In particular:

  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • gastroscopy;
  • blood test;
  • definition of Helicobacter pylori and others.
The tablets should be selected by a physician. Self-medication can harm a child.

What can I take while I'm pregnant? During this period, women are allowed to use drugs on a natural basis. The doctor can use Gastropher for the relief of symptoms - contains lactobacilli, protein and lactic acid - or Iberogast, which includes extracts of mint, lemon balm, angelica, licorice.

For the removal of pain caused by spasms, pregnant women are allowed to take No-shpu. To get rid of nausea and improve bowel motility, you can use Cerukal. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, pregnant women are prescribed non-absorbing antacids. This group includes the following drugs: Gastal, Maalox, Almagel.

It is up to specialist

to select medications to alleviate the symptoms. They do not penetrate into the total blood flow, and therefore are not able to harm the child. A doctor should make a choice in favor of one of the antacids, since the drugs have some contraindications.

Folk Treatment of

What can I do at home if my stomach hurts during pregnancy? In the pharmacy, you can buy a special gastric fee for the treatment of gastritis, which is permitted for use precisely during the period of bearing the child. Infusions or decoctions cooked in accordance with this dosage, you need to take half a glass 30 minutes before eating.

What else can stomach be treated if it is sick during pregnancy? You can use the following tools:

  • If a woman is nauseous and the stomach feels heavy, then a decoction of mint or lemon balm is allowed. They are natural antispasmodics and contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles.
  • In gastritis with low acidity, the color of chamomile, calendula flowers, cranberry, strawberry and currant leaves are used. Well helps with figs, fresh cabbage juice, cranberries, infusions based on hops, St. John's wort, marsh swine.
  • With high / high acidity can help peppermint, belladonna, mountain ash, gold-thousand. The therapeutic effect is provided by freshly squeezed carrot and potato juice. They need to alternate, drinking half the glass before each meal.
  • If a woman is not allergic to honey, then you need to eat - about 30 minutes - to eat ½ teaspoon. This same standard can be stirred in half a glass of water and also drink before eating.
  • It is necessary to combine equal doses of aloe and honey juice and drink 1 teaspoon before eating.

During pregnancy, you can use folk methods of pain in the stomach, but you must first consult with your gynecologist.

Well treated mineral water. To calm the pain, you can prepare infusions of chamomile, mint or yarrow. You need a teaspoon of the preparation to boil in boiling water( 200 ml), let it brew, filter and drink.

With increased acidity, tincture from the licorice root helps. A glass of boiling water is taken 100 g of crushed root. I must infuse it with infusion. Then add the same volume of cold boiled water and drink three times a day for 3 tablespoons.

With reduced acidity, pregnant women are allowed to take infusion on the basis of chaga. Dry mushroom must be lowered into water and left for the next 5 hours. Then soften the mushroom with warm water( 1: 5 ratio) and leave for infusion for 2 more days. Filter the medicine and drink three times a day. The intake norm is 100 ml of the drink.

You can prepare broths based on lemon balm and valerian. The remedy not only relieves the pain syndrome, but also improves overall well-being. To restore the work of the stomach and the digestive tract as a whole, pregnant women are recommended to drink lactic acid foods. But they will benefit only with reduced acidity of gastric juice.

If against a background of gastric pain in a pregnant woman developed diarrhea, then stabilize the condition will help rice porridge or jelly.

Prevention of development of gastric pain

If the pain in the stomach is caused by the development of gestation, then this is a temporary phenomenon. They will pass independently and in the use of any medication do not need. But if the pain syndrome is caused by the presence of infection or exacerbation of gastritis, then a woman needs a consultation of a gastroenterologist. The doctor will diagnose and select an adequate treatment condition.

Pain in the stomach during childbearing is one of the permissible norms, but only in the absence of pathological symptoms of

. It will not be possible to avoid the development of stomach pains during pregnancy, but it is quite possible to reduce the number of seizures. There are several simple rules, observance of which will help in this. Pregnant is recommended to eat fractional. He should eat often - every 2-2, 5 hours - but in small portions.

You should try to avoid overeating. It is advisable to stop eating before going to bed. It is necessary to give up the habit of going to bed immediately after eating. This contributes to a set of excess weight, which can cause complications during childbirth.

It is necessary to revise the diet and exclude from it all harmful food, in particular, fatty / spicy / smoked, spices, mayonnaise, sweet soda, fast food, etc. During the day, you should drink at least 2.5 liters of water. You can buy mineral, but it must be non-carbonated.

Do not take long breaks between meals. Fasting for weight loss is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations. Positive emotions, properly composed diet, walks in the fresh air will help to avoid the development / exacerbation of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

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