Full complex of exercises for the restoration of vision: gymnastics for the eyes

Dear readers, today we will consider the topic "Vision: how to preserve and improve it".Consider gymnastics for the eyes, a full set of exercises to improve and complete the restoration of vision using the method of Bates William Horatio and Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich with abnormalities of refraction - myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. And also how you can help your eyes with other eye diseases.

At the very beginning I want to say to the TRUTH that despite the popularity of VG Zhdanov, the followers of Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich's health system and many others, in fact, the basis of the basics - all kinds of their gymnastics variations for improving vision and various sets of exercises for restoring the eyes- The theory and method of W. G. Bates! Everything that is considered in this publication belongs to one author - the American ophthalmologist - Bates, who left in the last century, leaving a legacy and hope for the possibility of recovery without surgery and medicines.

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Also, during the time of Bates, the famous naturopathic scientist Paul Bragg made a great contribution to the treatment of eye diseases: he introduced some procedures to improve vision and eye restoration functions by improving the quality of nutrition, purging procedures for fasting, deep breathing, exercises foroculomotor muscles, natural contrast eye temperature stimulation procedures.


Vision: how to save and improve -

tips The eyes are a mirror of the inner world of a person, they reflect the entire diversity of his mental and physicalstates: joy, discontent, depression, diseases of internal organs, the consequences of various abuses and improper lifestyles, physical overstrain.

If you look closely, you can notice that children are constantly moving their eyes, while adults turn their heads to see an object that is on the side. Thus, in adults, eye muscles are deprived of good strengthening movements, their peripheral vision is weakened and significantly worsened.

Most of all, the eyes get tired of long reading and a constant single-focus distance. We must try to get rid of this habit, create a change in the work of the eyes, go out into the air, train the muscles of the eyes, gaze intently into the horizon, look at the blue sky clouds. Greenery of trees and hills is the best tonic for eyes.

Tired eyes can be revitalized by rinsing, followed by covering with the palms for a few minutes. The diet should include more carrot juice, apples, celery, cabbage, parsley, radishes. Expose your eyes to the sun, of course, covering your eyelids. Sit, turning your face to the sun, and slowly move your head from side to side, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays.

For a person, color is important because it creates a certain mood. Color can promote the process of treating patients. Thus, blue color has a beneficial effect on patients with fever, purple soothes pregnant women, yellow and red promote blood circulation, and blue and white reduce blood pressure.

Each color causes a special reaction in the human brain. Blue gives a sense of peace and contentment. Dark blue is a sense of security. The same reaction is caused by a greenish-blue color.

Red and yellow colors are associated with sunlight and home fire. The combination of green and white creates a sense of purity, purple with green - splendor and sophistication. Walls of dark blue color usually cause an aggressive mood. Violet-blue gives uncertainty and gloominess. Orange color acts on us exciting. Yellow color - light as a sunny day, gives rise to joy. Pink color relaxes.

Ophthalmologists have developed methods for the color treatment of certain eye diseases. Physiological experiments with humans have shown that the action of green reduces intraocular pressure, promotes the normal filling of blood vessels with blood.

Prevention and treatment of eyes: restoration of vision: recommendations of Bates and Bragg

  1. Do not read lying in bed before going to bed. The sudden cessation of reading and falling asleep leads to a tense state of the eyes during sleep.
  2. To train your eyes, use sports games: table tennis, badminton, handball. Regular sports and sports games without glasses will give a noticeable improvement in sight.
  3. Do not forget to change glasses to weaker ones. As the eyes improve and eyes develop, the eyeballs will return to their place in the orbit. The sun normalizes lacrimation and gives shine to the squirrel eyes and their cornea. It also enhances the coloration of the cornea.
  4. In the movie, sit on the 2nd or 3rd row in the center of the room and watch for those changes that occur with your eyesight during the class. The image at first will be difficult to distinguish, but if you do not forget about blinking and will travel around the entire screen, then the details of the image on the screen will become more clear. At first, wear glasses at the end of the session in case of emergency( with eye fatigue), and then, as the vision improves, gradually discard them.
  5. To strengthen the weakened eyes it is useful to look into the distance, draw various shapes in the sky, and also fix sight on distant objects, consider clouds, sunrise and sunset.

One of the techniques for preserving and improving vision is the Bragg Field System, which includes the following provisions:

  1. Stimulation of the eyes with cold and hot water.
  2. Special deep breathing exercises that increase the amount of blood flowing to the eye.
  3. Exercises for eye relaxation, relieving tension.
  4. Nutrition required for healthy eyes.

Vitamins useful for the eyes and good eyes.

  1. Vitamin A. ( carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, parsley, all leafy vegetables, seafood fish products, sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast).
  2. Vitamin C. It is abundant in dog rose, sea buckthorn, currant, gooseberry, lemons, leafy vegetables, apples, pineapples, spinach.
  3. Vitamin B1.( thiamine).A large number of it is found in corn, nuts, brewer's yeast, polished rice and honey.
  4. Vitamin B2.( riboflavin).Contained in leafy vegetables, apples, brewer's yeast, polished rice.
  5. Vitamin B6. Its sources are cabbage, wheat grains, whole rye and corn, egg yolk and fish of all sorts.
  6. Vitamin B12. The most vitamin B12 is found in grapes, egg yolks, blueberries, dates, prunes, parsley, apricots.

For the life of the eyes, like any other organ of our body, we need potassium. A lot of potassium is found in apple cider vinegar, apricots and honey.

Procedures: how to improve and completely restore vision

Temperature stimulation of the eyes

Take two large pieces of cloth. One piece of the towel is placed in hot water, which you can barely tolerate, the other - into ice water. Remove the tissue from the hot water and apply to the eyes for 1 minute. Then apply a cloth moistened with cold water to your eyes, also for one minute. Exercise repeat 4-5 times. Dry your eyes.

Breathing, stimulating blood flow to the eyes.

. Exit to fresh air or open the window. Before the exercise, take a few deep breaths. Now your blood is ready to direct oxygen to your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, do not exhale, bend at the waist and, slightly bending your knees, lower your head to make it below the level of the heart. Now the blood, enriched with oxygen, goes to the head and to the eyes, removing poisons and garbage. Stand in this position, slowly counting to five. Repeat the exercise several times.

How to relax the eyes for an acute

The main thing in this procedure is getting the sun rays.

Do this exercise in the open air or in front of the open window, substituting the face of the sun. Stand with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes with your face facing the sun. The sun's rays have great therapeutic value for both the patient and the healthy eye. The human eye is adapted to function mainly in light. Sunlight helps to improve eyesight. People who spend most of their time indoors without the sun, vision gradually deteriorates.

Exercises for large eye muscles

Perform exercises for oculomotor muscles in standing position, relaxed.

It is important that there is a good posture. Look forward, turning your face in one direction.

  1. Look at the ceiling without moving your head or body, then turn your eyes to the floor. Do not rush, but do not do the exercise too slowly.
  2. Move your eyes from side to side, first looking as far as possible to the right, then as far as possible to the left, without moving your head or body.
  3. Look in the upper right corner of the room, then in the bottom left. Do this 10 times. Then make a movement with your eyes from the upper left to the lower right corner of the room 10 times.
  4. Imagine a very large hoop. Circle his eyes from right to left. Do the same in the other direction. Do not move your head, only move your eyes.

Morning complex of exercises for the eyes of Dr. Bates

These exercises should be done after awakening, before you get out of bed.

  1. Stretch in bed and roll from side to side - breathing deeply while doing the exercise.
  2. Open your mouth and eyes 4 times.
  3. Close your eyes tightly 6 times, then make 12 light blinks to prepare your eyelids for a full day's work.
  4. Close your eyes and use your nose as an elongated pen, write them something in the air. Write the names of countries, colors, etc. "Letter nose" can be used as a first aid when there is tension during the day, wherever it occurs. Hold your eyes while performing the "nose letter" loosely covered, and under the eyelids, involuntary eye movements will begin with a frequency of about 70 times per second. After you open your eyes, sight will seem clearer to you.
  5. In heavily strained eyes, heavy eyebrows seem to fall on the eyelashes. With a conscious effort raise your eyebrows. Do you have any feelings in the upper ears? Try to do this until the sensations appear. Now practice this way until you can reproduce the same sensations in your ears without lifting your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead. When you can achieve this, the whole weight automatically rises from the eyes, the eyes get rid of its pressure, and you will look a few years younger.
  6. Now make finger turns, holding your finger in front of your nose. Do this exercise to account 25-30, alternately opening and closing your eyes.
  7. While you are still lying on your back, make a palm( close your eyes with your hands, try to relax and see the perfect black color) for five minutes, slipping the cushion under your elbows.
  8. When you get out of bed, make big turns by putting on slippers or just standing barefoot on the floor.

Although the description of these eight exercises seems to be long, you only need 10 minutes to complete them. You will be surprised at how little time you need to start the day with fresh forces.

Exercises for the eyes during the day - Bates method

First . Central locking - focus on any subject at a distance or near for about a minute. Watch should not blinking until the tears begin to flow. The distance to the object is 48-50 cm, the pose is comfortable, relaxed. The look can be fixed on the top of the candle flame, on a small black circle pinned to the wall. The smaller the object for fixation, the better.

After several months of training on the subject, you can go to the contemplation of clean water. Pour water into a beautiful vase and contemplate for about 10 minutes the center of reflection created by ordinary light. The vase should be positioned so that the focus of reflection is in the center of the plate, this glossy surface should be contemplated.

An excellent subject of central fixation is the contemplation of various objects of nature, such as water, sky, clouds.

The second .Contemplation of the nose. Sit down and relax. Keep your neck straight, fix your eyes on the top of your nose. Behold 1-2 minutes and then close your eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.

Third .Eyebrow contemplation. After a moment's rest with your eyes closed, fix your eyes on the spot between the eyebrows. Look for 1-2 minutes. Close your eyes for rest.

Fourth .Contemplation of the right shoulder. Keep the neck, body and head straight and firmly. Record a look at the end of your right shoulder 1-2 minutes. Close your eyes for rest.

Fifth .Contemplation of the left shoulder. Perform, as for the right, in the opposite direction.

All five exercises listed above are useful to combine in one complex and perform daily. Exercising them strengthens the muscles of the eyeball, natural fixation and accommodation. Advantages of the technique: the ability to cure 4 major visual impairments - refractive errors:

  1. of farsightedness,
  2. myopia,
  3. astigmatism,
  4. strabismus.

    Complete complex of exercises for vision recovery: Bates-Zhdanov method


The full restoration of vision comes with regular lessons from 3 months to a year, if you have not worn glasses yet.

Exercises gymnastics for the eyes relieve stress, stress, improve many functions of the body, give a full rest and a sense of security.

Contraindications: the complex of exercises can not be carried out with detachment of the retina, after the operation before the eyes until half a year.

General and basic exercises. Performed without glasses, an hour before meals.

Technique of Shichko-Bates

For the past 100 years, Bates's technique has been applied and modified by his followers. Now the Shichko-Bates method is widely advertised, the author of which is the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences VG Zhdanov .

VG Zhdanov connected together two areas: the theory of Bates and the methodology of the psychoanalyst GA Shichko, strengthening the psychological aspect of the method of eye treatment.

GAShichko discovered that social malicious programs( stereotypes of behavior) are destroyed during sleep, if before that the person in his diary will write a suggestion. Shichko proved in practice that the written word affects the psyche tens of times stronger than the word heard, pronounced or read.

According to the technique of Shichko, before going to bed a person writes down the vital program of restoring health by special phrases, reprograms value orientations in social and personal life. Psychological attitudes are formulated with detailed phrases, full words.

For example:

  1. "I will fix my vision",
  2. "Every hour I let my eyes relax",
  3. "Every day I feel that my vision is getting better and better",
  4. "I see the smallest details around me."

After writing down the phrases, the exercise "palming" is done and the person goes to sleep.

Zhdanov formalized his method in the form of lectures, began to speak across the country, stating that the Bates method is effective in conjunction with the Shichko system and related activities for:

  1. separate nutrition,
  2. therapeutic starvation,
  3. body cleansing.

Of course, that's right, but let's not forget about Bates's basic method!

Method and lectures of Professor Zhdanov VG

With the method of Professor VG Zhdanov you should read more here by downloading and quietly reading the full information material:

  • 1-lecture
  • 2-lecture
  • 3-lecture
  • 4-lecture
  • 5-lecture
  • 6-lecture

Despite the apparent information congestion in the lectures - this is a good selection, where you can learn how to improve overall health, visual acuity, study the Shichko-Bates method and get rid of bad habits, including smoking, drug addictionand alcoholisma.

Exercises for the eyes of the Bates method

In modern life, Bates writes, the human psyche is under constant strain. The cause of the progressive deterioration of vision in people can not be that they began to read a lot and sit at the computer, since visual disturbances at the near point( farsightedness) are found almost no less than disturbances of vision in the distance( nearsightedness).

Eye with normal vision never makes an effort to see. Vision is ideal when the eyes are in a state of absolute rest, and any mental stress causes a conscious or unconscious eye strain. Therefore, in order to see well, a constantly relaxed state of the psyche and the organ of vision is necessary.

Bates developed special exercises for each type of refraction anomaly. But there are basic exercises that can be performed for all types of visual impairment( nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia( senile vision), all exercises are performed without glasses, otherwise their effectiveness is zero

Palming: immersion

Bates says that complete relaxationthe eye is reached when protecting them from light reaching the retina. The word "Palming" is derived from the English word "Palm"( palm). For this exercise you need to close your eyes and cover them with the palms folded "house", so that the fingers of both hands are crossed on the forehead. Thus the palms can be rubbed against each other to warm up.

But even with complete exclusion of light, the visual centers of the brain usually remain excited, which is manifested as residual light images before the eyes, a kaleidoscope ofin different shades of black. To get rid of this, one can mentally imagine objects of black color or black blobs creeping into light spots. Breathing should be measured and calm. The goal is to see a flat, absolutely black field. And this is possible only with complete relaxation.

Palming is the best way to relax the nerves of all senses, including vision. When you can achieve perfect relaxation of the eye muscles( which corresponds to the vision of the ideal black), it will be completely preserved after opening the eyes, and vision will improve for a long time.

You can do palmings in any free time, unlimited number of times a day, for 3-5 minutes, as soon as eye fatigue is felt. It is also recommended to do palming before bedtime.

Memories of

When a person is able to recall as clearly as possible any of the manifestations of the senses, his psyche at this moment is ideally relaxed. Any pleasant memory gives rest to the psyche.

Exercise: Close your eyes and try to remember any taste, smell or sound, for example, the ticking of a clock. If you can clearly remember something and immerse yourself in this memory, your psyche will come to a state of perfect peace. Then, if you cover your closed eyes with your hands, you will see absolute blackness. In the future, you can do this exercise with your eyes open.

Mental representation of

When vision is imperfect, visual memory and presentation are also disturbed. The psychic adds its distortions to the imperfect image on the retina. The view is closely related to the memory, although slightly different from it. The idea follows the memory, since it is possible to imagine something only when it is possible to remember it.

  1. Exercise 1. During palming, represent alternately a black dress, a black hat, a black curtain, etc., keeping the inner eye of each thing for no longer than a second. You can search through the memory of all the letters of the alphabet, representing them completely black.
  2. Exercise 2. Hang a table to test the vision 3-6 meters away from yourself in a well-lit place. Look at one letter from the lowest line, which can be clearly and effortlessly discerned. Then close your eyes, make a palm and imagine this letter as dark as possible. After opening the eyes, this letter should look more clear, as well as the ones located next to it.

Moving and swaying

Vision is impaired when the eyes are fixed for a long time at a single point. A conscious or unconscious movement of the eye from side to side gives the eyes a rest.

  1. Exercise 1. Look at any letter in the table, and then on another letter of the same line, at a distance from the first. The first letter should be seen worse. Move your eyes from one letter to another, looking at each and concentrating on it for a few seconds. In this case, the illusion of line movement from side to side must arise.
  2. Exercise 2. Look at any large letter, and then on a smaller letter at a considerable distance from it, while the larger letter should be seen worse. If the exercise is performed correctly, the table seems to move up and down, and after the exercise the vision of both letters improves.
  3. Exercise 3. Look at one edge of the selected letter, then the other. You can move from the top to the bottom of the letter, from one side to the other, or from one corner to a point at a different angle. There must be an illusion of rocking the letter. When this succeeds, the visual acuity will improve.

You can also close your eyes, imagine a letter in black light and mentally swing it. To some people, the mental swing succeeds better than the visual one. But you can not swing the letters with effort. They should swing as if by themselves.

Blinking or blinking

Close your eyes and make a palm. Then open your eyes, look at a fraction of a second on any small letter on the checklist, close again and repeat the relaxation. At the end of the exercise, squeeze and relax your closed eyes several times, remove your hands from your face, make several turns with your head from side to side, without opening your eyes and rotating your eyeballs, and then quickly blink.

For someone more effective will be one exercise, but for someone else. The ways in which people strain their eyes to see, are diverse. Therefore, the methods used to relieve tension should also be diverse.


  1. Exercise 1. Stand with your legs apart shoulder width apart. Turn the shoulders, head and eyes at the same time 90 degrees to the right, while the left heel can be torn off the floor. Then just turn left. Alternate these turns, which must be done continuously, easily and effortlessly. Breathing is calm and deep. The most important thing is not to focus on the objects passing by, and do not forget that this is not physical exercise, but an exercise for relaxing the eyes and developing the vision. You can make 50-100 such turns, in the morning after a dream and in the evening before a dream.
  2. Exercise 2. Place your index finger in front of your nose and turn your head from side to side, glancing past your finger. It will seem that the finger is moving. This sensation will increase if you close your eyes and make turns so that the tip of the nose always touches your finger.


Contrary to popular belief, do not abuse sunglasses. You need to accustom your eyes to the bright light. Sunlight is necessary to them as well as the state of rest and relaxation. It supports the health of the eyes, strengthens them, stimulates metabolism, gives vitality and shine to the eye.

  1. Exercise 1. Close your eyes and set your face to bright sunlight. Turn your head and body freely to the right and to the left. When the eyes get used to the bright light, you can briefly lift the upper eyelid of one eye, while looking down, so that the sun shone on the sclera. Then repeat the same with the other eye. If there is the slightest strain in your eyes, blink. Solarization should be carried out strictly dosed.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand on the edge of a thick shadow, for example, on the corner of the house or in a lighted doorway. Put one leg not shadow area, and another - on brightly lit. Close your eyes, lift your head, take a deep breath and begin to make turns with your head from side to side, so that the closed eyes alternately pass through the sunny and unlighted areas. At the same time, you need to focus on the process, you can mentally repeat: "The sun comes, the sun goes away."Do the exercise until the eyes adapt to the light.
  3. Exercise 3. When your eyes get used to light, you can cover one closed eye with your hand and open the second with your palm. Continue to make turns, glancing with open eyes on the ground or floor and blinking continuously. Then raise your head and continue turning, blinking rapidly and looking directly at the sun. Repeat with the other eye, and then again with two eyes closed. In conclusion, make a palming, the duration of which should be 2 times greater than that of solarization.

Instead of the sun, you can use a lamp or a candle. But sunlight is the most optimal and natural option.

Results of the Bates method

The results of the Bates method are very different, just as the responses of different people are very contradictory. Some of them managed to restore vision with the help of this technique( especially in cases where the cause of poor vision was muscle spasm).Most people manage to improve vision by a few diopters. But there are also reports about the total absence of any result.

The most important thing in this technique( as, indeed, in any other case) is to carry out exercises regularly and systematically. You can draw an analogy with strength training in the gym: if you quit training, the results are lost very quickly. Similarly, in this case: after the termination of training, vision may become the same as it was before they began, within a couple of weeks.

If someone can easily recognize Bates's method without the glasses of familiar people on the street without straining his eyes, see the number of the approaching bus or the price tag in the store - perhaps most will agree that this is already a good achievement.

Folk remedies for eye treatment and eyesight improvement at home

To improve vision, eat herb portolaki in the form of salads, drink infusions and decoctions of it, lubricate the eyes of with olive oil .

Lilac flowers steamed like tea( 1 teaspoon for a glass of boiling water) and for 3-5 minutes apply to the eyes tampons made from gauze napkins, moistened with a steaming paste.

Sprouted potato sprouts ( especially appearing in the spring), dry, insist 1 tablespoon in a glass of vodka( 7 days).Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day after eating for a month.

Cinnamon cinnamon. Infusion of flower briar( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water) is used in folk medicine to wash the eyes and lotions( 20 minutes a night) with weakened vision.

Infusion of medium-sized starfish( drizzle) Bury your eyes with opacity of the cornea.

Bear onion( wild garlic). In case of poor eyesight, it is recommended to take as much bear onions as possible in any form.

Ocherka. In case of poor eyesight, rinse eyes twice a day with infusion of this herb or put on 20 minutes 2 times a day compresses from her infusion.

"Eye grass" consider mint. It is used for food, mint juice( mixed with honey and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1) instilled eyes( 2-3 drops in the morning and evening).To improve eyesight, use mint oil( prepared as a hunter's eye).1 drop of peppermint oil should be mixed with 100 ml of water and bury in both eyes 2-3 drops 2 times a day.

Preparations Chinese magnolia, ginseng, zamanichi and pantocrin improve visual acuity, especially night vision.

Dressings from coriander leaves of are applied to the eyes for 10-20 minutes 1-2 times a day with poor eyesight.

In ancient folk remedies it is recommended to drink daily from within 100 g lamb liver, for 3 months, and then eat this liver in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also use beef liver, but it acts weaker.

Juice of onion with honey grease the eyes, both to improve the eyesight and to remove the thorn.

To prevent visual acuity reduction, drink without restriction decoction of inflorescence of red clover.

If vision deteriorated sharply as a result of the stress state of the or neural shock, then boil the hard egg, cut in half, remove the yolk, and squirrel still hot with an empty middle apply to the eyes without touching the eyeball itself.

Improves eyesight tincture of ginger, applied daily inside( 1 tablespoon in the morning) for a long time.

Salads, cabbage soup from nettle and thyme, systematically used in food, improve eyesight.

Plum plum, mixed with honey, is applied inside and for lubricating the eyes to enhance visual acuity.

Drink the rhizomes of the ara drink constantly for 2-3 months to improve vision and resorption of the thorn.

Improve the vision of steamed horse sorrel, peeled cucumber, grated apples, which are applied to the eyes. The same action is provided by warm proteins of baked eggs, sprinkled with sugar, and raw potatoes with egg whites.

Take daily sprouting cereal sprouts instead of breakfast . The course of treatment - 1,5-2 months. Preparation and application of cereal sprouts is described in the chapter "Atherosclerosis".

Bay Leaf.4-5 laurel leaves brew in a glass of boiling water. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day with poor eyesight.

Ginseng promotes cure for many diseases and improves the photosensitivity of the eye.

Eating fennel powdered with honey improves vision.

If the vision is weakened for the night, the lotion of the following herbs is applied to the eyes: calendula flowers, cornflower petals and ostrich grass, taken equally. Treatment lasts up to 6 months. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to overexpose the vision with a long reading, embroidery, etc.

Video on the subject

Complete complex of exercises for 100% eye vision restoration - Zhdanov's method

It is forbidden to be shown on television. This is a course of exercises, gymnastics for the eyes and recommendations for the inclusion of additional foods to nutrition to restore vision.

It's time to heal your eyes in a natural and proven way! If you have vision problems, this does not mean that you have to accept this and wear glasses. Yes, glasses help you today, but in the end, your eyesight will only get worse. The fact is that vision depends on the work of the oculomotor muscles( longitudinal, transverse).As soon as you put on your glasses, your eye muscles will stop working.

The main cause of myopia, hyperopia, strabismus and astigmatism is a violation of the eye muscles( there are only six).From this it follows that practically any person can fully restore vision with the help of eye exercises. Exercises are simple, but quite effective.

Hyperopia, nearsightedness, strabismus, astigmatism - everything is cured on its own using simple exercises by the method of William Bates. William Bates - American ophthalmologist has developed a system of exercises to restore vision.

Everyone who wears glasses, who reads in glasses, who get tired and hurt by the eyes, children see badly;parents - for you a unique complex-self-teacher of natural restoration of sight and improvement of eyes is spent by professor Zhdanov VG.

A self-healing complex for restoring eyesight and improving eyes( treating myopia, farsightedness, etc.) using the Bates-Shichko method. The epigraph for this complex is the command of Shichko: "He chose himself, help another!"

How to restore vision in one fortnight Prof. Zhdanov


  1. Corbett MD "How to get good vision without glasses".
  2. Illegov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.