What can I eat with diabetes: a diet and a list that you can not eat

Diabetes is the main diet, and in some cases the only treatment therapy.

Treatment should prevent or completely eliminate ketoacidosis, glucosuria, hyperglycemia, metabolic disorders, the likelihood of weight gain and diabetic microangiopathy.

Now to prevent the development of this disease use dietotherapy, insulin therapy and prescribe hypoglycemic drugs.

Contents of the article:

The main principles of
  • Proper nutrition
  • Useful and harmful products
  • How to go on a diet
  • Useful tips

  • The selection of treatment is carried out individually, for each patient, based on the general condition, the stage of pathology and clinical picture.

    Basic principles of

    First of all, calculate the amount of energy consumed daily. This will be the starting point, from which it is necessary to start off when selecting food.

    Energy received from food should be equal to the energy needs of the patient.

    It is difficult for a person to severely restrict themselves in eating, so you should select foods that will enhance the sense of satiety( cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, green peas, etc.).

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    It is important to remember that the liver needs lipotropic components that are present in oatmeal, cottage cheese, soy, etc.

    Proper nutrition

    To select the right diet, you can adhere to the following principles:

    1. The more fiber, the better. But it is worthwhile to minimize the consumption of refined carbohydrates and make several useful replacements:

    • white rice on brown;
    • macaroni for a coarse-grained peeled product;
    • white bread on rye;
    • potatoes for cauliflower or yams;
    • corn flakes for oatmeal, etc.

    2. To study the glycemic index of products.
    This gives a complete picture of how the food consumed affects the level of sugar.
    Patients are advised to use products with low and medium GI.

    And do you know what choleretic herbs are recommended for use in stagnant bile? See the list of medicinal plants in the material posted on the page under the link.

    On the benefits and harm of Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes mellitus is written in this article.

    3. Do not abuse products containing a large percentage of starch.

    4. It is necessary to use any possibility of using untreated cereal crops.

    5. You can not combine sweets with products that have a low GI score.

    6. In the diet should be present useful fats.

    7. The intake of saturated fats contained in products of animal origin is restricted.

    8. Portions should be small, but the number of such "snacks" can reach 5-7.

    9. If you have a menu of sweets, you need to trim other foods that have carbohydrates in their composition.

    10. Control of fat intake will help prevent the development of SSS.
    The following substitutions can be used:

    • avocado cheese;
    • red meat on fish;
    • fried on boiled;
    • chips for nuts;
    • cream on milk;
    • vegetable oil for olive, etc.

    11. The number and multiplicity of meals should be better recorded in a diary.

    An important place in the treatment of diabetes is physical activity. There is no need to enroll in the gym with a slight excess of body weight.

    It is enough to replace a trip of one stop for a walk, more walking outdoors and doing morning exercises.

    Useful and harmful products

    Dietotherapy is prescribed to maintain the sugar within acceptable limits, reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, improve the overall well-being of the patient and reduce the risk of comorbidities.

    For many patients, weight loss is also relevant, which, in fact, means the word "diet" itself.

    And what do you know about rubbing with vinegar at a child's temperature? How quickly to bring down the heat of children read in a useful article.

    About treatment of the liver and gallbladder folk remedies written here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /zhkt/ diareja.html written how to help with diarrhea at home.

    To prevent ambiguities about what can and can not be used in diabetes, it is better to present the information clearly as a table:

    Products Allowed Prohibited
    Meat Non-fat( dietary) cut from pork, lamb, turkey and veal.
    The best option is a rabbit and a chicken. Preferred steaming, cooking and baking without oil. The liver can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
    Sausages should be a dietary variety.
    Pork and beef with a high fat content, which can not be completely cut off.
    Should be abandoned duck, smoked meat, goose and canned food.
    Fish Any non-fat types after steam processing, baked and boiled.
    From canned fish prefer those that are closed in tomato or in its own juice.
    All fatty varieties, salted and smoked fish.
    You can not eat caviar and canned food in oil.
    Dairy products In a limited number allowed - cottage cheese, milk, sour cream and sour-milk products. Cheeses, cheese masses, sweet cheese products, cream.
    Groats It should be limited within the limits of carbohydrate dosage - barley, pearl, oat, wheat and buckwheat. Munch, pasta.
    Vegetables Carbohydrates are calculated for potatoes, peas, carrots and beets. Preferably the use of zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, etc. Any pickled or salted vegetables.
    Sauces and condiments All non-fat options cooked on mushroom, vegetable or fish broth.
    The intake of salt, sugar, horseradish, mustard and any pepper is limited.
    Fatty hot and strongly salty sauce options and gravy.
    Sweets and fruits Fresh fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties. Compotes, jellies, sweets and mousses on sugar substitutes. Limited use of honey. Sugar, ice cream, dates, jam, raisins, bananas, grapes, figs.
    Drinks Coffee with milk and tea on artificial sweeteners or without them, juices from vegetables and sweet and sour fruit, decoctions of herbs, berries and fruits. Sweet juices( grape, pineapple), drinks containing sugar.

    How to go on a diet

    It is very difficult for a person to rebuild from a normal diet to a diet.

    Not everyone can handle this normally, so sometimes you need a smooth transition.

    In such cases it is better to gradually replace the products.

    For example, the first week to get used to hard bread, and then gradually replace all foods with diet.

    To simplify the diet for diabetes, it is best to take advantage of the following tips:

    1. Do not buy products that can provoke a rise in blood sugar.
    This is relevant even for those cases when a person does not take for themselves.
    It's very easy to get rid of the diet , so it's best to always replace sweets with fruits, juices, jellies, etc.

    2. If it's easy, can not bear the sweet intolerably, then you can make an equal exchange.
    For this, the diet excludes foods rich in carbohydrates( potatoes, cereals, bread), replacing it with vegetables.
    This makes it possible to eat a little sweet dessert( about 100 g).

    3. Correctly to make a parity in food the visual separation of a plate will help.

    Half the plates are filled with vegetables and eat them first.¼ plates are taken for protein( fish, lean meat, etc.).

    The remaining place on the plate is left for carbohydrates( potatoes, cereals, etc.).

    4. For a daily dose of cereals, two tablespoons in raw form are sufficient.
    Bread must be cut to 100 g.

    5. It is necessary to discard carbonated drinks and juice juices.
    Such liquids can easily be replaced with mineral water, broths, tea, natural juice, etc.

    6. When cooking cutlets to stuffing, oat flakes, carrots, greens, but not bread should be added.

    7. Not everyone can eat raw vegetables, so you can bake them or grind them into pate with the addition of greens.

    8. The food should be thoroughly chewed and swallowed as slowly as possible.
    The body takes time to analyze and process information.

    When the saturation reaches approximately 80%, you should stop eating and after a while( minutes 15-20) there will be a feeling of satiety.

    Useful advices

    Strict cuts of calories during the diet is not required, because this is one of the main reasons for the disruption of therapy.

    The patient should eat exactly as much as is consumed during the usual mode of the day.

    In case of encountering excessive physical stress, it is necessary to revise the energy value of the diet.

    In diabetes, it is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor and take the necessary drugs. Only so, you can normalize the general condition.

    Diabetes - on the verdict!- so says Dr. Brand. What foods can be eaten and which can not be, you will learn about it during the viewing.

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