How useful is the lime flower for women during pregnancy?

Lime tree is a tree that saves from many diseases. Many centuries ago people drank a lime flower, completely cured of many ailments.

In addition to healing properties - this amazing plant helps to correct cosmetic deficiencies, increases the tone of the body, helps women forget about women's diseases.

  • What is the secret of the healing properties of
  • What diseases treats
  • What contraindications are available
  • Traditional medicine recipes
  • Rules for collection of lime-colored
  • Important note

It is necessary to know how to collect, store and store lime blossom, then phytotherapy will be effective.

The secret of the healing properties of

The composition of linden blossoms includes a large number of healthy substances:

  • ascorbic acid - vitamin C promotes vascular strengthening, replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body, increases immunity,
  • tannins are components that show bactericidal action,
  • flavonoids - food antioxidants, have an anti-allergic effect,
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  • talicin - glycoside , which has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects,
  • caroJohn - substances that improve vision,
  • phytohormones - hormones are similar in structure to the female hormones, so lime color helps the beautiful half of the earth to recover from many gynecological diseases.

Lime blossom has antipyretic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect.

What diseases treats

Folk medicine uses linden color in the following diseases:

  • cold, viral infections with high fever, cough, bronchitis,
  • inflammation in the kidney and bladder,
  • diseases of the digestive system, intestinal colic,
  • gynecological diseases,
  • neuralgia, headaches, hysteria, nervous overexcitation,
  • angina, laryngitis, other throat diseases,
  • burns, skin ulcers, joint inflammation( in this case, lotions are made from the infusion of colors),
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hair loss.

You can make broths and infusions from a plant. The use of lime oil is widespread.

And what do you know about the beneficial properties and contraindications of St. John's wort? Tips and recommendations for use are described in an interesting article.

The application of dry, adsorbed royal jelly in granules is written on this page.

What are the contraindications to

Despite the many useful properties, in lime-colored color has contraindications to .Broths can not be used by people who have bad blood coagulability.

Lipa has a liquefying effect for blood. Do not take it and people suffering from heart disease. The lime strengthens the sweating that creates a high load on the heart muscle .

Lime blossom is a medicinal plant, it is designed to treat certain diseases. You can not drink it every day instead of tea.

Overabundance of a medicinal plant in the human body leads to the fact that its functioning is disturbed.

Important! If you too long to drink lime blossom, then a person will have heart problems( this is affected by the antipyretic ability of the linden), the functioning of the kidneys will worsen.

When using any medicine, you need to know the extent.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine for many centuries collected recipes from various diseases. Lime flowers can cure various diseases.

Each case uses its own recipe. When using the recipe, you must observe the proportions and the way of application.

Catarrhal diseases

Due to the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, linden well helps with colds and other viral infections.

With a common cold it is recommended to drink lime tea, the use of which is undeniable.
For its preparation, take:

  • three tablespoons of the plant, pour half a liter of boiling water,
  • boil boil for twenty minutes on a small fire.

Drink during the day.

In case of pneumonia, flu or angina it is recommended to take a glass of boiling water, pour two large spoons of lime blossom, to protect the resulting mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.

After the mixture has cooled, it must be filtered and poured boiled water to the initial volume( 1 glass).

Cook the broth 3 times a day for half a cup. If desired, add honey.

Important! Treatment with lime should not replace medical treatment. Lime blossom can perfectly complement it, improving the condition of the patient.

With a sore throat rinse your throat with a lime infusion.
To do this, take 3 large spoons of flowers, fill them with half a liter of boiling water.
Let it stay for 20 minutes.
In a strained infusion, add a little soda.
Gargle is recommended 5 - 7 times a day.

Gynecological problems

Lime blossom in gynecology is used as an additional treatment if the woman does not have contraindications to the plant.

With whites, colpitis, or itching, can be syringed with a strong infusion of lime.
Eight tablespoons of flowers pour a liter of steep boiling water, insist 8 hours. Infusion warm to a warm state, syringing done in the morning and evening for two weeks.

And what you know about kiprej, useful properties and contra-indications of which are described in the current article? Read about the recommendations of traditional medicine before cooking broths at home.

Pro recipes for cleaning the intestines at home is written in this article.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /raznoe/ magnitoterapiya.html written about the treatment of magnets at home.

If you break the cycle of menstruation or pain during menstruation will help fake tea.
Two teaspoons of flowers pour 250 milliliters of boiling water.
Insist a decoction for 15 minutes.
After that, put the mixture on a water bath and simmer for half an hour.
Drink like tea 2 to 3 times a day until there is an improvement.

Lipa will help with the climacteric period .
You need to drink ordinary lime tea every day until you feel the improvements.
Phytohormones, part of the linden, soften the restructuring in the female body.

Folk healers are confident that lime blossom can resolve even tumors of the uterus .
But to use such methods it is necessary only after consultation with the doctor.


Lime blossom has a diluting effect. People with an increased risk of blood clots are useful to drink lime decoction:

  • 1 tablespoon of flowers pour a liter of boiling water.

Pour the infusion in a thermos, push for 8 hours.
Decoction should be consumed 30 days as a tea.

Diseases of the digestive system

When intestinal colic, urolithiasis, stomach diseases, you need to prepare a medicine from linden.

  • 3 tablespoons linden grind into a mushy mixture,
  • add the same amount of honey.

Take three times a day on a teaspoonful until you feel better.

For the cholagogue effect of , you need to make a special decoction.
Take 2 large spoons of flowers, fill them with 250 milliliters of boiling water and heat on low heat for 15 minutes.
Then cool to room temperature.
Finished decoction, strain and drink 1 glass a day after meals, 3 times a day.

Stress, insomnia, nervous overstrain

Stress helps also the bath on lime blossom.

Soak two glasses of dried flowers with a liter of boiling water.

Pour the infusion into a hot bath.

It takes 30 minutes to take a bath.

Diabetes mellitus

Lime blossom does not cure of endocrine disease, but it will significantly improve well-being.1 large spoonful of lime blossom with a glass of boiled water, insist an hour.

Infusion take 100 milliliters immediately after eating.
Drinking is based on your own well-being.

Women's beauty and lime-colored

Lime is a good tool that supports women's beauty. Return the former shine of the skin, forget about the lethargy of the epidermis will help the following recipe:

  • pour a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water, cool and strain.

The resulting composition is poured into ice molds and freezed. Daily massage the face with a herbal cube, wrapping it in gauze beforehand.

The beauty of the skin will help restore the next tonic:

  • a glass of lime blossoms pour boiling water( the water should cover the flowers a little),
  • keep the mixture on a small fire for about half an hour, try not to allow the mixture to boil.

Collect the resulting liquid and rub it with the skin several times a day.

Well tones and rejuvenates the skin the following procedure:

  • brew a glass of lime tea,
  • add to it 2 tablespoons of honey.

Wash in this solution.
After rinsing the face with clean running water.

Lipa will become your friend and for problems with hair .
Mix eight tablespoons of flowers with 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes.
This decoction should be rinsed immediately after washing.
To achieve even better effect, you can add to the broth and other herbs.

Daily rinsing of the mouth decoction of linden color will prevent the appearance of wounds and other problems with the gums and the beginning caries.

Lime oil

  1. Fresh flowers must be grinded into a gruel, tightly folded into a jar.
  2. Blend the mixture with any vegetable oil, completely covering the linden flowers.
  3. The oil must be preheated well beforehand.
  4. Close the jar with the resulting mixture and put it in the sun.
  5. Soak oil for 3 weeks, stir it daily with a wooden spoon.
  6. After filter through gauze and pour over the bubbles.

    Store in cool place. .

Made of linden oil compresses, it is indispensable for trophic ulcers, articular rheumatism, mastopathy.

Tampons moistened with oil can be placed with erosion of the cervix. They are administered daily, starting from the sixth day after menstruation, to finish 5 days before the new cycle.

Rules for collecting lime-colored

The effect of therapy depends on whether you have collected the plant correctly. There are basic rules for collecting lime-colored flowers:

  • collection of flowers should be kept away from roads and gassed places, it is desirable to collect lime trees in forest plantations or park areas,
  • in the inflorescence should be a lot of flowered flowers along with unblown buds( usually in late June - early July).If you collect the linden sooner or later, then many useful properties will be lost,
  • flowers should be dried in a well ventilated room, they should not be exposed to direct sunlight,
  • store a lime color in hermetically sealed glass jars.

Important note

Lipa is useful for people of any gender and age. Lime flowers have truly magical properties. They are used not only in folk medicine, but also in the manufacture of medicines.

Lime-colored little contraindications and many useful properties. This unique plant should be in every home.

You will learn about useful properties of lime color while watching the proposed video.

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