Low blood pressure in pregnancy: causes and treatment

From this article you will learn about such a common phenomenon as low blood pressure during pregnancy. We will try to determine which blood pressure is considered to be low for expectant mothers, what are the causes of such a condition, what is its danger and how to help a pregnant woman in this case.

Article content:

  • Five causes of low blood pressure in pregnant women
  • Treatment of hypotension of pregnant women

Low blood pressure is a frequent complaint of expectant mothers at different periods of pregnancy. The fact that the pregnancy status in itself predisposes to changes in the work of the heart, blood vessels and, accordingly, fluctuations in blood pressure.

Such a concept as "low blood pressure," or hypotension, in a pregnant woman, does not lend itself to any clear definition. For every pregnant woman this concept will have an individual framework. On average, in a non-pregnant woman with normal blood pressure during pregnancy, the "working" pressure will be approximately 100/60 - 110/70 mm Hg. Art. However, these figures are rather arbitrary, because the woman-hypotonics during pregnancy, the pressure will drop even lower, and in patients with high normal or initially elevated it equates to the average statistical rate.

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An important criterion of the reduced pressure will be not so much the indicators of the tonometer as the complaints of the patient accompanying the drop in blood pressure:

  • Weakness, drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Headache, heaviness in temples.
  • Dizziness, severe weakness when changing body position in space.
  • Shortness of breath, increased heart rate.
  • Sweating.
  • Often with severe hypotension in the mother, the fetus also responds to her condition. Fetal movements may become less frequent, less severe, periods of "sleep" may lengthen, and the recording of his cardiotocogram( CTG) will have a so-called "flaccid" or "monotonous" character.

Low conditional will be considered pressure below 90/60 mm Hg. Art. It is at such figures that there is a danger of insufficient blood supply to the internal organs, the brain of the woman herself, as well as the placenta and fetus. But with such pronounced BP falls, future mothers rarely encounter. The reason for such low pressure is the so-called vascular catastrophes such as shock, collapse, or severe blood loss. Such patients and their unborn children receive care in the conditions of intensive care with the use of specialized cardiovascular drugs and measures of emergency prevention of blood supply disorders of internal organs.

It is important to understand that the low pressure is within 90/60 mm Hg. Art.without appropriate complaints of the pregnant woman and pathological conditions from the fetus is not a diagnosis and does not need treatment.

Usually the problem of low blood pressure and its symptoms during pregnancy is engaged in a leading pregnancy gynecologist in conjunction with a female therapist.

Five causes of low blood pressure during pregnancy

We list the main causes of lowered blood pressure in expectant mothers:

  1. Physiological restructuring of the cardiovascular system - lowering the resistance of blood vessels, the volume of circulating blood and the so-called centralization of blood flow - redistribution of the main blood flow to the growing uterus and fetus.
  2. Early toxicosis of pregnant women is a pathological reaction of a woman's organism to pregnancy, manifested by nausea, vomiting and associated low blood pressure, weakness, dizziness.
  3. Uncontrolled and often completely useless medication "to maintain" or "preserve" pregnancy - high doses of antispasmodics, magnesium and progesterone drugs relax the wall of blood vessels, reducing blood pressure.
  4. Incorrect appointment, incorrect doses, or uncontrolled admission of a specialized cardiovascular drug to a pregnant woman. For example, pregnant women with hypertension often continue to take the usual dose of medication before pregnancy, without consulting a female therapist.
  5. Strong overfatigue, chronic lack of sleep, poor nutrition, stress, lack of fresh air, sedentary lifestyle of many expectant mothers do not have a better effect on the vascular tone, provoking that hypotension, then uncontrolled pressure jumps in the type of vegeto-vascular dystonia.

Treatment of hypotension in pregnant women

Once again, we do not need anything to do with a lowered blood pressure of a pregnant woman in the absence of complaints! To treat low blood pressure in pregnant women is necessary for some of its clinical manifestations - most often it is weakness, lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness.

We list the main principles of treatment of hypotension in pregnant women:

  • Elimination of provoking factors - elimination of "extra" drugs, correction of early toxicosis, normal nutrition and so on.
  • A very important aspect in the treatment of low blood pressure and related complaints is reasonable physical activity and hardening procedures. Swimming, yoga, pilates, gymnastics for pregnant women, breathing techniques are useful not only for vessels, but also will provide indispensable help in childbirth.
  • Walking in the open air is mandatory for expectant mothers - the active supply of oxygen activates the heart, improves the tone of the vessels and has an excellent toning effect.
  • Another extremely controversial issue is the intake of coffee during pregnancy. Many pregnant women believe that a fragrant drink in the waiting period of the child is under strict prohibition. In fact, this is not so! A mug of good ground coffee with cream or milk is not only allowed, but also absolutely necessary for a pregnant woman with low blood pressure. Of course, you can not abuse coffee - a day is recommended to take no more than two mugs. The drink should be not strong and exclusively grain.
  • A wonderful effect on the tone of blood vessels and blood pressure is provided by green tea - it can and should be consumed by pregnant women. In addition to the tonic effect, green tea is an excellent mild diuretic, which can be useful for the appearance of edema.
  • Tonic effect is possessed by pharmaceutical means - ginseng extract, eleutherococcus, ginkgo biloba. These herbal extracts are sold in the form of tinctures, and in the form of various food additives. Take these supplements according to the instructions, since different media will have different concentrations of active substance.
  • A wonderful remedy for many unpleasant conditions during pregnancy is the root of ginger. In addition to normalizing the pressure, improving metabolism, it has an excellent remedy for toxemia. Brew a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger root with several slices of lemon and a tablespoon of honey with a liter of boiling water and take this broth throughout the day.
  • The tonic is also walnuts. Prepare the nut-vitamin paste. To do this, take a glass of peeled walnuts, one small lemon with a peel and a tablespoon of honey. Pass the ingredients through the meat grinder, fold it into a glass jar and store it under the lid in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. To increase the level of nutrients in the paste, you can add dried fruits and other nuts.
  • Categorically contraindicated for pregnant women are so effective at low pressure decoctions of tansy and immortelle! These herbs have long since been used by herbalists around the world to interrupt pregnancy and the inducing of childbirth, so taking them with a desired pregnancy is dangerous.

Before starting self-treatment, consult a doctor and find out if low blood pressure affects the baby's condition.