Nervous stomach pains

  • How is the stomach and nerves interconnected?
  • Possible causes of the pathological condition
  • Nervous gastritis
  • Stress ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • Nervous pancreatitis
  • Treatment
  • Reviews
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Anyone has heard the phrase: "All diseases from nerves" and this is no accident. In fact, scientists have proven the fact of the impact of the negative sphere on the human body and the appearance of any deviations.

People who are in a stressful state for a long time suffer from stomach pain from stomach nerves 3 times more often. In addition, other symptoms may appear, in the form of nausea and vomiting. In case of pain on the background of mental overstrain, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible, because they can be the first call of a serious pathology.

How is the stomach and nerves interconnected?

It's interesting to find out if the stomach can get sick of nerves? At the first manifestations of discomfort, many people begin to take various drugs that can worsen the state of health. With a strong mental overexcitation, there is a spasm of blood vessels and a decrease in the blood flow of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

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Over time, the surface changes. There may be the first manifestations of gastritis. Gradually, the mucous layer of the stomach stops functioning normally, and various diseases develop( gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer).

Inflammation also affects other organs of the digestive tract. There is pain in the epigastric region, which is periodic or permanent. Inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa can appear even with a normal diet, a healthy and healthy lifestyle.

At the initial stage of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the following symptoms appear:

  • abdominal pain in its different areas( depending on the site of inflammation localization);
  • nausea and the urge to vomit;
  • belching with air, having an unpleasant odor;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • heartburn, sensation of a full stomach;
  • feeling lump in the throat;
  • heart palpitations, leading to tachycardia.
Important! If a nervous disorder has at least one of the above symptoms, you need to immediately contact the gastroenterologist.

Possible causes of the pathological condition of

There are so many factors that can provoke pain, nausea and vomiting in humans. The main ones are pathogenic microorganisms, but there are also psychoemotional reasons: anxiety, stress and severe anxiety can lead to a decrease in the protective power of the organism.

As a result, the body's resistance decreases dramatically and the chance of getting sick increases several times. Hence the pain of a different nature, giving in the stomach. Further, factors that lead to the appearance of discomfort are considered.

Social phobia A predisposing factor is a feeling of experience before an important event, to be in a society of unknown people and not be afraid of fear of them
Strong stress or fear Experiences against a background of conflict with a close person, refusal to admit to the desired position, etc.
Overexcitation Reasons can be either positive or negative. Occurs against a background of long excitement before an important event.

. The most common cause of pathology is mockery and ridicule on the part of classmates and peers. In addition, teachers and parents can have the same negative impact on the child, due to pressure on him.

At school, children can also face stomach pain

Nervous gastritis

Inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa, the main cause of which are nervous diseases. The mechanism of the development of the disease is based on the violation of the circulation of internal organs due to a strong emotional tension.

As a result of this, the motility of the organ changes and the function of the stomach is disturbed. Bacteria that enter the cavity begin to multiply actively and a new focus of inflammation appears. In addition to the main symptoms of nervous gastritis( abdominal pain, belching, heartburn and burning sensation), there is general body fatigue, increased fatigue, drowsiness, and irregular heart rhythm.

Often, patients complain that it hurts to inhale air or they imply other diseases of the chest.

Stress ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Ulcerous lesions of the gastric wall and duodenum caused by severe stress( hence the name).The principle of the disease is identical with a nerve gastritis, only in the absence of the necessary treatment on the mucous membrane erosions of different sizes begin to appear. If the stomach hurts from nerves, you should immediately contact a specialist and go through FGS with a diagnostic purpose.

Nervous pancreatitis

Inflammatory pancreatic disease caused by psychoemotional overstrain. The mechanism of action of the disease is based on internal experiences, manifested most often in childhood. Why is there inflammation of the gland?

The fact is that the frequent cause of pathology is the lack of parental attention, bullying by peers, etc. Children begin to "jam" their grievances, often using sweets, semi-finished products, spicy and salty foods that seem to them unusually tasty. These actions calmed them and they eat again and again.

In addition to the heavy burden on the pancreas, small patients experience a sudden change in mood, they have decreased performance and have a hormonal disorder. Signs of pancreatitis are severe shingles of the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, fever, digestive disorders in the form of diarrhea.

Treatment of

Pain in the stomach and any part of the digestive tract caused by stress is treated in the same way as stress.

How to relieve stomach pain at home?

For this, it is worth observing some rules that allow the sooner to restore the normal functioning of the internal organs:

  • rest and bed rest;
  • soggy diet first week. You can for a while refuse to eat - after all, hunger allows you to relax your stomach, removing irritation and reducing the inflammatory process;
  • minor physical exercises( only with the permission of the attending physician);
  • to eliminate the cause of pain - to get out of a stressful situation( a psychologist or a good friend will come to the rescue);
  • resort to the use of herbs: decoction of chamomile, yarrow, caraway, flax seed, etc.

Treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and outpatient setting.

It should be noted that only a qualified doctor can determine the cause of pain in the stomach. Sometimes the lower abdomen and other parts of the stomach ache on the background of diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in no case should not engage in self-treatment, so as not to cause even greater harm to their health.


Maria, 17 years old:
I often have a nervous stomach. The first time I noticed that I began to feel uncomfortable when I was very nervous( at the exam in the school and the entrance examinations to the university).In addition to pain in the abdomen, there could be a feeling of a coma in the throat, a feeling of nausea, sometimes a disorder of the stool. I had to see a doctor, because I did not know what to do with such a problem. The treatment was aimed at calming the nerves and maintaining a diet for several weeks.
Irina, 42 years old:
I heard that the stomach can be sore with nerves. But I could not even think that the problem would concern me. My work is nervous, I work in a hospital in the department of oncology. Unfortunately, I often encounter the pain of other people and transfer all experiences through myself. The stomach began to ache after 4 years of my activity in this department. Such a system has already been developed: as soon as you are very nervous, so there is pain in the stomach, rumbling and spasm of the intestine. I follow all the doctor's recommendations, but I still can not eliminate the excitement.

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