Prevention of alcoholism

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Prevention of alcoholism is an urgent problem in Russia. Chronic alcoholism is a serious disease, which is based on physical and mental dependence on alcohol. This problem is observed everywhere in the world, and in Russia it has acquired the scale of a national disaster. Common negative examples of alcoholization of the population can be gleaned not only from media reports, but also from surrounding examples from the life of any person, regardless of the environment in which he lives.

The problem of alcoholism was observed from the beginning of the dawn of the appearance of mankind, and already the disease was peculiar not only to ordinary people, but also to the higher world. The rulers of the peoples took strict measures to control the sobriety of society, but these measures were perceived as repressive. Public disapproval, for example, was formed during the recent anti-alcohol reforms of perestroika under Mikhail S. Gorbachev in 1985-1991.

Among ordinary citizens there was a conviction that alcoholism is peculiar to homeless people and descended personalities. But after all, everyday drunkenness is widespread in all social strata. Some people consider alcohol to be a depressant. The fact of addiction to alcohol is not realized by most people. Feeling insecure, unrealized, stresses create the ground for a reason to relax, to give up problems( in fact, to escape life without solving life's problems and problems) with the help of alcoholic beverages. That complicates the treatment of alcoholism.

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Problems of alcoholism prevention

Prevention of alcoholism is the formation of a negative attitude towards alcohol. The main task is to achieve a way of life in which there is no place for alcoholic beverages. Various measures, measures, a plan, a program and methods for the prevention of alcoholism are used here.

Stages of prevention

Prevention can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Primary prevention - prevention of alcoholism. It can be work in school with a class hour on the prevention of alcoholism among minors. Lesson in the form of talks, lectures, demonstration of presentations about the dangers of alcohol among adolescents and young people. The plan of measures is aimed at the formation of alternative lines of life and the basis of spiritual values ​​without alcoholic beverages.

It is quite true that the consequences of alcoholism shown are horrible with social consequences - ruined fates, families, sick offspring, consequences for one's own health due to the negative influence of alcohol on the human body.

Information about the high mortality from alcohol and its negative impact on human health will help in the minds of people to form an unattractive attitude to alcoholic beverages.

We will not forget that beer is not such a harmless product. Beer dependence develops quickly and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

  1. Secondary prophylaxis of alcoholism is aimed at treating alcoholics themselves. It includes a program of work with the patient's family, interviews, meetings with individuals who already have experience in overcoming alcoholism, as well as extensive social and psychological assistance.

The development of alcoholism, despite general trends, occurs individually and depends on many factors in each case. Influence sex, heredity, the environment of the patient, his individual and personal characteristics. Female alcoholism is full of great harmful consequences, although it occurs more rarely. The more alcoholism is started, the less the chances of recovery, alcohol dependence is akin to drug addiction and substance abuse.

It can be noted that therapeutic methods, methods and means of traditional medicine can help, along with official methods in the treatment of alcoholism. Folk remedies are the use of medicinal properties of herbs and herbs to suppress cravings for alcohol, to strengthen the body and immunity, to relieve depressive disorders and sleep disorders.

  1. Tertiary prophylaxis is the help to the last courses of medical and psychotherapeutic treatment from alcoholism in the form of psychological consultations, individual and group sessions, trainings, participation in meetings of societies of anonymous alcoholics.

Like any disease, alcoholism is easier to prevent than treat, so prevention of alcoholism should be complete, reasonable and timely. And based on 2 strategies: 1) Reducing the risk factors leading to alcoholism.2) Strengthening of factors that reduce susceptibility to alcoholism.

Risk factors:

  • Health problems of the individual from the side of the psyche and the body.
  • Children in the family of parents of alcoholics.
  • Lack of resistance to social influences from drinking people.
  • Individually personal characteristics of the individual( low self-esteem, mood swings, uncertainty, low intelligence, etc.).
  • Unwillingness to learn and poor performance at school.
  • Barriers to communication with peers and loved ones.
  • Sex promiscuity and earlier onset of sexual activity.
  • Conflict families.

Protection factors:

  • Healthy psychological atmosphere in the family, cohesion, upbringing.
  • Stress-resistance, high intelligence and good psychophysical health.
  • Separate accommodation.
  • Regularity in medical examination.
  • Social welfare in the place of residence.
  • Compliance with public norms.

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