The first signs of pregnancy in the early period before the delay of menstruation, sensation at 1 week

How to find out the beginning of pregnancy in the early stages, even before the obvious delay in menstruation, for example, in the first week? Are there any precise objective first signs of fertilization of an egg with a sperm cell? Maybe it is the appearance of new unusual sensations, a complex of certain symptoms? These and other questions we will try to reason in this publication.

Without a doubt, pregnancy is one of the most important and exciting periods in the life of any woman. Most representatives of the weaker sex assume about the onset of pregnancy with a delay in menstruation, which is not always justified. Because the violation of the menstrual cycle can be a consequence of gynecological diseases, a malfunction of the hormonal background, strong emotional experiences on the background of stress.

To accurately talk about pregnancy, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo a special diagnostic examination. Listening to your body, to your sensations, you can catch the first signs of pregnancy, which can appear only 7-12 days after ovulation.

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Although in fact, there is one early indication of the possible onset of pregnancy is the small blood release of ( a few drops) long before before the expected menstruation of .Read about it below.


Signs of pregnancy 1 week before the delay of the monthly

The egg is fertilized by the sperm in the first day, more often in the first 12 hours after the ovulation. A week or 10-12 days after fertilization, the fetal egg is attached to the endometrium of the uterus.

At the attachment point of the embryo, the integrity of the mucosa is broken, some capillaries burst, which leads to implantation bleeding. It is this small release of blood long before the onset of menstruation is the very first sign of pregnancy.

For some, it remains unnoticed, becauseOnly a few drops of blood are released, others do not.

Chorionic gonadotropin( hCG) - a hormone produced from the moment of embryo embryoation and the entire gestation period - is responsible for the occurring changes in the female body. Therefore, at the 1st week pregnancy can not be felt, its first symptoms appear after the implantation period - for 7-12 days.

All clinical manifestations of pregnancy are divided into questionable, probable and reliable.

How do I know if I'm pregnant or not?

It seems to everyone that after fertilization the egg is attached to the uterine wall, and this begins to be accompanied by hormonal changes in the woman's body. But to argue that right from the 1st week of pregnancy will impose an imprint on the state of the fair sex, it would not be entirely correct. The first signs of oocyte fertilization may not be so obvious.

How is conception: the process of

Let's consider the stages of the beginning of pregnancy sequentially. After all, it is known that the most favorable time for conception of a child is the period of ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when the follicle is ruptured and the exit of the egg ready for fertilization.

All this is tentative. If suddenly, for some reason, the menstrual cycle has failed, then the timing of ovulation may shift and conception may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle.

A mature egg from the ovary enters the fallopian tube, into which spermatozoa penetrate. The most active among them penetrates through the shell of the egg and fertilizes it. Next, the egg begins to move to the uterine cavity. Along the way, it begins to divide and by the time of the transition to the uterus it is already transformed into a fetal egg, which consists of several hundred cells.

Implantation of the fetal egg occurs on the 7-10th day after ovulation.

After getting into the uterus the fetal egg does not immediately attach to its wall, and within 2 days is in a "suspended" state. During this time, progesterone prepares the surface of the uterus for implantation, relaxing its tissues. This is necessary to ensure that the walls of the uterus do not reject the foreign body.

There is often an attachment to the posterior wall of the uterus, as it is thicker, many vessels are concentrated in it and better conditions for the development of the embryo are created.

Implantation may fail for reasons:

  1. hormonal failure( changes in the concentration of progesterone, estrogen, glucocorticoid, prolactin);
  2. Unavailability of the endometrium( mucous membrane of the uterus) to implantation. The thickness of the endometrium for successful attachment of the fetal egg should be at least 7 mm;
  3. myoma( benign tumor) of the uterus.

If the fetal egg can not be fixed, menstruation begins, and it will leave the uterus along with menstrual flow.

Signs of hormonal changes after implantation of

After the attachment of the fetal egg, the active work of the organism begins, aimed at the correct development of the child.

A woman faces hormonal reorganization, which affects the functioning of all body systems.

In place of the bursting follicle, a yellow body appears - this is a temporary formation responsible for producing progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the normal development of pregnancy. Disturbance of the body can lead to miscarriage or a developing pregnancy.

During the division of a fertilized egg, germs of the future embryo and fetal membranes( chorion) appear. Chorion produces a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin( hCG).

By the presence of this hormone in the blood can be a high probability to assume the onset of pregnancy. In rare cases, an increase in the level of hCG is associated not with pregnancy, but with certain diseases.

First signs before the delay of the subjective nature of

They can be differentiated as questionable, probable early signs of pregnancy before the delay, because they are based on the feelings of a woman.

They are typical for pregnancy, but their severity can be different: in some women they are more pronounced, in others - none at all. And it does not matter which pregnancy the first, second or third, early signs of pregnancy can be felt by any woman, regardless of age, nationality, social status. Pain in the mammary glands .Even before the delay of menstruation, the first sign of pregnancy may be chest pain. They appear on 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. The chest swells, becomes more sensitive, any touch causes pain. The initial sign of pregnancy before the delay may be increased pigmentation of the nipples. This symptom does not always appear, in some cases, women do not feel any unpleasant sensations in the chest.

Bloody discharge .Another, so to say popular sign of pregnancy, may be minor bloody discharge from the genital tract. After all, the process of attaching the egg to the wall of the uterus can be accompanied by implantation bleeding - minor bloody discharge. A woman may mistake them for premenstrual secretions. They can last from a few hours to a day.

Changes in general condition of .A changed hormonal background causes a decrease in blood pressure, which causes apathy, loss of strength and drowsiness. Such early signs of pregnancy can accompany a woman throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. To them are added changes in the emotional state of the pregnant: there is tearfulness, irritability and anxiety.

Many women are concerned about the ailment that is characteristic of colds: headache, a sense of weakness, discharge from the nose, a slight increase in temperature. These symptoms are caused by a temporary weakening of immunity, characteristic of early pregnancy.

If a woman seeks a medical emergency, she should inform him of a possible conception. This will allow the doctor to choose drugs that are safe in the early stages of pregnancy.

Frequent urination of .Accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs and changes in the functioning of the kidneys cause frequent urination. If it is accompanied by a pulling or cutting pain, you need to see a doctor without delay. In this case, frequent urination may be a sign of the development of urinary tract infection.

Pain in the lower abdomen .When pregnancy increases the flow of blood into the organs of the small pelvis, the growth of the uterus begins. The increase in the size of the uterus can be accompanied by a feeling of "fullness" in the abdomen, pain and tingling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Chair disorder .The primary sign of pregnancy before a delay can be diarrhea .Diarrhea is not infectious in nature and quickly passes. Thus, the body reacts to the stress caused by pregnancy.

Do not worry about this - after a while the chair will recover. According to statistics, local gastrointestinal disorders in 65% of cases refer to the obvious signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Change in the tone of the genitals .Friability of the cervix, a decreased turgor of the muscles of the vagina. This is due to the action of progesterone, which helps to relax the muscle tissue.

Without waiting for an examination at the gynecologist, you can conduct a self-examination: insert a finger into the vagina and assess muscle tone. If palpation occurs in the event of a pregnancy, the muscles will appear to be "boiled".

Other features of .Unusual signs of pregnancy include changes in taste, excessive tearfulness, flatulence, heartburn, decreased visual acuity.

Despite the abundance of signs indirectly indicative of pregnancy, a woman at an early age may not have any symptoms at all except a delay.

From personal experience of Xenia: 3 pregnancies

The following signs of the onset of pregnancy in 1-2 weeks are subjective in the same woman, mother of three, different from one pregnancy to another. Consider them.

The first pregnancy. Xenia says that at the first pregnancy she had pains in the mammary glands. The chest swelled, became very sensitive and hurt so much that it was impossible to lie on my stomach. Previously, this was not. Breast, of course, hurt, but not much. This is what led to the idea of ​​making a pregnancy test on the 10th day after the date of conception, and he gave a weak second strip.

The second pregnancy. With health everything was in order. Before planning a pregnancy with her husband passed all the tests. But the test for some reason did not show a negative result. During the next cycle after ovulation, I noticed that my chest does not hurt at all. The test after the delay became positive. A few days after ovulation, cystitis started against a cold. Cystitis cured Monural, in 2 weeks learned that she was pregnant. The intake of an antibiotic did not affect the baby.

Third pregnancy. She got pregnant again the first time. And the pregnancy occurred immediately in the next cycle after the abolition of "Regulon".This time the breast was in normal condition. Slightly began to swell after ovulation. Nothing foreshadowed pregnancy. However, this time Ksenia has allocated for herself the day when the embryo should have been replanted by the time frame. On this day the whole body was wadded, I wanted to lie down all the time and pulled my stomach down. This time the test did not show pregnancy before the delay. A weak second band appeared from the second time on the 2nd day of the delay.

Signs of pregnancy before the delay of objective nature

It should be considered as one of the reliable signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation - an increase in basal temperature( temperature in the rectum) above 37 degrees. True, the obtained measurement results can be correct under certain conditions.

  1. Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking, without getting out of bed. Before that, the woman must lie for at least 6 hours.
  2. The measurement can not be performed before 2 hours after sexual intercourse, as the results will be incorrect.

On the onset of pregnancy can be judged by the level of hormone hCG.At home, determine its level in the urine with the help of special tests.

In early pregnancy, a second weak strip may appear on the test. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the tests for several days and monitor the brightness of the bands.

If the gestational age is small, home tests can produce a false negative result, ie, implantation has already occurred, but the level of hCG is still insufficient to determine it in the urine.

For correctness of results in the early stages, it is better to use more sensitive to the hormone HCG types of tests with a sensitivity of 10 mM / ml.

A false negative result may be for other reasons:

  • test was spoiled or expired;
  • was used not the morning portion of urine;
  • on the eve of the test the woman drank a lot of fluids or took diuretics;
  • kidney disease;
  • ectopic pregnancy in the early stages.

If there is a suspicion of pregnancy, but a home test shows a negative result, a blood test is needed.

In it, hCG is determined earlier than in urine. The blood for analysis is taken from the vein, the analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after eating at another time of the day.

To confirm the result it is necessary to take HCG in dynamics. In the case of normal uterine pregnancy, the level of the hormone hCG in the blood will constantly increase.

After the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy, you should wait for a delay in the menstrual cycle and see a doctor.

He will appoint an ultrasound that will uniquely identify the fact of pregnancy and determine its development( uterine, ectopic pregnancy, developing or frozen).

Can I be pregnant?

In order to get the exact answer to the question, it is necessary to know:

  1. The first day of the last menstruation.
  2. The nature of the menstrual cycle, its regularity.
  3. Have previous symptoms of PMS in the form of dizziness, aches in the lumbar region, mood swings.
  4. Have there been any earlier malfunctions?
  5. Previously, intermenstrual secretions from the genital tract.

If the pregnancy has occurred, then in the female body, the hormonal background reconstruction begins:

  • increases the level of progesterone, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. As a result, a woman complains of weakness, dizziness, decreased mood;
  • there is an unreasonable mood drop during the day;
  • there are painful sensations in the mammary glands, lower back, lower abdomen.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract with the development of pregnancy can occur at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. At this moment, the integrity of the blood vessels at the attachment site occurs, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Implantation occurs on the 7-10th day after the fertilization of the egg with the sperm.
  • If you assume that you have a monthly regular for 5-7 days in 28-30 days, then spotting could be the result of an implantation process.

It also happens that the symptoms characteristic of pregnancy may occur in other cases:

  • as a result of a violation of the hormonal background of the female body;
  • as a psychogenic factor with an inordinate desire for pregnancy.

In order to confirm or exclude the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to make a pregnancy test. It is better to use a highly sensitive test for hCG 10 mIU / ml. Such a test can show the onset of pregnancy before the delay of the monthly:

  1. If the test is positive, you are pregnant and you need a doctor's consultation.
  2. If the test is negative, it is necessary to repeat it on the day of the onset of the next menstruation.
  3. If the test is negative, it is necessary to repeat it after 7-14 days, when the hCG level becomes higher.
  4. If the pregnancy test is negative, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist to exclude diseases of the gynecological area, including hormonal failure.
  5. If the cause is psychogenic, a psychologist's consultation is necessary to avoid problems in the future.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

These undoubted manifestations are 100% indicative of pregnancy. Their detection is possible from the second week of gestation and later, so they are considered late.

  1. Detection of the head, handles and other parts of the fetus, it is possible that it moves while palpating.
  2. Ultrasonic confirmation of fetal presence.
  3. Fetal fixation of the fetus by instrumental methods - CTG, FKG, ECG, and also from 15 weeks with a stethoscope.

Source of publication:

  1. http: // pervye-priznaki-beremennosti

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