Addiction as a form of deviant behavior

The term "deviant behavior" refers to deviant behavior from a standard defined in society. That is, deviant means - abnormal, abnormal behavior - the opposite of the social norm. Taking drugs is also not a norm, unless it is dictated by a purely medical need. Consequently, drug addiction is an absolutely abnormal phenomenon in our life, this is the abuse of psychoactive substances with a non-medical purpose.

The forms of deviant behavior include not only drug addiction, but also alcoholism, substance abuse, crimes before the law, gambling, prostitution, suicidal behavior, homosexuality, mental disorders and behavior.

Deviant behavior and its causes

It should be noted that some categories of people at all times deviated from generally accepted standards in behavior. People who turned to constructive behavior made progress for humanity, society developed. But when behavior deviates towards moral decay, toward destruction, then this is precisely the same deviant behavior that attempts to throw the development of humanity to the lower stages.

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The causes of deviations may be moral and spiritual immaturity, demonstrativeness and posturing, the desire to self-assert in the eyes of others at any cost and by any available means, the desire to be like an idol, the expression of protest and disobedience, etc. Here, too, individual-age, demographic, socio-medical aspects. Of course, among addicts, you can meet more men than women.

In recent decades there has been a significant "rejuvenation" of alcoholism and drug addiction of the society. The problem of drug addiction among children and adolescents has reached the state level. Socio-cultural development has stopped. The stability of public life in Russia is under a very big question.

In just the last ten years, the number of adolescents who need treatment for addiction increased tenfold. Only one addict can kill 10 more teenagers. Drug addiction has become like an epidemic. The number of concomitant diseases for her is also very increased. This is the transmission of HIV infection, hepatitis type "B" and "C", syphilis. Also, because of the consequences of drug addiction, families break up, suicides and crimes are committed. So, addiction is a very acute social and psychological problem in our society.

Addiction, as a rule, is a group phenomenon. Members of one company tend to imitate authoritative persons and resemble each other. In addition to the fact that drug use destroys health, it also involves a stumbling teenager in the criminal environment. A young addict to get a dose of drugs will commit a crime. The criminal world enjoys this. Drug addicts are given black and "wet" cases in exchange for a dose, they are forced to distribute drugs among children, adolescents and young people.

Drug addiction negatively affects future children. Children of drug addicts are already born with serious physiological and psychological deviations in development.

Motivation for anesthesia in the younger generation:

  1. Curiosity in testing new sensations and experiences when taking drugs.
  2. The need for belonging to "their" social group.
  3. Displaying a personal "independence", hostility.
  4. Attempt to catalyze creativity - get "inspiration".
  5. Trying to relax.
  6. Attempted to escape from overwhelming thoughts and feelings with unsolvable problems.

Narcotics among normal people are distributed as follows: in the team appears a drug addict who treats drugs for free. Some people try them, some of them start doing it regularly. There is an addiction to drugs. The drug addict is already on loan as a novice drug addict. Then he among them conducts the sale of psychoactive substances for money.

Usually, anesthesia begins with taking "light" drugs - smoking "grass".Accustomed to a certain drug intoxication, a drug addict instigates stupid young people to take more potent means. And the point of return passes unnoticed, the dependence is formed. And the market of narcotic sales is created!

In addition, illiteracy in acceptable doses of narcotic and toxic substances in adolescents very often leads to severe fatal poisoning. The desire for more "buzz" leads to an overdose, the oppression of the respiratory and cardiac centers. The breath and the heart stop working, and a person dies an inglorious death.

But that's not all. The drawn drug addicts learn what narcotic withdrawal is! Now, in their life there comes a phase in which the reception of drugs is done not so much for the sake of "buzz", but to prevent and avoid the terrible manifestations of breaking.

Frivolity - this is one of the factors that push a young person to become involved in psychoactive drugs. Elementary ignorance or reluctance to know the harmful effects of drug use leads to complete chaos in their lives.

Causes of drug abuse in society

The causes of drug addiction in our society are so closely intertwined with each other, and they include social, psychological, economic aspects.

First, the personality of the teenager is characterized by immaturity, lack of a clear motivation in life, mental and emotional instability, the desire for "adulthood."Often attracts to drugs to break away from the real world, to suppress anxiety, fear, tension. In order to simulate the artificial state of well-being, happiness and satisfaction. They also resort to drugs in order to suppress inferiority complexes and raise their sense of importance in their own circle and those around them.

Naturally, the constant abuse of drugs quickly leads to the collapse of physical health and the formation of the addiction syndrome. Treatment of teenage drug addicts is complex, lengthy, requiring a full-fledged program of psychological and social rehabilitation. To achieve a stable remission is possible only with the correction of the individual-typological properties of the personality of the sick person.

Adolescence is incredibly vulnerable to various shocks, and it is also an important stage in the formation of the personality of any person. Here, the endocrine "storm," the ups and downs, the laying down of life's values ​​and goals. All this will have a huge impact on the future of man and his life path.

Well, if any teenager has a mentor with moral and moral purity, which causes authority and respect in the eyes of a young man. That is, the role model should be pure, light, contagious in terms of a love of life, inspiring confidence in the adolescent in himself. A lot depends on the parents here.

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