Diet for gout: a table of foods that you can and can not eat?


  • 1Diet for gout - table of purine content, diet during an exacerbation and for every day
    • 1.1What is gout?
    • 1.2Table of purine content in food
    • 1.3What you can eat with gout
    • 1.4What kind of fish you can eat
    • 1.5What you can not eat
    • 1.6Diet with gout during an exacerbation
    • 1.7Diet for gout of legs
    • 1.8Diet for gout with obesity
    • 1.9Menu for the week
    • 1.10Recipes of the menu
    • 1.11First meal
    • 1.12Second courses
  • 2Rules of the diet for gout, what can, and what not to eat, healthy dishes
    • 2.1Five rules of the diet for gout
    • 2.2Full detailed table of prohibited and permitted products for gout
    • 2.3Useful dishes for gout
    • 2.4Vegetarian soup
    • 2.5Baked cod
    • 2.6Compote of fresh fruits and berries
    • 2.7Example of the day menu for gout
    • 2.8Conclusion
  • 3What can not be eaten with gout - a medical diet and a table of foods and beverages banned from the disease
    • 3.1Diet for gout and increased uric acid
    • 3.2Forbidden meals for gout
    • 3.3Purines in food
  • 4Diet for gout - table of products, menus
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Diet for gout, table of products
    • 5.1Diet for gout: table of foods and nutrition basics
    • 5.2Other rules that should become for the patient immutable
    • 5.3What you can not eat with gout
    • 5.4Can I eat tomatoes with gout
    • 5.5What you can eat with gout
    • 5.6Cherry for gout
    • 5.7Watermelon with gout
    • 5.8Example menu for gout

Diet for gout - table of purine content, diet during an exacerbation and for every day

Increased deposition of crystals of uric acid in tissues provokes inflammation of the joints.

The basis of the diet for gout is the use of foods with a low content of purines - substances that are the "culprits" of the disease.

Treatment of the pathological process includes the rejection of bad habits, a gradual decrease in weight, but the main condition for recovery is dietary nutrition.

What is gout?

Disease of the joints, which occurs when the metabolism is disturbed, is called gout.The risk of the disease increases in women during menopause and in men over 40 years.

The disease begins with increased production of uric acid, the output of which can not cope with human kidneys.

Later, urate accumulation (salts of uric acid) takes place in the joints of a person.

Nutrition plays a key role in the treatment of gout. The disease affects people who abuse alcohol or eat a lot of food containing purines - substances in the cells of the body.

When these compounds are destroyed, uric acid is formed. An excess of uric acid causes inflammation.

Purines are found in protein foods, meat by-products, yeast, seafood and oily fish, so they are recommended to be excluded.

Hypopurine diet is part of the treatment of the described joint disease. Against the background of food intake with purines, uric acid is deposited in the joints.

The patient is recommended to exclude products with the greatest number of excess salts. The doctor appoints a treatment table number 6. The energy value of such a diet is 2700-2800 calories per day.

Diet therapy for gout includes:

  • adherence to increased drinking regimen;
  • strict observance of salt intake;
  • Low-purine diet does not allow the use of purines more than 150 mg per day.

Table of purine content in food

There are purines of plant and animal origin. Compounds in plant foods are safer for human consumption.

Substances from meat and fish increase the risk of gout, and purine compounds from vegetables do not affect the risk of an illness in any way.

Purines from dairy products have little effect on the disease. substances in some food products:

Purine products (mg / 100 g) Uric acid
Boiled sausage 54 130
Mutton 61 146
Sprats 223 535
Cauliflower 19 45

What you can eat with gout

It is necessary to reduce the number of foods high in proteins to 1 g per 1 kg of human body weight.

If a patient with gout does not have chronic kidney or heart disease, then you need to drink more, l of water, and even vegetable decoctions. The use of alkaline mineral waters will be useful.

It is allowed to use food cooked in a boiled form, and low-fat meat dishes (rabbit, chicken). List of useful foods for gout:

Product Use
Tomatoes Contain minerals and vitamins
Potatoes The product has a diuretic effect
Pumpkin Reduces the risk of formation of urate (uric acid salt) kidney stones
Berries (cherries), nuts, seeds, cereals (pearl barley), dates, citrus, zucchini, cucumbers Useful substances derive salts

What kind of fish you can eat

You can eat lean varieties of fish, cooked in a boiled form (a day for 160-170 g).

It is forbidden to eat fried, salted fish and its derivatives: canned food, sprats, caviar, fatty varieties (herring, sardines, cod, pike).

You can not eat fish broth (ear). You can eat squid, shrimp, sea cephalopods, crustaceans.

What you can not eat

It is recommended to limit the intake of table salt (you need to adhere to the correct dose of 5-6 g). It is necessary to exclude meat dishes containing a high concentration of purines.

You can not overeat the patient with gout, but you should not treat the fasting: you should divide the amount of food into 5-6 receptions, observe the rules of salt intake.

After diagnosing gout, the doctor issues a list of prohibited products:

Product group Foods
Beverages Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cocoa
Vegetables Mushrooms, sorrel, broccoli
Dairy Spicy and salty varieties of cheese
Bakery products and sweets Baked pastry, cakes, cakes with cream (margarine)
Cereals Lentils, soy, oatmeal
Beans Beans, beans, peanuts, peas
Berries and dried fruits Grapes, raisins

Diet with gout during an exacerbation

Starting from the fact that gout - a disease of protein metabolism, which is characterized by excess of the norm of uric acid salts in the body, the main essence of the diet is a decrease in the level of salt substances.

If an exacerbation occurs, a vegetarian diet is prescribed, which reduces gout attacks. Exacerbation occurs at night and looks like acute arthritis.

The curative menu will help to return to normal life, to ease the condition in acute attacks, to remove puffiness and redness in the affected joint:

Nutrition for gout during an exacerbation
Features Enrichment of the diet with the optimal amount of milk proteins and carbohydrates, a ban on meat and fish broths.
Allowed and forbidden foods for gout It is recommended to use compotes and juices, there are vegetable vegetarian soups, boiled meat and fish. Refuse from spicy foods, by-products (heart, kidney, liver), beans, salt, mushrooms, fatty and salty foods.
Recommendations Fractional meals, meals at least 4 times:
  • breakfast - vegetable salad, boiled egg;
  • the second breakfast - broth of a dogrose;
  • dinner - jelly and noodles on milk;
  • afternoon snack - fresh fruit;
  • dinner - weak tea, cabbage rolls from vegetables.

Diet for gout of legs

If there is swelling and redness in the lower extremities, similar to attacks of arthritis, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The therapeutic diet and nutrition for gout of legs consists in refusal of food with purines, restriction of consumption of animal protein.It is necessary to drink 2-3 liters of liquid, drink alkaline drinks, vegetable soups, broths are useful.

It is impossible to eat with gout on legs and sharp and salty foods. Treatment of gout provides an approximate menu:

  • after awakening - broth of dogrose;
  • for breakfast - buckwheat;
  • second breakfast - tea with milk;
  • dinner - potatoes with carrots and vegetable soup;
  • mid-morning snack - compote, green apple;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, baked pancakes.

Diet for gout with obesity

Complication in the form of excess weight can significantly worsen the patient's condition and intensify the attacks of pain.

You can not starve with gout, but how can you normalize your body? The answer to this question will be the correctly formulated diet of patients.

Features of nutrition for gout with obesity include the use of healthy foods from the diet menu number 6. Recommendations for the formulation of a diet:

  • refusal of flour, sweet, fat;
  • increased fluid intake (, l per day);
  • the correct diet based on the diet of vegetarians;
  • Do not eat fresh bread, but only yesterday's rye or wheat flour.

Menu for the week

Dietary diet for patients with gout is aimed at reducing the deposition of salts of uric acid and preventing the emergence of new clusters.

It is recommended to exclude broths, drink plenty of mineral alkaline water. Below is an approximate menu for each of the seven days of the week.

Before using the foods listed below for a seven-day diet, consult a doctor:

Day of the weekBreakfast Breakfast
Monday Carrot, cabbage and cucumber salad Decoction of rowan, egg, carrot and pumpkin salad Compote, milk soup, patties from courgettes Fresh fruit, a piece of cottage cheese Milk, vegetable cabbage rolls
Tuesday Cheesecakes, kefir, jelly Flakes with milk Soup with zucchini, fish steamed, mashed potatoes Berries and milk jelly Low-fat ryazhenka, salad from eggs, carrots
Wednesday Cottage cheese casserole Yoghurt with cereals Vegetable soup Fruit jelly Baked vegetables, oat soup with milk
Thursday Cottage cheese casserole with grated carrots Milk soup Buckwheat porridge, steamed burgers Berries or fruit Macaroni, beet, jelly
Friday Sweet rice with apples Fruit Vegetarian borsch Kefir and berries Rice with bell peppers
Saturday Compote, vegetarian okroshka Fruit and low-fat cream Vegetable stew Fresh vegetables Boiled chicken fillet
Sunday Milk, buckwheat porridge Fruit jelly and loose tea Pancakes, barley porridge Nectar, berries Cheesecakes with bananas

Recipes of the menu

For healthy people, a daily diet should consist of 600-1000 ml of purines, while patients with gout should follow a special diet. Below are the recipes of the first and second dishes.

The food prepared by them turns out to be useful and nutritious.

The use of such foods will help a person with gout to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and quickly take the path of recovery.

First meal

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 144 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Slavic.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Delicious vegetarian borsch with the addition of useful and allowed for gout vegetables. In the classic recipe for cooking zazharki use butter, but since its use with joint disease is limited, it can be replaced with olive or linseed.

In acute stages of the disease, when there is a strict restriction of salt, it should not be added.

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  • butter - 20 g;
  • 1 beet;
  • water l;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sugar - 1 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • white cabbage - 300 g.

Method of preparation:

  1. Boil the beets, take them out, do not pour out the water from the pan. When it cools, it is necessary to grate the root on a large grater.
  2. Finely chopped carrots, sprinkle onions in butter.
  3. Add to boiling water, where the beetroot, potatoes (diced) used to be.
  4. After 10 minutes, put the cabbage.
  5. Add the onions with carrots, grated beetroot.
  6. Bring to a boil, add sugar, a little salt, tomato paste.

Second courses

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal.
  • Purpose: for the second.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Fully vegetable diet stew will be a wonderful addition to the first dish in the lunch or main for dinner. In the recipe, tomato paste is prepared on its own.

A delicious dish will taste every member of the family, and the patient with inflammation of the joints ingredients improve the condition: the eggplant will increase the excretion of salts from the body, and zucchini improve the work intestines.


  • greens, salt - to taste;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1/2 head;
  • eggplant - 1 piece;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  1. Cut cubes and squash and eggplant, boil.
  2. Tomatoes to beat with boiling water, finely chop them and onions.
  3. Add a little salt, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Blend the mixture into a blender and beat until a paste is obtained.
  5. When the vegetables are ready, drain the water, pour tomato paste.
  6. Boil for 5 minutes.

A source:

Rules of the diet for gout, what can, and what not to eat, healthy dishes


Diet for gout is an indispensable part of treating this disease.

The reason pathologists - food with a high content of purines, from which the body formed salts of uric acid, deposited in the joints and kidneys.

Therefore, the therapeutic diet for the treatment of this disease is of paramount importance: it helps to adjust the intake of food purines, affecting the very cause of the disease.

What gives compliance with the principles of nutrition for gout:

  • stops the progression of pathology;
  • prevents repeated exacerbations;
  • the duration of the relapse of the disease is significantly reduced;
  • reduces pain;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight (if available);
  • normalizes metabolic processes, the work of the heart, blood vessels and urinary system;
  • improves the general well-being of a person, increases his physical activity;
  • Exclusion in the midst of gout protein products allows you to give up some medications or significantly reduce their dosage.

Further from the article you will learn what kind of diet is necessary for gout: the principles of nutrition, specific banned and allowed products, as well as I will tell more about the effect on the body of the most common of them.

Five rules of the diet for gout

  1. Eat small meals 4-6 times a day at approximately the same time;

  2. Observe the recommended diet: limit salt, sugar, exclude prohibited foods, enter into the diet useful (for more information about harmful and useful foods - see later in this article);

  3. Meat, fish steamed, bake or cook;

  4. Drink no less, and better 2-3 liters of liquid per day;

  5. Fight with excess weight (if available), which increases the load on the inflamed joints.

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Diet for gout refers to the restructuring of a person for proper nutrition, the diet in which will not be depleted by eliminating harmful products:

  • The need for animal fats should be compensated by plant.
  • Completely exclude meat, too, can not: boiled lean beef can be eaten in small quantities infrequently and without exacerbation.

Almost all kinds of nuts are useful for gout

Full detailed table of prohibited and permitted products for gout

Follow the diet is difficult only at first, until you have rebuilt.Then such food becomes a way of life, especially since the allowed products are sufficient to ensure that the diet is not "poor" and boring.

For convenience of perception and memorization, what can and can not be eaten with gout - I made a table that will be an excellent reminder for gout sufferers:

This table corresponds to diet No. 6 and is based on the content of food purines. Which contain a large number of them - are excluded, moderate - are limited, minimal - are allowed.

When preparing food, it is worth paying attention to the way it is cooked. Meat, mushroom broths are forbidden because 60% of the purines contained in them are transferred when boiled in water.

The daily ration should not contain more than 200 mg of purines.


For a long time, tomatoes because of the content of organic acids were considered harmful for gout.


According to the results of recent studies, it has been proven that purine content in them is much less than in fatty fish or meat, so their use will not exacerbate the pathology (of course, if not abused them).

Steaming, steaming, quenching, cooking in ovens are more useful ways of cooking than frying

Useful dishes for gout

Vegetarian soup

Soup with carrots, potatoes, sweet Bulgarian pepper, green onions and the addition of cereals or vermicelli is useful because, that boiled vegetables (as well as raw ones) possess an alkalinizing property, changing the acidity of urine into an alkaline side.

This prevents the precipitation of uric acid in the sediment by keeping them in the soluble state. Cereals, vegetables, pasta contain a minimal amount of purines, so this soup is very useful.

It can be cooked with white chicken or turkey.

Baked cod

Baked cod fillets with vegetables are an excellent second course. The fish is baked in the oven with vegetables - carrots, onions, tomatoes. Pepper is replaced with lemon.

This dish is not only delicious, but also useful: cod is low-fat, so you can not be afraid of increasing the level of purines, and vegetables will alkalinize urine, which will prevent the settling of purines in the joints.

Compote of fresh fruits and berries

Compote of currants, cranberries, apples, cherries with a small amount of sugar saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, simultaneously alkalinizing urine.

Fruits and berries (fresh, boiled or otherwise) are useful for gout.

The total daily volume of consumed liquid along with soups, juices, compotes should be at least 2 liters.

Example of the day menu for gout

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)


The doctor-rheumatologist deals with the treatment of gout. He during the consultation will advise what diet for gout is needed for you, which specifically should be excluded in your case.

Listen to his recommendations and follow them clearly - it will help to remove inflammation, To reduce soreness in the affected joint during exacerbation of the disease, and also to exclude repeated relapse.

Nadezhda Martynova

A source:

What can not be eaten with gout - a medical diet and a table of foods and beverages banned from the disease

It is known that with gout, vital nutrition is essential.

If a person wants to avoid painful attacks, make them less time-consuming, he needs to take special medications and combine treatment with a diet.

Due to the complex approach, it is possible to eliminate the cause of the accumulation of uric acid.

Diet for gout and increased uric acid

The right diet is an integral part of patient therapy. What can not be eaten with gout? Diet for gouty arthritis is designed to normalize salt metabolism in the body, to stabilize the amount of uric acid. Basic principles of the menu for gout:

  1. Eat systematically, dividing the daily portion into 4-5 receptions. You can not starve, overeat.
  2. If there is excess weight, it becomes the cause of excessive stress on the joints, hypertension. In this case, you need to gradually lose weight (not more than 2 kg per month).
  3. Increase the intensity of the drinking regimen: if the kidneys work well, during the remission period it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water (preferably mineral water). Dosage at exacerbation - not less than 3 liters. Perfectly suited mineral water: alkali, contained in mineral water, effectively removes salts of uric acid from the blood.
  4. In the diet of patients it is worth including less products of animal origin, salty dishes.
  5. Recommended unloading days, the ideal option - once a week. All day you should eat exclusively fruits or raw, boiled vegetables. For example, you can eat baked potatoes without salt, arrange a fasting day on any one product.
  6. It is important to abandon the intoxicating drinks - a new wave of exacerbations can cause even 1 glass of alcohol.

Diet for gout on the legs is needed in order to reduce the excess supply of protein substances, from which the crystals of uric acid are formed. They are very much in products of animal origin.

It is allowed to eat 1 g of protein per day for 1 kg of human weight.

You can not eat foods containing a large amount of table salt (even if it is with iodine) - they help increase uric acid, salt deposition.

An important point in the treatment of a disease is a proper diet. To reduce the number of seizures, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing purines and affecting the level of acidity in the body. In the diet of patients should not be:

Food of animal origin
  • meat, especially young animals;
  • by-products (kidneys, liver, lungs, brains);
  • fats;
  • canned food and sauces with meat.
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • soybeans;
  • peas.
Smoked meats
  • sausages;
  • ham;
  • other sausage delicacies.
Salted fish, caviar
  • grapes;
  • figs;
  • raspberries;
  • cranberries.
Fatty, salty cheeses
Strong coffee, tea, cocoa

Forbidden meals for gout

What can not be eaten in case of gout disease? Based on the table of products, you can understand what dishes can not be used by gout patients.

Doctors categorically forbid mushroom, meat broths, different buns, soups with some herbs that increase acidity (spinach, sorrel). It is not recommended to eat dishes based on canned meat, smoked products, offal, legumes.

You can not include food prepared with salted, pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut.

The question of consumption of tomatoes is controversial. According to some nutritionists, they are harmful for gout, others, on the contrary, allow them to their patients.

If the body reacts to these vegetables, the dishes with them are calm, they can be eaten without restrictions.

With surplus uric acid, you can not eat salty, hot snacks, sauces containing horseradish, pepper, mustard.

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Purines in food

Virtually all products contain purines - important compounds that are present in every cell. They are formed in the body, but most come with food.

To be afraid of them is necessary only when the organism does not excrete the products of disintegration - uric acid, as occurs in gouty women. Such people should choose foods that are poor in purines.

So, what can not be eaten with gout? When choosing foods and dishes, pay attention to the amount of purines contained. Not all foods that seem harmful are contraindicated in gout.


For example, there are very few purines in fat, so occasionally it can be included in the diet of patients. In case of illness it is useful to drink mineral water, green tea with lemon, honey, occasionally kvass, coffee with chicory, tea drink with ginger.


Alcohol - under strict prohibition.

Name of product, dishes Number of purines per 100 g of product
Brewer's yeast 1810
Meat of calf (cervical part) 1260
Meat offal
Sheep's spleen 773
Pork liver 515
The language is bullish 160
Liver liver 554
Pork lungs 434
Bull spleen 444
Bovine kidneys 269
Canned fish
Smoked sprats 804
Sardines in oil 480
Herring Mathieu 219
Tuna in oil 290
White dried mushrooms 488
Lentils 127
White beans 128
Fish and seafood
Salmon 170
Sprat, sardines 345
Sea bass 241
Atlantic herring 210
Trout 297
Lobsters 118
Mushrooms (dried white) 488
Seeds 143
Beet 21
Cauliflower 19
Garlic ,
Tomatoes 4
Sweet corn 52
Walnut peanuts 79
Egg 9
Chees Gouda, Camembert, Bree 3
Cottage cheese
Grapes 40
Black elderberry ,
Black currant 30
An Apple 14
Kiwi 19
Apricot 73
Banana 57

A source:

Diet for gout - table of products, menus

Gout is an unpleasant defect in which salts of uric acid in excessive amounts are deposited in the joints. This pathology significantly limits the motor functionality, drastically changing the life of a person.

That is why when detecting such an ailment one should immediately take medical measures. The very treatment of gout is based on the combined use of several techniques.

As a rule, to eliminate this disease, drug therapy, physiotherapy, folk remedies, gymnastics and, of course, a diet are involved.Particular attention should be given to the latter method.

The problem is that people tend to adhere to the rules for taking medication and schedule visiting healing procedures, but they neglect their eating habits.

That is why the following information will be given further: why is the diet for gout, the table of products that are allowed and forbidden to eat, the approximate ration for a week is so important.

As is known, gout is formed as a result of abundant accumulation of salts of uric acid in the joints.

This element is important in its own way for the body, because it plays the role of an antioxidant and at normal concentration protects our vessels from all kinds of lesions.

If the uric acid content is exceeded, the process of its gradual deposition in the articular components begins. There is a natural question: why is it so important to observe proper nutrition with gout.

The fact is that these uric acid salts are formed as a result of the breakdown of purines. Purines are part of the human body and in almost all food products.

In some products, their concentration is lowered, and in some, it is too high. Here lies the answer to this question.

If a person suffering from gout is actively consuming food with a high content of purines, all ongoing treatment based on removing excess uric acid will be ineffective.

In other words, the acid that is withdrawn by the medicines, the patient will make up for the forbidden food.

Thus, the diet for gout is not a whim of doctors, but a necessity, without which it is simply impossible to get rid of a terrible pathology.

Each patient needs to understand the basis on which the whole diet is built for gout; table of products, given below, will allow to understand, what food products can be included in a diet, and from what it is necessary refuse.

Kind of foodstuffs Permitted food productsProducts, the use of which must be limitedOut forbidden food
Bakery products bread, as well as rye bread, prepared from first-rate or (at most) second-rate flour, any baked goods are allowed, in which there are ground bran products made with the use of dough
Cereals almost all in moderation beans
Vegetable products Any, which are not included in the list of banned; the use is allowed in any form (both in the raw and after the term. processing); it is recommended to give preference to potatoes salted and pickled vegetables mushrooms (regardless of the species), fresh legumes, spinach, cauliflower, sorrel, rhubarb
Fruits, as well as confectionery almost all fruits and sweet dishes that are not included in the list of banned; fit fruits and berries in any form; it is recommended to give preference for dried fruits; also suitable: jujube, jam from the permitted fruit, honey; You can eat sweets in which there is no chocolate chocolate and chocolate products, figs, cranberries, raspberries
Soups vegetarian varieties of borscht, soup, soups with potato content and allowed cereals; cold liquid dishes (okroshka), the first dishes on a dairy basis all soups in which there is an animal and fish meat, mushrooms, spinach, legumes
Dishes using animal, fish and poultry meat fat-free varieties of animal meat, poultry and fish; allowed eating of such dishes at a rate of 3 times for 7 days; single dosage should not exceed 150 gram in the case of animal meat and 170 grams in the case of fish; use these products should be boiled; a combination of animal and fish meat auxiliary animal products (caviar, kidney, liver, tongue, brains), sausages, smoked products, canned food, salted fish
Eggs 1 egg a day after any term. processing
Milk products almost all types of food based on milk: the actual milk (goat, cow), cottage cheese, sour cream, unsalted cheeses salted cheeses
Fats cream, cow and vegetable oils pork fat lamb and beef fat; fats of culinary type
Bouillons and condiments vegetable, sour and milk decoctions, citric acid, bay leaf, cinnamon, parsley, dill horseradish, mustard, pepper, broths with meat, mushroom and fish base
Cold starters salads, prepared with the use of fresh or pickled vegetables, belonging to the category of allowed; fruit salads from allowed ingredients; caviar from courgettes and aubergines any snacks with increased salt concentration, fish caviar, canned food
Beverages weak tea (possible with lemon), weak coffee (preferably with milk), juices from permitted fruits and vegetables, kvass strong tea and coffee, cocoa

In addition to products that are simply allowed to eat, there are also food products on the basis of which doctors recommend to build their diet. With their help it will be possible not only to facilitate the course of pathology, but also to accelerate recovery.The greatest healing power is possessed by:

  • potatoes - in this popular food culture there is a large concentration of ascorbic acid (the ratio of 100 grams per kilogram); in addition, it is rich in vitamin B; to potatoes brought maximum benefit, it should be baked with skin; with this preparation, this product will have a good diuretic effect and will accelerate the excretion of the excess urinary acids;
  • apples and freshly squeezed apple juice - these products will prevent the formation of sodium urate crystals, reducing the effect of uric acid; Besides in this fruit and the juice obtained from it contains a large concentration of ascorbic acid, and this has a beneficial effect on the entire medical process;
  • carrots - rich in carotene, vitamins B, C, D, E; With the help of this vegetable culture, it is possible to normalize the metabolism, the deviations in which are the foundation for the formation of gout;
  • bananas - in excess contain potassium, which prevents the crystallization of salts and activating its excretion;
  • cherries are excellent antioxidants; they contain anthocyanins and bioflavonoids; these components inhibit the course of the inflammatory process; cherries are recommended to be consumed both in fresh and canned form.

A huge benefit with gout can have berries strawberries, strawberries, as well as prunes. Their therapeutic effect is that they block the harmful effects of uric acid. Do not forget about liquids.

Of course, fruit and vegetable juices are very useful, but simple boiling water is also very easy to cure the disease.

With its sufficient use, you can reduce the feeling of discomfort that is characteristic of gout.

The rules of nutrition for the disease in question are made exclusively by a doctor.Usually the diet for gout is based on moderate consumption:

  • low-fat meat (preferably give preference to boiled poultry meat, although the usual animal meat);
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, dairy first dishes, cheese, in which there is no salt);
  • all kinds of cereals (except beans);
  • baking (bran and plain bread);
  • confectionery products that do not contain chocolate;
  • vegetable products;
  • fruits and berries (except for banned);
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • coffee with milk and weak tea.

With gout under the ban fall:

  • dishes from fatty meat;
  • dishes that include auxiliary animal products (liver, kidneys, brains);
  • all kinds of smoked meat;
  • canned food;
  • salty and spicy seasonings;
  • chocolate food products;
  • alcohol-containing drinks.

To follow the prescribed diet is necessary for the period established by the doctor. As a rule, the most severe limitations occur in the acute course of pathology.

When a disease passes into a chronic form, the doctor can allow limited use of certain prohibited products. In particular, the patient may be slightly pampered with canned food or smoked sausages.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the diet is prescribed exactly by the days of the week. In other words, the specialist tells the patient what foods on which day he should use.

The exact norm of each food product is always prescribed individually.


Here everything depends on the nature of the course of the pathology, the patient's age, his anthropometric data, the presence of concomitant defects.


It is possible that many people want to know what a diet might look like for gout; The approximate menu for the week, given below, will allow you to understand a little about this issue.

  • Monday. During this day, it is recommended to eat 4 times. For breakfast, you can prepare a fruit salad, eat a little honey and yogurt. To drink this food is recommended weak tea (it is better to add milk to the drink). If desired, you can eat a few biscuits. An excellent option for lunch will be vegetable soup. As a second dining dish, potato cutlets are suitable. Approximately at 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon it is necessary to eat an egg with a fresh cucumber. For dinner, you need to eat a bowl of cottage cheese and drink it with drinking yogurt.
  • Tuesday. For breakfast, a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and allowed greens. If desired, the salad can be replaced with curd casserole. As a drink you can use a weak coffee with milk. For lunch, you will need to eat boiled potatoes and drink it with compote or fresh juice. At 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon it is recommended to eat a sandwich with cheese and drink it with yogurt. For dinner, you need to cook porridge and weak tea.
  • Wednesday. For breakfast - buckwheat with milk, having fed tea; Also for breakfast, a beet salad will come along. For lunch, you can eat vegetable pearl soup and allowed type of meat. The so-called afternoon snack is allowed to eat 1-2 pcs. marshmallow and drink them compote. Dinner is also allowed to be filled with meat and compote. In addition, you can eat fresh fruit.
  • Thursday. Breakfast - a weak coffee with cheese or breadcrumbs. Lunch - stuffed peppers and eggplant caviar. Afternoon snack - a sandwich with cheese, washed with compote. Dinner - oatmeal with tea.
  • Friday. For breakfast - a plate of cottage cheese and a weak coffee with milk; also suitable fruit salad, washed with yogurt. For lunch - rice porridge, boiled beef and salad of tomatoes and cucumbers; as a drink suitable freshly squeezed juice. For dinner - stewed vegetables, 1 boiled egg, cookies, 1-2 glasses of compote.
  • Saturday. For breakfast - something from pasta with gravy from the allowed ingredients, fruit, compote or jelly. For dinner - stewed zucchini, mashed potatoes, jelly. Snack can be filled with several fresh fruits. For dinner it is recommended to eat a plate of cottage cheese and drink it with tea.
  • Sunday. For breakfast - cottage cheese with tea. For lunch - vegetable soup with rice, meatballs from low-fat chicken, vegetable salad. Snack - a glass of drinking yogurt with allowed berries. For dinner, stewed vegetables are suitable; wash them better with a kissel.
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Apparently, the diet for gout has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account. Only compliance with prescribed recommendations and restrictions will overcome the ailment.

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Diet for gout, table of products

Most middle-aged men suffer from gout. This disease can deliver a lot of discomfort, hitting the joints of the hands, toes and others, larger ones.

Diet for gout and knowledge of the table of products that can be included in it, are important for the patient, because it is the wrong diet sometimes causes exacerbation of the disease.

What can not be eaten with gout is usually voiced by the attending physician, but not everyone observes restrictions and prohibitions.

It is food and alcohol that often become the trigger for an attack, so information about what you can eat with gout can help you feel "perfectly" for a long time.

Diet for gout: table of foods and nutrition basics

The compilation and maintenance of dietary intake for gout is considered as part of the therapy of this disease.

Pathology develops on the background of the deposition of salts in the joints due to incorrect purine metabolism and excessive formation of urates - salts of uric acid.

They are abundant in many foods, and therefore it is important to assess what can not be eaten with gout to prevent excessive salts from entering the body.

The table of products, or rather, the diet for gout - is the correspondenceto the treatment table №6. The basic rules of this diet are:

  • Elimination of foods with purines in large quantities
  • Decrease in "salinity" of the diet
  • Increased drinking intensity
  • Some decrease in heavy products in the menu (proteins, fats)

Knowing the principles that you can eat with gout is not the only way to success. It is also important to observe the diet and other nuances and subtleties.

So, people should eat a little, but 4-5 times a day, not less. You can not starve and overeat: it only aggravates metabolic disorders.

If there are no problems with the kidneys, heart, then you need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day (the last figure refers to the periods of recurrence of the disease).

Other rules that should become for the patient immutable

  1. Try to reduce weight. Obesity causes new problems - excessive stress on sick joints, hypertension, increases the risk of diabetes, etc.
  2. It is desirable to boil meat and fish, because such substances harmful to humans can "liberate" the food they eat. The limited nature of animal food is the most important condition for a person, but it is not necessary to completely exclude it from the acute phase.
  3. Unloading days are a component of gout treatment. At least a day a week should be dedicated to easy, digestible food, such as vegetables and fruits.
  4. During the seizures in the men's menu, the amount of carbohydrates increases so that the value of the diet allows to maintain normal vital activity.
  5. In hot weather, exacerbations of pathology are more frequent due to a decrease in the moisture content in the body, which should not be forgotten for the patient and within reasonable limits to limit salt, increase consumption of teas, broths, fruit drinks, water, and also to exclude any overheating.
  6. Alcohol - a doctor of a patient with gout: once taking it, you can already cause a new wave of exacerbations of the disease.
  7. Approximate number of calories per day for the patient is 2500-2700. Carbohydrates make up to 400 gr., Fats - 80 gr. (40% of them are plant), proteins - 80 g. Salt by number does not exceed 5-8 gr.

What you can not eat with gout

There are big differences between the menu of the patient in the period of an attack and a diet without exacerbation.

In the acute phasea list of what can not be eaten with gout, impressive. It almost completely eliminates food of animal origin.

In the first days in the diet, in general, only semi-liquid cereals, mashed potatoes from vegetables, fruit can be present. After 2-3 days, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir in combination with vegetable and fruit dishes is introduced into the diet.

This type of nutrition leads to alkalization of urine and improvement of the human condition.

Outside exacerbation.Below is a list of products that specialists impose bans to one degree or another outside the exacerbation of gout:

Products that can not be eaten even outside the gout exacerbation
Fish and meat sticks
Smoked meat
Meat of young animals
Fatty sauces
Salty fish
Canned fish, meat
Salted, fatty cheeses
Any alcohol
Fatty cakes with cream
Figs, grapes, raspberries

The following table contains products that you can use with caution (see note on the right column).

Products that can be consumed without exacerbation, but in limited quantities Note
Meat Low-fat varieties and boiled, up to three times a week
Tea Only not strong, better green
Cocoa No more than once a week
Coffee Only not strong, occasionally
A fish Prepare for steaming in the form of meatballs, cutlets, or boil
Sweet drinks, compotes It is necessary to reduce the amount of sugar, if these drinks are basic in drinking mode
Salt Reduce to a minimum
Spice Only laurel leaves are allowed
Animal fats Butter can be consumed in limited quantities
Products with preservatives Can aggravate the patient's condition, undesirable in the diet
Sausages, boiled sausage Occasionally allowed in the diet of the patient
Spinach, celery, pepper, sorrel, green onion It can be consumed occasionally in small quantities
Whole milk Allowed 2-3 times a week
Egg One egg a day

Can I eat tomatoes with gout

For a long time, doctors were wary of the question of whether it is possible to eat tomatoes with gout. The product has many organic acids, so it was previously considered dangerous for patients.

But recent research has shown that tomatoes can be eaten with gout: purines in them are much less than meat and fish, so they will not cause an attack of the disease, of course, in the absence abuse.

What you can eat with gout

The bulk of the diet should come from plant foods. Experts note that vegetable protein in the diet of the patient should be about 30% daily. But what can you eat with gout and what foods are allowed to eat without fear? In the list approved by doctors:

  1. Fruits (except grapes and all products made from it).
  2. Virtually all vegetables, except those that are on the list of restrictions.
  3. Juices from vegetables and fruits.
  4. Milk food with reduced fat content.
  5. All cereals, except for legumes.
  6. Pasta.
  7. Vegetable oils.
  8. Honey.
  9. White, gray bread.
  10. Vegetarian soups (without mushrooms).
  11. Low-fat sauces based on sour cream, tomatoes without sharp spices.
  12. The rest of the food is consumed in a limited way (noted above).

Cherry for gout

Often, patients are wondering whether cherry is allowed for gout. This product is rich in anthocyanins, which are known antioxidants, so are useful to a person with metabolic disorders.

Bioflavonoids of the cherry with gout help to relieve inflammation from the affected joints, in connection with which to eat the product can and should be. Up to 20 cherries a day for a person - only to the benefit.

Useful and cherry juice, as well as canned without vinegar cherry.

Watermelon with gout

Another interesting product for gout is watermelon. There are even special recipes for "watermelon" unloading days, in which such food becomes the main for the patient with gout. Watermelon will release the body from urates and toxins, so eat it as often as possible.

Example menu for gout

Breakfast:Cottage cheese with sour cream, a sandwich with low-fat cheese, tea.

Lunch:Omelette with milk, juice.

Dinner:Soup beetroot, mashed potatoes, cucumber salad, tomato with olive oil.

Snack:Kissel with a bun, fruit pudding.

Dinner:Boiled fish, buckwheat porridge.

Health Recipe

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