Direction of shoulder dislocation: methods, method for coherence


  • 1Types of dislocation of the shoulder and methods of its correction
    • 1.1Symptoms of a dislocation of the shoulder joint
    • 1.2How to treat a shoulder dislocation
    • 1.3Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Hippocrates-Cooper
    • 1.4Direction of a shoulder dislocation by the method of Chaklin
    • 1.5Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Dzhanelidze
    • 1.6Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Kocher
  • 2Dislocation direction: according to Janelidze, Koher, Hippocrates, Mota and other methods of treatment
    • 2.1Typical sprains and their symptoms
    • 2.2Methods of correction of dislocations
    • 2.3The Kocher Method
    • 2.4The Mota-Mukhina method
    • 2.5The Method of Hippocrates
    • 2.6Dislocation of a finger
    • 2.7Dislocation of foot
    • 2.8Hip Dislocation
    • 2.9The Janelidze method
    • 2.10The Kocher Method
    • 2.11Köfer method
    • 2.12Treatment of other dislocations
    • 2.13Rehabilitation after dislocations
  • 3How to fix the shoulder independently: the shoulder joint
    • 3.1Symptomatology
    • 3.2Treatment of humeral dislocation
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Direction of shoulder dislocation
    • 4.1Symptoms of trauma
    • 4.2Therapeutic tactics
    • 4.3The dislocation direction by the Hippocratic-Cooper method
    • 4.4Kocher's method
    • 4.5Straining of the shoulder dislocation using Janelidze's technique
    • 4.6Rehabilitation
    • 4.7Independent pre-hospital care
  • 5How to correct the dislocation of the shoulder by different methods
    • 5.1Janelidze's method
    • 5.2The Method of Hippocrates
    • 5.3Moto direction
    • 5.4Meshkov's method
    • 5.5It is also practiced with dislocations
  • 6How is the shoulder shifted?
    • 6.1What are the causes and symptoms of shoulder dislocation?
    • 6.2Treatment of dislocation in the shoulder joint
    • 6.3How is the shoulder dislocation adjusted?
    • 6.4Exercises to restore joint mobility

Types of dislocation of the shoulder and methods of its correction

The direction of the shoulder dislocation is a useful skill, because no one is immune from such injuries. Statistics show that approximately 50-60% of all dislocations fall on the shoulder. It is very simple to explain such figures.

The shoulder joint has specific anatomical features, which increases the risk of a similar injury several times compared to the rest of the joints.

As a rule, a dislocation of the shoulder happens when an indirect injury is received.

There are such types of dislocations:

Symptoms of a dislocation of the shoulder joint

When there is a dislocation of the shoulder, the capsule that is in the joint is torn. In addition, various kinds of tendon ruptures or tears can occur. In most cases, the supraspinatus is affected.

In 10-40% of cases a large tubercle comes off, not so often - a small tubercle, as well as tendons of muscles, which at this point are attached to the joint.

When the shoulder is damaged, the forearm of the arm is slightly lowered, and the head will necessarily be inclined towards the hand that was damaged. It is necessary that the patient tries not to disturb his hand once again, to support it with a healthy hand.

In addition, we must ensure that the injured limb is in the retracted position, which may seem a little unnatural: the elbow joint is bent, and the hand itself is slightly further than the second.

When the arm is completely healthy, the axis of the shoulder passes through the acromial process of the scapula. In case of damage, the axis is displaced to the collarbone. This change can be explained very simply: the head of the shoulder is below, because of this the axis is noticeably shifted.

During this damage, the standard roundness disappears, which can be seen in the shoulder joint area near the deltoid muscle. Due to the fact that the head is not in the articular cavity, the surface is flat and slightly uneven, and above it you can grope an acromial process.

The wounded person does not have the ability to freely move the joint and directly injured hand. If you try to raise the upper limb, then in the shoulder you can feel the springing resistance and severe pain. In this case, the elbow joint can not be brought close to the body.


If you make rotational movements, for example, when turning the elbow outward, then the same movements are transmitted to both the shoulder and the lower part of the muscle cavity. A strong muscle tension is felt, especially in the deltoid muscle.


In some cases, there is compression of the head of the vessels or damage to the brachial plexus. This causes changes in the appearance of the limb: the skin of the fingers can become very pale, there is cyanosis, there is almost no sensitivity.

If we talk about the pulse, then it is practically absent on the radial artery or it is very weak.

Sometimes you can find especially difficult situations in which there is a fracture of the surgical neck of the shoulder. In this case, the shoulder will be visibly shortened and the patient will not be able to take him even a few centimeters.

In addition, the victim will not feel the springing resistance, only crepitus.

Such a problem, like a dislocation and a simultaneous fracture, is several times more difficult to diagnose.

For this reason, the examination always includes X-ray in two projections, which can help to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to treat a shoulder dislocation

When treating this damage, you first need to know how to correct the dislocation. In most cases, anesthesia is used at this stage.

If the case is not very complicated, then you can do with local anesthesia. To do this, the affected person needs to inject 1 ml of morphine or a solution of pantopone (1%).

After this, it is necessary to use novocaine for anesthetizing the shoulder joint.

There are many ways to fix a shoulder dislocation, but more often use such:

  • the Hippocratic-Cooper method;
  • rectification of shoulder dislocation along Kocher;
  • repositioning on Dzhanelidze;
  • the Chaklin direction.

Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Hippocrates-Cooper

The man with the injured hand lies on his back. The doctor must sit down to him from the side of the injured shoulder and grab the hand of the patient with both hands.

Previously, the doctor needs to strip, the leg that corresponds to the side of the dislocation, press into the armpit on the head, and the hand while pulling along the axis.

It is necessary to do both movements simultaneously and preferably synchronously, then the risk of getting complications is less. So you can quickly and easily put the head back into the articular cavity.

Direction of a shoulder dislocation by the method of Chaklin

A person should lie on his back. The doctor gently sips his shoulder along the length, and the second hand withdraws the head of the shoulder, which is at this time in the muscular cavity.

This method is very painful and unpleasant, it can be used exclusively under anesthesia.

As a rule, the Chaklin method is used only when a simple fracture is present along with the dislocation.

Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Dzhanelidze

After a special injection of an anesthetizing patient, you need to put it on the table on the sore side.

At the same time, the edge of the table must pass clearly into the armpit, the damaged arm hang from the table. Head put on another table.

In this state, the person should be left for 10-20 minutes, so that the shoulder girdle is completely relaxed.


After this, you can begin to direct the dislocation of the shoulder. The doctor needs to stand facing the patient, firmly grasp the forearm and press on the area located closer to the elbow.


At the same time, gently press down with rotational movements on the joint of the shoulder. Thus, you can quickly and practically painlessly fix the dislocation.

Next, you must impose a special bandage, which reliably fixes the hand on the chest. After this manipulation is carried out, one more snapshot should be taken to understand that there are no bone injuries.

In a week, you can start the gymnastics, so that the hand quickly restored. Full work capacity in this case will be restored no earlier than a month, or even more.

Direction of shoulder dislocation by the method of Kocher

In no case this method can not be used by elderly people or if a person is sick with osteoporosis.

The patient must be laid on the table on his back, the injured hand must necessarily go beyond the edge of the table.

The Kocher method consists of 4 stages, which must be performed in a certain order:

  1. The doctor should hold the lower part of the wounded man's hand, the second hand - the elbow, which must be bent at an angle of 90 °. Then you need to hold the elbow to the trunk, and draw the arm along the axis. The second doctor must firmly fix the forearm of the victim.
  2. Next, you need to rotate the shoulder until it hits the frontal plane. This will allow the head to turn forward. At this stage, you can fix the shoulder, as indicated by a loud click.
  3. The doctor neatly forks the forearm up and a little forward. The elbow is firmly pressed against the body. In a small part of cases, the direction occurs at this stage.
  4. The doctor uses the forearm as a lever and sharply moves the joint inward. Brush the patient put on the opposite shoulder, and the forearm - on the chest and in this position fix the hand.

The method of adjusting the dislocation of the shoulder should be chosen by the doctor after all the necessary examinations and X-rays are taken.

Also, you need to take a few shots immediately after repositioning and some time after the procedure to make sure that the shoulder joint heals and there are no complications.

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Dislocation direction: according to Janelidze, Koher, Hippocrates, Mota and other methods of treatment

Dislocation occurs when the joints of the joints are displaced relative to each other. As a rule, it appears as a result of an indirect trauma if the volume of movements in the joint exceeds the physiological one.

It often occurs when falling on a withdrawn limb, accompanied by a click, strong pain and restricted movement in the joint.

If you try to change the position of the dislocated part of the body, there is resistance.

In the article you will learn how to correct the dislocation depending on the injury.

Typical sprains and their symptoms

The dislocated joint is considered to be the one that is located farther from the trunk.Dislocations are classified as follows:

  • By the degree of displacement, it can be complete (the ends of the joints completely diverge) and subluxation (partially touching);
  • Upon their appearance they are divided into congenital and acquired;
  • On appearance, dislocations can be open (with the formation of a wound) and closed;
  • If the dislocation appears repeatedly, it is called habitual;
  • For pathological dislocation (shoulder or joint), the destruction of the surface of the joints due to the pathological process is characteristic;
  • With complicated dislocations, nerve trunks, muscles, vessels, tendons and bones are damaged.

For any dislocation, the following symptoms are typical:

  • Forced position of the injured limb;
  • Pain in the affected area, which is aggravated by movement;
  • Swelling and redness;
  • The end of the joint is determined in an unusual place;
  • Changing the length of the limb;
  • Disturbance of motor function;
  • If the nerves are damaged, numbness of the limbs may occur;
  • In some cases, the patient's condition worsens, there is a fever, a chill.

With a congenital dislocation of the hip joint, an asymmetry of the gluteal folds appears, a gait disturbance, and lameness. Over time, one leg becomes shorter than the other. With a bilateral dislocation of the hip, the patient appears a duck's gait.

Methods of correction of dislocations

Shoulder dislocation is one of the most common injuries. You can not try to correct the joint yourself, as this can aggravate the situation and cause more serious injuries. First of all, you need to fix the area of ​​damage with a bandage or a tire and immediately go to the hospital.

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In order to eliminate the dislocation of the shoulder, the doctor may need 1 or 2 helpers. There are several methods of adjusting the dislocation of the shoulder.

For a successful procedure, complete relaxation of the muscles is necessary, which is achieved with the help of anesthesia. The fact that the dislocation is corrected is indicated by a click and the ability to move the arm and shoulder.

Before the painkiller's action ends, a bandage is applied to the patient's arm with a small size roller located in the axillary region.

The Kocher Method

Consider the direction of the dislocation according to Koker. The assistant doctor fixes the trunk of the patient and holds a counter-arm.

  • At the initial stage, the surgeon grasps the elbow area of ​​the patient with one hand, and the second - the wrist. Then he bends the injured person's arm at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees. Subsequently, the limb is pulled along the axis of the shoulder and leads it to the trunk.
  • At stage 2, while continuing to stretch along the axis, the doctor turns the outside of the shoulder so that the surface of the forearm is aligned with the frontal surface of the body.
  • Without weakening the traction, the doctor leads the elbow to the midline of the trunk, and the arm bends in the opposite direction. Often at this stage, a dislocation of the dislocation occurs.
  • If this did not happen, without weakening the traction, the shoulder and forearm turn quickly inside, and then abruptly throws on a healthy side, with the expectation that the palm will be on a healthy shoulder.

The Mota-Mukhina method

Also used the direction of dislocation Mota. Damaged shoulder wrapped with a strip of fabric so that its ends were directed to the healthy side.

One person pulls the ends of the tissue in the direction of the healthy shoulder, and the second bends the patient's arm at the elbow at a right angle and holds the forearm with both hands.

The doctor probes the shifted head of the shoulder in the armpit and fixes it with his fingers. At the command of a specialist, the assistant conducts circular movements with the shoulder, while continuing to stretch. The doctor presses on the head of the shoulder in the upper-internal direction, after which the dislocation is corrected.

The Method of Hippocrates

The direction of dislocation for Hippocrates is used in the event that the dislocation is combined with a fracture of the neck of the humerus.

It is also used to treat elderly people. At the same time, the doctor holds the forearm with both hands and slowly draws the limb.

Then, by strengthening the heel extension, he returns the head of the humerus to the place.

Dislocation of a finger

When you dislocate your finger, you need to fix it with a bandage, after removing all the embarrassing objects from the damaged brush.

To reduce edema, you can apply cold and immediately go to the clinic while holding your arm in a raised position.

In order to establish the degree of damage, X-rays are made.

The direction of the dislocation of the finger occurs under local anesthesia, since this procedure is very painful.

The doctor takes the end of the injured finger and directs it along the rest with a clear movement. A click indicates that the finger has become in place.

Also appears the mobility of the joint. Then the finger is fixed with a longul, which is removed after 2 - 3 weeks.

In the event that there is a fracture or rupture of the tendons, an operation is performed.

Dislocation of foot

When the foot is dislocated, the leg should be fixed with the help of improvised means, give the patient an anesthetic and send it to the emergency station. You can apply cold to the affected area in order to relieve pain.

When the ankle is dislocated, the leg can move inward, outward, backward, forward or upward. Clean traumatic foot injuries, in which there is no fracture of both or one ankle, are rare.

When the patient's anterior dislocation is laid on the table, the assistant flexes the patient's leg in the knee and keeps it on the weight. The doctor aligns the foot and direct pressing the front to back puts it in the desired position.

The internal dislocations are corrected in the same position. Give the foot the position of the extreme cast, then press it from the inside to the outside. At this time, the assistant presses the lower leg of the lower leg inwards.

Hip Dislocation

There are the following types of hip dislocations:

  • Iliac;
  • Sciatic;
  • Obligatory;
  • Overhead.

The correction occurs under local or epidural anesthesia.

The Janelidze method

The rectification of the dislocation is used by Dzhanelidze when adjusting the posterior dislocations. The patient is placed with his stomach on the dressing table so that the diseased leg hangs.

The pubis and the anterolateral bones should fit snugly against the table, for this, pouches of sand are placed under them. In this position, the patient should be within 20 minutes.

Then the assistant, pressing a hand on the sacrum, fixes the pelvis, and the doctor bends the patient's leg in the knee and pulls it outward. Becomes between the patient's leg and table and presses his knee on the popliteal fossa. As a result, the head of the hip slides into the acetabulum with an easy click.

The Kocher Method

The patient is placed on a flat surface, the assistant holds his pelvis with both hands. The doctor flexes the patient's leg at a right angle in the hip joint and knee and stretches vertically upwards until it clicks.

Köfer method

The patient is placed on the floor, the assistant fixes his pelvis with his hands. The doctor kneels, the other leg bends at a right angle and places it under the pitted pit of the injured leg. The shin of the limb of the victim is used as a lever. The hip is pulled upward, while the leg is retracted.

In the event that the situation could not be rectified, a surgical operation is performed.

Treatment of other dislocations

There are many dislocations that can affect the following joints:

  • Jaw;
  • Arms;
  • Clavicles;
  • Legs;
  • Shoulder joints;
  • Cervical vertebrae;
  • Hip joint;
  • Knees;
  • Elbows;
  • Fingers of legs and hands;
  • Ankle;
  • Ankles.

The essence of any method of treatment of dislocations is that the joint returns to its normal physiological position.This procedure is very short, but very painful, so almost always it is carried out under local anesthesia.

In no case can you try to correct the dislocation yourself, this can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

Dislocation of the jaw is a common trauma. Another Hippocrates came up with a method of correcting the jaw.

In order to correct the situation, the patient is put on a chair, and the doctor stands before him, after having wrapped the thumbs of his hands with a napkin.

They are placed on the lower molars on both sides, and the rest is covered by the jaw from below.


First, gently press the teeth with your thumbs, and chin pull up to loosen the chewing muscles. Then the jaw is shifted back and up, where it is inserted into the joint recess. This will be accompanied by a characteristic click.


In the Blehman-Gershuni method, the doctor finds coronal processes outside the arches of the cheekbones and bones and presses them down and back. In this case, the correction takes place within a few seconds. This method is the easiest, any person can learn it.

Rehabilitation after dislocations

After the adjustment of the dislocation, there is a rehabilitation period:

  • Depending on the complexity and localization of the dislocation, plaster can be applied, in order to fix the limb in a certain position. The period of wearing it can be from 3 to 8 weeks. In elderly people, this period may be longer;
  • In the event that gypsum is not applied, the injured limb is fixed with a bandage;
  • You can not immediately load the affected joint, this can lead to a repeated dislocation with more serious consequences;
  • In order to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation in the area of ​​the affected joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Meloxicam) in the form of tablets or injections;
  • In the future, it is necessary to restore the lost joint function. For this, therapeutic exercise and massage can be prescribed;
  • Also for restoration of mobility of a joint physiotherapeutic methods (UHF, magnetotherapy) are used;
  • If the joints in the foot area are injured, the doctor may recommend wearing orthopedic shoes.

In case of any dislocations, it is necessary to seek medical help.

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How to fix the shoulder independently: the shoulder joint


  • 1. Symptomatology
  • 2. Treatment of humeral dislocation

How to fix a dislocation of the shoulder joint independently should know many, since with similar damages everyone can face. According to statistics, approximately 50-60% of all injuries fall on the shoulder joint.

The fact that the shoulder has a special anatomical structure, because of which, in comparison with other joint injuries, the likelihood of acquiring injuries increases at times. Most of the dislocation of the shoulder joint occurs in the case of the acquisition of an indirect trauma.

There are the following types of dislocations:

  • lower;
  • rear;
  • front.


If there is damage to the shoulder, then there is a rupture of the capsule located in the joint. In addition, there are a variety of tears or tendon ruptures. As a rule, the main load is accounted for by the supraclavicular muscle.

In 10-40% of cases, there is a separation of a large, rarely a small tubercle and damage to the tendon of muscles, which are attached to the joint. If the shoulder is injured, then the forearm of the hand slightly drops downwards, and the head of the victim leans toward the injured limb.

It is desirable that the patient as less as possible disturbed his hand and supported it with the help of a healthy limb. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the injured limb is in the withdrawn position: the bent elbow, and the injured arm is located a little further than healthy.

In a healthy arm, the shoulder axis passes through the acromial process of the scapula. In case of injury, the axis shifts toward the collarbone. This change is explained by the fact that the head of the shoulder is located much lower, due to the fact that the axis is significantly shifted.

In case of damage of this kind, the usual roundness disappears, it can be seen in the shoulder area next to the deltoid muscle.

Due to the fact that the head is not located in the joint cavity, the surface is slightly deformed, it becomes flat, while the acromial process is probed above it.

A person who has significant damage, can not move the joint without hindrance, in particular, with an early arm. When you try to raise your arm in the shoulder area, you have intense pain and resistance.


At the same time, the attempt to bring the elbow to the trunk remains unsuccessful. When performing rotational actions, for example, in the process of turning the elbow outward, the same movements are transmitted to the shoulder and to the lower region of the armpits.


In this case, a person experiences excessive muscle overload, in particular, such a phenomenon can be traced along the deltoid muscle. Sometimes there is a squeezing of the head of the vessels or injury to the plexus of the shoulder.

This phenomenon contributes to changes in the appearance of the hands:

  1. the skin on his fingers pales;
  2. sensitivity of the limb is lost;
  3. develops cyanosis;
  4. a very weak pulsation is felt on the radial artery.

In particularly difficult cases, when a fracture of the shoulder joint and the surgical neck of the shoulder is diagnosed, the shoulder joint is markedly shortened. Therefore, the victim can not take him to the left or to the right, even for a minimum distance.

Moreover, a person will feel only crepitus and no springing resistance. To diagnose a shoulder dislocation, combined with a fracture is much more difficult.

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Treatment of humeral dislocation

The main goal of the treatment is to direct the dislocation of the shoulder. In most cases, you can apply local anesthesia. To this end, the patient is administered 1 ml of pantopone (1%) or morphine. After that, novocaine is used to anesthetize the shoulder joint.

There are a lot of methods of correcting the shoulder dislocation. However, often the following methods are used:

  • the Chaklin direction;
  • the Hippocratic-Cooper method;
  • repositioning on Dzhanelidze;
  • the direction of Kocher.

When the shoulder joint changes according to the Hippocratic-Cooper technique, the person assumes a supine position. In this case, the doctor sits down to the sick person from the side of the damaged joint, and then, using two hands, grasps the patient's brushes.

Before you move your arm, the doctor must remove the shoes from the foot where the dislocation has occurred. Both movements should be done synchronously so that the probability of getting a complication is significantly reduced. Thus, the joint head is quickly placed in the articular cavity.

According to the method of Chaklin, a person should assume a supine position. After the doctor obtrusively tightens his shoulder joint according to the length. In this case, with the help of the second hand, he withdraws the head of the shoulders, which is located in the muscular cavity.

However, this method makes a person experience painful and uncomfortable sensations, so it is desirable to do this procedure under anesthesia. Basically, the Chaklin method is used only when a mild fracture is diagnosed with a shoulder dislocation.

After the patient was given an anesthetic injection, they put him on the table on the side of the injured shoulder joint. And the edge of the table must pass exactly into the zone of the armpits, and the injured hand should hang.

The head of the patient is placed on another table. In this position, the patient is left for 15-20 minutes, so that his shoulder girdle relaxes. Then the shoulder is dislocated.

Then a special bandage is applied on the hand, fixing the limb securely on the chest. After carrying out such procedure it is necessary to take a picture to be convinced of absence of damages of a bone.


After a week, the patient can begin to do medical gymnastics for the speedy recovery of the hand. However, the full performance of the limb can be resumed at least 1 month later.


The correction of the shoulder joint displacement by the method of Kocher is used if the patient has a strong physique and in the case of a simple anterior dislocation.

But this method is forbidden to apply to people who are in old age or for those who suffer from osteoporosis. The method consists in the following: the patient lies down on the table on his back. In this case, the injured hand should be lowered so that it extends beyond the edge of the table.

The method of Kocher includes four stages, which must be done in a certain sequence.

With one hand, the doctor holds the injured for the lower part of the limb, and the second one holds the elbow, bending it at an angle of 90 degrees. After this, the elbow should be carried to the trunk, and then the arm extends along the axis. At the same time, the assistant doctor firmly fixes the shoulder joint of the patient.

Then, the shoulder should be rotated until the joint has moved into the front plane, which will allow the head to be turned forward. At this stage, the doctor adjusts the shoulder joint, as indicated by a characteristic click.

Next, the doctor carefully takes his forearm slightly forward and upward. At the same time, the elbow should be pressed against the body. In most cases, the direction is carried out at this stage.

The doctor uses the forearm as a kind of lever, and then, with the help of a sharp movement, directs the joint inwards. The patient's hand is placed on the healthy shoulder, and the forearm is placed on the chest, and then the limb is fixed in this position.

One or another way of adjusting the dislocation of the shoulder joint should be selected by the doctor and only when all the examinations and X-rays are done.


In addition, it is necessary to take a couple of shots immediately after the procedure and after some time after the correction has been made. This is necessary to make sure that the shoulder heals without any complications.


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Direction of shoulder dislocation

Shoulder dislocation is one of the most common injuries that often occurs in everyday life.

This trauma is extremely serious and painful, as it leads to impaired ability to work man - the movement of the shoulder will be impossible exactly until the time that it is not set in the correct position.

Treatment of this injury, like any other, is recommended to be entrusted to a qualified doctor, but there are situation, when there is no possibility to receive emergency medical care, and we have to count only on yourself.

The direction of the dislocated shoulder is a very useful skill, since, according to statistics, 50% of all dislocations fall on the shoulder.

This figure is explained quite simply: the shoulder joint is the most movable joint in the human body.

The most common reasons are:

  • hit;
  • a fall in which a person involuntarily puts his hands directly in front of him, from which the bone is in an unnatural position;
  • sharp and strong muscle contraction or movement.

Separate the following types of dislocations:

  • front;
  • back;
  • lower.

Symptoms of trauma

During injury of the shoulder, a capsule is broken which is inside the joint. Together with this, there are all kinds of tears and tearing tendons. As a result, the supramarginal muscle assumes the main load.

The most common signs are:

  • The forearm slightly drops downwards, from which the head leans in the direction of the injured arm. It is worth noting that the injured contraindicated to disturb the patient's hand, but, on the contrary, to provide it with such a position: the bent elbow joint, and the sick arm is slightly further healthy;
  • the humeral axis moves closer to the collarbone;
  • roundness, which was located in the shoulder joint area near the deltoid muscle, disappears;
  • the victim is not able to move his hand freely. When you try to raise your hand, you have strong pain and resistance to the limb;
  • the presence of intense muscle overload, which entails an external deformation of the hand: development cyanosis, lack of sensitivity, weak pulsation in the radial artery, blanching fingers.

Therapeutic tactics

Before embarking on the treatment of this injury, you need to know how to correct the dislocation of the shoulder.

At this stage, for the effective and painless repositioning, mainly local anesthesia is used.

To do this, the patient must be administered 1 ml of pantopone (1%) or morphine. After this procedure, novocaine is used to anesthetize the shoulder joint.

Direction of dislocations is quite a common task for medical workers, so many ways have been developed how to fix the shoulder. The most commonly used methods are:

  • the Hippocratic-Cooper method;
  • control by the method of Kocher;
  • joint correction, using the Janelidze method.

The dislocation direction by the Hippocratic-Cooper method

According to this technique, the patient assumes a supine position on the back, and the doctor sits next to the injured limb, and then makes the grip of the patient's hand with both hands.

Before this procedure, the doctor removes shoes with the appropriate dislocation of the leg and presses on the armpit, while stretching his arm along the axis.

To reduce the risk of complications, both these movements are recommended to be performed as much as possible simultaneously.

Kocher's method

The shoulder should be adjusted according to Kocher if the injured person has a strong physique and with an uncomplicated anterior dislocation.

This method is categorically contraindicated for the elderly or those who are afflicted with the disease of osteoporosis.

The method is divided into four stages, the execution of which occurs in this order:

  • with one hand the doctor holds the lower area of ​​the injured hand of the patient, and the second - holds the elbow, bending it at an inclination of 90 degrees. Next, the doctor brings the elbow to the body of a person and pulls his arm along the axis. The forearm of the wounded strong is fixed by the second doctor;
  • The shoulder joint should be adjusted until it reaches the frontal plane. A loud, characteristic click and will mean that the joint rotation has been successful;
  • The next step is that the doctor gently pulls the forearm slightly forward and upward. The ulnar region, at this time, is firmly pressed against the trunk;
  • at the final stage the doctor, using sharp movements, directs the joint inside, using instead of the lever the forearm of the patient. On the area of ​​the healthy shoulder, put the victim's hand, and the forearm is pressed against the chest and fixed in this position.

Straining of the shoulder dislocation using Janelidze's technique

After a special painkilling injection, the injured should be laid on the area of ​​the damaged side.

The victim's head is placed on another table. In this condition, it remains about fifteen minutes to maximally relax the shoulder girdle. Then the doctor firmly grasps the patient's forearm and presses the place located near the elbow.

During this time, the qualified specialist performs a gentle pressure on the shoulder joint, making, at the same time, circular movements. Thus, the rectification of shoulder dislocation in Dzhanelidze is carried out as quickly as possible and without severe pain manifestations.

Further on the upper limb is applied a special bandage, with which the hand is firmly fixed on the chest. After these manipulations, it is recommended to conduct an examination on radiography to make sure that there are no damages.


Successful removal of the dislocation does not relieve you from performing special exercises aimed at restoring the joint.

Physiotherapists and sports therapists will tell you special exercises that will help significantly accelerate the recovery period, restore limbs to their former capacity for work, and also strengthen the shoulder joint.

In addition to therapeutic physical education, the patient is often prescribed the use of various folk techniques and sessions of specialized massage.

Independent pre-hospital care

Since there are cases when it is impossible to get emergency medical care, it is very important to know how to fix the shoulder yourself.

There are several ways that you will be able to provide yourself with the first medical aid and a number of instructions how to independently adjust the shoulder joint. The algorithm is as follows:

  • it is necessary to bend the limb in the region of the elbow and pull it forward so that an angle of ninety degrees is formed between the forearm and the body;
  • We put our hand aside, as far as possible, without changing the former position of the injured forearm;
  • raise the arm up so that the palm is exactly above the head. Do this manipulation slowly, using the possibilities of the shoulder joint to the maximum.

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How to correct the dislocation of the shoulder by different methods

In order to restore the dislocation of the shoulder successfully, it is necessary, first of all, to achieve maximum relaxation of the victim. To do this, he is injected with Novocaine (intramuscularly) directly into the area of ​​the damaged articulation.

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There are different methods of conducting the procedure. The choice of one of them is the prerogative of a specialist. He does this based on the patient's condition and the nature of the injury.

Janelidze's method

This technique refers to low-traumatic.

After the injection of Novocain, muscle relaxation occurs in about 30 minutes. Then:

  • the patient is laid on the couch;
  • his broken arm hangs from the edge;
  • a special roller is placed under the shoulder blade;
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Actually, the dislocation of the shoulder is corrected in this case independently, without the intervention of the doctor, only under the influence of gravity.

In some cases, to enhance the effects of Novocaine, muscle relaxants are also used.

Also, sometimes the joint has to be moved to the doctor. In this situation:

  • the patient lies sideways to the very edge of the couch;
  • his hand is bent at the elbow;
  • the physician exerts additional pressure on his hand, pressing his forearm to the floor, pulling it parallel to the brush away from the couch.

After this, the limb is immobilized with gypsum for about 20 days. Upon completion of the manipulations, the patient is sent to the control x-ray.

The second way

According to Kocher, the direction of shoulder dislocation is not as simple as in the previously described case. However, this method is recommended even for the treatment of chronic trauma.

You can not use it (because the method is considered quite traumatic) only in a situation where the patient:

  • osteoporosis is diagnosed;
  • was more than 60 years old.

In older people, the structure of bone tissue changes, and therefore an intensive effect on the joints often leads to fractures and some other dangerous complications.

This option is recommended to be used only in the case when Janelidze's technique did not allow to correct the trauma. All movements should be carried out as gently as possible, in exact sequence. Sharp jerks are not allowed. The method requires a medical professional.

This method is indicated if a front dislocation is diagnosed. The procedure is as follows:

  • the limb is bent at right angles to the elbow;
  • The assistant at this moment holds the forearm;
  • the doctor leads the arm along the axis of the shoulder joint to the patient's body so that the elbow is on the chest (it is fixed there);
  • the limb is unfolded to the opposite shoulder.

The Method of Hippocrates

As it is easy to guess, according to Hippocrates, the shoulder is reforged from the very antiquity. As a rule, it is used by military doctors in the field. The best results are achieved if the procedure is carried out immediately after injury.

Here the technique of execution is:

  • the patient is put on his back;
  • the medic sits next to him, so that his heel rests against the patient in the armpit;
  • The specialist grabs the hand of the injured limb with his hands and pulls it on himself.

Moto direction

The assistant fixes the shoulder of the victim and presses on him. The doctor at this time takes the limb to the side. As a result, the displaced joint returns to the place designated by nature.

Meshkov's method

It is suitable for both upper dislocation and more for the lower one. According to Meshkov, correction is made with minimal trauma.

The technique of implementation in this situation is as follows:

  • a shot of Novocain is made into the subclavian area;
  • the patient is put on the table, with the stomach up;
  • the assistant raises his injured arm up and forward (the correct angle is not more than 130 degrees);
  • the limb is held in this position for up to a quarter of an hour, so that her muscles are tired and relaxed;
  • the doctor then presses the acromion with one hand, creating an anti-support;
  • the other (if dislocated anterior) squeezes the humerus head up and back;
  • if it is lower, then only up.


To fix in all cases, a plaster cast is used. Most often apply the back of Turner's long tongue. In it, the limb should be between 20 and 30 days. Rehabilitation takes approximately 2 weeks. During this period, the following is assigned:

  • heating;
  • massages;
  • other types of functional therapy at the discretion of the doctor.

Restoration of working capacity, with the exact observance of recommendations by the patient, occurs after, months.

All the described methods are suitable only in cases when the open reduction is not required. Surgical intervention is performed if a dislocation is diagnosed:

  • habitual;
  • old-fashioned;
  • irreparable;

It is also practiced with dislocations

It is important to carry out all manipulations accurately, without sudden movements. It is not necessary to undertake such a responsible business if there is no proper experience. Incorrect actions often lead to complications.

Each method has both a number of advantages and some disadvantages, therefore it is only the surgeon who determines the expediency of using any of them.

Sometimes, if there is a suspicion that the correction will lead to complications, the patient is referred to an MRI or CT scan.

The specialist is not required to know and apply all methods, since their medicine is known more than 50.


In everyday practice, it is enough for him to master only 2 or 3 of the most effective, suitable for a large number of types of shoulder dislocation.


Preference is given to the least traumatic, able to return the joint to the correct position with minimal accompanying lesions.

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How is the shoulder shifted?

Patients are interested in what kind of a doctor is performing shoulder reposition during a dislocation and how to perform this procedure.

Shoulder dislocation is a trauma in which the connection between the joints of the shoulder and scapula bones is broken.

In this case, the joint bag breaks as a result of the displacement of the elements.

What are the causes and symptoms of shoulder dislocation?

Injury of the shoulder

Causes of dislocation of the shoulder joint:

  • high activity of the shoulder joint;
  • small area of ​​joints;
  • a disproportionate increase in the joint bag;
  • thinning of tissues;
  • injury.

Providing additional strength of the shoulder joint is by means of ligaments, the fibers of which surround the articular bag.

Bundles are a few and thin tissue formations.

Due to the availability of these elements, the risk of injury is reduced and the mobility of the shoulder joint is increased.

The most dangerous are the falls with straightened or extended hands.
People who have dislocated the humerus several times, are able to meet the problem repeatedly.

This can occur after improper adjustment of the joint, which determines the degree of recovery and adhesion. This damage is dangerous for people of old age.

The process of recovery of bones and cartilage in the elderly is much slower than in young people. Dislocation is a serious disruption of work in the body, which requires appropriate and timely treatment.

The lack of competent therapy can lead to serious consequences up to disability.

What are the causes of dislocation of the shoulder joint? Trauma can cause this damage. If you sharply turn your hand, you can dislocate your shoulder due to the fact that there will be a sharp contraction of muscles. Connections are able to move, so a person can not raise his hands or take something from them.

Symptoms of a dislocation of the shoulder joint:

  1. Sharp pain in the area of ​​damage. After the injury is piercing. It manifests itself in violation of the integrity of the joint capsule containing many nerve endings.
  2. Limited mobility of the joint. There is the impossibility of the movements of the shoulder. When moving the hand, resistance to limb movement is observed. This is due to the termination of the contact of joint tissues with each other.
  3. The asymmetry of the shoulder is visible to the eye. From the injured side there is an increase or flattening of the joint tissue.
  4. Edema of the tissues of the humeral region. It is an indicator of the ingress of bacteria into the tissue causing inflammation of the joint. Most often, the process is accompanied by a displacement of the contact surfaces of the joint. Vessels are contracted, and the outflow of blood becomes impossible.

Treatment of dislocation in the shoulder joint

X-ray shoulder injuries

To diagnose and make a verdict it is necessary to apply to a medical institution. In some cases, a dislocated joint can cause a number of pathologies, so after getting injuries it is better to immediately go to the emergency department.

For the diagnosis of dislocation of the shoulder joint, the following methods can be used:

  • X-ray radiation;
  • CT scan;
  • MRI;
  • Ultrasound.

If you suspect a dislocation of the shoulder joint, take the following measures:

  1. Ensure the immobility of the limb.
  2. Make a cooling compress or attach ice wrapped in a towel.
  3. Call an ambulance. The doctor will help to remove pain and prevent serious complications. The speed of rendering pre-hospital care depends on the chances of restoring the upper limb apparatus.

You can not treat this damage yourself. This will lead to worsening of the patient's condition and additional injuries. Timely medical care will help increase the chances of a quick and painless recovery.

How is the shoulder dislocation adjusted?

The process of shoulder reinforcement

If the patient has a dislocation of the shoulder, treatment is carried out by a specialist. In the practice of traumatology, the following methods are used:

  1. Direction of shoulder dislocation according to Kocher. The method is used for people with a well developed muscular skeleton, who have been dislocated for a long time. Manipulation of the patient is lying on his back. He is bent by the elbow joint by 90 ° and extends the shoulder, directing it to the body. With the assistance of the assistant, the forearm is put in place. During the dislocation, a click is heard. This is an indicator of a successful repositioning of the shoulder. After this, gypsum is applied to the affected area. For complete recovery, the patient needs to undergo a course of physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics.
  2. Shoulder rest along Janelidze. A simpler and more accessible way. The patient is placed sideways on the table, the edge of which must rest against the axillary hollow of the patient. The head is placed on another table, which is next to it. In this case, the dislocated limb hangs downward between the tables. After 15 minutes, a complete analgesic effect of novocaine is achieved, the muscular tissues of the shoulder relax. Then the traumatologist pulls the patient's arm behind the forearm bent at right angles and gently rotates the shoulder. At the same time, the joint can be easily inserted.

Surgical treatment is indicated if the joint capsule or the reposition of the humerus are broken.

Then, therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed after correcting the dislocation. To restore the function of the hand, special exercises must be done daily. Speeding recovery will help wearing a special bandage.

Month after the restoration of the joint, it is necessary to do exercises, among which:

  • circular rotation with brushes;
  • compression of fingers into fists and unclenching of them;
  • exercise without weight on the shoulder muscles.

A month after the injury, the shoulder will gradually restore its original functions. After strengthening the muscles of the area, you can remove the supporting bandage and continue doing the exercises without it.

It is better to start doing exercises with outside help, then go on to independently conduct movements.

At 4-6 weeks after the elimination of the consequences of injury, the best exercises will be flexion and extension of the shoulder.

After a lapse of 5-7 weeks after repositioning the shoulder, a special immobilizing bandage should be removed. A special supporting bandage can be removed as early as week 7 after dislocation. It is also worth doing exercises that will restore muscle tone and return mobility to the damaged joint.

Exercises to restore joint mobility

The tasks of therapeutic gymnastics are:

  • restoration of activity of compounds;
  • strengthening of muscles;
  • restoration of the elasticity of the joint tissues.

To eliminate the symptoms of injuries of the shoulder joint, the following exercises are used:

  • work of the shoulder with its retraction forwards and backwards;
  • circular rotation of the shoulder and forearm.

The main task of the rehabilitation period is to restore the normal frequency of movements of the damaged shoulder region. Should develop a hand every day, because a full restoration of the joint takes a period of about a year. To strengthen the muscles you need to use expanders and dumbbells of small weight.

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