What causes sinusitis

What can be the cause of sinusitis?


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What is genyantritis and what are the causes of it?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of one or both of the maxillary sinuses. Sinusitis can also be considered as a special case of sinusitis. The most common cause of sinusitis is a different kind of infection. The causative agents of maxillary sinusitis can be staphylococci, streptococci, hemophilic rod, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, fungi.
Sinusitis can be an independent disease, but often develops as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection (ARI). For example, in case of influenza, genyantritis can occur after blockage of the exit opening of the maxillary sinus due to the growing swelling of the nasal mucosa. In other cases, the source of infection may be a sick tooth or chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).
The risk of sinusitis is especially high in the autumn-winter period, when there is a natural decrease in immunity and seasonal hypovitaminosis.
In more rare cases, the cause of sinusitis can serve as curvature of the nasal septum and allergy.

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Children of one of the frequent causes of sinusitis can have adenoids that disrupt the process of nasal breathing and serve as a constant source of infection.

What are the symptoms and signs of sinusitis?
Symptoms and signs of sinusitis are very diverse and depend on the form of the disease.

In acute sinusitis, there is a fever, severe pain in the face, below the eye, nasal congestion (possibly one-sided). Also for sinusitis is characteristic of the discharge of a large mucus of a greenish shade from the nose.

In chronic sinusitis, the most pronounced symptom of the disease is a persistent night cough that does not respond to traditional treatment. Cough occurs due to the flow of pus from the affected sinus to the back wall of the pharynx. Another symptom of chronic sinusitis can often be a recurring runny nose, nasal congestion, persistent keratitis and conjunctivitis.

One of the classic symptoms of sinusitis is headache. The occurrence of a headache is associated with the accumulation of pus in the inflamed sinus. Headache with genyantritis, the pressure is often located in the forehead, behind the eyes. Often, patients can tell about the pain that increases with pressure on the infraorbital area or when lifting the eyelids. Another characteristic sign of headache in sinusitis is its noticeable relief in a prone position or in the night, which is explained by the release of pus from the affected sinus.

How dangerous is sinusitis? What can be complications of the disease?
The danger of sinusitis comes from the anatomical location and structure of the maxillary sinus, the thin walls of which form the orbit and contact the membranes of the brain. In the case of sinusitis, there is always a risk of infection spreading into the cranial cavity with the development of meningitis.
In addition, chronic sinusitis can play the role of a source of infection, which leads to frequent recurrences of sore throat, pharyngitis, can cause dental diseases, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. In acute sinusitis, neuritis of the trigeminal nerve can develop, accompanied by severe attacks of pain in the obsolescence of the face. Often, chronic sinusitis is complicated by the formation of an abscess - a closed cavity filled with pus.

olga prisakar



Conditions that violate nasal breathing: curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (enlargement of nasal concha), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.

Immunity disorders, which lead to long-term chronic diseases, parasitosis, allergic conditions, etc.

Untimely or incorrect treatment of the common cold, acute respiratory disease, rhinitis, which causes complications of sinusitis.

Bacteriosis. Many of you are familiar with the honey procedure. examination, when doctors take smears from the nose on bacteriological crops. Often a patient has a so-called staphylococcus, which lives for a long time in the nasopharynx of a person. The latter, if not examined, would not know that he is a carrier. For a long time these bacteria can not cause serious damage to health. but even with the common cold, staphylococcus can activate and manifest its pathogenic properties.

Congenital disorders of development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity.


In the first place - hypothermia. In the second untreated ARVI.
A disappointing fact is that very often the sinusitis turns into a chronic form, and will appear from time to time.


Cold. In time, the coryza was not cured or the head was chilled. Sinusitis is a bad thing. Close the forehead when it's cold.


This is a respiratory or allergic disease.

Ekaterina Trush

My non-cured cold was the reason that I got sinusitis. I was relieved by the condition of the tablet of Cinnabsin, appointed by lor. Tablets have a natural composition and facilitate nasal breathing.

Who knows what is sinusitis?


Piggy Nyusha

genyantritis is a horror! First, it smells awful! Secondly, it must be pierced and if one is ill, then you will never vylichishsya never! so you will snotty to walk !!

Good Snake

sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis) - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinusitis usually occurs as a complication against a background of a viral infection (ARVI). This is an acute sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses can manifest itself in a few days and even weeks, after passing the acute symptoms of colds.
Symptoms of sinusitis: a runny nose (purulent discharge from the nose), stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell, "nasal" voice, headache, fever, swelling of the skin in the cheek or eyelid region, pain in the cheek or in the region of the upper teeth. These symptoms, individually or together, more or less pronounced, may indicate an inflammation of the sinuses.


HAIMORIT is one of the most common types of SINUSIT - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
A feature of all paranasal sinuses, which includes the maxillary sinus, is the fact that, being sufficiently volumetric formations, they have very small outlets (1-3 mm) - anastomoses, with which the sinuses open into the nasal cavity. Therefore, when the edema of the mucous membrane of the anastomosis is closed, the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is broken, in the sinus begins to develop bacterial (sometimes fungal) flora and there is inflammation, which can be purulent, serous, hemorrhagic and other
HAIMORIT (maxillary sinusitis) - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinusitis usually occurs as a complication against a background of a viral infection (ARVI). This is an acute sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses can manifest itself in a few days and even weeks, after passing the acute symptoms of colds
Sometimes (in 10% of cases), sinusitis develops as a result of the transition of inflammation from the roots of molars located near the maxillary sinus. In these cases, the sinusitis proceeds in an erased form for a fairly long time.
Rareer causes of sinusitis are pressure drops during diving and flight on an airplane.
Symptoms of sinusitis: a runny nose (purulent discharge from the nose), stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell, "nasal" voice, headache, fever, swelling of the skin in the cheek or eyelid region, pain in the cheek or in the region of the upper teeth. These symptoms, individually or together, more or less pronounced, may indicate an inflammation of the sinuses.
If the runny nose worries for more than a week, is accompanied by a headache, severe stuffiness of the nose, temperature - this is the reason for visiting the ENT - a doctor.
DO NOT FORGET - the nose "grows" on the head. Nearby are the organ of vision, the organ of hearing, the brain. Untimely treatment of a doctor, self-medication can lead to complications, the most formidable of them - meningitis, brain abscess.
Sinusitis - a serious disease, so his treatment is better to entrust to the doctor. Treatment should be comprehensive and individual: local drugs, antibiotics, immune preparations are used. In the arsenal of ENT - the doctor there are many ways to treat this disease, including without a "puncture." But in some cases, the puncture of the maxillary sinus ("puncture") greatly facilitates the patient's condition.
Refrain from "warming up" at home. As a rule, this leads only to a worsening of the condition.


Sinusitis. Inflammation of the adnexal sinuses (sinusitis).
Inflammation can be one-sided and two-sided. The sinusitis is divided into: sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, frontal-inflammation of the frontal sinus, etmoiditis - inflammation in the cells of the latticed maze and sphenoiditis-inflammation in sphenoid sinus.
The most common inflammation of the maxillary sinus. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can be acute and chronic. Acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs as a result of an acute cold, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
Infection of the paranasal sinuses can occur with injuries. In diseases of the upper molars, whose roots are located close to the maxillary sinus, acute sinusitis can occur.
Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is a consequence of frequently recurring acute inflammations, especially when the conditions for outflow of the accumulating pathological secretion in them are unfavorable (hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, curvature of the nasal septum, occluding openings of the paranasal sinuses nose). And there are many varieties of it.

Regina Melnikova

a nasty sore. In the maxillary sinuses (ento in the nose roughly speaking) fluid (pus) accumulates and the whole thing hurts badly. In no case should one do self-medication - the consequences can be very deplorable. It is necessary to address to LORu. He will appoint a picture, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe antibiotics and possibly piercing. But do not be afraid of this, you need consequences ...

Zayusha Zayusha

Sinusitis - an inflammatory disease, which can lead to an incurable cold, rotten tooth, curvature of the nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, infections and congenital anomalies of the cavity nose. In a word, only someone who does not get sick from sinusitis or, at least, is treated in a timely manner.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Well, you already understand what it is like, then you wrote here. But it is not necessary to make a puncture (this is done in the most extreme case). The device "cuckoo" helps it by using the sinuses and it comes with relief, followed by recovery.


Stuffy pieces, you can easily do without piercing. Competent treatment is a quick recovery. I was ill 2 times, I was cured with antibiotics.

Katrina V

Leeches help you get by without antibiotics.

Ekaterina Isaeva

Sinusitis - this inflammation of the maxillary sinus occurs as a complication in acute colds, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. The second most frequent cause is the disease of the roots of the four posterior upper teeth.
Symptoms and course:
Feeling of pressure and tension in the sinus area, then pains are also attached to the forehead, zygomatic, temporal, capturing the entire half of the face. Nasal breathing is disturbed, there are discharge from the nose, photophobia, lacrimation, the sense of smell is reduced. The temperature in the early days increased, chills, a general condition disorder. Sometimes the cheek swells on the side of the lesion and even the lower eyelid of the eye. The cheek is painful when palpated.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints, examination, X-ray data and a trial puncture of the maxillary sinus with a special needle. On the roentgenogram the darkening of the sinus is determined, and in puncture, the nature of its contents.
Usually conservative. Vasoconstrictive drugs in the form of drops, ointments, powders are injected into the nasal cavity (ephedrine, galazoline, naphthysine, sanorin, adrenaline) to reduce edema of the mucosa. Prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides in severity of the disease. As anti-inflammatory drugs are used physiotherapy (blue light, solux, UHF, microwaves). The most effective washing of the sinuses and the introduction of drugs in them (antibiotics, enzymes, hormones, etc.) ) using a puncture that is performed under local anesthesia.
Purulent and serous meningitis, formation of fistulas, polyps, granulations.
In the absence of complications, it is favorable. Changing to chronic forms, clinically little different from acute ones, is possible. In such cases, the question of surgical treatment is solved.


200 grams of weak saline with one drop of iodine, wash your nose 3 times a day or use a dolphin, but the first option is better, because he himself treated it with granny for about 3 months. Passed a genyantritis, blood from a nose has ceased, oxygen starvation has stopped, the brain began to work better.

Angelina Petrova

three months a genyantritis treated? Terrible.. At me as soon as I feel that a genyantritis begins, there and then I go to LORu in HE CLINIC on procedures. Antibiotics are antibiotics, but rinses are absolutely essential. I go for a week on the lavage of the nose and sinuses with furatsilinom, easy before my eyes simply. At home, I splash the nose with vasoconstrictor drops, pinasol and it is bioparox and for ten days already as new.

Sun, you need to know about sinusitis

Sinusitis is a serious inflammation of the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinus, which can provoke a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi or various allergic factors. Inflammation begins to develop after a violation for free outflow of mucous discharge from one or both sides of the sinus.

When conditions of stagnation arise, then a favorable environment for the development of various inflammatory processes is created, as a result, the body is very difficult to fight infections.

The main symptoms of genyantritis

All the symptoms of sinusitis are very diverse and depend only on the form or stage of the disease. If the patient has acute sinusitis, he feels pressure or tension in the area where the sinus has been affected, and at very severe cases of the main symptoms are joined - severe pain, which is located in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus, in the zygomatic region, in the forehead and nose, sometimes in the temporal region and captures the entire half of the face, if the patient has a one-sided inflammatory process. When the patient has bilateral inflammation, the pain covers the entire front surface. Quite often, these symptoms are associated with toothache, which corresponds to usually half of the upper jaw, and also increases with chewing. The pain itself depends on various infectious neuritis and from the branches of the trigeminal nerve, as well as on strong compression of the nerves with a strong collateral edema. As a result, the patient's sinusitis is disturbed by his nasal breathing, and also characteristic nasal discharge appears.

In the process of inflammation, unpleasant sensations in the paranasal and nasal regions begin to gradually increase, which usually occurs in the evening. Gradually, the pain passes from the usual place and spreads throughout the head. When the inflammatory process is unilateral, the pain is present in one side. The classic symptom of sinusitis is a headache, the occurrence of which is directly related to the accumulation of pus in one or in every maxillary sinus. And a headache during a genyantritis usually presses in the field of a forehead and from a back part of eyes. In some cases, patients complain of severe pain, which is exacerbated by pressure on the orbital area or after lifting the eyelids. Another characteristic feature of sinusitis is that in the prone position and at night, the headache subsides, as at this time there is an exit of pus from the inflamed sinus.

The main sign of maxillary sinusitis is difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and the voice acquires a deafening shade. Usually, the patient has at once two halves of the nose, and the difficulty for nasal breathing is either permanent or with little relief. In addition, the left and right halves of the nose are blocked. In this case, the patient usually has purulent or transparent mucous discharge from the nose. However, this symptom can not be observed if the nose is very stuffy and the outflow from the sinus is complicated. Particular attention should be paid to the discharge from the nose. For example, if they become greenish-yellow, this indicates that they have the bacterial nature of the inflammation. And in this case, bacteria at any time can fall into the area of ​​the maxillary sinus, and then the sinusitis begins.

And to prevent this, you need to ensure the cleaning of the nose from the mucous discharge with microbes. If the nasal mucosa is healthy, then it copes with the microbes itself, but with inflammation of the nose it weakens, and then the mucus accumulates and is a nutrient medium, where there are billions microbes. In most cases, vasoconstrictor drops, which are commonly used, only worsen the situation, because significantly worsen blood circulation in small vessels of the nose, and also weaken the motility of the mucosa nose. And in order for the nose to clean independently, the doctors recommend using Sinuphorte, which includes only natural saponins, which cause the nasal mucosa to quickly remove all purulent discharge, and also do not allow development sinusitis.

Even with genyantritis, the temperature can rise to 38 degrees and above. Usually a similar symptom is observed in acute maxillary sinusitis. If the patient has a chronic flax of sinusitis, then the body temperature rises very rarely. The common symptom of maxillary sinusitis is a malaise of the body, which is expressed by weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, and sleep disturbance. In addition, in some patients there is photophobia, a decrease in smell and there is tearing on the side of the lesion. Already in the first days of the disease and especially with a purulent form of sinusitis, there is an increase in body temperature, general state disorder and chills. There is also swelling of the cheek on the side where the lesion has occurred, and in some cases, the edema of the lower eyelid.

When a patient has acute respiratory disease, the symptoms of sinusitis are also superimposed on the symptoms of respiratory infection, which becomes the triggering mechanism of sinusitis. The very first signs are an increase in body temperature, chills, general malaise, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion. Plus to these symptoms also pain in the face, which usually gives to the root of the nose, teeth and forehead, is added. With a slight pressure on the infraorbital area of ​​the face, the pain intensifies, and in some cases the patient has severe reddening and swelling of the eyelids. The course of the acute form of sinusitis usually takes 2-3 weeks, but in most cases ends with complete recovery.

Signs of genyantritis

If this is a chronic sinusitis, then its symptoms can be mild and worn out, which only worsens the diagnosis and the treatment of sinusitis itself. The main symptom is a chronic cold, which is not eliminated by traditional treatment. Quite often, patients complain of a strong headache and pain right in the depths of the eye sockets. And the pain can increase during blinking of the eyes and usually passes in a lying position. A characteristic sign of chronic sinusitis is the swelling of the eyelids in the morning and conjunctivitis, which becomes a common symptom in inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

Still the maxillary sinusitis is allocated periodically with arising pains in an infraorbital area, and also a chronic conjunctivitis, chronic zalozhennostju a nose, a headache. A very important symptom of sinusitis is a dry and already chronic cough, which generally does not respond to treatment with usual expectorant or various antitussive agents. The appearance of such a cough for sinusitis is explained by the highly irritating effect of pus, which flows from the affected sinus to the walls of the pharynx. Regardless of which patient's genyantritis is acute or chronic, it is characterized by dulling of the sense of smell. And the prognosis and course of the disease can depend on the structural changes and the treatment of the maxillary sinuses.

Sinusitis in children

It is difficult to find a child who does not face such a phenomenon as respiratory diseases. Therefore, a common cold does not cause parents special anxiety. However, if the disease is marked by a protracted nature, it can lead to some complications. For example, sinusitis in children develops as a result of complications of ARVI or ARI, which caused a viral or bacterial infection. And in some cases, the cause of sinusitis can be various infections of the dentoalveolar system, fungal infections, trauma or foreign body, which accidentally stuck in the maxillary sinuses.

Usually children under the age of four do not get sinusitis, since this age only forms a maxillary sinus, and gradually increases in volume as the child's facial skeleton develops. In newborn children, the maxillary sinus has the appearance of a small crevice that does not contain air. And if the child's genyantritis lasts more than three months, and his treatment has not been carried out, the development of mucosal damage can lead to irreversible consequences. As a result, the protective properties of the mucosa will be difficult, and the doctor in this case will diagnose chronic sinusitis.

A very dangerous complication of sinusitis in children is the penetration of infection into the departments that are adjacent to the maxillary sinus. If the infection has penetrated the eye socket or into the cranial cavity, it can lead to various irreversible damage to tissues and organs and even to the death of the patient. Treatment of sinusitis in children is prescribed, taking into account the causes of the disease and the severity of its course. In most cases, the child needs treatment at home or in the hospital. In the treatment of antibacterial drugs for 7-10 days. Locally, the doctor prescribes the administration of vasoconstrictor drugs. Given the symptoms, the patient is prescribed antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Another effective in the treatment will be various phytopreparations.

Given the indications, the doctor prescribes medical procedures, it can be a puncture of the maxillary sinus, the introduction of a sinus catheter, and the washing of the nasal passages with special solutions. Such procedures make the treatment the most effective and not so long. When the patient is at the stage of recovery, he will need to additionally undergo phytotherapy and physiotherapy for one or two weeks. In general, phytotherapy as a symptomatic and auxiliary method for treating sinusitis in children gives a good effect. As a result, the period of treatment of the disease is significantly reduced, and the mucous membrane is restored more quickly. It is worth remembering that warming up with maxillary sinusitis is not recommended and is performed only under the supervision of a doctor, performed only at the stage of recovery. Since a warm effect can complicate the disease with a purulent infection, eventually it will cause the spread of infections to other organs and tissues.

Sinusitis in adults

In adults, maxillary sinusitis occurs most often and is sometimes separated, but in most cases the paranasal sinuses are affected. In addition, the mucous membrane, periosteum and bone can be drawn into the inflammatory process. Appears sinusitis in adults for several reasons, this penetration of infection directly into the maxillary sinus as a result trauma, the introduction of a viral infection in the maxillary sinus directly from the nose, as well as the introduction of infection from the tooth, the patient caries.

The development of maxillary sinusitis in adults depends on the general condition of the patient's body. For example, if the body is weakened for certain reasons and as a result, immunity suffers, so the probability of chronic sinusitis increases significantly. To the reasons for the development of sinusitis it is necessary to include various allergic reactions and various external factors, it is cold or wind in the face. Sinusitis in adults can occur in a chronic or acute form. For example, acute sinusitis is accompanied by such symptoms as heaviness and pain in the affected area of ​​the maxillary sinus. And with the head tilted forward, the pain becomes stronger. Quite often pain in sinusitis occurs in the teeth, and from the nose go purulent discharge, which in some cases do not separate. As a result, pain in the nasal sinus does not stop and body temperature rises.

If the patient does not conduct timely treatment, then acute sinusitis will pass into a chronic form. Most often, people who have a nasopharynx have those conditions where the infection is constantly present. For example, in children - it's enlarged adenoids or curvature of the nasal septum. In adults, chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinus can be observed for many years and will develop according to the catarrhal form and with lesions of the mucous layer. Even in adults, serious lesions can occur, such as the formation of polyps in the maxillary sinus, in the nasal cavity with the presence of purulent discharge.

Those patients who have suspicions of chronic sinusitis usually complain of symptoms such as general weakness, fatigue, prolonged runny nose, impaired sense of smell, frequent headaches, purulent or mucous discharge, no nose breathing or difficult. In some cases, discharge from the nasal cavity with an unpleasant odor, which is noticed by others, and the patient himself can not feel them. For adults, treatment of chronic sinusitis includes a course of increased intake of antibiotics. In addition, the patient is prescribed sulfonamide and vasoconstrictive drugs. Still in treatment some methods of a physiotherapy are used, it is UHF, a lamp соллюкс, inhalations and another.

The most effective treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults is puncturing the maxillary sinus and washing it, which is carried out with the help of solutions of furacilin, boric acid, sodium chloride solution and other solutions. And after washing with solutions, solutions of special antibacterial drugs are injected into the sinuses of the nose, this is trypsin or chymotrypsin. As a rule, a full complex of similar procedures leads to recovery and with favorable forecasts. And in the future with diseases of rhinitis or influenza and with any suspicion of maxillary sinusitis, it is necessary in the preventive whole to warm up the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses. Still need to protect your face from cold wind and air. When chronic sinusitis can not be cured by conservative methods of treatment, the doctor resorts to surgical methods of treatment, as a result, purulent formations or polyps are removed surgically.

Acute antritis

Acute sinusitis is an acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus and develops usually in children from 4-6 years old, and also occurs in adults. The most frequent pathogens of acute maxillary sinusitis are staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, protaea and Escherichia coli. Usually, acute sinusitis occurs after infection, quite often the source for infection is already inflamed pharyngeal tonsil or the alveolar process of the upper jaw. Another acute sinusitis is preceded by an acute adenoid and acute rhinitis. According to the source of infection, hematogenous, rhinogenic and odontogenic sinusitis are distinguished. And the nature of the inflammatory processes of sinusitis are catarrhal, hemorrhagic, purulent and necrotic, that is, measles.

If a patient has a catarrhal form of sinusitis, then very often this disease is treated as ARVI. In this case, the disease occurs with moderate fever, in which the body temperature reaches 38 degrees and is characterized by a slight runny nose, as well as catarrhal changes in the upper respiratory ways. As a result, the rhinitis is prolonged, and also accompanied by irritability, increased fatigue, prolonged obsessive cough and poor sleep. General and local manifestations of mild course of the disease are mild or not expressed at all.

If the patient has acute sinusitis with necrotic, hemorrhagic or purulent form is very difficult, then it can be expressed by local and local manifestations. For example, children with acute sinusitis complain of a feeling of heaviness and pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, as well as their sense of smell and nasal breathing, mucopurulent or mucous discharges appear immediately from both or on one side, and sometimes in the secretions there is blood. In addition, with an acute form of the disease, the patient has sluggishness, weakness, malaise, fever, loss of appetite and a paroxysmal headache.

In addition, locally the patient may have swelling of the lower eyelid, swelling in the cheek area, conjunctivitis, and also lachrymation with complete blockage of the nasolacrimal canal, there is pain in palpation of the face wall of the maxillary sinuses. The patient also has neuralgic pain, which gives to the cheek, aching upper teeth, and also pains in the temple, the forehead and the supraorbital region. With this disease, breathing through the corresponding half of the nose becomes difficult. It is still possible maceration of the skin of the vestibule of the nasolabial area and nose from irritation of the mucous discharge from the nose. When a doctor performs a rhinoscopy, he discovers that the mucous membrane is hyperemic on the side of the lesion and edematous. A localization and the nature of the discharge depends on the damage, for example, in purulent processes discharge will be purulent, in the catarrhal process - mucous, and with serous discharge will be liquid and watery. With this, the excretions are visible throughout the middle nasal passage or the species in its middle sections.

When the allocation is abundant, they fill the general and lower nasal passage. After anemia of the mucosa and with the introduction of vasoconstrictive solutions, as well as with the inclination of the head forward, and Then, in the opposite direction, the excretions are amplified, and the outflow of the contents from the sinus is facilitated through the output hole. In most cases, because of the sharp edema of the mucous membrane, both outlets from the sinuses are closed, so the pathological discharge in the nasal cavity may not be observed. When the patient has a difficult outflow of exudate from the affected sinus, all the symptoms of the disease increase, body temperature, there are signs of intoxication, and also reactive inflammatory changes in the ophthalmic and facial sinus walls.

Chronic sinusitis

In chronic sinusitis, subjective symptoms depend largely on the forms of sinusitis. If it is an exudative form, the patient has a prolonged one-sided or bilateral sinus. And the nature of discharge from the nose depends only on the shape of the sinusitis. For example, with purulent maxillary sinusitis, the discharge has a very unpleasant odor, so with meager secretions sensation by the patients themselves of this unpleasant odor is the main and only symptom sinusitis. And in other cases, the secretions can be viscous and mucous, indicating a catarrhal form of the disease. If the patient has a serous form, the discharge from the nose is watery. When the difficulty of nasal breathing occurs, it is characteristic for productive and exudative forms of the disease.

Frequent expectoration, special dryness of the pharynx, abundant discharge of mucopurulent or mucous or mucous sputum in the morning or during the day, as well as vomiting desires that are observed with a difficult outflow of a secretion from the sinus of the nose occurs as a result of hypertrophy of the anterior end in the middle shell or in the presence polyps. Pain in chronic sinusitis does not reach the intensity that is observed with an acute process. In most cases, the headache in chronic sinusitis is absent, and in cases where the patient has persistent nasal congestion, the pain is diffuse and vague. And also the pain can be localized on the side of the lesion, that is, in the region of the maxillary sinus, in the forehead, in the eye socket or in the temple area, and also has the character of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve.

Chronic sinusitis is associated with complaints of memory loss, with rapid fatigue, which is often observed during mental work. As for the sense of smell, in chronic sinusitis it can be weakened or absent completely. In addition, the patient has swelling of the eyelids and cheeks. There is also a corresponding rhinoscopic picture. For example, the basis of recurrence of the edematous-catarrhal form after surgery can be an allergic basis in and their development. And after the operation, a bubble with ice is put on the cheek over the bandages to reduce the swelling of the cheeks. If these are patients with perforated odontogenic sinusitis, then they apply sparing gaymorotomy and the introduction of reagencour and dioxidine hydrogels. For treatment, the patient is prescribed no hot food and liquid food in the first few days of treatment. If a radical surgery is used to treat chronic sinusitis, it usually leads to a complete recovery of the sinusitis. The basis for a radical operation is the detachment of soft tissues and the complete exposure of the osteal wall, through which it is necessary to penetrate into the sinus. This delamination is carried out after a clear cut of the mucous membrane of the gum under the upper lip. Chronic sinusitis can occur with a predominance of inflammatory or allergic changes. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and taking into account an allergic or infectious agent.

Sinusitis in pregnancy

Those women who have already had sinusitis during pregnancy already know how unpleasant the disease is. After a slight rhinitis is a frequent companion of pregnancy and aggravated by purulent discharge from the nose, headache and difficulty in nasal breathing. And this is the main, but not the only symptoms of sinusitis. In general, this disease is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. And the inflammatory process itself can be without purulent discharge. However, with inadequate therapy, sinusitis in pregnant women is associated with pus. As a rule, in pregnancy, the genyantritis develops against a background of a moderate and persistent rhinitis. And given the protective forces of the body for the period of pregnancy, even the slightest hypothermia can lead to sinusitis. Another disease can have quite a scant symptomatology, so the sinusitis during pregnancy can diagnose already at the stage of purulent inflammation.

In most cases, the diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis is based on an x-ray study. However, this procedure is undesirable for a pregnant woman, so the only way to determine the genyantritis during pregnancy becomes a puncture of the maxillary sinus. However, do not be afraid that this puncture leads to a constant need for this procedure. After all, this opinion has no soil, because a puncture, which will hold a competent specialist, does not bring unpleasant sensations and does not have unpleasant consequences. In general, the maxillary sinuses are anatomically located very close to the vessels and shells of the brain, from the brain itself and sockets, so the puncture makes it possible to get rid of the dangers of these organs and does not allow purulent complications. In addition, with prolonged purulent maxillary sinusitis there is a high probability of developing chronic diseases.

To make a diagnosis, they make a puncture, which allows you to make a diagnosis in a timely and correct manner, as well as release sinuses from the pus, which is a healing procedure. Given the limitations of the use of antibiotics in pregnancy, widespread use of antibiotics in the sinuses of the nose with local action or with the use of antiseptics. In addition, the treatment involves washing the nasal cavity and washing the sinuses of the nose with various solutions, these are herbal, saline and antiseptic solutions. Even if necessary, use local antibiotics, these are aerosols, as well as agents that help liquefy all the contents in the sinuses. It is worth remembering that the presence of purulent infection in a pregnant woman is much worse than the puncture itself, so you need to eliminate sinusitis by any methods that will not threaten the child.

Treatment of genyantritis

When a patient has an acute form of sinusitis, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy for him. And today there are many powerful drugs that can eliminate the disease in just three days, it's a macro-penis or a zitrolide. In total one should take one capsule of this drug before meals and drink with a small amount of water. Still there are older antibiotics, which are used in the treatment of sinusitis, it is amoxicillin, ampicillin and tsifaleksin. Only the doctor chooses an antibiotic, considering the presence of an allergic reaction of the patient to this or that kind of antibiotics. To facilitate breathing, the doctor prescribes to the patient vasoconstrictors, this is nazole, galazoline, otrivin and others. When a doctor suspects that the genyantritis was caused by an allergic reaction, he prescribes antiallergic drugs for him, such as Tavegil, Clarotadine, Zirtek, Tsetrin Suprastin, Claritin.

When the sinusitis proceeds not in a severe form, the patient is assigned a sinus evacuation with a soft catheter. And the essence of this procedure is that the patient lies on his back, and the doctor at that time enters into his one nostril a soft catheter, but in the other he injects a suction. In order not to choke the patient, he constantly pronounces characteristic sounds, similar to the cuckoo, this is what the name of the method came from. When the pronunciation of this sound occurs, the solution can not enter the patient's breathing throat. Usually a furacilin solution is supplied to the catheter, and the suction pump pushes this solution together with the contents of the sinus. A good effect is achieved by creating a negative pressure in the sinus. And after the procedure, a small amount of furacilin remains in the sinus, which prevents the new formation of pus. The effectiveness of this method is not high, so it is necessary to carry out several procedures, after which the patient may suffer from severe pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus.

In addition to antibiotics, the doctor can appoint a patient to puncture the maxillary sinus. This procedure is rather simple and does not require special preparation. In the course of her doctor takes a very thin spatula with cotton on the end, wets it in lidocaine, and then inserts it very deeply into the nostril. This allows you to anesthetize the place where a puncture will be made. Further, with a sterile needle, the doctor carefully punctures the bone septum, which is located between the maxillary sinus and the nasal passage. Since anesthesia works, this procedure is painless. Then the needle is not removed and the doctor adds a syringe to it to wash all the contents of the sinus with saline. And in order that the patient does not choke, he should sit with his mouth open, this will allow the contents to flow through the mouth into the prepared container. In general, the process of filling the sinuses with saline is very unpleasant, since there is a painful feeling of pressure from the inside. And after full filling of the sinus with saline solution, the outflow of all contents from the diseased sinus occurs. To further the cavity of the sinus is not filled with pus again, a solution of dioxidine is specially introduced into it.

Still help in the treatment of maxillary sinusitis physiotherapy, it is UHF or 5-7 sessions of the solux, which significantly improve the patient's condition. When the treatment of sinusitis is carried out on time, the disease is quickly cured in just a week. As for the treatment of chronic sinusitis, his treatment may require a longer period of time or even surgery. The essence of such an operation is to have a permanent opening between the maxillary region and the maxillary sinus. And for this, a small incision is made in the mouth, which is above the upper jaw, and then carefully scrape through it all the purulent contents of the sinus. After the hole is formed, a cut is made in the mouth. As a result of this operation, the pus will already stagnate in the sinus, but flows into the pharynx through the opening. The rehabilitation period after such an operation will take about two weeks.

Folk treatment of genyantritis

There is a mass of folk methods of treatment of sinusitis and here is one of them, which consists of three stages. At the first stage, the purulent maxillary cavity is cleared of pus and this requires two packs of horsetail, and one teaspoon requires one tablespoon. At the second stage, the inflammatory process in the nasal cavities is eliminated and for this purpose one pack of tansy and one pack of plantain should be taken. For one brew, use half a tablespoon of one and the other herb. At the third stage, the hardening takes place, that is, for one week the nasal passages are washed with salted water. At first, the water should be a little warm, and then its degree decreases to room temperature. The entire washing course is 2-3 days.

One tablespoon of herbs, that is 10 grams, are covered in enameled dishes, add one glass of boiling water and bring to a boil, after which the broth is boiled for two minutes. Ready-made broth is removed from the fire, chilled and filtered through two gauze. Necessarily to wash out a nose it is necessary only a warm solution and a floor of a glass, and in each nostril and two times, it in the evening and in the morning. To make it easier to wash the nose, the patient uses a teapot, and his nose is injected into the nostril, the other nostril is pressed with a finger tightly against the nasal septum. The head should be thrown back and slightly to the side, and then you need to slowly draw the solution through the nostril.

In this case, the mouth must be kept ajar so that the already used solution could pour out, rather than pour into the throat. When half the glass of the solution for one nostril is already used, this procedure is repeated for the second nostril. Usually, washing is carried out over a sink or in a bath. And discomfort in the nose, which occur in the first two or three days after the procedure, gradually disappear. The break between the first and second washing stages should be 2-3 weeks, given the condition of the nose. For example, if you are well, the break is three weeks, and with a satisfactory state, the break is two weeks. The third stage should be started immediately after the second stage of washing.

There is another common folk method of treatment of sinusitis, in which one should take one a chive of garlic, grind it well and pour a small amount of boiled warm water, give it to brew. The ready solution should be digested three to four times a day and 2-3 drops and in each nostril. You can also take cooked hot eggs and apply them to the maxillary sinuses, and then keep the eggs until completely cool. To remove the swelling of the mucous membrane, you can use a solution of soda, that is, take a half teaspoon of soda and dilute it in a glass of water, you should rinse the nose with this solution for 4-5 days. From time immemorial the herb St. John's wort used an excellent remedy, which suppresses the reproduction of microorganisms and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue. To make it, you need to take two tablespoons of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water, then it infuses for 1-2 hours, then it is filtered. With a ready solution, wet the cotton wool and inject it into the nasal cavity, after which it should be periodically moistened with a warm solution. This procedure should be done 2-3 days and for 7-10 days.

Home Treatment

The most powerful tool for treating sinusitis at home is the use of a special ointment. For its preparation you need to take an equal amount of alcohol and honey, milk, juice, onion, dark household soap and vegetable oil. All grind and mix, and then soar in a water bath. When the soap is melted, the mazu will be ready. To treat this ointment, you need to take a cotton swab and dab it in the ointment, and then insert this tampon into each nasal canal, about 15 minutes and three times a day. This folk treatment with the help of ointment does not cause any inconvenience. The course of treatment with ointment is three weeks, and then it can be repeated after ten days. In most cases, one course of treatment is sufficient for complete cure.


All about sinusitis in children

The maxillary (maxillary) sinuses are located in the thickness of the upper jaw symmetrically on both sides. They communicate with the nasal cavity. With inflammation of their mucous membrane, sinusitis occurs. Sinusitis in children is the most frequent of sinusitis (inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses).

Causes of development

It is very important to find out what causes it - a violation of the communication of the maxillary sinus with the nasal cavity in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract or dental disease.

There are the following main types of sinusitis:

  • Rinogenous. Occurs with an infection of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever and others). It can be a complication of tonsillitis, hypertrophy of tonsils (adenoids). Against the background of the edema of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the lumen of the exit aperture from the sinus narrows, outflow of mucus is difficult; conditions for the spread of existing infectious agents to its wall.
  • Hematogenic. The causative agent enters the sinus wall from the blood. This can be observed, for example, in diphtheria. In modern conditions, when this disease is rare, the prevalence of hematogenous sinusitis is low. This kind of maxillary sinusitis in theory can also arise in septic states, accompanied by a massive inflow of microbes into the blood.
  • Odontogenic. It is associated with the spread of inflammation from the teeth and gums through the lower wall of the sinus. In children is rare, it can occur with periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw.
  • Traumatic. This form is associated with the development of an inflammatory reaction in the form of edema, increased blood supply due to injury to the nose and upper jaw. At the same time, an infection can easily fall on the inflamed, friable sinus wall.
  • Allergic. This type of sinusitis occurs in children with increased sensitivity to allergens contained in the inspired air, for example, pollen, animal hair, house dust, mold fungi.
  • Vasomotor. It is associated with a violation of the tone of the walls of blood vessels in the sinus wall. When they expand, swelling occurs, the lumen of the outlet opening overlaps. It often occurs in adolescents, because at this age there is an uneven development of different parts of the vegetative the nervous system, including the vasomotor centers, with the formation of the so-called neurocirculatory dystonia.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease

Sinusitis in children is more common in autumn and winter, which is associated with the seasonal incidence of ARVI and other infectious diseases.

For the onset of this disease, there must be anatomical prerequisites. It develops in violation of the structure of the sinus, narrowing the way out of it, deformation of the nasal septum, an increase in the tonsils.

In children under 3 years, the maxillary sinuses are only formed, the exit apertures are wide. Therefore, there are no conditions for the formation and stagnation of pathological contents in them. Children under 3 years practically do not get sick with sinusitis.

The mechanism of development

Under the influence of the infectious factor in the sinus wall there is inflammation. This is the recipient's defense response to infection. Increases the flow of blood to the affected area and the release of biologically active substances. There is swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the sinus wall. The ophthalmic mucous membrane blocks the exit from the sinus into the nasal cavity, preventing its normal purification.

When the immune capture and destruction of leukocytes infectious agents, they die with the formation of a large number of residues. Miscible with mucus in the bosom, they form pus.

Inflammation causes a general intoxication of the body with the development of fever, malaise.

In children the acute course of maxillary sinusitis is more common, mainly bilateral.

With a long course of inflammation, its intensity gradually decreases. The organism ceases to protect itself from infection, and the inflammatory process passes into a chronic form with the formation of a constant purulent focus in the maxillary sinus.


Symptoms of sinusitis in children are quite specific. Usually, one can suspect such a diagnosis without difficulty.

Signs of acute genyantritis

  • Fever. A rise in body temperature is possible up to 38 ° C and even higher. It is accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the child, malaise, sweating. The child is capricious, does not eat well. Characteristic signs of sinusitis in children - an increase in body temperature and the development of intoxication 3 to 5 days after the onset of acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Pain in the face that spreads into the teeth, tenderness when pressing in the projection of the maxillary sinus (above the wings of the nose under the eye socket). The pain is bursting, can "give" not only to the jaw, but also to the forehead, the temple, the base of the nose. It increases during the day due to accumulation in the sinuses of the contents, as well as when turning the head, sneezing, tilting. After blowing the pain usually does not change the intensity. In the horizontal position and in the morning the pain is reduced. Pain when pressing in the middle of the upper jaw and in the inner corner of the eye is characteristic for sinusitis in children. There may be soreness when chewing.
  • Purulent discharge on the back wall of the pharynx.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose. With a cold, there may be light or purulent discharge. The sense of smell worsens, the voice changes (the child says "in the nose").
  • Nasal bleeding.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

  • Malaise. The child is listless, does not eat well. At the same time, body temperature can be normal or slightly elevated (up to 3, ˚). Such signs are characteristic for many chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Cough. It arises at night due to the irritation of the pharynx by the draining purulent contents. Such a cough is reflex (protective) and therefore does not give in to conventional treatment.
  • Dull, diffuse pain in the face, spreading in the teeth, headache, sore throat when swallowing.
  • Purulent discharge on the back of the throat, bad breath.
  • Nasal obstruction, a persistent runny nose.


Complications of sinusitis are associated with the spread of the infectious process to neighboring organs or with the infection of the causative agent in the blood. If the infection penetrates into the cavity of the skull, it is possible to develop inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis, meningoencephalitis), the formation of purulent foci (abscesses) in the brain.

When the infection spreads to the surrounding anatomical formation, there may be edema of the fatty tissue of the eye, occlusion of the orbital veins. Sinusitis can be complicated by otitis, periostitis of the upper jaw.

When microorganisms get into the blood they are carried throughout the body, forming inflammatory foci in different organs. So can develop arthritis, pneumonia. Such complications are rare, with severe purulent sinusitis.


To confirm the diagnosis, the x-ray of the maxillary sinus is assigned. In this case, the presence of blackouts in the image does not yet mean a diagnosis of "sinusitis because they can be observed in other diseases. Puncture in children is not recommended due to the danger of complications, as well as the need for anesthesia in such a procedure.

The so-called diaphanoscopy is carried out, that is, the transmission of thin bone formations of the upper jaw to reveal fluid in the sinus.

Sometimes used ultrasound and tomographic examination of the maxillary sinus.

Principles of treatment of sinusitis in children

The doctor should decide how to treat a sinusitis in a child. Treatment of sinusitis in children is based on general principles:

  • treatment of dental diseases;
  • elimination of predisposing factors;
  • reduction of mucosal edema;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • drainage and lavage of the sinus.


1. Analgesics, antipyretic, antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of inflammation.

2. Antimicrobial agents for suppressing the growth and reproduction of microbes. Typically, penicillin-type drugs are used, including protected penicillins (amoxicillin / clavulanate), macrolides, cephalosporins, and doxycycline. Often used antibiotics of local action in the form of sprays.

3. Remedies for the common cold help to remove swelling of the mucous membrane, help to clear the sinuses from mucus, facilitate breathing.

4. Inhalations. For inhalations a small vessel (a pot, a pan) and a sheet of thick paper or paperboard, folded with a cone, are necessary; You can also use a paper bag with a cut-out bottom. In a vessel pour, l of boiling water, add a solution for inhalation and naryvayut paper cone. Steam is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Inhalation is carried out for 5 to 10 minutes 3 times a day, including once before bedtime. After inhalation, blow your nose.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in children with folk remedies is carried out mainly with the help of inhalations. For this, infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula and other medicinal plants with antiseptic effect, as well as eucalyptus, menthol oil, propolis are used.

6. Physiotherapy and sinus lavage. Washing of the maxillary sinuses is one of the most effective methods for treating sinusitis in children. It is performed with the help of two catheters inserted into the nasal passages. One treatment catheter receives a therapeutic solution, and the other draws off fluid. The child with this procedure should repeat "ku-ku so that the solution does not get into the larynx. Hence the everyday name of the method - "cuckoo".

Flushing can be performed using a special sinus catheter.

At stihanii acute inflammatory phenomena are appointed fizioprotsedury - ultrasound, UFO, UHF on the nose and sinuses.

7. Use breathing exercises in the form of breathing through one nostril 10 times, then through the other also 10 times. Such exercises can be done repeatedly throughout the day. You can carry out a point massage of the points corresponding to the projections of the sinuses (above the eyebrow, between the eyebrows, nose bridge, middle point of the lower edge of the orbit). These points are massaged with a finger for 30 seconds.

Treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis is usually carried out within 7 to 10 days. With an exacerbation of chronic maxillary sinusitis, the treatment time is up to 3 weeks.


Prevention of maxillary sinusitis in children consists of general restorative measures and measures aimed at the local causes of this disease.

It is necessary to properly temper the child, strengthen its immunity, timely and fully treat colds. It is necessary to remove foci of a chronic infection, such as carious teeth.

It is necessary to timely adjust the curvature of the nasal septum, treat adenoids, rhinitis, otitis. It is recommended that children should breathe through their nostrils.


Signs of sinusitis in adults, causes, types, complications

Genyantritis is a kind of sinusitis, when the inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs in the maxillary sinus - the maxillary sinus. This disease is not rare, it is very common, only up to 37 million people are affected by it annually in the United States. human.

To establish the correct diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment, one should own the necessary information on the signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults, types of gynorrhea, complex treatment sinusitis.

And also in time to consult a doctor and not engage in self-medication. To understand what signs of genyantritis occur in a particular clinical case, you should familiarize yourself with the types of sinusitis, because this also affects the symptoms of the disease.

The causes of sinusitis in adults:

This disease affects people with weakened immunity, in which in the nasopharynx permanent, favorable conditions for the development of infection. Most often these are patients with a curved nasal septum, with chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, and diseases of the teeth in the upper jaw. Older people are less likely to get sinusitis, more often young people suffer in the autumn-winter period. The main causes of sinusitis are:

  • Infectious, viral diseases - influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, rhinitis. Inadequate or untimely treatment of these diseases.
  • Disturbances in the immune system.
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty of nasal breathing - due to increased nasal concha, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic diseases.
  • Chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx - chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Regular supercooling.
  • Allergic predisposition.

Types of sinusitis and its signs:

Sinusitis in adults can be classified according to the following factors:
By the method of getting the pathogens of infection, the sinusitis is classified:

  • From the nasal cavity - rhinogenic, often occurs in adults
  • Through blood-hematogenous
  • After traumas - a traumatic genyantritis
  • With inflammation of the teeth - odontogenic

Due to the occurrence and severity of leaks:

  • Infectious - it is caused by fungal, bacterial, viral pathogens.
  • Allergic - differs in that the discharge from the nose is transparent, serous or aseptic. Has a wavy course, with periods of remission and exacerbations.
  • The exudative variant - most often is purulent.
  • Vasomotor - occurs when the function of vasomotor vascular disorders, as well as allergic it proceeds chronically.
  • Atrophic - with prolonged course of the disease there is atrophy of the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Necrotic - in the aggressive course, in rare cases, tissue necrosis occurs in the sinus.

By the nature of the course of the inflammatory process:

1. Acute antritis- the development of sinusitis occurs due to blockage of the exit opening of the maxillary sinus, this provokes the onset of inflammation and leads to accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus. Usually this is facilitated by acute respiratory infections, influenza, colds, and the risk of sinusitis is the presence of chronic rhinitis. In acute sinusitis, the symptoms appear sharply together with other signs of a cold - with pain in the forehead, cheeks under the eyes, stuffy nose, which do not pass for a week. As a rule, acute sinusitis does not last more than a month.

Acute maxillary sinusitis - symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature, chills.
  • Nasal congestion with abundant secretions, if the mucosal discharge is catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis, if purulent, mucopurulent discharge is purulent sinusitis.
  • Decreased sense of smell on the affected side.
  • Deterioration of general condition, weakness.
  • Headache from insignificant to strong, often giving to the forehead, nose, teeth.
  • With pressure, pain increases in the place of the affected sinus.
  • The nature of pain is constant, intense. There are feelings of raspirany during sneezing and coughing. When the head is tilted down, the pain increases significantly, as it were, "shoots through".
  • Lachrymation and photophobia can occur if conjunctivitis is attached.
  • Edema of the lower or upper eyelid and swelling of the cheek are observed when the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process.

2. Acute maxillary sinusitis- with it, inflammation with the characteristic signs of maxillary sinitis in adults lasts from one month to two.

3. Chronic sinusitis- is considered in the event that the signs of genyantritis and general malaise lasts more than 2 months. As a rule, it develops due to the absence, ineffective or inadequate treatment of acute sinusitis. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are not infrequent, which makes it difficult to properly diagnose. One of the hallmarks of the disease is dry night cough that does not lend itself to traditional treatment, because it is caused by the flow of a purulent nasopharynx detachable from the posterior wall of the affected maxillary sinuses. The nature of the discharge from the nose depends on the shape of the sinusitis.
So, complaints with chronic sinusitis have a maximum at the time of exacerbation.

  • Nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, decreased sense of smell
  • Lean transparent or yellow-green discharge from the nose (often on one side)
  • Headache, pain in the area between the lower edge of the orbit and the wing of the nose Pain can give in the eye socket or temple
  • Feeling of a raspiraniya in the face
  • Unpleasant odor from the nose

Objective signs (what the doctor sees):

  • Redness of the eye on the affected side, swelling of the mucous eye.
  • Soreness with naldavlivanii in the infraorbital fossa, the inner corner of the eye.
  • When examining the nasal cavity with a rhinoscope, dense yellow-green superimpositions on the mucous membrane, creamy discharge, swelling of the nasal concha, and proliferation of the khohans are seen.
  • When examining the pharynx, a characteristic purulent path drains down its posterior wall

4. Recurrent sinusitis- exacerbation occurs several times a year.

Complications of genyantritis:

Purulent discharge during sinusitis can come from the maxillary sinuses into the surrounding tissues, affecting the blinding nerves, the orbit, teeth, even the meninges:

  • osteoperostitis of orbit
  • reactive eyelid edema and ophthalmic gland
  • otitis or eustachaitis, retrobulbar abscess
  • thrombosis of the eye sockets, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw
  • pachymeningitis, meningitis, rhinogenic brain abscess, cerebral edema
  • meningoencephalitis, trigeminal neuritis

With timely, effective treatment of sinusitis, the risk of complications after maxillary sinusitis is not great.


Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis without discharge from the nose

Sinusitis without discharge from the nose is less common than in the usual form, accompanied by a plentiful cold. The latter is not necessary, there is also sinusitis without a cold. It is an inflammatory process on the mucosa of the upper paranasal sinuses. They are located under the bridge of the nose, directly above the site of attachment of the nasal cartilage to the bones of the skull, in the upper jaw. The disease, as a rule, is accompanied by a plentiful separation of mucus from pus, with its exit into the nasopharynx. Nevertheless, sinusitis in dry form is also not so rare.

The age of the person who becomes ill with them is practically irrelevant, it represents the same danger for both the child and the adult.If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the disease can go to a chronic stage and cure for it will require much more time and effort.

Symptoms of the disease and their detection

To distinguish sinusitis without a cold is somewhat more complicated than the classical form, and you should orient yourself in this case on a combination of a number of features. First of all, this is the appearance of nasal congestion, which lasts for weeks and is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature in the first days. This creates discomfort in the part of the face located above the upper jaw, which passes into painful sensations with dynamic loads, especially chewing food or talking. The negative feelings themselves directly depend on the position in which the head is located. The most powerful they become in the case when a person lies on his back.

It should be borne in mind that sinusitis without a cold in children can have several other symptoms and manifestations than in adults. Absence of excretions from the nose should not deceive the parents. With a stuffy nose, the voice changes in the child, he begins to complain about the discomfort inside the nose, quickly becomes tired.

His gums begin to ache. Then the pain begins to spread into the ears. An unpleasant smell appears from the mouth, which does not disappear even after cleaning the teeth. When these signs are manifested, the optimal solution is to conduct a fluoroscopy of the sinuses of the nose. In the photographs, solid opaque spots are clearly distinguished in their region, and these are the true objective signs of sinusitis development.

Treatment of the disease and its form

As with many other inflammatory processes, the ways of healing of sinusitis can be both conservative and surgical. In this case, the treatment procedure must necessarily be brought to a full recovery, otherwise it is very likely that not only relapses of the disease, but also the spread of the inflammatory process to the sinus bone walls and even to the nearby departments of the head the brain. With a medicamentous form of treatment, sinusitis without a runny nose requires practically the same medicinal preparations as accompanied by excreta.

First of all, you need to determine the nature of the disease, which is often either infectious or allergic. To determine this is exactly in the position of only a qualified specialist, therefore, contact with a doctor is strictly mandatory. Self-medication can only exacerbate the disease. Together with antihistamine or antibacterial drugs prescribed funds that stimulate the process of outflow of pus and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. At elevated temperature, antipyretic and analgesic agents are added to them. Together with medicinal products, therapeutic procedures are used, of which the most effective is heating with the UHF apparatus.

Operative intervention is appointed only in the event that other means do not give the desired effect. Usually this happens when the disease is extremely neglected or caused by a curved nasal septum. The main type of surgical intervention is the puncture of the external walls of the maxillary sinuses with the subsequent suctioning of the purulent secretions accumulated in them. After that, the cavities are washed with an antiseptic solution. It happens that the cause of the disease is the caries of one of the teeth, most often indigenous. Then its removal eliminates the focus of infectious infection and the elimination of the consequences becomes easier.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = kAeU99cXc2I

Folk remedies for treatment of genyantritis

Cure genyantritis without a cold can help and folk remedies.

An optimal effect can be achieved by combining such drugs with medication.

One of the most effective means of traditional medicine for treating malaise of mucous membranes, including in the maxillary sinuses, is an infusion on the vegetable oil of grass, called "Ledum". Daily instillation of three drops in the nose during the day has a very positive effect, relieving inflammation and swelling.

Another means, which combines extreme simplicity and high efficiency, is clay compress. A clump of raw clay is kneaded in hot water to the state of the dough for bakery products and applied to the face in the region of the bridge of the nose. It should be there, slowly cooling down, for about an hour. The effect of such heating is very beneficial.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = zf1MzNwFEzo

Another proven folk remedy, we can consider daily water infusion collection of herbs, consisting of leaves of lemon balm, magnolia vine and plantain. Three drops of this infusion should be buried in the nose three times during the day. As a result, the inflammatory process calms down.


Do 4 year old children have maxillary sinuses? How does it manifest itself?


Alexander Kazimirov

Difficulty with nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice acquires a nasal hue. As a rule, both halves of the nose are laid. Difficulty of nasal breathing is constant or with little relief. Alternate obstruction of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.

Coryza. In most cases, the patient has a mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be, if the nose is heavily stuffed, since outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).

Raise body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute maxillary sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.

Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, they are disturbed by sleep. (Teach the child and see)


Sinusitis in children is a significant problem, both for the child and for his parents. Genyantritis in a child should be urgently treated, until he began to awaken adenoids. Classical signs of sinusitis in children are nasal discharge, a feeling of stuffiness, irritability and increased fatigue. In addition, you should pay special attention to the common cold, if it does not pass for a week. I know not by hearsay, because, recently, my son made punctures, the procedure is terrible.. .

Maria Kharlamova

Of course it happens, take care of the baby and do not zapuskayte usual naborok. By more rinse your nose, do inhalations and if there is no temper. massage heels with a warming cream. Symptoms are: the stuffiness of the nose, nothing breaks through, the temperature is high, the headache.

Alesya Shitikova

A child of 4 years of maxillary sinusitis can not be, because the maxillary sinus has not yet been formed. Children of this age have sinusitis (purulent and chronic).

Katya Fedotova

A genyantritis in 4 years simply can not be!


No, the maxillary sinuses in children develop to 6-7 years! In 4 years is an acute sinusitis. The causes of sinusitis can be both infectious (caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi), and allergic nature. The primary symptoms of acute sinusitis include: • Pain / pressure in the face area. Headache, feeling of overflow (different localization, depending on which sinus is affected). Feeling of pressure and tension in the affected sinus. In severe cases, severe pain, localized not only in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus, but also in the region of the forehead, the zygomatic bone, is engulfing the entire half of the face.
• Nasal congestion. • Abundant discharge of mucus from the nose. Acute sinusitis is characterized by the presence. one-sided or bilateral discharge from the nose, often mucopurulent. • Deterioration of smell and taste. • Cough / congestion.
Other symptoms include: • fever, fever. Body temperature is increased, chills often occur. • Swelling of the cheeks or eyelids. • Scrubbing. • Unpleasant odor from the mouth. • Fatigue. • Toothache. Dental pain is often observed in the corresponding half of the upper jaw, which is enhanced by chewing.
Acute sinusitis can be diagnosed if there are two or more symptoms and / or secretion of thick, green or yellow mucus. In acute sinusitis, decongestants are generally prescribed to remove nasal congestion, antibiotics, analgesics and immunocorrectors. Be sure to consult an ENT doctor. (((

Anastasia Alexandrovna

MRI to the child showed sinusitis and etmoiditis. 4 YEARS!

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