Infectious arthritis: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Infectious arthritis: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1Etiology and classification of the disease
    • 1.2Risk group
    • 1.3Clinical picture of the disease
    • 1.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.5How to treat?
  • 2Infectious arthritis
    • 2.1«>
    • 2.2Treatment of infectious arthritis
    • 2.3Prognosis and prophylaxis of infectious arthritis
  • 3Infectious arthritis - causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Treatment
  • 4Infectious arthritis and its treatment
    • 4.1Types of disease
    • 4.2Causes of the disease
    • 4.3Who can get infectious arthritis?
    • 4.4Infectious arthritis
    • 4.5Infectious-allergic arthritis
    • 4.6Signs of infectious arthritis
    • 4.7Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.8How to treat infectious arthritis
    • 4.9Medication Therapy
    • 4.10Folk remedies
    • 4.11Consequences of the disease
  • 5Infectious arthritis
    • 5.1Types of infectious arthritis
    • 5.2Causes of the disease:
    • 5.3Main symptoms
    • 5.4Methods of treatment

Infectious arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 8334

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Infectious arthritis (septic, pyogenic) is a serious infectious and inflammatory lesion of the joints, which leads to their gradual destruction.

It occurs in people of any age, but most often they are sick children and people aged after 60 years.

Modern medicine offers many treatments for this disease, but in spite of their diversity and effectiveness, every third patient, the infection causes irreversible violations in the joints, which lead to a complete loss of all of them functions.

Etiology and classification of the disease

The cause of the development of infectious arthritis is a fungal, viral or bacterial infection that penetrates into the joint is predominantly hematogenous (through the blood) or lymphogenous (through the lymph) pathway and is found in the synovial liquid. In some cases, infection occurs during surgical operations, with open wounds, traumas, as well as migrating pathogenic microorganisms from close-to-joint foci osteomyelitis.

Infectious arthritis

Depending on the etiology (causative agent of infection), infectious arthritis can be:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • parasitic.

In children, infectious arthritis usually develops against a background of gonococcal infection, which is transmitted to the child from the mother during pregnancy or penetrates the body through a catheter, and in adults the causative agents are staphylococcus, hemophilic rod, streptococcus, parvovirus or mycobacteria tuberculosis. Elderly people, according to statistics, are infected with salmonella and pseudomonad.

If the pathogen enters the articular tissue immediately, doctors diagnose the primary arthritis, and if the inflammation spreads from the surrounding tissues, the secondary one.

In a separate group, doctors endure post-traumatic and infectious-allergic arthritis, because such conditions are characterized by short-term symptoms and are not accompanied by deformation joints.

The reasons for the development of infectious-allergic arthritis are not fully understood, but scientists suggest that he occurs in response to an infection that affects the nasopharynx (for this reason it is sometimes called post-nasal), and mostly occurs in children.

Risk group

According to medical statistics, infectious arthritis in most cases occurs in those men and women who suffer from gonorrhea, but in addition this risk group includes people with rheumatoid arthritis, oncology, HIV or AIDS, diabetes, lupus erythematosus, sickle cell disease anemia, as well as those who suffer from drug or alcohol dependence, receives intra-articular injections or undergoes hormone therapy preparations.

Clinical picture of the disease

Infectious arthritis of the hip joint

Since the cause of the infectious inflammatory process in the joints can be different microorganisms, the symptoms of the disease can also have a different character.

The general signs of the disease include:

  • severe pain in the affected joint, aggravated by movement;
  • Symptoms of strong intoxication of the body (fever, nausea, headache);
  • swelling, sharply pronounced edema of the affected joint, a marked change in its contour;
  • redness and dryness of the skin near the affected area (by touch it can be hot);
  • sudden onset of the disease (usually the first symptom of the disease is a sharp joint pain).

The disease mainly affects the joints of the lower extremities (knee, ankle, hip) and hands. In elderly people, symptoms may be less pronounced, so doctors are late for treatment and joints are destroyed.

Infectious arthritis of gonococcal etiology is characterized by the appearance of a large number of rashes (petechia, papules, pustules) on skin and mucous membranes and migrating articular pain (symptoms of urogenital infection can be completely absent). Gonococci mainly affect the joints of the hands, shins and knees.

It is also worth mentioning about tubercular arthritis, which is lethargic (latent), and its danger is that it can for a long time masquerade as other diseases. The predominant signs of the disease include pain (aching), fever, sweating, muscle atrophy, joint deformities are possible.

Tuberculosis infectious arthritis


Infectious-allergic arthritis is characterized by a rapid rise in body temperature to subfebrile and the appearance of an allergic rash near the affected joint, the deformation of which is absent.


Recognize the symptoms of this disease is quite difficult, and the clinical picture is complicated by the fact that inflammation can periodically subside, and then manifest again. The composition and viscosity of the joint fluid does not change.

If you do a clinical blood test, you can notice an increased content of leukocytes and streptococcal antibodies.

As for the development of infectious-allergic arthritis in children, parents should be alerted by refusal the child from eating and his nervousness, constant complaints of pain in the hands and feet, suddenly appeared lameness.

Infectious-allergic arthritis

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of infectious arthritis is necessary as soon as possible, because the earlier the treatment of the disease begins, the more the patient will have a chance that the function of the joint will be restored.

Diagnosis begins with the extraction of joint fluid for analysis of the presence of pathogenic microflora (in patients, the fluid is turbid and contains purulent inclusions).

When pathogenic microorganisms are detected, specialists perform a series of tests in order to determine the pathogen (accordingly, treatment for each patient will be individual).

In the event that laboratory methods of investigation did not help determine the pathogen specialists can additionally conduct a biopsy, a blood and urine test.

Radiographic examination of the joints at the beginning of the development of the disease does not have any effect, therefore it is carried out not earlier than 10-14 days after the appearance of the first signs of inflammation. Diagnosis of infectious-allergic arthritis doctors put after the exclusion of similar diseases, this condition is most difficult to diagnose.

How to treat?

Treatment for arthritis is permanent, because the affected joint needs to be fully immobilized in position fold for 1-2 weeks, moreover, as the patient's condition improves, the development of an immobilized joint should doctor.

The basis of therapy is made up of antibiotics, which are prescribed after the determination of the pathogen (penicillins or cephalosporins are most often used to treat infectious inflammation). The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, on average - 3-6 weeks. In viral or fungal infection, the patient is prescribed antimycotic and antiviral drugs.

After relief of acute signs of inflammation, the doctor prescribes additional treatment in the form of daily drainage of the joint (aspiration removal of pus), balneotherapy (mud therapy) and the provision of preventive massage.



The positive effect of therapy becomes noticeable after a week, but it must be continued until all the pathogens die.


In the event that after two to three weeks of regular treatment the patient does not begin to feel better, doctors resort to surgical drainage.

Analgesia drugs are prescribed for relief of pain syndrome.

It should be said that infectious arthritis in children, affecting hip joints, in rare cases causes destruction zone of growth and is accompanied by the development of respiratory failure, therefore its treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Infectious arthritis is a serious disease that requires immediate medical attention and treatment. With timely prescribed drug therapy, the disease passes without destruction of the articular tissue, but in 30% of patients the deformities still remain.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Osteomyelitis (concurrent symptoms: 6 of 16)

Osteomyelitis is a disease not only of the bone, but of the whole organism.

After all, when a purulent-necrotic process, caused by mycobacteria or bacteria that produce pus, affects bone marrow, structural elements of bone and surrounding tissues, the whole human body opposes sepsis and reacts to it inflammations.

... Arthritis of the knee joint (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 16)

Inflammatory process, manifested in the form of pain symptoms of the musculoskeletal system and affecting predominantly knee joints, is called arthritis of the knee joint.

The disease manifests itself not only in people of advanced age, but also affects adults and even children. Arthritis of the knee joint is manifested in the form of characteristic signs of pain in the patella and the joint itself.

In this case, it is very difficult for a person not only to walk, but also to perform flexion and extension of legs.

... Psoriatic arthritis (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 16)


Autoimmune diseases of joints that occur on the basis of skin lesions are called psoriatic arthritis.


The disease is characterized by a predominantly chronic or acute character of percolation.

Psoriatic arthritis occurs on an equal footing with both men and women in adulthood.

... Reactive arthritis (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 16)

The disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems, is called reactive arthritis.

Often, inflammation of the joints occurs due to infection with infections of the genitals, urinary system or even GIT.

After infection of the body with infections in the second or fourth week, development of reactive arthritis can occur.

... Arthritis of the hip joint (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 16)

Arthritis of the hip joint is a pathological process, which is characterized by the appearance of inflammation in one of the largest joints in a man - in the hip.

In most cases, it is accompanied by severe pain at the site of the lesion.

If you miss the first symptoms of arthritis and start ailment, it will lead to deformation in the joint of certain joints and complete immobilization of the person.


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Infectious arthritis

Infectious arthritis is a group of arthritis caused by infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa) that penetrate directly into the joint tissue.

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In rheumatology and traumatology, arthritis associated with infection is diagnosed in every third case.

Infectious arthritis often affects the joints of the lower extremities, experiencing a large weight load (knee, hip, ankle), as well as the joints of the hands.

Infectious arthritis is registered in representatives of different age groups: newborns, preschool and school age children, adults. = Re_Z1zxH0VU

According to the etiological principle, infectious arthritis is divided into bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic.

With regard to nosology, septic (pyogenic, purulent), gonorrhea, tuberculosis, syphilitic, brucellosis and other types of arthritis are distinguished.

Due to the peculiarities of occurrence in a separate group, posttraumatic arthritis is distinguished.

When the infection enters the articular tissues from the outside, they speak of primary arthritis.


In the case of the spread of the infectious process to the joint from the surrounding tissues or distant purulent foci, secondary arthritis develops.


The course of infectious arthritis can be acute, subacute and chronic. The defeat of the joints can occur as a mono oligo or polyarthritis.


Most often, with infectious arthritis, there is a metastatic way of affecting the joints, i.e.,

penetration of infection into the joint cavity by hematogenous or lymphogenous pathways, as a result of which the causative agent of the disease can be detected in the synovial fluid.

Also, a direct route of infection is possible, for example, with open wounds and joint injuries, as well as dissemination of microorganisms from closely located osteomyelitis foci.

In newborns and young children, bacterial arthritis is more often caused by staphylococcus, enterobacteria, hemolytic streptococcus, hemophilic rod.

In adult patients, along with aerobes, frequent pathogens of infectious arthritis are anaerobic microorganisms: peptostreptococci, fusobacteria, clostridia, bacteroides.

Acute bacterial arthritis can occur against the background of angina, sinusitis, pneumonia, furunculosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, infective endocarditis, sepsis.

In addition, there are specific infectious arthritis caused by tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.


Fungal arthritis, as a rule, is associated with actinomycosis, aspergillosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis. Parasitic arthritis is usually associated with helminthic and protozoal invasions.


Viral arthritis occurs in cases of rubella, epidemic parotitis, viral hepatitis B and C, infectious mononucleosis, and others. Post-traumatic infectious arthritis in most cases develops as a consequence of the penetrating injuries of the joints.

It does not exclude iatrogenic infection when performing therapeutic and diagnostic puncture of the joint, intraarticular injections, arthroscopy or endoprosthetics.

The category of people with an increased risk of developing infectious arthritis includes patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis, STIs, alcohol or drug dependence, immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus, obesity, avitaminosis; experiencing significant physical (incl. sports) loads, etc.

Infectious arthritis caused by nonspecific microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.), have an acute onset with pronounced local and general manifestations.

Local signs of purulent arthritis include severe pain at rest, with palpation, active and passive movements; increasing swelling, changes in the contours of the joint; local redness and fever skin.

The consequence of purulent-inflammatory reaction is a violation of the function of the limb, which takes a forced position.

In most cases with acute infectious arthritis develops general symptoms - fever, chills, myalgia, sweating, weakness; children - nausea and vomiting.

Septic arthritis usually takes the form of a monoarthritis of the knee, hip or ankle joint. Polyarthritis usually develops in persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy or suffering from joint pathology.

In drug-dependent patients, the joints of the axial skeleton are often marked, mainly sacroiliitis. Infectious arthritis caused by golden staphylococcus can lead to destruction of articular cartilage in literally 1-2 days.

With a severe course of purulent arthritis, it is possible to develop osteoarthritis, septic shock and death.


For infectious arthritis gonococcal etiology is characterized by skin and joint syndrome (periarthritis-dermatitis), characterized by multiple rashes on the skin and mucous membranes (petechiae, papules, pustules, hemorrhagic vesicles and others.


), migratory arthralgia, tenosynovitis. In this case, the symptoms of a primary urogenital infection (urethritis, cervicitis) can be erased or absent altogether.

With gonorrheal arthritis the joints of the hands, elbow, ankle, knee joints are more often affected. Typical complications are flat feet, deforming osteoarthritis.

Syphilitic arthritis occurs with the development of synovitis of the knee joints, syphilitic osteochondritis and dactylitis (arthritis of the fingers).

Tuberculosis arthritis has a chronic destructive course with lesion of large (hip, knee, ankle, wrist) joints. Changes in articular tissues develop within a few months.

The course of the disease is associated with local synovitis and general tuberculous intoxication. The mobility of the affected joint is limited by soreness and muscle contractures.

With the involvement of the periarticular tissues in the inflammatory process, "cold" abscesses may occur.

Arthritis associated with brucellosis occurs against the background of symptoms of a common infectious disease: wave-like fever, chills, torrential sweats, lymphadenitis, hepato- and splenomegaly. Characterized by short-term myalgia and arthralgia, the development of spondylitis and sacroiliitis.

Viral arthritis is usually characterized by a short-term course and complete reversibility of the changes occurring, without residual effects. There are migrating arthralgias, swelling of the joints, painful movements.


The duration of the course of viral arthritis can be from 2-3 weeks to several months. Fungal arthritis is often combined with mycotic bone damage. The disease is characterized by a prolonged course, the formation of fistulas.


In the outcome of infectious arthritis of fungal etiology, deforming osteoarthritis or bone ankylosis of the joint can develop.

Depending on the etiology of infectious arthritis, patients may need consultation and supervision of a surgeon, traumatologist, rheumatologist, phthisiatrist, infectious disease specialist, venereologist.

Among the priority measures for the diagnosis is ultrasound and radiography of the affected joints.

Radiographically, with infectious arthritis, osteoporosis, articular narrowing, bone ankylosis, bone erosion are determined. Ultrasound diagnostics reveals changes in periarticular tissues, the presence of intra-articular effusion.

In the early stages, when radiographic signs of infectious arthritis are not yet detected, more sensitive methods can be used - CT of the joint, MRI, scintigraphy.

The data of diagnostic puncture of the joint, investigation of synovial fluid (microscopy, cytology, culture on media) are important for verification of the etiologic factor.

A great diagnostic value in certain cases is the enzyme immunoassay, bacteriological study of blood and discharge urethra, a survey study of smears from genital ways.


Diagnosis of tuberculous arthritis is facilitated by biopsy of the joint synovial membrane, detection of other tuberculosis foci in the body, positive tuberculin tests.


Infectious arthritis is differentiated with rheumatoid, gouty arthritis, purulent bursitis, osteomyelitis.

Treatment of infectious arthritis

In acute stage, the treatment of infectious arthritis is carried out permanently. Immobilization of the limb is carried out for a short time, followed by a gradual expansion of the motor regime, first due to passive, then active movements in the joint.

In the event that the prosthetic joint has become infected, the endoprosthesis is removed.

With purulent arthritis, a daily arthrocentesis, lavage of the joint is performed, according to indications - arthroscopic joint repair or arthrotomy with flow-aspiration washing.

Drug therapy of infectious arthritis includes parenteral administration of antibiotics, taking into account sensitivity of the identified pathogen (cephalosporins, synthetic penicillins, aminoglycosides), detoxification activities.

With viral arthritis, NVS are prescribed, with fungal infection - antimycotic drugs, with tuberculous arthritis - specific chemotherapy.

After relief of acute inflammatory phenomena for restoration of joint function, a complex of exercise therapy and physiotherapeutic treatment, balneotherapy, and massage is performed.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of infectious arthritis

In a third of patients who have had infectious arthritis, residual effects are noted in the form of restriction of mobility of joints, contractures, ankyloses.

Septic arthritis is a serious threat: despite the possibility of therapeutic and surgical treatment, lethality with complicated flow reaches 5-15%.

Among the unfavorable prognostic factors are rheumatoid arthritis, septicemia, elderly age, immunodeficiency states.


Prevention of arthritis includes timely treatment of common infectious diseases, adequate physical activity, prevention of joint injuries, protection against STIs, compliance with aseptic and antiseptic requirements for surgical manipulations.


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Infectious arthritis - causes, symptoms, treatment

Infectious arthritis - a disease that is characterized by severe joint damage against a background of bacterial or fungal infection. The disease affects people of any age, but is mainly found in children and people over 60 years of age.

The modern development of surgical technologies and medical preparations practically did not change the prevalence pattern disease, so today, like many years ago, every third patient develops an irreversible loss of function the joint.


As follows from the name of the disease, the main cause of the disease is a fungal, bacterial or viral infection.

However, depending on age, it enters the body in a specific way and under the influence of various risk factors.

For example, infectious arthritis in infants most often occurs in families where the mother during pregnancy has had gonorrhea. If a child is admitted into the hospital with a catheter, the risk of the disease increases.

In children under the age of two, the disease often causes a hemophilic rod and Staphylococcus aureus. In older children, the joints affect staphylococcus aureus and bacteria of the genus streptococcus viridans and streptococcus pyogenes.

Adolescents are afflicted with an active sex life. Most often they have a virus called neisseria gonorrhoeae, better known as gonococcus, a microorganism that causes gonorrhea.

In the elderly, the cause of infectious arthritis is most often the bacteria of the genus Salmonella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Disease-causing microorganisms enter the joints with blood, but rarely - and during surgery or intra-articular injection.

There are certain high-risk groups that include patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis, carriers of complex systemic infections, including HIV and gonorrhea, people, preferring homosexual sexual preferences, cancer patients, people with alcohol and drug addiction, diabetics, patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or sickle-cell anemia. In addition, the first symptoms of infectious arthritis should be checked by those who have recently undergone a joint surgery, as well as patients who are prescribed intra-articular injections.

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Since in infancy, adolescence and old age the joints affect various kinds of pathogens, the symptoms of infectious arthritis also vary.

Common symptoms include pain in the affected joint, which only increase with movement. As the disease develops, the affected joint swells, its contour changes. The patient's fever rises, his skin reddens.

Over time, the limb of the patient is deformed according to the specificity of the disease.

Infectious arthritis in children is most often expressed in a rise in body temperature, pain in the joint and anxiety.


The child can not always explain what exactly is bothering him, but instinctively limits the movement of the affected limb, as touching the joint is painful.


Infants develop symptoms gradually, which can not be said about adolescents and adults - they are characterized by a sudden development of the disease.

The main symptoms in the older age are a sudden redness of the joint, an increase in temperature and soreness in the affected area due to the inflammatory process. In the diseased joint, a fluid accumulates, because of which a swelling is formed, and the mobility of the joint is reduced. Chills are possible.

Characteristic symptoms of infectious arthritis include the localization of the lesion - most often knee, shoulder, wrist, hip, elbow joint. Often the toes are affected.

If the disease is caused by pathogens of tuberculosis or fungal infection, the symptoms are less pronounced. These microorganisms affect basically one joint, less often two or three.

Symptom of infectious arthritis gonococcal and viral nature - the defeat of many joints simultaneously.


The lack of timely treatment of infectious arthritis can lead to the fact that the affected joint will collapse within a few days.

Diagnosis involves the selection of joint fluid for analysis of leukocytes and the presence of a painful microflora. The fluid taken from the affected joint is usually turbid and contains purulent flakes, as well as a high percentage of leukocytes.


With the help of Gram staining, Gram-positive bacteria are detected, and sowing allows to clarify the gram-negative type of pathogen.


If neither coloring nor sowing allowed to reveal the pathogen, a biopsy of the synovial tissue near the joint is performed. In addition to puncture, blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid and urine can be assigned.

Diagnosis should also differentiate infectious arthritis from other possible diseases with similar symptoms - Lyme disease, rheumatic fever, gout, etc. In some situations, the diagnosis of pain and location affected areas.


The disease requires urgent medical and prolonged physiotherapy treatment.

Since the disease in a short time can lead to irreversible damage to the joints, at the first suspicions before the final diagnosis is prescribed antibiotics.

Treatment of infectious arthritis can be adjusted later after the definition of a particular pathogen. For example, with a viral infection, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Further therapy includes a two-week intake of antibiotics, which can be continued depending on the signs of inflammation. The doctor can prolong the therapy with antibiotics for two or four weeks.

In the case where the infection is not susceptible to antibiotics or the affected joint is difficult to access for puncture, an operation to drain the joint is prescribed.

This method of treating infectious arthritis is used with penetrating gunshot wounds.

With particularly severe damage to cartilage and bones, surgery for joint reconstruction may be prescribed, but before that, measures are taken to treat the infection.


Treatment of infectious arthritis, as a rule, requires the taking of painkillers.


On the inflamed areas, a compress can be applied, and to prevent accidental movements, the affected joint is fixed with a tire.

In the recovery period, the patient is prescribed exercise, which gradually increases the amplitude of mobility of the joint. Physiotherapy should not lead to pain.

With timely treatment, the disease passes without destroying the joint tissues. However, in 30% of cases it is still possible to develop osteoarthritis or joint deformities.

Infectious arthritis in children, hitting the hip joints, can lead to such complications as the destruction of the growth zone.

In rare cases, the disease can lead to respiratory failure and septic shock.

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Infectious arthritis and its treatment

Various bacteria, viruses or fungi can cause inflammation inside the joint and in surrounding tissues. In this case, infectious arthritis develops, which is also called pyogenic or septic.

This disease occurs quite often not only in adults, but also in children. The infection most often affects the joints, which are most affected by the load: knees, elbows, wrists.

But sometimes infectious polyarthritis develops, when the infection penetrates into several joints.

Types of disease

Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of the course of the inflammatory process and its localization, several types of infectious arthritis are distinguished:

  • the disease can affect the knee, hip, elbow or wrist joints;
  • if inflammation is a reaction to an infection in the body, it is said that infectious arthritis is unspecific;
  • when the disease affects several joints, polyarthritis develops, this is most often the case with a viral or fungal infection;
  • with a chronic course of the disease, which is of an allergic nature, talk about the development of infectious-allergic arthritis;
  • arthritis can be purulent or septic;
  • by type of pathogen distinguish tubercular, syphilitic, gonorrheal or fungal;
  • The primary and secondary arthritis is the way of infection.

Infectious arthritis can occur after an injury or increased stress on the joint

Causes of the disease

Most often, infectious arthritis develops if microorganisms enter directly into the joint. This can be during surgical manipulation or trauma. This is the so-called primary arthritis.

But the pathogens of the disease can penetrate inside the joint and with blood in the presence of any infections in the body. Secondary arthritis develops.

So the newborns get sick, who get infected from the mother by gonorrhea or staphylococcus.

There are other causes of the disease:

  • injuries;
  • arthroplasty of joints;
  • severe stress on the joints;
  • supercooling;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • hormonal failures;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • decreased immunity;
  • bites of animals;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • alcohol and drug abuse.

Who can get infectious arthritis?

No one is immune to this disease, even newborn children suffer from infectious arthritis. But there are several categories of people who are at risk, this disease occurs more often than in others.

Most often these are those who have undergone surgery or other surgical intervention in the joint area. You can also infect the infection with intra-articular injections.

But pathogens fall into the joints and with blood flow from other organs.

Some diseases can trigger the development of infectious arthritis:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sickle-cell anemia;
  • tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • HIV infection, gonorrhea, syphilis;
  • alcohol or drug addiction.

The disease can occur at any age, even the child

Infectious arthritis

The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or protozoa. In children, it is most often Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, hemophilic rod or enterobacteria. What other infections cause inflammation in the joints:

  • gonococci;
  • causative agents of tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • salmonella;
  • viruses of rubella, mumps, hepatitis, Lyme disease;
  • fungi that cause candidiasis or aspergillosis;
  • parasites - echinococcus, filaria, lamblia.

Infectious-allergic arthritis

If the patient's body is strongly susceptible to some kind of bacteria or parasites, the disease proceeds with frequent relapses.

They talk about the development of infectious-allergic arthritis. It occurs usually after a severe illness, most often - respiratory infections.

Stiffness in the movements and swelling of the joint can last for several months.

Sometimes several joints are affected, and polyarthritis develops. This is more typical of children and women. There is swelling of the joints, pain in all movements. But the symptoms can be blurred. Most often affected joints of the lower limbs and brushes.


Infectious-allergic arthritis is difficult to diagnose, because its manifestations are similar to many joint diseases.


But if you start therapy in time, then recovery comes in 1-2 weeks. The difficulty of the treatment is to choose such drugs for which the patient does not have allergies.

In addition, antihistamines are mandatory.

The main symptom of infectious arthritis is severe joint pain

Signs of infectious arthritis

The disease can occur suddenly, but can develop for several weeks. Symptoms of infectious arthritis are manifested not only locally, but also in the general condition of the patient. There are such signs:

  • pain in the affected joint, often it occurs even at rest;
  • increase in its size, swelling and redness of soft tissues, fluid accumulation;
  • restriction of movements in the joint;
  • temperature increase;
  • intoxication of the body, chills, weakness;
  • sometimes there may be nausea and vomiting, pain in the muscles;
  • with gonorrhea arthritis, skin and mucous membranes may be affected.

Diagnosis of the disease

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Infectious arthritis develops often very quickly and without treatment can lead to serious complications.

Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time. Analyzes are also needed in order to choose the correct method of treatment, which depends on the type of pathogen.

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The primary diagnosis is based on examination of the patient and external signs.

To detect the microorganisms causing the disease, do an analysis of synovial fluid, blood, sometimes - urine and sputum. Radiography can detect changes in bone tissues of the joint, the presence of osteoporosis.

Ultrasound determines changes in soft tissues, the presence of intra-articular effusion. To make a more accurate diagnosis, MRI or CT of the joint is done. But the hardware diagnostics is informative no earlier than 10-14 days after infection.

How to treat infectious arthritis

Most often, the treatment of infectious arthritis occurs in the hospital. Patients are prescribed injections of antibacterial drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Every day, the synovial fluid is analyzed, and if necessary, the joint is flushed and pus removed. Sometimes it is necessary to use special tires or orthoses to prevent movement in the affected joint.

Immobilization is carried out at least 1-2 weeks.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required. This is necessary in cases where antibiotic treatment is ineffective or if arthritis is caused by trauma.

In the post-infectious period, joint reconstruction may be required to correct the deformities. Sometimes you need a replacement endoprosthesis or implants.

But most often surgical intervention is limited to puncture and joint sanation.

After the abatement of the inflammatory process, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (magnet, electrophoresis, laser, paraffin), exercise therapy, massage, balneotherapy are prescribed.

This is necessary to prevent the development of contractures, bone proliferation and impaired joint mobility.

The patient is shown a special diet rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals.

Treatment of the acute stage of the disease is carried out in a hospital

Medication Therapy

The main medicines used in the treatment of infectious arthritis are antibacterial agents.

In the acute course of the disease, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed, and after the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, specific medications are prescribed.

Most often, cephalosporins are used for treatment ("Ceftriaxone "Cefotaxime"), aminoglycosides ("Neomycin "Gentamicin"), synthetic penicillins ("Lincomycin "Nafcillin").


First they are administered intravenously, and in severe cases directly into the joint cavity. After 2 weeks go to oral intake.


Antibiotics are prescribed for a period of 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the condition of the patient.

Sometimes they are combined, for example, when streptococcal infection is prescribed, "Benzylpenicillin" and "Vancomycin when infected with hemophilic microorganisms - "Chloramphenicol" and "Levomycitin."

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken to relieve pain, inflammation and intoxication.

The most effective are "Diclofenac "Nimesulide "Meloxicam "Indomethacin".

With severe pain, "Methadone "Ibuprofen "Tylenol" or steroid hormones are prescribed.

Various compresses help relieve pain and reduce inflammation

In arthritis caused by fungal or viral infection, respectively, antifungal and antiviral drugs are needed. Such types of disease are easier, therefore it is possible to carry out treatment at home.

Chondroprotectors are used to restore the destroyed cartilaginous tissue: "Glucosimin "Artra "Struktrum". In addition to taking tablets, ointments and gels are used: Bischofite, Nikofleks, Diklak.

Folk remedies

As an auxiliary therapy, traditional methods of treatment are used. It may be herbal decoctions taken internally. But most often inflammation of the joints is treated with compresses. They help to reduce pain and reduce inflammation. You can use such recipes:

  • oil compress based on eucalyptus extract;
  • wrapping the joint with warm clay;
  • warming the compress from the leaves of cabbage or burdock;
  • fill the linen bag with herbs: chamomile, hops, sweet clover - heat it in hot water and attach it to the affected area;
  • compress of oil, turpentine and vodka.

There are also in folk medicine several recipes for grinding joints:

  • radish juice with honey;
  • dissolve in alcohol camphor, mustard and mix with whipped protein;
  • decoctions of herb wormwood, bilberry leaves or wild rosemary shoots.

Consequences of the disease

For successful treatment it is important to put an accurate diagnosis on time. And with timely treatment, more than 70% of patients are cured of the disease without any consequences.

Complications of infectious arthritis can be osteoarthritis, joint deformity, ankylosis, osteomyelitis, contractures, impaired mobility.

In children, bone growth is sometimes disturbed.

Especially dangerous is arthritis caused by golden staphylococcus - it can lead to complete destruction of the joint in a few days.


In severe cases, it is possible to develop an abscess, phlegmon, respiratory failure or septic shock.


Without medical assistance, this can lead to death.

Infectious arthritis is a serious disease that, without proper treatment, can lead to death. It is especially dangerous in children, because they have a more difficult diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent entry into the body of an infection.

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Infectious arthritis

Septic or infectious arthritis is a severe inflammatory process in the joint fluid or articular tissues.

It manifests as edema, pain syndrome, fever, headache. Can affect one or more joints.

A person of any age, even a very small child, can get sick.

Types of infectious arthritis

There are two main types of this disease: monoarthritis (one joint is inflamed) and polyarthritis (several joints are inflamed at the same time).

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. In the first case, the joint bones and cartilage can completely deform in a few weeks.

In the opposite case, the process of deformation occurs gradually.

By the method of getting the pathogen into the joint area, infectious arthritis is divided into primary (the pathogen gets directly into the articular region) and secondary (the disease begins after infection in the articular region through lymph). The knees, shoulders, wrists, elbows, fingers and hip are more often affected. If the pathogen is a fungus or a tubercle bacillus, one joint is affected. Viruses and gonococci affect several joints at once.

You can get sick with this form of monoarthritis or polyarthritis at any age. In adults, knees and hands are more often affected.

For young children, polyarthritis is common in the area of ​​the shoulders, knees and hip area, caused by a hemophilic rod, gram-negative bacteria or staphylococci.

Older children get sick because of the causative agent of gonorrhea gonococcal, streptococcal or staphylococcus. The causative agents of rubella, HIV, mumps, hepatitis B can cause infectious arthritis at any age.

Chronic forms of this disease most often cause fungus or tubercle bacillus.

Usually, harmful microorganisms enter the articular region with blood, but it is also possible to get infected as a result of trauma, puncture or surgery.

Infectious arthritis in infants is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and anxiety. Movement is limited, the joint area hurts when touched.


A special kind is infectious-allergic arthritis, which affects mainly women and children. This is an acute form, which is characterized by frequent relapses.


Occurs because of increased sensitivity to a particular pathogen.

The main symptom is pain, which increases after prolonged immobility and under increased stress.

Causes of the disease:

  • classical forms of the disease: gouty, psoriatic, rheumatoid mono- or polyarthritis;
  • state of immunodeficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • development of cancer cells;
  • trauma, surgery, intra-articular injection;
  • diabetes;
  • connective tissue diseases, such as lupus;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • sickle-cell anemia.

The doctor needs to be treated if the joint is swollen and aching, the skin is red and painful when touched.

Main symptoms

Symptoms depend on the type of pathogen, but there are also those that are typical for all types:

  • most often begins suddenly;
  • the clinical picture resembles intoxication - chills, elevated local temperature and body temperature, headache, nausea, vomiting is possible;
  • The joint (joints) swells, the size of the edema gradually increases, the contours change;
  • pain increases with touch and movement;
  • limitation of mobility.

Gonococcal infectious arthritis is characterized by rapid destruction of cartilage and bones and muscle atrophy. The tubercular form, on the contrary, proceeds slowly, practically without pain, but with a general weakness and an increase in body temperature and sweating. It is important to identify tuberculosis at an early stage.

Borreliosis infectious arthritis (with Lyme disease) is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and spleen, stiffness of the neck and back muscles, neuritis. It starts suddenly and more often in one area.

Viral forms affect large joints, disappear immediately after the underlying disease is cured.

Methods of treatment

The choice of methods of treatment depends on the type of harmful microorganism. After the agent has been determined, the underlying disease is treated.

The patient is placed in a hospital, immobility of the affected joints is ensured. To relieve inflammation and pain, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

If pus has formed in the articular region, surgical intervention is necessary.

In parallel with medicines the doctor can prescribe compresses, physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

Infectious-allergic arthritis is treated differently. First of all, the allergen is removed from the body, then glucocorticoids and analgesics are prescribed (with severe pain). Symptoms of the articular inflammatory process are eliminated afterwards.

With timely access to a doctor, the prognosis of treatment of monoarthritis or polyarthritis caused by infection is favorable. If help is too late, then various complications are possible:

  • degeneration of the primary disease into osteoarthritis or osteomelitis
  • phlegmon (inflammation of soft tissues);
  • "Zateka" pus (its spread from the joint bag to nearby tissues).

If timely eliminate foci of infection (eg, caries, tonsillitis) and treat acute infectious diseases, the risk of inflammation in the articular areas will significantly decrease.

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