Rhinitis in the baby 6 months than to treat

Than to treat a rhinitis at the child of 6 months?



1. An effective remedy for a cold is considered to be: four drops of Kalanchoe juice into each nostril, there is no need to suck anything off, the baby himself will sneeze;
2. 1 drop of Vitaion in each nostril (but often there is an allergy to the herbs contained therein);
3. Breast milk to dig in the nose (controversially, because of bacteria and a favorable environment for them);
4. massage often points at the base of the wings of the nose;
5. a solution of sea salt to dig in the nose (removes the mucosal edema and disinfects). You can do it yourself at home: 1 h. l. salt, 1 h. l. soda to a glass of water and add 1 drop of iodine. After the procedures with salt, you need to attach the baby to the breast;
6. beet juice is diluted with water: (strong, first drip yourself, and then, if everything is ok for the child, may need to dilute the water more carefully, with inflamed mucous membranes and wound bakes). Drip 3 times a day;

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7. before going to bed to hang a napkin on a bed, after having dripped a drop of eucalyptus oil, the baby will breathe easier;
8. Carrot juice diluted with water you can drip every half hour;
9. every hour, rinse the nose with saline, half a pipette. Then, pull out all the remainders with a suction nozzle and lubricate the nose with peach oil, so that the mucous does not dry out.
10. 2 times a day dig in a few drops of oil thuja.
11. juice of parsley. Parsley was ground with a pestle, and then all this mass in gauze and squeeze, you will get a little bit of liquid. Bury 1 to 3 drops in each nostril. After 30 minutes, there is no snot!! The truth then comes from the nose zelenenkoe gnats. Bury at least 2 days.
12. To pump on the toes of liquid balm "Asterisk". On socks - that in a mouth has not dragged and at the same time inhalation was. Well, and likewise - a couple of drops on a napkin-and over a pillow for the night.
13. Another remedy with a blocked nose. Compress from cottage cheese. Only the cottage cheese needs a real, so friable, and not flowing out of the pack. Cottage cheese warms up, we warmed ourselves on the steam bath, laid out on gauze wrapped and put the child on the bridge of the nose. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it fits tightly on the nose.
14. Rinse the spout with herbs. For sale such a collection of herbs "Eelosol". Brew, as it is written, and this wash the nose (you can breed: with Borzhomi, releasing his gas). Put the baby on the barrel and that nostril, which is closer to the bed and washed. Then we turn and the other.
15. "pshinkut" homeopathic remedy, called Euforbium. Children under the age of 1 year are injected 1 to 2 drops, 1% solution of the drug in each nasal passage 2 to 3 times a day.
16. mandatory washing 3-4 times a day with a soda solution or a solution of chamomile with a suction device or enema. After washing, dip in the nose of dioxin (sold in pharmacies in ampoules), the drug does not rasdrozhaet mucous, it is very cheap and very good treats protracted snot.
17. Bury the nose Eccericide 2 drops every 2 hours.
18. Drops "DERINATE" 4 times a day, one drop into each nostril. In the annotation it is written: the drug has an immunomodulatory effect on the cellular and humoral levels. Activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity. Stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. etc. etc.
No contraindications have been identified. Side effect is not observed
19. Nazivin baby (he collects sopelki) and in a few minutes they become very easy to suck.
20. water with such infusion - 3 parts of dog rose, 1 part chamomile, nettle and St. John's wort, mix and 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture on a glass of water and in a thermos for 4 hours. Of course, if there is no allergy.


Runny nose
To treat a runny nose is not necessary, it is a natural reaction of the body, helping the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacterium. But to help the baby, so that the runny nose "does not really bother" is necessary.
What to do (General recommendations):
Again, maintain the humidity.
Remember the above advice on what you need to breathe wet air in the bathroom? So, go there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, give the saplets liquefy and pour out, then wash the baby. In the water, you can add a drop of lemon oil with lavender.
It would be good to provide a comprehensive treatment, because the common cold usually goes along with other catarrhal phenomena.
Healing baths.
birch leaf
In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large bath, 25 on a baby bath. 2 hours insist in the thermos. The water temperature is not less than 36-37 g. Bath for at least 20 minutes. Not less than 5 days.
Directly nose
saline solution
The simplest remedy Although every hour for half a pipette into each nostril, it is impossible to overdose it. WHAT YOU CAN DO: (instead of saline solution)
In the case when the pharmacy is far away, or there is no time to run there, you can make a semblance of physiological solution yourself:
for one liter of boiled water add one teaspoon of salt, if to be more precise, then 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, it is better to eat salt.
Attention! Saline is used only! for "dripping" into a spout, and not for washing the nasopharynx. Do not wash your nose with a small pear or enema. Children have very easy fluid from the nose to the Eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis).
The same applies to all other liquids, we infuse herbs.
But if saline solution - nothing like this will happen.

*** Kiss the rain ***

Juice of onions and bales. water:

Sveta Vasina

1-2 drops of aquamaris then suck off the aspirator's sap and at the end drip 1-2 drops of sulfacyl sodium (if it does not help, then go to protargol)
At us the rhinitis has appeared in 2 months. This treatment the doctor prescribed to us. 2 weeks treated, on the third protargol helped.

Mikhail 156

It is best to see a doctor.

Than to treat a rhinitis at the child of 6 months?

Every person is regularly confronted with a runny nose, since this symptom can accompany a huge number of different diseases. The six-month-old babies are no exception. Due to the peculiarities of immunity, children under the age of one year are incredibly susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which a runny nose may appear. In addition, acute rhinitis in a young child may occur for other reasons.

Treatment of a runny nose in a child at 6 months is complicated by the fact that the crumb does not know how to self-flagging, which means that the mucous secret does not leave his body. In this article we will tell you how and what to properly treat a runny nose in a child in 6 months to release his respiratory tract from germs infected with mucus and as soon as possible to save him from this unpleasant symptom.

Than to treat a cold at a babe in 6 months?

First of all, for the effective treatment of a runny nose, a half-year-old baby should be moistened with mucous membranes spout with the help of ordinary saline or drops on the basis of sea water, for example, Aqualor for children or Aquamaris. Approximately 1-2 minutes later, the nasal passages must be cleaned of the mucous secretion using a special aspirator with interchangeable nozzles Otrivin Baby.

Although there are quite a few other systems for aspiration of the nose of infants, the overwhelming majority of pediatricians agree that it is this aspirator that is the best.

To remove swelling, use vasoconstrictive drugs, for example, Vibrocil or Xylen. It should be borne in mind that to treat children at the age of 6 months you can not use drugs in the form of a spray, so you need to buy drops with vasoconstrictive effect.

Such drugs can trigger many side effects, so before using them, you should always consult a doctor.

In addition, if the doctor as a result of the survey finds that the cause of rhinitis is in the viral lesion child, he can additionally prescribe the use of antiviral drugs, for example, Grippferon or Interferon. If the common cold is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops such as Fenistil or Zirtek can be used.


How and what to treat a runny nose in children 6 months old

Each mother is very worried at the time when her child is sick. In order to correctly diagnose and select the appropriate treatment, parents should seek help from doctors. It is especially important to do this when the child is not yet one year old. In fact at this age the kid still can not tell or say, what exactly him disturbs, where hurts. This article will tell you about how and how to treat a cold in children 6 months. You will learn that there are several tactics in correcting pathology. Also you will be able to find out the reasons why there is a strong cold in a child of 6 months.

The opinion of pediatricians

Absolutely all medical workers adhere to the opinion that before treating a runny nose in children 6 months, it is necessary to see a doctor. Parents can visit a pediatrician or take a referral to a more narrow specialist - an otorhinolaryngologist. Doctors will conduct an examination and on the basis of your complaints correctly diagnosed. After this, the baby will be prescribed treatment, which usually provides for the integrated use of medications.

Pediatricians say that the classic rhinitis in humans lasts up to one week. If correction is applied simultaneously, then this period can be reduced. However, the kids are different in a different way. At the age of up to six months, the immune protection of children has not yet been perfected. That's why this state can not be allowed to run and idle. Untreated rhinitis can result in the appearance of chronic pathologies.

Rhinitis in the baby 6 months: what to treat?

Before talking about the remedies that help to remove this condition, it is worth recalling that the chosen method of correction directly depends on the cause of the development of the symptom. Yes, it is a symptom. After all, the appearance of the common cold is not a disease, but only its manifestation. That is why it is worth approaching to treatment very responsibly and to fight exactly with the source of rhinitis.

Doctors report that there are a lot of remedies for correction of the common cold. However, their application is not always appropriate in any given case. To develop an increased separation of mucus from the nasal passages may for the following reasons: allergy, viral disease, bacterial damage, physiological condition and so on. It is only a qualified specialist who can determine what caused the onset of a cold. In accordance with the diagnosis and the appropriate treatment is prescribed. Let's consider the main variants of the course of events and find out how to treat a cold in children 6 months.

Physiological sopelki

If there was a runny nose in a child 6 months, than to treat it? The cause of this condition can be ordinary physiology. When a child is in the womb of the mother, the baby is surrounded by an amniotic fluid. In this case, water is present in many of its organs. After birth, this mucus remains in the ears, spout and larynx. If you determine a large number of it, which does not allow the baby to breathe on its own, then directly in the delivery room this liquid is sucked off with the help of powerful aspirators. However, in most cases this is not done. Over time, the mucus evaporates itself and exits. Thus the mummy can hear, how at the child a nose spouts. In most cases, women write it off as a cold. However, this condition does not require treatment. After about a couple of weeks, the baby breathes normal.

It is worth noting that in most cases, physiological sopelles occur between two weeks of life and up to four months. However, it may be that they developed in half a year. To clarify the diagnosis should visit a specialist.

The use of breast milk is good or bad?

Than to treat a rhinitis at children of 6 months? If you ask this question to our grandmothers, you will hear almost unanimous advice. The older generation is sure that breast milk will help to cope with the snuffle. After all, it is in this liquid that the mass of immune cells that the mother gives to her baby is contained. What do experts say about this?

Doctors categorically forbid the use of breast milk to treat the common cold. Physicians report that this can lead to the development of a more serious problem. Of course, mother's milk is rich in many useful substances. It is able to protect the baby during the cold and help his immunity cope with the pathology. However, such a drug is used only orally. Doctors advise to feed the baby with milk, but do not bury it in the nose. After all, this food can sour, and the formed environment is an excellent prerequisite for the development of fungal damage. For young children, this condition is especially dangerous.

Allergic manifestations

Treatment of a runny nose in a child of 6 months may suggest the use of antihistamines. In most cases, this pathology does not develop at this age. However, if the father or mother has these manifestations, then they can be hereditary. The appearance of an allergic rhinitis at this age is possible due to malnutrition or the use of a large number of allergens by the baby. Even the banal above described instillation of milk in the nose often causes similar consequences.

You can treat an allergic rhinitis at this age in a child in two ways. Typically, doctors prescribe the reception of antihistamines inside and their local use. The first type of medication can be referred to as "Citrine "Suprastin "Tavegil" and so on. All of them are available in the form of tablets. This is not very convenient for use in babies. Also, parents will have to calculate the dosage of the drug and divide the pill into several parts. It is more convenient to use such compounds as "Fenistil" and "Zirtek". They are produced in the form of drops for oral administration. In addition, such compounds as "Avamis "Tafen" can be recommended for improving breathing. "Nazonex." Other vasoconstrictors are usually not suitable for treating allergies, as their prolonged use may cause dependence.

Viral pathology

If there was a runny nose in a child 6 months, than to treat it? With the development of viral pathology, the baby often has other symptoms. So, the body temperature can rise. When examining the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and their enlargement are detected. The eyelid on the inside becomes red and inflamed.

The temperature and runny nose in a child of 6 months must be recorded by a doctor. In most cases, doctors prescribe the following drugs for fever: "Nurofen "Panadol "Cefekon" and others. They can be used as needed, but the prescribed dosage should be observed. Directly for the treatment of the common cold, such compounds as Interferon, Grippferon, Irs-19, Derinat are prescribed. All of them have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Their use should be strictly according to the instructions in accordance with the dosage indicated by the doctor.

Bacterial damage

If a child is 6 months old, a cough and runny nose can become a sign of a bacterial infection. In most cases, the body temperature also rises. In this case, it can last more than five days. This is what distinguishes bacterial infection from a viral infection.

For the treatment of this type of runny nose, physicians usually use two methods: ingestion of medicines or their local use. The first type of drugs include "Amoxicillin "Flemoxin "Azithromycin "Sumamed" and others. To eliminate the pathology in the nasal passages, such compositions as Isofra, Protargol, Polidexa, Sialor, and so on are prescribed.

Sinus clearance

How to cure a runny nose in a child 6 months? Necessarily need to clean the nasal passages from mucus. As many parents understand, at this age babies can not blow their own nose. That's why it's worth using an aspirator. Now in every drugstore you can find similar devices. They can be of different kinds. However, all aspirators have a common task - to remove from the baby's spout mucus and sopelki.

To wash the nose doctors recommend such compounds: "Aquamaris "Aqualor" or ordinary saline solution. If necessary, you can prepare the salt composition yourself. To rinse the nose, you need to inject a few drops of the drug into each nostril of the baby. Then remove all liquid with an aspirator. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Rinse the tip of the baby is recommended as needed. However, do not get involved in this activity, because you can dry the mucous membrane. After washing, you can enter into the nose any medicinal compounds that the doctor has prescribed to you.

Application of vasoconstrictor

If the child (6 months) has a runny nose with or without fever, this can lead to difficulty breathing. In most cases, babies at this age are still breastfed or eat a mixture of bottles. A stuffed spout simply does not allow them to normally eat. That is why manufacturers of pharmacological drugs have created the means to combat this sign.

Use vasoconstrictors need very carefully. Do not exceed the dose specified in the instructions. Also, the use of drugs should not last more than one week. Otherwise, there will be an addiction to the medication. Usually pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologists appoint the following formulations: "Nazivin "Vibrocil "Snoop "Otryvin etc.

Inhalation with cold

Recently, very often doctors prescribe inhalations for the treatment of cough and cold. Cope with the release of mucus in the nose and the development of the inflammatory process will help drugs such as Derinat and Interferon.

To carry out inhalation, several drops of medicament should be mixed with saline solution. Place the medicine in a special container and inhale the child for five minutes. Similar procedures can be conducted up to two times a day. If necessary, you can use the inhaler for preventive purposes. To do this, repeat the procedure once a week.


During the reading of the article, you learned how to cure a child of a runny nose quickly at 6 months. Remember that any use of medicinal formulations should be consistent with the doctor. It is also necessary to know that at the age of up to two years it is forbidden to use drugs to treat a cold in the form of a spray. Some manufacturers even recommend their medicines after six years. If you are assigned a medicine that is only available as a spray (for example, Isofra), then it is necessary first to pour the composition into a spoon, and only thence with a pipette to drip the medicine into a spout baby. A speedy recovery of your baby!


How to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child at home?

However sad it may be, no child has grown up without a cold and disease. Often the symptom of these pathologies is a common cold. In this case, the snot can be very liquid and transparent or have a thick consistency and a bright yellow-green hue. This article will tell you how to treat a cold in a child 2 years old. Often at this age, the kids go to preschool. This is where the greatest danger of infection with viral or bacterial infections occurs. Also, from the information provided, you will learn how to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old child with folk remedies.

The nature of the manifested symptom

Before treating a runny nose in a child of 2 years, it is worth to learn about what caused it. Soplets in a baby can be physiological. In most cases, they do not require any additional correction. Also, a runny nose sometimes appears due to environmental influences. The cause of the appearance of mucus in the nozzle can become dry air.

Viral and bacterial snot should always be treated with the help of a specialist. However, often moms and dads are trying on their own to overcome the ailment. Allergy is another cause of the common cold. To determine exactly how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child and find out the main cause of the onset of the symptom - contact the otorhinolaryngologist. If there is no such specialist in your polyclinic, then at least appear to the pediatrician.

Self-correction: the opinion of specialists

Before treating a runny nose in a 2 year old child at home, you should consult a doctor. Remember that the cause of this unpleasant symptom may be a lot. Often, if the therapy is incorrect, the parents make the problem themselves before serious complications arise. At the same time, the baby needs more serious and expensive treatment.

Doctors strongly do not recommend self-targeting. Often parents come to the pharmacy network and ask the pharmacist to advise them on any drug. However, they do not think that the pharmacist is not a doctor. The seller of medicines does not know the true problem of your baby. Remember that any drug should be given to a child only after the appointment of a doctor. Consider the main medicines that you can use at home.


Before treating a runny nose in a 2-year-old child with drugs, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages. Probably the little one does not know how to blow his nose. Therefore, you will need an aspirator. Now a great many devices are being sold to remove mucus from the spout, but the aspirator "Otrivin" is the most popular.

Washing can be carried out with such compositions as "Akvalor "Aquamaris "Rinostop" and so on. All of them are allowed for use in children after the first year of life. Many are available from birth. Also you can prepare a salt solution by yourself. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a teaspoon of salt in it, then cool it. With each wash, inject 5-10 drops of liquid into each nostril. After that, remove the mucus with an aspirator.

Treatment of a physiological cold

If, due to the dry air, a runny nose appeared in the child (2 years), how to treat it? To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the conditions under which the baby is in. The temperature of the air in the room should be at 18-22 degrees. Also, air humidity can not be lower than 50-60 percent.

In order to eliminate dry air and thereby cure the droplets - moisten the room. This can be done with the help of modern instruments. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such, then simply hang out wet towels or diapers. Also some mummies place containers with water around the room. This option is less effective, but also effective. Often ventilate the room, in which there is a child with a cold.

Position during sleep and rest

Than to treat a cold to the child (2 years)? Komarovsky - a famous pediatrician - says that for a sick child it is necessary to provide the most comfortable conditions. First of all, this is the position of the body during sleep. Put the pillow higher. You can slightly raise the head of the bed with the help of improvised means.

If this is not done, then during sleep, the droplets will flow down the back wall of the throat. Often this is accompanied by a cough. And inexperienced parents begin to treat the symptom described. However, antitussive drugs in this situation are superfluous.

Abundant drink and high-grade food

How does a cold in a child 2 years old at home? To make the soplyki go faster - it is necessary to properly organize the regime and location of the child. With a cold a baby needs more rest. Do not make crumbs get up at the usual time. If the baby wants to sleep longer - give this opportunity.

Do not force the child to eat. Especially if he does not want to. Prepare your baby a delicious drink that he loves. During the disease, a variety of fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices are very useful. Tea with lemon, honey and raspberries will increase immunity and bring healing time closer. Give the patient more ordinary water.

With severe nasal congestion

If there was a runny nose in a child (2 years), how to treat it? With severe nasal congestion, it is advisable to use vasoconstrictive medications. Without them, the common cold can often be complicated by otitis media due to the existing edema. The most popular and prescribed drugs are drops and sprays "Nazivin "Vibrocil "Snoop "Rinostop" and so on. Most of these drugs contain xylometazoline or phenylephrine.

Please note that such drugs can not be used for more than five days in a row. Some are even allowed for a period of three days. Many sprays are allowed to be used from two (some from 6) years. The use of vasoconstrictive drugs should be strictly following the instructions. Otherwise, there will be an addiction to the medicine.

Antiviral medicines

If your child is 2 years old, a strong runny nose than heal? The most common symptom appears in viral infection. In this case, there may be an increase in body temperature and general weakness. If you start on time antiviral therapy, then recovery occurs within a few days.

Among antiviral drugs that can be used at home, you can distinguish "Derinat "Ingaron "IRS 19 "Interferon" and so on. All of them are sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription from a doctor. Treatment with these medicines is carried out for 3-10 days.

Bacterial origin

Than to treat a rhinitis at the child of 2 years? Green snot says that the origin of the pathology is bacterial. This requires appropriate medication. In the absence of proper therapy, the disease can be complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia.

Most often, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs for home use. These are drops of Isofra, Polidex and Protargol. The last kind of drug is the safest. The basis of this medication is silver. The drug has antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Less often you may need a simultaneous intake of antibiotic inside. In this case, the recommendation should be given by a doctor. Use drugs based on amoxicillin or azithromycin.

Home-made drops

Than to treat a rhinitis at the child of 2 years in house conditions? Correction can be done with folk remedies or improvised drugs. Often, parents themselves prepare drops for the baby. Here are a few popular and effective recipes:

  • grate onion, add a few drops of olive oil and dilute with boiled water;
  • take in the same proportion vitamins A and E, add a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • squeeze out beet juice and mix it with honey in a 2 to 1 ratio.

Burial such homemade medicines is permissible up to 5 times a day. Be sure to follow the reaction of the baby to treatment.

Folk recipes

What is the best way to treat a cold for a child? 2 years - this is the age in which you do not want to give medicines yet, but it is also necessary not to delay with treatment. Many parents resort to popular methods of correction. Perhaps, they help someone. However, if the improvement does not occur within a few days, it is better to see a doctor. Also, if you feel worse, go immediately to the clinic. Here are some popular and effective activities:

  1. Warm legs. Often with a cold, parents warm their feet to the baby. To do this, use mustard, iodine mesh, ointments based on essential oils and other products. Such treatment is permissible in the absence of temperature in the baby.
  2. Hot bath. To warm a child in a bath or a bath is another option. Essential oils can be used. They will facilitate breathing and accelerate the regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane. The condition of treatment is also the absence of fever.
  3. Inhalations. To breathe over the steam is Babushkin's method of treating the common cold. However, many experts now challenge its effectiveness. There is much benefit from inhalation pencils, such as the "Golden Star".
  4. Thermal procedures. To warm the nasal sinuses it is possible with the help of a boiled egg or heated salt. Remember that this manipulation is permissible only in the absence of purulent separation from the nasal passages.

Medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic effects will be useful for the child. However, they must be given very carefully, because there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Consult with your doctor about this treatment.

Short conclusion

You have learned what and how to treat a runny nose in a 2 year old baby at home. If complications occur, sometimes hospitalization is required. In this case, the correction is already carried out within the walls of the hospital under the supervision of physicians. Remember that improper treatment and untimely referral to the doctor is the first cause of complications. If your baby is bothered by a runny nose, it is worth showing it to the district pediatrician. Health to the child!


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