Paroxysmal cough in a child at night

Night cough in children. Night paroxysmal cough in a child

Many parents face such a problem as a night cough in children. And you really need to have steel nerves in order to withstand such a relatively calm. Yes, and children coughing attacks at night does not give pleasure. If you began to notice a night cough in a child, treatment should begin immediately.

Coughing is not a disease

Every parent must firmly remember that one should not try to cure a child independently of a cough. You can not, relying only on your own experience, try to determine the causes of a night cough in a child. But almost everyone seems to have enough knowledge and stop the attack of cough - this is not such a big problem.

To suppress the attack in the middle of the night is really not so difficult. But to eliminate the root cause of coughing is sometimes even problematic. First of all, because without a qualified medical examination it is impossible to say for sure what the true reason for nocturnal seizures is.

Causes of a child's night cough

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The most common reasons that there is a night cough in children, we can consider the following:

  • presence of a viral infection in the child;
  • an allergic reaction to anything;
  • various respiratory diseases;
  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • too dry or cold air in the children's room.
  • gastric reflux (or simply heartburn).

Dry cough

Night dry cough in the child appears, as a rule, due to nasal congestion. In this case, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth. And this, in turn, causes dryness of the larynx. At local receptors, there is an excessive effect that irritates them. To eliminate this discomfort, the body tries with a dry cough. It can also be a consequence of an allergic reaction.

A night attack of a child's cough may be caused by heartburn or other stomach problems. This is because in the horizontal position, some amount of gastric juice can enter the larynx, thus causing irritation. The organism reacts to it by the only way known to him - a cough.

Moist cough

The reason that there is a nocturnal wet cough in a child is the slowdown of all processes in the human body at night. Blood circulation in the lungs is not very active, as is the absorption of mucus in the nasopharynx. Due to the horizontal position of the body, its normal isolation is impossible.

Caution! False groats

The main distinguishing sign of false croup is its suddenness. During the day, nothing bodes ill, the child seems to be merry and healthy. But in the middle of the night there is an attack of acute dry cough.

The danger of this disease is precisely the suddenness, such a condition can lead to a fit of suffocation. The child may be frightened because he is not able to breathe deeper. His breathing quickens and can reach 60 times a minute. The cough gradually intensifies and becomes more rough, the child's face turns red, and the lips and nails become bluish.

In order not to aggravate the situation, try to reassure the child. Because panic can make breathing more difficult and cause new spasms. Try to explain to the kid that while you are around, nothing bad can happen to him.

To remove an attack of false croup, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room and contribute to the removal of spasm. In addition, you can take the following measures to eliminate cough:

  1. Give the child a warm drink. It can be a warm tea with honey and milk with soda. This is necessary in order to warm the larynx and relieve spasm.
  2. You can also do inhalation to clean the upper respiratory tract. Excellent procedure with soda. To do this, you need to dilute in a saucepan solution in the proportion: (one teaspoon of soda for one glass of boiling water).
  3. For the outflow of blood from the larynx to the extremities it is recommended to make hot baths for hands and feet. This will help to relieve the spasm a little.
  4. We welcome the use of funds that remove puffiness. However in this case also it is not necessary to be engaged in a selftreatment. Take only those drugs that your doctor prescribed. Otherwise, instead of helping the child, you can only do him harm.
  5. Do your best to humidify the air indoors.

At the first alarming symptoms, parents need to show the child to the doctor, since a false cereal is not a pathology by itself. This is, rather, a symptom of various viral or allergic diseases.

Caution! Bronchial asthma

In the event that the treatment that was prescribed by the doctor does not help to the proper degree and the nighttime paroxysmal cough in the child does not go away, it can be considered a symptom of bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the allergic nature, in which compression of the bronchi and the appearance of edema of the upper respiratory tract are observed. This pathology leads to difficulty breathing and other concomitant complications. Asthmatic children are more likely than others to have infectious diseases.

In addition, as a result of increased edema in these children, hypoxia is observed - a lack of oxygen in the body. This, in turn, adversely affects the operation of all systems and organs.

The danger of bronchial asthma is that you need to treat it before the first symptoms appear. When the patency of the bronchi decreases by less than 20%, it is impossible to detect any measurements. Only if the patency falls - there is a deterioration in well-being. Including begins and night cough in a child, whose treatment is better to begin immediately.

Treatment of cough

Trying to cure a cough without proper medical examination, you risk harming your own child, because incorrectly selected methods and drugs will not be effective enough. It is also very important to correctly diagnose a disease from which it actually needs to be treated. Do not forget that the causes of a child's night cough are upper respiratory tract diseases.

It should be noted that the best cure for cough is its prevention. Regular outdoor outdoor games, exercise, proper nutrition and lack of allergens in the reach of the child are the main precautions.

Among the most common allergens are: dust, chemicals, some food, as well as animal fur or bird fluff from pillows.

Helpful Tips

Before you cram a child with various cough syrups or apply folk methods, remember if there is anything new in the child's environment. Perhaps a night cough in children can be a reaction to a new washing powder, clothes or objects that have recently appeared in the nursery.

Make sure that the air in the room is warm enough and damp. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to constantly ventilate the room, now there is a huge amount of air humidifiers on sale. They are good for children who suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Because such guys need special conditions. And humidifiers can set a regime that will be optimal for your child.

Help the baby to develop the chest. It is not necessary to wrap it in quilted blankets and not to let on the street just because it has asthma. On the contrary, provide him with access to fresh air and active sports. The only way you can help him cope with this ailment. Many of the Olympic champions were asthmatics, but this did not stop them from achieving such great success in sports.

Remember, a night cough in children is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. It is necessary to treat the root cause of disease, only then you can achieve a positive result and save from exhausting night attacks, which not only disturb sleep, but also negatively affect the overall state of health.

Paroxysmal cough: causes and methods of treatment

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body, in which there is a sharp contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system. During this process, the respiratory system organs are cleaned of sputum, dust or foreign objects that come out on their surface. But paroxysmal cough guards, because it can be a signal about the course of pathological processes in the body.

The reasons for this process

As the experts themselves say, cough is a protective mechanism against the obstruction of the airways. However, not always such a process indicates only a protective reaction, sometimes it can indicate the development of certain diseases. So, in adults or a child, a seizure cough occurs with such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

In addition, with such manifestations, foreign matter enters the respiratory tract.

Bronchial asthma

Cough of a spasmodic paroxysmal nature often indicates the development of bronchial asthma.Usually it appears in the evening and at night, is allergic in nature, so this state of a person is caused by exposure to some kind of allergen. Coughing caused by bronchial asthma may cause suffocation, pain in the chest or abdomen.As a rule, seizures last about an hour, in children and adults, paroxysmal cough with bronchial asthma ends with the withdrawal of thick or liquid sputum, which can be of dark color.

Whooping cough

A dry paroxysmal cough may be a sign of a disease such as whooping cough. The disease begins as an ordinary cold, but soon such signs as a runny nose and a slight increase in temperature pass, and coughing attacks still torment the patient. In this case, all funds effective for colds do not help. Over time, coughing attacks only increase, in children often comes to vomiting paroxysmal cough with whooping cough. The duration of this disease on average is 1.5 months, it needs to be treated in a hospital.


Paroxysmal cough occurs with acute inflammatory lesions of the ENT organs - the nasopharynx, larynx, pharynx. At first, this symptom is characterized by dryness, but after a few days sputum begins to cough. This process is caused by the flow of mucus down the back wall of the pharynx, which irritates the mucosa. If the inflammatory processes are not treated, the patient's condition worsens, and acute diseases develop such as:
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.
If a person has acute bronchitis in the body, he is disturbed during the day and night by a paroxysmal cough, from which it is practically impossible to clear his throat. In addition, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as hoarseness, fever, a runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, a feeling of weakness and a general malaise. Cough attacks are observed in the early days of the disease, with proper treatment within a few days sputum begins to depart, the mucous membranes soften and already such a process does not cause painful sensations. Acute respiratory diseases last, as a rule, up to two weeks.

With incomplete treatment or its absence, acute bronchitis can acquire a chronic form or even pass into pneumonia.

Foreign object entry

Assistance in case of foreign body entry into the respiratory tract

The cause of dry paroxysmal cough in adults and children can be the ingress of foreign particles into the respiratory tract. In this case, the person does not have any symptoms, except for a painful cough that does not go away after using medicines. The state of the child or adult will improve only after the complete removal of foreign objects from the respiratory system.

In addition to these common diseases, accompanied by dry paroxysmal cough in the child and adult, specialists also call such diseases, for which this symptom:

  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • bronchi and lung tumors;
  • mediastinal syndrome.

Medical assistance to the patient

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of a nighttime paroxysmal cough in a child or adult, you should immediately raise the head of the bed. Then, after visiting the specialist's office, the doctor will treat depending on the type of disease accompanied by such a painful manifestation.

If the cause of paroxysmal coughing in a child at night is an allergic reaction of the body, it can not do without the use of antihistamines. To prevent whooping cough, it is important to get an inoculation against this infectious disease. But suddenly it happened that the vaccination was not carried out, it is possible to ease the patient's condition by taking antibacterial drugs and using air humidifiers.

Sometimes bronchial asthma can develop, in which there are no signs peculiar to this disease - suffocation, dyspnea and wheezing, a person is worried only by a strong cough. In this case, the reception of expectorants does not bring relief, it will require treatment typical of typical bronchial asthma.

With a long course of the disease should consult a specialist, because only he can determine the cause of this condition and say what to cure a dry paroxysmal cough in children and adults.

How to stop a child from having a dry cough?



With a dry cough, very well burnt sugar (on average heat to heat the sugar with a small amount of oil - you can without it, before forming a homogeneous mass, pour on foil, cool and give the baby in small pieces, even if it is good resolves. You can take eucalyptus candies - they also soften the cough. And at night it is good to drink hot milk with honey and plums. oil, rub your feet (heels and calf muscles) and the occipital region of the head with balsam "Asterisk". I wish your child a speedy recovery.


Try to give Lazolvan, Gedelix or lime tea (1 pack of lime apricot for 200 grams of boiling water to insist and give a WARM)

Personal Cabinet Removed

Black radish with honey is the best medicine to believe

Frau Snork

[link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
Inhalations with eucalyptus oil immediately help. Only in the pharmacy do not buy - the effect will not be. but increased the immunity of the child here: [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration], it was even shown in the BBC batch. and there is still: [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Maria Gromova

folk remedy: radish with honey, for this, cut off the "hat" from the radish (black) and make a small depression in the knife, in this deepening put honey, and after a couple of hours you will get a very tasty syrup, so this syrup on a tablespoon give instead potions


do not poison the child with chemistry, take a black radish, sing it, make a hole in it and put honey there. When the radish let the juice poote their child pereodicheski - the result oboldeny (I tried on myself and others)


-teploe moloko s medom.
-v chernoi red'ke sdelaite uglublenie i zaleite medom, za noch eto nastoitsa i daite rebenku vipit zatem zanovo zaleitev red'ku med i nastaivaite.
-nateret 'grud' rebenka i spinku zvezdochkoi na noch, chtobi on dishal parami mentola
-i objazatel'no k vrachu obratites'

Personal Cabinet Removed

it is temporarily possible and honey, but I would recommend stihovnik on the neck or the top part of the breast or a vodka compress for the night

Natasha K.

Be sure to give expectorants (mucoltin, bromhexine, lazavan) to start expectorating. Give suprastin. And it would be nice to buy an inhaler (nebulizer) and breathe a lazolvan. You can do a massage: a little honey on the baby's chest and tap your hand softly, until the honey becomes white and starts pristovat to the skin (it hurts), then put a handkerchief on the chest directly to honey and sleep (for the morning honey sucks, it will see), helps with coughing. We also get sick often and it all starts from the throat (we have up to the stenosis of the larynx), I started giving Sana-Sol pills for often ill children, it seems to me that helps.


hot hot water bottle on the chest and wrap, but in general, steam legs, inhalation, rubbing ...

Anna Mon

My girl was also very often sick, most often dry cough happens with laryngitis. It is necessary to do inhalations, I always cooked potatoes in uniforms (with a peel) sat with the baby under the umbrella, covered us with the top of the sheet and she breathed a couple of potatoes. If we consider that children can not be fed when they are ill to my daughter, I liked this procedure so much that she was breathing and eating. )))
Good luck, do not be ill. Anna.

Natalia ...

Cough syrup Erespal is a very effective remedy. We had a cough for 3 days. And breast and back for night rub with ointment Tussamag - and in heat. Get well!

Methods for removing a strong cough in a child at night

Attacks of night coughing disrupt the sleep of the child, do not rush to give antibacterial drugs, can only worsen the situation. It is important to find out the reason in time, only then to begin the necessary course of therapy. If at night the child is disturbed by a cough that can result in vomiting, the main thing is not to panic. Cough is a defense, it appears in the inflammatory process in the bronchial system, the upper respiratory tract. During the cough, the body is cleared of a large number of bacteria in the disease.

Causes of coughing at night

When a child sleeps, a lot of mucus begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, it does not resolve, it can stagnate. When a large amount of mucus accumulates, it begins to overlap the area of ​​the nasopharynx, because of this cough is reflex.

This happens to the lungs, when a person lies, mucus and sputum may not resolve at all, because of this, blood circulation in the lungs area may be disturbed. Most often the disease appears in late autumn.

Provokes a paroxysmal cough at night cold, overdried air. Because of it, the mucous membrane is strongly irritated in the larynx, so a strong cough appears.

It is important to treat the cough under the supervision of the therapist, because often, especially in young children, a strong cough at night can cause choking. It must be urgently treated.

Diseases that cause a violent cough at night

1. If a cough is provoked by a viral infection at night, it is accompanied by a strong cold.

2. Cough can appear due to chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.

3. If the cough is accompanied by tingling, perspiration, this indicates pharyngitis of a chronic nature.

4. When a coughing wheezing, it speaks of bronchial asthma. If the child has a mild form other than a cough at night, there are no other symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to immediately consult a therapist.

5. If the cough lasts a long time at night, while it is dry, it indicates a disease - whooping cough. The disease is easy to distinguish from others, seizures are repeated at the same time, can be aggravated at night. When a child coughs, his face becomes very red, tears appear, lead breath, may be accompanied by severe vomiting.

6. When a child is often troubled by heartburn, a cough at night can be a symptom of reflux.

7. Because of adenoiditis, when the mucus enters the laryngeal region, the child breathes in the air with air, begins to dry out the mucous membrane, a violent cough begins.

8. Care must be taken to the symptom, which is accompanied by high fever, deterioration of the child's condition, it can speak of a serious illness.

Ways of getting rid of a child from a night cough

1. How often can I give a baby at night? With the help of it you can get rid of a dry cough. It is best to prefer warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water, honey, butter, as well as herbal tea based on chamomile, dog rose, linden. When a child does not breathe a nose, he makes it with his mouth. With abundant drinking, you can moisturize your throat, so get rid of a strong cough. If the child has six months, you need to give a decoction on the herbs with a spoon, no more than three times a day, under one teaspoon. If the child is an adult, you can give a decoction on the herbs on a tablespoon.

2. Pay attention to the air in the room, do not allow dry air, constantly ventilate room, especially when the room is heated, because of it respiratory organs begin to irritate system.

3. Often a cough can be triggered by an allergic reaction, this requires the child to give an antihistamine.

4. If the child has not yet reached the age of six months, in no case should antihistamines, rub off the breast, use steam inhalation.

5. Force the child to roll over, so the sputum will not have time to accumulate.

In cases where a cough after a course of treatment has not been taken for a long time, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, to pass blood tests, to undergo an x-ray, additionally it will be necessary bronchoscopy.

Remember that coughing always indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease, so It is not necessary to aggravate the focus on cough treatment, we need to get rid of the main reason that it has caused. Most often at night, an allergic cough worries, so pay attention to which pillow the child is sleeping on, maybe his the body does not perceive stuffing from sheepskin, feathers, poor-quality sofa padding, pajamas, on powders that wash away bed. If the cough has appeared abruptly, notice that you have a new one at home, often allergies are aggravated by red eyes, a problem with the skin, dermatitis, itching, redness in the face or body.

That the child was easier to clear his throat, the child's therapist can prescribe medications that will help to get out sputum faster and cough will become productive

If the child's cough is dry at night and it is difficult for him to clear his throat - the doctor can prescribe expectorant medications.

At night, advise to use a pack of potatoes, for this you need to boil it first, cool a little, fold, mash in a mash and attach to the back of the baby, first lay down the diaper, then just compress to not burn the skin child. On top put on something warm, so that the respiratory organs get warm well. After cooling, the compress is removed.

Thus, cough at night is a symptom of many diseases, do not immediately begin to stuff the child with different medicinal chemical preparations, if he has an allergy and you start giving antibiotics, the situation is only more aggravated. The main thing is to monitor the air in the room, give the child plenty of drink and provide him with peace of mind, often in children a strong cough at night can be a consequence of severe stress, nervous strains.

Dry cough in the baby

For most parents, any disease in a child becomes a real test, therefore, in order not to be afraid without reasons and be confident in their actions, it is necessary to know the causes and methods of treatment of the most common pathologies.

Dry coughing in a child is one of the most common problems that parents can not cope with. It can occur for no apparent reason, when there is no rise in body temperature and other symptoms of colds.

Cough occurs in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it helps to clear the airways of accumulated mucus, pathogenic microorganisms or pus. But a dry cough is not accompanied by separation of phlegm and does not benefit the body. A strong paroxysmal cough causes pain and exhaustion of the patient, prevents him from sleeping normally, and causes respiratory failure.

Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology, for a favorable outcome of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a correct diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy, in most cases it is sufficient to use local treatment and syrup from cough.

The main causes of cough in children

1. The most common causes are colds caused by ingestion of a viral infection. At the onset of the disease, the child's body temperature rises, throat swelling, profuse nasal discharge and general malaise appear. Then, sore throat and dry cough. After 2-3 days the patient's condition stabilizes, the cough becomes wet and quickly stops.

Since the disease is caused by a viral infection, the treatment basically involves nursing and local ways of treating the throat. Sometimes a viral infection is complicated by the development of bronchitis, in this case, cough - strong, barking, paroxysmal and continues for 10-14 days, for treatment, as directed by a doctor, you need to start taking cough syrup or other expectorant facilities.

2. Influenza viruses and parainfluenza also often provoke attacks of dry cough in children. Unlike other viral infections, the condition of a sick child is much heavier with influenza, and cough may be paroxysmal, barking and frequent, characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.

3. Dry cough can be a sign of an infectious disease like whooping cough. This bacterial infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and can cause a serious malfunction in the operation of the respiratory system. A characteristic symptom is a strong, paroxysmal, barking cough that causes an overstrain in the patient's body. He intensifies at night, the child can not clear his throat, his face turns red, all muscles stiffen, his eyes water, and his voice becomes hoarse and hoarse.

Treatment of pertussis should be carried out in a hospital, a child with suspected infection should be as soon as possible hospitalization, since the most effective means is the use of a special serum that allows you to quickly cope with the disease.

4. Allergy - if the child has a persistent paroxysmal cough, or a dry barking cough, especially on mornings, without increase in body temperature and other signs of catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to conduct allergens. Such a cough may increase or disappear for no apparent reason, but if it is not diagnosed in time and not treated, a child may develop allergic bronchitis (an allergic cough) or even a bronchial asthma.

5. Cough caused by contaminated air - in young children, coughing attacks can be triggered by the presence in the air various stimuli - cigarette smoke, odor paintwork, perfume or just because of too dry air. Such a cough can occur in the morning in a child whose room is heated at night and there are no moisturizers.

6. Gastroesophageal reflux - sometimes a cough occurs due to a disruption in the digestive system. In this case, acidic gastric juice and food, which has got into the stomach, rises back along the esophagus and burns the throat, irritating the mucous membrane and causing coughing attacks. Other indications of malaise in this case are not noted

7. Dry cough without fever - a cough without a rise in body temperature may occur due to ingression into the respiratory tract any foreign object - a piece of food, toy parts, a lump of dust or any other thing that the baby decided to taste. It occurs suddenly, without fever or other signs of infection and may be accompanied by symptoms of suffocation.

It is necessary as soon as possible to provide first aid to the child, for this - put the baby on the knee, so that the head was below the body, open his mouth and try to clean the mouth and throat, while producing sliding, as if "pushing" blows between the shoulder blades from top to bottom. Even if after that the baby seems completely healthy, you need to show it to a specialist to make sure that small pieces do not get into the bronchi and that the airways are not damaged.

8. Physiological cough - in children up to one year, the occurrence of a physiological cough in the morning is possible. Thus, his airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, and if there are no other symptoms disease, body temperature remains normal, the child is active and not cranky, then worry is not necessary.

Basics of treatment of dry cough

Treatment of dry cough in children depends on the cause of the disease, but you can treat at home only viral infections and Bronchitis, after consultation with a pediatrician, in all other cases, treatment should be prescribed specialist.

We also recommend watching the video below the post, which describes the simple five ways to combat coughing at home.

  1. Local treatment - to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, the patient is given a warm alkaline drink: milk with honey, tea, mineral water and so on. In addition, it is necessary to rinse the throat with solutions of antiseptics or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is useful dry heat in the form of a compress on the throat and the use of rubbing - special ointments - Travisil, Dr. Mom or melted fat.
  2. Inhalations - facilitate breathing and dilute sputum, this method of treatment is considered one of the most effective. They can be carried out only at normal body temperature, until sputum separation begins. In severe cases, inhalations are carried out regularly, 8-10 times a day, including at night, with broths of herbs or special medicines. For children up to one year, warm water is used and inhalation is carried out within 3-5 minutes, for older children the inhalation time can be increased to 10-15 minutes.
  3. Expectorants - if, despite the treatment, a few days after the onset of the disease, sputum is not started, it is necessary to start taking cough syrup. For the treatment of children use a syrup based on licorice root, althea and essential oils. The synthetic preparations are very popular: syrup Ambobene, ATSTS, syrup Bromheksin and mukoregulyatory: Bronkatar, Mukodin and others. As a supplementary therapy appointed a variety of lozenges and tablets for absorption: Travesil, Strepsils, Angisept, Dr. Mom and others.
  4. Antibiotics - if a child has a bacterial infection, a purulent process or "high" body temperature, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy. Drugs should be used only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of the pediatrician, for the treatment of children, antibiotics of the penicillin series - ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalosporins - cefazolinum, ceftriaxone or macrolides - sumamed.
  5. Antitussive drugs - are prescribed in severe cases, when the child has a strong paroxysmal cough, which is not amenable to therapy by conventional methods. Children appoint Tusuprex, Glavent or Sinekod.

An excellent adjuvant treatment is massage and physiotherapy.

The child coughs before vomiting

The majority of people, becoming parents of the kid, regularly face such phenomena as cough and snot. This can be explained, first of all, by the physiology of the child and his still insufficiently developed immune system. Cough and mucous discharge from the nose are natural phenomena designed to clean the respiratory tract. With the help of such protection mechanisms, particles of dust, small foreign bodies and mucus formed there from the upper parts of the respiratory system are removed. It should be borne in mind that small children catch colds much easier and more often than adults. Therefore, snot and cough are often perceived as ordinary companions of childhood.

Some parents do not attach much importance to such manifestations of the disease. However, when a child has a cough to vomit, even they are usually frightened and realize that the problem is much more serious. In such cases, moms often begin to panic, call doctors or, more significantly, give the child various medications not recommended by the doctor.

It must be remembered that coughing up vomiting in children is quite common and common. This can be confirmed by any pediatrician. This development is due to the fact that in children the emetic and cough centers in the brain are located close to each other and have a large number of connections among themselves. Therefore, when one is excited, the excitation of the second often occurs, and as a result, the child coughs up to vomiting.

But not all so unambiguously. Coughing up to vomiting can also be a symptom of severe pathology. In such cases, a favorable outcome and the absence of any consequences often depend on the timely recognition of the disease and the initiation of treatment. Therefore, if a child has a cough to vomit, it is worth paying attention to, and if it repeats, other symptoms of the disease or if there are suspicions of its presence, it is better to turn to specialists.

Possible cause of coughing before vomiting - whooping cough

If coughing in a child goes into vomiting, then initially it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing pertussis. One of the most characteristic signs of this pathology is just a convulsive dry cough before vomiting, which has a paroxysmal character. In this case, coughing quickly becomes violent, there may be signs of lack of air. The face of the child can strongly blush and stiffen, the eyes are watery, and the tongue usually protrudes from the mouth - this is a typical posture for patients with whooping cough. The use of various antitussive drugs and drugs does not bring any result - the cough persists, and the child's condition does not improve.

Pertussis is characterized by worsening of the condition and a more frequent onset of coughing attacks before vomiting at night. One of the important signs that make it possible to recognize this disease is the characteristic sound that the child emits after the coughing episode. An experienced doctor will easily catch him and be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the first stages of the disease, it is rather difficult to detect whooping cough. Since in the beginning the child usually develops a common cold or respiratory viral disease. But over time, cough does not decrease and does not go away, but begins to intensify after about, - 2 weeks. Gradually, he acquires a convulsive, paroxysmal character, becomes suffocating and very strong. At night, the cough can go to vomiting.

If parents are suspected of developing a baby whooping cough, then you need to visit a pediatrician and ask him for directions to the tests. In the first week of the disease, mucus sowing will become indicative, at a later time it is possible to diagnose pathology only by blood analysis.

Other Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

After a number of possible causes that caused the child coughing up vomiting, whooping cough was excluded, other possible causes of this condition can be started to be considered.

One of them - banal ORVI or cold. This is usually the reason why pediatricians are called. Do not be too easy to treat these diseases, because they also require timely diagnosis and full treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go further, as a result of the baby develops bronchitis. There is also a certain difficulty in diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi, since not every pediatrician can correctly listen to the lungs of a baby. Often, doctors confuse the withdrawal of phlegm with the appearance of wheezing, prescribing antibiotics in cases where it is quite possible to do without them. It happens and vice versa, and the existing bronchitis is not detected on time. However, it is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious enough pathology requiring compulsory treatment, therefore pediatrician recommendations must be followed.

At the child cough up to vomiting can be provoked by a simple rhinitis. This is especially common in children who do not know how to blow their nose. They swallow the mucus secreted from the nose, and it can drain down the back wall of the pharynx and accumulate. To get rid of it to help the body comes a natural defense mechanism - a cough. It can be quite intense, reaching vomiting. In this case, the child may not have severe external symptoms of rhinitis or cold. The amount of excreted mucus is small, but it can almost all fall into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, causing their irritation, and, as a consequence, coughing.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose can be associated not only with an infectious lesion, but also with an allergic reaction. It is in this case, most often there is a strong puffiness of the mucosa, because of which mucus does not go outside, and almost all get into the bronchi, draining on the back of the pharynx. The causes of an allergic reaction may be covered in the use of certain medications, the ingestion of certain substances: food allergens, dust, pollen of plants, household chemicals and other things. The allergy has a pronounced hereditary predisposition, but it can also appear in children of perfectly healthy parents.

How to help your child with a cough before vomiting

If the child coughs before vomiting, the most correct decision will be to find and visit a good specialist. In this case, you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives, but it is desirable to choose a competent, responsible pediatrician, who has sufficient experience behind him. Such a doctor will help cope with many unpleasant and questionable situations and choose the most optimal treatment in each case.

The technique for treating coughing before vomiting exists in large numbers, often they do not fit together at all. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously give the child drugs that suppress the cough reflex and coughing attacks, and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stimulating expectoration and withdrawal phlegm. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and many other factors, so the doctor will do the best.

Often when coughing up before vomiting, specialists prescribe a child inhalation with various medications, such as beryl, hydrocortisone and others. From home remedies with a strong coughing attack, you can apply steam inhalation over boiled crushed potatoes. Instead of potatoes can be used and other means, for example, mineral water, broth chamomile, sage or other medicinal plants. To quickly remove the edema and a strong attack of cough in the absence of other means, you can simply take the child to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Increased humidity and hot steam will help cope with the attack.

With a strong coughing attack, when it is likely that vomiting is about to begin, you can try to raise both hands of the child and wait for relief. To improve the condition of the baby is also used warm, plentiful drink, but not at the moment of a fit of coughing before vomiting. As a drink for a cough, the so-called "oatmeal milk" is good. It will require a glass of unpeeled oats. It is thoroughly washed several times, then it is poured into a liter of milk and boiled on a quiet fire for at least an hour. After that, the milk is left for cooling, and then given to the child. One serving can range from a few sips to half a glass.

If the coughing up before vomiting in the child is caused by a slime flowing inward, then one should not allow it to accumulate. Children who do not know how to blow their nose correctly should regularly wash their nose with special solutions. Suspicion of allergies should be an occasion to bring "order" in the apartment. To do this, remove all the things in which dust can accumulate, such as wall carpets, soft toys, decorative pillows and so on. In addition, careful wet cleaning of the entire room should become regular. It is important to maintain a good microclimate, pay attention to humidity, abandon household chemistry, which includes phosphate-containing substances, and artificial food.

All of the above recommendations can be considered only tips for alleviating the condition and organization of life of a baby who has severe coughing attacks. The correct diagnosis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the recurrence of such a situation can be determined only by a doctor. Before his arrival, it is not necessary to give any medicines to the child, this can make it difficult to diagnose and lead to the wrong choice of treatment.

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