Effective cough syrups for adults

Expectorants for wet cough: syrups for adults, list

Drugs for cough should be chosen based on the nature of the cough.

If the disease is accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough, expectorants should be prescribed.

Over the years, cough syrups for adults are popular.

Such a drug is pleasant to the taste, it is easy to dose, with proper application, the syrup can help to cough, as a manifestation:

  • ARI,
  • bronchitis,
  • tracheitis.

Preparations for cough: particular application

With a wet cough, there is one feature - it can not be blocked. This type of cough is called productive. Treatment of a wet cough is aimed at the effective dilution of sputum. For this purpose, pills, candles, syrups and folk remedies are used that are aimed at:

  1. improving the production of bronchial mucus (secreto-drug),
  2. sputum evacuation and its dilution (mucolytic or secretolitic drugs),
If there are thick and viscous secretions, then mucolytic agents are shown to dilute sputum, since the liquid secret must be removed from the body. It is undesirable at the same time to use expectorant and mucolytic types of drugs, it is dangerous, especially for children under one year.
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Nowadays modern combined preparations are available. As a rule, their use is prescribed by a doctor within the framework of therapy. However, combined medicines can not be combined with antitussives.

Expectorant types of syrup are divided into preparations:

  • direct resorptive actions that irritate the bronchial mucosa in order to enhance the secretion of mucus,
  • reflex action - excite vomit and cough centers to enhance the production of mucus in the bronchi.

Medications of reflex action

Such expectorants stimulate the functioning of the emetic center. In this case, the very vomiting does not occur, if there is no overdose.

Preparations of reflex action have active substances, which strengthen the peristalsis of the epithelium. In this group are syrups, which contain essential oils or extracts of such plants:

  1. plantain,
  2. oregano,
  3. mother and stepmother,
  4. licorice,
  5. elecampane,
  6. thermopsis,
  7. althea.
The most popular syrups of this group include herbal medicines with an extract of althea medicinal. Such remedies are good stimulators of the motor functions of the human respiratory tract.

Natural components in the preparation guarantee the presence of a minimum number of contraindications. One of them is an individual intolerance.

Such remedies should be used with caution by people who are prone or suffer from diabetes mellitus.

As part of the drugs there is alcohol, which also introduces certain restrictions in the intake of these syrups.

Syrups of resorptive direct action

Preparations of this group have their own task: the withdrawal of accumulated viscous sputum from the bronchi. Medicines resorptive direct action have in its composition:

  • substances containing sulfur: carbocyste, cetylcysteine,
  • enzymes with sputum liquefaction properties: trypsin, ribonuclease,
  • synthetic derivatives of natural vizicin: ambroxol, bromhexine.

This group of agents is represented by the following known drugs:

  1. Gedelix,
  2. Bromhexine,
  3. Abboxol.

All of these drugs have expectorant, as well as mucolytic effects.

When choosing a drug, you should consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the advertised drug from the assistant will turn into a provocateur of serious complications for the systems and organs of the body.

Modern pharmaceuticals in recent decades increasingly refers to natural components and substances. Most of the cough syrups are created on the basis of various medicinal herbs.

Many syrups, tablets and drops from cough are presented in several concentrations. However, the syrup has a lot of advantages over other types of medicines, for example, such a medicine:

  • convenient to use,
  • has a fast suction speed,
  • has the ease of dosage.

The most popular cough syrups for adults

Althaea officinalis

Syrup of althaea medicinal is a dense brownish phytopreparation with a specific smell and pleasant taste. In pharmacies the product is sold in vials of dark glass.

A syrup is taken one large spoon up to 5 times a day after a meal. It must first be diluted with a small amount of warm water, especially with a wet cough. Remedies are recommended by ENT when wet cough with viscous sputum with poor separation.

Syrup with licorice thermopsis

The main difference between licorice syrup and thermopsis is a combined action and plant origin. As the name implies, the drug has two active substances: thermopsis and licorice.

In addition to these constituents, the preparation contains sodium benzoate, ammonium bromide and potassium bromide. Expectorant type of syrup should be diluted with water before taking. An important contraindication to use is peptic ulcer and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the syrup can not be used by pregnant women and people with alcoholism. As part of the means there is sugar, which can negatively affect the condition of people with diabetes.

Elixir Codelac Broncho

The drug is a composition of glycyrrhizic acid and ambroxol, which gives a bright positive effect with a wet cough with difficulty in separating the sputum.

Elixir Codelac Broncho can treat children older than 12 years and adults. The syrup has an anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect.

If the expectorant type of syrup is taken 2 or 3 weeks, then the state of the bronchi begins to improve. Adults need to drink the drug 3-4 times a day for two tablespoons.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, during lactation. It is forbidden to take the drug for children under one year. It is also not used for stomach ulcers.

Coldrex Bronho

The drug with a secretory effect, the taste of licorice and the smell of anise. From natural ingredients it contains tincture of red pepper, anise oil, levomenthol and camphor.

The active substances are:

  • sodium cyclamate,
  • benzoate,
  • dextrose.

The drug should be taken every 3 hours for two tablespoons. Syrup softens sputum, effective for wet and dry cough.


The well-known preparation of Pertussin perfectly suits people of any age. It is a mucolytic and expectorant, in the composition of which is an extract of thyme.

Pertussin reduces the viscosity of sputum and positively affects the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. Thus, sputum moves faster to the exit, potassium bromide is designed to suppress the cough reflex, which is important for a damp cough.

During the lactation period, during pregnancy and children up to one year, you can not take the drug. Another contraindication is heart failure. The daily dose of the drug for an adult is 30-45 ml, which is divided into three doses.


Herbal medicine with thyme, which is part of the group of expectorants and bronchodilators, bronchodilators. Tussamag is produced in two forms: without sugar and with a sweetener. For adults it should be taken 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.


The basis of this phytopreparation is the root of licorice. The drug has an expectorant effect. The composition of the agent is glycyrrhizin, which acts as a catalyst. This substance stimulates secretion in the mucosa of the respiratory tract.


A syrup with extracts of thyme, psyllium, senegi and primrose has a double action. First, it softens the dry, debilitating cough, and second, it stimulates sputum expectoration.


The syrup contains extracts of thyme and plantain. The agent has expectorant and secretolytic effects. It is necessary to use Eucabal with symptomatic therapy of cough of different origin. The drug dilutes sputum, it is effective for wet and dry cough.

Preparations for children

Syrup is the most common form of release of expectorant drugs for children. Most people prefer to use variants of natural origin.

It is important to note that some varieties of syrups for children can not be given to a child for up to a year. Especially this prohibition concerns mucolytic drugs. Such treatment threatens the development of the child various complications, due to side effects. Therefore, prescription drugs for children under one year should only be performed by a doctor on the basis of diagnosis.


List of expectorant syrups from cough

The choice of medication depends on the nature of the cough. In diseases accompanied by a productive cough, expectorants are shown. The most popular medicines in the form of syrups. They are easy to dose, they are pleasant to the taste, and with proper application they are able to quickly eliminate or alleviate such manifestation of bronchitis, tracheitis or acute respiratory disease as a cough.

From this article, you can find out which cough to take Ambroxol.

Application features

Wet cough, which is usually called productive, is not as painful as dry. It can not be blocked. The goal of therapy is to facilitate the phlegm withdrawal. To do this, apply syrups, pills, candles and others, including folk remedies, the action of which is directed to:

  • stimulation of mucus production by bronchial tubes (secreto-motor drugs);
  • dilution of sputum (secretolithic or mucolytic agents).

If thick and viscous secretions are prescribed mucolytic drugs for liquefaction of sputum, a liquid secret should only help to get out of the bronchi. You can not simultaneously use mucolytic and expectorant drugs. However, there are combined means. Usually, treatment presupposes the use of such drugs. But they can not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

In turn, expectorating syrups (cough syrups expectorant) are divided into preparations:

  • reflex action (excite cough and vomiting center to increase mucus production in the bronchi);
  • direct resorptive action (irritate directly the bronchial mucosa to enhance mucus secretion).

What is the price of the syrup from the cough Lincas, you can learn from this article.

Reflex action drugs

This group of expectorants includes drugs that stimulate the vomiting center. The most vomiting does not occur, except in overdoses. The active substances lead to an increase in the peristalsis of the epithelium. This group includes syrups, which contain extracts or essential oils of such plants as:

  • mother and stepmother;
  • plantain;
  • licorice;
  • oregano;
  • thermopsis;
  • elecampane;
  • althea.

The most famous syrups of this group include herbal preparations from the drug althea extract. They are excellent stimulators of the motor function of the respiratory tract. Natural substances in their composition have a minimum of contraindications. But they do exist. Usually this is an individual intolerance. Sweet syrups should be carefully taken to people suffering from diabetes. Alcohol in the composition of drugs also introduces some restrictions on the intake of syrups.

What kind of syrup from an allergic cough in adults is used most often, is specified in the article.

Resorptive direct action

The main task of these drugs is to remove the accumulated viscous sputum from the bronchi. The structure of funds includes:

  • enzymes with the properties of liquefaction of sputum (ribonuclease, trypsin);
  • substances that contain sulfur (acetylcysteine, carbocysteine);
  • synthetic derivatives of natural Viscin (bromhexine and ambroxol).

This group of medicines is known for such syrups as:

  • Bromhexine
  • Ambroxol
  • Gedelix

They have a pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effect.

When choosing a medicine, always consult a doctor. Otherwise, a well advertised tool from an effective assistant can turn into a serious problem.

How to use syrup from cough Bromhexine, you can learn from this article.

For adults

Modern pharmacy increasingly refers to the gifts of nature. Most syrups are based on medicinal herbs. Many products are produced in several forms and concentrations. A syrup has a number of advantages over other dosage forms. They include:

  • high suction speed;
  • convenience of reception;
  • ease of dosage.

Consider the most popular syrups that help with a productive cough.

Reflex action

Althaea officinalis

Brownish thick phytopreparation with a peculiar smell and sweet taste in pharmacies are sold in bottles of dark glass. It is used on a tablespoon 4-5 times a day after meals, diluting with a small amount of warm boiled water with a productive cough. Syrup is recommended for ENT diseases, accompanied by a cough with phlegm, which is poorly separated.

How to use and in what dosage the syrup from Ascoril cough is indicated in the article.

Licorice with thermopsis

Its main difference is the combined action and vegetable origin. As the name suggests, the active ingredients of the syrup are licorice and thermopsis. In addition, in its composition, it has: potassium bromide and ammonium, sodium benzoate. Alcohol syrup is diluted with water when taken. Ulcer disease is a serious contraindication to drug treatment. Restrictions also apply to pregnant women. Because of alcohol, alcoholics can not take it. Sugar in the composition of the drug may adversely affect the condition of people suffering from diabetes.

Elixir Codelac Broncho

The composition of ambroxol and glycyrrhizic acid in the composition of the drug gives a good effect in the treatment of a wet cough with a difficult sputum discharge. They are treated both adults and children, but only older than 12 years. Expectorant syrup has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is also used as a mucolytic.

How much does the cough syrup Prospan cost, you can learn from this article.

Plantain and mother-and-stepmother

During 2-3 weeks of treatment with phytosyrope, there are significant improvements in bronchi. Adults prescribe the drug 3-4 times a day in an amount of 1-2 st. spoons. Syrup is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating mothers, children under 6 years. Do not use it and with a stomach ulcer.

Coldrex Bronho

Syrup of secretory action with the smell of anise and taste of licorice. Of its natural ingredients, it includes tincture of red pepper, camphor, anise oil and levomenthol.The active substances are also sodium cyclamate, dextrose and benzoate.Take the drug every 3 hours for 2 hours. l. Syrup dilutes sputum and promotes its excretion.

How correctly and in what dosages it is necessary to apply thoracal collection of syrup from a cough, you can find out by reading this article.


A well-known tool is suitable for adults and children alike. An expectorant and mucolytic action is provided by the extract of the herb of thyme, on the basis of which a syrup is created.It reduces the viscosity of sputum and positively affects the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi.Sputum begins to move faster to the exit, and potassium bromide, which is also part of the drug, suppresses the cough reflex. During pregnancy and during lactation the drug is not taken. Heart failure is also a serious reason to abandon Pertussin. The daily intake for adults is 30-45 ml. It is divided into three methods.

How much does the Licorice syrup for children, is specified in the article.


Another vegetable syrup based on thyme. It refers to bronchodilators and expectorants. Produced in two forms: with sugar and without sweeteners. Adults take only 2-3 hours. l. three times a day.

Direct resorptive and combined action


A popular extract of licorice root became the basis for this phytopreparation. The medicine has an expectorant effect. Glycyrrhizin in the syrup acts as a catalyst. The substance positively affects secretion in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

How to use adult liquorice syrup, specified in the article.


Syrup of Swiss origin with popular in folk medicine extracts of plantain, thyme, primrose and senegy has a double effect: it softens a dry, irritating cough and promotes expectoration phlegm.


The syrup contains extracts of plantain and thyme, is characterized by expectorant and secretolitic action. It is indicated for symptomatic treatment of a cough of different nature. It dilutes sputum and reduces the intensity of dry cough, eases a wet cough.

Preparations for children

Syrup is the most common form of release of expectorants for the treatment of children. Most people prefer to choose medicines of natural origin. Please note that some children's syrups should not be given to children until two years of age. This is especially true for mucolytics. Side effects from their use can be more than good. The list is as follows:

Natural origin

Gedelix (ivy extract)

Phytopreparation from an extract of an ivy helps or assists to deduce a sputum and facilitates tussis. It can be taken even by pregnant women. His children, like any other drugs, should be given cautiously.Even natural ingredients can harm the baby.The syrup contains menthol. It can cause a spasm of the larynx. Other components (eucalyptus and anise) can also contribute to the appearance of an allergic reaction. But if the child does not have individual intolerance to the components, he is prescribed to children of 10 years for 5 years, 5 ml three times a day, children 4-10 years - on, ml 4 times a day. For patients younger than 4 years, syrup is given 3 times a day, ml.

What is best for children when they cough, Gedelix drops or syrup, is indicated in this article.

Doctor MOM

Anisovy sweet taste of syrup like children. They perceive it as a treat. It works in a complex way. It is used as an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drug. As a part of the medicine, there are more than 10 different plant components. This is a popular cough remedy. Assign the drug three times a day for children from 3 years in a dose, h. l. for admission, children 6-14 years of age, the dose is increased to -1 hour. l.

Liquorice root

Syrup is used to treat cough in adults and children. Sweet liquid babies take with pleasure, but it should be remembered that an overdose can lead to unpleasant, and even dangerous consequences. Licorice root, for example, can cause vomiting. Children from 12 years are given three times a day for 1 hour. l. funds, 2-12 years h. l. syrup, diluted with water.


Another universal inexpensive and effective cough remedy, known since childhood. The drug can be taken from two years. In this case, you must adhere to the recommended dosage.


There are two forms of release of this syrup - for adults and children. They differ in the concentration of active ingredients and in their aromas.Banana 2% syrup has a pleasant sweet taste, and is designed for younger patients, caramel 5% syrup is intended for older children.

Expectorants help get rid of cough, if properly taken. Even the most harmless means should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. This is especially true for young children. During treatment for a cough, do not forget about such elementary things as plentiful drink, regular airing of rooms and humidification of air. They are effective in many cases not inferior to syrups and other medications.


Syrup from dry cough to adults: advice of doctors

Dry cough requires special attention. Doctors call such a cough unproductive, because it is not accompanied by the separation of sputum and the removal of the harmful products of inflammation and pathogenic microbes from the respiratory tract. There is a dry cough with various infectious diseases, allergic reactions, inhalation of dust and irritants, with colds of the bronchi and lungs. Treat yourself cough only if you have common colds or mild bronchitis. In all other cases, treatment should be controlled by a doctor. The most affordable remedy to cure a dry cough is a syrup containing a combination of medications.

How to treat dry cough

With a dry cough caused by an infectious disease, it is required to strengthen the formation of bronchial mucus and activate the epithelium of the respiratory tract to bring it out. With frequent attacks prescribe drugs that depress the cough reflex. Most of them have their contraindications and side effects.

A minimum of contraindications are herbal remedies curing dry cough. Syrup from natural raw materials has practically no side effects, but it acts more slowly and less efficiently than complex preparations. When choosing a medicine, take into account the age of the patient, the state of the stomach and the cardiovascular system, how much weakened the function of breathing in general, how often there is a cough and how much it interferes recovery. A good syrup from a dry cough contains drugs that inhibit the cough reflex, substances that stimulate the phlegm and its dilution. When the cough turns to wet, that is, there is a large amount of bronchial mucus, then drugs that suppress cough can not be used.

Syrup "Broncholitin"

"Broncholitin" - a combined syrup from a dry cough to adults, which contains an antitussive a drug of non-narcotic effect (glaucin) and ephedrine hydrochloride, which has bronhorasshirating action.

Effective in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. When an overdose, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, sweating, difficulty urinating, trembling of the limbs. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, hypertension, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, heart failure. The syrup contains ethanol.

Syrup "Bronchicum TP"

This is a good syrup from a dry cough based on herbal preparations (grass thyme, roots primrose), but consider that it has mainly an expectorant effect. Also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

It is used when coughing with difficult sputum. Contraindicated in severe liver and kidney disease, cardiovascular system, congenital intolerance to glucose and insufficiency of sugar and isomaltase. The syrup contains,% ethyl alcohol, therefore it is not used in patients with alcohol dependence, pregnant and lactating women. Possible side effects: dyspepsia, nausea, gastritis, allergic rash, swelling of Quincke.

Syrup "Kodelak Fito"

"Kodelak Fito" is a dry cough syrup for adults, containing codeine and plant extracts. It is used for the treatment of dry cough of any origin, with bronchial and lung diseases.

Oppresses the cough reflex at the level of the central nervous system. It liquefies phlegm, promotes increased mucus secretion, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. When an overdose develops symptoms of poisoning with opiates: drowsiness, headache, vomiting, itching, impaired coordination, urinary retention, slowing of breathing and palpitations. With prolonged use, habituation develops. "Kodelak Fito" is contraindicated in pregnancy and breast-feeding, bronchial asthma, respiratory insufficiency, is incompatible with alcohol and can affect the reaction rate (during treatment is not recommended to drive a car).

Syrup "Herbion"

"Herbion" - a good natural syrup from dry cough in smokers, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Contains plant components (plantain extract and mallow), which have an emollient and expectorant effect. Also suppresses the reproduction of bacteria and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is not recommended for use with pregnant and lactating women, it can not be combined with other antitussive drugs. Has contraindications: diabetes, intolerance to fructose, impaired glucose absorption.

Syrup "Stoptussin Fito"

"Stoppussin Fito" - syrup from dry cough to adults on the basis of plant extracts (thyme, thyme, plantain), it exerts an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces viscosity phlegm.

The preparation contains,% ethyl alcohol. It is not recommended for liver, kidney, cardiovascular, pregnancy and lactation diseases. Side effects are minimal: it is possible to develop allergic reactions. It is prescribed for removal from the respiratory tract of difficultly separated sputum during bronchitis and tracheitis.

Syrup "Sinekod"

The drug is vanilla syrup from dry cough to adults, whose main active ingredient is butamyrate citrate. It is a non-narcotic antitussive, it depresses the cough center, improves breathing and enlarges the bronchi.

It is used only to suppress dry cough, does not contribute to the separation of sputum. It should not be taken together with expectorants, as mucus will accumulate in the bronchi, which contributes to the development of infection. "Sinecod" can cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure.

Syrup "Tussin Plus"

"Tussin Plus" contains expectorant (guaifenizin) and antitussive (dextromethorphan) components. The latter refers to narcotic antitussives, so in pharmacies "Tussin Plus" is released on prescription.

This is a very effective syrup from a dry cough to adults. Photo before and after taking the drug, according to doctors, shows an improvement in bronchi on X-rays. It is used for symptomatic treatment for ARVI and colds. Has many contraindications, characteristic for codeine and its analogues. It can not be taken with a damp cough with abundant phlegm.

Syrup "Linkas"

A dry cough syrup for adults, the photo of which is presented below, is a combined preparation from natural raw materials. It includes more than ten names of plants. The drug reduces the intensity of cough and at the same time contributes to the dilution of sputum, increases production bronchial mucus, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, has sedative and antiallergic properties.

It is used to treat all types of cough with hard-to-recover sputum, including infectious diseases and a smoker's cough. There are no contraindications, an allergic reaction is possible from side reactions, with individual intolerance to the components. It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, in case of diabetes it should be taken into account that the syrup contains sucrose.

Syrup "Ascoril"

Syrup from dry coughing to adults "Ascoril Expectorant" has a bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic effect. The composition of the drug include salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, guaifenesin and menthol. Assign with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, emphysema and other diseases with a violation of the structure of the bronchi and alveoli. It enlarges the lumen of the bronchi, strengthens the ventilation of the lungs, promotes the formation and separation of sputum. The drug is released by prescription. Has side effects: headache, dizziness, increased excitability of the nervous system, nausea and diarrhea, palpitations. It is possible to stain the urine pink.

With diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds and bronchitis, you can independently take syrup from a dry cough to adults. Reviews of the drugs suggest that it is better to drink drugs on a plant basis and not containing strong substances. With prolonged coughing attacks, you need to see a doctor who will conduct the examination and prescribe the most appropriate drug.


Effective cure for bronchitis and cough in adults

Bronchitis is a fairly common ailment. Often it is a complication of colds. Pathology is characterized by coughing, high fever, difficulty breathing. With this disease, bed rest, warming of the chest area, inhalation is recommended. To reduce the strength of the cough, expectorants and antitussives should be taken. But there are a lot of such drugs on the shelves of pharmacies. What should I choose a cure for bronchitis and cough in adults? And how to find the most effective?

Selection rules

How to choose the best medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults? It should immediately be stipulated that universal means simply do not exist. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics. And a drug that has effectively approached one patient may not bring relief to another at all.

Therefore, in order to choose an effective medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  1. Distinguish dry and wet cough. For each type of medicines are provided that have a certain effect. Medications can reduce pain when coughing or help in clearing the respiratory tract from sputum.
  2. Before buying a drug, be sure to read the instructions for use. Pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.
  3. It is best not to engage in self-medication, especially such a serious illness as bronchitis. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose the patient and prescribe the most suitable drugs.
  4. When buying medicines, you should try to purchase medicines that have been tested by the manufacturer. If such drugs are very expensive, then you can consult a doctor. It will help to choose cheaper, but not less qualitative and effective analogues.

We stop dry cough

Various types of medicines are used to treat bronchitis. What medicine for bronchitis from coughing to an adult will bring maximum relief? To answer the question, you need to determine the nature of the symptomatology.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease there is a severely irritating throat dry cough. Therefore, prescribe drugs that reduce pain and frequency of attacks.

Excellent antitussive drugs are issued in the form of:

  1. Syropov - "Bronchikum "Sinekod "Stoptussin".
  2. Tablets - "Kodelak "Stoptussin "Falimint".

A good result is achieved with the use of combined drugs. These are medicines that provide both antitussive and expectorant action.

We get rid of phlegm: we treat wet cough

With the development of the disease, the symptoms change. The cough becomes moist. Sputum appears. At this stage, you can not take medications that reduce coughing attacks. It is necessary that the fluid leaves the bronchi.

Therefore, now you should take a medicine for bronchitis from cough for adults, which helps to liquefy sputum.

Suffice it to effectively cope with this task preparations:

  1. Syrups - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Khaliksol.
  2. Tablets - "Ambrobe "Halixol "ACTS" (effervescent pills).

And now we will examine in more detail some medicines. This will help determine which drug to choose from bronchitis and cough in adults.

The drug "Mukaltin"

For a long time known medicinal medicine. Produced in the form of tablets. It helps with cough and has almost no contraindications. It can not be taken only with ulcers or in case of individual intolerance.

The active substance of the drug "Mukaltin" is an extract of the althaea. The medication affects the bronchi, strengthening expectoration and speeding up the output of phlegm.

The biggest plus of this medication is the minimum price. A blister of 10 tablets costs 15 rubles per pharmacy.

Medication "Ambrobene"

Produce a drug in the form of tablets. This is an effective medicine (for bronchitis) from cough. The drug helps to remove sputum, provides expectoration. Apply it during respiratory diseases, in which it is difficult to remove mucus, including because of its viscosity.

The main active substance is ambroxol hydrochloride. The medication has a number of contraindications.

Its reception is excluded when:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • the first terms of pregnancy.

The side effects are:

  • headache;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weakness.

Half an hour after taking the pill, "Ambrobene" begins to have a facilitating effect, which continues for a day.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies - about 150 rubles per package of 20 pills.

The medicine "Libexin"

Tablets that provide analgesic and antispasmodic effects. They promote the expansion of the bronchi, reduce cough.

The main active ingredient of this drug is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. Accept "Libexin" when coughing any etiology.

Medication is contraindicated in:

  • intolerance of its components;
  • diseases, with increased mucus formation in the airways;
  • You can not take it also after anesthesia.

With special care, prescribe the drug "Libexin" to children and pregnant women.

The price of the medicine for the package (20 tablets) is about 250 rubles.

The drug "Stoptussin"

Often doctors recommend such a medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults. The instructions for use refer to the medicament for the group of combined preparations. A remedy is made in the form of syrup and tablets.

The preparation has the following properties:

  • affects the receptors of cough;
  • helps to remove spasms in the bronchi;
  • increases liquefaction of mucus;
  • helps rapid release of sputum from the respiratory tract.

The medicine "Stoptussin" is contraindicated for use:

  • nursing mothers;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under 12 years;
  • with myasthenia gravis.

During therapy with this drug, there may be such side effects as:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastric discomfort;
  • headache.

There are also possible manifestations of allergic reactions. It is not recommended simultaneous reception with alcohol.

Packing tablets "Stoptussina" (20 pieces) costs in drugstores about 130 rubles.

The drug "Lazolvan"

This drug is similar in composition and effect with the drug Ambrobene. It is made in the form of syrup and tablets.

The drug "Lazolvan" is contraindicated for taking:

  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with kidney and liver diseases.

As side effects, allergic manifestations may occur.

The average price of a package of 30 tablets is 250 rubles.

The drug "Kodelak"

Another long-used cough remedy. Produced in the form of tablets.

Codeine (the active substance of the drug) acts on the cough center in the brain. Due to this, its tone decreases, and attacks decrease. The medicine "Kodelak" does not affect the functions of breathing, so you can take it even to kids at the age of more than two years.

Contraindicated reception:

  • breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women;
  • with respiratory failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance of the components contained in its composition.

Allergic reactions, digestive problems, headaches may appear during the medication "Kodelak".

The price of the medicine is about 100 rubles per package (10 tablets).

The drug "Bromhexine"

They are made in the form of tablets, syrup and drops. The active ingredient of the preparation is bromhexine hydrochloride.

This cure for bronchitis and cough in adults provides a number of positive effects. It dilutes sputum and stimulates its rapid elimination from the respiratory system.

The drug should not be taken to children under two years, carefully prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation.

During the reception of "Bromgexin" may occur headaches, rashes, sometimes there is an intensified cough.

20 tablets of the drug cost about 50 rubles.

Tool "ACTS Long"

The medicament is produced in the form of effervescent tablets intended for dissolution in water.

The medicine "ACTS Long as well as the drug "Ambrobene has a long-lasting effect. During the day, only one tablet is needed, which helps to withdraw the sputum, liquefying it. The active substance of the drug is acetylcysteine. This is a fairly common medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults.

The instruction recommends to exclude reception of a preparation by pregnant and feeding women, and also children till 14 years.

During the treatment of ATSs, the following side effects may occur:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • noise in ears;
  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • allergy.

In pharmacies, the drug is sold at a price of 320 rubles per package of 10 tablets.

Medication "Tablets from coughs"

Inexpensive, but effective cure for bronchitis and cough in adults. It has been produced for many years. In its composition - a powder of grass of thermopsis and sodium hydrogen carbonate. These components reduce the viscosity of mucus and accelerate its release from the respiratory system.

The admission of children under the age of 12, breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women, as well as people with stomach ulcers is excluded.

Tablets are sold in pharmacies at a price of about 50 rubles per 20 pieces.

Syrup "Gedelix"

If you need to choose a medicine for bronchitis from coughing to adults, expectorant, then this drug is completely suitable.

Natural product, does not contain sugar and alcohol. The main active substance of the drug is an extract of ivy leaves. This syrup is remarkable in that its reception is permitted to everyone, even children up to a year, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

The medicine "Gedelix" has the following properties:

  • expands and cleanses the bronchi;
  • liquefies phlegm;
  • has a prolonged action;
  • promotes effective sphagnum expectoration.

The only restriction: it is necessary to take it cautiously in those cases when a strong sputum discharge is not recommended.

The cost of the drug is about 300 rubles per bottle (100 ml).

The medicine "Plantain syrup"

Herbal preparation helps to get the sputum out of the respiratory tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contains sugar in its composition. It is indicated for use by children from 2 years of age.

The use of this drug for the treatment of people with diabetes is excluded. Cases of drug overdose are not fixed - the body tolerates the reception of any amount of syrup well.

The price of 100 ml of the drug in pharmacies is about 250 rubles.

Medication "Syrup of primrose"

A natural herbal remedy. Can be used even for children from two years old. Has an expectorant effect, helps to dilute sputum.

The cost of 100 ml of syrup is about 250 rubles.


What is the most effective cough remedy for adults?



You can treat your cough alone only with the slightest cold. In other cases, you should always seek help from a doctor. After all, very often we can not even determine the nature of cough. What can I say about the methods and methods of its treatment.
Effective cough remedy, tested by many generations.
Cook one lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut it in half and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into a glass, add 2 tbsp. spoonful of glycerin. Stir thoroughly and top up the glass with honey. It is not only useful and effective, but also very tasty.
The dose of cough syrup is regulated by circumstances. If you have a rare cough, take 1 teaspoonful throughout the day. Before use, the mixture is shaken. If you are concerned about a cough at night, take 1 teaspoon at bedtime and one at night. If you have a severe cough - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch, after dinner and at night. As the cough decreases, reduce the number of times the mixture is taken.
You can also grate the black radish on the grater and squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth. Mix well with honey and drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals and before bedtime in the evening.
You can advise and other recipes.
Mix radish juice or carrots with milk or a honey drink: half the juice and half of the milk or honey drink. Dose: one tablespoon six times a day.
Very useful when coughing boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey.




If you cough that Kafol syrup - you need to buy in good pharmacies.


Rinse your mouth with beets! With it comes mucus, the throat becomes easier.

Gulnara Gagarina

milk with honey

Natalia Alferova

To each his own, but I'm personally very helped by Fluimutsil. It is a powder that dissolves with water. The taste turns out to be something like an orange. Day or two and coughing passes. Get well))

Victoria Cher

Terflu, and Caldact

Ekaterina Grebleva

There is nothing better than folk remedies. Buy in the pharmacy chest collection, brew and drink warm, and even massage, bath, mustard and a healthy lifestyle. Better yet, do not get sick at all!

¤_ ° The little girl ° _ Ю


Olga Kamastra

As a former chronic bronchitis, who wanted to diagnose asthma say: drink water, it is desirable filtered or from the tap in this way: in the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses + a pinch of sea salt under language. at night a glass is exactly the same. and if you like a lot to eat, take into account after each eating, drink as much water as you ate food, but only after an hour and a half after eating and you will forget about coughing 100%

Elena Mikhailova

I buy a black radish on the market, in it I cut out a small hole, there-a spoonful of honey. Give a stand-a radish will give juice. Take 3-4 spoonfuls a day. Remarkably helps!

Larissa Just good

) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of licorice syrup for 1 glass of mineral water, drink 3-4 times a day for 5-6 days.
in any drink add a little soda

Elena Gulina (Rozhina)

Grate onion mixed with honey 1/1 eat every 2-3 hours 2 days. passes quickly, checked

Diana Sabitova

For me it's Proshpan. I take it from a cough not for the first year. Treats effectively and carefully. A big plus is that. that the child can also be given it.

Mikhail Pechersky

It is better to consult a specialist.
In the Open Clinic, excellent doctors, he himself went here, for various illnesses and for various specialists.
Save time and nerves.

Rosa Ibragimova

To me the doctor wrote out syrup Проспан and tasty and tussis cured quickly! In this case, it is also plant, without chemistry. It's not scary to treat a child to an adult.

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