Karipazim: instructions for use in hernia for electrophoresis


  • 1Ampoules Caripazimum with a hernia of the spine: reviews, treatment with electrophoresis, how much do they cost?
    • 1.1Form of issue
    • 1.2Mechanism of action of the drug
    • 1.3Methods of application
    • 1.4Contraindications and side effects
    • 1.5Reviews
    • 1.6Controversial reviews of doctors
    • 1.7The cost of caripazim
    • 1.8The course of treatment with caripazime
    • 1.9Straw for patients
    • 1.10Benefits of caripazime for the body
    • 1.11Useful properties of Papaya, which is the main substance in the composition of Caripazim
    • 1.12The result
  • 2Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews, contraindications, methods
    • 2.1The composition of the preparation and the essence of the method of electrophoresis with "Karipazim" from its supporters
    • 2.2Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews and objections of doctors
    • 2.3Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews, methods
    • 2.4A course of treatment
    • 2.5Indications
    • 2.6Who is contraindicated with electrophoresis with "Karipazim"
    • 2.7Reviews
    • 2.8Advice
  • instagram viewer
  • 3Treatment of a herniated vertebra Karipazimom
    • 3.1Characteristics of the drug "Karipazim"
    • 3.2Method of treatment
    • 3.3Therapeutic effect of "Karipazima"
    • 3.4Contraindications and cautions
  • 4Caripazim
    • 4.1Composition
    • 4.2Form of issue
    • 4.3pharmachologic effect
    • 4.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.5Indications for use
    • 4.6Contraindications for use
    • 4.7Side effects
    • 4.8Karipazim, instructions for use (Method and dosage)
    • 4.9Overdose
    • 4.10Interaction
    • 4.11Terms of sale
    • 4.12Storage conditions
    • 4.13Shelf life
    • 4.14Caripazim Analogues
    • 4.15Alcohol and Caripazim
    • 4.16Reviews about Karipazima
    • 4.17Price Karipazima, where to buy
    • 4.18WER.RU
    • 4.19ZdravZona
    • 4.20IFK Pharmacy
    • 4.21Pharmacy24
    • 4.22BIOSPHERE
  • 5"Karipazim" for electrophoresis: instructions for use, contraindications and features:
    • 5.1Feature of the method of electrophoresis
    • 5.2Effectiveness of treatment of hernia
    • 5.3Indications for application of the method
    • 5.4Treatment of a hernia with "Karipazim"
    • 5.5Feature of the drug
    • 5.6Technology of the procedure
    • 5.7Fixing the result
    • 5.8Contraindications and complications
    • 5.9Patient Reviews
    • 5.10Reviews of doctors

Ampoules Caripazimum with a hernia of the spine: reviews, treatment with electrophoresis, how much do they cost?

In most cases, a spinal hernia occurs in people 30 to 50 years of age. The main reason for the onset of the disease is a decrease in the function of damping the disks between the vertebrae.

The intervertebral disc loses its elasticity, and the fibrous contents go beyond the vertebra. A person has enough great potentials that will help spread to healing and recovery.

But, as for the treatment of vertebral hernia, this process is quite lengthy and requires attention and professionalism of specialists. One of the main drugs, which is used in the complex treatment of hernia of the spine, is Karipazim.

This is one of the new medicines, but has already scored high scores in neurosurgery, orthopedics, traumatology.

Form of issue

The drug has proteolytic activity for external use of plant origin. It is available in the form of a white lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution that is applied externally.

The main component in the composition of the drug is papain, obtained from papaya fruits in a dose of 350 and 700 PU.


  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • Schmorl's hernia;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder - scapular;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • burns 3 degrees.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The drug has a proteolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. For more than ten years, caripazim has been used to treat hernia spinal cord. Such technology was developed by professor, doctor of medical sciences Naidin VP, who headed the neurosurgery center named after Burdenko.

By results of researches it was possible to establish, that the agent renders positive dynamics at treatment of a vertebral hernia, improves the general clinical picture and accelerates the process of recovery.

The main effect of the drug Karipazim on the human body:

  • makes the hernia elastic;
  • cartilage of tissues become soft;
  • nerves that were pinched are released;
  • decreased pain activity;
  • improves the regeneration of the spinal tissues;
  • the cellular composition is renewed;
  • discs become durable, sturdy and reliable.

Methods of application

In general, the drug is used for spinal hernia by electrophoresis. It is very important that the pole is only positive. The warming solution is prepared immediately before the session itself.

One vial of caripazime is diluted in 10 ml of saline. To improve the effect and the result, it is recommended to add a drop of Dimexide to the resulting solution.

Read more about Dimexide here.

The electrode with a gasket moistened in this solution is applied to the neck, hips, waist, and shoulders. The temperature of the solution should not be below 37 degrees.

The session continues for 15 minutes and runs every other day. The full course of treatment consists of 3 courses of 30 procedures each.

Also after the session, it is recommended to rub a special anti-inflammatory gel into the area, which will prolong the action of Caripazim and make the sleep painless and full. Combines well Karipazim with turpentine baths, as well as special therapeutic gymnastics.

Contraindications and side effects

We list them:

  • apply the drug only externally;
  • diluted Caripazima solution is used only for electrophoresis, but not for injection;
  • forbidden intake for acute inflammation of the skin;
  • It can not be used for hernia sequestration;
  • there may be allergies that are fraught with the development of anaphylactic shock;
  • if symptoms of an allergic reaction occur, you need to rinse the solution immediately from the body and apply ointment on the basis of hormones;
  • fruit bearing;
  • lactation;
  • Individual intolerance to the main component of the drug.


Before the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to review and study the feedback of consumers about this drug.

Many patients note that there is no significant improvement after the first course.

Only by the end of the second course the condition improves, the pain and inflammation decreases and the issue of surgical intervention is not so acute.

After the examination, the hernia is reduced in size due to the use of caripazime.

The result lasts a long time. In most cases, electrophoresis with this medication reduces pain and facilitates waiting for surgery. Other patients note that the technique only temporarily helps to cope with discomfort and pain.

Also, Karipazim helps with all types of osteochondrosis, the patient is already in a few sessions of notes of relief. Another remedy is an excellent alternative to surgery, which indicates its high effectiveness.

Controversial reviews of doctors

According to most experts, many back and spinal cord health centers are already trying not to apply this method of treatment. Also, leading experts in Israel joined this opinion.

Karipazim does not have a significant positive effect. The hernia does not resolve and remains in place. The result is achieved by long and long courses.

If you just do electrophoresis with dimexide and euphyllin, you can get a similar effect without Keripazim.

It is not necessary to spend money, and it is better to use more alternative, and safe methods for treatment of a hernia of a backbone.

The cost of caripazim

The drug is produced in bottles of dark color with 10 ml of solution in each. The price for one bottle in the territory of the Russian Federation is approximately 179 rubles. Packing with 10 bottles costs about 1581 rubles. Producer means company Vifehtech.


  • the drug Karipazim is applied only externally, so it has no effect on the body and is well tolerated by patients;
  • with the help of electrophoresis, it is possible to simultaneously use several drugs for any, even hard-to-reach area of ​​the body. From this application the result is kept for one month;
  • using the electrophoresis technique, it is possible to change the physical parameters and accurately perform the dosage;
  • the procedure is performed without pain;
  • vegetable origin;
  • has a resorptive property;
  • has a proteolytic property.


  • there is no visible effect;
  • the development of severe allergic reactions;
  • long course;
  • lengthy procedure;
  • high price;
  • can begin inflammation of the skin in the place of the procedure.

Method of implementation:

  • wires to the main device are connected with electrodes;
  • placed in the center of the gasket diluted in 10 ml of saline or novocaine Karipazim. The solution should be no more than 39 degrees. The gasket should be covered with filtered paper;
  • the other two pads pour out euphyllin;
  • these pads are placed on both sides of the spine or thighs;
  • to the gasket in Karipazim, a positive electrode is connected, to the remaining two with euphyllin, negative electrodes;
  • During the session, the current can be gradually increased.

The course of treatment with caripazime

The full course of treatment consists of 3 courses for 20 -30 procedures, which are performed every other day and with small interruptions. The procedure goes without pain, but it is very hard to sustain. It causes discomfort, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

Indications for the use of electrophoresis with caripazime:

Straw for patients

For many patients who have a diagnosis of an intervertebral hernia, Karizapim has become a real straw that can help prevent surgical intervention.

This technique helped almost a hundred percent of patients with advanced form of the disease and 50% of patients avoid surgery.

If there are symptoms of a hernia, it is necessary to urgently consult a neurologist, undergo a complete examination and an effective technique of electrophoresis with the drug Karipazim.

Benefits of caripazime for the body

It is produced in dry form and is diluted immediately before use.

It has the following effects:

  • gives a great effect and benefit in the treatment of joints;
  • well affects the degeneration of discs between the spine;
  • the medicine perfectly helps with burns and quickly eliminates necrosis;
  • effectively helps even with advanced forms of hernia;
  • helps to reduce the size of the hernia and avoid surgical intervention;
  • relieves pain with osteochondrosis;
  • improves blood supply;
  • lowers the tone of the brain;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • migraine decreases;
  • the general condition is improving.

Useful properties of Papaya, which is the main substance in the composition of Caripazim

In South Africa, papaya fruits are widely used to heal purulent wounds. The effect of the drug in many respects surpasses even the most famous antibiotics.

Previously, military hospitals simply cut small pieces of fruit and applied them to the wound surface.

And thanks to this it was possible to get high results. The wound quickly cleared of pus and healed. Many people in Africa consider the tree to be a sacred and real healer.


In our time, papaya is a part of a variety of products that are used in the treatment, cosmetology, also based on it there are medicines for the destruction of worms.


But most of all, Karipazim is used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The composition of papaya juice includes an enzyme that restores the connective tissue between the discs of the spine.

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Almost a hundred percent of the drug on its basis helps patients with various forms of hernia and osteochondrosis. It is also an indispensable tool for arthrosis and arthritis, arachnoiditis cerebral and spinal, neuritis of the facial nerve.

The result

There is an excellent alternative to the operation, this is the application of electrophoresis based on caripamime. It has a number of useful properties and eliminates the symptoms of a hernia of the spine.

Also helps to relieve pain, reduce the size of the hernia and improve the overall well-being of the patient. In addition, the medicine is used externally and does not harm the body.

Undoubtedly, the drug is expensive, but health is still more expensive.

To notice the result, a long treatment is required, which consists of three main sessions in the composition, which includes 20 to 30 procedures.

In combination, you need to apply other methods of treating a hernia. Joint impact will help achieve high results. There are many opinions of consumers about a medical device.

Basically, this is a positive response and many patients managed to avoid surgical intervention. But neurosurgeons are critical to the effects of caripazim and believe that this is a senseless waste of time and money.

The human body is individual, so you need to try different methods of conservative treatment, and then, in the absence of results, apply the operation. After all, after surgery, there is a long and difficult process of rehabilitation and recovery.

A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/lechenie/preparaty/karipazim-pri-gryzhe.html

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews, contraindications, methods

Modern treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine, is carried out by a whole arsenal therapeutic methods, ranging from the extension of various parts of the spine to surgical intervention in neglected cases.

Among this rich set, a special place is occupied by electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia. Feedback on this procedure can be found mutually exclusive.

And they are left as patients who received a result or disappointment, as well as professionals who have polar opinions about the benefits of the drug itself.

The composition of the preparation and the essence of the method of electrophoresis with "Karipazim" from its supporters

A modern drug, created on the basis of bioadditives - "Karipazim" - concentrate of natural papaya enzyme (papain).

Produced from the extraction of fruits of exotic melon tree, it possesses the properties of a whole complex of natural enzymes: proteolytic, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic.

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernias, doctors' reviews about which can be either positive or cautious or highly negative, supporters praise for the softening of cartilaginous vertebral tissues; for scarring of injured fibers of the intervertebral disc and restoration of its damping properties due to the enhanced synthesis of collagen; for anti-inflammatory act. As a result, in their opinion, the size of the hernia decreases, the nerve is released, the pain and inflammation are removed.

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews and objections of doctors

Opponents of the method warn of the aggressive action of proteolytic enzymes capable of digesting protein fibers, regardless of their origin. The instruction imposes a taboo on intramuscular and intravenous administration of this drug.

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" softens the epidermis, and saline becomes an active source of sodium ions from the anode (positive charge), which penetrate deep into the tissues.

In this case, weakly dissociated papaya enzymes, which have a large molecular mass, digest the surface layers of the skin and can not enter the body.

The marketing specialists of the company MedFlorina, which produces this drug, began to advertise the gel Papain-Active for the treatment of the spine. They suggest using it from a spinal hernia even without electrophoresis, despite the fact that it is claimed as a cosmetic cleanser.

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia: reviews, methods

It is known that the extract of papaya fruits is a white crystalline powder which, before application diluted in saline (10 ml), adding for a greater therapeutic effect, 1-3 drops dimexide.

For the best effect of the drug, the optimal temperature is 36-37 degrees. The procedure itself is carried out as follows: prepare wires connected to a special device that generates a galvanic current.

Physicists have determined that the positive pole-the anode-will always be with red wires, the negative pole-the cathode-with the black ones.

The pad is moistened in water with the temperature of the human body (37 degrees), pour the prepared mixture of saline solution with "Karipazim" and "Dimexid" into the center.

Place it on the affected spine and connect the red electrodes (with a positive charge).

On the other two pads is "Eufillin" - a medication with vasodilating properties that improve the blood supply, speeding up the transport of "Karipazima" to hernia.

These pads are placed below the main on both sides of the spine or on the surface of the thighs. If the gasket with "Karipazim" serves the area of ​​the cervical or thoracic spine, then the euphyllinic pads are placed on the waist; if the lumbar region is affected - the "Euphyllin" -wound gasket with negative (black) electrodes during the procedure lies on the surface thighs. With a gradual decrease in sensitivity during the session, gradually increase the current.

A course of treatment

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernias is called a hard test: the promised warmth and light vibration often turn into irritation, itching, peeling of the skin, and sometimes the temperature rises.

The recommended gel "Papain-Active which has anti-inflammatory properties, can ease the condition, but more often after the procedure, doctors recommend the use of hydrocortisone ointment.

One or two sessions does not have a great therapeutic effect, so for a notable result, the advocates recommend that you pass at least 20 or 30 sessions per course.


In difficult cases, at the physician's discretion, a series of three courses can be appointed with a one- or two-month break between them. Treatment of a spinal hernia with electrophoresis with "Karapazim" reviews of many patients is called a miracle.


Someone had a positive result by the end of the first course, others had a cure - in the beginning or the middle of the third.


Annotation to the application of "Karipazim" indicates that the drug is intended for people with osteochondrosis of the spine (including Schmorl's hernia), various forms of hernia intervertebral discs, discogenic radiculitis; burns of the third degree (to accelerate the regeneration of tissues); arthrosis and arthritis of large joints; neuritis of facial nerve; cerebral and spinal arachnoiditis; a lechelopathic periarthritis; posttraumatic flexural contracture of the fingers and keloid scars of various origin. Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia can favorably affect the course of pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, ulcerative necrotic and aphthous stomatitis and chronic periodontitis.

Who is contraindicated with electrophoresis with "Karipazim"

This procedure should be prescribed only by a doctor, even a home procedure must be coordinated with the doctor in charge! To refuse electrophoresis with "Karapazim" it is necessary in the presence of sequestration of a hernia of a disk; exacerbations of any inflammatory processes; high body temperature, diabetes mellitus (complex case); poor blood clotting, skin ailments, cancer problems, hypertension (grade 2-4), atherosclerosis, individual drug intolerance, pregnancy and lactation period. Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia, contraindications to which may include a tendency to allergic reactions, many doctors advise, since the symptoms can be removed with antihistamines means.


The majority of opinions about this non-surgical procedure for the treatment of hernias can be roughly divided into two ranges: a number of patients are delighted and include it in its arsenal of combating every attack of the intervertebral hernia (undergo a course of procedures, release the nerve due to softening and thus improve their quality life). Other patients experience the bitterness of frustration and a senseless waste of money, since improvement after the procedures does not occur.


Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia (reviews, contraindications should be discussed with a doctor) - a procedure that does not help everyone.

Find out whether this method is right for you, you can only experiment with the permission of the doctor. Long-term treatment will also require considerable financial costs.

Stopping therapy sooner than experts recommend, you can not wait for positive changes.

A source: http://.ru/article/217412/elektroforez-s-karipazimom-pri-gryije-otzyivyi-protivopokazaniya-metodika

Treatment of a herniated vertebra Karipazimom

How to use "Karipazim" with herniated spine, the instructions for use set out extremely simply and understandably.

But how effective is this tool? Will it help radically, or will the effect be barely noticeable? How is this drug treated in the scientific medical community? Are there any contraindications? These questions are of interest to many patients with such an unpleasant ailment as an intervertebral hernia.

Characteristics of the drug "Karipazim"

Some patients are sure that the drug "Karipazim" was created in the Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery. Burdenko, but this is not true.

This research institute has developed not a preparation, but a technique for its use, the successful use of which has lasted for more than 10 years.

This drug is made from natural plant material (from the milk of papaya) and is a white powder.

Until 2007, the drug was imported from Georgia, where under the name "Karipazim FP 350 PE" was produced in the Institute of Pharmacochemistry. Kutateladze.

By now, Russia has established a completely identical facility (with the participation of Georgian specialists).

In the pharmacy at the Institute. Burdenko can always be bought with confidence in the authenticity of the product.


Participation of an institution that enjoys a high reputation in the preparation of a description of the methodology, production drug and the treatment of patients with it can be treated with confidence in the therapeutic properties Caripazima.


The effect of the drug is due to the enzymes of the papaya latex juice. This biologically active substance (papain) is similar in composition to the human pancreatic juice (trypsin) enzyme and has a similar mechanism of action. Among the indisputable merits of "Karipazima

  • non-invasive treatment;
  • good tolerability, a small number of contraindications and side effects;
  • long-term use and positive patient feedback;
  • good assessment by practitioners;
  • long-term preservation of the therapeutic effect.

In pharmacies, you can often see a drug called "caripain." The main active substance in it is the same as in "Karipazima but in addition chondroprotectors are included in the composition. Data on the effectiveness of this drug is less than that of the deserved recognition of "Karipazima."

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Method of treatment

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to undergo deep diagnostics with the use of the MRI device. This is needed to accurately determine the place of origin of the hernia, its size and direction of protrusion. Then the doctor prescribes treatment and decides whether to use the drug "Karipazim."

In the treatment of a spinal hernia, this method uses the method of electrophoresis.

Immediately before the procedure, a solution is prepared: 1 bottle of powder is diluted in 10 ml of saline and add 2-3 drops of Dimexide, which, penetrating well through the skin, increases the susceptibility of the tissues to the main means.

The prepared solution is wetted with filter paper and placed on the positive electrode of the electrophoresis apparatus, then applied to the projection of the affected area.

A negative electrode through a pad moistened with a special liquid is placed by the doctor on the opposite area (not always, for example, if the point of impact is the neck, the negative electrode is applied to the shoulder). The current is usually set in the range of 10 to 15 mA.

All fluids used for this procedure should have a temperature of approximately + 37-38 ° C.

The duration of the session each time gradually increases: the first lasts 10 minutes, the last - 20 minutes. In total, 14 to 30 procedures are necessary for treatment. Between sessions, a break for 1 day is possible.

Then consultation with the attending physician is conducted, after which the course is usually repeated a month or a half later.

It is recommended to complete 2-3 courses, but the exact number is determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition and the observed recovery dynamics.


After each procedure, it is recommended to rub into the skin in the area of ​​action the gel "Papain-asset".


It contains the same active substance as "Karipazim has a light anti-inflammatory action, helps prolong the therapeutic effect of electrophoresis and soothe the skin after exposure electric current.

Therapeutic effect of "Karipazima"

Herniated disc - is a violation of the integrity of the membrane (fibrous ring) of the disc with a protruding outward soft kernel.

As a result of the gradual loss of the disc of its elasticity by the cartilaginous tissue, its fragility grows, and the range of influences under which the disc plays the role of a shock absorber is reduced.

As a result of such processes, with a little unusual movement or lifting of the weight, a hernia arises. The protrusion of the core tissues can affect the nearby nerve fibers and cause acute pain.

The mechanism of action of "Karipazima" is based on the ability of papaya enzymes to soften cartilaginous tissues.

The method of electrophoresis ensures the supply of biologically active substances of the drug directly to the herniated intervertebral disc begins to soften, releasing the pinched nerves endings.

Treatment of the hernia of the spine with "Karipazim" often avoids surgical intervention. The effectiveness of treatment with this drug is available not only with hernias, but also with protrusions of intervertebral discs.

In the case of protrusions, the soft content of the disk core does not penetrate outward, the cartilaginous tissue itself protrudes.


The softening effect of papaya enzymes helps to reduce the symptoms of pinprick of the nerve roots with the bulging part of the disc.


As a result of its medicinal properties, "Karipazim" provides a long-term effect, because the disk partially restores itself lost functions and by reducing fragility becomes less susceptible to undesirable effects of dynamic effects. This allows us to successfully use a natural drug in the fight against osteochondrosis.

"Karipazim" is also used in:

  • orthopedic area;
  • traumatological area;
  • neurological area;
  • with articular contractures;
  • to reduce keloid scars;
  • treatment of arthrosis and arthritis;
  • humerus periarthritis;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • tunnel syndromes;
  • some forms of neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • when treating burns.

Contraindications and cautions

The fruit of the melon tree (often called papaya) contains the enzyme papain, which has a set of properties similar to pancreatic juice.

The effect of the enzyme not only softens the tissues containing protein, but also dissolves them. This feature has long been used by the peoples of the tropical countries to soften the meat before cooking.

Nowadays, the world food industry has adopted papaya juice for cooking meat dishes.

Care should also be taken in the treatment of patients prone to allergies - the drug may cause an allergic reaction. Before applying "Karipazima" in such patients it is worthwhile to conduct an allergic test.

Treatment is possible with low degrees of allergy with an additional course of antihistamines. The decision in such cases can be made only by a doctor.

In general, cases of an allergic reaction to "Karipazim" are rare.

There is one more aspect to think about that makes sense before the beginning of treatment: despite the fact that patients who experienced the effect of "Karipazima" with hernia spine, the reviews are generally positive, there are no data on internationally recognized therapeutic effect studies preparation. This circumstance causes ambiguous estimates of "Karipazim some physicians consider its medical effect to be unimportant.

It is also worth taking into account possible contraindications to the procedure of electrophoresis. Most patients tolerate it without problems, but occasionally there is an individual intolerance. Especially it should be taken into account when trying to treat "Karipazim" at home.

At present, it is not difficult to buy an apparatus for electrophoresis and use it at home. But in addition to following the instructions for the use of the medicine, you must carefully observe the safety rules when working with an electrical appliance.

"Karipazim" should not be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The aggravation of inflammatory processes (high fever) also serves as a contraindication.

Also, one should not expect complete recovery in severe forms of intervertebral hernias, especially in the case of sequestered hernia.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/gryzha/primenenie-karipazima.html



The preparation consists ofenzymes of dried papaya juice, that is, papain, chymopapain A, chymopapain B, peptidase A and B,lysozyme- mucolytic enzyme.

Form of issue

The medicine is produced in vials in the form of a lyophilizate, for the preparation of a solution for external use that acquires a light tint and is odorless.

pharmachologic effect

This drug hasnecrolytic action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Caripazim promotes the cleavage of necrotic tissues, softening of viscous secrets, blood clots.

In addition, when using the drug for the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system with the help ofelectrophoresisthe elasticity of ligaments and cartilaginous tissue increases, a resorptive effect directed at the vertebral hernia occurs, and so on.

With external use, active components are not absorbed and do not show systemic effects on the body. All the enzymes that make up this drug are destroyed and biotransformed in the liver.

Indications for use

Third degree burns, in order to accelerate rejectionscabsand the release of wounds from suppuration and necrotic tissue.

In addition, from time to time the drug is actively used to treat lesions of orthopedic, traumatological, neurosurgical and neurological nature with the help ofelectrophoresis, eg:

Contraindications for use

This remedy should not be used for any type of injection, as well as when:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • sequestration of herniated disc;
  • intolerance to the drug;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects

In the process of treatment with caripazim sometimes ariseallergic reactions. Intolerance of the drug may be expressed by itching, irritation,increased body temperatureand other symptoms.

During therapy with the help ofelectrophoresis, between 5-8 procedures, the underlying disease can be exacerbated, which gradually passes.

Karipazim, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

To prepare the drug for external use, it is required,% solutionnovocaineor,% isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Then the napkin is moistened in a prepared preparation and applied to the area affected by the burn, then covered with a moisture-proof dressing. Thus simultaneously it is possible to process up to 30% of all surface of a body.

Change the bandage every 1-2 days, eliminating exfoliated necrotic tissue. The duration of treatment is 4-12 days.


As the instructions for the application of caripazime informs, the solution is maintained with the help ofelectrophoresis.This procedure is carried out in the physiotherapy room of the medical institution and even at home, if there is a special apparatus.


Usually, you need to undergo treatment in 3 courses, for 20-30 procedures, taking breaks 1-2 months between courses.

After the procedureelectrophoresisexperts recommend applying massaging movementsgelPapain-Active, until it is completely absorbed into the skin.

Caripazim for electrophoresis

According to some experts, this method is quite effective and is used to treat many diseases.

It should be noted that this procedure should be assigned and monitored by a specialist.

Electrophoresis allows deep insertion of the drug into the subcutaneous layers, enhancing its effect, and as a result, patients experience significant relief and even comfort.

There are cases when such therapy helped patients to avoidhernia of the spine. The fact is that this method not only eliminates the symptoms, but relieves the cause of their occurrence, for example, from a herniated disc.

Home Treatment

To perform treatment with caripazim by electrophoresis at home, you need to get consult a specialist, buy a drug, an additional ointment and a special device, for example - ELFOR-PROF.

Before use it is necessary to study the instruction in detail.


If the drug is used in the recommended dosages, then cases of overdose can not be feared.


In clinical practice, no cases of significant interaction between caripazime and other drugs have been established.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold by prescription.

Storage conditions

To store this product you need to choose a dry, dark, childproof place, with a temperature of more than 15 ° C.

Shelf life

1 year and 6 months.

Caripazim Analogues

The main analogue isPapainorPapaya Milk Juice. In addition, there are drugs that are similar in effect, for example -ChymotrypsinandTrypsin.

Which is better: caripazim or caripain?

According to experts, Karipazim is a registered medication that passed the necessary tests and received the appropriate certificates.

ConcerningCaripain, then this is a biologically active additive with a similar composition. Therefore, expect from it a high effect should not be.

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Alcohol and Caripazim

As you know, this drug has a local effect, so small doses of alcohol will not have a significant effect on the therapeutic process.

Reviews about Karipazima

Especially often in medical forums, the effectiveness is discussedelectrophoresis solution, reviews about Karipazim leave both patients and specialists.

In most cases, patients' reviews of Karipazima indicate a high effectiveness of this drug, which has been used for many years at the Burdenko Research Institute.


Often, the drug begins to help after the 15th procedure, and a full course allows you to completely forget about the presence of a complex disease.


However, such treatment is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, after such an experiment, they are forced to resort to more radical measures.

Price Karipazima, where to buy

It is interesting that to buy Karipazim in Moscow only offers a pharmacy in Burdenko, although the availability of this drug in drugstores partners is possible. At the same time, the price of caripamime forelectrophoresisis 270 rubles. One jargel Papain-Activecosts 500 rubles.

Manufacturers of the drug warn that various distributors often offer patients counterfeit funds.

Therefore, they recommend buying it directly in the pharmacy at the Research Institute. Burdenko.

Order the drug in Minsk or other cities of Russia and the CIS can be on the manufacturer's website and receive it by mail.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Karipazim lyophilizate 350 PE 10 pcs. Medflorin
  • Caripazim lyophilizate 350 PE 10 ml of Mdflorin


  • Caripazim lyophilizate for Prig. solution for external use 350ПЕ №10 bottles / Medflorina / MedFlorina LLC
  • Caripazim lyophilizate for Prig. solution for external use 350ПЕ №1 vial / Вифитех / Вифитех ЗАО
  • Caripazim lyophilizate for Prig. solution for external use 350PE №1 vial / Medflorina / MedFlorina LLC

IFK Pharmacy

  • KaripazimMedFlorina LLC, Russia


  • Neokaripazim pore.dlya n solution nar.prim.400 ПЕ фл.10млИнститут Фармакохимии Iovela Kutateladze (Georgia)


  • Karipazim 350 PE PE. Diofil.d / prig.r-ra outdoor. Institute of Pharmacochemistry Iovela Kutateladze (Georgia)

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before applying the drug, Caripazim must consult your doctor.

A source: http://medside.ru/karipazim

"Karipazim" for electrophoresis: instructions for use, contraindications and features:

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" is a good method for controlling the intervertebral hernia at the initial stages of its course. This procedure is quite effective and helps to avoid the operation. This technique is widely used in other problems of the spine.

It is worth noting that such a procedure has certain contraindications, therefore a qualified doctor should prescribe it.

Feature of the method of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is a procedure in which a small magnetic pulse is emitted.

With the use of drugs, this current allows the drug to penetrate the problem area through the skin. The most effective is electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with hernia.

With the help of current, the drug is delivered very quickly to the site of the hernial formation, as a result of which the condition quickly improves.


However, it is worth noting that a one-time procedure will not affect the patient's health in any way. To obtain the desired result, several sessions are required.


They are appointed exclusively by the treating doctor. It is important to take into account the age features, the degree of development of the disease, as well as many other factors.

The advantage of this procedure is the total absence of pain.

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with a competent approach helps to avoid surgical intervention. The drug positively affects the intervertebral discs and cartilaginous tissue.

Effectiveness of treatment of hernia

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with herniation of the spine began to be used relatively recently, but immediately earned positive reviews.

This technique allows you to get a very good result and just apply it. You can note the simplicity of the procedure, as it can even be carried out at home.

However, you need to have an apparatus for electrophoresis and receive the recommendations of the treating doctor.

In general, the course of therapy is 20 procedures, but after 2-3 procedures, you can notice a significant improvement in the patient's well-being, namely:

  • spasms become less pronounced;
  • painful sensations pass;
  • hernia decreases in size.

After completing the course of therapy, the doctor assesses the state of health of the patient.

If there is a positive result, then there is no need for additional measures.

They are carried out only in exceptional cases, but other drugs can be used. There should be a break between treatment courses for at least 30 days.


To ensure a good result from electrophoresis with "Karipazim" with a hernia of the lumbar or cervical department, the procedures should be regular. This method is often supplemented by other methods of treatment.


The positive effect of electrophoresis can be fixed by observing a diet that is developed individually.

Indications for application of the method

Electrophoresis is used as an independent procedure and for complex therapy of such pathologies as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • hernia and protrusion;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • bursitis;
  • myositis.

Since the drug "Karipazim" helps to dissolve proteins, it can completely eliminate hernial formation. However, it is worth remembering that this medication has certain contraindications that must be taken into account.

Treatment of a hernia with "Karipazim"

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" in hernia of the lumbar region is very popular due to the effectiveness of the procedure and its accessibility. And you do not need to have a medical qualification, since almost any person can cope with this.

The drug "Karipazim" refers to effective enzyme products, which are made on the basis of biologically active components. All constituent medicines are synthesized from papaya fruits. They are helping:

  • soften the tissues of the spine;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • increase the production of collagen.

This contributes to the scarring of damaged fibers, and also helps to increase their elasticity and elasticity.

When treating a spinal hernia, electrophoresis with "Karipazim" helps to reduce it in size, as a result which release the jammed nerve endings, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and also passes soreness.

For optimal results, doctors are advised to additionally use this drug in the form of a gel or cream and applied to the back.

Feature of the drug

The drug "Karipazim" is intended for the treatment of intervertebral hernia. The main substance is an enzyme extracted from papaya juice. In addition, the composition includes other components. The medicine is released in the form of a powder, from which the solution is then prepared.

When applied, only affected areas are affected, and the drug does not affect healthy tissues. The use of "Karapazima" ensures the scarring of the disc and its restoration.

In addition, the drug has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulating the processes of blood circulation and tissue repair. At electrophoresis with "Karipazim" the expressed therapeutic effect is provided.

Also, the medicine is not absorbed into the total blood flow and does not have systemic effects on the body.

The price of "Karipazim" for electrophoresis is quite affordable and is about 180 rubles per bottle. That is why many patients can afford to perform the treatment procedure themselves.

Technology of the procedure

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" is carried out with the use of the device. It has in a set of wires of different poles. For the procedure requires a special dense rubber gasket. It is moistened in a prepared solution, and then covered with paper.

The prepared gasket should be placed on the diseased area and poured into the central part of the drug. Then connect the electrode.

To make the drug much more quickly penetrated to the affected area, you need to use 2 more gaskets. They are prepared in a similar way, but this requires a different drug - "Eufillin."

It helps to normalize blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

Fixing the result

To obtain the necessary result during the procedure, it is necessary to follow certain rules. It is necessary to undergo medical sessions regularly, since systematicity is important. If the doctor appoints additional procedures, then they must be performed.

For a faster recovery, you need to alternate between physical activities and rest. In addition, the importance of taking vitamins.

Contraindications and complications

Despite the fact that the treatment of vertebral hernia with the help of "Karipazima" shows very good results, this tool has certain contraindications. Such a technique is not recommended for such violations as:

  • heart problems;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • elevated temperature;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Diseases of the skin.

Despite the fact that the composition of plant components, this medication also has certain contraindications, which include:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • hyperthermia;
  • acute forms of diseases of the spine.

It is undesirable to treat this drug with pregnant women and during lactation.

Patient Reviews

Such a procedure as electrophoresis with "Karipazim reviews from patients receive a wide variety.

Those who are just starting a course of treatment say that the pain sensations pass quickly enough, the state of well-being is normalized.


However, after a while after the therapy may appear a reaction to the drug, since the enzyme corrodes the tissues, which is why it can provoke the onset of the inflammatory process and allergies.


In addition, with the active progression of the disease, even after the course of electrophoresis, it is necessary to do the operation.

Reviews of doctors

The doctors' comments regarding the drug "Karipazim" are not particularly good. They say that the agent can provoke inflammation, and also that the results of its application will be minimal.

Experts agree that the main effect during the procedure is the electrophoresis itself, not the medicine.

In several sessions, muscles relax and release nerve endings.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/371262/karipazim-dlya-elektroforeza-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-protivopokazaniya-i-osobennosti