Inflammation of the spinal cord: treatment and prognosis


  • 1Myelitis (inflammation) of the spinal cord
    • 1.1Etiology and pathogenesis
    • 1.2Transverse and other types of disease
    • 1.3The main causes of inflammation of the spinal cord
    • 1.4Clinical symptoms of inflammation of the membrane and roots of the spinal cord
    • 1.5Treatment of myelitis (inflammation) of the spinal cord
    • 1.6Prognosis for myelitis of the spinal cord to restore the mobility of the legs
  • 2Causes, treatment and consequences of myelitis
    • 2.1Transverse myelitis
    • 2.2Primary and secondary forms of impairment
    • 2.3The provoking factors
    • 2.4Clinical picture
    • 2.5Complex treatment
    • 2.6What are the consequences?
    • 2.7How to prevent the occurrence of inflammation
  • 3Myelitis of the spinal cord: what is it, the characteristics of the transverse, acute and other forms, the consequences, prognosis, treatment
    • 3.1Definition of concept
    • 3.2Classification
    • 3.3Infectious agents - the cause of myelitis of the spinal cord
    • 3.4The virus of poliomyelitis - one of the causes of inflammation of the spinal cord - video
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Causes and factors of the disease development
    • 3.6Clinical picture of the disease
    • 3.7Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.8Treatment program
    • 3.9Medication
    • 3.10Drugs for treatment
    • 3.11Non-drug treatment and folk remedies
    • 3.12Diet
    • 3.13Prognosis and complications
    • 3.14Prevention
  • 4What is myelitis of the spinal cord and how to treat it?
    • 4.1Types of disease
    • 4.2Causes of the disease
    • 4.3Characteristic features
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Medication Therapy
    • 4.6Care and additional activities
    • 4.7What can cause the disease?

Myelitis (inflammation) of the spinal cord

Inflammation of the spinal cord is a condition dangerous to human health and life. In the absence of timely medical care leads to a permanent disability due to loss of mobility of the upper or lower limbs.

Myelitis of the spinal cord can develop under the influence of external and internal pathogenic factors. Very often, aseptic inflammation is diagnosed against a background of sequestered hernia (separation of the pulpous core and its slipping into the spinal canal.

There may also be an infectious lesion upon penetration of the pathogen by lymphogenous or hematogenous pathways. With penetrating wounds of the back and neck, an atypical form of the infectious agent can be entered.

Less often there are cases of myelitis against tick-borne encephalitis.

In this material, we suggest analyzing the typical symptoms of spinal cord inflammation and methods of treatment, allowing to give a positive prognosis for recovery and full recovery of leg mobility and hands. In most cases, the appearance of myelitis of the spinal cord leaves no doubt in the preliminary diagnosis, so after a special diagnosis is quickly appointed conservative medication treatment. It is carried out at the initial stage exclusively in the conditions of a specialized hospital. After discharge from the hospital, rehabilitation treatment continues on an outpatient basis.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The primary pathogenesis of the development of myelitis of the spinal cord can be based on the sequestration of the intervertebral hernia with dorsal localization. In this case, the entire gelatinous body of the pulpous nucleus or a part of it leaves the fibrous ring.

This substance has protein nature. Therefore, the immune system recognizes it as alien and directs to the center of its introduction the factors of the inflammatory reaction.

Develops aseptic inflammation of the spinal cord, leading to the appearance of severe neurologic symptoms.

The type of myelitis and the prognosis of its course depend on the type of pathological changes. The least dangerous is optoelectromuselitis, since it is characterized by a fairly calm current without pronounced paralysis and lesions of the stem structures.

Optiocoelitis occurs mainly in adults, for children under the age of 7 years it is not typical. Devik's syndrome has a mild course with locally limited one phase with a sharp deterioration in the condition and subsequent movement to the patient's convalescence.

The prognosis for life and restoration of all functions in these cases is always positive.

Secondary types of myelitis related to reactive types are common. Appear as a response to severe infectious processes in other organs and systems.


The most common are tuberculosis, measles, pertussis and herpetic forms of inflammation of the spinal cord. The etiology of this disease can be aseptic.


Usually this is observed as a result of serious back injuries, often associated with body compressions vertebrae, their cracks, protrusions of intervertebral disks and other unpleasant pathological changes.

Transverse and other types of disease

With selective selective damage to the spinal cord substance, neurotropic forms of pathogens begin primary myelitis. Usually this kind is caused by a viral infection that spreads through the body with a blood or lymphatic fluid flow.

The secondary type of myelitis of the spinal cord is characterized by infection with bacterial pathogenic microflora.

It can also spread by the hematogenous pathway, or it can penetrate by contact during wounding with violation of the integrity of the epithelial tissues of the back in the region of the spine.

There are cases of the development of secondary myelitis of the spinal cord after there was a fall on the dog and a rather deep scratch formed on the skin in the spine. She was already beginning to cicatrize when there were negative consequences in the form of characteristic symptoms of inflammation of the spinal cord.

At primary diagnostics the doctor should define not only the factor of primary and secondary forms of the inflammatory process. It is also important to fix the type of course of the disease.

And it can be acute or chronic, subacute and recurrent. The next step in the classification is to determine the localization of primary changes.

Here the following options are possible:

  • transverse myelitis of the spinal cord involving the destruction of tissue sections of nerve fiber, located parallel and transverse to each other;
  • a clearly limited local process is observed more often with sequestration of the intervertebral hernia of the disc;
  • Disseminated or diffuse species is characterized by diffuse localization of numerous foci of inflammatory reaction;
  • diffuse myelitis is the most dangerous form, which engages the whole brain and quickly leads to brainstem damage.

There are other characteristics present in the plot of the medical diagnosis. It is necessary to indicate the place of presence of pathologists with respect to the vertebral column. It can be cervical, thoracic, lumbar or sacral localization.

And for the appointment of adequate and effective treatment it is important to establish the etiology of inflammation of the spinal cord, The correctness of prescribing etiotropic therapy depends not only on the speed of recovery of the patient's health, but often even his life.Therefore, it is necessary to know that the disease can be provoked by the following pathogenetic factors:

  • Infectious effect of various forms of bacterial, mycotic, viral and parasitic microflora;
  • post-traumatic inflammation, especially associated with compression and detachment of individual parts of the vertebral structure;
  • radiation myelitis occurs after radiation therapy;
  • the toxic form is a response to total intoxication in the body;
  • vaccine-associated type;
  • unspecified etiology or idiopathic.

All of these factors are essential for the formulation of a prognosis and the appointment of an effective and timely treatment of the disease.

The main causes of inflammation of the spinal cord

There are various causes of inflammation of the spinal cord, but not always myelitis can be due to the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

There are situations when, during differential diagnosis, the patient was found to have associated organic lesions of the structures of the spine, which led to a permanent trauma of the dural sac of the spinal cord.

As a result, there were symptoms of slow myelitis with a recurrent chronic type of pathogenesis.

The main causes of myelitis of the spinal cord may include the following factors of influence:

  • Meningococcal infection, which provokes the development of a purulent severe form, is often diagnosed in children under 10 years of age;
  • complication of viral infections (Coxsackie, influenza, herpes);
  • trauma of the spinal column with osseous changes in bone structure;
  • radiation radiation therapy in autosomal and oncological processes;
  • response to vaccination;
  • allergic alertness of the body;
  • violation of the metabolic process;
  • immunodeficiency of the primary and secondary forms;
  • general asthenia and decreased vitality;
  • stressful influence of negative environmental factors, for example, hypothermia or heat stroke.

The exclusion of the cause is the basis for the rapid and successful treatment of this pathology. Therefore, it is important to always find the negative factors of primary influence and, as far as possible, completely eliminate them.

Clinical symptoms of inflammation of the membrane and roots of the spinal cord

In most cases, the symptoms of spinal cord inflammation appear suddenly, without the prodrome stage. This period of acute primary signs can last from two weeks to a month.

At this time, the clinical symptoms of myelitis of the spinal cord can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The sensitivity and mobility of the lower or upper extremities is lost, severe pain and convulsions occur, the body temperature rises sharply.

The next stage of myelitic inflammation of the spinal cord can last about 5-6 months. During this period, the primary lost function is restored.

So, patients begin to learn how to walk anew, develop small motor skills, etc. On success carried out at this time of rehabilitation depends on the forecast for a full recovery of the damaged function body.

Dale follows the late rehabilitation period, in the continuation of which there are still pathological changes. But by the beginning of the next stage of the residual phenomena, usually all the signs pass.

For a complete recovery, it usually takes 2-3 years.

The clinical picture of myelitis develops as follows:

  • in the first 3-4 days of the patient is worried about general weakness with high body temperature and muscle pains;
  • on the 5th-6th day paresthesia sites begin to form (lack of cutaneous sensitivity);
  • at the same time the patient notes the manifestation of seizures, tingling in different parts of the body, trembling;
  • a week after the onset of the disease, a secondary paralysis clinic or paresis begins to form;
  • while the working capacity of the intestine and bladder is disrupted (in patients, urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence may occur);
  • lower or upper limbs lose the ability to move;
  • there is a spasm of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (the stomach becomes hard as a board) and intercostal musculature;
  • severe back pain is present in the first 10 days, then the pain syndrome is completely leveled;
  • the patient loses ability to any movements;
  • bedsores and trophic ulcers are formed.
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Myelitis clinic can develop rapidly (within 12 hours), and very slowly (within 30 to 40 days). With the secondary form of the disease, it is almost impossible to catch the point of onset of inflammation of the spinal cord. The beginning coincides with the moment of improvement of the main infection.

There are features of clinical manifestations of various forms of this pathology. So, for the subacute flow, the working capacity and functioning of all organs and systems is characteristic.

However, the patient experiences constant persistent back pain.

Increasing paralysis with incontinence and the arbitrary emptying of the bladder is typical for the localization of the inflammatory process.


And for diffuse myelitis typical asymmetry of manifestation of clinical signs. Stroke-like flow is present only in transverse acute inflammation of the spinal cord, for other forms of the disease it is not characteristic.


For diagnosis it is necessary to take a cerebrospinal fluid to identify its liquoric composition and the presence of blood cells in it.

It is also possible to conduct a sowing for bacteriological analysis.

Myelography and radiograph of the spinal column allows to establish the site of the lesion MRI and CT are necessary to clarify the diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis should exclude tumor processes and consequences of traumatic effects.

Should be excluded Guinea-Barre polyneuropathy, spinal stroke and epiduritis. It is important to carry out analysis for borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis.

In the long term, they can give similar clinical symptoms.

Treatment of myelitis (inflammation) of the spinal cord

Treatment of myelitis of the spinal cord requires a charming hospitalization of the patient for the entire period of acute clinical manifestations. Immediately after admission, the patient is assigned intensive therapy to maintain the performance of all life support systems.

Depending on the etiology of the pathological process, antibiotics, sulfanilamide preparations, antiviral agents, fungicides are prescribed. When sequesting intervertebral disc herniation, an emergency surgery is required to extract the pulpous nucleus.

A similar tactic is required for trauma to the spine.

Treatment of inflammation of the spinal cord is not without the use of steroids.

Glucocorticosteroids, for example, "Hydrocortisone "Prednisolone" are prescribed for intravenous administration in a dosage up to 100 - 120 mg / day.

If there is a threat of squeezing the brainstem, diuretics are used: "Furosemide" or "Lasix" intravenously for 2-4 ml / day.

Symptomatic treatment is actively used. So, at a high body temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

They also help to restore a strong pain syndrome. It is prescribed vitamin therapy.


Excellent results show the appointment of "Milgramam" to 3 ml daily for 20 days.


After the abatement of acute clinical manifestations, physiotherapy, massage, and exercise therapy are prescribed.

Prognosis for myelitis of the spinal cord to restore the mobility of the legs

The prognosis for myelitis of the spinal cord depends on the form of the pathology, the location of its localization and the severity of the flow. As a rule, doctors give a sharply negative prognosis only with the pus of the meningococcal form of infection. All other species succesfully succumb to treatment.

The recovery process after myelitis of the spinal cord can take a long time.

The patient is assigned a second non-working disability group with annual medical re-attestation.

It is believed that full recovery of leg mobility after myelitis of the spinal cord is possible after 6-8 months from the onset of the disease.

Preservation of paralysis and paraplegia is possible with transverse inflammation of the spinal cord with stroke-like course. Also, the outcome is possible in full recovery.

And with a similar frequency, there are cases, accompanied by a gradual progression of all clinical symptoms, eventually leading to the death of the patient for 5-6 years.

The most unfavorable prognosis for the lumbosacral localization of the inflammatory focus. There is also a certain danger in the defeat of the cervical department.

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Causes, treatment and consequences of myelitis

Myelitis is a rather rare type of inflammation of the spinal cord. The disease spreads either over the entire spine, or may affect parts of it.

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then there is a risk to remain permanently disabled.

Myelitis is a kind of inflammation of the spinal cord, due to which white and gray matter suffers.

The human body immediately senses the inflammatory process, because the spinal cord function is disrupted.

Inflammation threatens with movement disorders, paresthesia, numbness and paralysis of the limbs.

If the disease is not treated, then this can lead to the fact that the inflammatory process passes to the lower parts of the brain.

The disease is divided into several types.

Transverse myelitis

Under this concept, there is an acute or subacute form of a non-recurrent inflammatory process in the spinal cord.

The disease is manifested by pain in the neck or back, after which paresis, paresthesia and problems with the operation of the pelvic organs may appear.

Unpleasant phenomena develop rapidly - in a few hours or days.

If we talk about the severity of the course of the disease, then it can differ: from minor problems with sensitivity to complex lesions of the spinal cord. There are also problems with the back cord, front lines and diameter. Dysaesthesia is observed in one leg, and then rises on both legs.


In a very neglected case, initially all reflexes disappear, and then hyperreflexia appears. If there is a permanent paralysis, then this indicates a necrosis of the segments in the spinal cord.


In half of cases this type of myelitis of the spinal cord is due to influenza, measles and other infections. Or the vaccine can become a trigger.

Often the disease manifests itself in the recovery period after an infectious disease, but the causative agent in the nervous system is not detected. This indicates that the transverse form of myelitis depends on the autoimmune reaction, which is observed due to infection.

This disorder becomes the first bell before the onset of multiple sclerosis. Here the disease does not depend on infection or vaccinations.

Primary and secondary forms of impairment

Primary forms of the disease are quite rare and appear when exposed to influenza, rabies and encephalitis viruses.

Secondary myelitis is a complication after syphilis, scarlet fever, measles, sepsis, erysipelas, sore throat, or pneumonia. As a manifestation of the disease can contribute to purulent foci. The causative agent of the disease enters the body through the lymph or through the brain tissues.

An illness can catch a person at different ages, but is more common in middle-aged patients. It is localized in the thoracic and lumbar regions.

Along with ailment, patients feel pain in the back. All symptoms of the disease depend on the severity of the leak, and this indicates that the changes occur below the boundary of the outbreak.

After the onset of pain, paralysis begins, problems with pelvic organs, and sensitivity is lost. At first the paralysis is somewhat flaccid, but afterwards it provokes spasms and pathological reflexes.

Often you can find a violation of blood circulation in the tissues, because of which a person has bedsores. And it is through them that the infection gets into the body, and blood can get infected.

The provoking factors

The onset of the inflammatory process of the brain can be caused by many factors. Myelitis is classified according to the pathogens as follows:

  1. Viral. The cause of the disease can be rabies, poliomyelitis. Similarly, the onset of the disease is triggered by ordinary flu. Inflammation occurs when measles, typhoid or scarlet fever and sepsis.
  2. Bacterial. Here the pathogen is spirochetes and streptococci. More often this type of myelitis is diagnosed in infants. Thanks to vaccination, in adults, the disease is rare.
  3. Traumatic. Appears after injuries on the vessels of the spinal cord. It is the trauma that can trigger the transverse lesions. The strength of inflammatory processes depends on the nature of the injury. Traumatic myelitis occurs due to spinal injuries and entering the infection.
  4. Post-vaccination. This is a unique form of the disease, in which the impetus to the disease is the vaccination of a person.

In addition to all the reasons described, myelitis can be formed against any process that depresses the immune system and destroys nerve cells.

Clinical picture

In the course of primary myelitis, the virus spreads by the hematogenous way, and before the brain damage, viremia is observed. The secondary myelitis is affected by allergy and hematogenous penetration of the infection into the spinal cord.

The intoxication form of the disease is not too common and develops due to poisoning and intoxication of the body.

When observed, you can see that the brain becomes flabby, swollen. On the hearth there is hyperemia, puffiness, a small hemorrhage; cells die, and myelin disintegrates.

Complex treatment

The acute shape of the transverse myelitis, in which there is compression and spinal block, must be treated operatively. The same measures are carried out and in the presence of any purulent or septic focus next to the spinal cord.

If we talk about conservative treatment, then in an acute current, antibacterial therapy is appropriate. It is also prescribed when there is a suspicion of the bacterial nature of the disease or for the treatment of a septic complication.

The average duration of treatment is about two weeks. Patients undergo treatment with Prednisolone. The dose should be reduced from the 10th day of taking the drug, and the course of treatment can last up to 6 weeks.


Hormonal medications are combined with potassium. Often, potassium orotate is used, which has anabolic properties.


Also in this period it is recommended to take the following drugs:

  • Cinnarizine;
  • Trental;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins B.

In the event that there is no urination, specialists spend several times a day catheterization of the bladder. Along with this, the following methods are prescribed:

  • Furagin;
  • Furadonin;
  • Furazolidone.

It is recommended to alternate medication for a week.

It is very important to properly feed the patient and take good care of him: to maintain the desired position body, use lining circles and suspensions, every day wash the person with soap and wipe the skin alcohol.

Do not forget to clean the pressure sores from the necrotic mass with clean napkins moistened in a trypsin solution.

The pressure sores themselves need to be washed with hydrogen peroxide.

If pus is excreted from the wounds, it is appropriate to use tampons with sodium chloride, and apply a viscous surface of Vishnevsky ointment or sea buckthorn oil.

For an early healing of pressure sores, you can wash them with freshly squeezed tomato juice or Insulin.

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When the process stabilizes, they begin to restore the body. Doctors prescribe a massage, procedures with heat, electrophoresis on the back and orthopedic activities.

In this interval of therapy, the patient should take such medications:

  • Galantamine;
  • Dibazol;
  • nootropics;
  • amino acids.

If the muscles are strongly reduced by spasms, then appointed Midokalm. Six months after the treatment the patient can visit the sanatoriums and various resorts.

What are the consequences?

The prognosis is positive in the event that myelitis of the spinal cord passed in the acute phase, and the focus of inflammation did not spread throughout the transverse brain.

The earlier the improvement, the better. If this is not observed after 3 months, this may indicate that the patient will forever remain chained to the bed or a fatal outcome.

The prognosis is difficult when the myelitis spreads to the neck and when there is paralysis of the thoracic and abdominal nerves.

The prognosis is also affected by the type of infection that caused the disease. The diagnosis is made on the acute form of the disease with an increased temperature, the presence of an infectious disease or a purulent lesion.

How to prevent the occurrence of inflammation

Today, it is appropriate to vaccinate the population, which protects against infectious diseases that cause inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain:

  1. Polio- an infection that affects the motor function of the cervical spine.
  2. Parotite- a virus that affects the salivary glands.
  3. Measles- an illness, the symptoms of which is a cough and rash on the skin and mouth.

All other reasons for developing the disease, predict and prevent it is not possible.

The most important thing is to carefully monitor your health, if you have any symptoms to apply to a medical institution in a timely manner and never engage in self-medication, without consulting specialists.

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Myelitis of the spinal cord: what is it, the characteristics of the transverse, acute and other forms, the consequences, prognosis, treatment

Most adults in childhood have been ill with many infectious diseases: chicken pox, measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis.

At the present stage of the development of medicine, the strategy of using vaccinoprophylaxis as an effective method of preventing the above diseases is predominant.

These measures will avoid many serious complications, one of which is myelitis of the spinal cord.

  • 1 Definition of the concept
  • 2 Methods of diagnosis
  • 3 Treatment program

Definition of concept

The spinal cord is the second most important outpost of the central nervous system after the head. The organ is located inside the cavity, formed by the vertebrae, consists of a combination of gray and white matter.

The first anatomical formation is a set of bodies of neurons (cells of the nervous tissue), the second - their processes.

The first are responsible for the movement of skeletal muscles and maintenance of their tone, the second - for conducting an electrical signal (nerve impulse) in the brain and in the opposite direction. The transverse section of the spinal cord looks like a butterfly.


The spinal cord, by analogy with the spine, is divided into a number of sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral. In the first and third centers of management of motor functions of muscles of extremities are located.


Anatomical structure of the spinal cord

Myelitis is a medical term for the inflammatory process of the substance of the spinal cord.

Pathology occurs with a frequency of no more than five cases per million population.It is not possible to identify the risk groups for myelitis development. The process equally affects people of different sex and age.


  1. By localization of the inflammatory process the disease is divided:
    • myelitis of the cervical region, in which the spinal cord is affected at the level of the upper segments. The pathological process inevitably affects the motor and sensitive function of the trunk and extremities;
    • myelitis of the thoracic region, in which the process affects a large number of middle segments of the spinal cord that control the motor function of the respiratory muscles and lower limbs;
    • myelitis of the lumbar region affects the lower segments responsible for providing control over the muscles of the lower limbs;
    • myelitis of the sacral region affects several of the lowest segments responsible for the work of the muscles of the pelvic organs - the bladder and rectum;
    • mixed myelitis, which affects several adjacent parts of the spinal cord (cervico-thoracic, chest-lumbar, lumbosacral);
    • transverse, in which all components of the spinal cord are affected at a certain level; spinal cord
  2. Due to the cause of the pathological process, myelitis is divided:
    • traumatic, in which the disease begins with a mechanical damage to the spine and spinal cord;
    • autoimmune, which is based on a damaging effect on the spinal cord tissue of its own immune mechanisms;
    • infectious, in which the inflammatory process of the spinal cord is pathogenic bacteria (pathogens of meningitis, syphilis, tuberculosis) or viruses (causative agents of herpes, intestinal infections, HIV);
    • post-radial, the basis of which is the pathological effect of radiation (ionizing radiation);
    • intoxication, in which toxic substances (drugs, harmful factors of production) have a damaging effect on nerve cells;
  3. On the mechanism of development of myelitis is divided:
    • primary, in which the pathological process begins with a lesion of the nervous system (meningitis, poliomyelitis);
    • secondary, which is a consequence of the pathological process, primarily localized in other organs (tuberculosis, syphilis, herpes);
  4. With the course of myelitis is divided:
    • an acute stage in which symptoms predominate, characteristic of other pathologies accompanied by inflammation;
    • subacute stage, in which neurological symptoms of damage to the spinal cord tissue come to the fore;
    • chronic stage, the main component of which are residual neurological manifestations of the disease;

Infectious agents - the cause of myelitis of the spinal cord

Meningococcus is a causative agent of meningitis. Pale treponema is a causative agent of syphilis. The poliovirus is the causative agent poliomyelitisVirus HIV - the causative agent of acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome Tuberculosis mycobacterium - tuberculosis pathogen

The virus of poliomyelitis - one of the causes of inflammation of the spinal cord - video

Causes and factors of the disease development

The primary link in the development of the inflammatory process is the action of the damaging factor - trauma, infectious, toxic agents, pathological influence of the own mechanisms of immunity.

The consequence is the formation of edema of the spinal cord tissue. An increase in the volume of an organ located in the enclosed space of the spinal canal triggers a violation of its circulation, as well as the formation of small blood clots in blood vessels - blood clots.

Lack of blood supply inevitably leads to disruption of the structure of the spinal cord, its softening, the death of some areas.

In the area of ​​localization of the former inflammation focus, a scar is formed that does not possess the specific properties of the cells of the spinal cord, as a result of which a disturbance of its functioning is observed.

Predisposing factors include:

  • severe infectious disease due to lack of vaccine prevention;
  • presence in the body of foci of chronic infection - sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), caries, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone), from which the pathological agent spreads to other organs with current blood;
  • fractures, bruises of the spine;
  • operations using spinal anesthesia;
  • operative treatment of hernia of the spine;

Clinical picture of the disease

In different groups of patients, including pregnant women, newborns and infants, the pathological process in the substance of the spinal cord proceeds with a similar clinical picture.

Difference of neurological manifestations in myelitis of the spinal cord of different localization

Diagnostic Methods

The following measures are used to establish the diagnosis of myelitis of the spinal cord:

  • examination of a neurologist with a thorough examination of all the details of the disease;
  • the definition of reflexes, sensitivity, muscle strength and tone, the function of the pelvic organs to establish the level of damage to the spinal cord; heel of the knee reflex
  • a general blood test to detect inflammatory changes;
  • Spinal puncture (spinal puncture) is used to obtain a CSF followed by its biochemical and microscopic analysis to detect causative agent of the disease and determining the type of inflammatory process; pinnovozgovaya puncture (lumbar puncture) - the most important method of diagnosis of myelitis dorsal brain
  • the determination of antibodies in the blood to detect a particular type of infectious agent in bacterial or viral spinal cord injury;
  • a blood test for the maintenance of toxins is used to confirm the appropriate nature of the inflammatory process;
  • Electroneuromyography is used to visualize the passage of a nerve electrical signal through the affected musculature and localization of the inflammation focus; Lectron Neuromyography is one of the components of myelitis diagnosis spinal cord
  • magnetic resonance imaging allows to obtain an image of all segments, to reveal the level and extent of brain damage; The homographic image of the spinal cord inflammation focus

Differential diagnosis is performed with the following diseases:

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome;
  • inflammation of the spinal cord (epiduritis);
  • malignant neoplasm: primary lesion of the spinal cord or secondary tumor (metastasis) of the tumor of another localization;
  • acute disturbance of the circulation of the spinal cord;

Treatment program

Treatment of myelitis in the acute and subacute stage of the process is carried out in a neurological hospital.


In the therapy of myelitis drugs are used:

  • antibiotics, active against many types of pathogens - Ceftriaxone, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Meronem, Tienam;
  • hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory and anti-edema - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • anesthetics - Ketorol, Diclofenac, Analgin;
  • Vitaminotherapy: Thiamin, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin;
  • muscle relaxants with muscle cramps;
  • uroseptics for the prevention of urinary tract inflammation;

Drugs for treatment

Ceftriaxone - an antibiotic of the cephalosporin groupMeronem - an antibiotic from the group of carbapenemsTienam is a powerful antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action

Non-drug treatment and folk remedies

In the chronic stage of the process, the following are used to eliminate residual neurological symptoms:

  • massotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • miostimulation; The procedure of myostimulation is the main component of physiotherapeutic treatment
  • magnetotherapy;
  • acupuncture (acupuncture); Acupuncture is an effective method of rehabilitation in myelitis of the spinal cord
  • Spa treatment;

Folk remedies have not been proven effective, so they do not apply to myelitis of the spinal cord.


When the myelitis is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin B group:

  • bread from wholemeal flour;
  • beans;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • asparagus;
  • nuts;
  • corn;

Not recommended for use:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • sharp spices;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • canned food and marinades;

Prognosis and complications

The prognosis of the treatment of myelitis of the spinal cord largely depends on the cause of the disease and the localization of the inflammatory process.

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With inflammation in the cervical and thoracic spine, the prognosis is serious because of the defeat of the respiratory musculature.

In the inflammatory process of other localizations, lifelong preservation of varying degrees of neurological symptoms is inevitable. Mortality in this disease reaches 30%.

Complications of the disease:

  • trophic changes in tissues that are in contact with the surface for a long time (bedsores);
  • a decrease in the mass of the affected muscle groups due to a violation of nervous regulation;
  • irreversible defeat of the respiratory musculature and lifelong artificial ventilation of the lungs;
  • infectious urinary tract damage due to micturition disorders;

Stories of patients who survived myelitis of the spinal cord.


Preventive measures include:

  • elimination of foci of chronic infection (sinusitis, caries);
  • vaccine prophylaxis; Accinoprophylaxis is the main method of preventing myelitis of the spinal cord
  • timely treatment of primary infection (tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV);
  • exclusion of contact with toxic substances;

Myelitis of the spinal cord is a formidable neurological disease, fraught with the development of dangerous complications. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the pathological process is vital for a favorable prognosis.

Carrying out all necessary measures for vaccination of infectious diseases is the main way to avoid development of the inflammatory process in the spinal cord, concomitant complications and subsequent disability.

  • Elena Timofeeva
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What is myelitis of the spinal cord and how to treat it?

Myelitis of the spinal cord is an inflammatory process that develops in separate segments, rootlets, vertebral bodies, processes and other structures of the spinal column. It occurs quite rarely, but it is characterized by serious complications.

Types of disease

Depending on the location of the infectious focus and the features of the pathological process, there are several types of myelitis.

The main classification is based on the intensity of clinical manifestations of the disease. In this regard, distinguish between acute myelitis, subacute and chronic.

More often the pathology develops in the thoracic part of the spine, the lumbar and cervical divisions are much less affected. Myelitis can be localized in one segment, surrounding its structures or spread to different parts of the spinal cord. There are the following types of disease:

  1. Limited, or focal. Does not exceed the limits of 1 segment.
  2. Multifocal, disseminated or disseminated. Sites of inflammation of unequal intensity are found in different parts of the spinal cord.
  3. Transverse. The disease covers several adjacent segments within a single department.
  4. Diffuse, or common. The whole spinal cord is involved in the pathological process. The intensity of inflammation differs in the thoracic, cervical and other parts of the spine.

Causes of the disease

Myelitis can be primary and secondary. The primary form develops under the influence of neurotropic viruses and is rare. Another option is more common, since the reasons for its occurrence are very diverse. These include:

  1. Infectious agents. The disease develops under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. The main pathogen is meningococcus, but other microorganisms may be the cause of the disease. In particular, with the spread of infection from the tuberculosis focus develops a specific tuberculous myelitis.
  2. Toxic. It occurs under the influence of chemical compounds, which include lead, mercury, alcohols, organic solvents and other substances. Toxic myelitis is localized mainly on the nerves and nerve roots.
  3. Traumatic. It develops after a spinal injury - stroke, fall, etc.
  4. Ray. It is caused by the action of radioactive radiation during the chemotherapy in connection with a number of malignant formations (cancer of the esophagus, larynx, etc.).
  5. Post-vaccinal or autoimmune. Occasionally occurs after vaccination with oral immunobiological drugs. And also with diseases of the spinal cord, which are allergic in nature (multiple sclerosis, Devic's optometrist, etc.).
  6. Idiopathic. This diagnosis is established when the exact cause of myelitis is not found.

The likelihood of a pathology increases in people with weakened immunity, after hypothermia, overheating, physical or mental overstrain and the effects of other factors.

Characteristic features

What is myelitis? This inflammation of the spinal cord, respectively, the main clinical manifestations are the symptoms of the inflammatory process:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • redness of the skin;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • mobility impairment.

The severity of symptoms depends on the location of the pathological focus and its prevalence.

Myelitis is characterized by the presence of a prodromal period, during which patients complain of weakness, a slight increase in body temperature, pain and muscle aches.

Acute transverse myelitis is characterized by rapid progression. The condition of a person is rapidly deteriorating. The temperature rises to the febrile figures, there are pains in the thoracic spine.

Develop paresthesia - weakness of the lower extremities, a sense of running crawling, numbness. The tactile sensitivity on hands and feet decreases and even disappears. The normal functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted.

Man can not fully control the work of the bladder and intestines. It is possible that paralysis of the lower extremities occurs.

A common myelitis is characterized by the appearance of pathological foci in all parts of the spine. In this case, the clinical manifestations differ on the right and left side of the body. Violated or even completely absent deep reflexes.

With subacute and chronic myelitis, the symptoms of the disease are vague. Symptoms largely depend on the level of the spine at which inflammation is localized.

In the lesion of the lumbar or thoracic region, paresthesia develops in the lower extremities, with the involvement of the neck in the pathological process - sensitivity is disturbed not only in the legs, but also in the arms. The absence of treatment leads to the development of paralysis.


Their danger lies in poor blood circulation and tissue nutrition, resulting in a high risk of developing pressure ulcers.


The disease most often occurs soon after the effect of a provoking factor - trauma, an infectious or viral disease, the introduction of immunobiological drugs, etc.

And only with the ray version of myelitis pathology develops after 6-12 months, and in some cases and 2 years after the action of radioactive radiation.

This makes it very difficult to establish the cause.


To diagnose myelitis, it is not enough to have one examination and collect anamnestic data. A comprehensive and comprehensive examination is required, including the use of laboratory tests and instrumental methods.

Diagnosis of the disease includes neurologic examination. The doctor determines the limits of loss of sensitivity. An important role is played by the presence of disturbances in the conductor type (horizontal direction). Assesses the muscle tone and strength of the limbs, the safety of deep reflexes.

In the general analysis of blood, an increase in the level of leukocytes, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, the presence of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen is determined.

If there is a suspicion of an infectious or viral etiology of the disease in the blood, antibodies to certain pathogens are determined.

There are signs of inflammation in the cerebrospinal fluid.

From the instrumental methods of diagnosis, the following procedures are shown:

  1. ENMG (electroneuromyography). It allows to evaluate the conductivity of nerve impulses, to establish the level of disorders and localization of the pathological process.
  2. MRI. It gives an opportunity to obtain detailed layer photographs of the spinal cord. With their help, it is easy to determine the boundaries of the infectious focus.

Medication Therapy

Treatment of myelitis primarily depends on what led to the development of the disease. The complex therapeutic scheme includes symptomatic medications, the purpose of which is to improve the patient's condition.

In the treatment of the disease, the following groups of medications are used:

  1. Antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action in the maximal doses. They are used regardless of what caused the inflammation of the spinal cord. This will help prevent the attachment of secondary infection and spread it along the structures of the spinal cord.
  2. Antiviral drugs of systemic action. Herpetic myelitis requires a long-term use of these funds.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids. Possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will help to remove inflammation and improve the patient's well-being. With allergic myelitis has antihistamine effect. The duration of hormonal therapy is determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the patient's condition.
  4. Antipyretics. Used with an increase in body temperature of more than 38 ° C. Basically, drugs based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in age doses are used.
  5. Analgesics. In severe pain in the treatment include drugs from the NSAID group. If there is no positive effect on their use, a decision may be made about the advisability of using narcotic analgesics.
  6. Immunostimulants. Effectively strengthen the immune system and increase the body's own defenses.
  7. Muscle relaxants. Relieve muscle tone and promote muscle relaxation.
  8. Diuretics. Myelitis is accompanied by a malfunction of the pelvic organs. The use of diuretics will prevent the stagnation of urine in the bladder and the development of the inflammatory process in the urinary tract.

Care and additional activities

An important role in the successful treatment of the disease is the proper care of the patient. In the absence of natural urination, it is necessary to conduct a catheterization of the bladder.

The patient should regularly turn over and treat with antiseptic means the areas of the body that are subjected to the greatest loads. Carefully spread the bed linen so that there are no wrinkles left.

Such measures will help to prevent the development of pressure sores.

The patient's recovery lasts a long time.


During this period, it is necessary not only to take prescribed medications, but also to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.


Do not neglect exercise physical therapy. Regular exercises will help to strengthen the muscles and restore the tone. Good results are given by massage.

What can cause the disease?

The prognosis after the disease depends on the degree of damage to the spinal cord and the location of the pathological focus.

The most dangerous is upper cervical myelitis, which most often leads to death.

The onset of inflammation in the thoracic or lumbar region threatens the development of paralysis of the lower extremities and complete disability of the patient.

The highest chances of a person recovering from myelitis are observed with the timely provision of medical care. If the patient turned to the doctor at the stage of loss of sensitivity in the limbs, the percentage of complete recovery will be much lower.

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