Strotal stroke - what is it like to cope with the disease and prevent the appearance of

The human body has strong elastic vessels that, in case of increased loads( increased pressure), burst. If the damage occurred in the brainstem, a stroke occurred - what is it?

The brain is connected to the dorsal, certain centers are responsible for respiratory processes, swallowing, thermoregulation. In case of an attack, the functions of the centers are violated, causing a lethal outcome in 75% of cases.

The brain through the trunk signals to the entire body. When a hemorrhage occurs, oxygen does not flow to the cells because of a hematoma. They begin to die, internal organs stop working.


  • 1 Statistics
  • 2 classification and distinction of species
    • 2.1 Ischemic
    • 2.2 Hemorrhagic
  • 3 Causes and risk factors
  • 4 Symptoms
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 First Aid
  • 7 treatment tactics
  • 8 forecast recovery
  • 9 Rehabilitation
  • 10 Complications and consequences
  • 11 Prevention of relapse and
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prevention measures Statistics

In Russia, 400,000 cases of stroke are recorded annually. A lethal outcome occurs in 35%.Repeated strokes occur in people more often in the first 2 years after the tragedy with a probability of 4-14%.Patients who have been using diuretics for a long time are susceptible to hypokalemia and increased complications related to the heart. Daily intake of potassium reduces the risk of occurrence by 40%.

In the head of a person before the disease there are changes. More often the process begins to develop in elderly people with hypertensive disease, prolonged atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. According to statistics, the occurrence of a stroke happens in people under 65 years old , but the age of appearance decreases annually.

Before a severe stroke, there are small ones. They appear in the reduction of the strength of the limbs, or other neurological symptoms, which disappear within a day.

After the complications in the body remain changes, the number of possible foci increases. There is a cyst or a lacuna. Under certain circumstances, when the pressure rises, patients can develop a severe stroke.

Classification and distinction of

species The development of an ailment in humans differs. Strokes are divided into categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic .The first develops in the case of stopping the supply of blood to important areas due to spasm of blood vessels. There are undesirable changes due to hypertension or atherosclerosis. Diseases ways to affect the condition of blood vessels, worsen their condition.

Learn everything about the brainstem from the video:


When the disease progresses, the vascular walls stop responding to irritants, which is why their can become plugged .Happens in the embolism of blood vessels. Embolisms are parts of atherosclerotic plaques in the cervical sections, or the lower part of the head.


  • Acute period .Lasts up to 3 weeks. A fresh cell death site appears within 3-5 days. The time during which the cytoplasm and karyoplasm is wrinkled, perifocal edema develops.
  • Early recovery period .Duration - up to six months. Passes pannekroz all elements of cells, the proliferation of small vessels. There is a regress of neurological deficit.
  • Late recovery period .From six months to a year. There is development of glial scars or cystic defects of brain tissues.
  • The last stage of the .After a year, there are residual effects.

Degrees of severity:

  • average .There are no clinical signs of cerebral edema, there is no disturbance of consciousness. The clinical picture of the disease shows local lesions;
  • heavy .Oppression of consciousness, signs of puffiness, vegetative-trophic disorders, gross focal symptoms.


Appears in the case of:

  • damage to vessel walls;
  • increase wall permeability. It leads to the release of plasma from blood cells, erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes.

Is divided into subtypes:

  • parenchymal hemorrhage .Brain tissues with blood corpuscles come into contact due to penetration through the vessels;
  • are subarachnoid. Penetration of blood into the soft shell of the brain;
  • subdural and epidural .Penetration of blood into the cavity between the choroid and the skull.
The last 2 types usually appear with trauma.

Causes and Risk Factors of

There are people who have an ailment more often than others. It is important for groups at risk to monitor their health.

Risk factors:

  • Elevated blood pressure .Vessels are able to withstand significant pressure. But if it rises, the walls lose their elasticity and the risk of rupture increases.

    Therefore, it is important for groups at risk to know the algorithm for measuring blood pressure.

  • Heart Diseases .Rhythm disturbances can trigger the appearance of thrombi due to which the risk of stroke is great. High cholesterol in the blood. Plaques that settle on the walls of the vessels ways to clog channels, because of which the risk increases.
  • Diabetes mellitus .As a result of the consequences - structural changes in the walls of the vessels, they become weak. The probability of wall rupture increases.
  • Coagulation disorder of blood cells .The composition of the blood changes, it becomes thicker, which can be seen in the decoding of the coagulogram. As a result, such clots can clog the vessel even in the brain.
  • Obesity .Improper diet can cause increased cholesterol.
  • Alcoholism and smoking .Harmful habits lead to a worsening of the condition of blood vessels, changes in blood pressure. The likelihood of a stroke increases.

The causes of the onset in young people are the development of:

  • arterial hypertension and aneurysms, hemangiomas;
  • atherosclerosis at an early age;
  • hemophilia, systemic lupus erythematosus, eclampsia, venous thrombosis, Verlhof disease;
With a tendency to abuse of drugs, in particular cocaine, the likelihood of the disease increases.

In middle-aged and elderly people , the frequent cause of occurrence is atherosclerosis .With a certain amount of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, an obstacle arises for the normal course of blood, the walls of the vessels become rigid, their ellasticity is lost.

Vasculitis, vasopathy, infectious lesions of are also frequent causes of occurrence.

Symptoms of

Fragment of symptoms on focal, autonomic and cerebral .The latter include:

  • disorders of consciousness. It appears in the appearance of stunnedness;
  • drowsiness, agitation, headache, vomiting and nausea;
  • sudden headaches with high blood pressure;
  • passing circulatory disturbances in the head, stopping for several minutes;

Symptoms of Ischemic Stroke of the Brain:

  • appearance of weakness of the arm or leg on one side;
  • inability to formulate a thought, misuse of words, incomprehensible speech;
  • vision impairment or complete blindness;
  • pain in the head;
  • dizziness, noise and pain in the ears, their congestion;
  • memory impairment and temporary disorientation;
  • slows down respiratory processes, the ability to breathe disappears;
  • increased or slowed heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • violation of body thermoregulation;
  • loss of control over eye movements - the inability to concentrate on the subject.

Appears with symptoms: headaches, unconsciousness, vomiting, wheezing when breathing, seizures. The appearance of it is more often sharp, because of overvoltage. In most cases, it occurs during the day, while the blood pressure rises.

To determine a stroke in a person, it is asked:

  1. Smile .Lips are bent, because half of the body ceases to obey, one corner will drop down.
  2. Repeat the offer or introduce yourself .A man will speak with difficulty, stammer.
  3. Raise your hands .Keep them at one height will not work. The affected part of the brain will not let it.
  4. Poke the language .It will become crooked and asymmetric. There will be a sinking to one side.


The correct diagnosis and calculation of the exact location of the disease, the amount of damage allows you to choose the right method of treatment, to avoid serious consequences. In addition to asking questions from the patient, head, vascular and heart examinations are conducted. To do this:

  • computed tomography .Doctors receive a three-dimensional picture of the brain. The study is prescribed for suspected strokes. The presence of bleeding and damage is indicated.
  • MRI - the effect of the magnetic field for obtaining a detailed image of the brain, structures. Study is assigned instead of tomography;
  • doppler examination of carotid arteries - ultrasound of carotid arteries( the main channel of blood supply to the think center);
  • magnetic resonance angiography - similar to MRI, the attention is focused on the vessels in the thought center. The location of the thrombus is determined;
  • cerebral angiography - the introduction of the substance into the vessels, followed by an X-ray image with their image. Information is obtained about thrombi, aneurysms, and other vascular defects;
  • ECG .Informative examination of the heart, which is used for heart rhythm disturbances;
  • cardiac echocardiogram ( heart ultrasound).Disturbances in cardiac work are detected, valve defects - the causes of the appearance of blood clots;
  • blood biochemistry. Defines the main indicators: the level of glucose to establish an accurate diagnosis, and the level of lipids to determine the presence of cholesterol - the main cause of the disease.
Differential diagnosis consists of CT and MRI.

First aid

First aid is given to the patient after the onset of symptoms. The following actions are performed:

  1. The patient lays down in a horizontal position, the head is raised.
  2. The neck is freed from clothing and accessories.
  3. Prosthetics are removed from the mouth.
  4. Conditions are created for the maximum supply of fresh air to the patient.
  5. If the condition is unconscious, the head rotates sideways to ensure saliva flow.
  6. The oral cavity is cleaned of vomit if vomiting is present.
  7. Cold is applied to the head. The part of the brain opposite to the side of paralysis of the extremities is affected.
  8. The patient is covered by a blanket.
  9. Respiratory parameters, palpitation and blood pressure are monitored.
  10. If there are signs of clinical death, resuscitation is carried out.

Learn about the symptoms of the disease and first aid rules:

Tactics of treatment

Treatment is being carried out that begins with the appearance of the first symptoms of .Without ignoring, because there may be consequences, even death. In stationary conditions, the following activities are carried out:

  • Medication therapy .At the beginning of treatment. The drugs help restore the functions of the brain.
  • Rehabilitation therapy. The speed and timeliness of treatment determines the clarity of the prognosis of getting rid of the consequences.

If there is bulbar syndrome in case of ischemic stem stroke, that is, disturbed swallowing or its absence, there is no independent food intake. Feeding through a probe is used, with the help of which food enters the stomach. This device is also connected in case of mental disturbance. A person is not able to eat, so that nutrients are fed directly into the stomach.

Correction of speech and swallowing, is performed in the hospital. Use the help of a speech therapist, which restores the swallowing process with the help of special exercises.

Therapy is prescribed for:

  • maintaining critical body functions, minimizing physical and emotional stress;
  • relieving inflammation and swelling of the patches in the brain;
  • restoration of normal blood supply to sites in the affected area;
  • recovery of coagulability and blood viscosity;
  • maintaining the proper functioning of the heart;
  • of a particular treatment, depending on the condition of the patient. It is in physical exercises.

Recovery prognosis

Is it possible to recover after a stroke of the brainstem? In 60-65% of cases it ends lethal. The younger the patient, the higher his chances of surviving. The most favorable prognosis is expected for those who got on tomography within an hour after the onset of a stroke in the brainstem.

The sooner the disease is diagnosed and the disease is treated, the greater the chances of keeping patients conscious and able to participate in further rehabilitation.

What are the chances of recovering individual functions:

  • Speech by .Its violations occur in 30%, it is possible to restore when working with a speech therapist. If there is a syndrome of a locked person, nothing will help.
  • Swallowing .Occurs in 65% of cases. The prognosis is uncertain, a person can be taught to swallow the grinded soft food.
  • Movement of the extremities .The recovery is easiest in the first 2-3 months, then progress is reduced. In a year, recovery is almost impossible.
  • Coordination of .The prognosis is favorable, but you should not expect complete recovery from dizziness.
  • Breathing .The prognosis is disappointing, if the respiratory center is disturbed, the patient will spend all his life on the artificial respiration apparatus. If the center is touched lightly, apnea may occur.
  • Hemodynamics .Very poor prognosis when heart rate decreases. In more favorable cases, there are jumps of pressure and pulse in the direction of increase.
  • Thermoregulation .In the first day of illness, the temperature usually jumps to 39 degrees and is hard to correct. Low temperature is a bad sign.


Includes a complex of measures restoring the functions of the body. It is concluded in the basic principles:

  • begins in the neurological department, continues in the sanatorium or rehabilitation center( department);
  • native participate, help to cope with the consequences;

Restoration of motor functions is carried out with the help of physiotherapy exercises .Increases strength, dexterity, volume of movements, balance.

When in the centers, is assigned to the electrostimulation of the limbs. Therapeutic physical education, which begins in the first days after a stroke, is carried out depending on the condition of a person.

In case of impossibility of independent movements, the exercises are performed by a rehabilitator, nurse or relative. Man's pulse and pressure are monitored, pauses are made. With normal balance, the patient begins to walk. The length of walks increases depending on the results achieved.

Complications are cured by .For this purpose:

  • muscle stretching;
  • massage certain places to improve the tone;
  • thermal treatment;
  • the appointment of muscle relaxants;
  • taking antidepressants.

In this video, you will be told about a suitable set of exercises in the rehabilitation process after the attack:

Complications and consequences

Consequences are an integral part of the disease, so they are being prepared for them. Seizure attacks the brain depending on the severity of the disease. Complications are provoked by the patient's condition, by wrong therapy.


Bedsores .Soft tissues are dead, blood circulation disorders occur. Reasons for this effect:
  • pressure on the skin in place of adherence to bones;
  • lack of hygiene, improper skin care;
  • continuous immobility;
  • inadequate amount of protein food.
  • Vascular thrombosis .Complication is dangerous. Blood does not circulate in certain areas of the body. The consequences are invisible, but are lethal. Exercises, movements, massages of body parts help to cope.
  • Diets become an obstacle to blood clots. The patient does not eat fried and fatty. Special harm from margarine. Useful: fish, green tea, cherry. Drinking aspirin to the blood liquefied.
  • Inflammation of the lungs. Happens due to congestion of sputum. Prevention - the influx of fresh air, sitting in a sitting position. The reception of special means is shown.
  • Paralysis of the .A man does not move his limbs at will. The reason is in the defeat of the area of ​​the brain responsible for motor functions. The method of treatment is massage and gymnastics.
  • Coma is a severe consequence of a stroke stem. It is a loss of consciousness. It is important, if a person is in serious condition, to prevent the occurrence of pressure sores, the withering away of the limbs.
  • The late consequences are:

    • loss of skin sensitivity .Response to external stimuli, weather changes;
    • Thinking Thinking .Logic is violated, speech is not perceived, intellectual sensations can be blunted;
    • mental abnormalities .The department connected with emotions is touched. There are mood swings. The patient does not control his emotions, and medicines are taken.

    Relapse prevention and preventive measures

    To reduce the likelihood of a stroke, there is a set of measures. If the conditions of prevention are met, the disease will not affect a person. Effective prophylaxis:

    • compliance with the diet. Food is limited, with animal fat and cholesterol. Fish, proteins, fruits and vegetables are useful;
    • physical activity. When practicing sports there will be no obesity, there will be no diabetes, hypertension;
    • disposal of bad habits of , in particular, smoking. It causes narrowing of blood vessels, the risk of disease increases;
    • Stress Prevention .It is important to learn to avoid conflicts, to look at life positively;
    • to control blood pressure .Arterial hypertension is associated with a stroke.
    To avoid stem stroke, you can follow the recommendations, follow the health.

    The risk of the disease exists in certain categories of people who forget to watch the body and health. In other cases, undesirable consequences are unlikely.