Constant rhinitis

Causes of a permanent cold and its treatment

A persistent rhinitis that occurs much less frequently than seasonal rhinitis (especially in autumn-winter period), can become a real problem, and in fact it must be solved, so as not to worsen and so uneasy position.

What constitutes a permanent cold?

A persistent runny nose is a chronic condition that consists in the inflamed mucosa nasal passages and does not pass for a long time, also does not lend itself to cupping by conventional means.

People who suffer from this problem tend to suffer from symptoms such as dryness and nasal congestion for many years. Temporary relief can be achieved only by using standard drugs, for example, adrenomimetics, or they are also called adrenostimulants (these include the majority known to date a drop in the nose, based on which, as a rule, the active substance - xylometazoline: snoop, xylenol, prinos, naphthyzine, otrivin, ximelin, tizin and other).

These funds for the nose cause constriction of the vessels and relieve inflammation in the nasal passages, thereby reducing zalozhennost, giving the chance to the person to breathe through a nose (respiration through a nose is physiological). However, it is very important to note that this effect is very short in time, and after a while a person may again need to drip into the nose.

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As a result, this leads either to dependence on this drug (i.e., without using this agent people simply can not breathe freely), or it leads to addiction, and this medicine ceases to help at all. Both these consequences are extremely undesirable and even dangerous, since they cause various complications.Therefore, when using drops in the nose, it is necessary to use one kind of drops not more than 5-7 days, and then change it to another, and what is very important, they should not be used often, no more than 3-4 times a day.

Since the long use of adrenomimetics and the like only worsens the condition of the nasal mucosa, most patients are in a situation of complete confusion, they do not understand what to do in such a of the situation.

Constant rhinitis may be a symptom, for example, ARVI, ARI, so parents of babies are very important in a timely manner to pay attention to the child's well-being, to his complex treatment and not to allow the disease to become chronic.

Causes of this ailment

Rhinitis may seem like a lot of the usual condition that a large number of people face and several times a year. However, a persistent runny nose brings people suffering from the disease, such problems and anguish as: headaches associated with nasal congestion, the need for permanent the presence of disposable napkins or shawls (napkins are more preferable, since shawls promote the reproduction of bacteria and viruses, because they are used many times), red nose. And this is only a small part of the list of emerging problems.

As a rule, the reasons for this state are as follows:
  • not completely cured acute rhinitis, which was a component of ARVI, along with other symptoms: sore throat, general weakness, etc .;
  • an allergic reaction to a certain stimulus;
  • constant irritation of the nasal passages with toxic substances of various origin. This is especially true for people, the so-called "harmful" professions, working, for example, in chemical, microbiological enterprises, or in laboratories for chemical analysis, etc.

In case the patient complains of a persistent runny nose, which is accompanied by sneezing or coughing, the doctor can refer it to verification of the immune status, since these manifestations occur with chronic allergic rhinitis (as is known, immunity and allergy are related directly).

Diseases that accompany a persistent cold

One of the first signs of almost any ORVI, or ARI - is sneezing and runny nose, as for the body - this is a natural way to get rid of viruses and bacteria. Even though sneezing causes the spread of viruses and infections to the external environment, doctors do not recommend deterring the patient, because the the process of purification of the organism is most disturbed, and, accordingly, viruses and bacteria, without leaving the limits of organisms, continue to multiply in it with a large speed.

Consequently, their quantity in the body increases, and the patient's condition may worsen.

Experts argue that nasal congestion, runny nose, usually the symptoms of viral or infectious diseases:

  • flu;
  • ARI;
  • ODS;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever, etc.

A persistent runny nose, like a chronic problem, develops, as a rule, as a consequence of timely untreated and neglected diseases.

Therefore, in order to avoid such complications, it is necessary to treat the acute diseases that arise in a timely manner, contact the ENT doctor, even with a common problem, as it is often believed, as a runny nose.

Treatment of this pathology

How to get rid of a cold? Decision-making, what to do with a persistent cold, lies on the specialist - ENT doctor. It is he who, after examination, can assess the condition of the nasal mucosa, and how reversible the changes that have occurred in it.

Treatment of this problem depends on its cause.

The main task is to eliminate the factors that provoke inflammation of the mucosa:

  • getting rid of chronic sources of infection in the nasal cavity;
  • complete elimination or minimization of contact with irritant.

In case the cause of sneezing and runny nose in ARVI, then prescribe antiviral drugs.

Also mandatory for the cold is the appointment of antihistamines (for example, Tavegil, loragexal, loratadine, etc.).

Prescribe, as already mentioned, drugs-adrenomimetics, the use of which is very important to coordinate with the ENT doctor, in order to avoid addiction or dependence.

Used to alleviate the condition and recipes of traditional medicine. For example, the Kalanchoe juice. This plant is quite popular and is used for various diseases, as an auxiliary, including with a person who constantly accompanies a cold. To this end, you need to dig in a few drops of juice in your nose. But even herbal remedies should be used after consultation with the ENT doctor.


You can treat the disease and special oils (you can use sunflower oil) to soften the crusts formed in the nose. In addition, inhalations using various herbs are carried out.

If it is impossible to help the patient in a conservative way, then they resort to mucus cauterization shell or to a surgical operation, as a result of which parts of the tissues covering the nasal passages are removed.

How to cure a chronic cold?


Terra Incognita

I advise you to go to Laura, he will write you a referral to physiotherapy. I have an allergic addiction to the drops and a runny nose was permanent. After the treatment, she did not completely get rid of it, but relief came about. Now I breathe more freely.

Sergey Polyakov

Sneeze at it ...

Yana Euphoria

- Some people have a runny nose that runs easily and without consequences. In others, the nose is permanently laid or "headaches flow, they often find it difficult to breathe. What is the reason for this?
- First of all, the common cold is a "visiting card" of many diseases. Among them tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, sinusitis. The cause of a runny nose may be a nasal septum injury that hampers breathing. Often the common cold is caused by an allergy. Then it can be complicated by a pre-somatic condition, which, if left untreated, can transform into severe asthma. Weakened people, often suffering from colds and simultaneously suffering from allergic reactions, as well as gastritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, have a higher risk of developing bronchial asthma.
- Sometimes the runny nose starts simply because you leave the warm room in cold, dank weather. How to distinguish such a reaction of the body to the cold from a really dangerous condition?
- If the runny nose does not pass for a long time - this is a serious reason to call an otolaryngologist or an allergist. Ordinary acute rhinitis occurs within a few days. If, after a week, it is still difficult to breathe, there is a general discomfort, at times there are headaches, lacrimation and pain in the eyes, that is, the fear of developing other diseases.
Man breathes not only with his nose, but with air in the paranasal sinuses. If these sinuses are occupied by mucus or pus, then breathing is difficult, and in addition to a runny nose, dyspnea appears, and then symptoms of bronchial asthma.
Often there is a whole complex of signs - inflammation of the eyes, an unremitting cold, bronchial asthma. This difficult condition requires a multifaceted treatment, otherwise it will quickly progress. Here you can not do without the help of a specialist.
- What you need to do to prevent the common cold from becoming chronic?
- By any available means to temper your body. It is best to begin tempering from the earliest childhood. In children frontal and nasal airborne sinuses are not developed enough. They, in order to improve ventilation, it is very useful to talk a lot, sing. This prevents not only chronic chronic cold, but also shortness of breath with asthmatic components. Vocal exercises are also useful for adults. They are used for colds, for example, the famous pop singer Joseph Kobzon, to avoid an attack of bronchial asthma.
At the first sign of a cold, warm foot baths are good. Add a stick of pine extract to them. Before going to bed, you can massage hands, neck, chest.
- Do I have to drop drops into my nose?
"They are certainly useful for prevention, although they should not be carried away. If you apply them for a long time, more than a week, you may experience addiction and other undesirable side effects.
You can instead wash your nose with infusions of medicinal plants: chamomile, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, garlic, as well as aloe, calanchoe, garlic juices. Juices dilute 2-5 times with olive or refined sunflower oil, and the juice of aloe - cold boiled water. It can not be combined with naphthyzine or sanorine.
You can prepare boiled turnip juice or decoction of root vegetables as a prophylactic against bronchial asthma. It is taken on a quarter of a glass 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. Very effective in the common cold, especially with asthmatic components, steam inhalation with plantain infusion, mother-and-stepmother, pine kidney, eucalyptus, as well as a mixture of eucalyptus oil, vitamin A, peach or anise oils. A very important rule: when instilled and inhaled, you should spare the nasal mucosa. Do not use concentrated oils as droplets or lubricants, always dilute them with vegetable oil. Frequent instillation of various drugs in the nose also worsens the mucosa.
Try not to injure the nasal mucosa, clearing the nasal passages, it is better to use for this warm baths or irrigation from infusions of chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother. You can wash your nose with a solution of table salt: 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in a glass of water, washed


Rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is usually caused by various viruses and microbes. Its development is promoted by hypothermia, severe gas contamination or dustiness of the air. Runny nose is often a symptom of infectious diseases (influenza, diphtheria, measles, fever, malaria, etc.).
Recipes of traditional medicine
used in the common cold:
1. Menthol oil (drugstore). Inoculate 3-5 drops of menthol oil into each nostril. Do twice a day; simultaneously lubricate with oil: forehead, whiskey, behind the ears, the back of the head, the wings of the nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor oil. The procedures are the same. Well helps with a beginning cold.
2. Kalanchoe (home remedy). With the beginning of a cold it is enough 2-3 times a day to lubricate the nose with juice from a fresh leaf Kalanchoe and runny nose will quickly stop. You can dig in 3-5 drops.
3. Tincture. At 100 gr. sunflower or olive oil take one tablespoon with the top of the crushed ledum. Insist 21 days in a dark place, shaken daily. Strain, wring out. Drip 2-3 drops in each nostril for the first time, then instill 1 drop 3-4 times a day. Do not more than a week. Runny nose goes away in a few days.
4. Chronic rhinitis. Make slightly warm, slightly saline water. Add there 1 teaspoon of any of the listed tinctures (calendula, sofar, eucalyptus). Take water, liter. This water wash the nose.
The procedure is as follows: to bend under the water at an angle of 45 degrees, nose to draw it and release it from the mouth. So skip the entire solution without looking up your nose alternately through each nostril. Do with chronic colds twice a day, morning and evening.
5. Red beet. Bury in each nostril for 5-6 drops of freshly squeezed beet juice (fresh, not boiled). You can soak a cotton swab in fresh juice and put it in your nose.
6. It helps from the cold a finely chopped onion, infused with sunflower oil. This compound lubricates the nostrils.
7. With a cold, honey is chewed with honeycombs and honey is applied to the nostrils.
8. Eucalyptus tea and peppermint are excellent for inhalation with a cold. For a liter of hot water, 3-4 drops of infusion are enough.
9. With a cold, it is recommended to wrap the feet of gauze moistened with alcoholic infusions of capsicum, top with woolen socks and go to bed.
10. With a cold, take 1 part of freshly prepared carrot juice, 1 h. vegetable oil and a few drops of garlic juice. Bury in the nose 3 times a day.
11. From the cold helps a mixture of honey with red beet juice. Mix a teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of beet juice. Bury in the nose a few drops 3-4 times a day.
I wish you health!! !


when I have a cold in my stomach I take a piece of garlic in cotton wool and in the ear, it's good when the garlic juicy hour through 4 I change if there is a tea mushroom I make tampons for 10-20 minutes. it helps me.

Irina Lapshina

There is a Dolphin in the pharmacy. Start with a warm rinse, then (after a week) buy a massager so that you can use it for the brow ridges and nose, massage after rinsing. Try to drink up to -2 liters of warm and clean water a day (this will help to remove salt, sand, stones, mucus from the body). Do trainers, massagers, sports. Lead a healthy lifestyle, thoughts, behaviors and this will help your recovery. Any slime is undigested food and medicine, unprocessed thoughts. For greater effect, take a bath with a solution or Skipar emulsion, inside take 4-6 tablets at once Kapilar 3-5 times a day (dilates blood vessels). Personal experience.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take a glass of hot infusion, sweetening honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial letter (sold in a pharmacy) crush into powder and snort 2-3 times a day.


From a strong cold catch a nose at night with honey

a persistent runny nose: what are the causes?

A persistent cold, the causes of which are still being discussed by specialists, are most often the result of chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Rhinitis may last for several years, and the inflamed mucosa membrane does not adequately with bacteria and viruses. Relief after taking drops comes only for a short period.

Children have a common rhinitis, even if it is not treated. But if the body is weakened, then the banal runny nose is not easy to cure.

If rhinitis lasts longer than a week, especially in a child, you need to see a doctor. (Fig.1)

Factors of exacerbation or sluggish disease

Picture 1. Address to the doctor with a protracted runny nose.

Coryza can be a consequence of the following diseases:

  • pharyngitis (a painful condition of the pharyngeal mucosa, accompanied by inflammation);
  • laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx);
  • otitis (inflammation of the ear or ears);
  • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses);
  • curvature of the septum of the nose;
  • diseases of internal organs that affect breathing (hypertension, CNS disorders, kidney disease and endocrine system);

There is a runny nose in the presence of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity, as well as with the intensive use of drops (due to irritation of the mucosa).

Runny nose can accompany allergic reactions to pollen of plants, house dust, smoke, soot, mold, domestic animals.In this case, the course of the disease can last for several months, until the stimulus is inactivated.

There is a runny nose and in harmful production - this is how the defenses of the body work.

Figure 2. Eggs for warming up the nose.

An unfavorable climate, too humid or cold air can cause chronic rhinitis.

Frequent rhinitis (in addition to a specific cough) accompanies smokers.

There are several types of chronic rhinitis:

  1. Alternation of exacerbations and remissions.
  2. Frequent exacerbations of the common cold (up to several times a month).
  3. Sluggish rhinitis after an acute period.
  4. Short rhinitis with scant discharge and decreased sense of smell.
  5. Constant nasal congestion. Drops at the same time help for a short time or have no effect at all.

If the cause is not clear and the illness is delayed, complications can arise. Be sure to contact an otolaryngologist who will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Complications of rhinitis

Among the complications to which the chronic form of the cold can introduce, the following are distinguished:

Figure 3. Surgical treatment of chronic rhinitis.

  1. Inflammation of the throat and pharynx.
  2. Inflammation of lacrimal ducts.
  3. Headache.
  4. Sinusitis.
  5. Conjunctivitis.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Insufficient saturation of the brain with oxygen and, as a consequence, a disorder of brain function.
  8. Violation of concentration and memory.

Most patients with rhinitis complain of malaise and discharge from the nose in the mornings. After washing and blowing out the symptoms disappear, while patients do not snore at night and during sleep do not experience any anxiety. Such symptoms are typical for allergies. The body reacts to down and feather pillows and blankets or to synthetic bed linens. Conduct samples for all possible allergens for an accurate diagnosis, visit a therapist, an allergist, an otolaryngologist. Timely treatment and elimination of the allergen will help to avoid unwanted complications.

How to treat rhinitis

The main treatment is selected by a specialist doctor.

Figure 4. Rinse the nose with saline.

Support your immunity with foods high in vitamin C, do not forget to take vitamin complexes. If the common cold is of an infectious nature, it is worth trying inhalations with needles or eucalyptus.

At night, you can make hot baths for hands and feet with mustard powder. After the procedure, dry your hands and feet with a towel, but do not wash off the mustard. Wear socks, gloves and go to bed.

Cook a couple of eggs and, not allowing them to cool strongly, roll on the bridge of the nose alternately, until they cool down. It will warm the area of ​​the sinuses and help to cope more quickly with the common cold. (Fig.2)

After removal of the acute form of the disease, it is possible to carry out physiotherapeutic treatment: KUF, UHF, warming up. Avoid irritants during therapy. Do more wet cleaning, do not overcool.

Operative intervention is resorted to if even vasoconstrictive drops do not facilitate breathing. Chronic rhinitis, to which the curvature of the septum leads or other anatomical features of the nose, is also corrected surgically. (Fig.3)

Prevention of rhinitis

Rhinitis can have psychological causes. Rest more often, relax.

Watch for the state of the immune system. To strengthen the protective functions of the body you can drink a course of Echinacea and vitamins. Dosage will appoint a doctor.

Proper nutrition - a pledge of strong immunity. Avoid harmful food, enter into the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is important to eliminate symptoms of throat, nose and ear diseases in time. Do not allow prolonged use of nasal drops. Eliminate allergens.


With frequent rhinitis wash your nose with cool water, apply sea water and saline solutions. (Fig.4) Refuse from smoking and drinking. Ventilate the room, use air ionizers. Active way of life, swimming, running can help to establish the processes of breathing, and to improve the body.

How to get rid of a permanent cold?



Sneezing and sneezing.
1. First of all, we strengthen the antimicrobial immunity of everyday grinding of the feet (foot, shin) to the knee, hands (rear of the hand, forearm) up to the elbow 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes of exposure to all limbs from day to day, until the pain and burning sensation disappears completely. extremities.
2. Mass the painful areas in the area of ​​the malar bone (cheeks) 3-5 times a day and more every day with increasing effort until the soreness disappears completely.
3. Mass the painful fate of the periosteum of the bones of the nose day after day until complete relief from soreness.
4. To get rid of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontalitis, etmoiditis, it is also necessary to strengthen the antiviral immunity: a) Tapping the head with fists or, l. plastic bottle with water without air bubbles 2-3 times a day for 2-3 minutes a day, until the soreness in the head disappears completely when tapping. Tapping also helps to get rid of the headache if it bothers you.
b) Stimulation of sneeze. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. Direct the air flow by sneezing preferably through the nose. To irritate the nasal mucosa is convenient for sneezing, with ear sticks or bury in the nose 4-5 drops of fresh aloe juice or calanchoe 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause multiple sneezing. Some may experience irritation of the nasal mucosa with pepper or snuff.
c) Stimulate antiviral immunity can, it turns out, and the reception of certain products with a strong immunostimulating effect, it is mustard and horseradish. When using these spices, we must ensure that the molecules of essential oil of these spices fall into the nasal cavity and into the paranasal sinuses, into the bronchi and lungs and would cause a specific effect the brain missed). When these recommendations are implemented, recovery begins within two to three days. Good luck to all.

Avlaak'kh Mage

in the summer to go to the sea where it's hotter


A permanent rhinitis should not be! Either an allergy or a complication... Consult a doctor!

Ramik ...

First, find out the cause of the disease!
Secondly, to strengthen immunity!


it is better to contact any Speed ​​Center, they have new equipment, and ask to do smears from the nose for detailed laboratory analysis, it's not a fast, self-paid thing, but they will at least identify the virus or bacteria that are involved, and choose the method treatment. Medicines are like an option, can a sauna help, climate change, maybe even an allergy to your beloved cat.

Andrey Drobilenko

I agree that you need to see a doctor.
But maybe you do not heal (in winter). Personally, I struggle with discharge from the nose and throat, wrestling with saline solution. Half a cup of acceptable warm water a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and half a soda. I draw in through my nose - spit out through my mouth and blow my nose. And I'll break my throat.
Saline solution by means of osmosis (density difference) draws all the muck from the nasopharynx. Soda liquefies phlegm.

How to cure a permanent runny nose in a child?


Vitaliy Fedas

Do not forget that the common cold can be allergic, as a protective reaction of the body to an antigen of any genesis. You should consult an allergist doctor, make alergo tests and look for allergens at home later, and also get rid of them (carpets can be, upholstered furniture, different toys, a house. animals, dust, books, etc.).
First of all, check if the child's allergies are coniferous: for this, buy in the pharmacy aromatic fir oil or thuja and drop a tiny bit on the inner surface of the child's forearm in the middle third, after 20 minutes, see if there will be redness, swelling, bumps, rashes, if not - allergies no. The child can be taken to the mestnost with coniferous plantations. The air soaked in phytoncides, coniferous resins and ozone will be curative.
You can drive to the mountainous area, there ICP should fall. And allergens in the forest and in the mountains - on-a-ah-a-a lot less.
And I'll give you one grandfather's prescription (doctors only pass it to each other, there is not written in one of the directories), after you in the same way check if the child has allergies to iodine. Only dilute iodine with water: before you drop on your forearm.
Very many of these simplest recipes cure chronic rhinitis and even hr.haymoritis.
And what was the purpose of interferon? What did the smear from the nose? Did they sow staphylococcus? Or what?
And why is ICP increased? Was there a birth injury?
You need a competent specialist. It is desirable the pediatrist. If you happen to be in Kiev, I can give you associate professors and professors from the Department of Pediatrics of the Kiev Medical School. I think there will help your child.
With HI. family doctor Vitaly Fedas


Beet juice is a very good remedy for the common cold... squeeze and bury 3 times a day (for a child, not to dilute the juice with water).


try su-jok therapy. This is the Chinese method of influencing certain points by pressing. in my family the device from "Zepter" has got accustomed. called bioptron, heals with light. rinse with salt water from the syringe, holding the baby over the bath. and drop the aquamaris try. only by age look.


Drops including aquamaris with a slight obstruction and saline solutions help, and not chronic. A wash is necessary in general in the office of the ENT doctor, find a COLONIC plant, the juice of which is buried in the nose for 1 drop, first the baby sneezes, then it passes, or DIOXIDINE, too, a little bit. On the other hand, it may be an allergic reaction to something, it is necessary to make allergens. To us the doctor-infektsionist about snot said that this is a protective organism's recipe for infection. Consult an infectious disease specialist.
Allergies are great. You can do them endlessly and on needles and on larch and yolk and on dust, etc. And to remove the symptoms of the baby should be as soon as possible. Another sovet: aloe juice, you can not even dilute with water 1-2 drops in the nose. Watch carefully for the child, so that no sagging or spasms. Did not pay attention to ICP. Urgently to the neurologist-neurologist, we have the same history, one-on-one, this can not be completely ignored. ICP should be urgently removed, so that by year 1 you have not received cerebral palsy (God forbid). We were very frightened by this. Until now, we stand at the neurologist on the register.
There will be questions, write. Unfortunately, in this field of experience we have - more than enough.

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