Arthritis of the foot: treatment at home and in the hospital


  • 1Treatment of feet arthritis
    • 1.1The causes of arthritis of the feet
    • 1.2Manifestation and symptoms
    • 1.3Medications and medications
    • 1.4Folk remedies
    • 1.5Nettle
    • 1.6Lingonberry
    • 1.7Celery, lemon and honey
    • 1.8Bay leaf
    • 1.9Garlic
    • 1.10Potatoes
    • 1.11Mustard, honey, salt and soda
    • 1.12Radish
    • 1.13Birch buds
    • 1.14Horse Chestnut
    • 1.15Prevention of foot arthritis
  • 2How to treat arthritis of feet in the home
  • 3Treatment of arthrosis of the foot in the home
    • 3.1Medication for arthrosis
    • 3.2Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies
    • 3.3Gymnastics for arthrosis of feet
    • 3.4Manual therapy against arthrosis
    • 3.5Passage of the course of physiotherapy
    • 3.6Diet for arthrosis
    • 3.7Conclusion on the topic
  • 4How to treat foot arthritis at home
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Types of the disease
    • 4.3Self-treatment
    • 4.4Diet
    • 4.5Traditional medicine
  • 5How to treat foot arthritis at home: herbs and compresses
    • 5.1How is arthritis of the foot manifested and why does it develop?
    • 5.2Treatment of foot arthritis with folk remedies
    • 5.3Herbal infusions in the treatment of foot arthritis
    • 5.4Prevention
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Medication and folk treatment for arthritis of the foot joints
    • 6.1Etiology
    • 6.2Readers often study together with this material:
    • 6.3The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:
    • 6.4Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 6.5Reactive arthritis
    • 6.6Gouty Arthritis
    • 6.7Methods of therapy
    • 6.8How to treat foot arthritis at home
    • 6.9Recipes for enteral use
    • 6.10Decoction from the roots of mother-and-stepmother or burdock
    • 6.11Decoction of leaves or berries cranberries
    • 6.12Recipes for making compresses

Treatment of feet arthritis

Arthritis of the foot is an unpleasant disease characterized by inflammation of the articular apparatus of the foot.

Since in everyday life the foot goes to the greatest load, this disease is the most painful of all types of arthritis. Acute pain in the legs and difficulty in the selection of shoes accompany the disease.

Therefore, the treatment of foot arthritis is an important aspect in the life of every person suffering from such ailment.

The causes of arthritis of the feet

Problems with such a part of the body are a common problem of many modern people. The prerequisites for arthritis of the feet can be a lot:

  1. Infection. Infectious agents enter the articular tissue and begin to develop, thereby provoking arthritis.
  2. Trauma of the foot. The disease can develop due to a severe injury or stroke. Chronic character begins to be worn in people who are overweight.
  3. Special damage to the surfaces of the joints. This category includes gout, arthrosis, reactive arthritis.

Manifestation and symptoms

Symptoms of this disease can be as follows:

  • severe swelling of the lower limbs;
  • pain when walking;
  • change in skin color in the joints;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • deformation of the foot;
  • poor mobility of the joints.

Monoarthritis can develop - a lesion of only one joint, and also polyarthritis - inflammation of several joints. If the disease is diagnosed, it should immediately begin treatment for a full life in the future.

Treatment of this disease is based on the removal of inflammation of the joints. To do this, use such means.

Medications and medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are used. They are aimed at the extinction of inflammation, the removal of puffiness, relieves fever, pain. Examples of such medicines:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Chondroxide and their analogues.

With a plentiful accumulation of fluid and pus in the joints, a puncture is prescribed, which displays them. After that, a drug is injected into the joint to localize the inflammation.

  1. Physiotherapy. Such procedures can be paraffin treatment and amplipulse. Are spent in the period of attenuation of a disease in a complex with physiotherapy exercises.
  2. Orthopedic aids. Acute arthritis of the foot requires complete immobilization of the lower extremities with a gypsum tape. In the future, you need a cane or crutches. Also, special attention should be paid to wearing shoes: purchase special pads and insole.
  3. Laser treatment. It consists in exposure to problem areas of the affected joint by irradiation with the help of infrared lasers. The main zone of irradiation is the plantar side of the foot.
  4. Prosthetics. The method of treatment of a disease, which is resorted to in extreme cases. In the main with the growth of two or more joint surfaces with complete loss of ability to move.

Folk remedies

People who have experienced this disease do not always know how to treat foot arthritis at home. When choosing this method of treatment, you should know some traditional medicine. There are many simple recipes.


It will take 1 tbsp. l. dried nettle, which should be filled with boiling water. Infuse 1 hour, take 1 tbsp. l. decoction before eating.


Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry plant leaves, pour, l water and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and take 3 times a day for 100 g.

Celery, lemon and honey

Ingredients take in the same proportions. Want to scroll through the meat grinder celery and lemon, add honey to them. Stir thoroughly and put the mixture in the refrigerator. After 5 days, take 1 tbsp. l. for half an hour before eating.

Bay leaf

100 g of bay leaves in a saucepan, pour 300 ml of water and boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Let it brew for several hours, drain and take 1 glass before going to bed.


It will take 5 heads of peeled garlic, which should be crushed. Pour l of vodka or alcohol and insist 10 days in a cool dark place. Take this tincture should be for 1 hour. l.

before eating. Also, garlic can be used as a compress. To do this, moisten a piece of garlic garlic juice and apply to the affected areas, previously lubricating the skin with a fat cream.


One raw tuber to grate and pour 1 cup kefir. Take 1 glass every day.

Mustard, honey, salt and soda

Take these ingredients in the same proportions. Stir thoroughly until smooth consistency, apply the mixture on gauze and apply to the affected areas of the body, pre-fixing with polyethylene.


Grate the radish on a grater and put the resulting gruel onto the cloth. Apply to sore spots, treated with cream. Apply a layer of cotton on top and roll over. This compress should be kept for at least 3 hours.

Birch buds

Take 800 g of refined sunflower oil and 400 g of birch buds, mix. Infuse in a warm place for a day. Then scroll through the meat grinder and treat the affected areas before going to bed. Also in the fight against the disease can help and leaves of birch.

To do this, a small amount of leaves should be put in a tissue pouch, boiled for about half an hour. The resulting broth, along with a bag, put in a bath with warm water. Take no more than 15 minutes. The course of treatment takes 1 month.

Birch leaves can be replaced with pine needles.

Horse Chestnut

Flowers of horse chestnut should be insisted in, l vodka or alcohol 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating at least 5 times a day.

Prevention of foot arthritis

In order to avoid the disease, you should follow these rules:

  1. Weight control. Excess weight leads to an excessive load on the lower limbs. The more such a load, the higher the risk of damage to the joints of the legs.
  2. Comfortable shoes. It is very important that the shoes provide extra foot support for walking. It is better to choose shoes with a wide toe.
  3. Proper nutrition. Excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods adversely affects the joints. It is necessary to limit its quantity.

Arthritis of the feet is an irreversible disease! It should be constantly monitored under the supervision of a specialist to stop its development.

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How to treat arthritis of feet in the home


  • Causes of Arthritis
  • Symptomatology of the disease and methods of diagnosis
  • Treatment of arthritis
  • Preventive measures

Many people think that it is possible to treat arthritis of the foot in the home. The pathologies of the joints are quite common, but not always a person, having noticed the first signs, consults a doctor.

Very often joint diseases occur arthritis of the foot. It is an inflammatory process that affects the tarsus, metatarsus and joints of the fingers.

This disease is manifested by severe pain sensations, deformation of the foot and brings a lot of inconvenience to the person.

When the joint is deformed, the patient becomes uncomfortable with the shoes he used to wear, but picking up a new pair also becomes a problem. Difficulties in walking are not only physical inconveniences, but also psychological.

With the help of feet, the balance is maintained while walking and the person's weight is evenly distributed. The feet help to push off when walking, to amortize on irregularities. When affected by arthritis, the foot can not function fully.

All weight load goes to the hip and knee joints, which are also overloaded. There is a risk of damage. If the disease is not cured, then the pathology of other joints of the musculoskeletal system will develop.

Arthritis is an inflammatory process that occurs for many reasons. Some of them:

  1. Infections. Damage to the joint may begin as a result of an infectious disease, such as syphilis or gonorrhea.
  2. Trauma of the foot, which can occur as a result of a fall, stroke or constant congestion, resulting in an inflammatory process.
  3. Mechanisms of autoimmune nature, when as a result of trauma damaged tissue is perceived by the body as alien, protective antibodies are starting to be produced, damaging it even more.
  4. In children, the disease can be associated with pneumococcal infection.
  5. Diseases of a specific nature - psoriasis, gout. In psoriasis, plaques spread into the joints, hitting it, and with gout, urate crystals are deposited in the joint.

Apart from the above reasons, the following factors can influence the development of joint inflammation:

  1. Occupation of professional sports. Athletes are more likely to suffer from arthritis due to increased strain on the joints. Athletes of gaming and power sports are especially vulnerable. For example, volleyball players whose game activity is associated with frequent jumps and landings. They have a fairly large number of knee and ankle injuries.
  2. Obesity. The increased weight carries an increased strain on all joints, including on the joints of the foot. Under the influence of this weight flatfoot develops, the depreciation capacity of the foot decreases, its joints are heavily loaded.
  3. Age changes. A large number of people consider arthritis a disease of the elderly. With age, calcium in bones becomes less, it is washed out, joints become more friable, they are no longer able to withstand the load. And if extra pounds are added by the age, the risk of developing joint diseases is greatly increased.
  4. Hereditary factor.
  5. Subcooling.
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The onset of arthritis can often be asymptomatic or the symptoms are so insignificant that a person does not pay attention to them. The main symptoms manifested in arthritis include:

  • pain in the affected joint;
  • stiffness and inconvenience in walking;
  • its difficulty;
  • often accompanied by crunching and clicking;
  • the skin around the joint is hot;
  • puffiness and redness of the affected area.

Specific symptoms can be considered deformity of the fingers and feet, stiffness in the morning, which goes a little towards the middle of the day.

When the organism develops intoxication, the temperature rises in the patient, the feeling of malaise appears, the appetite worsens, the person is shivering and fever.

With such symptoms, the number of leukocytes in the blood will exceed the normal value. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a traumatologist or orthopedist.

He will inspect the foot, identify the presence or absence of deformation, its degree. The diagnosis is not difficult.


As an additional to the visual inspection of diagnostic methods, fluoroscopy, ultrasound examination of the joint, MRI and computed tomography are used.


For laboratory tests, the patient takes blood samples for biochemistry and sugar. For the investigation of synovial fluid, puncture of small joints is performed.

When diagnosing a physician, he must exclude other similar diseases, for example, subclavian bursitis.

For the treatment of arthritis, foot therapy is used, rehabilitation and rehabilitation measures, and if necessary, prescribe surgical treatment.The first rule in the treatment of arthritis is the restriction of the mobility of the joint and the removal of the load from it.If necessary, a gypsum is applied.

For medicinal therapy, the following drugs are used.

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are designed to reduce swelling of the joint, reduce pain. Such preparations are mainly produced in the form of ointments, gels or tablets.
  2. Preparations of glucocorticosteroid action, which are injected into the joint for anesthesia.
  3. With infectious arthritis, a course of taking antibiotics is prescribed.
  4. Reception of Chondrotin and Glucosamine, included in the preparations called chondroprotectors. These drugs not only prevent the destruction of cartilage, but also contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. But to treat arthritis of the foot with such drugs for a very long time, the course of admission lasts about six months.
  5. Fixation of the joint with gypsum. It is used to reduce the load in the acute period of the disease.

Necessarily appointed physiotherapeutic mud treatment, exercise therapy, massage and others. It is necessary to comply with the rule of wearing shoes.

It should be free, without high heels. You can wear special orthopedic shoes or insteps.

If arthritis has a neglected form, then an operation is required for endoprosthetics of the foot joints.

Together with the medicamental methods of treatment, arthritis of the foot can be treated at home using folk remedies. But you need to remember that without consulting a doctor, these funds should not be used.

Their use is most effective in conjunction with traditional methods. Doctors themselves designate one or more of these means.

To get rid of foot arthritis at home, you can use the following recipes:

  • compresses with sea salt;
  • broth of black currant for ingestion (relieves swelling and pain);
  • Compresses with lemon juice help to reduce pain;
  • stone of magnesium salt.

How successfully the disease can be cured depends on the stage of its development and severity at the time of the beginning of treatment and the correctness of the selected therapeutic measures. With severe inflammation and the already existing deformation of the foot, treatment may not yield the desired result. The gait will be broken forever.

To prevent the occurrence of arthritis of the foot, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the factors contributing to its development and elimination of the cause.

  1. Maintaining the body weight is normal. With a normal mass of a person's body, there is a reasonable load on the joints, there is no overstrain.
  2. Wearing the right shoes. Especially this rule applies to women, since shoes on high and unstable heels contribute to an extra load on the foot.
  3. Physical training. It is necessary to strengthen the arch of the foot, its muscles with the help of physical culture. In this case, the ability of the foot to withstand the load will greatly increase.
  4. Timely treatment of infectious diseases.

If there are pains in the foot, its mobility has lost, then one should not make oneself a diagnosis and especially self-medicate. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Treatment of arthrosis of the foot in the home

If a person is diagnosed with arthrosis, foot treatment at home is the main way to influence the disease. In the conditions of the clinic, the patient can undergo only a course of physiotherapy.

A more sad reason for visiting the hospital is a surgical operation. But this happens only in the most neglected cases, when the joints of the legs have completely lost their mobility or the life of the patient is in danger.

If you monitor your health and do not engage in self-medication, then the disease can be stopped in the early stages.

The peculiarity of arthrosis is that it can be revealed even on its own, even at the moment of formation. The illness makes itself felt by the pain syndrome and the unusual sounds that are published when walking.

Do not wait for exacerbation of leg arthrosis and subsequent disability. Urgent need to see a doctor.

He will refer the patient to the orthopedist who will give recommendations on the methods of treatment and the choice of preparations for arthrosis.

Medication for arthrosis

Treatment at home is possible only in the first and second stages of the disease, when there are no pathological processes associated with the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and the fusion of the bones of the legs.

Taking medications is a traditional method of treating all bone diseases in mild form. The basis of success is the proper selection of medicines and the fulfillment of all the instructions of the attending physician.

Treatment of arthrosis of the foot at home is regularly adjusted depending on the results achieved or lack thereof.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed such medications:

  1. Chondroprotectors. These are unique modern tools that can stop the destruction of cartilage tissue, cause its strengthening and regeneration. The full course of taking chondroprotectors in combination with proper nutrition allows to completely restore the structure of the joint.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Drugs of this group relieve puffiness from the feet and contribute to the destruction of foci of infection. The course of taking anti-inflammatory drugs continues until the foot takes a natural configuration.
  3. Painkillers. These medications are taken in the first days of treatment to reduce the patient's suffering and restore him the ability to move normally.
  4. Antibiotics. Assign in the event that an infection in the joint bag is detected. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days, depending on the detected pathogen.

Medicines are taken in the form of tablets, ointments, tinctures and solutions for injections. In some cases, the patient is prescribed a dropper with glucose, vitamins and saline.

Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies

The treatment of pathology of foot joints by folk remedies can be successful if one strictly adheres to the prescribed formula.

It should be adjusted to the fact that the therapeutic effect does not come immediately.

It may take months to stop the disease and return their natural form to the footsteps. But it's worth it.

Folk remedies do not give complications to internal organs, they are completely harmless to the body.

The substances contained in them strengthen immunity and improve metabolism.


Accumulating in internal organs and blood, useful microelements have a long curative and preventive effect.


Regardless of the degree of foot injury, such recipes of traditional medicine are used:

  1. Foot baths. Limitations in the frequency of their adoption are not, because water procedures bring only benefits. The water temperature is selected depending on the condition of the foot. If there are inflammatory processes and infection, then the water must be heated to body temperature. In the absence of such pathologies, the temperature can be raised to 40 - 42 ° C. In the bowl add a decoction of juniper, wild rosemary, chamomile, thyme, alternatives, oregano and flowers of a three-color violet. As the water cools down, boiling water is added to it.
  2. Compresses. You can treat stops with compresses of different compositions. For example, from grass, which remained after filtering for foot baths. There are enough nutrients in it. Another recipe includes salt, honey and alcohol. The components are mixed so that a mass is obtained that does not spread. The medicinal mixtures are superimposed on the leg, wrapped in cellophane and fixed with elastic bandage. It is advisable to make compresses at night.
  3. Razirki. The most effective is a mixture of vodka (, l) and eucalyptus tincture (100 ml). The ingredients are mixed and infused 2 to 3 days. After that, the liquid is rubbed into the affected joints in the morning and in the evening. The treated area is wrapped in a warm cloth or elastic bandage.
  4. Turning. The basis is a burdock leaf that well relieves pain or plantain. On the sheets of these plants a mixture of vodka (alcohol), honey and pressed garlic is applied. Such a composition causes strong and penetrating irritation of soft tissues. As a result, there is an increase in blood flow and improved metabolism in the affected joints.
  5. Applying leeches to the foot. These creatures excrete anticoagulants, which prevent the formation of blood vessels clots and blood clots. Leeches should be taken only in pharmacies. Otherwise, unpleasant complications are possible.
  6. Bee venom. Bites of bees activate all metabolic processes at the local level. Before applying this method, you should consult an allergist.

When using various methods of treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of side effects in the form of fever, rash or discharge from the nose. If such facts are available, then treatment should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

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Gymnastics for arthrosis of feet

As for the treatment of arthrosis at home, gymnastics is an activity that can be practiced at any time without being tied to the conditions of the situation.

Many patients mistakenly believe that in the pathology of the lower limbs, one should observe complete rest without loading the foot.

This is a big mistake, since the immobility of the legs causes stagnant phenomena that aggravate the course of the disease. In addition, there is a weakening of the tendon structure and weakening of the musculature.

In order to successfully cope with the disease, it is necessary to perform such sets of exercises:

  1. Walking on a massage mat. These are special products with a corrugated surface. The protrusions exert point pressure on soft tissues, which improves blood circulation and metabolism in damaged joints. A good solution is walking on grass, loose earth or sand around the house. All this contributes to an increase in the tone of all tissues of the foot.
  2. Rolling over a pimple rubber ball. This exercise can be performed even while sitting. Perform it in the case when there is no way to go outside, or in the phase of exacerbation of arthrosis. Analog balls are a foot massager made of wood or plastic in the form of a cylinder covered with spikes.
  3. Active foot movements, imitating cycling. Exercise is performed lying on the back. You can do it on the floor or on the couch, at any convenient time. This gymnastics improves the mobility of the feet and the outflow of excess fluid.
  4. Walking around the room on the half-bent legs. Moderate stress on the joints promotes the activation of all metabolic processes and circulation. Stagnant phenomena disappear completely.

Manual therapy against arthrosis

With arthrosis of the lower limbs, there is a violation of blood circulation. This process contributes to the progression of the disease and its transition to a more severe stage.

You can restore normal blood circulation even if the phase of the disease is neglected. Stimulation of joints causes activation of all metabolic and regenerative processes.

Foot massage should be performed with a little effort, not exceeding the average pain threshold level.

The effect is carried out by pads of the fingers by soft strokes and pressure on the affected area.

To begin massage it is necessary from tips of fingers of legs, gradually moving to an ankle joint. End the session with the hands in the foot from the bottom up.

Passage of the course of physiotherapy

Modern medical industry produces a wide range of portable physiotherapy devices.

To avoid wasting effort and time on trips to the clinic, it is advisable to have such devices at home. By the effectiveness of the healing effect, they do not differ from stationary analogs.

At home, electrophoresis, UHF and electromagnetic radiation are used.

Physiotherapy allows to achieve such a curative effect:

  • activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the foot joints;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the lower limb;
  • elimination of stagnant processes in soft tissues;
  • stimulation of cartilage regeneration in the joint;
  • restore the natural structure of cells, restore their resistance to infection.

After the treatment, the acquired devices can be used to prevent arthrosis and treat other diseases.

Diet for arthrosis

When treating arthrosis, you must adhere to proper nutrition. Sweet, spicy and fatty foods should be discarded.

Categorically, all salinity is contraindicated, since salt is deposited in the joints, exacerbating the situation. Those who love sweet, should go to honey.

The diet helps to reduce weight, which reduces pressure on the affected joints.

In the diet, you must include foods that are high in calcium. This mineral is needed to restore bone and cartilaginous tissue.

A good health effect is given by broths, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Poultry and fish are useful.

During each meal, you need to consume greens with a high content of vitamins - onions, garlic and dill.

Conclusion on the topic

Treatment of arthritis at home will only bring success if the patient wears soft and comfortable shoes with a low heel.

You need to constantly monitor your weight and give up bad habits. Do not allow loads on the damaged limb and any sudden movements.

Categorically contraindicated hypothermia.

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How to treat foot arthritis at home

The ailments, one way or another associated with joint damage, are among the most common.

The danger of such diseases is that at first their symptomatology can hardly be manifested, as a result of which patients turn to the doctors with great delay, when the disease has already worsened.

One of the varieties of such diseases is arthritis of the foot, in which inflammation of the joints is observed. The cause of this kind of disease is, as a rule, a bacterial infection, and the symptoms are quite bright.

Among them, the most noticeable are acute pains, localized both in the foot and in the area of ​​the fingers, as well as the general swelling of the affected area.

A much less noticeable symptom is a slight change in the shade of skin that is characteristic of this disease. Many people are interested in home treatment methods, since it is not always possible to see a doctor.

In this case, it is best to use the proven means of traditional medicine, since they effectively allow you to cope with such a disease.


The reasons are very different

Among the medical community there is an opinion that the main cause of this disorder is nothing else than common salt.

It provokes intensive production of lubricant, as a result of which the joint increases, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, such an ailment can arise due to injuries, fractures, bruises and other injuries.

Arthritis of the big toe


In the presence of excess body weight in a patient, arthritis passes into a chronic stage, which is very dangerous.


Such causes lead not only to pain and the appearance of edema, but also to the depletion of cartilage, as well as to the inability to carry out the movement of the affected part of the body.

If the disease has been left unattended for a long time and, accordingly, without proper treatment, a change in gait is very often observed, as well as significant difficulties in choosing the appropriate shoes. To treat such a serious disease at home has brought good results, it is worth exploring the existing variety of the disease.

Types of the disease

There is pain in the joints

  1. A degenerative variety appears, for example, as the body ages, as well as when there is obesity or increased stress on the joints.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by the fact that the affected area is not limited to any one place, but affects all legs in general, which leads to irreversible changes in the joints. The cause of this disease can be not only various diseases, but also heredity.
  3. Gouty type is accompanied, first of all, by rather strong pain, localized exclusively in the area of ​​the big toes.
  4. Autoimmune occurs due to improper operation of the patient's immunity.
  5. Purulent arthritis is one of the most dangerous, along with infectious, as, in addition to acute pain, it contributes to a significant increase in temperature, which means that the load on the heart increases. Such varieties of arthritis cause some diseases, as well as fractures, most often open.
  6. Nonspecific include those arthritis that are caused by other causes that are not included in this list.

It is very important that in the presence of timely and properly selected treatment, you can achieve excellent results in all of the above cases.


If the course of the disease is not acute, then the doctor's call can be neglected, using the tried and tested folk remedies. But if the patient's condition sharply worsens, or if the illness has passed into the acute phase, skilled help can not be dispensed with!


Vegetables and fruits are useful

The basis of any method of treating arthritis, whether folk or professional, is a properly formulated diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet a number of products that contribute to the deterioration of the condition:

  • fish;
  • cheese;
  • smoked products;
  • Pulses and other crops that are high in protein;
  • animal fats in any form.

Variety and complement the menu follows the vegetables, herbs, and fruits. The basis of the diet should be a variety of cereals, and necessarily all-grain.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine, coupled with a diet can effectively rid the symptoms of the disease, and in mild cases, and completely cure the disease. The basis of therapy is large volumes of fluid taken by the patient.

In addition, various compresses, like salt compress, hot sand, mother-and-stepmother, as well as some special mixtures, help effectively. After the application of such remedies, improvements are visible after a week of application.

Helps the bath of fir branches

You can use the infusion of fir branches, which are used as a foot bath. Branches should be brewed with boiling water, then let it brew for a while. After this, you should cool the prepared infusion and use it for the intended purpose.

A mixture of leaves and roots of horseradish and turnip also quite effectively helps to get rid of symptoms if you carefully rub it with a foot area affected by the disease.

In addition, the liquid that is drunk during the day can be varied with a variety of therapeutic drinks that will allow you to recover faster. This is tea with chamomile and freshly prepared cabbage juice.

Infusions of linden and St. John's wort show the best efficiency, and for greater benefit can alternate reception of cabbage juice with carrot.

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How to treat foot arthritis at home: herbs and compresses

Along with traditional methods, the treatment of foot arthritis includes the provision of physiotherapy procedures, the performance of curative gymnastics and the application of folk methods. How to treat foot arthritis at home? About this - in the article.

Arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint.

Inflammation is accompanied by discomfort and pain, stiffness of movement when walking.

Arthritis of the foot affects the osteoarticular apparatus of the foot - there is deformation of the joints, damage to articular cartilage.

How is arthritis of the foot manifested and why does it develop?

The disease is accompanied by redness of the skin in the joint area, swelling, pain and mobility restriction. Muscles partially atrophy, gait is broken. On the advanced stages of the disease, there is an increase in body temperature, the overall well-being of the patient worsens.

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To lead to pathological degenerative-destructive changes in bone and cartilaginous tissue can result in injuries, permanent excessive load on foot, inflammatory diseases of connective tissues, infectious diseases, gout, psoriasis malfunctions in the immune system system.

Treatment of foot arthritis with folk remedies

In non-traditional medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of foot arthritis. With all forms of the disease, warming procedures have a positive effect.

Potato Compress.Grate potatoes on a grater, add water. Heat the mixture to 45 ° C, wrap in cotton cloth, attach to the affected foot. Wrap the film, warm socks. Compress warms up joints, reduces inflammation and relieves pain.

Mustard Compress.Rye flour mixed with thick mustard. Form cakes, attach to the foot. As usual, cover with a film and warm it.

Carrot compress.Shredded on a fine grater raw carrots mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and turpentine. Apply to inflamed joints, cover with film, warm.

Spirituous tincture of propolis.Tincture soak cotton cloth, apply to inflamed joints, top with film and warming toe.

Compress of burdock leaves.Stamp a few burdock leaves, cover with a film, put on a warm sock and leave it overnight.

Salt massage.Seawater should be heated in a frying pan to a tolerable temperature (it should not burn the skin), pour into a pelvis or a large cut of tissue. 5-10 minutes trample on the salt, then put on socks. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime.

Herbal infusions in the treatment of foot arthritis

In arthritis, the use of herbal preparations with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bactericidal action is applied. They facilitate the patient's condition, reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the disease.

All charges are brewed in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water, insist at least 30 minutes.

Gathering 1:flowers of black elderberry, willow bark, a leaf of a birch in a parity 4. Infusion of herbs is taken before meals up to 4 times a day for ½ cup.

Gathering 2:a leaf of a birch, a violet three-color, a leaf of a neetle in equal quantities. Infusion is taken by ½ cup 4 times daily before meals.

Dandelion.Roots and leaves of the plant brew with boiling water, insist 60 minutes. Take ¼ cup to 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Infusion of dandelion is used to treat gouty arthritis.

The use of folk remedies helps relieve exacerbation, reduce inflammation, and also prolong the stage of remission and prevent relapse of the disease. But it is important to remember two things.

First, folk recipes can be used as an auxiliary therapy, but do not replace medical treatment. Secondly, the treatment of arthritis is long.


To prolong the stage of remission and prevent relapses of the disease along with medical procedures it is very important to include some rules in your lifestyle and always follow them:

  • Smoked, spicy, salty and fatty foods are excluded from the nutritional diet;
  • eat lots of vegetables and fruits, greens, drink fresh juices;
  • include in the daily menu bread with bran and porridge;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • to refuse from alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Do not load feet, rest more;
  • follow the weight;
  • avoid injury;
  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • regularly perform medical gymnastics;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases and kidney pathology.

In addition, it is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid daily - this is one of the main conditions for successful treatment.

Especially useful are decoctions and infusions of lime, chamomile, St. John's wort, freshly squeezed carrot or cabbage juice (a glass of juice a day must be drunk).

If treatment at home does not have positive results, the symptomatology remains at the same level or is aggravated, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Medication and folk treatment for arthritis of the foot joints

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

Diseases of the joints occupy a leading position among the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis of the toes in this matter is no exception.

In most cases, such a disease is registered in patients of older age. One or more joints are involved in the inflammatory process.

Before treating arthritis of the joints of the foot, it is necessary to understand what triggered its appearance.

Arthritis of the joints of the toes is most often diagnosed in patients of the older age group


information for reading

Arthritis of the joints of the foot is polyethological disease. Inflammatory reactions can develop primarily (independently) or against the background of concomitant autoimmune, parasitic, infectious or metabolic diseases. The main causes of leg arthritis:

  • injuries of the joints;
  • helminthiases;
  • diabetes;
  • scleroderma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • reactive inflammation of the joints;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • sepsis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • brucellosis;
  • syphilis;
  • overweight;
  • flat feet.

There are a number of provocative factors contributing to the emergence of new and exacerbation of already available arthritis:

  • discomfortable shoes;
  • low-activity lifestyle;
  • taking certain medications;
  • supercooling;
  • age;
  • stress factors;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • pregnancy;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hypertension;
  • allergic reactions;
  • associated anomalies.

A low-level lifestyle and excessive weight can cause joint arthritis

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  1. How to recognize Still's disease in adults and children
  2. Proper nutrition in the fight against the development of joint arthritis


Arthritis of the joints of the foot is accompanied by quantitative and qualitative changes in synovia. Recall that the joints are surrounded by a bursa, which is lined with a synovial membrane that synthesizes the synovial fluid. Synovia is a lubricating component that facilitates the friction of joint surfaces.

It should be noted that all arthritis though have similar features, but they have different pathogenesis.

For example, with gouty arthritis of the big toe in the articular cavity accumulate urate, causing degenerative processes in the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested against the background of autoimmune pathology.

Microbial toxins (allergens) are combined with the body's antibodies, forming immune complexes that are fixed on the connective tissue of the joint surface. The immune system tries to inactivate the complexes formed, and at the same time it destroys its own connective tissue.

The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:

  1. Massage and folk remedies for the treatment of arthritis of the fingers
  2. Methods of pain blockade in periarthritis of joints


Any arthritis of the foot joints has a common clinic:

  • swelling of tissues;
  • painful sensations;
  • local hyperemia;
  • hyperthermia;
  • violation of gait.

Unbearable pain in the joint area - the main symptom of arthritis of the foot

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is a chronic pathology that causes deformity of the foot.Often presented illness becomes the cause of disability. The main signs of the disease:

  • unbearable pain when walking;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • edema and hyperemia in the affected area;
  • general malaise;
  • hyposalivation;
  • myalgia;
  • stiffness of movements, especially after a long rest;
  • increased regional lymph nodes.

Read also the article "Treatment of joint inflammation" on our portal.

Excessive production of synovial fluid in arthritis provokes the development of edema of the legs

Reactive arthritis

The disease is usually observed a month after the transferred urinary, intestinal or respiratory infection. It also causes joint swelling and pain. As a rule, not one but several joints are involved in the inflammatory process, which contributes to the development of polyarthritis.

Only an experienced doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment

Gouty Arthritis

The first attacks of arthritic arthritis of the joints of the foot are almost always short-term. The frequency of seizures can vary from 1 time per week-month to 1-2 times per year. The pathology clinic is quite typical:

  • hyperemia and swelling of the skin over the focus of inflammation;
  • one-sided defeat;
  • increased pain during movement;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • sometimes fever;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • Tofus formation.

Deposition of urates in the joint cavity with gouty arthritis of the foot

Methods of therapy

Symptoms and treatment of foot arthritis depend on the etiology of the underlying disease. The course of treatment is appointed by the doctor on an individual basis.

The basic means for treating arthritis of the foot are:

  • antimicrobial medicines (sulfonamides, antibiotics);
  • analgesics;
  • immunomodulators;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticoids.

Orthopedic insoles will help to cope with the problem of arthritis of the toes

In order to defeat the ailment, the medications alone are not enough. The auxiliary methods of treating foot arthritis include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • apitherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • ultrasound;
  • diet therapy;
  • aqua aerobics;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • ozokeritotherapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • sanatorium and health improvement;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • vitamin therapy.

Massage - an effective physiotherapeutic tool for the diagnosis of "inflammation of the joints of the foot"

How to treat foot arthritis at home

Before you begin treatment of arthritis of the toes, you need to consult with specialists - therapist, orthopedist, neurologist or rheumatologist.

Important! Cure arthritis with the help of traditional methods of medicine is impossible.

Recipes for enteral use

Recipes for oral administration are particularly suitable for the treatment of arthritis of small foot joints. In this case, an important role is played by eating certain foods: potato juice, turmeric, garlic, honey, cinnamon.

Decoction from the roots of mother-and-stepmother or burdock

To prepare a medicinal potion, a teaspoon of dry raw material is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. The broth is filtered and taken one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Decoction of leaves or berries cranberries

Ten grams of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, insist for 3-4 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and used for one st. spoon three times a day.

Foot baths - an effective tool that directly affects the pathological zone

Recipes for making compresses

The most common treatment for arthritis of the big toe is using compresses.

To this end, you can use a cabbage leaf, heated on fire (dry): grease honey and attach to the affected area, wrapped in polyethylene and a warm cloth. Keep all night.

As a warming compress used mustard with honey.

Arthritis of the big toe is treated with the help of trays prepared from broths and infusions. A good therapeutic effect gives sea salt. You can use decoctions of wormwood bitter, celandine or cyclamen.

Good also helps rubbing. Extracts are prepared on the basis of ethanol and medicinal plants (mother-and-stepmother, acacia, nettle, Kalanchoe, lilac flowers, burdock root, celery, propolis, horse chestnut flowers).

Paraffinotherapy will improve overall health, accelerate patient recovery

Watch your health, if you find the first signs of a pathology, ask for qualified help in the clinic. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable.


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