Bronchitis symptoms and treatment in adults

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

If this disease is treated lightly, it can develop into more serious pathologies. In non-neglected cases, the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be performed both in the hospital and at home. There is no single recipe that is suitable for everyone. To answer the question, how to cure bronchitis, it is necessary to understand what kind of illness it is. Physicians define it as an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa caused by infection or external factors.

Symptoms of bronchitis

For all types of bronchitis in the first stages are common symptoms. The main ones are: severe cough, sweating, chest pain, general weakness of shortness of breath, body aches, elevated body temperature. Symptoms of bronchitis can disturb a patient both during the day and at night. Often this leads to sleep disturbance, a disorder of the nervous system. Depending on the causes of the onset, several major types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • the smoker's bronchitis;
  • obstructive;
  • allergic.
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This type of bronchitis develops against the background of influenza, ARVI or sore throat. It is difficult to recognize such a "transition" independently. The symptoms of these diseases are similar (they can occur simultaneously):

  • cough - paroxysmal, deep, accompanied by sputum, sometimes "barking
  • hoarseness;
  • sore throat;
  • weakness;
  • elevated temperature (can last for several days);
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • coryza;
  • a spasm in the chest.

With a mild course of acute bronchitis, some symptoms may be absent. The duration of treatment directly depends on timely diagnosis, proper therapy. The recovery period for bronchitis in adults is 10-20 days. If the treatment does not help, and the disease does not recede, consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary procedures and suitable pills for bronchitis for adults. The main difference between the acute form of pathology and other types of disease is that it is contagious.


A distinctive sign of chronic bronchitis is the periodicity and duration. Periods of exacerbation often occur in the cold season. It is more difficult to get rid of such bronchitis than from an acute form, as it is characterized by residual phenomena, even after the course of treatment. Over the years, the disease can progress, take more severe forms. Identify this type of bronchitis can be on the characteristic symptoms.

Doctors diagnose the chronic form of the disease, if cough is present for more than three months a year, for two consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath even with a little physical exertion. This is explained by the deformation and blockage of the bronchi that occurs with chronic bronchitis.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Cough. With this form of the disease, it is persistent, uninterrupted, with a slight separation of sputum, recurrent. It is very difficult to stop the seizures.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • The color of sputum can be from yellow to brown, depending on the stage of the disease.


What is the smoker's bronchitis is well known to people who have this bad habit. It occurs due to the ingress of combustion products and harmful substances into the lungs. This form of the disease is characterized by a continuous cough with sputum discharge. Attacks of morning protracted cough begin immediately after awakening, repeated throughout the day. Bronchitis smoker begins as a one-sided, but eventually flows into a two-sided. If treatment is not performed, the disease progresses, leading to the development of pneumonia and chronic cough.


For any bronchitis, the main symptom is a cough. In obstructive form, seizures occur in the morning, after going to the cold, at the beginning of physical activity after rest. Often cough accompanied by spasms of bronchi. With this form of the disease, there is a shortness of breath after physical activity. At first, shortness of breath appears only after severe stress, but over time it occurs during daily activities or at rest. The main causes of obstructive bronchitis in adults:

  • Professional. The causative agent is harmful substances contained in the environment (for example, in hazardous industries). Getting into the body, they become the main cause of obstructive bronchitis.
  • Genetic. Determined by the method of taking tests and passing the survey.


In contrast to chronic or acute bronchitis, it is not infectious, so the use of antiviral drugs to treat the allergic form of the disease does not make sense. This type of pathology arises because of the acute sensitivity of the organism to any substance. Diagnosis of allergic bronchitis in adults will help list the symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature during exacerbation of bronchitis.
  • There is a relationship between external stimuli (the use of certain foods, finding near animals, taking medications) and coughing attacks.
  • The manifestation of uncharacteristic symptoms for bronchitis, for example, rashes on the skin.
  • Cough with bronchitis of allergic form - continuous, paroxysmal in the daytime.
  • The wheeze, whistling as you exhale.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient should consult a doctor - lung specialist. Only a specialist is able to prescribe the correct treatment for bronchitis in each individual case. It is not recommended to diagnose independently and engage in self-medication. For accurate diagnosis of pathology, adults are assigned such examinations and tests:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • listening to the patient with a phonendoscope;
  • sputum analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • computed tomography of the lungs (only with chronic bronchitis);
  • general blood analysis.

How to treat bronchitis in adults

If you do not know what means of treatment of bronchitis in adults are effective, self-medication should not be engaged. Lack of necessary care can lead to the fact that the disease will remain untreated. Treatment of bronchitis is not limited only to drug therapy. The complex approach successfully used physiotherapy: UHF treatment, inductothermal interblade area and halotherapy. The standard standard for the treatment of bronchitis includes 4 stages:

  1. Refusal from smoking, proper nutrition.
  2. The use of bronchodilators (salbutamol, erespal), the mechanism of their action is to stimulate the receptors, which leads to an expansion of the bronchi.
  3. The use of expectorant and mucolytic drugs that help to withdraw phlegm.
  4. The use of antibiotics (Augmentin, Biseptol) and antiviral drugs (Cycloferon).


Preparations of this group contribute to the removal of bronchospasm. According to the type of action, these funds from bronchitis are divided into three types: adrenomimetics, cholinolytics and combination preparations. They should be considered in more detail:

  1. Adrenomimetics. Relax muscles in the walls of the bronchi, removing the spasm. An example of such a drug is Salbutamol, which is used for asthmatic and chronic bronchitis. It is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, pregnant. Produced in different forms of the drug, there is a choice - take it inside or stab intramuscularly.
  2. Cholinolytics. They have a pronounced bronchodilating ability. A bright representative of such drugs is Erespal. It is an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator. Children under 14 years of age are prescribed as a syrup. Contraindicated with intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
  3. Combined preparations. Combine the actions of cholinolytics and adrenomimetics. Example - Berodual (International nonproprietary name - Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol). The actions of the components of the drug strengthen each other, which leads to a high effectiveness of treatment. The drug facilitates the condition with a dry or productive cough, it starts to act after 10-15 minutes.


The action of expectorants is aimed at excretion of sputum. This is a prerequisite for the treatment of bronchitis in adults. If the body can not independently get rid of a large amount of sputum, it stagnates, and the pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply actively in this environment. More often than other means doctors prescribe to adults such expectorants:

  • Mukaltin. It liquefies viscous sputum, facilitating its release from the bronchi.
  • Means based on the herb thermopsis - Termopsol and Kodelak Broncho.
  • Syrup Herbion, Stoptussin phyto, Bronchicum, Pertusin, Gelomirtol - are based on medicinal herbs.
  • ATSTS (acetylcysteine). Effective means of direct action. It has a direct effect on sputum. When you receive an erroneous dose, you may cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.


If the bronchitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. With a viral infection, they are useless. To select effective antibiotics for bronchitis, it is necessary to conduct a sputum examination. It will show what bacteria caused the disease. The list of antibiotics is now very wide, they should be selected by a doctor. Here are the main groups of such medicines:

  • Aminopenicillins - Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. The effect of these drugs is aimed at suppressing harmful microorganisms, but they do not cause harm to the patient's body.
  • Macrolides - Macropen, Sumamed, Azithromycin, Clacid. Directly block the multiplication of bacteria.
  • Fluoroquinolones - Moxifloxacin, Ofloxacin. Antibiotics of wide action. They are used to treat bronchitis, chlamydial infections, etc.
  • Cephalosporins - Cefazolin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone. Effects on microorganisms resistant to penicillin.
  • Flemoxin solute. Analog of Amoxicillin. Quickly absorbed into the blood. The form of release - tablets.


Treatment of bronchitis in adults with the help of inhalations is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  • antiseptic agents,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • vasoconstrictor,
  • hormonal,
  • mucolytics;
  • expectorating,
  • immunomodulators,
  • antibiotics,
  • bronchodilators.

The advantage of this method is the rapid absorption of the drug. Preparations with bronchitis have a very wide range of actions, the best option is to choose only a doctor. For inhalation, such devices are used:

  1. Steam inhalers. Effective in bronchitis are inhalations with essential oils and medicinal herbs.
  2. Thermal Inhalers. Are one of the most affordable devices for conducting procedures at home. With such inhalations, alkaline solutions and phytopreparations are used.
  3. The nebulizer. One of the most effective devices. With its help, treatment is performed at any stage of bronchitis. The device turns medicines into tiny particles that easily reach the focus of the disease.

The range of drugs for inhalation with the use of nebulizer is very wide. In the treatment scheme is often used Pulmicort or Ventolin (prevents and eliminates bronchospasm). The latter is contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 2 years of age and with individual intolerance to the components of the medication. Some medications for treating bronchitis, such as Ambroxol, in addition to tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injections are also available as a solution for inhalation.


Treatment of bronchitis in adults is carried out with topical preparations. To do this, ointments based on animal fats are used. They are applied by rubbing on the skin in the area of ​​the bronchi. The positive effect of the treatment is achieved by carrying out a gentle massage while applying the product. The ingredients have a warming effect, making the cough wet and lightening it. Ointments for the treatment of bronchitis can be purchased or prepared independently at home. Before using any of them it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.

Ready-made ointments are more convenient to use and more effective in the treatment of bronchitis, they contain much more useful substances. One of these drugs - Dr. IOM, which has a minimum of contraindications, is allowed for adults and children. Another popular treatment for bronchitis is bearish fat. It is applied either inside or outside. For the impact through the skin, balms Dr. Thyss, eucalyptus, "Star Bom-Benge ointment and Bormentol, badger fat can be used.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be successfully used as pharmacy drugs, and cooked according to the recipes of traditional medicine. These drugs and procedures are less effective, and the course of admission lasts much longer. Here are the folk remedies that have proven effective in the treatment of bronchitis in adults:

  • Aloe with honey. It is administered orally for half an hour before meals. A mixture is made of aloe, honey, melted lard and chocolate, taken in equal proportions.
  • Propolis. An alcohol tincture of this remedy is made and added to tea and herbal infusions of 15 drops. It has antibacterial properties.
  • Milk with soda. Successfully applied for chronic form of the disease and bronchitis of the smoker.
  • Potato inhalation. Proceed according to the scheme: boil potatoes in a uniform, remove from a plate, bending over a hot pan, inhale the steam for 10 minutes. To keep the potatoes cool, cover your head with a large towel.
  • Syrup of cranberries on vodka. Rub the berries (100 g), squeezing the juice, mix them with sugar (50 g). After bringing to a boil the syrup cool, and add a glass of vodka (200 ml). To withdraw phlegm, take 2-day before meals.
  • Bathhouse. Part in it only after consulting a doctor.
  • Warming. These procedures are carried out with a mixture of honey, mustard powder and flour (homemade mustard) or castor oil and turpentine. The mixture is superimposed on the chest area and on the back and left for the whole night. As a warming agent, papillary patches are also used.
  • Compresses. For compresses used honey-oil, potato-soda mixture. Honey compress is superimposed on the back, insulated with cotton wool and left on the patient's body until the morning.

Treatment of pregnant women

Medications prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis in adults (eg, Biseptol, Levomycetin) are strictly contraindicated in pregnant women. A complete lack of therapy can lead to fetal hypoxia, a threat of abortion, bleeding and other negative consequences. An x-ray examination, prescribed for diagnosis of the disease, is strictly contraindicated.

If you suspect a bronchitis, you should see a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe the necessary treatment, which may include:

  • Abundant drink. Milk, herbal tea, tea.
  • Anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions for sore throats.
  • Means that facilitate a dry cough - breastfeeding, lime tea, milk with honey.
  • Performance of exercises of respiratory gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises.
  • If a woman lives in an area with poor ecology, it will be useful to visit a sanatorium.
  • Physiotherapy (appointed only by a doctor).

If the cough does not pass in a month

Long-term treatment of bronchitis in adults at home often leads to the emergence of dangerous complications. If the cough does not go away after a month, contact the clinic. Refusal of treatment or trust in the knowledge of pharmacist pharmacist, in adults and in the elderly can cause the occurrence of bronchocarcitis, purulent infection, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis and a long rehabilitation.

If you followed all the doctor's prescriptions, took a medicine for bronchitis, but there was no improvement, the therapist should send you to the hospital with the transfer of the protocol of treatment. In the hospital, additional tests will be performed, you will be prescribed medication (antibiotics for adults, antiviral drugs) and procedures (dropper, physiotherapy procedures).

Video advice on the treatment of bronchial cough

Treatment of bronchitis is carried out by different methods. Remember that cough treatment is only part of complex therapy. Having looked at the videos below, you will find out which signs are the first to indicate the presence of bronchitis, what is the folk remedy for this disease. In the final video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky will explain by examples how one can not treat bronchitis (mentioning homeopathy).

First signs

Folk methods

Komarovsky about how you can not treat bronchitis

Signs of bronchitis in adults

Symptoms of bronchitis may vary depending on the type of bronchitis, the causes of the disease, the causative agent of bronchitis and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Types of bronchitis

Bronchitis- an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, triggered by a cold, SARS, influenza, adenovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmal, banal infection. The development of the disease is associated with a drop in the general resistance of the body, a decrease in the protective mechanisms of the immune system to the action of various pathogens - viruses, bacteria and fungi, as well as the action of various chemicals, allergens. Overcooling, stress, overwork, contact with patients during an epidemic situation - all this gives impetus to the onset of bronchitis. If a person starts bronchitis, the causes of its appearance and determine the classification of bronchitis in adults:

  • Toxic-chemical - can occur with a general poisoning of the body, inhaling poisonous and toxic air vapors
  • Infectious - appears under favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria, including atypical pathogens - chlamydia, mycoplasma.
  • Viral - most often is a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, and also it is caused by adenoviruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial and other viral infections
  • Tuberculosis - caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis in the development of tuberculosis in the bronchi
  • Mycobacterial - a rare species, occurs when the bronchi are affected by nontuberculous mycobacteria
  • Allergic - against the background of allergic reactions of the body can occur and allergic bronchitis. Progression of which can provoke obstructive bronchitis in adults and even the emergence of bronchial asthma.

Types of bronchitis downstream:

  • Acute - diffuse inflammation of the bronchi, characterized by a sharp onset and with proper treatment subsides for three to four weeks. Most often it is of an infectious nature, occurs with ARVI, influenza.
  • Chronic - a progressive inflammation of the bronchi, manifested by a constant cough, but not associated with lung damage. Currently, it is the most common form of respiratory disease. If the cough lasts 3 months a year in total and so for 2 years, then this is a sign of chronic bronchitis in adults. It is characterized by an alternation of phases of fade-out and exacerbation phases. In chronic bronchitis, symptoms are a triad - cough, sputum and shortness of breath. Sputum almost always in the mornings from meager to plentiful from mucous to purulent. Shortness of breath is more pronounced, the stronger the sclerosis in the bronchi or emphysema in the lungs. Since the symptoms are nonspecific, chronic bronchitis is always differentiated from lung cancer and bronchiectasis.

Types of bronchitis for development:

  • Primary - by name it is clear that it is localized on unchanged bronchi as an independent disease, while the pathological process does not go beyond the bronchi.
  • Secondary - occurs as an additional manifestation, a symptom against the background of another disease, as a complication of other pathological process.

Signs of bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis- Signs of bronchitis in adults of infectious nature with mild disease are characterized by the following:

  • Cough is dry, with time passing into the moist
  • Weakness, feeling of weakness
  • Discomfort in the chest
  • Subfebrile temperature, sometimes high
  • Hard breathing, dry wheezes
  • The blood test does not change

If the moderate bronchitis, the symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • A strong cough and as it overstrains muscles this leads to pain in the chest and stomach
  • General malaise, weakness clearly pronounced
  • Difficult breathing appears
  • Sputum is mucopurulent or purulent
  • Breath hard, rales dry and moist fine-bubbly

Allergic bronchitis -signs of bronchitis in adults are manifested when a person tends to allergic reactions. In contact with allergy-causing factors, for example, bird feathers and down, animal hair, household chemistry, perfumes, cosmetics, dust, seasonal plant pollen appear and the symptoms of an allergic bronchitis. Its feature is that sputum when coughing is not purulent in nature and body temperature does not increase. The disease stops as soon as contact with the exciting allergen ceases.

Allergic bronchitis - symptoms:

  • the temperature does not increase
  • dry scattered rales appear
  • breathlessness on exhale
  • labored breathing
  • exacerbation in contact with an allergen is quickly replaced by remission after limiting the provoking factor

Toxic bronchitis, chemical bronchitis- the disease of the respiratory tract begins due to the entry into the respiratory tract of various acid vapors, organic and inorganic dust, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Signs of bronchitis in adults of toxic-chemical origin are:

  • loss of appetite
  • headache
  • agonizing cough
  • shortness of breath, even asphyxiation
  • stitching pain in chest
  • increased respiratory failure
  • increases in hypoxemia
  • cyanosis of mucous membranes
  • hard breathing
  • dry wheezes

Acute bronchitis - symptoms:

  • severe cough, first dry, then moist
  • high temperature 38-39 degrees
  • general malaise, weakness
  • increased sweating
  • chills, fatigue, lack of working capacity
  • symptoms can be pronounced, or moderate
  • when listening - hard breathing, scattered rales
  • pains in the chest
  • with a serious course of the disease - dyspnea
  • duration of acute bronchitis 14 days

With prolonged nature of inflammation and inadequate treatment, as well as with further decrease of immunity, acute infectious bronchitis becomes chronic. Acute bronchitis is most often treated without the use of antibiotics, but in some casesantibiotics for bronchitis in adultsare needed. With any cough, general malaise, the patient should examine the doctor and send for radiography, for clinical blood tests. Usually, these methods for diagnosis and differentiation of bronchitis is sufficient.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults - symptoms and treatment

The diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis in adults is associated with prolonged inflammation, accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree. The disease leads to a narrowing of the bronchi, which prevents sputum and hampers the ventilation of the lungs.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in adults

The disease is characterized by several specific features:

  1. A strong cough that does not give rest. Attacks of dry cough are especially strong at night. Sputum is separated severely.
  2. Minor physical exertion provokes dyspnea.
  3. In adults, acute obstructive bronchitis leads to an increase in temperature. However, this species is rare in adult patients. With the development of a chronic form of pathology, the temperature may not rise, since the weakened immunity already practically does not fight the disease.
  4. At any form there is high fatigue.

It is worth noting that obstructive bronchitis in chronic form is difficult to treat.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the disease can be complicated by such pathologies as bronchial asthma or pneumonia. Sometimes changes caused by bronchitis become irreversible.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is based on symptoms, as well as causes. For example, often a chronic disease occurs as a result of smoking. The patient needs to abandon the habit to achieve a positive effect. Statistics say that 80% of those suffering from chronic obstructive bronchitis are smokers.

The program for treatment of acute pathology includes adherence to bed rest at the initial stage. Gradually introduce small loads, such as short walks.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of irritation of bronchial mucosa. Therefore, the contact of the patient with household chemicals, cigarette smoke or cosmetic means should be minimized. From the diet exclude sharp, salty foods, fatty and fried foods.

Medication therapy includes the following drugs:

  1. Antibiotic. Antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis in adults are used in case of severe clinical picture, if other drugs do not have a pronounced positive effect.
  2. Mucolytic. Allow to translate dry cough into wet and facilitate the departure of phlegm.
  3. Adrenoreceptors. Thanks to these drugs, bronchial tubes expand.

Simultaneously with drug therapy, it is allowed to use folk recipes, which should be agreed with the attending physician.

Folk remedies for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

You can use the unique properties of black radish.

Medication Receptor


  • black radish juice - 500 ml;
  • liquid honey - 200 ml.

Preparation and use

The components are mixed and cleaned in a refrigerator. Before use, the mixture should be warmed to room temperature. A day take 5-6 tablespoons of the mixture.

Treatment of the chronic form of obstructive bronchitis in adults is often performed with the help of a decoction of raisins.

The recipe for broth

  • raisins - 100 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.

Preparation and use

Rinsed raisins are steamed with boiling water. The liquid is brought to a boil and then heated for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered off and allowed to cool to room temperature. Drink the product on the day of preparation for several receptions.

Also useful are inhalations of herbal decoctions, which can be prepared from sage, raspberry leaves, linden, pine buds. A good effect is also possessed by breathing exercises. A quick separation of sputum is provided by massage procedures.

Acute bronchitis in adults treatment and symptoms

This is an acute, reversible inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa of infectious or non-infectious etiology. Acute bronchitis in adults, whose treatment and symptoms we now consider, often begins with a background of acute rhinitis or laryngitis.

Acute bronchitis in adults - symptoms of disease

Symptoms of the disease:

1. sadness behind the sternum,

2. dry, less often wet cough,

3. weakness,

4. The temperature at symptoms of an acute bronchitis can be normal.

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In patients with moderate bronchitis, they are very pronounced in adults:

1. general malaise,

2. weakness,

3. severe dry cough with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath,

4. pain in the lower parts of the chest, associated with overstrain of the muscles when coughing.

Development of symptoms of acute bronchitis

Inflammatory process with acute viral bronchitis, as in acute respiratory diseases, has a descending character, affecting first the nasopharynx, the larynx, and then the trachea, large and medium bronchi. Viral infection with symptoms of acute bronchitis damages the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa, leads to death and sluschivaniyu, violation of mucociliary clearance. At the same time, receptors of the irrigant type are exposed, increasing the sensitivity of the bronchi to the effects of nonspecific factors of the environment. This determines the formation of the leading symptoms of the disease - coughing and separation of sputum. Along with the damage and death of the epithelium, the number and size of goblet cells increase.

For any acute bronchitis (mostly allergic), a large number of biologically active substances (histamine, cytokines, leukotrienes) are produced, excreted by mast and other cells. This leads to an increase in vascular permeability, there is edema of the bronchial mucosa and in some cases bronchospasm. In addition to local influence, infectious agents can have general inflammatory changes in the body.

The main syndromes of acute bronchitis:

1. general inflammatory,

2. local inflammatory changes in the bronchi,

3. bronchial discretion,

4. intoxication,

5. asthenic,

6. bronchoobstructive (rarely),

7. Respiratory failure (with massive lesions of small bronchi),

8. bronchial wall remodeling.

Acute bronchitis in adults - treatment of the disease

The treatment plan for acute bronchitis is approximately as follows:

1. The course of antibiotics, which the doctor appoints for treatment;

2. Vitamins plus sulfonamides are also prescribed by a doctor;

3. More time spending in bed;

4. Quit smoking! Abandon other habits that do not benefit your body;

5. Massage and physical education to cure bronchitis;

6. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electroprocedures) in the treatment of acute bronchitis;

7. Inhalation from bronchitis;

8. Mustards;

9. Compresses from bronchitis (warming);

10. A warm drink - in large quantities.

During treatment of acute bronchitis it is necessary to follow the diet. Prepared food for bronchitis should contain many calories, should contain a large number of vitamins (C, B1, B12, B6, A).

Methods of medicamentous treatment of acute bronchitis

Treatment of acute bronchitis in adults is most often performed at home and includes the fight against intoxication (abundant warm drink with using sudorific and antipyretic agents, less often - intravenous injection of detoxification solutions), maintenance of drainage function bronchus (expectorant and mucolytic agents, inhalation of infusions of herbs up to 6-8 times a day, warm steam inhalations), etiotropic and symptomatic therapy.

Etiotropic therapy includes antiviral drugs (Remantadine, Interferon), inhalation of phytoncids. When the bacterial infection is attached (mucopurulent sputum character, temperature increase), Antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics with maximum effectiveness in diseases of upper respiratory paths). In foreign guidelines recommendations on the use of antibiotics are given only after the determination of the bacterial flora or for a cough duration of more than 14 days.

Symptomatic treatment of acute bronchitis in adults includes, if necessary, means: antipyretic, suppressing irritant cough (antitussive), bronchodilator, antihistamine, modulating the general and local immunity, as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

Physical methods of treatment of acute bronchitis are prescribed for relief of acute inflammation (anti-inflammatory methods of treatment acute bronchitis), the restoration of normal mucus in the tracheobronchial tree (mucolytic treatment of acute bronchitis). In the formation of bronchiolitis, methods are shown that reduce bronchial obstruction (bronchodilator treatment of acute bronchitis). Taking into account segmental-reflex innervation of the bronchi at the stage of resolving the inflammatory process, there may be the methods annoying the free nerve endings (local-irritating methods of treatment of acute bronchitis).

Methods of topical treatment of acute bronchitis

Vacuum massage. The mechanism of action is associated with both mechanical effect on viscous sputum and with the reflex action of autohemotherapy from interstitial hemorrhages. Due to skin-visceral reflexes pulmonary blood flow increases, drainage of small airways improves.

Coughing up sputum and reducing bronchial obstruction occurs immediately after the first procedure of this method of treatment of acute bronchitis. The effectiveness of vacuum massage in the treatment of acute bronchitis depends on the amount of sputum released: with a large production efficiency is higher.

Local barotherapy, as a method of locally irritating treatment of acute bronchitis. Perform a large jar with smooth edges. The diameter of the neck is about 6 cm, the capacity is 200 ml. The can is moved for 10-12 minutes. Procedures are done every other day; course 5 - 6 procedures.

Long-term aerotherapy as a method of treating acute bronchitis in adults (during recovery) is a prolonged (including sleep) effect of fresh air on the patient. Excitation of mechanoreceptors and heat-sensitive structures of the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract with cool air leads to an increase in the respiratory volume and alveolar ventilation followed by an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen (Rdk). There is an increase in heart rate, left ventricular UO and blood pressure. As a result, oxygen is absorbed rapidly by the blood and accelerates its delivery to the tissues. Long-term aerotherapy for the treatment of acute bronchitis is carried out on a weak or moderate regimen.

Contraindications to the locally irritating treatment of acute bronchitis in adults:

1. acute purulent inflammatory diseases of the lungs,

2. bronchial asthma with frequent and severe attacks,

3. spontaneous pneumothorax,

4. pulmonary embolism,

5. solitary cysts of large size, chronic lung abscess.

Causes and prevention of acute bronchitis in adults

The causes of the disease include viral and bacterial infections, toxic-allergic influences, chemical and physical factors (cold or, conversely, hot air), radiation radiation. The most common cause of acute bronchitis is still viral or viral-bacterial infections, and with a mixed nature of infection along with viruses that are detected in 70% of cases, pneumococcus is detected in 60%, mycoplasma - in 38%, hemophilic rod - in 16% of cases.

If the main cause of acute bronchitis is an infection, the provoking factors are hypothermia, contact with allergens and irritants. Contribute to the development of the disease:

1. asthenization,

2. altered immunity,

3. hypovitaminosis,

4. concomitant infectious and non-infectious diseases.

5. smoking;

6. chronic focal infection in the region of the upper respiratory system;

7. violation of free nasal breathing,

8. deformation of the chest.

Prevention of acute bronchitis in adults

But, the most important thing is not to treat bronchitis, it is better to prevent it. Prevention is no different from the usual measures that you use for a cold. Increase immunity, do hardening, quit smoking, try to protect yourself as much as possible from adverse production factors. Timely measures taken will help avoid long-term treatment of bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis: symptoms and nuances of treatment in adults

When chronic bronchitis is manifested, every person who cares about his health should know the symptoms and treatment in adults. Under chronic bronchitis is meant a prolonged sluggish or progressive inflammation, localized in the bronchi. The development of bronchitis can only be discussed if its main symptom (cough) does not stop for 3 months. Such a time frame is indicated for a reason. The whole point is that if all cases of protracted cough were called bronchitis, then there would be no more no person who at any stage of life would not have been diagnosed as "chronic bronchitis".

This ailment can develop in any person, but it is especially often diagnosed in people whose work includes frequent stay in harmful conditions with respect to the bronchial-pulmonary system and in smokers of people. These 2 factors are irritating to the bronchial mucosa, which leads to the maintenance of the inflammatory process.

Chronic bronchitis becomes the cause of violations of bronchial patency, mechanisms of local immunity and outflow of bronchial secretions. This all leads to the fact that getting rid of the disease completely is impossible. Against the background of such changes, an infection is activated, the progression of which can lead to lung disease. Disease of the lungs, except for a strong cough, is characterized by respiratory failure.

Symptomatology of the disease

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis are very diverse. The most common of these are:

  • cough, as mentioned above, it is this symptom is the main sign of the development of chronic bronchitis;

Cough can be wet or dry and accompanied by sputum, which is a protective mechanism of the bronchial tree, which seeks to get rid of accumulated mucus. The presence of a violation of the normal patency of small bronchi can be indicated by a dry cough, accompanied by remote wheezing.

  • dyspnea;

For the onset of this symptom, the inflammatory process must progressively increase, be very active, or take a very long period of time (more than 10 years). Dyspnea often appears in people with a long history of smoking and people who are often diagnosed with seasonal exacerbations of cough. Such patients before the appearance of dyspnea do not even suspect that they are sick. For them, a morning dry cough with a small amount of sputum is the norm. The appearance of dyspnoea in such patients is mistakenly perceived as the onset of an ailment.

In obstructive forms of chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, as a rule, occurs from the very beginning of the disease. First, these unpleasant sensations can occur only during strong physical exertion. But very soon the dyspnea begins to disturb even in moments of complete rest.

  • sputum;
As mentioned above, the described ailment is often accompanied by phlegm. The released liquid can be transparent or colored in a yellow-brown or black hue. The color of sputum directly depends on the cause of the disease. During the exacerbation of the disease, a viscous purulent sputum of green color appears in the patient. Such symptoms of bronchitis talk about the activation of microbial flora and require immediate medical attention.
  • hemoptysis;

This unpleasant symptom does not always appear in the presence of chronic bronchitis. The appearance of blood indicates severe complications and progression of the disease.

  • wheezing - due to the presence of sputum in the lumen of the sputum, air turbulence occurs, which is manifested by wheezing.

During an exacerbation of the chronic form of a bronchitis at the patient dry rales, and during remission - wet appear.

Whatever signs of chronic bronchitis in adults, the first appearance of them should immediately consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will quickly diagnose an ailment and write out the correct treatment that will help cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Medication for ailment

In the period of exacerbation of the disease and with symptoms of intoxication, doctors prescribe antibiotics to the patient. The most commonly prescribed penicillins, cephalosporins 2 generations or fluoroquinolones. The doctor selects an antibiotic, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the patient. Self-administration of these medicines is prohibited. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause serious complications.

Treatment of this ailment also implies the use of expectorants. Equally effective are reflex preparations and agents that help to dissolve sputum. The first group includes medicines with plantain, ivy extract and potassium iodide, to the second - Mukodin and ATSTS. No less effective are mucoregulators, which also contribute to liquefaction and sputum excretion.

When there is shortness of breath in adults, it is necessary to take bronchodilators.Experts recommend giving their preference to inhalation forms of such drugs. A great popularity is enjoyed by Atrovent and Salmeterol. Within 1 day should be done at least 6 breaths of this medication.

To increase resistance to colds in winter, doctors advise taking vitamins, immunomodulators and adaptogens. Vitamins B and C are very useful. At present, for these purposes, bacterial immunocorrectors are increasingly used, which are a kind of vaccination designed to combat the most common pathogens of organ infection respiration.

Treatment with folk remedies

Chronic bronchitis can be treated not only with medicines, but also popular recipes of traditional medicine. People's means can be cooked at home without much difficulty.

Well removes the inflammatory process of infusion from pine buds - 5 tablespoons of kidneys should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting consistency should be postponed for 24 hours. The finished medicine must be stored in the refrigerator and consumed 1/3 cup in the morning before meals. This drug fights with wheezing in chronic bronchitis.

No less popular is infusion of 2 spoons of leaves of plantain and the same number of mother-and-stepmother. The resulting mixture must be poured, with a liter of water, put on a fire and bring to a boil. Ready medicine should be eaten three times in knock on ½ cup. As practice shows, the condition is normalized after a couple of days, but the course of treatment should not last less than 30 days.

Home treatment of the above described disease can be carried out with the help of tincture from licorice root - 100 gr of licorice root should be grated and poured into 500 ml of vodka. The remedy should be insisted in a dark place for 7 days. Ready tincture should be ingested 1 drop each morning before eating. The course of treatment is 21 days. This liquid has excellent expectorant properties.

The following collection also possesses the same properties: 20 grams of field horsetail must be mixed with 10 grams of coltsfoot and the same number of plantain leaves. The mixture should be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 24 hours. After this, 3 spoons of flax seeds should be added to the resulting consistency and boiled over medium heat for no more than 15 minutes. In the finished tincture, add a few spoons of honey and use it every morning for 40 days.

When exacerbating bronchitis, it is important to use a sufficient amount of fluid. Doctors advise in the presence of this ailment during the day to drink at least 3, a liter of clean water without gases. Also very useful is the alkaline mors and 500 ml of Borjomi, diluted with the same amount of hot milk.

Additional points

Do not forget about proper nutrition.

In the diet of the patient must be present a sufficient number of foods containing many proteins and vitamins. Against the background of general intoxication and high temperature, it is recommended to go hungry for a while. And, of course, you should definitely give up smoking and work with increased harmfulness (frequent hypothermia, work with paint materials, dusty production).


Before using any, even the most effective means for chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will tell you about possible complications of home treatment and will give all the necessary recommendations.

One of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children is bronchitis. If children get sick, mostly with acute bronchitis, then, becoming older, more people face the chronic form of this disease. Smoking, environmental contamination, frequent ARVI and colds all this provokes the risk of upper respiratory tract diseases and complicates the treatment of bronchitis in adults.

Causes and symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. It occurs as a result of hypothermia, adverse environmental factors, frequent colds or as a result of decreased immunity. More than 10% of the adult population of our country have these or other symptoms of bronchitis, in adults it is associated with air pollution in large industrial cities, a large number of people who smoke cigarettes and with other factors. Also, allergic or asthmatic bronchitis is common.

With bronchitis inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane provokes constant attacks of dry or wet cough, pain in the chest and disruption of the normal breathing process.

Chronic bronchitis in adults is manifested by constant coughing, arising or worse with the inhalation of cold air, smoke or chemical vapors. During an exacerbation there are also other symptoms of bronchitis in adults - sore throat, chest pain, bouts of coughing with the separation of mucous or mucopurulent sputum, an increase in body temperature, other signs of intoxication organism.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of bronchitis depends on the type of disease, but in all cases the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Bed rest is a complete rest and sleep,
  2. Drugs that improve spitting and promote bronchial cleansing,
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs,
  4. Means to improve immunity.

When treating any type of disease, the patient needs to provide a full rest and sleep, he should spend as much time as possible in bed, avoid physical exertion and nervous overwork. You can not tolerate bronchitis on your feet, even if it seems that it does not affect the overall because in this case there is a very high risk of complications and the chronic form. It is better to devote 10-14 days to complete treatment and get rid of the disease forever.

During the treatment of the patient it is necessary to drink warm alkaline solutions, this will help cough and restore the level of fluid in the body. It is recommended to drink at least 2, L warm milk, mineral water without gas, infusions of wild rose or other berries. All drinks should be warm.

Inhalation is one of the best tools to help quickly get rid of the symptoms of bronchitis. You can carry out inhalations with the help of special devices or simply inhaling hot steam over a cup with a decoction of chamomile, string, boiled potatoes and other folk remedies. It also helps to breathe hot steam in a tea tree, citrus or rosemary oil dissolved in clothes. To prepare a solution for inhalation, it is enough to throw a few tablespoons of dried plants into boiling water or to drop 5-19 drops of aromatic oil.

Humidification of the air - apart from inhalations, to alleviate symptoms such as coughing, chest pain and lack of air will help moisturize the air. This is especially important in the treatment of chronic bronchitis caused by the ingress of dust into the respiratory tract, chemical residues or smoking.

Mucolytic and expectorants - help to thin phlegm, facilitate its excretion and purify bronchi. For the treatment use the infusion of licorice root, ambroxol, ACC, bromhexine and other medicines.

Means for increasing the general and local immunity - vitamins, immunostimulants, restorative means.

Treatment of the main types of bronchitis

Acute simple bronchitis in adults, usually develops against a background of a viral infection, its treatment does not differ from ARVI treatment and is performed, according to the scheme described above.

Purulent bronchitis - not infrequently on the background of a viral infection, with a decrease in the defenses of the body, general exhaustion or inadequate treatment, a bacterial infection joins the viral infection. This greatly worsens the general condition of the patient, signs of intoxication of the body appear, sputum becomes purulent - dense white or green, with visible veins of pus. In this case, treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is necessary. Usually used drugs penicillin series, cefazolines or macrolides. But, only the doctor can accurately determine whether or not to prescribe antibiotics and choose the appropriate drug.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis is much more difficult and requires a lot of effort from the patient and his attending physician. Due to the constant effect on the mucous membrane of inflammation resulting from frequent viral infections or ingress of dust particles into the bronchi and smoke, hypersecretion of phlegm develops, the mucous membrane gradually atrophies and relieve the symptoms of chronic bronchitis becomes very difficult.

Such therapy involves the use of all the above methods, in addition, you need to increase immunity and restore the body's defenses. To do this, use the courses of immunostimulants and immunomodulators, physiotherapy, curative gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics and many other ways. In order to cure chronic bronchitis it is necessary to abandon bad habits and, if necessary, change the place of work.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis - obstructive bronchitis develops as a result of a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi during spasm and edema of the mucous membrane. This leads to a violation of the function of external respiration, a constant shortage of air and the development of oxygen starvation and respiratory failure. To reduce obstruction use drugs that help to expand the bronchi - salbutamol, terbutaline, fenoterol and others.

Allergic bronchitis develops when the allergen hits the bronchial mucosa. This causes a general allergic reaction and, as a consequence, edema and bronchial obstruction. At an allergic bronchitis usual means of a biscuit do not help or assist. To get rid of the disease you need to find and eliminate contact with the allergen, and if you can not, start taking antihistamines.

With the timely and proper treatment of bronchitis, all signs of the disease pass for 2 weeks, most importantly do not forget to comply with all the prescriptions doctor, even after getting rid of the symptoms of the disease and do not forget about the measures of general prevention - increasing immunity, playing sports and refusing harmful habits.

Bronchitis in adults: symptoms and treatment. Allergic bronchitis: symptoms in an adult

Almost every one of us is familiar with such a phenomenon as coughing. Some people do not pay attention to him, but in vain. It can very easily develop into more serious problems, which will require long-term treatment. In this article we will try to understand what constitutes bronchitis in adults. Symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease will be discussed in detail below.

What is bronchitis?

This disease refers to respiratory diseases, which occur quite often. During bronchitis inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and bronchioles occurs. The causative agents of this disease can be both bacteria and viruses. You can also observe bronchitis of allergic origin.

The epithelial tissue of the bronchi begins to swell, pus accumulates there. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, because of this breathing becomes difficult, a cough appears. If you do not know how the bronchitis manifests in adults, these symptoms should already alert you.

Types of bronchitis

Any disease can manifest itself in different ways, hence its forms and species are distinguished. If we talk about the course of bronchitis, then it happens:

  • Acute. Most often accompanies viral infections, from which a person is not completely rid of.
  • Chronic formusually has periods of exacerbation and remission, when a person feels completely normal.

Since the provocateur of bronchitis can be various pathogens, depending on this, there are the following forms:

  • Viral bronchitis.Appears often as a complication after a viral infection, such as influenza, ARVI.
  • Infectious- cause a variety of bacteria.
  • Allergic bronchitisdevelops as a manifestation of an allergy to a certain antigen.
  • Toxico-chemical bronchitiscan appear after poisoning the body with toxic substances.

Depending on what type of bronchitis in adults, the symptoms will differ.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

Bronchitis never passes asymptomatically, so it is easy to suspect that the disease is at its core. Symptoms of acute bronchitis in adults look like this:

  1. The body temperature rises sharply.
  2. There is a strong dry cough with perspiration and a burning sensation in the chest. After a few days, it becomes wet, and sputum begins to depart.
  3. Decreased efficiency.
  4. Fast fatiguability.
  5. Severe sweating.
  6. Pain in the chest.
  7. Chills occasionally appear.
  8. If the doctor during this period listens to the patient, then in the chest can be heard wheezing.
  9. Breath is heavy.

If a person suffers a serious illness, then more breathing may be added. This can be explained by the obstruction of bronchial lumens or their spasm. Such bronchitis is called obstructive. Symptoms of bronchitis in an adult person in this case will still be in the form of a paroxysmal cough.

Chronic illness

Bronchitis in chronic form does not bother the person constantly, it is then in the stage of remission, then again becomes aggravated. During this period, you can observe the following symptoms:

  1. Wet cough, in which there is a sputum purulent discharge. In the first days of exacerbation, cough can torment a person in the morning, and then appears day and night.
  2. The body temperature rises.
  3. At night, increased sweating.
  4. Decreased efficiency.
  5. The person is freezing, there may be shortness of breath.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in adults can appear at a fairly young age, if a person has such a bad habit, like smoking. With age, exacerbations occur more often, and symptoms appear brighter.

Allergic bronchitis

Quite often allergic reactions are accompanied by a cough. If the diagnosis of "allergic bronchitis symptoms in adults can be such:

  • It's hard to breathe and when you're exhaling, you get breathless.
  • There are dry wheezes.
  • There are no significant changes in the bronchi on the radiographic image.
  • Regular increase in symptoms, especially after contact with allergens.
  • Body temperature, as a rule, remains at a normal level.

It is important to diagnose allergic bronchitis in time. Symptoms in adults and in children usually manifest the same. Treatment is very different, unlike an infectious disease. Calms only that if you negate contact with allergens, then such a bronchitis will quickly leave you.

Causes of bronchitis

Very often, the symptoms of bronchitis in an adult begin to appear if complications of a viral infection occur. Also, untreated ORZ may well end with a cough. The causative agents are usually viruses or bacteria. Very rarely, chlamydia or mycoplasma may act as a provocateur of bronchitis.

The viral form can gradually change to bacterial. There are several reasons that contribute to the development of this disease:

  1. Weak immunity.
  2. Sharply changes in temperature.
  3. Prolonged exposure to damp cold air.
  4. Exposure to dust and smoke.
  5. Harmful vapors of chlorine, ammonia, alkalis.
  6. Infectious diseases of the nose, throat or mouth.
  7. Congenital pathologies in the upper respiratory tract.
  8. Traumas of the chest can also provoke the appearance of bronchitis.

Many doctors are sure that with age, the likelihood of getting sick increases, especially if a person smokes.

The main ways to treat bronchitis

Any disease can be treated more effectively, if you approach it in a comprehensive manner. Among the main directions of treatment of bronchitis are:

  1. Drug therapy.If there is bronchitis, the symptoms in adults can not be eliminated without taking medication.
  2. Physiotherapeutic proceduresalso are a good helper in the treatment of bronchitis.
  3. Folk methods of treatment.

If the bronchitis (symptoms) is detected in time, the treatment in adults always ends up quite successfully.

Medications for the treatment of bronchitis

Folk methods, various physiotherapeutic procedures, although able to alleviate the condition of the patient, but you can completely cope with the disease, only taking medications. Among them, there are several groups that doctors usually prescribe for fighting bronchitis:

  • Preparations from dry cough, for example "Lazolvan "Sinekod "Libeksin".
  • Drugs that help to sputum. This group includes "Mukaltin "Ambroxol".
  • Antibiotic drugs are usually prescribed if there is a threat of developing pneumonia. The most effective are "Amoxil "Azithromycin "Ceftriaxone".
  • Since bronchitis is accompanied by fever, it is justified to take antipyretics.
  • In the course of treatment, you can add immunostimulants, which will help strengthen immunity.
  • If bronchospasm develops, bronchodilators are recommended, for example, "Neofilin "Salbutamol".

All medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor, do not self-medicate, so as not to earn undesirable problems.

Usually, after several days of intensive and proper treatment, bronchitis recedes, the symptoms in adults start to appear less and less.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the treasury of traditional healers there are also recipes for the treatment of bronchitis. The most popular are the following:

  1. Tea with honey and lemon perfectly softens, has anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to drink 3-4 times a day.
  2. Garlic - an excellent antimicrobial agent, if it is used daily, it is good not only in treatment, but also in prevention. You can prepare a mixture of three chopped garlic heads, 2 tablespoons of honey. Pour a liter of warm water, insist 10 hours and take 1 tablespoon before eating.
  3. It is useful to put mustard on the chest before going to bed. Mustard warms well and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Receiving broth from raspberry leaves promotes the sputum.

Well, inhalation helps, for their use you can use various medicinal herbs, for example chamomile, sage. Hot air gives a local anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to carry out inhalations every day 2-3 times.

If you comprehensively treat bronchitis in adults, the symptoms will very soon stop bothering you.

Prevention of disease

Since almost every one of us suffers from cold illnesses, we can not save ourselves from bronchitis, but we can reduce the likelihood of its appearance. For this, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  1. In the season of colds, avoid severe hypothermia.
  2. Do not make contact with people who are sick with viral infections.
  3. It is necessary to reduce contact with allergens.
  4. Take vitamins, so that your immunity is always on guard for health.
  5. Temper, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Refuse bad habits.

If you follow these recommendations, then bronchitis can hurt more rarely. Any disease is always easier to prevent than to spend time, energy and money on his treatment.

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