
Can I get pneumonia from another person?

Can pneumonia be transmitted from person to person?The cause of inflammation of the lungs in adults and children are bacteria and viruses. How do they penetrate the body?The upper respiratory tract of man is inhabited not only by "good" microorganisms. Among them there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microbes. These are bacteria that normally do not cause any diseases. But if the general or local immunity is weakened, how they are immediately introduced, multiply, and cause the disease...

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What hurts with pneumonia

What does a person suffer from pneumonia?If a person is sick with pneumonia, he needs to know what hurts when he has pneumonia. This disease is considered quite dangerous and unpredictable. Incorrect treatment tactics and late detection of the disease can lead to death. Signs of pneumonia are similar to the symptoms of such respiratory diseases, which leads to difficult diagnosis without the necessary medical examinations.Treatment of the disease lasts a long time and completely depends on th...

  • 23-Aug-2018
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Can I get pneumonia from a patient?

Inflammation of the lungs: contagious or not?Inflammation of the lungs is a very dangerous disease, cured only under the supervision of a doctor and only in a medical institution.After using inflammatory processes in the lungs with the help of drugs, complications of pneumonia can develop in the body.Quite often, people who have suffered pneumonia, remain foci of sclerosis in the lungs, that is, spikes are formed, and in some areas of the lungs there are spikes.As a result, the person develop...

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Pain in pneumonia

Where and how does it hurt in case of pneumonia?Answers:MARCH OF SNEGOVTemperature, severe cough.Ingasevere dry cough, persistent fevernik_1At me not where did not hurt or be ill; be sick.. . there was a temperature and a cough beganLyudmila PetlitskayaThe back hurts, it can be hard to breathe. And sometimes it does not hurt at alldr. Drew"Typical" pneumonia is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, a cough with profuse discharge of purulent sputum and in some cases pleural pain. In th...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Dangerous inflammation of tuberculosis or pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs or tuberculosis, I can not figure it out ...Answers:ComaIn the hospital, you will not catch tuberculosis... because they are infectious there in sterile boxes... and in the common chambers are only non-contagious... honey. The staff does not become infected... it is better to lie down for a normal examination, the further the house is to sit and guess1256 1256you need to do more testsexKressWith a closed form, sputum culture can be negativeyou have to pass the testsM...

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Bilateral pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia: symptoms, causes, treatment. Two-sided pneumonia in childrenBilateral pneumonia is an acute inflammatory process that passes into the lungs, and the cause is the pathogenic microflora. It is she who breaks through the immune mechanisms of body protection and is accompanied by the defeat of respiratory organs. Today we find out what are the causes and consequences of this ailment, and we will find out how we can overcome this disease so that complications do not arise.Two-...

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Complications after pneumonia in adults

What are the consequences of pneumonia in adults?Complications and other consequences of pneumonia in adults are not very common in our time, but this is not an excuse to treat the disease lightly. A similar problem is a phenomenon although it is quite rare, but so serious that it is precisely to realize the essential The danger of such a disease and strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor is a must. We need to ensure that getting rid of the disease is final, not to allow "untreat...

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Can I smoke with pneumonia?

Smoking with pneumoniaAnswers:Hope VnukovaTobacco smoke almost all settles in the bronchi, does not reach the lungs. But! nicotine spreads blood everywhere, inhibits metabolism, interferes with the active work of antibiotics. Inflammation will be treated longer, residual effects in the form of sputum will "delight" twice as long. Conclusions make yourself)))ken laedait is not necessary-it will be badregion of bathingLet the lungs at least get well, and then smoke if you so want!RegishaNo cate...

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How long is pneumonia treated in adults?

PNEUMONIA, HOW MUCH DAYS ARE TREATED ???Answers:.The disease, if it is really serious, should be treated in a hospital. It should be understood that a mild illness is treated in a polyclinic, at home, and a heavy one in a hospital. Severe pneumonia is treated in the hospital for about 2 weeks. However, these terms can vary depending on the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathology and reserve body forces. Pneumonia is treated in the pulmonological or therapeutic department ...

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Pneumonia symptoms in adults

Pneumonia in adultsPneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection. The initial diagnosis is usually based on the chest x-ray.Causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and prognosis depend on whether the infection is bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic; hospital, or hospitalized in a nursing home; develops in an immunocompetent patient or against a background weakened immunity.Code for the ICD-10 J18 Pneumonia without specifying the pathogenEpidemiologyPneumonia is one ...

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