Complications after pneumonia in adults

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What are the consequences of pneumonia in adults?

Complications and other consequences of pneumonia in adults are not very common in our time, but this is not an excuse to treat the disease lightly. A similar problem is a phenomenon although it is quite rare, but so serious that it is precisely to realize the essential The danger of such a disease and strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor is a must. We need to ensure that getting rid of the disease is final, not to allow "untreated", as it can cause serious and dangerous consequences.

The problem of pneumonia in adultsThe very name "pneumonia" is the designation of a number of diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes in the lungs. That is, there are several different types of this disease, each of which characterizes its symptoms, features and development options. These problems cause the entry of pathogenic microbes into the human body. And there are a lot of such "enemies": pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, viruses. Most often, infection occurs by direct contact with the diseased (airborne infection pathway), But a well-developed protective system of the body of healthy people is able to cope with the infection. If a person falls ill, at the beginning of the process, not the lungs themselves are affected, but other parts of the respiratory system. It can develop bronchitis or bronchiolitis. If the disease does not stop at this stage, then the infection penetrates deeper, into the pulmonary tissue and causes the development of pneumonia.
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Adults, physically active people with developed immunity to resist the disease is quite possible.But there are circumstances in which the body becomes much more vulnerable:

Scheme of pneumonia
  1. The organism undergoes general hypothermia.
  2. A person suffers from chronic diseases.
  3. The state of immunodeficiency.
  4. Presence of heart failure, other cardiological problems.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. The state of the body after surgery.
  7. Taking medications that have the property to suppress immunity.
  8. Bad habits.

The risk of developing the disease in children and the elderly is increased.

Whether treatment will be successful, how quickly recovery will come - it depends on many factors. This is the age of the sick person, and how timely he turned to the doctor. Of course, an important circumstance is the general physical and even emotional state of the body, as well as the concomitant diseases at that time. I must say that in most cases, with qualitative and timely treatment, doctors predict a favorable development of the situation. However, one should pay attention to the importance of the concepts "qualitatively" and "on time". Most complications and other problematic effects of pneumonia are due precisely to the fact that the patient turns to a medical institution late, does not follow the doctor's prescriptions very carefully.

Causes of adverse effects of pneumonia

The possibility of developing unwanted problems even in children depends on a number of factors that can be divided into subjective and objective.

Air pollution is one of the causes of pneumoniaThe most common causes of complications are:
  1. Circumstances related to the infection that caused the disease.
  2. Low quality of treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  3. General condition of the organism of a sick person.

The type of microbes that infect the body often affects the accuracy of the diagnosis and the quality of further treatment. Bacterioscopy or a bacteriological method allows the doctor to determine what kind of pathogens will have to fight. If this is established accurately, then it becomes possible to designate appropriate medications. But if the causative agent of the disease is unknown or there are several, it is not easy to choose the means of influence.

Bacteria cause the disease to take a form that is difficult to tolerate by patients. Patient's state of health is very difficult. But it is this type of infection that is fairly easy to identify, which means that it is not difficult to choose the right treatment: it includes antibiotics in the first place.

Viruses or fungal microorganisms are diagnosed with a greater degree of complexity.

Symptoms of pneumonia are often vague, the clinical picture is blurred. And to treat the disease begin either incorrectly or rather late. Often such a course of the disease has a long and wavy character. And this does not make it clear: the patient is still unwell or is already recovering.

If the drugs are chosen incorrectly, the complications of the disease are more than possible. But problems sometimes arise in the case of properly conducted therapy. The reason for this may be the condition of the patient's body at the time of the onset of the disease, or the careless adherence to the recommendations of physicians.

Correct diagnosis

Classification of pneumoniaIn order to prevent the emergence of undesirable conditions caused by complications of inflammatory processes in the pulmonary tissue, it is important to contact the hospital in a timely manner and even early on determine the disease.

Quite often, the doctor can determine the nature of the disease when listening with a phonendoscope: the peculiarities of breathing, the presence of characteristic "wheezing" give the possibility of preliminary diagnosis. If there are suspicions that the patient has contracted pneumonia, after the examination and anamnesis, which suggest the following: a general blood test, blood biochemistry, chest radiographs. Analyzes make it possible to assess the general state of a person, to confirm the development of an inflammatory process in the body. The spot, that is, the presence of darkness of the lung tissue, shown on the x-ray, is evidence of pathological processes, which confirms the conclusion of the doctor.

Various effects of pneumonia

Several types of severe or pathological conditions can be distinguished, which act as complications after pneumonia. All of them can be divided into two large groups:

X-ray for diagnosis of pneumonia
  1. Painful conditions developing in the bronchi and lungs.
  2. Conditions not associated with diseases of the respiratory system.

In the first case, one can expect the development of chronic bronchitis, respiratory failure, fibrosis or abscess of the lungs, pulmonary edema.

Problems that are not related to the painful organs are: manifestation of general weakness, increased fatigue, frequent dizziness, it can also be found the development of anemia, endocarditis, meningitis, there is an infectious-toxic shock.

The possibilities of eliminating complications

In the case when, due to improperly performed treatment or a reduction in the body's resistance, the disease takes on a chronic form, abscess or other severe pulmonary pathologies, there is an urgent need for a thorough and comprehensive examination, as well as correction of treatment. Sometimes, surgery may be required to remove sclerotized tissue or pus.

If the penetration of infection into other systems of the body is determined, then in a hospital (an intensive care unit) the patient should be detoxified and antibacterial therapy.

Conditions associated with manifestations of fatigue, weakness, anemia, are removed by careful adherence to the prescribed the doctor of the regime, the right diet, corresponding to the patient's physical activity.

To prevent or minimize the consequences of the disease is possible only if one realizes that pneumonia is a disease, which requires timely detection and effective treatment strictly under the supervision of doctors. Otherwise, even an adult risks his health, and sometimes his life.

What consequences can be after pneumonia?


Olga Osipova

Pneumonia - a frequent pathogen of respiratory infections from a clinical point of view is the most important representative of the Mycoplasma group. Pneumonia spreads when coughing with large drops of mucus. The incubation period is 2-3 weeks. Pneumonia often affects schoolchildren and young adults, but it is possible at any age.

Symptoms of pneumonia
Most often the disease proceeds as acute or subacute tracheobronchitis or as pneumonia.

Symptoms of pneumonia
Headache, weakness, hyperthermia, sore throat and dry, paroxysmal cough, which later becomes productive. As complications of pneumonia of concomitant diseases are noted: otitis media, bullous inflammation of the drum membranes, maculopapular rash on the skin, multiform erythema, sometimes Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Rare complications of pneumonia are meningoencephalitis, cerebellar ataxia, radicular syndrome, monoarthritis, myocarditis, coagulopathy, hemolytic anemia, pulmonary edema and hepatitis.

Pneumonia usually stops without treatment after 2-4 weeks, but adequate antibiotic therapy reduces its duration. Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day, tetracycline 250 mg 4 times a day, doxycycline 100 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days - the recommended scheme for adults. In severe pneumonia, intravenous erythromycin 500 mg after 6 hours. Children younger than 8-10 years old - erythromycin 30-50 mg / kg per day inside for 2 weeks. New drugs from the group of macrolides are active against mycoplasma, but their superiority over erythromycin is not proven.

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lack of oxygen in the brain memory loss convulsive seizures depending on what part of the brain there is oxygen starvation


weakening of immunity, as well as after any illness.. should be protected, do not catch a cold and eat well ..



How to treat complications of pneumonia?

Since the diagnosis of pneumonia, the doctor has to decide in what conditions to treat the patient - at home or in a hospital hospital. Complications of pneumonia are very serious, so it is very important to begin treatment in time. What will be the consequences? This depends directly on the stage at which the disease was initiated.

The problem of pneumonia

Consequences of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease in which pulmonary tissue is affected. Particularly severe inflammation of the lungs in adults. If treatment is not started on time, irreversible processes in the body, such as:

  • blood poisoning;
  • gangrene;
  • anemia;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • psychosis (due to lack of oxygen in the body);
  • pericarditis;
  • endocarditis;
  • acute pulmonary heart.
Pathogenesis of pneumoniaSuch diseases are often incompatible with life: in most neglected cases, everything ends in a lethal outcome. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment.In 99% of cases, if all the instructions for treatment are followed, the patient fully recovered.

Two-sided inflammation is dangerous because with this diagnosis, the following complications can occur with pneumonia:

  • asthma;
  • violation of respiratory function (dyspnea);
  • abscess of the lungs;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pleurisy;
  • pain in the chest.

The likely consequences of pneumonia are also influenced by the following factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • immunity;
  • type of pathogen;
  • Lifestyle;
  • general health (hereditary and congenital factors).

In order that there was no protracted course of pneumonia, it is necessary to make additional diagnostics of the organism - identify the pathogen, undergo a bronchoscopic examination, get advice from a phthisiatrician. To search for a pathogen, a swab is usually given from the pharynx to an infectious agent, the sensitivity of the microbe to antibacterial agents, thus allowing you to select the right drug for treatment. After a complete diagnosis of lingering pneumonia, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Types of complications of pneumonia

Increase in body temperature with pneumoniaIn modern medicine, there are two types of complications after illness:
  • pulmonary complications;
  • extrapulmonary complications.

To determine the exact diagnosis and form of the disease, X-rays are used in medicine. He shows with the highest accuracy the degree of the inflammatory process. This can be a partial or complete defeat.

Analysis of sputum and blood will determine the causative agent of the disease. The presence of a large number of white antibodies in the blood indicates bacterial pneumonia. Often, antibiotics are used to treat this form of the disease. Oxygen therapy is prescribed with difficulty breathing.

Pulmonary complications after pneumonia break the lung tissue, turning it into an airless dense tissue (forms a scar).

With a high activity of leukocytes in the blood there is a high probability of getting a lung abscess.

Extrapulmonary complications occur when exposed to infection. If the effect occurs through the lymphatic vessels, there may be inflammation of the abdominal cavity, purulent formations on the joints and brain.

Lethal outcome can occur with pneumonia from a violation of the function of breathing. Such a risk is faced by people with alcohol dependence, the elderly, suffering from neglected severe forms of the disease.

Chronic pneumonia

The Danger of Chronic PneumoniaIn chronic pneumonia, the lungs and bronchi are affected. There is direct damage to tissues in several areas of the lungs. The function of the heart and respiration is disturbed. Cough with phlegm, rales in the lungs are signs of chronic pneumonia. In sputum such patients most often contain a hemophilic rod, less often - pneumococci. Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. During the recovery period, a general massage with a combination of respiratory gymnastics is recommended. In the case of fractional lesions of the lungs with persistent purulent bronchitis, surgical intervention is used.

Preventive maintenance of a pneumonia is a timely treatment of a usual cough, i.e. inflammation of the respiratory tract in the initial stage. Well in this case, help decoctions of raspberries, dog-rose, plantain, violets, thyme or any other expectorant.

If you follow a set of rules and prescriptions for treatment, the risk of complications after pneumonia is minimized.

Conclusion: you need to carefully monitor your health throughout your life, to protect yourself as much as possible from exposure to harmful factors, play sports or tempering.

Never close your eyes to the "bells" of the body, which in fact can signal a problem that is starting. People who lead a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle need regular respiratory gymnastics for prevention.

The first signs of pneumonia in children and adults

Pneumonia is a disease that has an infectious origin and is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue in the event of provoking physical or chemical factors such as:

  • Complications after viral diseases (influenza, ARVI), atypical bacteria (chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella)
  • Effects on the respiratory system of various chemical agents - poisonous fumes and gases (see. chlorine in household chemicals is hazardous to health)
  • Radioactive radiation, to which infection is attached
  • Allergic processes in the lungs - allergic cough, COPD, bronchial asthma
  • Thermal factors - hypothermia or burns of the respiratory tract
  • Inhalation of liquids, food or foreign bodies can cause aspiration pneumonia.

The cause of the development of pneumonia is the emergence of favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria in the lower respiratory tract. The original causative agent of pneumonia is the aspergillus mushroom, which was the culprit of the sudden and mysterious deaths of researchers of the Egyptian pyramids. Owners of domestic birds or lovers of urban pigeons can get chlamydial pneumonia.

For today, all pneumonia is divided into:

  • out-of-hospital, arising under the influence of various infectious and non-infectious agents outside the walls of hospitals
  • hospital, which cause hospital-acquired microbes, often very resistant to traditional antibiotic treatment.

The frequency of detection of various infectious agents in community-acquired pneumonia is presented in the table.

Causative agent Average% detection
Streptococcus is the most frequent pathogen. Pneumonia caused by this pathogen is the leader in the frequency of death from pneumonia. 3, %
Mycoplasma - affects most children, young people. 1, %
Chlamydia - chlamydial pneumonia is typical for people of young and middle age. 1, %
Legionella - a rare pathogen, affects weakened people and is the leader after streptococcus in frequency deaths (contamination in rooms with artificial ventilation - shopping centers, airports) , %
Hemophilus rod - causes pneumonia in patients with chronic bronchial and lung diseases, as well as in smokers. , %
Enterobacteria are rare pathogens, affecting mainly patients with renal / hepatic, cardiac insufficiency, diabetes mellitus. , %
Staphylococcus is a frequent pathogen of pneumonia in the elderly population, and complications in patients after the flu. , %
Other pathogens , %
The causative agent is not installed 3, %

When confirming the diagnosis, depending on the type of pathogen, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, appropriate therapy is conducted, in severe cases, treatment should be performed in a hospital setting, with mild forms of inflammation, hospitalization of the patient is not necessary.

Characteristic first signs of pneumonia, the vastness of the inflammatory process, acute development and the risk of serious complications when untimely treatment - are the main reasons for the urgent circulation of the population for medical care. Currently, a fairly high level of development of medicine, improved diagnostic methods, as well as a huge list antibacterial drugs of a wide spectrum of action have considerably lowered a death rate from an inflammation of lungs (see. antibiotics for bronchitis).

Typical first signs of pneumonia in adults

The main symptom of the development of pneumonia is a cough, usually it is first dry, obtrusive and persistent. protivokashlevye, expectorants with a dry cough), but in rare cases cough at the beginning of the disease can be rare and not strong. Then, as the inflammation develops, the cough becomes pneumatic with pneumonia, with a discharge of mucopurulent sputum (yellow-green color).

The first signs of pneumonia

Any catarrhal virus disease should not last more than 7 days, and a sharp deterioration after 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the lower respiratory tract.

Body temperature can be very high up to 39-40C, and may remain low-grade 37.1-37.5C ​​(with atypical pneumonia). Therefore, even with a low body temperature, coughing, weakness and other signs of malaise, you should definitely consult a doctor. Caution should be a repeated temperature jump after a light gap during the course of a viral infection.

If the patient has a very high temperature, one of the signs of inflammation in the lungs is the inefficiency of antipyretic drugs.

Pain with deep breath and cough. The lung itself does not hurt, as it is devoid of pain receptors, but involvement in the pleura process gives a pronounced pain syndrome.

In addition to cold symptoms, the patient has dyspnea and pale skin.
General weakness, increased sweating, chills, decreased appetite are also characteristic for intoxication and the onset of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

If such symptoms appear either in the midst of a cold, or a few days after the improvement, these may be the first signs of pneumonia. The patient should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a complete examination:

  • To pass blood tests - general and biochemical
  • To make a roentgenography of a thorax, if necessary and a computer tomography
  • Sputum for culture and sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics
  • Sputum for culture and microscopic determination of mycobacterium tuberculosis

The main first signs of pneumonia in children

Symptoms of pneumonia in children have several characteristics. Attentive parents may suspect the development of pneumonia with the following discomforts in the child:

  • Temperature

Body temperature above 38C, lasting for more than three days, not knocked down by antipyretic agents, may also not be a high temperature up to 37.5, especially in young children. At the same time, all signs of intoxication are manifested - weakness, increased sweating, lack of appetite. Small children (as well as elderly people), can not give high temperature fluctuations with pneumonia. This is due to imperfect thermoregulation and immaturity of the immune system.

  • Breath

There is frequent shortness of breath: in children up to 2 months of age, 60 breaths per minute, up to 1 year, 50 breaths, after a year, 40 breaths per minute. Often the child spontaneously tries to lie down on one side. Parents can notice another sign of pneumonia in a child, if you undress a baby, then when you breathe from a sick lung you can notice the retraction of the skin in between the ribs and the lag in the process of breathing one side of the chest. There may be irregular breathing rhythm, with periodic stops of breathing, changes in the depth and frequency of breathing. In infants, shortness of breath is characterized by the fact that the child begins to nod his head in time with the breath, the baby can stretch his lips and inflate his cheeks, foamy discharge from the nose and mouth can appear.

  • Atypical pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia differ in that first the disease passes like a cold, a dry cough appears, a runny nose, a sore throat, but the presence of dyspnea and a stably high temperature should alert parents to the development of pneumonia.

  • Character of cough

Because of the perspiration in the throat, only coughing can appear first, then the cough becomes dry and painful, which is amplified by crying, feeding the baby. Later, the cough becomes wet.

  • Behavior of the child

Children with pneumonia become whimsical, whiny, sluggish, they are disturbed by sleep, sometimes they can completely refuse to eat, and also appear diarrhea and vomiting, in infants - regurgitation and rejection of the breast.

  • Blood test

In the general analysis of blood, changes are detected that indicate an acute inflammatory process - increased ESR, leukocytosis, neutrophilia. Shift of the leukoformula to the left with increasing stab and segmented leukocytes. In viral pneumonia, along with high ESR, there is an increase in leukocytes due to lymphocytes.

With timely access to a doctor, adequate therapy and proper care for a sick child or adult, pneumonia does not lead to serious complications. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pneumonia, the patient should be given medical care as soon as possible.

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