
Twilight vision: features

Twilight vision (night blindness) is a mechanism of visual perception, which works at a low level of illumination of the surrounding space.In addition to the term "gloomy vision the concept of mesopic vision (derived from the ancient Greek words "average view") can also be used. In this case, the term "twilight" refers to the degree of illumination in the range from the period when the sun has gone already a few degrees beyond the horizon to the amount of light that the moon creates in the c...

  • 31-Jul-2018
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Intraocular pressure: how to measure with glaucoma?

Millions of people in the world suffer from increased intraocular pressure. Meanwhile, this symptom often signals the approach of a serious eye disease - glaucoma. After 40 years of glaucoma, approximately 7% of the population is observed, and from the age of 75 - 7-8% of people.How to measure intraocular pressure? What are the increased or decreased pressure indicators?We will tell about this in our material. Content 1Definition of disease 2Definition of eye pressure 3The norm of eye p...

  • 26-Jul-2018
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Eye drops from conjunctivitis with antibiotic: benefits, varieties

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctival membrane of the eye. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: pain, lacrimation, irritation, itching, swelling, purulent or mucous discharge. The inflammatory process develops due to the ingress of various bacteria, fungi or viruses into the eyes.These pathogens not only affect the mucous membrane of the eyes, but also provoke the emergence of acute respiratory diseases.Although it sometimes happens that colds are the cause of co...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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What should be first aid for eye trauma?

Any damage to the eyes can lead to a deterioration in the visual function in the future or even complete blindness. In order to minimize possible risks, the victim needs to correctly provide first aid. It will help to maintain eyesight, prevent the development of intraocular outflows, loss of the eyeball, purulent infection of the wound. Types of injuries are also different - these are burns, penetrating wounds, bleeding and foreign body entry. First aid, accordingly, must also be carried ou...

  • 08-Aug-2018
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Homonymous hemianopsia: causes and methods of treatment

The medical term "hemianopsia" refers to a condition in which a blind spot occurs in half the field of view.The field of vision is the area of ​​space that a person sees without moving his eyes or turning his head. The hemianopsia is a two-sided "partial blindness that is, the loss of half the field of vision of each eye. There are different types of this kind of pathology of visual perception.It is possible to distinguish heteronomous hemianopsia (loss of the opposite half of the fields of ...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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How is the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergies today no one is surprised.And if earlier, talking about allergies, we had in mind skin rashes or itching, today irritation can affect both the skin and the surface of the mucosa and, in particular, the eyes.Such lesions are very diverse in nature, but they are all called allergic conjunctivitis. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Medication Therapy 5.2Folk remedies 6Prevention 7Video 8conclusions Definition of dise...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Optic neuritis: symptoms, causes, therapy

The optic nerve is a very important component of the human visual apparatus.In the presence of disorders and pathologies of his work, it is possible to develop diseases of various degrees of severity and complexity, as well as a rapid decrease in the quality of vision.One of the most dangerous diseases of this type is neuritis. Anomaly is difficult to treat, therefore it is necessary to monitor the condition of the optic nerve during the entire life cycle. Content 1Definition of disease ...

  • 08-Aug-2018
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Koloboma and heterochromia: are these eye disorders dangerous?

The eye is a unique organ by which we can see the beauty of the world around us. Eye pathologies always require close attention, even if they do not carry a serious danger and are more associated with cosmetic imperfections.In this article, we will consider such violations as coloboma and eye heterochromia. What is the essence of these conditions and should they be treated? Content 1Definition of diseases 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Treatment 4.1Treatment of Colonies 4.2Diagnosis and treatmen...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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Pleuralopathy periarthritis: causes, symptoms, principles of treatment

Pleuralopathy periarthritis is a medical term that unites a whole group of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system. In the International Classification of Diseases, there is no such formulation of the diagnosis as a humeropathy periarthritis. This is more a syndrome of "problems in the shoulder joint zone," which occurs under the influence of various causes, provided that the joint itself remains healthy. Shoulder-scapular periarthritis manifests i...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Features of treatment of a thorn in the eye

Belmo or leukemia of the eye is a severe ophthalmologic disease in which a pronounced opacification of the cornea occurs. The main causes of the disease are injuries of the eyeball, inflammation in the cornea, and regular clogging of the mucous eye with foreign bodies. In rare cases, the throat develops due to the pathology of intrauterine development. Reduction of vision does not always happen, but the disease tends to progress, so in the absence of competent treatment, serious complication...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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