Home Treatment

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

One of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system is pneumonia. Symptoms in children can be different - depending on the form of the disease and the type of pathogen. Treatment of pathology should be started immediately to avoid severe complications. Content: The first signs of pneumonia in a child Types and Classification How is pneumonia manifested? Diagnostics General principles of treatment Medication Treatment with folk remedies Complications and consequences Related articl...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Linen lice in the house - how to get rid of them

In houses, apartments, different parasites can live, the vital activity of which harms a person. Some mistakenly believe that maintaining a clean room eliminates the threat of malicious insects. A vivid example of this, parasites living in a dwelling without the knowledge of a person are linen lice. Content: Features of life Where do linen lice come from? Than dangerous Remedy Purchased funds and special services Prevention Related articles: Nyuda Louse Spray - instruction manual The use o...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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How to quickly lower cholesterol in the blood without drugs

The fact that high cholesterol levels in the blood threatens serious problems, everyone knows. It is deposited in blood vessels in the form of plaques, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. But without this substance, the work of the body is impossible. Cholesterol is involved in the metabolism, the synthesis of hormones, so it is important to maintain balance in the body and carefully monitor its level. It is not necessary for this to drink a handful of pills. Quickly reduce ch...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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How do nits look on a man's hair?

Unfortunately, the modern world does not differ in crystal clearness: unauthorized entrances, untidy, neglected people, unfavorable ecological conditions are commonplace. Actually, these and many other negative factors can cause the appearance of parasites, namely lice. This article is intended for those people who want to learn what nits look like, what methods of getting rid of them exist. Content: What are nits Appearance How to identify nits and lice Alive or dead: how to understand What...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Shampoo for adults and children from lice and nits

Head pediculosis is the infection of the scalp with head lice. Pediculosis causes such an unpleasant symptom as severe itching on the scalp. It can appear in both adults and children. There are many ways to eliminate parasites on the hair. Consider one of them - shampoo from pediculosis. Pharmacies offer many varieties of this drug. We will review the safest and most effective shampoos. Content: Recommendations for use Overview of shampoos Children's products Means for adults Prevention of r...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Causes of pediculosis, symptoms and treatment, prevention

Parents who have children know about pediculosis firsthand. In kindergarten, school and other educational institutions, there are often outbreaks of the disease. In this article we will give a detailed picture of this unpleasant disease, consider the causes, prevention, control measures, which, perhaps, people are not familiar with. Content: Concept and types of pediculosis Head lice Baby lice Pubic lice Causes of pediculosis Signs of manifestation and its diagnosis How to deal with the dise...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Modern means of pediculosis - how to apply

Pediculosis is the defeat of the scalp on the head with lice. The disease is not considered dangerous, but requires immediate treatment, as it causes severe discomfort in the form of intolerable itching. There are many ways to fix this problem. Consider the most effective and safe means of pediculosis. Content: Classification of funds What can I use? Modern means Folk remedies Prevention of re-infection Related articles: Shampoo for adults and children from lice and nits Linen lice in the ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Symptoms of lamblia in adults and treatment

For the first time with giardiasis people collided in 1859. The scientist Ljambl has revealed the intestinal parasite and has described it. He defined the categories of individuals and animals that are most prone to infection. These are children, adults living in conditions of unsanitary conditions, and also some animals (for people their parasites are not dangerous). Why do lamblia appear in adults, the symptoms and treatment will be considered in more detail. Content: Giardiasis in adults ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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What is the norm of cholesterol in women - the table by age

By the results of a blood test you can find out the general state of a person. One of its most important indicators is cholesterol. It is a natural fatty alcohol. An increase in this indicator is considered a pathology, this condition requires appropriate treatment. Consider how cholesterol should be, its rate in women by age. Content: From what rises The norm of cholesterol in the blood of women Symptoms of abnormalities Decoding the result of a blood test What to do with high cholesterol ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Why cholesterol rises in the blood

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance and is a part of most living organisms. Most of it is produced by the body itself, and about 20% comes with food. This substance is necessary for the stable functioning of the body. With excess cholesterol, there are disruptions in the work of many vital systems. Causes of which cholesterol rises a lot. Let's try to figure out what this means, what is dangerous is high cholesterol and what are the ways to lower it. Content: Cholesterol elevated - what does...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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