Skin Care

What are the best remedies for wrinkles on the forehead: oil, masks, plaster

At different times there were different standards of female beauty. The "ideal" cuts of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows and lips and even the face's oval changed, leaving only one requirement: smooth fresh skin and no wrinkles. Perhaps for a man wrinkles and can become attributes of a deep mind, solidity and position in society, but in the women's arsenal of "external weapons," wrinkles are never welcomed, even as confirmation of genius. Contents of the article: ...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

How to make a mask-lifting for eyelids from edemas and wrinkles of honey and blue clay

The skin of the eyelids is considered incredibly thin, delicate and prone to drying, so unpleasant wrinkles quickly appear in this area. How to solve this problem quickly and effectively, but without buying expensive creams and other drugs? Correctly, with the help of masks that can be easily prepared, not going anywhere, right at home, and their effect will really amaze you. Contents of the article: Some basic rules Masks from sea buckthorn oil Folk c...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

Linseed oil for face from wrinkles: recipes for home remedies and feedback on the application

Dry, loose skin, appearance of wrinkles on it - the first age-related skin changes that every woman is so afraid of. Costly medical products and cosmetic procedures may not always be effective in combating the first signs of skin aging. And not every woman they can afford. Article content: Useful properties of flax oil What results can be achieved? What products can I prepare? Mask against wrinkles with honey and yeast Mask with milk and lemon juice ...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

How to make shugaring at home in the bikini area yourself

Currently, shugaring is very in demand among the fair sex, wishing that the skin for a long time remained smooth and attractive, especially when it comes to the most delicate places. Men also have an interest in skin care for their body, and this article will also be useful for a strong sex. Contents of the article: The main concepts of The advantages of vegetation removal The disadvantages of the epilation method How to do at home The preparati...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Skin Care

Peach oil for the face from wrinkles: recipes of youth and reviews of the means

Every woman strives for beauty and dreams of soft velvety skin, attracting with her beauty the attention of the opposite sex. No less women seek to matte natural complexion. Natural peach oil is used for skin care in cosmetology. The oil is obtained by pressing peach bones and further filtration. Article Content: Useful Properties What results can I achieve? What products can I prepare? Contraindications Reviews on the use of anti-wrinkle oil ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

Properties of essential almond oil, instructions for use

Almond oil has been known since ancient times for its medicinal properties. It is applied in the field of beauty and medicine and does not leave people indifferent. And, seasoning from almonds is a component for sweet desserts, so this nut can be considered to be unique. The plant grows in warm climatic conditions. Ways of obtaining Chemical composition of Useful properties of For hair For eyelashes Treatment of skin of body For nails ...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

Household soap against acne and thrush - benefit or harm

Representatives of the older generation believe that the effectiveness and environmental friendliness of soap will give raspiarnym cosmetic means. At the same time, many cosmeticians do not recommend using it for washing and washing hair, arguing that it overdries the skin. Who do you believe? At the beginning of the last century, our great-grandmothers washed their heads with soap and had thick and healthy hair. However, in those years the technology of soap making...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Skin Care

Castor oil for face from wrinkles: reviews and recommendations for use

Castor oil is of vegetable origin. To obtain it, the method of cold pressing is used, the raw material is castor oil ordinary.80% of its composition is given to glycerides of ricinoleic acid, 20% of oleic and linoleic acid. Article Content: Useful Properties What results can I achieve? What can I make from it? Home lotions Anti-wrinkle masks Compresses Cream Contraindications for use Can I use it to prevent wrinkles? Reviews for The liquid...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Skin Care

Application of aloe juice for face skin from various imperfections

Aloe juice is a part of many expensive face creams. However, it is much more economical, and it is more useful to prepare skin care products from fresh plant juice. It's good that it's not difficult to grow it on your windowsill. Useful properties of Useful properties of Possible harms and contraindications for use General recommendations on the use of aloe Cosmetic prescriptions based on aloe Lotion for oily skin and black spots Tonic for ma...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Skin Care

How to remove freckles on face and body, quickly and permanently at home

In spring, not only nature awakens: in this wonderful time of the year begins a magnificent "flowering" of freckles, which become for the complexed people a real punishment. Optimists, in turn, the appearance of small pigment spots on the skin do not interfere with life. For those who can not stand the natural "spring design" on their face, read below how to get rid of freckles once and for all. content of the article: As born spots Pigmentation - in ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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