How to cure a long cough

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Tip 1: How to treat a prolonged cough

A prolonged cough may be a residual cold and a sign of chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. If he does not respond to treatment within 2 weeks, it is necessary to visit the therapist. Until then, try to make every effort to cure an annoying cough that does not go away.

You will need

  1. - Mustard plasters;
  2. - black radish and honey;
  3. - Essential oils or soda;
  4. - mustard powder;
  5. - expectorant drugs.


  1. Buy mustard plasters in any pharmacy. Do compress twice a day. Wash the mustard in warm water and put on the chest and back. The best option - put mustard plaster once a day on the chest, and the second on the back. The course of treatment should depend on your condition. But after several procedures, you will notice that the sputum began to recede.
  2. Make a round hole in the black radish. Fill the notch with honey and put in the refrigerator to insist for about a day. Obtain the juice for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. In fact, the medicine you received is harmless, but beware of taking it if you have an allergy to beekeeping products. Children can drink radish infusion with honey, too.
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  3. Inhalations soften the respiratory tract and promote the production of sputum. Breathe over the hot steam, wrapped in a blanket several times a day. To enhance the effect, add essential oils of cedar wood, soda or sea salt. Not bad helps and decoction of potatoes.
  4. Warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard powder. Do this in the evening, and then wear woolen socks and lie down under a warm blanket. Be careful and avoid drafts after thermal procedures. If you have very sensitive skin, do not add mustard to the water, although with it the efficiency of the procedure is slightly higher.
  5. Take expectorants. Not bad helps ledum swamp, lungwort, thyme. If you brew the herbs you do not really want, buy bromhexine, ambrobene, ATSTS or similar drugs.
  6. If the cough does not stop, go to the therapist. You need to undergo a complete examination of the lungs, take tests, and then the doctor will prescribe you a complex therapy, possibly with antibacterial agents. Do not pull with a visit to a specialist, a protracted cough can develop into a serious illness - asthma or obstructive bronchitis.

Prolonged cough in an adult

Coughing is a natural reaction to various stimuli of the respiratory system. In most cases, it occurs against a background of an infectious or viral disease. If the cough does not last long, then you should not worry. If the symptoms do not subside even after a month, then serious treatment is necessary. In this case, the susceptibility of the lungs becomes higher, and the cough arises reflexively.

Causes of a protracted cough in an adult

Sometimes patients stop taking prescribed medicines at the first improvements, especially antibiotics, then the cough can go on in a protracted form.

Another reason is the smoker's bronchitis.

The danger of prolonged coughing is that it acquires a chronic form. This can happen as a result of bronchitis, cancer, heart or lung disease. Prolonged cough accompanied by wheezing, heartburn, stuffiness in the chest, hemoptysis. Sleep is broken, dizziness, excessive sweating and incontinence occur.

Adult people are often not serious about such a symptom, and this can lead to serious consequences. The reason can only find out the doctor and prescribe the treatment.

Treatment of a protracted cough in an adult

First of all, when consulting a doctor, it is necessary to conduct tests in order to exclude pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, and lung cancer. If the cause is established, then drugs that suppress cough based on menthol, honey, codeine are prescribed.

Prolonged cough can be cured at home. This is only permissible if it is not a symptom of a dangerous disease.

In a liter of milk, cook until the softening of ten onions and garlic head. Then add two tablespoons of honey and strain. Drink every hour for twenty milliliters.

Take twenty-five grams of rose hips, wormwood, pine buds, yarrow and add one and a half liters of water. Boil ten minutes and insist for 24 hours. Strain and add one hundred grams of aloe juice and befungin, two hundred and fifty grams of honey and one hundred twenty-five grams of cognac. Take a teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

In a hundred grams of warm milk, drip three drops of birch tar and drink on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed. Continue the course until complete recovery.

Are treated with the help of a compress. To do this, heat on a water bath on a tablespoon of honey, flour, dry mustard, vodka, aloe juice, interior fat. Put the gauze on your back. Lubricate the area of ​​the bronchi with a mixture, put another layer of gauze, polyethylene and top with a handkerchief. Fix and leave overnight.

With a dry cough three times a day during a meal eaten on a large onion. Soon the mucus will begin to depart well.

Drink flaxseed oil on a tablespoon three times a day before meals. In five days the cough will become much less.

Do inhalations with essential oils of lavender and marjoram.

Kiss the throat during the day every three hours with a soda solution. In a glass of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt or soda and add three drops of iodine.

For treatment of cough, massage sessions are additionally prescribed.

It is necessary to humidify the room. Hot and dry air overdry the mucous membrane of the nose and respiratory tract, which leads to stagnation of mucus. Try not to overcool and during the period of mass illnesses avoid visiting crowded places. For the period of treatment, quit smoking.

Prolonged dry cough in an adult

Dry or unproductive cough is often a sign of colds: tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, acute viral respiratory disease. It can be of two types:

1. With a barking cough, there is perspiration and pain in the throat, the voice disappears. This is typical for viral diseases or as a reaction to mechanical irritation of the mucosa;

2. Paroxysmal cough often occurs with bronchitis and tracheitis. There may be pain behind the sternum and shortness of breath.

With such a cough, sputum is absent. In the throat, an inflammatory process is formed, there is an excess of mucus and the sick person wants to clear the throat.

The doctor prescribes antitussive drugs. Their action is aimed at relaxing the pharynx mucosa and reducing bronchial spasms. To get rid of a strong cough, use soothing drugs to control it.

Prolonged cough wet in adults

Wet cough occurs due to the accumulation of sputum in the lungs of the trachea. It often occurs after a dry cough and brings additional discomfort. It should be immediately started to heal. The lungs will begin to be cleared of phlegm, which contains a large number of pathogens.

When a wet cough does not last a long time, it becomes chronic. To dilute sputum, medications are prescribed that make it less viscous and removed from the body. They are resorptive and reflex. The former are based on iodides and sodium. The second is based on plant substances. During treatment, you need to drink as much liquid as possible - water, juices, herbal infusions.

How to treat a protracted dry cough

A prolonged dry cough is usually treated with the help of drugs that inhibit the cough center in the brain and facilitate the transition of dry cough to wet. An effective treatment for dry cough is inhalation and massage.

You will need

  1. Hydrocodone, Codeine, Demorphan, Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride, Codipron, Morphine Chloride, Glavent, Sedotussin, Tusuprex, Pakseladin, "Sinekod "Libexin "Butamirite "Levoprint "Helicidin herb-coltsfoot, chamomile flowers, thyme, sage, baking soda, menthol and eucalyptus oil.


  1. A prolonged dry cough lasting from a week to a month or more can bring quite a lot of anxiety to its owner. The person is disturbed by sleep and appetite, there are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, heaviness in the chest, wheezing in the lungs, With pneumonia, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other viral diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs, the dry cough often turns into wet. But what if this does not happen, and how to treat a protracted dry cough?
  2. First of all, it is necessary to find out the nature of this cough. One of the common causes of prolonged cough is asthma. Prolonged cough is characteristic for the smoker's bronchitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, lesions of lung structures, benign tumor and allergies. Having found out the reason of cough, it is necessary to start treatment of the basic disease, simultaneously eliminating its symptoms.
  3. Suppress cough completely or partially possible with drugs that inhibit the cough center in the brain and the nerve endings of the receptors. In the absence of sputum and dry, prolonged cough, drugs with a narcotic effect and without it are used. The first group includes Hydrocodone, Codeine, Demorphan, Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride, Codipron, and Morphine Chloride. The second group includes Glavent, Sedotussin, Tusuprex, Pakseladin and Sinekod.
  4. To help dry cough go to the next stage, accompanied by the sputum, such medications as "Libexin "Butamirate "Levoprint" and "Helicidin". These drugs, unlike narcotic drugs, are not addictive and do not lead to drug dependence, so they can be used safely for children. Treatment with all of the above drugs should be discontinued as soon as the cough becomes wet. Otherwise, the antitussive will disrupt the purification of the lungs. As a result, sputum will accumulate in them, disturbing the ventilation of the lungs and leading to the development of pneumonia.
  5. Inhalations are an effective treatment for dry, protracted cough. They can be prepared both on the basis of traditional medicines and on the basis of medicinal herbs. For example, to prepare inhalation you need to mix one tablespoon of herb-coltsfoot, chamomile flowers, thyme and sage, pour the mixture, l boiled water, strain through an hour and add a teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of eucalyptus and menthol oils. This inhalation should be done 3-5 times a day.
  6. A prolonged cough can eliminate mild massage procedures. Tapping and patting in the lung area with a slight pressure will facilitate the removal of phlegm from the airway walls and facilitate the patient's condition.

The child has a long cough, how to treat?

Cough is a normal physiological protective process, with the help of it can be withdrawn from the respiratory ways of different foreign bodies due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the respiratory is covered with ciliated epithelium. Cough is necessary for the child, but when he is in debt, you need to worry and turn to the treating doctor. It can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness. If the cough lasts, more than three weeks it lasts long.

Causes of a child's long cough

In this period, you need to constantly monitor the child, how it behaves, whether it is active, enough eats, watches, whether the appetite, skin and mucous membranes have worsened, does not it increase temperature. First you need to turn to the pediatrician, then to the allergist, phthisiatrist, pulmonologist, parasitologist.

A Mantoux test must be performed, the child must undergo laboratory tests - blood, worms and feces.
Most often, a long cough is provoked by such causes:

1. Relapse of an infectious disease.

2. Fungus - Candida, which often develops after a person took antibiotics, because of pneumocysts, mycoplasmas, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia in the lungs.

3. A long cough is often provoked by worms (ascarids). Often they can appear in the pulmonary system. To do this, you need to pass a special analysis to check if there are worms.

4. If the cough does not pass without antibiotics - this is the first signal about bronchitis, angina, pneumonia, pharyngitis.

5. Often a long cough appears in children who have an inflammatory process on the tonsils, the sky, it is accompanied by a strong runny nose, mucus begins to enter the respiratory system through the nasopharynx, cough in this case is paroxysmal.

6. A long cough due to a viral disease in the upper respiratory tract. In children, it has a paroxysmal nature, sputum is difficult to return, children can not clear their throat due to pain.

7. In cases of chronic disease in the respiratory tract, the cough is permanent, when it becomes aggravated, it begins to intensify.

8. If the disease is chronic, the cough is constant, with an exacerbation begins to increase, after a little decrease. Pay attention when the child has a persistent cough - it's dangerous.

9. With a purulent lung disease, the cough is lingering and wet. Especially worsens in the morning after sleep.

10. A wheezing cough appears due to the fact that the foreign body enters the respiratory tract, also this can happen when the child suffers.

11. Cough that has a whistle is often triggered by allergic reactions to medications, household chemicals, tobacco, faeces and home dust mites, various animals.

Treatment of a long cough in a child

The course of therapy should include methods that eliminate the main cause of the appearance of cough. After a thorough examination, the delivery of all laboratory tests, the doctor can prescribe an effective course of treatment, with which you can, as soon as possible, get rid of sputum from the respiratory tract.

Antibacterial drugs can be prescribed for infectious diseases such as bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis. Please note that bronchial disease is most often triggered by viruses, so it is not always necessary to rush to give the baby antibiotics.

If a child has a barking cough, provoked by laryngitis, hormonal drugs are needed, hormonal inhalations help well.

In cases of dry cough, expectorants should be used, treatment with Oxeladine, Glaucin, Butamirat, Dextromethorphan is most suitable for children. At home, you can heal a child with warm milk with the addition of soda, one teaspoon needs to dissolve a teaspoon, helps raspberry, currant, cowberry tea, with the addition of honey. It is forbidden for a child to give cough supplements if he has a wet cough.

In cases of moist cough, expectorant preparations of plant origin should be taken with the help of which it is possible to quickly withdraw phlegm - licorice, alteyka, sage, oregano, anise, mint, thyme. Liquefy sputum, if a child has a long dry cough with mucolytics - black radish juice with honey, juice squeezed from plantain, thyme, often use anise fruit.

A small child needs to use mucolytics of synthetic origin, the dosage can be selected individually. It is effectively treated by Mukaltin, Dr. IOM, Ambrobe, Bromhexin.

Homeopathic preparations, which contain minerals, natural natural raw materials, help to cope well with cough. They can be combined with antibacterial drugs. A dry paroxysmal cough will help cure herbal infusions with percussion, round-necked sundew, white shift. It is especially good to drink them if the cough is painful and debilitating.

If there is no temperature, with a long cough you can put mustard plasters, they need to be treated up to 4 days. In cases where they do not help, you need to abandon them, because the disease can only get worse. It happens that mustard seeds lead to serious allergic reactions.

Children love to use potions, often it includes primrose, plantain, they can be used for children over two years old. Good liquefies phlegm in the child Lazolvan.

Thus, a child's long cough is a symptom of a pathological process. It is necessary to additionally examine it. There are cases that cough after bronchitis does not go away for a long time because the child is slowly recovering or ineffective treatment has been prescribed. Note that a long cough is most often triggered by a bacterial, fungal infection, they can be cured with antibiotics. May appear due to serious allergic reactions, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary diseases. In no case should you allow a prolonged cough in a child, it can damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which they have thin and tender and will have bloody discharge.

Prolonged cough in the child

It often happens that a cough in a child, even with timely and full treatment, does not disappear, remaining for a long time. If this happens, then you need to visit a doctor and go through the required examinations. After identifying the cause of a protracted cough in the child, a specialist will be able to prescribe a treatment.

In which case can we talk about the protracted character of coughing? It is believed that a cough that lasts more than 2-3 weeks, despite the measures taken to treat it, requires a second visit to the doctor.

Causes of a protracted cough in a child

If a child's coughing is delayed for more than three weeks, it is very important to establish the cause of this. After all, such a symptom indicates the presence of diseases or other pathologies in the body of the baby, which require medical intervention. To identify the causes of protracted cough in a child, you need to trust the specialist, since with self-imposed measures, the probability of error is high. In most cases, such a pathology in babies appears for the following reasons:

  1. Allergic reactions and allergic diseases, such as asthma.
  2. Diseases of infectious nature. They can have a local character (sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis and others), a general nature (chlamydia, whooping cough and others), and also be relapsing (in which case cough becomes the first symptom exacerbation).
  3. Foreign objects in the respiratory system.
  4. The impact of various irritating factors, they can include dust, cigarette smoke, excessive air dryness and so on.
  5. A certain response of the respiratory system, expressed in the formation of bronchial spasms, occurs when physical activity, contact with cold air or during sleep.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux, which is a special pathology, which is characterized by a reverse movement of food along the digestive tract.
  7. Neurogenic and psychological factors: strong experiences, stresses, fear and others.

Many causes of protracted cough in a child are quite specific. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests, which are prescribed by a specialist, may be required. In addition, the doctor collects an anamnesis, interviewing the patient, and allocates a provoking cough factor.

Treatment of protracted cough in children

The purpose of treatment of a protracted cough in a child depends not only on the diagnosis, but also on many other parameters. An important role is played by the form of cough. So, with a dry cough, the baby can talk about difficulties with the consistency of phlegm. In such cases, often prescribed drugs that are aimed at diluting the secretion of the lungs. Wet cough is considered more productive. With this symptom, it is usually advisable to take medications that produce phlegm. In addition to the form of cough, when appointing a course of treatment, the expert takes into account the age of the baby, possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance and other moments.

Prolonged dry cough in a child

If a protracted cough in a child is dry, then antitussive drugs may be prescribed. The effect of such drugs is directed to the cough center located in the brain. Such drugs include butamirate, tusuprex and others.

Other medicines may be prescribed:

  • Delsim in the form of a suspension. This drug has a fairly long-term effect, eliminating all the symptoms of dry prolonged cough in the child;
  • Robotussin, he blocks the cough reflex;
  • Libexin, which reduces sensitivity of respiratory mucosa receptors and others.

A good alternative to medications can be homeopathic remedies, for example, honey mixed with lemon juice. However, even with the choice of such methods of treatment, dosage and remedy should be chosen only together with the doctor.

Prolonged wet cough in the child

With a prolonged wet cough in the child, it is important to ensure good sputum discharge. The following activities will help in this:

  • generous warm drink for the baby;
  • inhalation with the addition of chloride benzoate, soda, ammonium chloride, for the same purpose, extracts of medicinal plants can be used. The action of all these means is aimed at moistening the mucosa and facilitating the excretion of sputum, in addition, they have a slight anesthetic effect;
  • You can give the child funds based on herbs and phytopreparations, which have a bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Reception mukoliticheskih preparations which thin out a sputum and normalize its allocation in bronchuses. These include Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, Acetetylcysteine ​​and others.

In any case, the presence of a protracted cough in a child requires medical attention and mandatory diagnosis. Since often such a symptom indicates the transition of the disease into a chronic form, and if in time not to take measures for its treatment, the pathology may persist for a long time or even all the life of the baby.

How to treat a protracted cough in children

The main direction of treatment for prolonged coughing in a child is the elimination of the cause that caused it. After the diagnosis was made and confirmed by laboratory tests, together with a doctor a course of treatment, which includes various treatment activities and the reception of certain preparations.

The use of antibiotics is justified only with the bacterial character of a protracted cough in a child, that is, with bacterial diseases such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis and others. However, much more often the infection that caused the cough in the baby is viral.

With laryngitis, the symptom of which is barking cough, inhalations with hormones or the administration of hormonal agents are indicated.

Dry lingering cough in children is treated with antitussive drugs. For children, you can use Dextromethorphan, Glaucine, Butamirate and others. You can substitute medicines with folk remedies. With a dry cough, the baby is fed with warmed milk with soda at the rate of a small spoon on a glass, hot tea with honey, currants or raspberries.

It is important to correctly assess the nature of the cough before giving the child a medicine, since the use of antitussive drugs is strictly contraindicated with a damp cough. In this case, the baby needs to be given expectorants that take out phlegm. Of medicinal plants have a similar effect of oregano, mint, thyme, licorice, marshmallow, anise and others. To help dry cough go to the wet are mucolytics. Among the folk remedies, this juice has the juice of plantain, extracts of fruits of anise and thyme, black radish with honey.

For very young children it is better to use synthetic mucolytic agents, since in this case it is easier to monitor the dose taken. Of these drugs can be called Bromgeksin, Mukaltin, ATSTS, Ambrobene, Doctor MOM and others.

Often in the treatment of protracted cough in older children, homeopathic remedies are used. They can be combined with the intake of antibiotics and other drugs or act as a separate treatment course. To treat dry cough, which appears in the form of strong attacks, apply potentiated copper and round-sulffered sundew. A painful dry lingering cough in children can be treated with the help of Percussion or white hair.

Coppers must cope with the cough. But you can put them only at normal temperature in the child. Such treatment is carried out for four days. In the absence of visible effect treatment is canceled, and the question of possible complication and progression of the disease is raised. Carrying out procedures using mustard plasters in children more than 5 times in a row is unacceptable, because this can cause an allergic reaction.

Cough after a cold - how to treat?

The fact that you have a cough after a recent cold is more a norm than a regularity. The body is still weak enough, its defenses are reduced and that's why a person continues to cough after a cold for 3-4 weeks, and in some cases, even longer.

When do you need to start worrying?

So, first you need to decide where the norm is, and where is the pathology? If you have a cough that lasts for several weeks, after all the main symptoms colds have disappeared, this, in the first place, indicates the likely inflammatory-infectious complications. It can be pneumonia, whooping cough or chronic bronchitis. In this case, you should not resort to self-medication! It is advisable to consult a doctor-therapist and describe all the symptoms that are bothering you at the moment. If there is a need, the therapist will refer you to another specialist who can help you.

Only after consulting medical staff can you make sure that you are really all right? Remember that rarely enough cough is a sign of a serious illness, most often it is a residual sign of a cough. As a rule, after-infection cough lasts 2 months.

Cause of cough after a cold

Any infectious disease that occurs in acute form, lasts for several days (from 3 to 7 days). During this time, pathogenic viruses and bacteria destroy completely or partially the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Infection leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the bronchi, as a result, even when a person inhales dirty or dusty air, he begins to have coughing attacks. Often it is in the post-infectious period of human disease that a very dry cough is excruciating with the allocation of a small amount of sputum. In some cases, the residual phenomenon after a cough manifests in the patient in the form of a slight cough, an unpleasant sore throat, rending cough.

Remember that the body needs some time to recover and accordingly - to bring the functioning of the upper respiratory tract back to normal. In the recovery period, you need to remember to continue treatment at home. It is necessary to avoid severe hypothermia, warmly dress, drink more liquid and warm your throat.

Major mistakes in the treatment of cough

Doctors say that the main and most common cause of coughing, lasting for several months, are mistakes in the treatment of colds.

The first mistake is a careless attitude to one's own health. Some believe that the cough will pass by itself without any additional treatment. But, this is a serious mistake!

It is very dangerous during an anxious and excruciating cough to occasionally heal with various warming procedures in the form of mustard before bed, rubbing ointments, etc. If you have already started treatment, then do not stop it. do! After all, the body reacts to such manipulations with it rather ambiguously.

Imagine your airways are "aimed" at recovery and start to connect to the recovery process, and then you do the procedures one day, and on the second day you forget about it. In no case do so and do not experiment on your body and even more so - health.

It is forbidden to resort to any medication alone, prescribe antibiotics, etc. (especially when it comes to the child's body).

How to avoid mistakes in treatment?

In most clinical cases, cough is caused by one or another catarrhal disease. There is a cold in the form of such diagnoses in a medical record, as SARS, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, and tracheitis. Classify coughing attacks as dry and wet.

Dry cough really hurts a person - it is nasal, tearing and after it sputum is not excreted. Such an attack of cough leads to an increase in blood pressure, the occurrence of severe muscle pain in the abdomen, as well as the emergence of severe insomnia. Given all these symptoms, it can be firmly stated that dry cough should be suppressed, otherwise it will lead to more severe consequences. As a rule, in every drugstore you can find antitussive drugs intended for the prevention and treatment of dry cough.

A wet cough begins to disturb a person about 3 days after the first symptoms of a cold appear in the form of a headache and a cold. A wet cough does not torment a person so much, unlike a dry cough, because after every wheeze and cough, sputum is secreted. In such a case it is forbidden to take various antitussive medications, because the airways are not cleaned at all. You will only contribute to the fact that the disease will last, and will bother you for another long time, and in some cases, improper treatment may lead to the onset of complications. You need to take medications that dilute sputum that has accumulated in the upper respiratory tract, and then withdraw it. Such an action is possessed by mucolytics and various expectorants, of which a huge amount is presented on the drugstore shelves.

Unusual Cough Causes

If a person is worried about a prolonged cough that lasts about 3 weeks, then this is a dangerous sign, threatening health and overall well-being. After all, this indicates that the bronchi can not cope with their direct work.

There are also rather unusual causes of coughing. Among such reasons can be:

  • The increased acidity of the stomach is a disease characterized by an increase in the level of gastric juice, as a result of which it penetrates into the esophagus and provokes the appearance of a cough.
  • Heart failure, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lungs, which provokes cardiac asthma and a persistent cough;
  • Cough of the smoker;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Stress;
  • Disorders of the hormonal background;
  • Pathological dryness of the skin.

Do not self-diagnose yourself and prescribe a treatment. The true cause of coughing can be different. Be sure to consult a doctor!

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