Spondylosis of the thoracic spine, treatment

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  • 1Spondylosis of the thoracic spine
    • 1.1What is spondylosis?
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Risk factors
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Treatment
    • 1.6Medicines
    • 1.7Physiotherapy
    • 1.8Folk recipes
    • 1.9Physiotherapy
    • 1.10Other methods
    • 1.11Surgical intervention
    • 1.12Prophylaxis and prognosis
  • 2Chest spondylosis: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Etiology
    • 2.2Classification
    • 2.3Symptomatology
    • 2.4Diagnosis and treatment course
    • 2.5Treatment after clinical data collection
    • 2.6Complications
    • 2.7Prevention
  • 3Features of deforming spondylosis of the thoracic spine
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Diagnosis of development
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4Medicated
    • 3.5Alternative
    • 3.6Massotherapy
    • 3.7Physiotherapy
    • 3.8Acupuncture
    • 3.9Physiotherapy
    • 3.10Extension of the spine
    • 3.11Folk methods
    • 3.12Operative (surgical) treatment
    • 3.13Prophylaxis and prognosis
  • 4Thoracic spondylosis
    • 4.1Symptoms - impairment of mobility
    • 4.2Causes of development of breast spondylosis
    • 4.3Diagnosis and accurate diagnosis
    • 4.4Treatment and removal of pain manifestations
    • 4.5Forecast
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Spondylosis of the thoracic spine

Spondylosis of the thoracic spine is a pathology in which the bone tissue grows, forming sharp spines, osteophytes. They deform the surrounding tissues, causing pain, preventing the patient from moving normally.

If the spondylosis is at a neglected stage, the vertebrae can grow together, which is even more critical for the mobility of the spine.

In the thoracic spine, spondylosis develops relatively infrequently, because this area of ​​the back is inactive and less likely to be exposed to microtrauma.

But the symptoms cause anxiety in patients, as pains are given to the heart, liver, stomach. In view of this, people often spend time examining a cardiologist, and the treatment can not start on time.

It is completely impossible to cure the spondylosis of the breast. But medicines, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the right way of life can not allow osteophytes to expand. Only in the most extreme cases, doctors prescribe an operation.

What is spondylosis?

Thoracic spondylosis is a chronic pathology of the spine, in which the vertebrae of the thoracic region grow.

On the edges of the vertebrae, which touch the intervertebral discs, there are sharp formations of bone tissue.They are called osteophytes and have the property of growing.

As a result, the spinal canal becomes already, the nerves become jammed, the cartilage tissues of the discs are injured.

Over time, pathology only progresses, the symptoms become more serious. In the future, the process will come to the conclusion that new osteophytes will appear, the old ones will become bigger, the vertebrae will grow together and the spine itself will warp.


The main symptoms include acute pain and limited mobility of the patient. The disease often develops without the knowledge of the patient, without manifesting itself.

Therefore, people usually go to the doctor only when the disease enters a neglected stage.

At this level of development of pathology, osteophytes are already quite large and interfere with the intercostal nerve endings of the thoracic region. Symptoms of spondylosis in the thoracic spine:

  • Chronic pain in the sternum. Localized on one side;
  • Painful seizures similar to those with intercostal neuralgia. Patients often confuse them with cardiac;
  • False angina. Severe, compressive pain left in the chest;
  • Chronic muscle cramps in the chest;
  • It becomes hard to breathe, breathing becomes more frequent;
  • The skin is gone;
  • It becomes worse in wet weather, cold, rapid change of weather conditions;
  • When the patient does not change position for a long time, the manifestations of spondylosis intensify. It becomes easier if you move a little or change your posture;
  • Pain syndrome is localized in different areas depending on the position or movements;
  • Man constantly tries to take a position in which it is easier for him;
  • At late time of day it gets worse;
  • It is difficult to fall asleep due to sudden pain during the turn;
  • Pain gives to the stomach and liver.

Risk factors

Spondylosis in the thoracic region of the spine can develop due to the following factors:

  1. Mechanical damage to the thoracic region of the spine;
  2. Lifting weights with incorrect technique;
  3. Metabolic disorders and poor diet;
  4. Permanent presence in one position;
  5. Genetic factor;
  6. Elderly age;
  7. Professional sports;
  8. Lack of calcium;
  9. Poor circulation in the pathology;
  10. Cold and drafts;
  11. Overweight;
  12. Scoliosis and kyphosis.


Symptoms of the thoracic spondylosis can talk about various pathologies of the back.Therefore, the diagnosis requires different studies. Prescribes them, usually a neurologist or therapist.

If your clinic has a specialist on the back - a vertebrologist, he will appoint them. The doctor will recognize the symptoms of spondylosis and help relieve the pain syndrome.

Before starting to treat the spondylosis of the thoracic department, research is carried out:

  • Lateral and direct radiography. This is the primary diagnosis for the presence of bone growths and obstructed vertebrae;
  • CT scan. Finds out if the condition of the spinal canal is OK;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Helps to consider degenerative vertebral processes, to study the state of intervertebral discs;
  • Electroneuromyelography. Explores nerves and their deformities;
  • Ultrasound. Find out in what state the blood circulation of the brain;
  • Radioisotope scanning. Will help to detect inflammation and malignant neoplasms.


The success of treating the spondylosis of the thoracic spine directly depends on the state of the vertebrae at the time of the initiation of therapy. Treatment of spondylosis sets the following tasks:

  1. Reduce and relieve pain;
  2. Relieve muscle tension;
  3. Strengthen the cartilaginous tissues of intervertebral discs;
  4. Improve metabolic processes in cartilaginous tissue;
  5. Strengthen the muscles supporting the spine;
  6. Do not allow further growth of osteophytes;
  7. To alleviate the syndrome of friction of bone tissue against each other.

Spondylosis can be treated with medication, physiotherapy and surgical procedures. Most often there is a need in all three ways.


Medicines help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in spondylosis.

For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen are used.

However, NSAIDs have a large number of side effects, they can not drink for a long time and it is better to monitor their condition together with the attending physician.

If NSAIDs do not work against spondylosis, the doctor may prescribe more potent substances - glucocorticosteroids.To restore the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues, chondroprotectors are prescribed.They can stop the development of pathology, especially at the initial stage.

In order to relieve muscle spasms in spondylosis, muscle relaxants, such as Sirdalud, are prescribed.


Electrophoresis and ultrasound treatment improve blood circulation in the spine, the state of nervous tissue.Swelling and inflammation go away.Vitamins normalize the metabolism of tissues, exhausted by osteophytes in spondylosis.

Folk recipes

Do not rely solely on your own strength, they can not do much against breastfeeding. But if the conservative treatment of spondylosis has already begun, with the permission of the doctor, you can use the following recipes:

  • Rub the area of ​​pain with fir oil;
  • To remove salt deposits, use tea from the root of sunflower. Grind the root of the plant, throw a teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water. Use for thirty days a glass daily;
  • To warm up the affected area, relieve pain and muscle tension, help the famous pepper tincture. Mix 30 grams of hot red pepper with 200 grams of vodka. Insist a couple of weeks in a place inaccessible to sunlight. From time to time, shake the tincture. Apply externally as a warming ointment.


When the acute period of spondylosis is gone, perform the basic exercises right on the job site:

  1. Rest in the back of the chair. Put your hands on the back of your head. Breathing in, straighten the back of the spine. Do five repetitions;
  2. Gently lift and lower your shoulders;
  3. Stretch on inhaling, raising your hands to the top and concentrating on stretching the thoracic spine;
  4. Gently rotate your head in one direction, then the other;
  5. Grasp the seat of the chair, and lift your legs in turn.

If there is no time even for such a motor complex, try at least to relax from time to time. Sitting in an armchair, put your hands down, raise your head. Relax your back completely, resting on the back of the chair.

Other methods

If the patient managed to find a good, proven chiropractor, it is worth using his services. Manualschik help to cope with pain in chest spondylosis and return the old posture.

Medicinal leeches help to cope with edema and, in passing, improve local blood circulation. Decoctions of birch buds, burdock leaf, hop cones and eucalyptus, used in the form of compresses, relieve puffiness and eliminate pain.

Surgical intervention

If conservative methods of treatment do not give a result against breast spondylosis, the attending physician prescribes surgery. Excess outgrowths on the bones are removed. If possible, the fused vertebrae also separate.

Unfortunately, surgery is an extreme method, but even it can not cure degenerative processes in the tissues of bone and cartilage. Only the osteophytes of the spine are removed.

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To stop negative changes in the tissue, you need to change the way of life.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

Spondylosis in the thoracic region of the spine is not pathology itself. This is a manifestation of degenerative-dystrophic processes, which were initiated by a whole complex of causes. To cure it completely it is impossible, it is possible to slow down development of a pathology and to exclude symptomatology only.

In the treatment often not only methods of traditional medicine are used, but also folk recipes, eastern wisdom.

I was lucky if I could start the therapy at an early stage.

Even if the acute period has gone and the disease is in remission, do not forget to visit your doctor, do not violate the preventive recommendations:

  • Eat less salt;
  • Do not strain your spine;
  • Do a lot of warming up if you are sedentary;
  • Do gymnastics or swim in the pool;
  • Eliminate bad habits.

By following these simple tips, you will not become a victim of such complications as:

  1. Appearance of intervertebral hernias and protrusions;
  2. Stenosis of the spinal canal;
  3. Incontinence of urine and feces;
  4. Impotence and gynecological diseases;
  5. Partial paralysis.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/dorsopatiya/spondilez-grudnogo-otdela.html

Chest spondylosis: symptoms and treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 2550

  • Numbness of legs
  • Chest pain
  • Burning sensation in the legs
  • Pain in the interblade area
  • It's a dull pain
  • Acute pain
  • Crawling sensation
  • Increased fatigue of the legs
  • Pain during movement
  • Shingles
  • Disturbance of limb mobility
  • Impaired sensation in the fingers
  • Tingling in the toes
  • Impaired sensation in the chest
  • Impaired sensation in the wrist
  • Difficulty turning the torso

Spondylosis of the thoracic spine is a pathological process that leads to deformation and dystrophic changes in the surface of the vertebrae.

As a result, the formation of osteophytes or bone spines begins.

Such neoplasms can reach significant sizes, which, in the end, leads to fusion of the vertebrae and limited mobility.

The deforming spondylosis of the thoracic spine is diagnosed in 10-15% of cases of spondylosis. There are no strict restrictions on age and sex, but most often the disease is diagnosed after 50 years. Also, according to statistics, in men, the disease is more common than in women.

Provided that the treatment will be started in a timely and correct manner, the forecast is quite favorable. In an advanced degree, the disease can lead to complete disability of the person.

Treatment can be conservative (complex exercise exercises, physical therapy, physiotherapy), and radical - operable elimination of pathology followed by rehabilitation.


The development of spondylosis of the thoracic spine in most cases is observed with several etiological factors, why this disease can be considered as multifactorial.

In general, the following etiological factors of this disease are distinguished:

  1. prolonged static loads - it means that the person spends most of the time in a sitting or standing position;
  2. mechanical spinal injuries, including the effects of work or sports;
  3. age changes.

In most cases, spondylosis of the thoracic spine is a complication after osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system with a similar etiology.

Spondylosis of the thoracic spine


According to the severity of the development of the pathological process, three of its forms are distinguished:

  • spondylosis of degree 1- slight change in physiological curves of the spine, slight limitation in movements;
  • spondylosis of 2nd degree- significant limitation in movements, a third group of disability may be assigned;
  • spondylosis of degree 3- the bone brace is formed, which can almost completely limit the mobility of a person.

In addition, there are several degrees of flow of such a disease of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. slowly progressing;
  2. moderately progressing;
  3. fast-progressing;
  4. lightning-fast type.

It should be noted that the disease of the last two degrees rarely develops as an independent pathological process. Most often this is a consequence of already existing diseases, and spondylosis is a complication.


At the initial stage, the symptoms of spondylosis of the thoracic spine may not appear if it is an independent pathological process. This leads to the fact that the disease is diagnosed to 2-3 degrees, when a person can no longer move normally.

In general, the symptomatology of this ailment is represented by the following clinical manifestations:

  • pain in the area of ​​the scapula, which can give to the thoracic area. Pain syndrome is especially noticeable after a long rest;
  • impaired sensation in the fingers of the upper limbs, wrist, thorax;
  • twists of the trunk can be difficult or even impossible;
  • limited mobility of hands and feet.

In process of aggravation of pathological process the painful syndrome can be felt and in other organs. Most often the complication affects:

  1. a heart;
  2. intestines;
  3. urethra;
  4. liver and kidneys;
  5. spleen;
  6. lungs.

Separately, we should distinguish the nature of pain, because in this case, this is a specific clinical sign:

  • can be unilateral or shingles;
  • at the initial stages - a short, acute nature with physical activity. As the aggravation - a constant noisy character, increases with motor activity;
  • when the internal organs are damaged - aching, compressive, tingling.

In more complex cases, the clinical picture will extend to the lower extremities, which is characterized as follows:

  1. sensation of "goosebumps
  2. tingling in the fingers;
  3. numbness;
  4. burning;
  5. severe fatigue even after a brief motor activity.

In view of the fact that the clinic of this disease is typical for other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in case of complications can be supplemented with symptoms and relative to other body systems, self-comparison of symptoms and treatment can not. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to irreversible pathological processes.

Diagnosis and treatment course

The appointment of a course of treatment is carried out only after an accurate diagnosis is made, namely, the stage, the degree of development of the disease, the complete clinical picture.

In this case, a consultation of such specialists will be required:

  • vertebrologist;
  • the neuropathologist;
  • surgeon.

The diagnostic program includes:

  1. CT and MRI of the spine;
  2. electroneuromyelography;
  3. Ultrasound of cerebral vessels;
  4. X-rays in two projections - directly and sideways;
  5. radioisotope scanning.

Laboratory tests are prescribed only in exceptional cases, since in general they, in this case, do not represent diagnostic value.

Treatment after clinical data collection

How to treat this disease can only tell the attending physician, after collecting all the clinical data, the results of the diagnosis.

When spondylosis of the thoracic spine can be used as conservative methods of treatment, and radical.

The first group of therapeutic measures include:

  • taking medications;
  • LFK (with spondylosis this is a mandatory item);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • correction of the diet, if necessary.

These drugs can be prescribed:

  1. painkillers;
  2. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory;
  3. chondroprotectors;
  4. muscle relaxants;
  5. congenital blockades;
  6. antidepressants.

Types of muscle relaxants

The following physiotherapeutic procedures may also be prescribed:

  • massotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with an anesthetic (most often novocaine);
  • magnetotherapy;
  • acupuncture.

Mandatory spondylosis is prescribed therapeutic gymnastics, since this procedure not only improves mobility, but also prevents the aggravation of the pathological process.

It is important to understand - physical exercises in spondylosis can be prescribed only by a doctor. It is impossible to conduct such events at one's discretion, as the LFK course is signed individually.

In the case of complete fusion of the spine and immobility of the trunk, an operation is performed. Recently, a new method is used - the affected area of ​​the spine is changed to a prosthesis.


With this disease, the development of such complications is possible:

  1. paralysis of the legs;
  2. stenosis of the spinal canal;
  3. intervertebral hernia.

In men, the impairment of sexual function is quite often observed - the deterioration of potency and the rapid completion of sexual intercourse.


Preventive measures of such a dangerous disease consist in the simplest recommendations:

  • optimal diet;
  • sufficient physical exertion;
  • adhere to safety rules during hard physical work and strength training.

In addition, you need to systematically undergo a medical examination for preventive purposes.

A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/2530-spondilez-grudnogo-otdela-simptomy

Features of deforming spondylosis of the thoracic spine

Deforming spondylosis - pathologychronic nature, which is characterized by lesion of intervertebral discs and degenerative-dystrophic changes in fibrous tissues.

Often when a disease appearsosteophytes- Bony growths located in the region of the lateral and anterior surfaces of vertebral bodies. As one can understand, osteophytes are a phenomenon that should not normally exist.

The emergence of these tumors can be calledprotective reactionorganism on the manifestations of another disease -chest osteochondrosis.

Destroyed disk structure does not allow the spinal column to function fully and in the field damaged vertebrae, similar growths are formed, which provide the vertebrae with additional support.

But, the further the process of formation of bone growth grows, the more pronounced the symptoms of pathology.

The deforming spondylosis of the thoracic spine is a type of disease in which the vertebrae of this department are damaged.

This type of spondylosis is less common than the lumbar and cervical spine, which is caused by a lesser load, inactive mobility of the spine in the chest.

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A distinctive feature of thoracic spondylosis is its prolonged course without manifestation of symptoms. Osteophytes can expand extensively,without causing any suspicionin humans.

Spondylosis of the thoracic region is manifested when the disease affects the intercostal nerves.


The main symptoms are:

  1. pain, which can be sudden, short-term and acute, or may be constant, aching.
  2. superficial breathing, which arises from the fear of increased morbidity;
  3. muscular tension at the top of the back;
  4. pain in the pancreas, liver and stomach;
  5. tingling, numbness in the chest;
  6. pain in the side of the chest.

Other manifestations of breast spondylosis

  • a metabolic disorder;
  • insufficient blood supply to the spine;
  • arthrosis;
  • destruction of discs between vertebrae.


  1. osteocondritis of the spine;
  2. elderly age;
  3. sedentary lifestyle;
  4. excessive stress on the spine;
  5. violation of posture;
  6. pathology of the structure of the spinal column;
  7. genetic factor;
  8. obesity, overweight;
  9. trauma of the spine of various nature.

Diagnosis of development

It is important to diagnose the development of breast spondylosis for anotherearly stages.

To this end, all people at risk (elderly, people with a sedentary lifestyle, with disabilities of posture and osteochondrosis) it is necessary to undergo a regular examination with a specialist, even if there are no visible reasons.

An experienced doctor can identify the disease when palpating - feeling the area of ​​the alleged lesion. After this, to confirm (or refute) the diagnosis, the patient is sent toradiographicexamination of the spine.

X-rays can show bony growths in the form of spines, arches or protuberances. In order for the picture to give more accurate results, it is necessary to do it intransverse projection and in the longitudinal.

Until recently, this type of study was the only diagnostic method. To date, the presence of the disease can be determined even at the earliest stage, after having been examined with the help ofmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

This kind of research can help a specialist to determine the course of spondylosis and the nature of its origin.

After the diagnosis was made, the doctor prescribes a treatment that is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body, age and many other facts.

In most cases, thoracic spondylosis is found by chance during examination for other diseases of the spine.


It should be noted that against the formed osteophytesAbsolute treatment does not exist, so spondylosis can be calledirreversible process, which eventually can affect the entire vertebral column. In general, the treatment is aimed at minimizing the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of thoracic spondylosis is divided into:

  • Medicated
  • Alternative
  • Operational


Drug therapy is aimed at reducing orelimination of painand muscle spasms, an increase in vertebral activity, the removal of inflammatory processes and swelling of damaged tissues.

Usually such tasks are handledanti-inflammatorydrugs such asIndomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and the like. However, stop the progression of the disease or slow the progression of spondylosisthese drugs are not able to.

Their use can only alleviate the suffering of the patient and improve his life qualitatively.

In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics,muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors.


treatment includes:


Such therapy can improve the motor activity of intervertebral disks, thus eliminating pain.


Improves microcirculation in vertebral tissues, preventing the spread of puffiness in soft tissues. The most common application of electrophoresis with demyxide, ultrasound and dynamic currents.


Improves the blood supply to the back area due to reflex stimulation of bioactive points.


Physiotherapy -indispensable attributetreatment of spondylosis. It must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

The attending physician or physiotherapist selects the exercises individually for each patient. The course of exercise therapy helps restore the mobility of the spine, can reduce soreness.

It should be borne in mind that all exercises must be performed carefully and very smoothly, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Extension of the spine

Another effective method in the treatment of breast spondylosis is underwater spinal traction.

Such therapy is aimed at reducing the tone of the musculature, thereby increasing the intervertebral distance.

In addition, spastic pains, spasms of blood vessels are eliminated, and the blood supply of the spinal column improves, which in turn enhances the effectiveness of the main type of treatment.

Folk methods

Non-traditional methods of treatment, namely traditional medicine, also has in its stock a lot of funds to facilitate the manifestation of breast spondylosis.

The main means -infusions and decoctions, which must be taken several times a day before meals. So.

For example, infusion of rose hips, cranberries and blackcurrant leaves mixed in equal amounts stimulates functional abilities of the adrenal cortex and improves metabolism, which in turn helps the body to fight more inflammations.

To remove the pain and inflammation will also help infusion of 100 g of lime bark, 80 g of birch leaves and 20 g of black elderberry flowers. Mix all the ingredients, take 2 tbsp. l. from the collection, pour 100 ml of boiling water and take 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Each of the methods of treatment, drug or alternative, should be prescribed STRICTLY by a specialist. Self-medication in the case of breast spondylosis is strictly prohibited!

Operative (surgical) treatment

If the disease occurredfusion of vertebrae, surgical intervention is necessary.

Treatment in a similar way isa rare case, since the rehabilitation period after the operation is quite long and difficult. During the operation, the osteophytes are truncated.

The operation with spondylosis is very complicated, because there are a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels around each vertebra. In addition, the risk of damage to the spinal cord is great.

Another factor that influences the rare use of this method is that spondylosis - disease mainly of elderly people whose heart can simply not withstand the action anesthesia.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

With the timely detection of the disease and its correct treatment, a person can lead a normal life without suffering pain and discomfort.

As preventive measures, it is necessary to conductdaily morning charge- it's much easier than treating spondylosis itself.

Correct posture, uniform load on the spine guarantee a healthy future.

Similarly, in order to avoid metabolic disorders, it is important to monitor the diet, use as many vitamins and minerals as possible and minimize salt intake.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/spondilyoz/grudnogo-otdela.html

Thoracic spondylosis

Thoracic spondylosis is a chronic disease in which the growth of the bone tissue of the thoracic spine occurs. On the anterior and lateral margins of the vertebrae, bony outgrowths are formed, which have the form of thorns.

The adiposity, osteophytes, in the course of time significantly increase in size, limit the mobility of the spine, lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal, squeezing the nerve endings than cause prolonged pain in the thoracic department.

The appearance of bone spines is a compensatory reaction of the body to degenerative-dystrophic processes in the tissues of intervertebral discs.

In this way, the body tries to compensate for the lost cushioning properties of the disc, the loss of its height due to the destruction of its structure and thinning.

Osteophytes for some time really create an additional support for vertebrae, replacing the function of intervertebral discs.

But the gradual growth of bone tissue contributes to the intensification of pathological symptoms and can lead to the coalescence of adjacent vertebrae.

The deforming properties of spondylosis are caused by an increase in the size of osteophytes and calcification of vertebral ligaments.

Prolonged exposure to these factors leads to an irreversible change in the spinal column - its curvature is formed.

The same degenerative changes of other parts of the spine have received the names of cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis at the site of their localization.

Symptoms -aggravation of mobility

The main symptoms of spondylosis are deterioration of vertebral mobility and prolonged pain sensations.They are the reason for visiting a doctor.

Anatomical feature of the thoracic spine, namely its natural weak mobility, contributes to the long course of the disease without pronounced signs.

There is a certain stiffness of the thoracic region and pain, when the osteophytes are already significantly expanded, and the process begins to affect the intercostal nerves emerging from the thoracic region.

Symptoms of manifestations of thoracic spondylosis:

  • Constant pain in the chest, which can be worse. Pain has one-sided localization.
  • Acute streeding pain along the intercostal nerve. Sudden, short pain is often taken for pain in the heart.
  • Pseudostenocardia - heaviness, compression, painful sensations are similar to manifestations of angina pectoris.
  • The constant tension of the muscles of the back skeleton in the upper and middle parts of it is an involuntary attempt to prevent a painful attack.
  • Superficial and superficial inhalations and exhalations - a reduction in the manifestation of pain symptoms
  • Numbness of the abdominal and spinal walls in places of intercostal nerve localization.
  • Meteoependence of the thoracic spine - increased discomfort when changing weather, dampness or low temperature.
  • Pain intensification occurs with a prolonged static state - the sitting position, standing, the inclination of the body forward leads to a gradual increase in pain. Change of body position, calm walking bring some relief.
  • Change of painful sensations depending on the position of the body - the pain is localized in the region of the ribs and blade, and during a long walk, the corners of the body and when raising the hands significantly amplified.
  • Constant involuntary search for a pose that helps relieve pain.
  • Strengthening of pain in the evening.
  • Sleep disturbance - uncontrolled body position, turns provoke pain syndrome.
  • Mirroring of pain sensations by the organs of the digestive system - pain is felt in the stomach, liver, pancreas.
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Spondylosis of the thoracic spine is a fairly common disease. It is a consequence of changes in the structure of the intervertebral disc and cartilaginous tissues.

Causes of development of breast spondylosis

  • trauma and microtrauma of the thoracic spine,
  • improper lifting of weights,
  • metabolic disorders with an incorrect or unbalanced diet,
  • regular static loads that cause tension of the spine,
  • anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

The risk groups for developing breastfed spondylosis are those of advanced age, professional athletes, weightlifting and martial arts, people leading a predominantly inactive way of life, but performing an episodic physical work.

Diagnosis and accurate diagnosis

Manifestation of symptoms that indicate the possibility of developing or having breast spondylosis requires a qualitative and accurate diagnosis.

The doctor - vertebrologist conducts a primary examination and appoints additional tests and examinations for diagnosis.

If there is a suspected infringement of the nerves, the patient is referred for consultation to a neurologist.

The initial diagnosis is made at the first visit to the vertebrologist. Survey and palpation of the spinal column allows to establish the presence of this disease.

For the correct appointment and conduct of treatment activities, it is necessary to identify the stage of the disease, the degree and nature of the changes.

Painful symptoms do not allow to carry out diagnostic measures qualitatively, to alleviate the condition patient and to obtain qualitative results, a medical blockade of pain sensations. Most often, a mixture of local anesthetic and steroid hormones is administered.

Studies that determine the development of the disease:

  1. X-ray images in the direct and lateral projection - shows the presence of osteophytes, their size and location, allows to determine the area of ​​involvement of the thoracic department, assess the degree of changes in the sites of articulation of the ribs and the spine.
  2. Computer tomography allows to determine the presence or absence of narrowing of the spinal canal.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see changes in bone tissue, assess the degree of fusion of the vertebrae, identify the degree of damage to the intervertebral discs, the presence of pathologies in soft tissues, diagnose the condition of nerve fibers, joints, vessels.
  4. Electroneuromyelography is a method of accurately diagnosing the state of the nervous tissue, its degree of damage and conduction.
  5. Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels is performed to exclude the syndrome of the vertebral artery.
  6. Radioisotope scanning is an accurate diagnosis of the presence and focus of the inflammatory process or tumor.

Treatment and removal of pain manifestations

The purpose of treatment, duration of treatment and effectiveness depends on the stage of the disease itself and the overall health of the patient. The main objectives of the treatment are the following:

  • reduction and removal of pain manifestations,
  • removal of muscle spasm,
  • improvement of the condition of intervertebral discs,
  • partial or complete restoration of blood supply to the spine and intervertebral discs,
  • strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine,
  • restoration of the physiological norm of metabolic processes,
  • delay of irreversible changes in damaged tissues,
  • removal of friction and pressure of the vertebrae.

Modern methods of treating the disease are divided into surgical, medicamental and physiotherapeutic. Such a division is rather conditional in its primary form of medical influence, in practice, most often a combination of these methods.

Surgical intervention is an extreme form of treatment of thoracic spondylosis, when the result significantly exceeds the risks of intervention or when it is impossible to achieve an improvement in another way state of the patient. In the course of the operation, the bone tissue that has expanded and, if possible, the intervertebral discs are removed. The surgeon eliminates only the manifestations of the disease, but not the cause.

Medical treatment in the early stages of the disease allows not only to stop the pain syndrome, but also to eliminate the cause of the development of the disease.

Initially, it is necessary to remove the pain effect, which will not allow for a qualitative treatment, it gives serious physical and psychological discomfort to the patient.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Novalis, Ibuprofen, Naproxen qualitatively anesthetize, but have side effects effects and are taken only for the purpose of the attending physician, which takes into account both the general condition of the patient and the severity of the course disease. The use of local anesthetics is effective for mild pains, in this case ointments and gels gently relieve it.

Course injections of Ketonol, Novocain blockades are indicated for acute pain and depend on the symptomatology. Spinal-cerebral novocaine anesthesia is used in case of surgery or with extremely painful manifestations of the disease.

The weak effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the need for blockade of a particular joint causes the use of glucocorticosteroids such as Betamethasone.

It has a stable therapeutic effect with minimal side effects.

Complement the reception of medicines and strengthen their action physiotherapy procedures.For the treatment of breast spondylosis apply:

  1. electrophoresis,
  2. ultrasonic procedures,
  3. diadynamic currents,
  4. complexes exercise therapy.

This allows you to remove pain, improve the microcirculation of the spinal tissues, restores the conductivity of nerve fibers and eliminates swelling of soft tissues.

Introduced with the help of electrophoresis, vitamin complexes help normalize metabolic processes and optimize the general state of the body.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the basic treatment for the initial stage of the disease.

High efficiency and persistent impact is provided by high-quality course manual therapy. Such activities are good for relieving pain, restoring a disturbed posture. It can be an integral part of complex treatment.

Vacuum massage and acupuncture contribute to the restoration of blood circulation of soft tissues, affect active points, relieve pain, eliminate hypertension of the muscular corset.

The use of herdotherapy removes puffiness, restores local blood microcirculation. The same effect is the use of compresses from decoctions of medicinal plants.

Birch buds, burdock leaves, aloe, eucalyptus and hop cones with course treatments eliminate edema, soften the painful manifestations.

The technique of restoration of the intervertebral connective tissue with the help of chondoprotectors gives a stable positive dynamics, especially when used at the earliest stages of the development of the disease.

Treatment of breast spondylosis takes a long period, does not guarantee complete restoration of tissues, but it allows to achieve a stable positive effect and to stop the negative development of the disease.


Spondylosis of any part of the spinal column is inherently an expression of degenerative processes, The mechanism for the full restoration of tissues and functions affected by this disease does not appear possible.

Over the past decades, the disease has significantly "rejuvenated" and in the zone of risk of its development were not only people of advanced, average age, whose professional activity or individual predisposition attracts the development of such pathology, but also young people and even teenagers.A sedentary lifestyle, poor physical preparation, impaired posture and curvature of the spine contribute to the development of thoracic spondylosis.Modern medicine in its treatment applies not only traditional methods of treatment, but also uses the experience of traditional medicine, eastern practices and the achievement of scientific developments. The beginning of treatment in the early stages of the disease gives good results, but does not lead to complete recovery.

Systematic observation and complex treatment allows to avoid the development of dangerous for health unpleasant and severe complications:

  • the formation of intervertebral hernias,
  • narrowing of the spinal canal,
  • incontinence products of excretory system,
  • infringement of genital function,
  • restriction of motor activity.

To consolidate positive dynamics, it is necessary to conduct regular medical examinations, perform doctor appointments, balance nutrition, get rid of bad habits, do not stress the musculoskeletal system, conduct a measured lifestyle, paying attention to sparing physical loads.

A source: http://www.knigamedika.ru/kost/dorsopatii/spondilez.html

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