How to stop a strong cough in an adult

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How to stop coughing

Coughing is a reflex action of the body in response to irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract with pathological contents, a foreign body or some inflammatory process. The sudden coughing can turn out to be harmless and can only be a response from the body. But when there are other symptoms besides cough, it's worth paying attention to it. If it lasts several weeks, it's a chronic disease.

To understand how to cope with a cough, you first need to understand its causes.

How to stop a cough in a child

The structure of the larynx in the place of vocal cords in children is slightly different. It is located slightly higher than that of an adult, but in the place of the cricoid cartilage (in the region of the subglottic space) it is narrowed. Thus, the child's larynx has the shape of a funnel. The vocal cords form a voice gap, they are thin and short. The laryngeal lumen is narrow, has many nerve endings, mucous edema may occur. Therefore, children often suffer from laryngitis. Cough in infants can also occur due to ARVI or allergies.

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If the cough caught a child during a night's sleep, you should calm it down and give it a drink of mineral water, a chamomile broth or a glass of warm milk. These products will soften the larynx and pharyngeal mucosa, which will calm the cough and take away the perspiration in the throat.

You can give a teaspoon of honey or butter for resorption. This method also has a soothing effect on the tender baby's mucous membrane. It is not necessary to give honey in the event that the little one has an allergy to it.

In the event that the cough does not subside, try to make the baby inhalation: pour hot water into the pot and add the essential oil there (for example, cedar or eucalyptus). Inhalation with boiled potatoes is unlikely to be appropriate, since a fit of coughing will not wait. In an emergency, with a strong growing choking, you can simply open the hot water in the bathroom and tilt the child over the steam. At this moment, the humidity of the room is also increased, so that the airways are moistened, and the cough comes to naught.

You can use syrup for children, containing in its composition essential oils. This often helps to calm the cough.

When coughing a child during ARVI, you can use some techniques:

  • Give sweetened almond oil.
  • Mix 50 g of honey and 50 g of olive oil. Give for 1 hour. l. three times a day.
  • Put lemon in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, then pull it out and wait until it cools. Lemon juice squeeze into a glass, add the same amount of glycerin and add the honey so that the glass is filled. This mixture is taken to cleanse the airways.
  • Cut small pieces of orange, without removing the skin from it, sprinkle with sugar and cook for half an hour on low heat. Give the child during a dry cough (in the event that the allergy to citrus is absent).

Despite getting rid of a cough, if it appears again, you need to see a doctor, as a dry cough can be a laryngitis, a complication of which is an attack of suffocation. This condition requires the call of emergency medical care and is called a false croup.

How to stop a cough at night

At night, the flow of blood in the lungs slows down, mucus is absorbed with difficulty, sputum accumulates, while the person is constantly in one horizontal position. Because of this, most often coughing attacks are painful at night, preventing relatives and the patient from sleeping. During the whole length of sleep it is recommended to change the position of the body more often in bed.

The main cause of night cough are acute inflammatory processes in the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria, but there may be other factors: allergic reaction (to fluff or feathers in pillows), dry air in the room, body position during sleep, bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory diseases system.

It should be noted that if a coughing attack is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and lack of fresh air, it is most likely a heart cough. With this cough, sputum does not go away, in some cases, hemoptysis may appear, it is dry and intensified when the person takes a horizontal position. People suffering from a heart cough need to be treated primarily in the heart, but a fit of cough that has arisen at night should be stopped.

Before going to bed, you can prepare a special water, which will ease the condition with a sudden night cough: warm up in a frying pan sugar until the moment when it becomes brown and dissolve it in a glass of simple boiled water.

To calm down the night cough will help warm broths of herbs, alkaline drink (milk with Borzhomi).

With an allergic cough, you need to take an antihistamine.

Do not forget about the dampening of the bedroom.

In the absence of the effect of home methods and increasing cough, you need to call an ambulance.

How to stop dry cough

There are very simple folk methods that will save you from a painful dry cough in a few minutes:

  1. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a glass and add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. For a taste, you can add a pinch of salt so that it's not nasty to drink, then the solution will look like a meat broth. With small sips, drink half a glass.
  2. Beat the yolk from the egg and, stirring, add hot milk (pour a neat trickle), to mix in there for 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter. To drink the resulting "gogol-mogol" in a hot form, then go to bed.
  3. With dry cough, mulled wine will help. This drink will be both tasty and useful. To make such a drink you need to boil half a cup of water, throw in two dried cloves, two small pieces of ginger root and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon. Remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. l. honey and a slice of lemon. To drink a drink in a hot kind, to go to bed and to be wrapped up.
  4. A quick way to eliminate dry cough: a piece of ginger grate on a fine grater and get from it for 1 hour. l. juice, add 1 hour. l. honey, mix ingredients and drink.

Dry, debilitating cough can become a symptom of such dangerous diseases as whooping cough and tuberculosis, so you need to go to a doctor for a consultation and conduct a survey.

How to stop a strong cough

With a strong prolonged cough, the main task is to eliminate it. Before you drink pills, you can use natural remedies:

  1. Take a spoonful of lime or other honey with propolis, put on the tip of the tongue and slowly dissolve. Perform this procedure several times a day for half an hour before meals. Swallowing honey at once is impossible, since its help lies precisely in the careful irrigation of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. lime flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover and insist half an hour. After this, drain the infusion, take for 20 minutes. before eating 100 ml three times a day.
  3. Mix a large chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Steep the mixture for five hours. Take, without pouring the juice, for 1 hour. l. half an hour before meals 4 r. per day.
  4. Wash the black radish, cut off the top two parts. At the bottom, make a groove with a knife, fill it with sugar or better with honey. Cover with the top and leave in a warm place for the formation of juice. Take 1 hour. l. twice a day.
  5. Inhalations with fir oil have an excellent effect with a strong cough. Five drops of oil to add to the pan with hot water, bend over the steam, cover with a towel and breathe five minutes. During the illness, perform these inhalations three times a week.
  6. Cowberry crumble with sugar (:), pour into a glass jar and insist for a day in a warm place. Take cranberry syrup for 1 hour. l. 4 r. the day before meals.
  7. A great remedy is raspberry syrup. Since raspberry has a diaphoretic effect, it helps not only to eliminate a strong cough, but also to improve the overall condition. 200 g raspberries crush, add 100 grams of sugar. Insist 24 hours and take 1 tbsp. l. before eating three times a day.
  8. Place a large head of garlic in 200 ml of milk and cook until it softens. Put 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and drink a medicine for 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Coughing is normal, moreover, it is needed by our body, since it has a protective and cleansing effect. Care should be taken to develop a cough and to know its etiology.

How to stop a fit of coughing

Effective is a moist cough, because together with sputum, it displays pathological substances and promotes the purification of the respiratory tract. Dry cough, on the contrary, increases irritation and spasm of the respiratory system. In order to remove all toxins, it is necessary to provoke the separation of sputum and its active diversion. Therefore, if you have a dry cough, you should drink thinner sputum preparations - mucolytics (Bromhexin, Ambroxol). There are also plants that have mucolytic effects - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, thyme. In addition to stimulating sputum removal, these drugs have anti-inflammatory effect and soothe cough. To increase the amount of sputum to be separated and to dilute it, it is necessary to drink plenty of water.

Smokers often suffer persecution in the throat and dry cough. They can be helped by such drugs as Gedelix, Bonhosan, Doctor MOM, tincture of eucalyptus. Traditional medicine recommends treating cough from smokers in this way: dilute milk with mineral water, drink solution three times a day.

Such drugs as "Stoptussin" and "Libexin" have antitussive effect and help to cope with persistent exhausting cough.

How to stop an asthmatic cough

Asthmatic cough loud, nasal, accompanied by chest tightness and dry rales, intensifies in the evening. This problem occurs against the background of asthmatic bronchitis. The temperature does not increase.

During an asthmatic attack, it is very important to relax the muscles and calm down. To do this will help a special pose: sit on a chair facing his back, put a pillow from above and lean on it. Make deep exhalations. If possible, use an inhaler to stop the attack (Salbutamol, Berotek), making two breaths. In the absence of effect, the drug is inhaled repeatedly. When a person knows about the presence of a similar disease, he should always have an inhaler with him.

Do not use mustard and steam baths, as they further increase the spasm of the bronchi.

In the case where it is impossible to remove the attack, urgent help is called. The doctor helps with the injection of euphilin, which allows you to instantly expand the bronchi and remove the spasm. In an emergency, an injection of dexamethasone or prednisolone is given.

How to stop an attack of an allergic cough

Symptoms of an allergic cough are very similar to an asthmatic attack, but it occurs in response to an active allergen (pollen of plants, harsh odors, animal hair, dust, household chemicals). Often, the allergy is accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, facial edema.

At the very beginning of the attack, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the allergic reaction, then take an antihistamine drug (suprastin, diazolin, tavegil). Nasal and oral cavity rinse with water.

For the prevention of allergies should be ventilated rooms, regularly perform wet cleaning. If you do not know what you are allergic to but feel its symptoms, you need to organize a trip to the doctor and do not start the condition.

How to stop an attack of cough in ARVI

In inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract cough occurs after a few hours. At first it is dry, then it becomes wet. With laryngitis, for example, a cough dry and "barking expressed hoarseness. With tracheitis, a loud, severe cough with painful sensations in the chest. Bronchitis is characterized by a painless cough with shortness of breath and damp rales.

Dry air in the room provokes broncho- and laryngospasm. Therefore, humidifiers must be present in the room. If there are no humidifiers, you can arrange containers with water in different places. In winter, they are placed near the battery or heater. Inhalations by simple hot steam or steamed boiled potatoes allow to moisturize and soften the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

During the seizure, it is better to sit down, leaning on the pillow. If the cough is dry, it is recommended to drink ginger tea or warm milk, adding butter or honey. Promotes the improvement of onion juice with honey: the ingredients are bred in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is infused for four hours. Take 2 times a day for 1 hour. l.

Breathing exercises also help during a bout of coughing. First you need to take a deep breath and exhale, then hold your breath. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

How to stop an attack of cough: emergency methods, prevention

  • At the child at night
  • In an adult
  • At home

From the inside, the airways of a person are lined with epithelium covered with villi, in the medical literature it is called ciliary.

Such a structure provides free movement of sputum, along with dust particles, crumbs.

But sometimes irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract is caused by diseases, to relieve the condition it is necessary to know how to stop the attack of a cough.

Sudden coughing attacks can be caused by the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, an allergic reaction to a stimulus, hot or cold, dry air.

Basically, this phenomenon occurs at night during sleep, this is due to the difficulty in spitting out of the bronchi. A frequent companion of ARVI is a runny nose. In the horizontal position, mucus from the nasal passages drains along the back wall of the throat and enters the respiratory tract, which can also cause coughing attacks.

This phenomenon serves only as a symptom of certain pathologies:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cold.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Laryngitis.

In these cases, it is productive, with abundant sputum secretion. With bronchial asthma or allergies, cough is dry, debilitating, with laryngitis - loud, "croaking". Before you choose a method to stop a coughing attack, you need to identify its exact cause.

First of all, the doctor will listen to wheezing in the lungs, if necessary, send it to X-ray, depending on the results obtained, further tactics of treatment are determined.

First of all, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the room: turn on the humidifier, clean and air. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 - 23 ° C. To prevent a continuous, ongoing course of the disease, you should contact a doctor in a timely manner and do not allow self-medication.

To stop an attack of cough with bronchial asthma, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Injection,% solution of adrenaline in the volume, ml. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Subcutaneous injection 1ml 1% ephedrine.


These measures should be taken only with the precise confidence in the diagnosis and the availability of necessary medical skills.

Call an ambulance should be when there are difficulties with breathing, sharp pallor, fainting, a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Stop an attack of dry cough in an adult can be in such ways:

  • Go to the balcony or open the window for airing.
  • To have a warm tea with chamomile.
  • Dissolve the lollipop with the sage.

To stop a fit of severe cough in childhood, doctors recommend:

  • Take the baby in his arms and reassure him.
  • If this condition is accompanied by vomiting, then tilt the baby slightly so that it does not choke, and then wash and rinse your mouth.
  • Open the bathroom with hot water, go there with the baby and stay for 15 to 20 minutes, so that he could breathe a wet steam.
  • Give warm milk with honey and a small slice of cocoa butter.

Often when solving the problem, how to stop a fit of cough, to use only these methods does not work, therefore it is necessary to use certain drugs that have a systemic effect on the body. You can also use traditional medicine.

How to stop a cough in a child at night: ways to solve the problem

Often, a prolonged incessant cough in childhood results from pertussis.

Its causative agent is attached to the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchi and causes their irritation, there is excessive stimulation of the cough center in the brain.Therefore, even after antibiotic treatment, the symptoms of infection persist for a long time.

As the pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, earlier this disease was rare, but to date cases of pertussis have become more frequent due to a mass refusal of vaccinations. Another reason for a prolonged cough in a child is adenoiditis and a protracted runny nose. Flowing during sleep on the back wall of the larynx, the snot irritates the epithelium of the respiratory tract, causing a constant desire to clear them of phlegm.

Also, such a symptom can serve as a protective reaction to the ingress of a foreign body. A prolonged dry incessant cough without other signs of acute respiratory viral infection or inflammation (eg, fever) can occur with bronchial asthma.

Ways how to stop a cough in a child are listed in the table below:

Concomitant symptom or diseaseHelp
Causes of unknown

• Give a warm, softening throat, drink.

• Make inhalation with soda.

• Ventilate the room.

• Switch on the humidifier.

Stuffy nose

• Clean the nasal passages (to help the kids use an aspirator).

• Rinse with sea water (Humer, Atomer, AquaMaris).

• Sip the vasoconstrictor (Vibrocil, Otryvin, Galazolin).

Whooping cough Give the drug to stop the cough: Sinecod, Theophylline.

• Crush or dissolve the pill from pain in the throat and to soften the vocal cords (Lisobakt, Lizak, Tonzilgon).

• Use cough medicine: Paxeladin, Sinecod.

Bronchitis, pneumonia • Expectorant medications on a chemical basis (herbal preparations are slower): Ambroxol, Lazolvan.
Bronchial asthma Specific therapy (aerosols Salbutamol, Berotek).

In order to stop an attack of cough in a child, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Fill some figs with a glass of milk and simmer over low heat until it turns brown. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.
  • Pass the aloe leaves through the meat grinder, add honey and melted butter to the gruel. Stir the mixture for 1 to 2 hours and press through gauze. The resulting juice to drink 10 ml 4 times a day before meals.


If an attack of coughing can not be stopped, then you need to call an ambulance. Also, treatment in a hospital is mandatory for children under 6 months.

How to stop coughing in an adult: treatment methods and recommendations

The reasons for the appearance of a cough in an adult are the same as for a child, the exception is whooping cough, which at this age practically does not occur. Morning attacks can be triggered by regular smoking.

The principles of how to stop a cough in an adult depend on the type of cough:

  • Productive is accompanied by sputum discharge. To facilitate this process, tablets Ambroxol, ACS, Bromhexine are used. It can also be caused by run-off mucus. In this case, Tizin, Nazivin, and Naftizin are used.
  • Dry due to inflammation of the throat, bronchial asthma, allergies. Specific hormonal aerosols (Pulmicort, Ventolin), drugs for the treatment of the nasopharynx and larynx (Lugol, Lizak, Septotelet).

It is also possible to stop a cough in an adult using traditional medicine:

  • Bind the nettle grass with vodka and insist 7 to 10 days. Take during an attack of 10 ml.
  • A tablespoon of sage mixed with 200 ml of milk and boiled. Cool, drain and consume at night.
  • With an exacerbation, drink a glass of warm milk and butter.

With prolonged cough, a doctor should be visited to exclude such serious pathologies as tuberculosis, neoplasms, metastases in the lungs or bronchial tubes.

How to stop cough at home: inhalation, compresses

A common method of getting rid of a night cough is the mustard plaster. First they are moistened in warm water and applied directly to the skin of the back (5 - 8 pieces) for 5 - 10 minutes.

In children, mustard can provoke a burn, so under them should be put half folded gauze.To enhance the effect, you can wrap it in a film and cover with a blanket.

Also, inhalations with hot air are useful, they are advised to be administered with a steam inhaler. It is poured decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, marigold), add iodine and soda. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use a nebulizer by filling the capsule with a medicine or ordinary mineral water.

Help in solving the problem of how to stop coughing at home, are capable of compresses.The procedure can be done with hot pounded potatoes. It should be wrapped in thick paper or cloth and attached to the chest. Top with polyethylene and a warm blanket until completely cooled. Instead of potatoes, the following recipe will do: slice the cabbage leaf with honey and place on the back.


Treatment of coughing attacks at night in an adult

Coughing is an arbitrary excretion of sputum or other foreign particles from the respiratory tract. Coughing attacks at night in an adult can occur as a result of a cold, allergy or smoking. They can be dry or productive, with excretion of sputum. Dry cough is most often accompanied by loss of voice and hoarseness. Such symptoms are in most cases caused by laryngitis - acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Causes of laryngitis - a strong voice tension, hypothermia, any pollution or steam release into the air, smoking. Usually, these symptoms are accompanied by a slight inflammation of the larynx, and therapy is possible at home.But if suddenly the treatment will be protracted and the state of health will only worsen, then a doctor's consultation is urgently needed, since serious complications are possible.

Treatment of laryngitis

For successful therapy of laryngitis it is necessary:

  • to ensure complete peace, not to talk even in a whisper;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Regularly use warm drinks made from herbs such as St. John's wort, lime blossom, chamomile, sage, gargle with soda or herbs;
  • periodically apply a warm compress to the throat;
  • carry out alkaline inhalation.

Cough in adults, which is accompanied by wheezing, is most often associated with bronchitis. If there are no other symptoms, then it means that one does not have to endure until other manifestations have appeared. Usually such breathing is not audible, but under heavy loads it becomes more noticeable. If other ailments occur, such as a temperature above 38 ° C, a runny nose, tracheitis or laryngitis, an acute bronchitis may develop. His treatment is much more complicated than the usual cough.

The following recommendations should be observed:

  • abundant drinking;
  • bed rest;
  • refusal of any physical exertion.

If the health deteriorated within a few days, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Coughing attacks at night in an adult can be after stagnant discharge from the bronchi. If the time is not treated, the disease can go to chronic bronchitis. In this case, you need to conduct a study of the chest. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Sizzling breath can also cause bronchial asthma, an attack of suffocation occurs during the course of the disease. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist who will find out what the seizures are related to. It may be found that the patient is allergic, in this case the treatment should be individual.

But in any case, going to the doctor is mandatory, because the consequences of asthma can become deplorable. There are difficulties in breathing, pale face, sweat on the forehead. When the lips turn blue, urgent hospitalization is needed. A man needs help.

Usually people with asthma have an inhaler. It is important to put the patient on a chair and use the necessary medications once. If the condition does not improve, then repeat the procedure.

After that, release from the outer clothing, offer to tilt your head and lean on your hands, so it is easier for a person to suffer an attack. Before the ambulance arrives, it is important to follow the recommendations.

Coughing at night in adults delivers discomfort not only to the patient, but also to others. Especially if there is a new force, a sleepless night is secured.

But even a night cough can accompany much more serious problems, such as chest pain, drying of the larynx, constant perspiration.

At night, a person is more difficult to tolerate the illness that accompanies a cough, because it is in a horizontal position.

The patient simply can not completely free his breath.

Only at night the body is not able to fully function fully, thereby sputum accumulates and the symptoms worsen. It should be remembered that the causes of night cough in adults and children can be a serious cause for concern.

Causes of a night cough:

  • smoking;
  • uncomfortable position of the body during sleep;
  • increased or lowered air temperature in the room in which the person is located;
  • acute bronchitis, chronic or mild;
  • allergy;
  • virus infection, flu, cold.

Folk remedies for treatment

To get rid of a pesky cough at night it is possible with the help of medicines or folk remedies. Any medications containing mucolytics will help to eliminate symptoms at the time. It is important to drink as much warm liquid as possible, and preferably milk with honey or soda. Periodically ventilate the room in which the patient is. Dry air will only aggravate the situation. Traditional medicine comes to the rescue when drugs do not help. Several tips for eliminating a night cough in an adult are suggested:

  1. Treatment with honey. You need to put a teaspoon of honey on the tongue and dissolve, the cough will not bother all night. Also at night you can drink a glass of milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and butter. This drink warms, if the room is cold, and softens the throat.
  2. You need to take a pinch of salt, hold it in your mouth for a while, and then swallow it. This old method has already helped many.
  3. Pine buds also help to avoid a strong night cough. 1 tablespoon of raw material is brewed with 1 glass of steep boiling water. If you have an attack, take a sip of the infusion, immediately you will feel relief.
  4. If you chew a leaf of a golden mustache during an attack of cough, then it eventually stops.
  5. Quickly to remove a strong cough in an adult can be with the help of nettle. Several sheets or a tablespoon of dry herbs brew 1 cup of boiling water.
  6. Infusion of valerian not only helps to get enough sleep, but also calms a strong cough. For 1 glass of water you need 20 drops of infusion. The agent is drunk in small sips.
  7. The black radish is cut in half, in one part the contents are removed with a spoon, several honey spoons are put there. The product closes for several hours. Over time, the medicine will infuse and will have healing properties. Black radish juice can be used to spread the area of ​​the chest and back.
  8. Infusion of 1 tablespoon of sage and a glass of boiling water should be taken in small sips during a strong cough.

But with self-treatment, do not forget that if any complications arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The consequences can be severe (possibly the onset of pneumonia).

How to recognize pneumonia?

Recognize the ailment can be on the following grounds:

  • coughing;
  • sudden deterioration or improvement of the condition;
  • pallor of the face;
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • at a high temperature, medicines do not help;
  • wheezing with tight ligaments or coughing.

With any symptoms, specialist help is required. The doctor should prescribe a treatment based on the severity of the patient's condition. In any case, the appointment of antibiotics and lower body temperature. Pneumonia does not need to be treated independently, especially to resort to folk medicine.


All of the above diseases are accompanied by a strong cough at night, which is hard to get rid of. As a result, the body does not rest. An organism in the period of any disease needs a healthy and strong sleep. Only at this time the body is restored and most of all gives in to treatment. In any case, it is worth remembering that only an expert can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Be healthy!

How to stop a fit of coughing in a child or an adult at night

Quite often the cough affects at night. Sometimes it is so unbearable that urgent therapeutic measures are needed. Distinguish cough wet and dry. At the first kind it is expedient to accept expectorants, thanks to which it is possible to withdraw phlegm. For a dry cough, there is no sputum in the lungs. Various antitussive herbs can eliminate it.

How to overcome

Any form of cough is a symptom of a particular ailment, so all treatment methods should be directed to its causes. To combat cough, the child can be involved in both medicines and folk remedies.


To combat cough, the following types of medicines are actively used:

  • mucolytic;
  • expectorant;
  • antitussive (by reference you can see what are antitussive drugs with a dry cough).

Only a doctor can determine the medicine that is suitable for the child. Here he takes into account the nature of the cough and its appearance. Despite this, the drugs are used as an additional therapy, since the main treatment involves therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the underlying ailment.

With extreme caution should take antitussive. Many of them have narcotic components.Use these medications is appropriate in the case when there is a prolonged and dry cough, the physical feasibility of which is not indicated, and the patient's quality of life is thus noticeable reduced.

The video tells how to stop a cough in a child at night:

Mucolytics and expectorant cough syrups for children are used for treatment with caution. Typically, the doctor can appoint them in the case when the dry cough becomes a wet cough. The use of expectorant drugs does not allow to assert that there will be a decrease in the severity of cough. Sometimes such treatment takes the opposite effect, as a result of which further developed and diluted dried mucus provokes it with greater intensity.

To combat night cough in small patients can use a variety of syrups. Only a doctor can prescribe them. The most effective are:

  • Stoptussin;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Ascoril.

Their reception should be conducted according to the instructions and not more than 5 days. They should be taken strictly according to instructions and, as a rule, not more than 5 days in a row.

No matter what type of cough the child has visited, the following treatment should be used to eliminate it:

  1. Inhalationspend to moisten the mucous membrane and dilute sputum. You can use a special preparation for inhalation with a dry cough.
  2. Abundant drink. To take liquid in large quantities, then the blood will begin to thin, and the less often the blood, the less liquid phlegm, and such mucus is much easier to cough up.
  3. Room airing. A fresh and moist air should always be present in the room of a sick child. Then there will not be drying of mucus and drying of the respiratory tract.
Do you know how to take pills for cough with thermopsis?

Read about the use of sage in case of loss of voice.

Signs of external otitis media:


When you have an unbearable cough during a night's sleep, use the following ways to fix it:

  1. Turn the kid to the other side. Thanks to this action, the phlegm will be stuck and will be better coughing up.
  2. Give the child warm milk or breast herbal collection.
  3. When there is a cough of allergic origin, it is worth giving the baby an antiallergic drug.Before using it, you need to get permission from a doctor.
  4. If, after providing first aid, your child still experiences a strong choking cough, then it is worthwhile to put him to rest in a semi-sitting position.

The video tells how to stop a coughing fit in a child at night:

Treatment with folk methods

In addition to medical treatment, asphyxiant cough can be eliminated with the help of proven methods of alternative medicine.


Present the product with small rings. Put them in a container, and above add 2 tablespoons of sugar powder. When the juice from the onion is completely separated, it must be poured and given to drink to the child. Number of receptions per day - 3 times for one dessert spoon.


Prepare 100 liters of water, send it a clove of garlic. Place the container on the water bath for 15 minutes. When the medicine is received, divide it into 3 parts and take 3 times a day before eating. Garlic is also used to treat bronchitis.

Black radish

Take this ingredient and cut it into a groove. There to place liquid honey.The juice obtained during this procedure should be consumed on a tablespoon in the course of the day 5-6 times.

Help for adults

Dry cough in adult patients serves as a characteristic sign of the common cold. To eliminate it you can use mucolytic drugs. With the help of such tools it is possible not only to soften the cough, but also to increase the production of mucus and change the dry cough to wet.

Honey and carrots

To make this medicine, you need to take carrot juice and honey (take 2 tablespoons of honey for a glass of juice), mix everything thoroughly. The received structure to use during the day 3 times.

Mixture of honey

To get the medicine you need to take a dessert spoon of a bee product and as much cocoa and butter. Add 2 large spoons of vodka. Thoroughly crush everything to get a viscous mass. Before eating, you must take the medicine in the amount of a dessert spoon. Such activities should be performed 3 times a day.

Honey and milk

In the container send ½ liter of milk, set on fire and wait until it boils. After placing to it such ingredients: 10 g of honey, 20 g of cream, yolk. Use 5-5 times a day for 100 ml.

Hazelnut and honey

Place the ingredients (a glass of nuts and ½ cup of honey) in the blender. Mix everything, use very often and wash down with warm milk.


Put 100 g of finely chopped herb, pour it 1 liter of boiling water.Set the container on fire, and cook for about an hour.After dilute the broth ½ cup of sugar powder, again send to the stove. When the broth cools down, drain it and use it 2 times a day.

Potato inhalations

For the treatment, you will need to weld potatoes in a uniform. Put in the pan the leaves of eucalyptus, thyme. Set the pan on the fire and cook for 5 minutes. Before the procedure, you need to add a few drops of fir oil to the tank. Inhale couples should be at least 10 minutes.

Aloe and honey

This medicine is very easy to prepare, you need the leaves of the plant. But you need to use aloe, which is not more than 3 years. Take 3 leaves and send it to the meat grinder. After that you need to add honey and red wine in equal proportions. Take the remedy before meals in the amount of a tablespoon 3 times throughout the day. Aloe is often used in the common cold. Here you can find a recipe.

Gorilla and camphor oil

Treat the chest with a comfortable oil, which is sold at the pharmacy. Performing the grinding is required until the moment there is a slight burning sensation. Arrange the mustard plaster, moistened in water, on the breast, wait 20 minutes, so that there are no burns.

Garlic for wiping feet

If there is a strong dry cough, then it is worth taking a slice of garlic, finely chopping it, put it in gauze and wrap it.Edit the area of ​​the feet, and then put on warm socks.

Under the link you will find expectorants of traditional medicine.

Simple Recipes

To eliminate an unpleasant cough at night, adults should use the following simple recipes:

  1. Yolks will help to eliminate creepy night cough. For this recipe, you need to take them in an amount of 2 pieces. Add sugar powder to them and beat thoroughly. To eat them 3 times a day, after a few days you will forget about your cough.
  2. Place a dessert spoonful of field horsetail, nettle and plantain. Add a glass of boiling water to the herbs. Insist, strain and use a dessert spoon on a glass of water. Eat it before eating.
  3. Take a cup of boiling water, put 3 drops of iodine to it, use it.Take it once a day before a night's rest.
  4. Carrots are an effective remedy for coughing. You need to squeeze out juice from it, using a juicer. Take equal amounts of juice and warm milk, stir and the resulting composition to drink during the day 7 times.

Coughing is a very unpleasant symptom of the disease. Very often it starts to amaze at night. It has a stifling character, so you need to get rid of it urgently. For these purposes, each patient can use traditional drugs or folk treatments. Regardless of the chosen method, use it only after it has been approved by the doctor.

How to stop a cough in a child?



We have the same story... they stayed at home for two weeks, it seemed better, and then the cough increased again. .
I do not give coughing-off... neither gedelix, nor lazolvan, nor all other coughs soften, do not clean... In the morning and at night, very warm milk with a slice of butter and a spoonful of honey, I kiss the baby's feet, rub the doctor-IOM, make compresses of honey with iodine and mustard plasters (it's better to alternate)... and do not drive into the garden and the street, better keep the houses warm. Get right!

Alisa to the wonderful country

radish with honey, and for us, the last time very well, help drop "gedelix"

anton antonov

"Doctor, we do not know what to do with a cough - treat-treat, but it does not go away." "Not an opening? Can I have a doctor at home? The child coughs hard, can not sleep. " Such complaints the doctor-pediatrician hears almost more often than all the others. What is coughing, how to deal with it and whether it is necessary?
First of all, cough is a protective reaction of the body. With the help of it, he pushes out of the respiratory tract what the body does not need - from a relatively large foreign body to fine dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is lined with a special ciliate epithelium, which, with the help of mucus, drives everything foreign to the outside, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.
Cough - paroxysmal contraction of muscles - helps to bring this process to the end. There would not be a cough - any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia. So, a cough is needed. But which one? Of course the one that is accompanied by the sputum discharge. Physicians call it productive, everyone else is wet.
Other types of cough - dry, barking, bothersome, paroxysmal, which happens with whooping cough - are not useful, they are very tiring patient, prevent him from sleeping, can lead to vomiting, are accompanied by pain in the muscles and eventually strengthen the respiratory failure.
That's how much all the unpleasant can come from this, in general, necessary and harmless symptom. For a cough, depending on its nature, you need to approach it in different ways. All means for coughing can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - funds, liquefying phlegm, expectorant - enhancing cough and soothing (* antitussive) - reducing activity cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - both mucolytic and expectorant.
In the treatment of cough, not only chemical medicines are used, but also a significant number of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic remedies. In addition, to combat its various varieties, many physical procedures are used - from physiotherapy procedures, to various distractions (banks, rubbing, rubbing), and finally, chest massage, which is especially important in young children who are not good at coughing, or in patients with drug an allergy.
There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough remedies. The task is always the same - to ensure that the cough from the dry becomes wet and the baby coughs up phlegm well. Let's consider concrete situations.
With this infant infection, a cough arises because the pertussis stimulates the cough center directly. It multiplies in the nervous system. A patient with pertussis can cough from everything - from a loud sound, bright light, anxiety.
Cough in whooping cough is very characteristic - it starts with a loud wheezing, lasts for a few minutes, the child just coughs. He often puts out his tongue so that tears of his bridle arise. With pertussis cough from severe stress, bleeding can occur in the sclera of the eyes and the skin of the chest. In young children, attacks of pertussis cough (reprise) may be accompanied by a stop of breathing.
Leaving aside the prophylaxis and treatment of whooping cough, I will only say that drugs that dilute sputum and intensify its secretion (mucolytics and expectorants) are absolutely useless here. Only drugs that soothe the nervous system and relieve cough are relevant here, for example, sinecode, tussamag. By the way, this "pertussis" character of coughing persists in patients for some time after curing this infection (up to 1 year) and with all the common colds.


Bromhexine is still normal in drops, 10-12 drops per 20 ml of water (at the bottom of the glass).
Just do not drink this thing, so that your throat goes off normally.


Pour 1 lemon with water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes, after the lemon has cooled, cut it in half and squeeze out of the lemon in 200 gm glass of juice, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin (for ingestion), pour honey to the edges of the glass and mix everything. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night.
In equal parts mix the juice of carrots or radishes with milk, take 6 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Mix 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, take up to 1 teaspoonful many times a day.
Strewed walnuts in a mortar with honey in equal parts, one teaspoon of the resulting mass to dissolve in 100 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.
1 tablespoon of sage grass pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew, drain, the resulting broth dilute with milk in the ratio take in a warm form 1/2 cup of the mixture, you can add honey or sugar.
200 ml of steep boiling water pour 50 g raisins, let it brew for 30 minutes, get onions and squeeze juice out of it, merge water with raisins and add to it 3 tablespoons of squeezed juice, drink in small sips for 1 reception, best for the night.
7 pieces of radish cut into thin slices, each slice sprinkle with sugar and insist 6 hours, take 1 tablespoon of radish juice every hour.
100 g of calendula berries pour 200 g of honey and cook on low heat for 5 minutes, then cool at room temperature and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 5 times a day.
1 tablespoon of red clover pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 3-5 minutes, drink in a warm form in small sips (expectorant).
500 g of peeled chopped onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar cook in 1 liter of water for 3 hours on a low heat, after which the liquid must be cooled, drained into a bottle and clogged, taking 1 tablespoon 5 times a day with a strong cough.


put the doctor with cancer and get cured. but do not sit through them complaining about difficulties and a small salary. they generally do not consider patients for people already

Alvina Stepicheva


Lena Myronova

the best and most effective way. no one believes, she herself did not believe until she tried on her husband, who is constantly ill with protracted bronchitis. but whether it's right for the child to decide for you. beer, it's better dark. take 50grams. to warm up so that you can drink without burning, but hot. Drink 3-4 times a day until a cough passes. the child is better after eating. and can be less than 50gr.


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.

Julia Borisovna

Perhaps the child again fell ill Orvy, as often happens.
do not need folk remedies
read here how to cure orvi and cough with it =137


Brombexin was taken by chemists.
Lazolvan very good cough remedy

Ekaterina Kravchenko

And I like Propan more. And the syrup was treated and inhaled. Inhalations, personally I am more satisfied. After the procedure, it becomes easier to breathe. Dry cough ceases to be dry on the second-third day.

Aida Abragimova

If there is no temperature, then inhalation with droplets of Propane is good. The cough goes away gently. Even after one procedure it is already easier. He also moisturizes his throat, removes perspiration. The child likes the procedure, does without compulsion, himself.

Lisa Shipova

"Doctor, we do not know what to do with a cough - treat-treat, but it does not go away." "Not an opening? Can I have a doctor at home? The child coughs hard, can not sleep. " Such complaints the doctor-pediatrician hears almost more often than all the others. What is coughing, how to deal with it and whether it is necessary?
First of all, cough is a protective reaction of the body. With the help of it, he pushes out of the respiratory tract what the body does not need - from a relatively large foreign body to fine dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is lined with a special ciliate epithelium, which, with the help of mucus, drives everything foreign to the outside, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.
Cough - paroxysmal contraction of muscles - helps to bring this process to the end. There would not be a cough - any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia. So, a cough is needed. But which one? Of course the one that is accompanied by the sputum discharge. Physicians call it productive, everyone else is wet.
Other types of cough - dry, barking, bothersome, paroxysmal, which happens with whooping cough - are not useful, they are very tiring patient, prevent him from sleeping, can lead to vomiting, are accompanied by pain in the muscles and eventually strengthen the respiratory failure.
That's how much all the unpleasant can come from this, in general, necessary and harmless symptom. For a cough, depending on its nature, you need to approach it in different ways. All means for coughing can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - funds, liquefying phlegm, expectorant - enhancing cough and soothing (* antitussive) - reducing activity cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - both mucolytic and expectorant.
In the treatment of cough, not only chemical medicines are used, but also a significant number of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic remedies. In addition, to combat its various varieties, many physical procedures are used - from physiotherapy procedures, to various distractions (banks, rubbing, rubbing), and finally, chest massage, which is especially important in young children who are not good at coughing, or in patients with drug an allergy.
There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough remedies. The task is always the same - to ensure that the cough from the dry becomes wet and the baby coughs up phlegm well. Let's consider concrete situations.
With this infant infection, a cough arises because the pertussis stimulates the cough center directly. It multiplies in the nervous system. A patient with pertussis can cough from everything - from a loud sound, bright light, anxiety.
Cough in whooping cough is very characteristic - it starts with a loud wheezing, lasts for a few minutes, the child just coughs. He often puts out his tongue so that tears of his bridle arise. With pertussis cough from severe stress, bleeding can occur in the sclera of the eyes and the skin of the chest. In young children, attacks of pertussis cough (reprise) may be accompanied by a stop of breathing.
Leaving aside the prophylaxis and treatment of whooping cough, I will only say that drugs that dilute sputum and intensify its secretion (mucolytics and expectorants) are absolutely useless here. Only drugs that soothe the nervous system and relieve cough are relevant here, for example, sinecode, tussamag. By the way, this "pertussis" character of coughing persists in patients for some time after curing this infection (up to 1 year) and with all the common colds.
Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Ka

Olya the Resurrection

Many people do not know what cough is and how it happens. In fact, it is a normal physiological response of the body, not just pathology, as we used to think.
Its appearance should not cause you acute experiences, urgent use of medicines. Before beginning any treatment it is necessary to find out the causes of the appearance of the symptom. Remember that sometimes we even specifically call a cough to attract the attention of another person: [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

What to cure (stop) cough in adults

Each person experienced such a common symptom as coughing. This reflex act is very multifaceted, and it is rather difficult to treat it correctly. In some cases, an experienced physician can make an accurate diagnosis, at the first visit of the patient, only on the basis of an examination of a person and his story about the onset and course of the disease. However, not all the ailments are so easily identified.

Particular difficulty in diagnosing and treating cough in adults is pneumonia. The thing is that pneumonia can cause a large number of different pathogens. Therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, it is absolutely necessary to carry out a complete biochemical examination of sputum, in addition, sputum analysis and X-rays should be done. The danger of setting up an inaccurate diagnosis is that when an antibiotic of the wrong group is prescribed, inflammation of the pleura may begin or the illness may become chronic.

Determine the nature of cough in an adult

The first thing that needs to be determined is whether the reflex act is caused by colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia or it has a completely different character of origin. For ailments caused by viruses and bacteria, the following symptoms are typical:

  • Redness of the throat.
  • Chryps in the bronchi or lungs, which are clearly audible when listening with a phonendoscope.
  • Significant temperature increase. It should be noted that in some cases, a viral infection is observed the opposite process. The temperature drops below 36 degrees.
  • Increased sweating.
  • The adult coughs throughout the day and night, and not just after a morning's sleep or when the body is horizontal.
  • In the early days of the disease, dry raucous or barking cough can be observed, which, as a rule, after the treatment on the third day becomes productive. Sputum is greenish or yellowish in color. Its consistency has an average degree of viscosity.

How to stop coughing in an adult

The choice of medications that can cure an adult can be directly related to the nature of its occurrence. If it is a bacterial infection, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a necessity that can not be refused in any case. In the viral nature of the disease, medications such as interferon, amyzon, and the like are taken. Antibiotics are prescribed only in those cases when the disease passes into severe form, and complications such as pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis appear. To cure the reflex act, not only tablets are required, but also special procedures.

How to calm cough in adults

From cough to adults, the following activities will help:

  • Paraffin applications.
  • Mustards.
  • Inhalations. To calm a cough in an adult, you can use special nebulizer devices.

However, these procedures should be used in conjunction with drug therapy, as well as folk remedies.

How to treat wet cough in adults

To treat a wet cough in adults, you can use a means to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. At the same time, it will increase in volume, but it leaves much easier. From coughing adults are helped by an abundant warm drink. It will help to withdraw phlegm from the respiratory system, in addition, the process of coughing will be much easier.

Such mucoregulatory drugs, like bromhexine, ambroxol, are able to restore the viscosity of mucus. This will ensure its rapid elimination. Mucolytic agents lead to a secret secretion. They are appointed by doctors in the event that there is a pathology of the bronchi or lungs.

Than to treat dry cough in adults

If a productive reflex act is provoked by abundant sputum, a dry cough in an adult occurs against the background of irritation of the cough receptors. Therefore, the treatment will be aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. That is, in this case, there is no such treatment of reflex action. The effect is symptomatic, since constant trembling acts do not benefit the body, but vice versa. As medicines, ferveks, kodelak, coding, antitussive pills and syrups are excellent.

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