Nervous cough in adults

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Coughing on nerves: what is it?

Nervous breakdownUsually, cough is a symptom of some kind of illness of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. But in some cases, the cause of this unpleasant manifestation may not be an acquired infection, but a psychosomatic disorder. Undoubtedly, this symptom prevents a person from leading a full-fledged way of life and negatively affects his state of health. In contrast to the usual cough caused by the disease, coughing on nervous soil is practically not amenable to treatment.

Main symptoms

CoughNervous cough is dry, sonorous, often it can be compared with loud dog barking or goose screaming. The main feature is that a person's coughing on nerves usually appears when he experiences severe mental stress.The expectation of some serious event, intense excitement, a stressful situation - all these factors can provoke a psychogenic cough.

But it is worth noting that it does not respond to treatment, so it can appear for a long period. The main symptom by which this type of cough can be diagnosed in a patient is that it disappears in a calm environment and during sleep. This disease, unlike infectious or viral diseases, does not affect appetite and sleep. As a rule, the doctor does not find any pathologies in the organs of the upper respiratory tract and lungs when examining the patient. Unless, of course, serious drugs have been treated with the wrong diagnosis, which can lead to disruption of the respiratory system.

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Nervous coughNervous cough may appear in a patient who has undergone a serious lung disease. After recovery, he will cough out of habit. Cough and nervous tic in this case will appear as a result of fixing the reflex. It can also occur in people who feel constant anxiety and excitement. It can be a way that helps the patient to evoke compassion and sympathy from others. It is important to know that although with a nervous cough the symptoms can be understood, it is only the doctor who can determine the correct diagnosis. Self-medication can adversely affect your health.

Causes of psychogenic cough

Dissatisfaction with lifeMost often there is a nervous cough in people who regularly experience physical and emotional overload. Syndrome of hyperventilation can also be the cause of this symptom. Such a process, caused by psychosomatic disorders, can also occur in children and adolescents. Children are more emotional and sensitive, often inclined to dramatize the situation and react more strongly to stress and criticism.
Coughing on nerves can be caused by the following reasons:
  • tense atmosphere at work and at home;
  • the need to deal with unloved business;
  • quarrels, exams, stress, loneliness;
  • as a reflective reflex in the illness of other people.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the reason for such a process, treatment without this will not be possible.

How is the treatment?

MeditationIt should be known that cough caused by a psychogenic factor, treatment with medicines does not lend itself.It is necessary to provide the patient with a calm psychological environment, create all conditions for comfortable living, exclude nervous and physical overstrain. The correct mode of the day, in which the periods of activity will alternate with the rest period, will help to exclude theload.

At the beginning of the attack, you can try to distract the patient. With a nervous cough treatment should appoint a doctor. He correctly assess the patient's condition, if necessary, he can advise him to undergo a course of psychotherapy to find out the true causes of the onset of the disease. It can help to relieve the patient's condition by mastering the methods of relaxation and relaxation.

The appearance of cough in children

SchoolboyThis type of cough in children, as in adults, mainly appears due to severe stress. Most often it occurs in children at school age. Excessive workload in school, psycho-traumatic situation in the family, examinations, conflicts with peers - all these factors can trigger the emergence of a nervous cough in children.
In order to distinguish the nervous origin of coughing attacks in a child from the usual, which occurs with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to observe the symptoms. The psychogenic nature of the disorder is indicated by the following symptoms:
  • cough dry and for a long time does not change;
  • does not happen at night;
  • sputum is not separated;
  • when exercise is not increased;
  • drugs do not help.
The doctor's consultationIn the presence of a nervous cough in children, an experienced doctor should be engaged in treatment. The diagnosis can be made only after a thorough examination. Increased nervousness in a child in addition to coughing can be accompanied by frequent blinking or other movements characteristic of a mental disorder.

Consultation with a doctor will help to understand why this unpleasant symptom arose and how to remove it. First of all, it is necessary to create a comfortable emotional environment. In no case can you scold a child for coughing, it can only further aggravate the situation. You need to try to focus less on coughing. The child will be useful moderate exercise, you can write it in some sports section.

Cough in the babyProperly thought-out regime of the day will help reduce the frequency of attacks in the treatment of cough on nervous nerves. We need to ensure that the child goes to bed on time and does not sit too long at the computer and TV. It is necessary to exclude from the diet food and beverages that contain caffeine, for example, chocolate, coffee and tea. As much as possible should eat foods high in magnesium - green vegetables and nuts.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe sedatives and antidepressants to the child. Sometimes you have to resort to a rather unusual method of treatment - hypnosis. Usually it is effective, and many help to get rid of a nervous cough, but in the treatment of children this method can not be used.

Nervous cough in adults

Nervous cough in adultsCough prevents the ingress of foreign bodies into the lungs and promotes the excretion of pathological substances. This is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of bronchial receptors. However, against the background of neuropsychiatric disorders, a nervous cough appears, which occurs without irritation of the receptors on the bronchi.

Causes of development of nervous cough in adults

Causes of a nervous coughSymptom develops with various disorders of the nervous system, with hysteria. In persons with unstable psyche, excitement irritates the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. Man, therefore, unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others, to cause pity.

Psychogenic coughing in adults occurs in an uneasy environment, emotional excitement, a dispute, getting a person into an unusual situation, crowded places. Provoke an attack can be a physical load or emotional arousal. Also, the cause of pathology is children's mental trauma, the difficulty of communicating with the society. This nervous cough begins in childhood and without treatment remains in adolescence and adulthood.

One of the causes of the pathology is long-term inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. A person after recovery coughs out of habit during emotional distress, waiting for an event and getting into an embarrassing situation. This is due to the fixation of a constant cough reflex on the nervous level.

Symptoms of psychogenic cough in adults

Psychogenic cough reflex loud, sound like a cry of geese or car siren. The attack is not accompanied by a withdrawal of bronchial secretion (dry), discharge from the nose, an increase in body temperature. It starts under the influence of the above-mentioned provoking factors and stops, if you distract the adult. Also, an attack of psychoneurological cough never develops during sleep.

With a pronounced mental disorder, the symptom develops frequently and is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Symptoms of a nervous coughIncreased heart rate;
  • Heartache;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • Shortness of breath, up to suffocation;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Increased sweating.

Psychogenic cough is resistant to treatment. It lasts for many years and severely limits the person's ability to work and social activity. In order to make a diagnosis, a specialist should exclude a wide range of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and perform a neurological examination.

Psychogenic cough

Psychogenic coughUsually, the appearance of a cough is regarded as a sign of any disease of the respiratory tract or lungs. However, it can be caused not only by the infection that has been picked up, but also by psychosomatic disorder. According to external manifestations, psychogenic cough differs little from a cough caused by the pathology of the respiratory system, it also brings discomfort, creates inconveniences and adversely affects the general condition of a person. The peculiarity of it is that it does not respond to treatment and does not decrease from taking special drugs. In such cases it is necessary to pay attention to the remaining signs of the disease, this will help to establish the diagnosis. Help in this can also appeal to a specialist.

Who is susceptible to psychogenic cough?

Most susceptible to psychogenic cough people experiencing regular significant physical and moral overload, as well as too emotional.

This type of cough is more common in children and adolescents, as they are more emotional and more reactive to psychological stress. In adults, a cough that is psychogenic in nature often becomes one of the consequences of the hyperventilation syndrome.

Causes of cough

The beginning of a psychogenic cough is usually a difficult situation in the psychoemotional sense. These include:

  • too tense atmosphere in family life or in the workplace;
  • the need to engage in unpleasant activities, for example, speak to a large number of people;
  • strong stress associated with exams, quarrels with loved ones, loneliness and other negative circumstances;
  • also such a cough can occur in diseases of other people, as a reflective reflex.

Signs of psychogenic cough

Psychogenic cough has its own specific signs, it is dry, loud, can resemble a goose cry or a loud dog barking. In addition, exacerbations are observed in adverse situations, and with distraction, the symptoms disappear completely. Cough psychogenic nature can not be cured, so it can drag on for several months, and sometimes years. It should also be noted that this disease usually does not lead to a violation of appetite and sleep. At inspection it is possible to note absence of pathological changes from the lungs. Often, the diagnosis of the disease is complicated by previous long-term erroneous treatment with various active drugs, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Diagnosis often reveals the symptoms of various disorders of the psyche: a tendency to hysterics, a loss of voice, ticks of a psychogenic nature, and others.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Treatment of cough psychogenic nature is to create a calm psychological environment, eliminate stress and discomfort situations. It is necessary to protect the patient from fatigue and excessive overload, this will help the rational regime of the day, in which the loads alternate with periods of rest. At the beginning of an attack, you should try to distract a person, for example, by an interesting book or film.

When establishing the diagnosis of "psychogenic cough" it is desirable to conduct a course of psychotherapy, during which the patient is guided to understand the causes of his illness. In addition, it is desirable to teach him the techniques of slow breathing, relaxation and relaxation. For children and adolescents, a tight wrapping of the chest tissue can be used for a period of 1-2 days, as a distraction therapy shock shock electric current to the forearm area. In extreme cases, use tranquilizers and other medications.

Cough in adults: types, causes of seizures

Cough in adultsCough without a cause in adults can not appear. This reflex action occurs against a background of various ailments. A forced act is a very important symptom, which has many varieties. It can start suddenly and resemble an attack. There are other types of cough in adults, for example, its sound can be barking, wheezing, hoarse. Very important is the color and consistency of the mucus, whether it exists at all. Analyzing these and other visible signs, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. It is possible to find out exactly which ailment caused the appearance of a reflex action in a person, only after receiving the results of a biochemical analysis of blood, sputum and urine.

Types of cough in adults

Types of cough in adultsThe doctors have developed a clear structure for the questionnaire of a sick person, so that a specialist can collect an accurate history of the disease within a few minutes. In the survey, a significant role is assigned to what sounds are heard when coughing in an adult, to the sensations that he experiences with a reflex act. Similarly, a specialist is necessarily interested in the duration of involuntary action, whether there are concomitant visible manifestations, such as a runny nose, dyspnea. When exactly forced exhalation occurs, for example, an adult cough is present only during the day, after sleeping, in the mornings or at night. The fact that different manifestations of the reflex act can signal the development of ailments of the cardiovascular system, lung damage, the development of asthma. Therefore, in diagnostics, even the smallest detail plays an important role.

Barking cough in adults

The cause of the reflex act, in this case, is a severe swelling of the larynx. Because of this, the lumen in it is significantly narrowed. This kind of involuntary action is also called tracheal. In an adult human laryngeal edema can be triggered by various causes, among the most common factors need to be distinguished:

  • Barking cough in adultsEffects of allergens. In this case, a sudden attack is recorded, which can result in diarrhea (in old age), vomiting.
  • Streptococcal infection. As a rule, in this case the organism should be strongly weakened by any general chronic disease, for example, diabetes, cachexia, etc.
  • Viral infections. It can be influenza, ARVI, ARI, etc.

Barking reflex act is very dangerous, because in severe cases it can result in loss of consciousness due to sensation of suffocation. A person with this condition can not completely produce a coughing process. Inhalation is not complete, and exhalation is accompanied by a strong suffocating cough. As a rule, the voice at this moment is quiet and hoarse.

Cough in adults with allergies

Cough in adults with allergiesA suffocating reflex act, which has a paroxysmal character, is typical for the manifestation of an allergic or infectious-allergic reaction to stimuli. This involuntary action occurs in people with asthma. A feature of coughing in adults with allergies is that it can have a different character. The duration of the reflex action can also be different. Most often, a cough in an adult is accompanied by snot, suffocation, redness of the eyelids, edema of the larynx. The debilitating reflex act, passing with whistles and wheezing, can speak about the development of bronchitis. It is worth noting that in some cases, such a reaction with an allergy may not end immediately after the removal of the allergen, but last for weeks and even months.

Cough in adults after pneumonia and ARVI

There are following reasons for the onset of a reflex act in pneumonia: viruses, bacteria, ornithosis, fungi, intracellular bacteria, parasites, etc. The difficulty in diagnosing this disease lies in the fact that only the complete biochemical analysis of sputum and X-rays, which is done without fail, gives an accurate result. It is necessary to conduct a survey, since each type of pneumonia is treated only by a certain group of antibiotics.

Cough with pneumoniaOften doctors fix the situation when, after completing the full course of treatment, a person continues involuntary acts for several weeks. A deaf cough is quite normal, which is triggered by the use of mucolytoks in the process of treatment. In the event that the reflex action is suffocating, it is necessary to ask for help from a doctor, as, most likely, it is a relapse of pneumonia or ARVI. The reasons for the fact that a new stage in the development of the disease began, there may be several. First, failure to comply with the prescription of the doctor, that is, the refusal to take medication or bed rest. Secondly, the wrong definition of the cause of pneumonia, and, consequently, the appointment of the wrong group of antibiotics.

Causeless cough in adults

As a rule, the reason for the appearance of an incomprehensible reflex act, the beginning of which has no real explanations (there is no temperature, all tests are normal), is a nervous shock or overexcitation. Most often, such a cough in adults is recorded before any important events. If the causeless involuntary action is debilitating and lasts for several months, then the source of trouble is a depressive state, a depressing feeling of guilt for anything.


CoughingIf the cough does not pass about a month, then it's time to turn to specialists for help. Especially if in addition to a person's cough, shortness of breath and fatigue are disturbed. Basically, everyone coughs themselves. At the same time, all kinds of pills and syrups are bought, which are dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Someone adds more vitamin complexes.

Coughing is a complex reflex act, in which there is a contraction of the respiratory muscles and a sudden ejection of air from the lungs. In the pleura, trachea, larynx and large bronchi there are sensitive receptors, the irritation of which leads to coughing. The flow of air causes foreign bodies and sputum to be evacuated from the lungs. That is, cough clears the respiratory tract from pathogenic mucus. That is why in no case can not block the cough reflex, because because of this all the microbes remain in the lungs.

Cough Cause

Causes of coughing can be very different. Unfavorable ecological conditions, bad habits, colds and so on. Do not treat permanent coughing scornfully, because they can indicate the presence of cancer.

Persistent coughing

When a child's teeth are chapped, he can cough because he just has a mouth full of saliva. Such cough should not be treated.

Physiological cough is short-lived, does not have any symptoms of the disease and is often repeated. In order to understand the physiological cough or pathological, it is necessary to observe the person who coughs. You can also measure the temperature and observe the general state of health.

Pathological cough is associated with respiratory diseases. It has a diverse character and worsens the general well-being of a person.

Coughing in the baby

Physiological cough is a normal phenomenon that accompanies us every day. Such a cough from time to time relieves the lungs of accumulated mucus. Many parents begin to panic before the time of taking a physiological cough for pathological. Healthy children can cough about twenty times a day. In the morning, they do it more often. After all, bronchial mucus accumulates at night, from which it is necessary to get rid of in the morning. With a physiological cough, expectorants should not be used. It is generally not necessary to treat it. If this is done, the situation can only worsen.

Breasts quite often cough. This is due to the fact that some of the food is ingested during feeding into the trachea.

After six months, some babies cough to attract the attention of their parents. After hearing a cough, mummies and daddies immediately run to the bed. Strong agitation of adults can work out in a child the habit of calling parents in this way. You need to calmly come and see if everything is in order.

Cough in adults

An adult can cough for various reasons. For example, due to the fact that he works in harmful production, he smokes or is just sick. In order to understand the cause of the cough, it is necessary to trace the conditions under which it occurs and how often it is repeated. And even better descends to a competent specialist, who will help in the fastest possible time to get rid of the ailment.

Dry cough

A dry cough can be in an adult or a child. Coughing, in general, is often dry. To beat alarm at once it is not necessary, the mote has simply got to respiratory ways.

Coughing nervously

Someone when nervous, blushes, someone stutters, and someone coughs. In order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to visit a psychologist or neurologist.

A prolonged cough suggests that there are serious health problems. Regular coughing can not be ignored.

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