How to identify sinusitis in the home

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How to identify sinusitis

Inflammation of the maxillary sinus of the nose is called a sinusitis. The cause of the disease is most often the infection of the upper respiratory tract, but sometimes sinusitis can occur due to curvature of the nasal septum or allergies. In order to avoid the transition of the disease from the acute stage to the chronic one, it is important to reveal it in time.


  1. It is impossible to reliably determine genyantritis at home, but there are a number of symptoms that should be alerted. If nasal congestion is accompanied by purulent secretions, nasal voices, painful sensations in the the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and forehead, by raising the temperature to 38 ° C, it is necessary to turn to the lor for conducting diagnostics.
  2. Pass an x-ray study of the paranasal sinuses. It is convenient in that it is performed without additional training and allows you to get the exact answer about the presence or absence of sinusitis in the shortest possible time. The dimming of the sinus image in the picture indicates inflammation, so it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment to avoid the development of complications.
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  3. The most accurate, but expensive study is computed tomography of the nasal sinuses. Go through it if you have doubts about the diagnosis. Special preparation for the procedure is not required.
  4. If an X-ray examination is not possible for one reason or another, the doctor may suggest a puncture of the maxillary sinus. The procedure is not very pleasant, but simple and informative. A special needle lor penetrates the sinus wall and pushes out its contents with a syringe. The advantage of this manipulation is that the doctor in the process can rinse the sinuses with a disinfectant solution.
  5. After confirming the diagnosis, take the course of treatment. Rinse your nose with antiseptics, drink antibacterial and antihistamines. To accelerate recovery, contact a physiotherapist to prescribe physiotherapy procedures. With untreated genyantritis, an abscess is often formed, but the most serious complication of the disease is meningitis.

How to determine sinusitis at home: how to understand that you have sinusitis

With a cold with a protracted runny nose, every person asks himself how to recognize sinusitis. What symptoms will help to identify the development of this is not just an unpleasant, but also quite a dangerous disease?

Symptoms of sinusitis are easily confused with manifestations of other inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

It is not necessary that a cold or flu will inevitably result in a sinusitis. But these are not the only reasons why it can develop. Not cured in time caries, facial trauma in the nose, surgical interventions, weakened immunity - all these factors can also provoke sinusitis.

How do I know if I have sinusitis, do I need a doctor to diagnose it, and what are the typical symptoms of it?

Characteristic symptoms of genyantritis

In most cases, sinusitis begins and passes acutely, at the initial stage the disease has symptoms similar to those of acute respiratory disease or influenza, which answer the question of how to determine sinusitis:

  • General malaise - lethargy, loss of appetite, decreased efficiency;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nasal discharge, clear or greenish-yellow;
  • Edema of the nasal mucosa.
A symptom that will help me to know if I have sinusitis is a headache. First you can determine exactly where it is localized. This area of ​​the nose, nose, eyes, forehead. Later, with the progression of sinusitis, the pain covers the entire head, and where it hurts you, it is already impossible to determine. The pain thus becomes stronger at turns and inclinations of a head and decreases in a prone position.

But this does not mean absolutely that the genyantritis has begun. Pains of the same nature are with migraines, but then they are joined by symptoms such as photophobia and acute reaction to any noise. Headache with meningitis. But in this case, the pain syndrome is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Those who aspire to find out how to recognize the disease without a doctor are often interested in the question - is temperature mandatory at maxillary sinusitis? And if I do not have it, does it mean that there is no sinusitis?

Sinusitis in most cases is caused by bacterial microflora. These microorganisms cause an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses, so the fever and fever are very frequent symptoms of maxillary sinusitis. They may be absent if the disease has passed into a chronic form.

How high the temperature will be depends on many factors:

  1. The type of sinusitis and the degree of its severity.
  2. Age and general condition of the patient.
  3. The way the patient treats and treats maxillary sinusitis.
  4. Immunity of the patient.

What to do at a temperature

If the temperature rises above the level of 38, this indicates that acute purulent maxillary sinusitis develops. The patient also observes the general symptoms of intoxication: headache, fever, severe weakness.

Body temperature from 37 to 38 degrees is a sign of catarrhal sinusitis. With fungal sinusitis, the temperature in very rare cases is above 37 degrees. Allergic sinusitis is also distinguished. In this case, the temperature of the body also does not increase.

If the doctor has correctly picked up preparations for treatment of a genyantritis, the high temperature seldom is kept a long time, and after 2-3 days passes, gradually coming back to normal, the main thing is that it is treated by a specialist right.

This indicates that the patient is treating the disease successfully, and the inflammatory process stops. If the fever does not subside for more than one week - there is cause for concern.

Most likely, the doctor has appointed not effective medicines, or the patient treats a genyantritis unscrupulously, not carrying out all prescriptions. Sinusitis can in this case go into a chronic form.

What to do if I have a high fever, at home - is also one of the most frequently asked questions. It is important to know how to take antipyretics correctly.

Temperature is a sign that the body is struggling with infection, so if it does not exceed 3, -39 degrees, it should not be knocked down.

If this process is suppressed, the infection can spread to other organs, the bacteria will begin to multiply with new strength, and the treatment of the illness will be prolonged. Take antipyretics, if the temperature does not exceed 38, should only be if the patient is severely suffering from hyperthermia - with nausea, vomiting and severe weakness.

Which exactly, how much and when you can take funds that reduce fever - it is determined only by the doctor. At home, many make warming for the nose with improvised tools - boiled eggs, potatoes, hot salt in a bag. At a temperature you can not do this. Any thermal procedures will only intensify the heat.

So, nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headaches, weakness - all these symptoms can indicate sinusitis. But the exact diagnosis can be made only by a doctor. The genyantritis is treated by an otolaryngologist, and should be treated with suspicious symptoms.

At the initial consultation the doctor will ask the following questions:

  • Whether the patient suffers from an allergy and how it cures;
  • Whether he was sick before a genyantritis;
  • Whether recently suffered surgical interventions or traumas on the face;
  • Whether OCR often suffers.

An important role is played at what time of the day there are headaches. Answers to all these questions the patient should prepare in advance, then the doctor without difficulties will put the exact diagnosis and prescribe the treatment.

How to diagnose sinusitis in children

The genyantritis can hurt also children, the reason often become frequent colds and polyps in a nose. But the problem is that they can not yet clearly state where, what, and how they ache. Parents notice that the child is unhealthy, begin to actively treat a viral or bacterial infection, and developing sinusitis remains unnoticed and untreated.

To run a genyantritis in no event it is impossible, especially - at children. After all, their immune system is weaker than in adults, and complications can develop very quickly, and the consequences of sinusitis are extremely dangerous. At home, you can not diagnose a child with maxillary sinusitis. With a protracted runny nose, shortness of breath, night snoring, you must visit the otolaryngologist.

The doctor will first examine with the help of special tools the nasal sinuses of the child to determine if there is swelling and pus congestion. If in doubt, ultrasound examination of the nasal cavity is performed. This method of diagnosis allows you not only to establish whether there is sinusitis, but also to determine its shape and stage. This disease can affect both one and at once two maxillary sinuses, be acute or chronic.

It will also be necessary to take a blood test, urine and make swabs from the nasopharynx. All this is necessary in order to determine exactly whether there is inflammation, what bacteria or viruses it causes and what treatment will be optimal.

Many parents are slow to show the child to the doctor, even if the cold does not go away for months. Some believe that this is a normal phenomenon for all young children and with age will pass by itself, others are afraid, that it is necessary to do or make a puncture - when through punctures in the field of a nose the purulent contents from gajmorovyh sinuses is pumped out.

This behavior is extremely unreasonable. Sinusitis is a dangerous disease that causes multiple complications if the doctor does not diagnose it and does not treat it on time.

The maxillary sinuses are located in close proximity to the organs of sight, hearing and the brain. If it is not treated, the infection can go deeper and spread to them.

Otitis and conjunctivitis are very frequent complications for sinusitis in children and adults. If the cold was not treated, and it reached the point that it hurts not only the head, but also the ear, there is abundant lacrimation or purulent discharge from the corners of the eye, there is no doubt - this is a purulent sinusitis.

But these are not the most dangerous complications. If bacteria enter through the thin bone plates to the brain, meningitis will develop - a very difficult and difficult disease to treat. In children, it rarely passes without a trace. Phlegmon is an inflammation of the bone, a pathology leading to a fatal outcome.

Therefore, even minor colds and runny nose should be treated immediately and to the end, after examination by a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment in this case are inappropriate.

Will help determine the genyantritis at home video in this article with Elena Malysheva.

How to identify sinusitis (signs)?


The president

Symptoms of sinusitis at the onset of the disease are very similar to those of a cold or flu. Only the doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis after the examination and the necessary tests.

But there are a number of signs that you can determine that this is not a common cold, but something more serious.

* The main sign of sinusitis is a prolonged, more than 2-3 weeks not passing cold. Discharge from the nose during this period can be either completely transparent or cloudy, with pus. With one-sided sinusitis, the discharge can only be from one nostril, with bilateral one from both. If outflow from the sinus is difficult, excreta may be absent.
* By the evening pains in the field of a nose and paranasal sinuses accrue, then there is a headache. If the sinusitis is unilateral, then the head hurts from one side. Pain can be given to the upper teeth or eye on the side of the inflammation.
* Sometimes there is a feeling that the ears hurt and laid. The hearing deteriorates.
* When pressing on the skin in the area of ​​the sinuses, there is a sharp pain.
* When the head is tilted forward, there is a sharp pain in the sinus area, the bridge of the nose.
* Nasal congestion. Usually with sinusitis completely stuffy nose, it's difficult to breathe. Sometimes the right, then the left half of the nose are alternately laid.
* When the disease is in the acute phase, the body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. If the process has passed to the chronic stage, the temperature may be within the normal range.
* Extremely pronounced lethargy, increased fatigue, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances.
* Partial or total loss of smell.
Harsh, nasal voice.

Some symptoms may be absent: it depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the course of the disease. But if you have at least two or three symptoms from the above, most likely, you have it is genyantritis.

When the disease has gone to a chronic stage, for a while you can feel relief. Then the symptoms return.


First, determine the properties. Properties and relationships in Logic are signs)

Maxim F



In fact, the X-ray.
Well here at me at a genyantritis there is very specific headache, localized in the field of a nose and eyes; with nothing you will not confuse.


Headache, often lays the nose and ears, temperature (not always).
The x-ray of the sinuses will show.

Elena Lebedeva

The nose, strong headache, a purulent taste in the mouth, and (sometimes yes and sometimes it does not) are tightly clogged, green festering plugs are occasionally outgoing.


febrile condition, fever, pain, or a feeling of bursting on one side of the nose or both, depending on the place the location of the inflammatory process; swelling and redness of cheekbones; headache, worse in the evening and in an inclined position forward;
discharge from the nose yellow-green, difficulty breathing and nasal congestion, lack of appetite, fatigue, nausea, bad breath


head tilted head downwards

Anahrenia Pyramidontovna

This is only a doctor otolaryngologist will determine and only with x-rays. Signs-headache and still do not remember that. I had sinusitis in childhood. I cured myself. By the system of yogis. I sucked in every morning and at night, through my nose, several times. I forgot what a genyantritis is, but I wanted to beat my poor nose! X.. in their hands! Good luck!


You do not smell, headache in the forehead, nasal congestion, although the cold is practically no temperature, etc.

Alla Mazoletskaya

Loss of smell. The blood has a pH close to, 5.

Andrey Enyutin

rzhu nimagu especially "to the doctor congress.. "pain in sinusitis is so strong that people walk on the ceiling without taking off their shoes, you can not confuse with anything.
all the descriptions given here are just a description of the snot.

Treatment of sinusitis in the home

With the onset of the cold period of the year often have to face cold and viral diseases. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to complications, one of which is sinusitis. Drug support for this disease is important, but it is also possible to treat sinusitis at home. Proper use of recommendations and systematic procedures will quickly remove unpleasant painful symptoms. If you had to face this disease for the first time, there is a chance to prevent the transition of genyantritis to a chronic stage.

What is genyantritis

Disease of maxillary sinusitis is common, but not everyone understands why it arises and how to distinguish a common catarrhal rhinitis from an inflammation of the maxillary sinus. The information offered will help you learn how to cure a runny nose at home, deal with symptoms, understand why and under what conditions the disease begins, like the maxillary sinusitis.


The first signs of the appearance of sinusitis are very similar to cold symptoms. In children and adults, they often are the same - it's fever, chills, runny nose, headache, general malaise and weakness. When the maxillary sinus is inflamed, it can feel like teeth, forehead ache. During the complication, redness, swelling of the eyelids, eyes are aching. When treatment of the acute form of sinusitis was not completed completely, the disease can go to a chronic stage. Then the nasal voice, discharge from the nose can become permanent companions.

Inflammation of the sinus mucosa is diagnosed with catarrhal sinusitis, which is common in school-age children. If you do not engage in timely treatment, the disease can develop into a stage of right-sided, left-sided or bilateral sinusitis. Noticing a tumor near the eye, nose or cheeks, and still feeling a severe headache, you should immediately turn to physicians for help, because so can manifest cystic sinusitis, whose treatment is not postponed recommended.


Faced with at least one occasion with unpleasant symptoms of the nasal sinus disease, many understand the risk of genyantritis, if not start treatment in a timely manner. Complications are dangerous not only for health, but sometimes for life. Nasal passages are a filter for infection from the outside. A purulent focus in sinusitis will provoke at least a disease with pneumonia, angina.

The most terrible complication with incorrect treatment of maxillary sinusitis can be meningitis. The brain is located close to the focus of the infection, which easily provokes the disease, if not treated properly. After sinusitis you should try to avoid colds, improve immunity, create a condition for complete recovery. With repeated signs immediately to be treated, without waiting for the transition to acute stage.

Medications for sinusitis

Modern pharmaceutics offers a wide range of medicines, among which medicines for getting rid of sinusitis are not the last place. To take advantage of any of these, you need to know the exact treatment regimen, and it can be prescribed only by a doctor who will take into account all the circumstances and conditions of the disease, the age, the frequency of the onset of the disease, allergic reactions and much more. Combined treatment will speed up the healing process and help you to return to the normal rhythm of life more quickly.

Nasal drops

Drops and sprays for the nose are best used after cleansing the nasal passages, bleeding and rinsing with saline or herbal solution both nostrils. The main task of medicines used as drops in the nose during the treatment of sinusitis is to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, to counteract bacteria, to allow free respiration.

When using drugs such as "Nazol "Pinosol "Oksimetazolin "Lekonil the flow of blood inside the capillary vessels located in the nasal sinuses and passageways decreases. Using drugs three times a day for 2-3 pshikas or drops, after a few days you will feel an easier passage of air through the nose, the stagnation will decrease, swelling will decrease.


The appointment of the antibiotic group of an amoxicillin group should not frighten the patient suffering from sinusitis. The purpose of these drugs is to destroy the bacteria that caused the disease. More effective for the treatment of sinusitis are drugs: "Amoxil "Ospamox "Flemoxin solute they all belong to the same group of antibiotics. Dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by the attending physician, who knows all the nuances of percolation disease for each specific case, since chronic sinusitis requires a longer reception medicines.

Ointment Simanovsky

With a chronic cold, sinusitis sometimes apply Simanovsky ointment, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pharmacies do not sell the ready-made form of ointment, it is manufactured according to the prescription of the doctor who prescribed the treatment. A slight smell is easily tolerated. Having removed pus in a nose by washing with a solution of a camomile or furatsilina, drip a nose vasoconstrictive drops. Small twisted cotton swabs moisten with Simanovsky ointment, for a few minutes place in the nostrils of the nose. It is recommended to breathe through the mouth.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

Folk remedies, even the most effective, for treatment are good at the initial stage of any disease. How to cure nasal congestion in the home? There are several effective ways to treat sinusitis at home, which are used in combination with medications. The doctor who controls the course of the disease will tell you what to do, how to get rid of the signs of sinusitis in a short time, applying home treatment.

Rinsing of the nose

That at a genyantritis to do without a puncture (very unpleasant and morbid procedure), purpose or appointment "Cuckoo" is outpatient, it is necessary to begin to rinse your nose at the first signs of the disease and throat. If to approach this question wisely, the procedure will cease to be unpleasant. How do I wash my nose at home so as not to harm my health? The purpose of washing is to remove excess mucus and plaque, which create conditions and are the main source for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.

  1. Often, a solution of salt,%, is used to wash the nose, which, in terms of its osmotic pressure, is equal to that of a person's blood. At a higher concentration, there is a slight burning sensation inside the nose, which does not need to be tolerated, it is better to dilute the solution. The average proportion for washing is half a teaspoon of salt (food or sea) on a glass of warm water.
  2. The solution of furacilin has a similar antibacterial effect. With hot water, dissolve one tablet of the drug preparation, mix thoroughly until it dissolves until a light yellow liquid of uniform consistency is formed.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, string, St. John's wort remove the swelling of the nose, tenderness and have a slight antiseptic effect. One tablespoon of dried herb pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Strain and use for rinsing and rinsing.

Proper washing of the sinuses should look like this:

  • Take a large syringe without a needle or syringe, dial a rinse solution.
  • Gently insert into one nostril, slightly tilting the head in the opposite direction.
  • The jet of liquid must flow under the pressure into the inside of the nasal sinus and pour out through the second nostril.
  • Partially, the liquid enters the nasopharynx, spit it out.
  • When the inflammation of the frontal sinus is diagnosed in the genyantritis, when injecting the fluid you need to lightly throw back the head and hold it in this position for a few seconds, then tilt it down, blow your nose.


The medicinal plant cyclamen appears in shaded forests in early spring. Traditional medicine uses flower tubers, the juice of which has an antimicrobial, soothing, inflammatory effect in many diseases. Having dug up the tubers, they need to be thoroughly rinsed, peeled and grated, or passed through a meat grinder and wrung out. The resulting juice diluted in the ratio: boiled water. Daily one time to dig in a nose on two drops in each nostril.

Ointment with laundry soap

Preparation of an ointment with the addition of laundry soap will be a good budget option for solving the problem of treating sinusitis at home. For a simple method of preparation of a remedy, butter or vegetable oil, household soap, honey bee, milk and medical alcohol will be needed. For the effectiveness of treatment of sinusitis, a few drops of onion juice are added. All the components are mixed and heated in a water bath, stirring constantly, until the mass becomes homogeneous. Cool, apply ointment on tampons and insert into each nostril of the nose for half an hour.

Bay leaf

Treatment of sinusitis in the home in adults can be done with a conventional bay leaf. To do this, several (4-6) medium leaves to grind and pour hot water with a volume of 100 grams, cover with a lid. After ten minutes for half an hour put in a water bath. Fill the evaporated part with boiled water. The resulting broth is used for inhalations during the treatment of sinusitis or other diseases associated with the nose or throat.


Horse chestnut, the ideal time to collect which is the end of July, contains a large number of vitamins A and C, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, has a harmful effect on the pathogenic flora of the nasal mucosa sinuses. How to pierce the nose from the cold with a chestnut? The most simple and effective method of treatment is the use of thin chopped lobules, which are inserted for several minutes in each nostril of the nose in turn. Artificially induced sneezing will help to clear the nasal passages from mucus.

Chestnut oil, which is sold in pharmacies, is widely used for inhalations during sinusitis. Several drops are added to the hot solution, which with the help of steam delivers useful elements inside the nasal passage, while eliminating all stagnant phenomena of the nose. When cold inhalation is recommended to inhale the evaporation of oil of each nostril separately, while covering the second.


In folk medicine, honey occupies an honorable place in vain. It is the source of a large number of useful trace elements, has healing antimicrobial properties during the treatment of many diseases. Simultaneously strengthening immunity, the effect of recovery during the treatment of sinusitis at home with honey comes much faster. Honey, combined with other useful natural components, enhances the positive effect on the body, provided during treatment.

  • Cut aloe leaf, rinse, grind and squeeze the juice. Add some honey. The resultant fluid with sinusitis is bury the nose twice a day.
  • The medium-sized bulb is peeled off, chopped, poured with a glass of warm water. In the liquid to make two tablespoons of honey, stir. The resulting tincture can be used both for rinsing and rinsing, and for instilling a nose in the treatment of colds and sinusitis.
  • The bee product propolis is effective in treating even purulent sinusitis. A well-tolerated aqueous broth is digested in the nose 2-3 times a day. For its preparation, a piece of propolis is ground and poured with boiling water in the ratio insist.


The juice of the Kalanchoe plant, used to treat sinusitis at home, can not only stop the onset of the disease, but also prevent a possible complication. Crushed leaves are placed in cheesecloth and carefully injected into each nostril of the nose with small tampons alternately for 5-10 minutes. Squeezed Kalanchoe juice has well established itself as a nasal drop, which is used 2-3 times a day. Increasing the outflow of mucus helps to remove pus from the nose. The vasoconstrictive effect helps to remove puffiness, and the labored breathing that appeared during the disease is normalized.


More effective is the use of oils in the treatment of sinusitis at home, if it is used in the form of drops in the nose. Sea-buckthorn, black cumin, tea tree oil - they all have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Oily solutions sold in pharmacies are suitable for treatment with inhalation, impregnation of cotton turund, moistened in oil. A prerequisite for the use of oils is the cleansing of the nose from mucus. How to clean the nasal sinuses, it was said above.

Prevention of disease

How much is the coryza treated? And sinusitis? The main axiom for the prevention of diseases of sinusitis is strengthening of immunity. Especially this issue should become the most important in pregnant women, when the susceptibility to diseases is high. A healthy, correct way of life, a balanced diet, a morning complex of physical exercises will provide good support to the body. Mandatory introduction of such antibacterial products as onions and garlic in the menu will help to fight viruses even during periods of acute respiratory infections.

Compliance with the prescribed treatment at home, especially after a puncture with genyantritis, will ease the condition of the patient and exclude the resumption of the disease. People who often suffer from sinusitis do not need to visit swimming pools with chlorinated water, which will irritate the nasal mucosa, create conditions for the recurrence of the disease. Abnormal anatomy of the structure (congenital, after trauma) of the internal septum of the nose can provoke the appearance of sinusitis. Timely prompt correction of the structure and treatment will help to avoid the disease.

Regular visits to the dentist and dental treatment will eliminate foci of reproduction of harmful bacteria that can easily move along the mucous membrane inside the mouth and nose. At the first sign of maxillary sinusitis, you must immediately apply to a medical institution for the appointment of treatment, so as not to miss the moment when the genyantritis can go to the stage of a chronic disease or entail complications. If we add to this the minimal contact with allergens and people suffering from viral infections - the risk of renewal of such a disease as maxillary sinitis is minimal.

Video: how to treat sinusitis

Find the answer to the question that has arisen, how quickly to cure a runny nose at home, help viewing the proposed videos. Treatment of genyantritis at home can go quickly and at low cost, if you do not lose sight of the first symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose. The proposed technique of acupressure of the nose will help not only relax, but also get rid of the disease if you activate certain points. Independently prepared drops of the components that will be found in every house will relieve the cold in a few days and will not allow the disease to develop.

Drops of beet and honey from the common cold and sinusitis


Feedback on treatment at home

Taisia, 34 years old: On the recommendation of a medical girlfriend, she decided to treat the genyantritis at home as soon as she felt the first signs of the disease. I did not miss the time, from the first days of the onset of a cold started treatment with a saline solution, I began to warm up with a warm egg. Not very pleasant procedure prevented the complication of sinusitis. A few days later I forgot about the disease, home treatment was good.

Vladimir, 29 years old: When I was still a child, I had an operation connected with a puncture in genyantritis. Feelings I remember till now. Forever get rid of the disease did not work, but now I think that better prevention is better than treating bilateral sinusitis. In the off-season, with an exacerbation of the disease, antibiotics help. Treatment of genyantritis at home is not for me, I trust only the doctor.

Alevtina Petrovna, 56 years old: In my youth, when I caught a severe cold and got sick, the diagnosis was not yet on the proper level, and as a result of improper treatment I got odontogenic sinusitis. How to determine by the signs of this disease know no worse than doctors. That there were no exacerbations of a genyantritis and deterioration of state of health, I try to do washing independently at home nose with herbal decoctions, dig in my nose with squeezed aloe and calanchoe juice, which I specially grow on window sill.

Anna, 22 years old: Two years ago I became a mother. Councils of the local pediatrician help my son avoid unpleasant moments associated with a runny nose. In cool weather, I try to warm his nose, dig in water with honey. Washing very well helps, but it's still small, it can not stand it. I have one-sided sinusitis, so I know what it is. It is necessary to protect your children from birth and not to allow colds that can become a sinusitis.

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