Sinusitis in the picture

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X-ray of the maxillary sinuses: a description of the method, indications and contraindications

  • X-ray in genyantema
  • A picture of genyantritis
X-ray of the maxillary sinuses

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses is a diagnostic method for examining the maxillary sinus sinus.

It is aimed at identifying deviations, infectious processes and various pathological formations.

Radiography of internal structures of the maxillary sinuses determines various degrees of changes in the mucous membrane, cysts, tumors and foreign bodies.

Unlike CT and MRI, X-ray examination has a lower level of safety due to radiation, with which the image is obtained.

The x-ray of the maxillary sinuses takes from 15 to 20 minutes, is performed by a radiologist in two projections, standing or lying down. The resulting summary projection image of the cavities of the paranasal sinuses allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and start a specific treatment.


Preparation for X-ray of maxillary sinuses is not required. The method of investigation is carried out urgently with injuries or acute conditions free of charge in the direction of the doctor or paid in private clinics and medical centers.

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If the symptoms persist for a long time against the background of the therapy, a second examination is performed a month after the last visit. Chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses lead to the development of complications, inflammation of the meninges or orbitals, the classic panoramic X-ray image reflects the first changes in the bones of the facial skeleton.

Indications for X-rays of the maxillary sinuses include:

  • clinical signs of sinusitis (nasal congestion, facial pain when leaning forward and percussion);
  • caries of the upper teeth, implant surgery;
  • polyposis of nasal concha;
  • tumors;
  • cysts;
  • injuries;
  • foreign bodies;
  • bleeding;
  • headache of unclear etiology.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses reveals characteristic shadows with sinusitis or fluid level (pus) in cases of severe bacterial infection. Subtotal and total darkening of the walls of the maxillary sinuses allows one to suspect proliferative changes in the background of parietal hyperplastic sinusitis.

Contraindication to the x-ray of the maxillary sinuses is the period of pregnancy, studies on the limitation of radiation exposure have demonstrated a teratogenic effect on the fetus, especially on early terms.

The cost of X-ray of maxillary sinuses is in Moscow from 1200 to 1900 rubles, in Voronezh from 1000 to 1500 rubles, in Kursk from 1100 to 1800 rubles, prices also depend on the organization in which the examination.

X-ray of the sinuses in sinusitis: the difference between the x-rays of the nasal sinuses with sinusitis and a healthy person

X-ray of sinuses in genyantemaThe x-ray of the nasal sinuses in the genyantritis reveals characteristic changes that allow one to suspect pathological inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus.

The nasal sinuses of a healthy person are the dark semi-oval formations located on both sides of the nose.The degree of intensity of sinus staining on an X-ray is determined by comparison with a tinge of the eye sockets.

In acute catarrhal sinusitis, signs of a beginner inflammation is a reduction in pneumatization cavity, the formation of infiltration of the inner shell of the sinus floor, which is manifested by the thickening of the layer tissue. The x-ray of the nasal sinuses will show darkening on one or both sides, tightening the nasal passages and jaws of the maxillary.

In acute serous or purulent sinusitis, in addition to reducing pneumatization, the pathological content is determined - the horizontal level of the fluid (exudate, pus). In the case of partial or complete filling of the sinus with pus, a puncture is required to prevent breakthrough in the bones of the facial skull, latticed sinuses and external meninges.

In chronic sinusitis, the x-ray of the sinuses determines hyperplastic proliferation of the mucosa, the presence of polyps and adhesions.In chronic pathology, the process often spreads to the bone, causing osteomyelitis of the facial skeleton, when suspected of requiring a powerful antibiotic treatment.

To make an x-ray of nasal sinuses at a genyantritis in St.-Petersburg and Novosibirsk on a direction of the doctor it is possible free of charge in the state organizations (an out-patient department, a hospital).

A picture of a genyantritis: that it is possible to learn or find out, as the pus looks or appears and what for the repeated picture is necessary

A picture of genyantritisA picture of genyantritis in an adult or child allows you to assess the degree of inflammation, determine the presence or absence of fluid.

Depending on the type of pathology, the doctor prescribes a specific therapy or physiotherapy procedures.

According to the received data it is possible to suspect the etiology of sinusitis, to appoint the right treatment.

In allergic sinusitis due to puffy growths of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, a chronic runny nose develops, requiring the use of antihistamines. With exudative viral rhinitis in the sinuses, there is a decrease in pneumatization, a thickening of the mucous membrane lining the bottom, a general darkening of the sinus.

If a secondary bacterial infection joins, the doctor must prescribe specific drugs against her growth. Chronic sinusitis is dangerous by the growing atrophy of the mucous membrane, a persistent runny nose and dystrophic changes in the bones.

Pus in the picture of maxillary sinus after bacterial infection is defined as the horizontal level of the fluid or total darkening of the sinus. Purulent effusion is dangerous for the development of complications, melting of the bones of the facial skull with the involvement of the brain tissue in the process. Clinically manifested severe severity in the near-nasal area with a forward tilt, headaches, high fever and symptoms of general intoxication.

Why do you take a second shot with genyantritis?In cases of severe disease, when there are signs of fluid accumulation, in spite of ongoing treatment, during the transition of sinusitis to the chronic hyperplastic phase is repeated examination.

A repeated picture of sinusitis helps the doctor evaluate the treatment, and in some cases, change the tactics of drug therapy or send the patient for surgery.

What usually can not be seen in the pictures?According to the picture, it is impossible to determine the cause of sinusitis in the patient, the initial process of inflammation due to the absence of pronounced changes. The first phases of osteomyelitis or odontogenic sinusitis are also difficult to identify even to an experienced specialist.

In large cities, for example, in Minsk, the procedure is carried out in modern clinics, where not only X-ray, but also magnetic resonance methods are available.


How does a genyantritis in a picture

How does a genyantritis in a picture

Sinusitis can be diagnosed in many ways. One of the most reliable is the diagnosis of an X-ray. In the picture, the inflamed maxillary sinus looks like a vessel partially filled with a turbid liquid.

Sinusitis is a chronic disease that is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinuses. Usually the causes of maxillary sinusitis are complications after the transferred infectious diseases or chronic rhinitis.

Maxillary sinusitis on X-ray

On the X-ray, which is done for the diagnosis of sinusitis, you can see the frontal bones of the skull, eye sockets, nasal passages. Under the eye sockets are the maxillary sinuses. If you look at a picture of the maxillary sinuses of a patient with sinusitis, you can see a distinct cloudiness in the region of the maxillary sinus. This turbidity indicates that there is liquid in it. In the normal state, the maxillary sinus is filled not with liquid, but with air. In a healthy person, the color of the maxillary sinuses in the image is the same as that of the eye sockets. If the color of the sinuses is more reminiscent of the color of the bone, that is, it is not dark, but whitish-matte - hence, there is liquid in them. Usually the sinus is filled with a liquid not by 100%. This effect is called the effect of "milk in a glass" - the sinus looks like a vessel that is not completely filled with whitish liquid.

Another sign of sinusitis - on the x-ray of the maxillary sinus clearly shows its marginal darkening. It has sharp contours and the same width all over the sinus. The reason for the dimming is mucosal edema.

The maxillary sinuses from the inside are lined with a thin layer of mildly innervated mucosa. A small number of nerves affects the weak carrying out of painful impulses, as a result of which inflammation of the maxillary sinus can proceed for a long time without any symptoms.

Diagnostic Problems

While the sinus is filled with fluid incompletely - sinusitis can be diagnosed by the picture. When the fluid fills the sinus one hundred percent, the x-ray of the sinuses will have a solid blackout and the sinusitis will be difficult to diagnose.

In cases where the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus has a significant thickness, sinusitis can be diagnosed according to the following feature: on the x-ray at an inclined position of the head in the chin-nasal projection, the lumen of the maxillary sinus has a strong darkening.

It is not necessary to be engaged in diagnostics and treatment of a genyantritis independently. It is better to consult an otolaryngologist and carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures (for example, diaphanoscopy).

How does maxillary sinusitis look like?

How does maxillary sinusitis look like?

Sinusitis is a very complex and dangerous disease, for the diagnosis of which various manipulations and analyzes are carried out. The main diagnostic method for its detection is radiography.

Sinusitis usually occurs as a complication after a protracted runny nose or as a result of the penetration of a certain type of bacteria or microorganisms into the nasal passages and maxillary sinuses. During the development of the disease in the maxillary sinuses pus accumulates or there is swelling, which causes the appearance of severe pain. Often, patients do not associate a pain syndrome with a recent or present cold and rush to see a dentist, believing that their cause is a problem with their teeth. Improper diagnosis can lead to dangerous complications and even the need for prompt intervention.

How to recognize sinusitis

Pain or a pressing feeling in the genyantritis can give in the teeth, in the ear or the head region, more precisely, in its frontal part. With genyantritis, most patients get fever, but not more than 38 ° C, and an unpleasant smell appears in the nasal passages, often completely or partially smells. Analgesics, which usually help to cope with a toothache or headache, simply have no effect. When developing such syndromes, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a medical specialist who will deliver the exact diagnosis and appoint the appropriate course of drug treatment in a particular case, or recommend conducting an operational interference. During the diagnosis, the patient is recommended to take an X-ray to exclude the error and determine the most effective way of treatment.

How does a genyantritis in a picture

On an x-ray image, pus accumulation in the maxillary sinuses is clearly visible. They, as a rule, resemble milk, poured into a transparent container. Even at the stage of the photo description from the X-ray apparatus, the radiologist can already establish a diagnosis. But you can not rely solely on his opinion and engage in self-medication on the recommendation of relatives or acquaintances or arbitrarily choose medications. No one, except the otolaryngologist, will be able to determine the complexity of the disease and choose the appropriate remedies in a particular case. In addition to the snapshot, the results of the analyzes will also be needed, for example, it will be necessary to determine the etymology of the disease, that is, to determine the cause of its occurrence. The fact that for the cold form requires one method of treatment, and for the viral or infectious - it is absolutely different.

What does the maxillary sinusitis look like on an X-ray?


Good afternoon, my name is Melena. I had complications after a cold and prescribed tests, in particular X-rays. Therefore I want to clarify: the antritis on the X-ray image looks like? And is it possible to put this diagnosis in this way?


Hello, Melena! In fact, you do not need to worry - after getting ready results your doctor in charge decipher the snapshot, because a specialist in the medical field knows well how the genyantitis looks like X-ray.

However, if it is important for you to independently assess the degree of the disease, carefully look at the edges of the maxillary sinus. If they are clearly darkened and have sharp contours, then this is a clear sign of the mucosal edema. In addition, a serious deviation can be determined by a distinct turbidity in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus.

When the form of the maxillary sinusitis on the X-ray image includes a whitish color, then instead of air, the liquid gradually accumulates there. Usually, if it is present in a moderate amount, it is easy to detect such a defect. But completely filling the space allotted to it, it creates a solid blackout and merges with a hint of eye sockets. So to diagnose a genyantritis on a roentgen it is much more difficult.

If there are any doubts, it is better to seek advice from a doctor and more precisely to orient yourself with the further course of treatment. Moreover, what looks like sinusitis in the picture and whether deviations from the norm can be supplemented with other confirmations. In particular, to assess your condition will help personal examination and manifestation of the characteristic symptoms of this ailment. See also "Sinusitis Photo".

Sinusitis (pictures)



maxillary sinuses are filled with pus, (bilateral sinusitis) want to frontalize, continue to rinse and indulge in all sorts of foolishness, the consequences right up to meningitis. Only antibiotic therapy, with control shots.


Fair? It's unclear what the hell, where are the eye sockets?, where is the top?

Valera Bozhanov

It should be well cured.. it's not a joke.. to the doctor for questions ..


The salt-rinsing of the nose is the dead poultice. That's what people are, eh? The doctor prescribed treatment for them, and they become sick. Well, your sinusitis will grow into a chronic sinusitis, into a front, into an ethmoid, into a sphenoiditis, and even with some an ocular or suburial complication-abscess (this is when the pus from the sinus breaks through the eye or into the brain) - and Hello!
And then run to complain about the doctor that he did not explain anything to you, showed you, warned you!
Said - antibiotics, so antibiotics!

anastasis of razzhivina

my son had a sinusitis in two years. She did not give any antibiotics, only washing. To itself a chronic genyantritis too only by washing has cured. Warm salty water with a drop of iodine, green tea, mineral water, or special solutions for washing the nose from the pharmacy. I used salt water, 3-4 times a day. The more often, the better. Even Malakhov said: "washing with salt water is the most effective remedy for sinusitis"

Irina Kobzar

in the picture expressed sinusitis. without an antibiotic can not. but warming is contraindicated. Anastasia Razzhivina is not right, in 2 years sinusitis does not happen.

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