Symptom of which disease is the clouding of the lens of the eye

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Opacification of the lens of the eye is one of the most difficult problems in ophthalmology, which often leads to a complete loss of vision, if it is not treated correctly in time.However, when referring to qualified medical care for people suffering from this ailment, it is possible to restore vision almost completely in a short time. That this is a "cataract of the eye how to timely recognize the disease, and what methods can be used to effectively treat cataracts will tell this article.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Lens cloudiness or cataract is a disease in which gradually the crystalline lens (the natural lens of the eye) becomes clouded, accordingly, the amount of light passing through it decreases, respectively, the visual acuity in a person with this pathology falls.This is manifested as when looking at closely located objects, and when focusing on details located in the distance.

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With further development of this disease, visual acuity continues to fall, while the person sees dashes, glare, spots and halos when examining objects in the light.He loses the ability to read and write.Along with cataracts, other eye diseases develop, which complicates the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

Cataract can affect both one eye and both (symmetrical course, however, is more typical for this disease).It is more common in older people, although it can be observed in young people, and even in infants (congenital form).Provoke its appearance, the factors are different, and this means that in the risk group of this disease is without exaggeration, everyone.

The disease has several stages:

The turbidity of the lens of the eye greatly distorts the visible picture, as shown in this figure
  1. The initial.At this stage, almost no symptoms of the disease, in diagnosis, the doctor only notes local clouding of the lens, the main part of it remains transparent.
  2. Immature cataract.Accompanied by a sharp decline in vision, possibly the lens swelling, which often leads to the development of glaucoma. The study shows a large area of ​​opacity of the lens.
  3. Mature.The lens is completely clouded, the patient does not practically distinguish objects sees them only at a very close distance.
  4. Overripe.There is a deformation of the lens. Vision can be slightly improved, but it is not completely restored without surgery.

The entire cycle of cataract development usually takes 7-10 years.Sometimes, a transient development of clouding of the lens is possible, but such a course of the disease is less common.

At each stage of cataract development, it not only reduces the quality of visual acuity, but also contributes to the development of other eye diseases. That is why it is very important to correctly and timely detect this disease, carry out detailed diagnostics and undergo treatment. This will minimize its consequences.


The development of this disease can be provoked by various external and internal factors, among which:

  • age-related changes in the lens(the so-called senile cataract);
  • genetic problems of fetal development during pregnancy;
  • transferred during pregnancy by the mother infectious diseases (rubella);
  • other eye diseases.

Additional factors for the development of cataracts are diabetes, chemical and radiation exposure to the eyes, living in ecologically polluted areas, insufficient volume of lungs, as well as bad habits - alcohol and smoking.

The causes of the development of this disease do not affect the course of the disease. However, it is important to take them into account when choosing the optimal treatment option for this ailment by a doctor. That is why the true cause of cataracts is so important to restore. As a rule, you can do this during the course of diagnosis.


The opacity of the lens is always accompanied by a common symptom, which has such characteristic features:

  • double vision in the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • decreased color vision;
  • refraction in the direction of nearsightedness(in patients suffering from this disease);
  • the appearance of halos around objects that are viewed in bright light;
  • reduction in the quality of correction of visual acuity through soft or rigid optics;
  • discoloration of the pupil- in the late stages of the disease, it becomes no longer black, but white.

These symptoms manifest themselves more or less intensely depending on the stage of cataract development, but in all cases are strong indications for further diagnosis and treatment of the disease.


If you find any symptoms of blurred pupil, including, in the early stages, the patient it is necessary to urgently apply to an ophthalmologist and undergo a full diagnostic for development cataracts.It can include:

  • visual examination and collection of anamnesis;
  • examination of the fundus;
  • biomicroscopy.

Based on the results of these studies, the doctor can determine with high accuracy cataracts at all stages, including early ones.After that, he can give a comprehensive analysis of the nature of the course of the disease, determine the prognosis for it, and also offer adequate measures to combat the clouding of the lens.


Opacification of the lens of the eye can be treated both by drug therapy, and by surgical intervention.The latter is most effective at the last stages of the disease and can be carried out in this way:

  • by removing the affected lens to replace it with a lens(phacoemulsification procedure), which can be performed in the early stages of the disease;
  • the usual surgical procedure for the replacement of the lens, conducted during the "ripening" of cataracts.

In both cases, operations take place almost without complications and give a generally good prognosis. If, along with cataracts, the patient did not experience any additional diseases, including glaucoma, vision can be restored in almost full.

Drug therapy also occurs in the treatment of cataracts, but it is recognized as far less effective than surgical treatment.It is used mainly in the form of supporting procedures for those people who, for one reason or another, are contraindicated in the operation, and also in the form of preoperative treatment, for example, if a doctor decided to perform a surgical intervention only after "ripening" cataracts.

It involves the use of drops, injections, as well as restorative drugs designed to stop the progress of the disease.

Modern methods of treatment in general help get rid of the disease at almost any stage. However, if the patient himself delays with the reference to a specialist or refuses to perform medical measures, the risk of developing complications in cataracts substantially increases.


The main complication of cataract is secondary glaucoma.It develops as follows: the affected lens increases in size, occupying an increasing part of the anterior chamber of the eye. What further leads to disruption of the circulation of the aqueous humor.This usually occurs in the late stages of the disease. This complication leads to a complete loss of vision, which is irreversible in this case.

Replacement of the lens

Patients who have cataracts at any stage of development should remember about the possibility of such a development of the disease and take all possible measures to avoid such a complication.


Completely exclude further development of cataract, especially age, considering the number of factors provoking the disease, no one can. However, adhering to a certain set of measures can significantly reduce the risk of this disease. To do this, you must regularly perform the following:

  • Regularly do gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Correct your diet with recommendations of ophthalmologists- add as many of the products necessary to support eye health as possible.
  • In time, treat any infectious ailments.Particular attention to this point should be paid to pregnant women, since the diseases they transferred during this period can lead to the development of congenital cataract in the baby.
  • Regularly examined by an ophthalmologist, follow his recommendations on vision hygiene.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals.
  • In hot sunny days - wear sunglasses.

Observing these recommendations and paying maximum attention to the health of your own eyes, you are likely to be able to avoid cataracts. And this is a much more reliable way to deal with it than the most modern methods of surgical treatment.



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In general, the clouding of the lens, although it is a complicated disease that has very severe consequences, but can at a modern level of development of an ophthalmology quickly enough and effectively to be treated. The removal of cataracts now is not a complex operation. The patient, with the first symptoms on him, urgently needs to consult a specialist and choose the best option for fighting cataracts. In this case, at any stage of the disease there is a high probability of a complete cure for this disease.